ti::: o::::co:; daily journal. ronxLAND. koiiday evi::.ii:g. September n.' itzs. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS WANTFIl To hlr- H teams and to bug Vre bora. at,mt l,.e0 pruuua. for Hal lore, about i.i.hi ikiuuiii: unre l.u u. E. I'uiun, i Commercial at. fhoue Eaat VIHKI Ik of ill klnde, new and eecond hand: . iaigeel etork. lowa.t prlcea; b-'r,a and rlaS ' rented by tnf or bh.uio. Toiuii"K A Cu Biday, Ill Wsebingiua. PacUM 6ul. HORSE and bnir-lee for rant by day. week and month; apecial retre to huelneaa-boueeai 61th aod Haartborne. Eaat J. lOTJ CAt eare immr In wagons anal buggies. ThS Portland Warehouse Trunefer Co, ia tba place. I4U-EJ Beat-Waablngtoa at. rOB SALE OR RBNT Horse and carriage . by tba day, week or moatb. Portland Ruling iiud. inin aud Aider. "TWO sound boraes. weight about l.ono and 1,300; will wml either alufla oc double. C . V C. .Craig. Lsols, Or. GOOD deiwery bona for aala. ars. Station Grows, y 1004 Mllwaukle I GOOD 4-yeor-old-4eoreeej will wslgh about -t.lfto tbs.r tbta 1ar nivllnt tosm tor .'- 8tfw. Call at IOTH Third at. . . FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. HALT DOZEN nutet Jersey mtlrb eawa. cbaap. Atkinson,. Eighth ss. sad Foster load, ' Lenta. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, i w ---- PIANOS for aala or rVnt; alae Victor talking- nafhlnta and recnrda AIXCN GILBERT CO.,' Sixth and Morriaoa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Snap Snap Snap ' 15 Seathouae KiU, all In (nod aba pa; will, make a fins bouaa to lira In; can't ba ! beat: aoroa furniture goes with this; TOO can t boat tbla bur. ' tauBcir. gasoline, length S fat, beam Sti. faat, lA-horsepower sulomoblls angina; tbla boat la naw aad U aa (Ina a boat aa tbara la a tba rMt yoa could not bay tba aof koa - for tba money: oo taken It. . . MOREHOUSE A FRENCH, . Pbooa Sellwood 74.. 1010 E. ,18th St. 0 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machine at very low price; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, ,;. Domestic . Whlta. Household. Dsds and . others; to make room (or sew. atock Wheeler A Wllaon and Slogan. 8. E. Mai. 836 Moo . rlaoa at..- Marquaa bldg. - - ... Fl'LL-BLOODED foe terrier pap from my . 0, j, bitch, which-took trat prise at Portland dog . -and tan baada and para blt bodiaa: willy . nana pnaawinnerai aanaraotwai ajuarauaaa. , .'. Eackford atora, Uoo4 Klrar, Orecon. PINB o Tatar coon tar and raaaa. alao aaab and . doara. cbaap. Inqnlra 308 roortb at. , WHAT baa too to trad (or ; boraaf. 848 Eaat Oak, goad work MOVING PICTURB narblnaa, ftlma. aonf alldaa. (aa outflla. ale., bought, aold, raatad and ax . eltangad. Nawnan. USVa Slatb. . Pot SALE Radama MIcroaa-KIHar. . H. : Wlatara. BOH Uraad ata.. Wtatara blk.. WB bay. evil rr trade any eld thine Tba Peo . pi' a rnraltnra Hoaae. xlbvb Front t., earner , Mitnata," aei. main exau. j.:-- v - BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa tar Bant or la aala on eaay pay meat. .. TUB BRUNSWICK -BALKS COLLBMDBB CO, Third at. Pertlaad. , SEWING MACHINES bought aold. axebaagad. S and aj; alao rented. , , .;. -WESTERN SALT AGS CO ' ' - . - 2t. Waablarten at s BOOKS boujtht. aold and exenanceS at . Old Book Store. 22 Xaablll at ' WB print your nana on SO calling earda. proper na air, atw; eaaineaa caroa, au ?V) baalneaa card A." W. Scbaaala Oej. S2S rtrat Partland. ' HEAT! NO plant, 'boiler, radiator, pipe, good , condition. 62T Waablngtoa at. , . BHOWCASES AND riXTTREB mad to ordr " i aacend-kand good far aala. Carlaon A a.aU 1 atreaa, a Conch at Phone; Clay- ATI. ARTISTS' natarlala, nictnrea and franilas.. B. ; H. aaavarbeaae Co.i SIS Alder at - . - "a r i i a i SHOWCAKS, counter, Sttaran boaghtnnld eicbtaged. Weatera Sain go Co., SST Waab. . tagton at , Pactne TS.',. ' . WB wed -farnl rare and will par fall eeroe. Phone Parts TM. ' Weatera Sal rage C, SST Waahlagaon at -. . . BOIJJIN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sara cor Sat - rbenmatlam. Sold by all draggle a. CLASiriEO PARMIa LIST ef Ore. aad Waablngte. raralakad by Rural in rectory vo.. So Ablngtoa bldg.. PorOaad, Oregoa; np " te Sate. '" - - ' . - ' ' m BAR riXTURKS, peoluble, aaf. tablaa, ,-"", , chair. ' -V P-'. - i WESTERN SALVAGB CO.. "If ,,, ; .- - 2T Waahlngtoa at. - . . . vOOD wood beiter; abw Bn aaddl. 100 Beat Taylor at. Inqnlra GOOD dairy - cowa and Batik rout for aala. A. W. Qalck. Weet are., oa ManUrUln caw- WEW carpet to exchange -for eordtraod. Mr. , - S. M. Warnfr, ol Tacorna at. St Juhna, Or. HEW blgb-grad Mullo repeating kbotgnn wltk elegant eaee; wit 875; will exchange tot firat-elaea typewriter. T OS. JonroaL TIMBER. CERTtriEO , rerlp. any alar place n Iowa at . ; nrtcaa. 4W. G. Howali. SSS Chamber et Com- .WANTED Timber land ta Baker, UmatlU . , and Union coentiea,' Or., Addreaa SOB Alleky I bldg., Portland. Or. t SAWMIU. aad timber for paler naap. H. Blgelow. Oregoai City. Or. - BARTER AND EXCHANGE. , . rnl BARTER AND EXCHANGES . ., S2.0U0 4 acre. 24 mile front boat and railroad, w mile rrom rortiana; ia acre la caltlratlon, 800 apple tree In bearing. 800 artacailanaou treeai ftrat-claaa land; 8-rodaa hoaae. barn SOitM); good well at water. . $1.X) At Treutdale, t acrce of land. I '"-acre lerel, 1 en hlllaMe; S-roora bona, email " barn; eprtag na bill- piped te beoae; an county ' road, one third mile to railroad. . $7n0 IS acre at etatioa on O. W. P. line; I 8-mom bonai T acre ttllabl: aom good timber; goon water far llrht power. , ' PIEL AMKY. . Pban Main 834. , . 80S Barn Ida at, FOR iALB or exchange, S flalabed and 8 - - flnlabed raocaa. none oa eaat eup or at u 1 ar.hM Ina ifUWinn rntft . traawi. ahlekaai. boaaaa: wilt exchanga for eattabta cottar Bear car and pay eaah dlfferaae. P a. ." 'car1 Journal. ,'. FOR (ALE ar ercbange. grocery atora, ra gaatl . ralley town: good baalneaa. bat bar baalneaa '" hitereat tawbere. Bos SM, Hlllahora. Or. ' PERSONAL.- v . FURRIER Ladle, have penr ' far remodeled and repaired by practleal farrier and expert t- Sttar; 80 yeare experience In tbla branch t, enable m te gnarante entire aatlafactloa; , will call at ealdenee aad giro aatlmate, It v dealred A. Relacr, Iwla bldg... Morriaoa J aad Park. Phoae Pad ft B4ST. ANY man or woman can be strong and happy by Being Sexlne ptlla, the met tonic: price Jl a bog, 8 boxes IS. with full gnarBntae. ddreea ar call J. A. Cleasenann. dragglat aaf Tambiu ata., rerxiaao. ur. CAI.IP0RT4IA Medicated Realreg Poop, toilet. bath, complexion, aoreery. Aak yoar dealer ' for It. Moore-Helm Co.. general ageata, 81th, '. Morriaoa et Padfle 1871. sfsnrt. mt aamrad wr Dr. Rnbortae Narr - Gkvhtlea. One month's treetment. 8: 8 ...moBtba. 88 1 cent securely aealed by jnatL t Agaata. Weedard. Clarke A Oa Port la ad. Or. i SEX IN 8 PILLS cor all form el ear nana ar J t muecnlet waakseea. per men a women. Prleo 81 a bog. 8 box I, jrlth fall gaaran , tee. A ddreea ar call J, 0. Clmeaon. drag. gtet Swd aad Tamklll Ita, Portlaad. ur. ALM OP PIGS for all f.mrle dial alas. SSS . Eaat Belmont Pbon Eaat 404. OEHTLEMAN . arlehe kcnnalntanc , young widow lady baring ebrn borne; lady bavins .'. little girl preferred; object matrimony It salted. Addreaa Bos SI, dty. MADAME ANNA LUCKET la -prepared to re ' cete old and new riiawiaacr aad pat ten re at MV, Stark. Main Soli. Pall line ef hatha. SCHOOL-POORS bought, anld Bed schaaged, t - at Jone' He, a Store, 881 Alder St. It'll rn A BCPtrreej iyTm'TB Tr, nl brajKbeaj baat suivuiand aalem, gag PERSONAL. PRorfSHOS O'NEILL, darmatoloatat; aota plrx1oa. bafr,' aralp and rata apacin Hut, a prfliMnia balr and all farlal bl0ftuhr par niaoentl removed; no arara laft; rrrti-ra ?lran; ladlea tanrht otautr caltnra. alao mlrala, alartrlcal and manual maaaajra tor "niuiaa. atr., (lvao; tarrrta raaaonatila. Parlora. 141 lltb at., rornar -A l irr. "uau Halloa aud aJ.l.a fraa. tti.ua Vlala SAbT. DETFimfl AVaEKCT ConSAVntlal lnaatla tlona; raporto furnUhad aa .lodlrldoata. tbk? ' ebarartar. raanouaibiuir. atc.i bad aabat ! . lactrd; njlaalDg ralatlaaa located; charga r.aaooabla; corraaHMdiM-a "M.'ltd. Oraa IVtaotlTa Sarrlr. otn.aa to-ti.4 PH-daer bldg., loth and Waablngtoa ata, fboua blala Bali. : 2s TKNTft AI L rORW CFNT8 FOR A HI'MMKR Pl.l'NliR And awlm, alrla tba big tank at tha Portland Natatorium Bia.- ataam and Turalah baiha a aparlaliT. naa tba tla a an. Haiha on a. at. to IS p. an. t'ornar Waahlnaion aad vait ata. Expert nblropodlat on baud. afOLRU, wrtnktaa, aaparflaooa balr remote 4, . Let ma tell ye how. Na cbanta. Mre. U. D. Hill. Salte 1. SellUur-airaab bldg. Paainc liX falmo Tablata asah real alaap perfectly) r cur aar-maancaa and make Too atrongl prlc Bo. a boa, boiea 12 IK); guaranteed. All drarrlata, r addreaa Brooke Drag Ob., f Kortb Third at., Portland. Oragaa. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CURB Snra anra tat rkaamatlan. Sold by all ab-aggleta. HOLD ON Thar la ane tblnw that will ear rhettanatlem. Aak yaur ' drogglat for barb ton la or addreaa or call J. O. Claaienaoa." drug (let. Portland,' Oregon. . TURKISH BATHS, too Oregnnlaa bldf.f Udlaa daya. (antlamaa algbte. Mala Win. DOIX'S HOSPITAL Repairing and draaatnaT. Ml Tawbll ' at "THB ADVENTrlE88." Sweet Pang." "A Marriage la High . Life," "Twenty Yeare Hua llog." "Prlaooer ef tnd," "A. Bodal . Lion ' 60 casta each. , A, W,, SAaIl Co.. M Plrat at. , PB. BINS CHOONJ. Importer rblnea rent dlrlnet eella Chinee tra. certain car far all dlaaaaea. 1M 2d., bet Yamhill aad'Tayle. SUITS praaaad while jrm watt. 00. Ladlaa' aktrta preaaed, buc.t Gilbert, loeiu SllU at., est ta Quelle. Pbeae Padfle Sues. SAN FRANCISCO lady now located at l3ty Sixth at., rooma 17 and IS. Uaaeage and al .' eobol rnbblnga. , '"' MIDDLE-AO KD ' aaan wlabea ' anaalatance ef working girl; object matrtnioaiy. Addreaa : Mr. bloker, T70 Clackama are., Sallwood atatien. , ? - .,. -.', . . TOUNO lady from the eaat baa recently .opened raanicartug- parlora balb Morriaon at rooai 14. DISEASES OP WOMEN-k-Prteet - niatarnlty boapltal; on let location and gpecial care. Dr. At wood, vi MorrlaiaB at. reoaa S. Phone ' Pacta ITS. - r . .- DR. 0.- . It ETCH UM enrea promptlr prleate dlaaaaea, kidney, nerTaaa. akin and apectal female trenblca. Call or write. - Office 17H Third at . ear. YamhilL Pbeae Pad fie S22S. PHYSICAL ealtnr. all branche. aai maaaagn; lndlrldual and elaae Inatmctlon ; prlratc bona treatment If . dealred. The Rlaglar School. SOS Alder at. Pbeae Main 1M1. MISS ETHEL WARD, mantcnrlat and chlropo . diet, formerly of the Marqnam Soosilng Hoc a, is aww located la aqlt 14, Aftlib Mor riaoa at . , . ..' - MISSyrHRfaON, expert aralp trcatirent and maa : aaga. Room 82. Tba roamoa. 2SVs Morrlaom WEALTHY widower. 43 year, wants te corre apond with lady matrimonially Inclined. Ad- I. r iuot Macadam at, rortlaod, or. YOUR sboea atalned tree of charge at the Model Barber-Sbop; abarlng lftc . , MARRIAC.n paper, b la-beat character: 1 000 worth 8100 to 8100.000; loe omlcd; 10th year; i Incnrparatad. L. Lara. Bog 1800. Dearer, '"Oolo. -.. . ,.- . -.. x . MA88AOB TREATMENTS Por rbeoroallam and all nerreaa ailments-. Taoor and tab bains;- rooms If dealred: lady operator. SniH Third at. cor. of Taylor. ATTORNEYS. - I. , S. WINCH ESTER, attorsey-at-law, notary puene. so wsaaingtoa aug. . ; . ASSAYERS. " x-: 0ARYTN CTANIDR BXTRACTIOiea-CO aad aaonesaa saaay urrice. laa aaiwa at. . ARCHITECTS. JOHNSON - A ST0RRS. architects, builders: cement craeorats, eoSfr East llarrUin.- Phone amn SSfS. ' .1 ; ' . B. MBNOBS. Srebltect 118 Second of AUTOMOBILES. COflY A COYls: Mater Car C.. Pirtaamtk and . Washington Ageets tor Csdtllnc Pierce, Greet Arrow sad gtreeaa Daryae mocor-osri - macblaea ran tod, repah-ed aad stored. Mala ART. FREE LaVSONI la mbroidery mry day: -. new - stamped shirtwaists, coraet-cetic. be. ler jackets, bate, amhrsllas, etc. , Th , Needlecrsft Shop. 8S8 Wsaslagtoa at, . as- tweea West Psrk and Tenth ata. . I PROPKaaoR R. MAX MBYRR, 848 Alter. BATHS MASSAGE. Rkenmatlam eared by manssg by a young Oer - man lady. SUStt Stsrk. 21-28 Tscoms Housa. MISS RAYMOND fire barn and maasag trastaeonta. Tna cosmoa. ma it Morriooa st MISS DANIELS aires rspor. mnsssgn and arrtll- rated bathe. Parlor 37. BBSS PI ark at BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. . HOWB. DAYIS KILRAM. lOS-tll Second at rlank nook maBnfsctarerst agents for Joaea nproesd Loose Leaf -ledgers; see th new eureka leer, th beat ar. th market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHERS- 1UPP1.IKS Adotrm" A. Dekum. 111-188 rtrat st. carries a fall Has aad ill lie plat aasartment at lowest market prions. I. BIRENNWALD CO., 804-SOS Nieiett st Lsrswat batewera espply bones on th canet. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ' FOR A FEW HATS ONLT. ' A SPECIAL 8ft READING FOR 8L . ALWAYS CONSULT THR BEST, .,. PROF. B. RHIM0. Ores teat llrlag astral dead-trance - rial. . eeyaat af tb are; A0YI8BR ON BIJTNB" , AND ALL AFFAIRS or LIFE: arbem y xelll marry, how to eent ml tna- one yoa torn, area though miles sway ; re an I tea tb sep arated : glees secret Bower to control. - I will de all ether sdrerttee to do. and great deal mors. . THR ENTIRE WORLD , HAS PKEN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OP THR CN8REN FORCES I HATE AT - MY COMMAND, snd I nrere It to ye with out price br string yoa . FRER TFST-VrEE ' by bsrlng yoar NAME TOLD I IN FTJLLI, JUST WHAT YOU CAMB POR. sad glee you adrlce sraointety PR KB be tor ran deHde to bses a reading. WHO CAN fR WILL po MORE TO CONFtMCB THE SKBPTICt f0 NOT MISS THie OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT PR orr'scn TO TOO AOAl.t. PROF. R. KHIMO. Permanently Located In His Own Float t HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. ' No. SSS Fifth St.. earner Madlsoa st CONSULT THO Bg"T. . i Prof. Wallace, the noted elslrmysnt. ." I Palmlat snd deed trsnco medium. ' ' Tba eldeat la nrsctlca. glees setlatartlon. He fells poor past, present end ftiture, Telia year friends, awsmles and rlrsls. Who aad wbea yon win marry. Satisfaction, ar hs charges yna nothing. ' , ' Commit blm en baalneaa. ' Coaealf blm fa affairs, r He chsrges yoa only 80 cents. .8411 Morrhms St., earner 7th. - NIRLO. S08H Wsshlngtnn St., telex nf Vres. rmelnees. marriage, health, Inst rltsllty, goad lucb, primers, money, treaaaro. Isrestments. lit' ,i i,i mm 1 1 in in i 'ii ii nisasi " COLtECTlON AGENCY. ' D0FS ANYBODY OWE Y0TT MONEY t WE COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR , PO CHAROR. CtTIKNO LAW COLLECTION CO., t'lTI KN.' BANK Hfll.DlNO. POOW 18, 12814 abAM) AVE. A14U.SS KASI Skis. CLEANINQ AND DYEING. Buttorlua Tailoring Co. Pr laillea' work s ep. laity. lalng and rleaalng; Vif Luwuuie at. Portland Pteam Cleaning ft hrelng Worke; prac tical baiter In connection. Ill 4ib. Pacific tut. CI "TH Kg cleaned sad preaaed 11 peg I nlqii Talluruig Co., Soe Stark St II. nr. TI'RNER. proreaelonal dyer aad t leaser. no. Jea-eraoa at. Phon Vlaln tail. COAL AND WOOD. THC PORTLAND FUEL CO. . , SucceaaorS to ' C. B. DAVIS PCKL CO., Pbone Eaat 88. 8tT B. Morrtayn at ALBIN A FUEL CO. Dealer la aordweod. coal and green and dry alabwaod. 8- a. and Alblaa are.. 8 blork eaat ef ferry. Beat 814. STEEL BR1DGB PURL CO. Dealers la eoaL eordwoed aad dry slabweod. Pbeae Eaat 4114, OREGON FUEL CO A IV klnda af eel wood.- 84 Aider at Phone Mala SB. BOX anl n Inner Staadsrd Wood O. Immediate dell eery Pbone Seat 8818. WESTERN FEED blackamltb coals. St FUEL CO. Hooae and Pbone Main 101 A, CARPET . CLEANINQ. STANDARD CartMt Cleanlor Co. arrest pleat ea tba roast- Lorlng and Bardlag ata., tele, phone Eaat 800 Carpets cleaned. reStted, sewed and laid: both -steam snd latent com pre ear d air nroeeaa: rvooratlng mat aad feather a epoeialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, enetton and eoas. preened sir combined; carpers cleaned an floe - without re moral. .Mala I.1S4. Mala SSOtV CAFES. THB orrtCS T Waablngtoa at. pbone Mala 771. aamcci vigoeax. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEOICUHINO.' Mrs. ht D. Hill Salt 1. Seinos-Hlrerh Bldg. PedSe ISA. DENTISTS. - THB CHICAGO DENTISTS, 823 Waablngtoa at., tor. Sixth. Gnarante all work. .4 . DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy,' Pwrtland'n lead ing school; ballroom etiquette snd correct eoclat and classic dancing taught; both aexea; yo-ingVolaB, adults; ina tract Ion dally. - SOS Alder at. - Phone Mala 1861.- Profasaor ' Hlugler, dancing master. , -i-. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claee. Mon., llinrs. aad Sat. ersalngs; eblltlran'a claaa Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy and atop dancing r taught.-' Weatern Academy ball. cor. Second - aaa -exurneou. roan r-aciii low. . . J? i? EDUCATIONAL. SHORTHAND easily learned by corraaposdenc by anyone of commoa education: eystem adopted b New York board or education. Ad ore lease riLOi.n jagew:, OA? w.aoei e.v. Portland, Or, ' CHINESE Maaona arleea by aa experienced ' teacher. ' well educated. Apply Prole ssor O. ,P. J'atsr, aoSIs, Salmon at. or phone Mala ovza. MARY DAYIS MAGINNIS. teaener of . tlooal aad. natarallatle rhlns; wstor-eolor ' beads a specialty. Studio 821 E elk lU k PROP. WESCO Prrrate nstraetioa In peaman- ,shlp giTen. Koom . itaassi niog.- ELECTRICAL SUPPUES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, contrae- tora. rapalrero, elect rl wiring, supplies. S4 First, cor. Stsrk. Msla So. R. H. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC W0RB. 81 Sixth at Coatroctora, alectrt- supplies, nvotora aad , - dynamos: .we Install llrht sndpowsr 8nts. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-sir fursncaa ase fact S. 0. . Beyer Faraso Co.. SM Bassad. Mats dSU DRYH0U8P! H RATI NO PIPES, made to ardor by J. Loe 11. 212 Jefferson: Phone Padfle 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WISH ' IRON WORKS SSS Slender st. our. Third. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRE WORSE, ISO Esat Water st. Pboo Eaat SSL "HAY AND GRAIN. E. L. COOPER CO. Pototoes. feed floor. ' 18S tlnloa ere, Pbone East lblf. HOTELS. THE BEI.I.EYrB, Fourth aad Salmoa sis Roomo ooc np: rate by week or moats; eot-of-towa trade solicited. - Pari Be gum. HOOD HOTEL Boaass BOe np; rstoa by week or month; out-of-town trade solid tod. SSIb Sixth at. S block from depot HOTEL Port Is ad. Am ericas pies: 88. 88 Bar day. BNLYEDBRR: Ritropraa plaa:4ta and Alder at. HARDWARE. - Port la ad Hardware Co. sottdta epieetunlty emote price.- T4 Sixth St. fadae 4M. HAT FACTORIES. I ATE c lee Bed. blocked made MrV"tww for BOr; crpert Psnsms blencber. 84 Third, aenr Pino, Be.Bcb. S24 First Padftr IS. ' KAUFMAN. THR HATTER.' IS N. Sixth t., cleans snd blocks soft and stiff bate. Paas , bms a epeelalty. INSURANCE. ISAAC Lc WHITE, fir tnsaraaea, . ' lock bids. ,v ,. v. ' ' ' ; v tM.. Mrf. WOOD, rmployera' MablHty and t din dual aeddeat surety nneas ex au giaam 47. - arm McKay sine. MONUMENTS., KEU K1N08LEY. 80S Flrat at.. Partis nds . lesdlag marble sad granite works. . MUSICAL. etilraier's tlhcary la fall now: toy discounts to tescbers nsre peea laereneea. ill etn. PIANO, rlolln. banjo, trombone, dsrtnet Pra- leeaor E. A. Bmltb. Z54 lata. Main STUB. THE WEBBER STtlDIO Mandolin, bento, got- tar nstruruaa. wiaeoa maMoiina. SI3 Alder, EMIL TBIELHORN. pnpll of 8EYC1K. eloUs teacher. Studio IPS Sixth. TsL Main 8PM. MACHINERY B. TREKKMAN 4t CO Mining. sawmttL tear. glng machinery; bydranH pipes, csstlug; all si on a reseireo. lu nenn soarxn. CAROLINE engine, all srsee snd style, ef men prices, asiraoa aascaiasry uo.. lli-M Morrison st. - ' THB PL C. ALBEE CO. Ssrsad-baad i cblnery. sswmiiis. are. - ata wana ae. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArtiSdsl Eyes Fitted. Tlaloa Sdeatiacallr Corrected. ... 128 Sereatb S treat. DB. . i- MILLS ' tiptosserriax ana ireafii nreanairea.- Rooros 80-87. 822- Washington Street DR. OEO. RUB EN STEIN, reliable eerVtaet , glasses sdlueted by the la teat octant I fte ea pileacea. IKS 4ih st.. bet. Ysmblll snd Taylor. PLUMBERS. fox A CO., sanitary ntumnsr. SSI Beiond bet Main and Salmon. Oregoa Phea Mala Boot boNNERBERft tt RADEMACHER) isaansd to . SUA EuraaMS H. .,.,- ( MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY -XI UN EY PROPtiMTION Money la aar to get if yon k now wber to get It. We bare, ready money St all time, and yoa oaa get It ea yoar aalaryi y 1 10 to 1X, aa beat terms sad st lowest rate. W Vein on the eaay payment plan tba plan ttiat help yoa jind gets yoa oat of dehb Yoa get tb cash, all yoa sen for, and - repay In amounts yon can soarsalantly spare eaobpeyday. - m We do not ale papers, reqntr no Sin. doraars. no reference to friend or employer. Open Tom. snd Sat. erenlnrs nntll S o'clock. ' ; Hnttca CrecUt Co. " : 812 8tb Soor) Deknm bldg. ' ' MONEY TO LOAN - , Oa Improved dty property ea for bvlloTng pnrnneea. for from 8 to 10 years' time, with prrelleg to repay all ar part of loe a after two years. Loans approeed from plana and money adeanced as bnlldlsg PTosreaaeel asartratre taken BP and replaced. . FRED H. STRONG, rinsoclal Agent - 148 Stark at THB STAR LOAN CO , ! . Any sslarted employe, wace-ysrncr. gns gel "In his" not, without mortgage-., ' - Month. H Month. Week. 'gWl rWRefar t a 8lg as I no or 8S.M i.tkoo Repay to a I SsS or 8t.8 or ll. Ilt.OO Repay te na S 4.0ft a 8 OS ar 11.00 810 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en salaries. tneaiBBOB ' polldaa. plaaaa. fornltare, war-boa ae re ceipts, etc I sny deaerrlo pereoj may aecare ' a II her 1 sdesnce. repaying , hy eaay weekly . or monthly Inatalttnenta. , HEW ERA LOAN Sj TRrST COM PAN V SOB Ablngton bldg.. - MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat on your own s me no other eecortty: don't borrow nntll yon oe me: my ayatam M ' tb beat for railroad men. rlerks. bookkeepers, streetcar ana snd sll ether employes; boat, pees strictly eonfldeatlsL P. A. Newton,. 424 '. Ablngton bldg. ' MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLH -And Others upon their own neme wltneat security: cbsspeet rate. alet payments: offices In 80 pet od pel cities: eare yonrsalf money by getting our terms Srst YOLMAN. 828 AWngtoB IkWlg.. 10SS Third at HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Moasy can. be borrowed oa eavr ray moat Pisa, lawret rate; strictly eonftdsntlaL ; . ' . . CRESCENT LOAN CO.. . 4SS Mohawk bldg,' ear. Third And Marrlaeaa, WANTED Notes, mortgsge or eonrrscts on any kind of rest aetata In Oregon snd Warh big- ton ; aacond mortesges nnrensesa rr wen se cured. . a. a... come, six immercisi ois. PBIVATB money to loan, dty or farm. Malt, nnmsb or near cos n ties: Interest 8 to S per eent. Sol Bloom, Soo Chamber or Com MONEY TO LOAN Her In.OOO to lend oa gong security in soma ox aouu up. ail L.oa- . awrcial bldg. x - MONEY to loss br prfrato party on real es tate security at S aad T par cent. 403 Com mercial bldg. . mvn Sb KPXg W W Viscaamw oriranat,y muuna B. F. aod F. B. Rltoy. SOS Casmbe of Coav MONEY to loss oa at! kinds ef onrurt i Wllllsm Hall, room S Wsshlogtoa bldg.. TO LOAN Sums to salt ea cbsttsl as parity. R. A. Frame. 814 the Marqusm. OSTEOPATHIC PHXSICIANS. DR. - ARNOLD ' LINDSAY. grsfrBSta Of ThS Osteopathic college ef Kirksrllle, Mleaoort, who IB a upeciaiiea am raraDwuna, .uiaiaca ooai . sn feouto dtecaaea. OfTlc 410 Failing pldg.. aorner ox xnira ana wasniagron - DRS. ADtX A NORTHRUP, 41-la-17 Deknm bldg.. Third sod Waablngtoa eta. . Pboo Main 840. Examination free. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. W. V REACfw A CO The Pioneer Paint Cav I window (lass and , glaalag. 18S . First . at Pbons 1834. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTEEY Arttotl printing. 80 Rnsasl bldg-. Fourth sad Morrison. Pboo rsdnc io. REAL ESTATE. wanotorr virrivfl A rn aatats. Insurance. . rental and i loaa sgents. 250 Alder st ' RUBBER STAMPS. P. a STAMP WORKS. 840 AMer et. pbone Mala Y10; rubber stamps, aeala. ateadls; baggage, trade checks; brass signs snd pistes. ROOFING. TIN ROOFIN0. rwttdng, repairing and general yobblng. J. Lo.11. 818 Jsffersoa st Psc. 1484. SArES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., sol ageoto for Herrtnr-Hsll-MsrTla safes snd MsBganeae Steel Sato ' Co a beak safes. The Urgent sssortasent ef - high-grade fire snd burglnr-proof sofas la tb - aortbwest aa aoroatn-si. . DIEROLD Msagnneee SB fireproof safest eue ; cessfal progTsss sgslnst burglar and are; lock . outs opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expert nth J. E, Darin. 00 Third. Phone 116. EIGHT semnd-hsnd fireproof aafaa and two - second-bsad hank oarrs for saw enssp, at in Sixth at., dvwtlsad. Or. ' SIGN PAINTERS. 0OLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners, economics I electric signs snd signs mi sll kinds mads q sickly, roster Kketoar. Fifth aad Ersrstt. Phone Exebaag M. F. P. BEROEB A SON, 884 YsmMIl st Stgaa ef all kinds. Pbone PadSe 8238. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. 27 Stark et. Pbone Pacific ISM. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of asry dsscrlptloa; bask, b .sad store latere mad to order. The Lot Mssutsetsdng Co., Portland. ft. H. BIRDS ALL. oVdswer; ngnnt M. Winter Lomber Co., T Hsmlltoa bldg. Msln BoSO. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cooot ruction Co.. street paring, sM. walks esnd croaalags. . 814 Lnaiber Escnango. THE' Barber Anhslt Paring Cs.t PortUnd. OfSc M Wonwater blh. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tr penilleis. all makes, rented, ootd and repaired. Croat Agency. 21 Stsrk. TsL 14f. TOWEL SUPPLY." CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, braah. aeon. 81 per month. Portland La a aery ans Towel Supply Co.. Nlntk and Concb. rbone 410. ' TELEPHONES. THE only ' asHoste ' totepbuei hnuss. B.-R. Bleerric m 1 elepoone MasuracTsnng asm. pesr. S8 rifth st TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOOAOB d) OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ear. Sixth end Oak eta : Baggage coarse from hotel or reel dene direct to deattoatlaai psasaagera tbcrefos' arold rash sad aaanr ane at depots. Prlrata Exchange 88. EAFES. Btaaos aad . far allure asored. packed dy for shipping snd shipped: sn k guaranteed Isrss. S-story brick. Srs-proot wara'aous for atocage. f OfSc 80S Oak at C. M. Oetoa. PVma Msla 84Y. C O. PICK, afflc 88 First It. botweea Stsrk sad Osk ets., pkono Ba; pisnos asn rurBitnrs nved and packed for ablpplngi eommedlona prfrk warshauBs wltk napsrsto troa turn, treat and 1 ata. j r . . - . CUT rates tm beanebold gaeds to all antats eaat; we make ap ear toe del special raaaa sor trusts wklle waiting. Oregoa Ansa Despatch. 12 First at -. Pbons Mala 718. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Strata. I Pboo Ella OS. . Heary asniing aaa a tore-e. PIANOS tad fornltur mored Csll as Coagraea Bros., at S0 rxil ax. msia mo. INDEPENDENT BAGOA0B TRANSFER CO. Busrage. 814 Stark Bt. sssia ovi. POST SPECIAL DELIYEEY. No. SOO Wtae- Ingtea at, noao aum xevs, . . t. ' FINANCIAL THE BA VK OF CALlyOSSIA Xstakllsbed IMS, HU Otf-ie. tm Frsaoiaaw, , IMI!ftn. Capital p.14 ap. ; . .84 0OO.000 J Surplos sod codtelded Tr"-. -. J"' ? v"? A G.Til kanklng sad Bunaase BaalneM Tranaacted. SAVINoS BtPAalMbA X. Intarost en Uuie deporlte. Aocoanta peod for an me e( 10 and ooward, ... . Portland Brsaeb Cbambar of Cmmr Building. Elt. - MC 8 AB....... Jfaasgeg I J. T. BURTCH A ELL. . . . .Assists at Msantor r.. ' Designated Depository snd rrealdert A t. MM IA I Aadstaai la.',, W....W. C. ALVOKO ' V-e - BlgM P. St Paal. On, Sight BU'l Hongkong. 1 la-nrr or cromr Aeaiianie tn aropn aaej roe ' " - : ae tetearaphl Tra aaf era sold an New York. Boston, Cblcago, Bt voosn, -n rYaaclsos sod the pelnelpsl points In tna No'tb""":..J-h. ,. Ha drawn In earns to eslt oa Loo An a. Paris, Perils, Jokfort-en-eiBT. a. Copenhagen. Ckriallaala. Stockholm. St Poteraborg. Moacow. ewea. Lt ADD AV.1 BABXEBS Eaw.hllakd m lss. ' :. ' , . Tra.aaots a Oeneral Banhlag Boslasss. Collections mede at stl PC's JvTJ l . a Me teroa. .Lvttera of credit laeaed aeallablo tn Eumne snd sll polnoj tn t vsivaa . .Otters et credit Iseoed srsllebl la In rope and all ""'" v,a .change aad Telegraphl .Tree. fere aold en New York Waabliigton. Chicago . .,. -- u...Ll mm.A utiik CohamMa. Exaaang oim tntcs, Sifht ic St Loam, . Ivnrer, oaLood.a, Parts.- Her us. Fraskfart Hongkong. MXSCHANTr NATT0BA1 BANK. POSTLASD. ORXOOBT. Ill S rui lT(r Oa, , . ar-au an. eas am . a Tsaata 0aeraj Banking anamaaa. Drafts w, , BU 4 A etaaas.a,.,.Tk4HM 1 - - r. -AW Parte-of tbe-Wares, f TBITES STA1AS NATIONAL BASE OF U , Slorfbweet Corner Ttatrd B xmasaats A stonersl Banklner Xroalneas. DRAgTS insuED aTBiisoie too Hnlted fiutaa aaa Earope. Hongkong sad Manila. Collection Made on Farornnw ' Tee - PyJent J. a A1NSWORTH I Cashier....... . W "Sf moL tic-Proa Idea t..,.v R. LB A BARNES I Aeatataat Caahler. .............. .W. A. ". ' Aaatataae Oaahlae A. ef WSIOHT ' I ANXERr IVlfBZEMESrt BANE porUaad, Orgoa.n0nraar Oommserlsl snd nselnga department, lettera of eaAll faanuri I. .ri T to S for the aeeammodstloa of roetemara. J- f- PBLTON Preeldest I FRED H. ROTH CHILD... Meat Tlce-Preeldeat I JOHN A. EEATrNO ... Second Tlco-Preeldent I TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Tha Oldest Trent Company tn Oregoa. RESOURCES OVER. 81. 780,000. General banking, t per cent Interest ea check nomnm - (seen bnndreds) en dally bslsacee of Inooor oeer. Lstters of credit and exensnre ewsii sect' ef the, world. Sarins accounts. Tims certlflcstea. 8 to 4 r: tt;fn speciu eartlfleatos, 8M or or. 2 to 4 per cent toll for Book of ILLI'ST RATIONS." Southeast Osrosr Third snd Osk Streets, pbons Prirnto Bxohaaga J' i' 5?it. COHEN., .President I H. L, PITTOCK.. y; JTlZl.l B. LEE) PAGET...., .Secretary j". O. OOLTRA Assl.tsnt Secretsry ' E07JXTTT EAVTM0S " TRUST COaTPAJrT . . - - nm m eeansi BUin STasiaaaSi MVinua vm, r m n. m.m.-. -- . . . . ' oa 11 aaa and Barters Aeeouots. Acta aa True to for Estates. Drafts aad Latham of , Credit AralUble la All Parts af the World. , C. F. ADAMS. , Preeldeat I U A. LEWIS ........... JPlnst TtoS-Prooldoot m. ae, rniia,. Becend Tlce-Praaldeal 1 OEO. F. RUSSELL.. 'HE M0RTSA0E SITAXAXTXE ft TEtTST 00 MP ANT BANX. -1 r - - - Trnnaarta a Oeneral Banking BBslnees. 1st rest Paid en Time Dspestta, Bsrlag Departmsati 4 per cent lstsrssl allowed, eompaaaded aaartorlp. ,' CAPITAL.. ,...8100.000.00 ' W. WATERBDST. Preeldest I 0. W. MTLLER...., .....Ttoa IfaaUst ft LOGAN HAYS Elks' Tarn pis. Serenth and Stark Streets.- Pbone Main 184. Open N 0ETHWX8TESN STJA1ANTIE ft TRUST Lambs Egsbange. S. B. Corner Second and Stsrk Streets Csseead Soor J. Coaaty,' MatBstpal aad Corparatlea Bonds Bought aad Sold. New -u. sua nuance. B teens T ITU EVA ANTES ft TRUST OOhlPANY S40 WASHTNOTOST ETftXXTa ." . MOETGAGE LOANS oa portlasd Real Batsts at Lowest Rates. ' 1 . . Tltlss Insartd. Abstraeta Farashsd. ti THORBntN ROSS........... ...President I 2NO. E. AITCHiaoN...... ....Bscrstorp GEORGE H. HILL Tlce-Prosldcat I BONDS AND M 0EX1S BE0TBXS8 Obsmbar of Commerce 'V Muslclpsl, railroad and nOWaTNO-HOWKXEE OT1TTAET rJUsllabad Lfl -ITOE,"BONDft pRAIN Bought BOOM d CHAMBBB IKE 9. O. LEE COMPANT 18-80 Lafayatt , v 1 t - nroaersg xreporxmeui r Bra Us Before Buying or Selling Stocks 0 verbeckg Starr & Cooke Co. vftaUnf. PBOTTSIOWfl. COTTON. STOCKS A WD BONDS. WE DO A 8TE1CTLT 00MJ1TSBI0V BUSINESS, Osattoaooa Markets br Prtrate Wlr. Quick gerrlc. RErERENrrs Udd ft TO - are, sad United Btataa National Bank ef Portlasd. v LOUIS J. JIL5S SCHOOL AND CORPORATION MUNICIPAL ' BONDS: ' nighast ftetaana to latest era Cousnsteat Wltk Absohrto Bsfety. .PORTLAND ft NORTHWEE1ERN HOME TELEPHONE ft TELEGEAPH 8ECTJETTIEB. WINDOW SHADES. 0ALB WINDOW SHADE CO,. Salmou St. plala sad faaer ahadr made to order at fewest price. Pbone Msla 6078. ' WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. obbers ol saddlery, hardwars, soree goaan, ; VV togn and shoe atora supplies. Fifth and Oak. .dikbTttors OF FINE CT0 ARB. PORTLAND. OREGON. OEEOON Fornltare Manufacturing Company - Mssntselnrers of - fnrnltare toy tba trade. Portlaad. Oregoa. ' .-. - FURNITURE manufacturing and emedalerdere. L. Rareosky's fnmltars fsetorr. 870 Front at WADHAMB ft CO., wholesale geocors, - fsrtarera and aammtoatoa sasrobsnta. asd Oak sta. Foarter EVERDINO ft EABRELL. prottooa sad commie. alos mercbasta. 140 Frost at, Portland. Or. " Pbone Msla ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eomrateatoo sad jn-odoco aas. chnnto. Front nnd Darts ata.. Portlaad. Or. STEIN ft WA TNE Joblsara i aad ; wboleasl tnOLESALR orockecy and glaaawnre. PrseT Here I ft Co.. 100 to 10S Fifth, our. Stsrk at MISCELLANEOUS. Maltlgrspb Lettrr Co. Facalmtle Of typewrlttea letters. Pnbllc Stenography. 80S Falling bldg. DUKE' FINOS HIDDEN DIVER " IH DARKEST AFRICA" D'Alrussi Make ; Public. Di- coveries Interesting, to . ' the Scientists. Ijoarasl Special Serrkce.1 - Hsrsolllaa, . Sept. 17. Ths 1 Duko n'AbruiL who arrived Friday night. made the Brat announermept of tho aolantlflc roaults aehlavad In his latent axploratlong tn tbo Interior ,of Africa. Otvo of tho most Important of than was ev. Atai.Avarv af a. rivsr naver before dsserlbed Jn any geography. Hb marked ttg oouraa ana taeaavirea na tuiuma ui Isi" furthor' axploratlona of Ruwansari, tho ETOat m nun tain of- Lake-Nyanxa region, the daka marked flva hitherto unmeaaurad peaka of a height Of i,00 maters. Ho re porta that tho glaciers of Ruwansari ar aztanalvo. rt m av.1 Inl.eoat, Is 'the Ott- va .mw.v ...... . kIam,, .Mwinnl ng tho fauna, and flora of tho region, which bo nays are vary Strange, Doing linn noxnina aim." an Europo tr other porta of Africa. . JOSEPH BANK ORDERS V BIG DIVIDEND PAID (Special DUpatra to Tba JtaxranL) I . Joeeph. Or.. Bapt IT. At tho annua meeting of tho stockholders of tha Flrat National bank or JoaapR D.t slocully. T. D. MoCully. L Kaappar, B. T. Roupa and- E W. Rambla wara roelectad dlroc- tora. F. D. MeCully was roalaetad p real- dent and R. T. Roups vtea-praaldant snd Ooorga Mack caahler. :- A dividend ef 10 Dar eaat on tba capital stock was daolarad. . Navar okn tall whan you'll mash a finger or ouffer a cut brwtaa, bum or oeald. Ba) prepare! irr. Thomas' Eo lootrla Oil'inaiantly roll even tha train qatcaly euros tha wound. - BTofarra4 atbook Can aod tVpoda. AUn Xetwls Atost BrsmL BANKS. Financial Agtet of the United Btataa, warwa-Taiai Caahla J. w. Second Assistant Cashier TA. F. BTBYB1.B States Yokohama. Manila sad Honorsla. ; am tvltDti a M WAUs-VaTa tW. OW8 -a.--w- and Letters of Credit laws a I Aeellakle. as 'roiiectione a apociaur PORTLAND, 0EEO0JI. sod Oak Street. and 3tnrk atreeos. latere! paid ea aaelngs eceean Drafts and ' t aafIA . Dan atotaWdag arealagS , . ' . iw'a . a 1M. YSillU'SlSl-T H. D. STOREY. .......e...AeslstonJ Oeebler PLATT PLATT wesersl Ooeeeel Sg Vsrrlaon Street srtUnd, Ocawea. All B.. o. cubits.. BeueUry Aaa latent Secretory ; Blatant Secretary ea bsi stardsy atrentng 8 to S. C0MP ART Partland. Oragaa. ans Bono gasraaioea. T. T. BURKHART INVESTMENTS. Bldg. poblls asrrlc corporatloa bonda. Ilea BX0XXXS. -"-;' " ;"" and Sold for Cash sad aa Margta. ' of COMmERCB. moo mam sr. Bldg. IrtUnd. Oregoa. ' - : ' . DooahttO. Maaaaror. . ", ra or Bonds. Con Always Sara Tea Money. 10t X&Z"? ':'J Rooms 8. 4 and 8 La Faystt bldg.. as. Blxtb and Wash. Sta, Portlaad. Oregon. : ; DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION JSTQCffi; o,oeie.wn., j AT THE THEATRES Two Roses": Tonight, "The Two Boats'' win bo tba comic epers pressntrd by the Stewart Opera company to night snd tomorrow' nlgbt at the nelllg tttsatra, Fourtaontb aad Waeblngton streets. Wednes day and Tbursdsy Dorothy" wlU be tbo bill: Ftidsy. Saturday ma Uses and sight, "Babett." Sesu ar now aeluag for tba aagagamaat at the bexomc or the tbestrs.. .. "Two Littlt VECtBntE." France Arao, the sew second woman af tbo Baker stock company, makes a big bit tbla week la Two Little Vagrants.- 11 work to htgbly srtlatle snd aha baa a roki that Is salted to ker abUltleev-. Tho pUy la one that touches the beart Tho scenic fee tores are worth going far to .aaa. Real water Is seed la the greet dam scene, mskkig tbla part af tbo-anarw kigniy- saassttonit. -'--?- VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ZTn DIrfoIo Et PsnUges.. The Pantages win lead off tbo near bin this week wltk aa operatic treat, tho disrobing scene from Fra DlsroCs, which ' will ba pra ses ted by the Metropolttsa stager. .Tbla troop kf one of art lata and baa already attracted wide attention for rsndltloav' of grand opera selec tion. Otbor feat urea ar Mono. Kins Nora, Uttto- Miss Hehra. Mr. asd Mrs. - RaaM Margaret Morgsa, Jena Wllaoa aad tba new aattaflBC ptsJtlBWJeXBPO ' '' ' ' ' - " ' T' ' - . The Greeneyed Monster." For a ' screaming , fsrea comedy the Lyric baa something thin week that far eclipses anything seen la tba city el portlaad for a long time past. The play la not entirely wit eat a Dint, bat la funny fussy at all times. The Illustrated Sengs aad. xaorlsg alctaxsa ar ef tb beet . . . V At tlie'Crsnd. Singers, ' corned lsns and cnarscter-cbaage srtlam are tba Mlmle Fear, tho head lino at traction thla week at tke Grand. Th new program was nrossatcd tor the Srst Urns this afternoon. It to a an ea salon ef clever eater- telaers. sack as Adams - and Edwsres, la a comedy ekctcbi Barks and Crilne. tbo snto mobHe girls; Walter Beoman aad bla Jnggllng girl; Marcus aad AdelL tba trick rollar-akatarsi a cracker-lack mooologlst. tb tUaatrated soog, BaOTlng pietnraa aaa otnars.. r "The Rosd to Trlsco." : ; "The Bead to 'Frisco'' will be prose tod be night st tho Star by tbo Allea atock company. This will be the Brat time, thla melodrama has sear bees seen la toe west It Is from tbo pea ef Owa Deris, who Is see of tbo moat . ane. cessfal dramatists In tbla claoa. "The Road to Trleos", teems with now Ideas aad W not of tb earl bona k brand- of dramas aenr being placed ea the market PAINTERS FINISHING WORK Btsaaiey BOdor Will Ba fcomaiad IhrOaB , , Srydoek WBosi rniabod. . Painters ara at work today putting tho finishing? touches on the outside of tha hull of the 'Steamer Ooorga W. Elder and If they can sat through this afternoon, tha steamer will be lowered from -the doek. " The barkentine Ami ranth. which occupied the outer pon toons of the dock, was lowered yeater day. -so there is nothing Row to Inter fere ' with, the lowering ef the Elder, whan the painters get through with their work. - Tha Elder will b jnooced alongside ef the drydock nntll nearly completed, ao It waa announced this morning, ftba la expected to be ready to go into com mlaalon In about a month from today, and poealhly sooner if enough man ran be Seen rod. Th l"l;1er hne boon on th drydock tr "' 'te and trie drv-ksge bill wl'l.!" ! t.iii-cet ever Incurred elnce ti.-i v i t , t. Isn-'. ' ' " ' '-. Em;;: . . A a . M rill Of ( KEPI CLEui:. Violators of. Lws Will Da Fer reted 6ut by , Harbormaster and Government Engineers. SEVERAL ARRESTS MAY V BE MADE ANY MOMENT Did DvertonetTS TsriaTroVlng len- ; see to Nsvigsdon at VlctorU Dole phina Will Hsvo to Be Removed Soon, or Reasons Shown .Why Not . Harbormaster'', Ben Biglln and As. gtstant United . SUtes Engineer Pavld B. Ogden ere oommenclng a, crusade sgalnst violators of tho laws providing for clean) harbor and rlvor and several , arrests are likely te fallow noon un less thane Ignoring tho laws mend their ways. -'This morning the- harbormaster -held a long conference with Mr. Ogdcn relative to atepa to be taken agalnat mill men dumping sawdust. In the. river . la various plac'ea. :. . ' . Sawduat la eald to be one of the worat materials that own bo dumped Into the river, aa-it not only forma ahoala but also provea certain death to fish. . Lst week sv scavenger . was arreated, for dumping garbage on the river bank aouth of the Jefferson street depot and the fellow waa sentenced by Municipal Judge Cameron to go back and shovel it sU off tha bank again, which he did. " Another matter that tho harbormaater naa.been keeping an eye on for a long time Is the old overturned barge that for more than s year has been moored to the piling near the Victoria, dolphina on tho eaat side of tho river. The barge was originally owned by tbo Ore gon Round Lumber Company but was under charter to tho O. R. N. Co. when one night It turned turtle with a eargo of coal, causing tha death ef ons man who waa aaaiattng In handling tho coal. The Oregon Round Lumber com pany as well aa the O. R. dx N. Co. have both been disclaiming ownership of the barge, but Harbormaster Blglin hsa now had tho matter taken up by the elty at torney. With the reoult that someone will have to remove It before many days or show, a good reason why this should not be done. . The barge la a aerioua menace to navi gation aa it flowa back and forth with the ebb and flood and ehtpptng men consider It a wonder that It haa not been the cauee of some serious dlaaater before thla. Lying about level with the surface of the water It is barely visible even on a dear day.-' '. - COOLIE GOES TO JAIL Bailor on Board tho Oriental XJaet . .Aigahla OaoghS la Ttave Tho oriental liner Arabia came - into port early - yesterday ' morning with a naw coolie crew and one of their Dum ber, Ah Tom by name, to now an in mate of tho county Jail because he bad planned to-make-thla country hla fu ture home. Ah Tom confided hla Inten tions to seme of his shipmates oa the way across the ocean and llkewiae told them. it. would be easy , to crawl. -under the bars ralaed agalnat Chines immi grants. T.: But hie countrymen told the ffleere of the steamer and therefore Ah Tom was placed In jail yesterday afternoon before he had been given an opportunity to smuggle himeelf ashore. He will be kept In jail until the ateamer isready. to -gall, for, Hongkong and thea-itavkon back and dismissed from the gervloo of the - Hamburg-American line, .from which the Arabia haa been chartered to the ' Portland-Aslatlo Steamship com pany. -v.. -. According to Chief Officer Vogt the Arabia had a fine run acroaa tha Faciflo until she came within a couple of daya of tho mouth of the Columbia river, when she. poked her bow into one' of the worst- gales imaginable. - Terrlfle- Bonn swept her front stem to stern although) aha rode high on tho water. . Capa Dis appointment was sighted at. T o'clock Saturday morning and- by 10 o'clock tho big steamer was at tho quarantine sta tion. ' -. , ..-.-; ; The inward cargo was rather light, oonslstlng mainly of cement matting, tea and camphor, but tho outward eargo will tax tha steamer's capacity. .'Work of ' discharging tho cargo wag com menced at, Montgomery dock No. 1 this morning., t-r c , 3 OFF FOR NEW TOWN k a OnUlo) , for BoosevatE tot Witt Time. Tho Open River Transportation eom pany'a ateamer Mountain Gem left Celllo tbla morning for Roosevelt, the naw town on the north- bank of tho Columbia river. . opposite Arlington, with a full cargo of general freight, and will re turn laden with wheat to connect by means- of the; portage road with tho steamer Charles R. Spencer for Fart land, i .- ( ' . r- Tha steamer Relief, which Is also to ply. between Celllo and points on the uppers river,- will b in sommisslon ' by tire end of tho month. t ALONG THE WATERFRONT, ' Tho steam schooner Toeemlte wa dtac barging freight at the Oak street dock thla morning and left for Linnten this afternoon to load lumber fop a re turn eargo for Ban TTanciaeo. The steam -schooner Northland satis tor Ban Francisco this evening. She Will pick op paaaangerg at , tha Couch street dock, although her lumber cargo la being received at tho mills ot Xnman, Poulae Co. f ' - . Tbo schooner Andy 'MahonF cleared thla morning for San 1 lYanclaeo wltti T1S.00O feet of lumber loaded at' the tnllla Of tho North Pacific Lumber torn- -pany. ....-....-,. Tho Harrtman freighter Barraootiln will arrive at Alnsworth wharf late this eveniag with a full cargo of general freight from Ban Francisco. , - MARINEN0TE3. "'Aaiorla, topLTf. Left bp at T a. ateamer Berraeouta, Arrived down ht IS a. m.. Schooner Andy Mhonv anf rrnnelaciO, Sept.- 17 Arrive?. Steamer Roanoke, from Portlan.1 inl way ports and Coete Rka, from I rt. land. Aatorla, Sept. 18 Arrived down a' I and galled at T a. m., steamer F. A. I burn, for Ssn Fran la.-o an l war j Arrived At 11 nnd !". - I 1 a . nteamer Tea.;,,!:... f Balled at II a Pun I" " ' r Lett l' F J A