The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: c::i:::c:: cur; day jou.;:al", rcmAi.'D, cu::day no:;:;n;G, September 13, . iccx
A Great Biaplay of T7on
. x; Bolts j
I i 1 1
10,000 yards fashionable Ribbons, in polka dots, stripes checks, plaids,
Dresdens; also Printed Warps to 5 inches wide, the correct thing for
girdles, sashes,' millinery and neckwear. Special for Monday, ? -yard
. . . ', '. . . . . .-. . 1 J V
300 dozen Women's Defts, newest shapes and styles, in kid and sil!c, in
black, cream, navy, Persian and plaid effects and colorings; a great
variety. . Specially priced for Monday at, . - rn
each ....,...,.... v .... i .......... ... , ,i .'. . . . ...... . . .OUw
ixl ewes is wiieSo (brrea isesi5 .assf ifiinmentt0 JLiOwes Jrrices
T'- i'TI '' T3T Tl - fi- CTT3TI
This week we offer; an exceptional number of special bargains in our many departments.-Our stock of fall and winter merchandise
is equal to any in the city and bur prices will satisfy the most economical shoppers. It will be worth your while to visit us tomorrow.
Choice ETew Silks
. ....... ...... . j
Thechoicest and most exclusive array of silks you
have ever inspected. - Styles and ideas new and novel. -Prices
the lowest. ; v . i") ; i;, .;-:t " ' ;
.' New Plaid Silks New fall plaid silks are here in all
the latest fancy, shadings, beautiful rich color combi
nations. .Purer silk; soft finish, 19 inches wider regu
lar 1.00 quality, ' Special Monday and . - " 7Ci
Tuesday? . . : . . . . : ; . , . . ..!,. . i DL
, Plain Taffeta. Silks 50 Special display" of all the:
,4 new fall shades in an excellent quality Swiss finished .
taffeta silk; an excellent bargain regularly sold CQ
",at75c; . Our special price,, per. yard, r;. f . i i . . Oy y.
Shadow Plaid Silks 20-inch shdow plaid pure Jap'
silks,' one of theivery prettiest silks' in the-American
-market, has heavy velvet finish, ' colors red,: navy,
, green, turquoise ; regular $1.25 1 and ; $1,60 C 1 H H
value. . Monday and Tuesday.; .. , ... :..vlvU
. 5 (0E3ETT
for Women's O5o Storm Rubbers
s These first days of rain is the time for you to look
ito your health.' -You can't afford to contract colds
you'd far, better. spend a small amount for a pair of
"new shoes that will keep your feet warm and dry.'
. v What is true with you is also true with your school
children.' We are making a special low price at this
" particular time of shoes that were selected with care to
r. fill all the wet weather .requirements. We only quote
a few items as an example. 'f.:.-:.'vV
03 Women's Winter Shoes Q2JLG
r Woraen s,:gtJnmetat calfTdVfcojcralf antr-patent-
leather Blucher and Lace Shoes with the best of good
oak soles with all the new heels toes, tips- fi
and Usts, for this sale : ....... X. :. . .'. . .VI 4 1 U
With military and low heels, good heavy- TA
"oak soles; worth $2.50 and $3, for this sale.; 4)1 UU
BOYS' good ail soUd School Shoes, sies up.
to by,, lor this, sale and.
Estmoxrdiiiary Values in .Hand
some ' Embroideries tlfct:'
20,000 yards' .beautiful 'Swiss' and Nainsook Embroid-
nes,7 to, no tn9nes wiae, in zw very
newest -and
" daintiest desiens: Edeines and Insertimrs to match.
Will be xlosed out on Monday and Tuesday at,' C
A Great 6alo of J Si Gloves
200 dozen 16-biitton 'length Silk "Taffeta' Gloves, in,"
black arid white only, 2-clasp' wristf .alL:. C 1 -1 0 -7.
sizes.J Exceptional value- at, pair ........... 1 I y
Grand Array of Dress Tiimmings
Our stock is"now replete with the season's latest nov
- elties in Appliques, Persian-effects in, bands and, one
; 'sided styles, Medallion and Festoon effects in Persian !
colorings and Pastel shadings, Silver, Steel and Opa
lescent TrirtimingSj at prices moderate enough to-sat- ;
isfy the most economical and in styles. so varied as to .
please the most fastidious.' ;"
Children's St o cliin's
: Stockings for Boys Stock
ings for Girls We save you
, . 10c on every pair you purchase
tomorrow. " , r;.. ':.y t.
f 800 dozen of the best 25c
grade Hosiery for boys or girls
on '-sale . tomorrow at, pair
n warn a
. . .-
Two standard makes of Chil
dren's Hosiery on sale at this
price tomorrow only. , School
days have arrived ; it is an op
portune time to make your
hosiery purchases. ,
The Boys' Stooldngs '
The "Armor Clad" Stockings for boys are the best
wearing stockings manufactured, made with double
soles and triple thread knee; positively never be
fore offered at less than 25c a pair. All sizes ' J?
tomorrow....... ... ....................... IOC
U Tho Girls Stoeldngs
The "Princess" Stockings for' girls is equal to the
best hose on the market and superior to the majority
of stockings at 25c. We have an immense quantity
. , mi r t i . .
on nana, ana win oner mem ai inis price lor tomor
row only, extra fine quality Iisle;ribbed,
dressy and durable at, pair. . .
Never were women'a tailor-made garments so captivating as the showing for early autumn. ; We've
v a gorgeous display of the most charming suits, stunning coats and waists and gracefully draped skirts,
triumphs of tailors' art and skill, all at prices totally out of keeping with the garments. In just such
garments lies the success of our widely popular Suit Section. No garment offered that Dame Fashion
' has not stamped' with approval. It's a fact better known every day to Portland's; fashionable dressing :
. . women that the Roberts Bros, invariably give the best values in the city. We cannot be too enthusiastic
K over the offerings--they are simply phenomenal-i-you can make a clear saving of one third, t ; ; " Tr
Now Aiitum 1 Suits p at $10.0 6': and SI 2. 5 6
Ten different styles new fall models at this price,
: tight-fitting hip length and -length coats, Pony
"and Prince Chap style, Paquin blouses and Etons,
- large range of materials and colors. A Af
- Special intrbductory sale price Monday. 4)1 VUU
V? Chio Hon-Toilored Suits at' i
Great Showing at This Price-Natty fitted; ttitiSi!:
lengths;-French blouse and Eton models, rony and
t several . other smart, modes, made of fine ' English
broadcloths, cheviots, mannish" weaves and novelty
V suitings; skirts new pleated styles; .worth : from'
. $25 to $30." Special introductory sale .tfA CA
" price" Monday. . .'. ...... i .V. . . . .. . 1 s V U
New Walking Skirts forWomen
.'A new Jot .of Tailor-Made Walking Skirts just re-
ceived,very latest-ideas, riaterials are Panamas;
cheviots, broadclothsj English mixtures and novelty
plaids, correct: pleated and "circular effects, with a
' style and finish that no home, tailoring can produce.'
Specially priced lor this sale at ; ' r t
and.... ...,..;v.i.Ui.'.........;4liU
200 handsome Tailor-Made Suits in this lot,, all of
them . exclusive styles with this store. They are
made by the best tailors in New York City and are
absolutely correct , in r style. ; Special tf X A
introductory. sale price Monday.. 4)1m0U
A Grand Snowing of New Furs
We were lucky in our last
Time now to get ready for the
fait school r dava.- We, have a
-new line ofFall Dresses that
. are particularly appropriate for
school"; servicerrr Everything
that is newest and prettiest and
' . most durable- In the way of
dresses for girls from '6 to 14
years in . the most fashionable
' materials,' stylea and colorings,'
moderately priced -at. 84.50,
83.50, 82.50, $25,
81.00, : 81.75, r 810 and
Black Sateen Petticoats' a q":'
- Best 81.50 Quality at . . UOU
Tomorrow we place on safe a special purchase of
. Women's Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, in a
down different styles, handsomely t trimmed ; with
tucks, stitched bands, accordion pleating, rows of
small ruffles, fagoting and shirred effects ; these
skirts are well made of excellent quality sateen and
fully worth $1.50. Specially, priced for Mon AO
day and Tuesday only at ...yOv
large surplus from a prominent
furrier at about the actual cost
of production. 'and we are ro-
" ing to pass these great bar
gains .on to our customers. -
Scarfs, Boos and
, In a great assortment of styles
and colors, in French Coney,
i Fox," Mink, Ermine, Marten,
..Wolf,. Squirrel, etc., all ' well
made " imf perfectly ; finished
throuchout. the same depend
; able qualities sold in exclusive
"fur, houses "at .much higher
prices. Evidence of the best ,
qualities fbf the least money-,
,will be found in' every one of ,:
the following- prices 81.00, 8125, 81.00,
82.50, 82.00, 83.50, 84.50, 85.50, $0.50,
87.50, 88.50, 89.50, 812.50 CI 7 C A
ftftdi 4 9 $ 9 9 4 TT rw W rtlV J Jl V V
r Xfw Cravenetta Coats for
..,.. -,.ili,,'..i....fVw;. ..H4.W'0S10I1 ' V-' w j
A complete showing, made in the latest fall styles,
strictly' man tailored - throughout, guaranteed' all
; wool worsteds colors gray, Oxford, olive and tan;
unusual values at the following prices 0Q A A
818.50, 815.00, 812J50, $10.50. $07 U
New Caps and Tarns for. .
uauaren t .v-.-
A; most -complete - and -extensive showing1 of -the "
latest styles m both plain and mixed colors, suitable .
for all purposes, in all sizes; exceptional values at
the , following prices 81.00," 85e, 75, OZr '
65, 50, 35 and......................Xuy.
New roll Coats for CMldren
'Misses' and Children's Long Coats, for wjnter wear, -made
of new materials, in all colors and sizes, every '
garment strictly man tailored and fashioned after
the most charming and dainty patterns. Specially v
priced for this sale at 82.75, S3.UO, ... 7 PA
94.50, 85.50, 86.06 and.
Fall Tnd Winter height Union Suits
For women and Children, Takes Place Here Tomorrow ;
N We firmly believe that never in the history of the Underwear business will cotnbina- -f
tion suits achieve the popularity that awaits them this season. Believing this we have -during
the past year made a thorough canvass of every important mill in the country and -
have gathered together by far tne largest assortment, the greatest quantities - and best
values that can be found in this town. We have combined our experience, with. the manu-ij,
facturer's and have added on our garments features that other stores have yet to discover. GX-
This applies to the cheaper grades as well as the more . expensive kinds. It yqu are a
wearer of Union Suits we will undoubtedly gain your patronage by -mn inspection; of the various
lines we carry. In order to acquaint every woman in town with the splendid values to be secured
here we will inaugurate tomorrow A GREAT UNDERPRICE INTRODUCTORY SALE. .
V. Every. Union Suit in the House Reduced Tomorrow , w '
Women's Best 75c. Quality Union
Suits A splendid . winter , weight,
cream lor ygray,; , ; Vs'.J ... T. CAv
tomorrow; , . . ... . i . . i . UUw
All $3.00 and $3.50 ' Combination
Suits in all wool worsted or cash-
. meres, cream' or
, Priced tomorrow
Women's "Oneita-.
Combination Suits
A splendid fall
weight, regular price
65c per suit. Open
ing sale price tomor-
only. 1
Children's Combination Suits .
The entire suit for the price of a single garment, all
T sizes in boys ribbed fleece' liried ; suits,'silver7 1 Cr:
gray color at Half Price, the tuit. ............. OL,
Union Buiia ionr Girls
.100 dozen best 75c Quality Girls' Combination Suits,
made in the "Oneita style, fleece lined, in 2A
cream or gray,lany size. ..... .............. Oxt-
60 dosen $15-$1 JO Combination
Suits, wool ribbed,' cream or QO.
gray, all styles.....,...;... "OL
Best $3.00 and $2.25 Quality Suits, .
all wool, non-shrinking, handsome-.,
ly 1 finished and hand trimmed.
Extra special ,
Children's All-7ool Union Suits
'Best $1.50 quality All Wool Suits for boys and girls,
"fine worsted or cashmere, a splendid opportunity to
buy the entire season's supply at less than cost, OQ
all sizes tomorrow only Os C
. . ; . $1.59
v A full line of Dr. Denton's Sleeping Gam
in stock, all sizes for children 50 and up.
Fall Dress Fabrics
' The new, the popular dress goods are here in the
'greatest and most .comprehensive assortment ever,
shown. Complete lines of all that is wanted in every
imaginable shade. The highest qualities are linked
with the lowest prices. A few specials for tomorrow ; . " v. ;.- :;li:x'
Rain Proof Suitings Large assortment of Cravenettes
in tan, gray, green, brown and blue mixtures. Those
1. ... ka en :.u
-proof.; On sale Monday and Tuesday at prices : Or
Tanging from $1.75 down to..,.: ;....ODw
' Jamestown Suitings We have the celebrated James-
town ouuing in ut me new-weaves, coin piain ana
'without doubt the most popular fabric of the season
0 . - . . .- - . i . x A
lor suits ana coats..' , 1 ne styles are correct, tne quauty,
' right and the prices the lowest td be found in the city.
New. Fall Dress Goods--W are showing exceptional
;t values in all the. latest fall fabrics, rain proof suitings,.
I Panamas, checks and fancy plaids, serges and coverts,
nil th tatt wravM And nohhiest stvles everv one.
1 Unapproachable values at, per yard 50eS CI :
75, 83, 05t, ?1.00 and... lLO
Priestley's Black Goods We are showing all the new
fall weaves- in. Panamas, Armures, Wool Taffeta,
Queen's Cloth, Henriettas, Crispines, Prunellas, etc.
Every one warranted all wool, fast black. The name
n: .1 ..-.-A . r .,.
Iricsucy a woven un cvcijujmui iku . . -v
''1 tmm ok mt tu ." - mn
915... . . . 3) 1 .yU
Hew Autumn B e ddin&
. Some Moderately Pricked Sorts ;
.These are the kinds of bed coverings which afford '
the needed warmth and protection against drafts and
chilly evenings. . You will like them when; you see
them, and the prices are temptingly moderate. Well
'leave you to judge of the savings. 'f.?- t
- Specials in Blankets '
65f For Cotton Blankets-f -width, "gray and white I
-regular 75c quality..; Monday and Tuesday, per - '
pair .................. .... .'. . . ..... T.?.QS4
75 For Cotton Blankets 4-width, gray and white;
the regular: 90c quality; Monday, and Tuesdayrper
1 pair ". .'' '
D5c For Cotton Blankets Full size.' crav. tan and
; white, good values. On sale Monday and Tuesday,
per pair .......A. .... i...... .05c
' 81.15 For White Sheet Blankets Full size, extra
good quality. Monday and 1 uesday, pair. . Mx.ia
S1JSO For Blankets in gray, tan, white and mottled
gray and brown, extra size, good heavy quality.' Spe-"
cial at, per pair. .............. .............81.50
845 For Wool Blankets Regulation ' sfee, gray,
only, splendid quality. - Special Monday and Tuesday,
85.00 For Wool Blankets Full size, gray only, 5-Ib.
'weight, Price, perpair.".". i . . ... .85.00
f0.iv ror wool smiucii run size, 0-10. wcigm,
extra eood aualitv. Soecial. oer oair. Mondav and
Tuesday .r .$0.50
82.75 White Wool Blankets in all grades, full size,
A r: t hoha. : j
: line ucuuics. x HV.C3 iuc iiuin fi.uv jpet yair uuwu
to : . , . , . i ..... . .TT.V7". . ...... . ... ..... . V. 83.75
; r . Comfort Specials '
.Cotton Comforts fj-size, all colors; good weight. Per
pair, Monday and Tuesday. ................ .... .85
Full Size Comforts White cotton fillinc. covered with
good quality silkoline, yarn tied, great assortment of
- light, medium and dark colors, pretty designs. Prices,
each 81.25, 81.40 .......... .... ..... . . . .$1.75
Extra Heavy Comforts filled with white cotton, cov- '
ered with fine quality sateen plain centers flowered
borders, colors pink, blue,- gree'ri, yellow, helio and
red. Splendid quality, each. 1 .............. . .82.50
Specials in the lien's Section
Stylish Neclrw'r 25c
25 for Men's Gray and Black
Check .Ties, all styles, four-in-hands,
string and clubs, the very
latest; a regular 50c tie. Special
at ..................... ...25
Dress Gloves 01.75
81.75 for Fowne's genuine Kid
Gloves, tan color, all sizes, extra
special value at, per pair; .81.75
Hen's Half Hose 25o
25 for Mens fine Worsted and
Cashmere Socks, in . natural
camelshair, Oxford, merino and
black colors ; a good 35c grade.
Special .................. .23
' 25c Half IIoso ICo
10 for Men's Cashmere finished Socks, i i f
with gray heel and toe; also black wit'i
well made, good quality; bf t 2"c ;
r"r rair