The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 14, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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li, 1:::. mi
C'ev&r Cans of Swindlers Has
Tcken Thousands of Dollars
Out of State, "
! Wildcat and Coyota . Skina Shipped
Writ From St. Loula and, Palmed
' ; Off on ' Authorities -. as ' Home
Product. .-: '.'''v; 'v'" f '"
Seattle, Wash.. Sept . ,14. Oeorge
f Wright ellaa John. Casey, who U b
- lieved to be but on ef a clever Uf of
swindlers that has defrauded the stats
of many thousands of, dollars by olaira
' Ing bounties On scalps of wildcats and
cougars that thay have imported Into
' tha state, was arreted an Second ave-
i nua this morning by Deputy Stata Oaaie
Warden Frank Moesman and Game War-
den Rlef. Memhera of tha organisation
hare operated In different eountlea
,' throughout the state, but. Wright eon-
fined his attention : mostly - to King
' county. . ,.. j" "-.
t The officers become suspicious hy the
' large number of wildcat and coyote
, acalpa that were being presented to the
f county - auditors throughout the stata
, Investigation showed that - aktns of
: coyotes and wildcats were being bought
. f In large amounts In St- Louis at to
' rents apiece and the 'skins shipped, to
the homes of. a gang and tha scalps cut
: off and bounty claimed. .
As the state pays av$l bounty on
(coyotes and ' f 1.1 for scalps of wild
' rats killed In the state the members of
a the crowd reaped a rich reward. Wright
' has been paid bounties on 450 scalps of
' wild cata and cougars by the county
' auditor In tha laat six months. ' He baa
, reoelved thousands of dollars In bounties
from the King county . auditor. - Me
: certified each time that ths animals had
, been killed within King county. . .
When arreeted the accused man gave
' the name of Wright. . He., however, was
1 Identified by-employes- of the county
auditor's office as the same person who
. haa claimed bounties on scslps under
, the name of John Casey. The game of
,. flclals declare he uses many names In
; his operations. Within the last Is days
' Wright baa claimed bounties from
1 the county snditor for II coyote scalps
at f I each - and l wildcat scalps at
; 12.10 earn. . i , , , ,..
esssaasMiiniBssaaassaaaaeat "
,- (Special Dtspetra te The JoeraalT "
i Seattle. Sept. 44. The schooner Car
i menclta, more or less famous through
. her vlclsaltudes under many flags, and
: which was made Immortal through be-
Ing the original of the schooner Cheat
in Jack London's novel, the "Sea Wolf,"
li once more under the stars and stripes
and will soon be started on the prosale
work of transporting guano from Lower
California to San Diego. -.
The vessel waa recently'' purchased
' from tha - Rrltfflh mtMkMimam
seised her. by Oeorga Bergra aster of
Baa Diego. She was taken to Port
Townsend and loaded with lumber pend
ing action ef application made to tha
treasury department for restoration of
American register. The request waa
also made that the vessel be re-ehris-toped
the Ramona, D. Returns were re
ceived this morning which permit the
vessel to return to tha American flag,
but Instead of Ramona D sba will be
the Jennie The) In, under which name
she waa originally built and launched.
The veeael will probably go "to sea to-
night from port Townsend. ; . ,',
. nDrM' Mnwnav
- vviwiaaena
snos that wUl tax every building in tha
district . Is expected. . The . overcrowd
ing will probably bo aa bad aa laat year,
for the additional number of puplla will
quickly fill tha- additional speoe. - If
-tha new buildings were completed tha
. problem would be simpler, but nothing
except the small Midway school Will
. be ready for a month at least - -
All high school pupils will moat in tha
weet aide building Monday morning nt
' O'clock. , . y. , , .. .. , .... . ..
; AJ1 new pupUs and thoas 'that ware
regletered la the Atkinson and Ladd
schools during- tha second term of last
yeer will go directly to the assembly
B. C Cobtna aaa besa dismissed from
hla position as engineer la tha Alblna
pumping station of tha water depart-
ment A few days ago a dlaturbanoe
at tha station was reported to the polios
and a policeman .was ..sent out post
haste. Na arrests followed, but it was
, found that Coblno bad been Intoxicated
and this morning tha ax waa admin
I st wed. Intoxication an duty being ths
charge made by Superintendent Dodge.
" I 74 ?05,249l4l l;
( 9374449.96 1
1 a
I 91,64-3,13Q33
1 iok.qia,c2,7.4ft - '
1 ig,575461Sgr
rortlaad'a prosperity and rapid growth
during the past fW years is rowhere
n-KvVe convincingly sbowa than In Its
t X clsarisga 7 be tfUrram ao, CaDJe
'.. " "' '' '" "
Racy Details of Ufa In ths Cay
. Set of Yale College to
'V Be Exposed;"';
(Journal Boedal Servta.) -
New1 York. Sept 14 As an aftermath
to the eloDement la New Haven of Ed
ward Norton, a Tale student and Miss
Josephine Blraey, a pretty cloak model.
Edward Norton, a millionaire, tlnplate
kins-, haa brouaht suit In the ConnecU
cut courts ss his son's "beet friend" to
annul tha marriage. -. ." --- -.
loung Norton, who la II. la referred
to In the lesal papers as -an in rent.
His wife la 4wo yesra his senior. When
lira. Norton, who returned to her place
In a New Haven dry goods store when
her youthful husband was carried off by
bis family and Bent to Europe, waa
served with the papers In the annulment
suit, ahe retained a lawyer ana gave no
tice that aha would fight the case and
bring: counter-suit ' against her father-in-law
for alienating: her husband's af
fections. . . v.. '
When the case goes to trial many
racy details of Ufa in tha "gay sat" of
the college town will be brought to
light Toung Norton, as son of the ex-
president of the American can company,
waa given an ample allowonoe when ha
entered aa a student st Sheffield sewn
tlf lc school. He was In earnest about
hla studies, but lis had .a taste for tha
company he met In -the New Haven cafes
after dark. Among tha young women
of that city who were popular with tha
wealthy and pleasure-loving young' col
legians was Miss Blrnay, a daughter of
aa employe In an arms factory, who
held a position aa a cloak model because
of her good looks and statueaque pro
portions. She came originally from Sa
vannah, Georgia, and had 'all tha fas
cination of a southern woman. . , t -
Riooosiin soiisin
Schumann - Heink's Children
Working in Department Store .
J. : Z and Jewelry Shop. ;
Near Tork,' Sept 14. Mme. Schu-
mann-Helnk returned ' from Germany
yesterday to fill grand opera and con
cert engagements' here. She was ac
companied by two of her many children.
One of them waa George Washington
Schumann-Helnk. Speaking of her chil
dren, aba ssld: . .' . ' ,
'My children are Americans. I naked
thesa two ths other day If they wanted
to go back to -Germany and they said
Unl Th.. 1am imariM Am T At
'Another of my sons, Henry. Is study
ing engineering In Stevens institute In
Hoboken. Hans is a wstchmakar In
Boston, makings I may tell you, the
magnlfloent wage of 111 a week. Still
another of my boys la earning fl In a
department store. ' ' -
"Look at all that money coming la to
their great big mother from her good
American boys." exclaimed tha prima
donna, as ahe beamed with satisfaction,
At a meeting of the congregation of
the First Baptist church laat night the I
realgnaUon of Rev. Mr. Elnathan Sweet I
as assistant pastor was accepted.' Mr. I
Sweet has resigned In order' to engage
in the real estate business In this city.
In bringing tha matter beTora tha
church Dr. """ S. "W. Brocgher, pastor,
presented the following minutes, which
were adoptsd: ; . . , , , ;
' Tn recommending that the resigna
tion of Rev. Elnathan Sweet aa assistant
pastor be accepted, tha prudential com
mittee desires to express Its great ap
preciation of tha service ha baa ren
dered In that capacity and also express
Its pleasure at the fact that he will
continue In the church and Ua work aa
layman. He haa the love and con
fidence of paaror and people and will
continue to be held In the highest pos
sible esteem by all who know him. We
wish to sssure him of our earnest pray
ers and beet-wiehee fer the largest pos
sible .success in bis new work and his
continued Cooperation In the work of
our church." ...-..-...,.,. .
Mr. Sweet expects to devote himself
aa far aa possible to the church work
wnicn a layman can do, hla former busi
ness experience leading him to believe
that his service will thus be more ef
fective. , , ; . ,
In hla resignation Mr. Sweet satdt
1 "I want this churoh to be my home.
I have no ambition to be the pastor of
the church, for I am aura I could not
meet the requirements. To be quite
frank, an assistant paaterats, avsn In
this church, would not Disks a proper
occupation for Ufa. J believe that I
have found the one solution of this
oomplloa ted problem In taking a lay
man's position, in this city and in thla
church, and have made my. plana for
going Into business here. "
"I have done thla in ths confident ex
pectation that I shall be of equal or
greater service in the world. The ex
perience of the past ten years haa con
vinced ma that I shall be more at home
In tha work that I have to' do, -and that
the work In the church wbloh I shall do
because I love to do It will be more
fruitful. With this prayer and expecta
tion I have decided upon this step."
X y'.:"
- ;VW: 1 .1900'
anowa illustrates this. Ths clearings
for 101 are expected to show a ar-aatar
Increase over those of ths year previ
ous man nag pen toe case la any nre-
Beautiful Crater take, for. Man Ya
(Iprclal Ocirrepoeoaos k The JearaaLi
Grants Pass, Or.,- Sept. I. Camping
parties and tourists who lately returned
from Crater Lake National, park atate
that fish are now "abundant In' Crater
lake, aa a result of the "plants" put
ther4 by tha government several years
ago. Catches of St and 80 are reporesd
br aaveral camping parties and. the fish
caught were large and fat some of them
having a length of 20 tnchea. Tha flah
are a special lalqt trout and unlike any
other Bah known: te Oregon lakes and
stream . ' ' I '
Until theae were placed In Crater lake
there were no fish of . any kind In tha
a- of silence, and because of the
entire absence of vegetable matter. It
was believed that tha lake would alweys
, ,
' The! pipe dreams ef drunken men have
riven the police mora trouble than hand-
ling the drunks themselves, said a
member of P. Bruin's detective- force
this morning. They send na off on all
kinds , of . wild goose chases. . It's our
business to run down, all reports of
erims and unless the story la too evi
dently' falae we have to go out and
learn what'a In It ; - . . ? ; -,
' "One of the commonest Illusions of
a drunken man la that ha la vary rich
and when he Is searched at tha police
station and has nothing on him he often
eoncoeta some big story aa to how be
haa been robbed of several hundred dol
lars. ! .!-. :
Indiana Man Examines Work on
' Upper Portion of Dalles- .-
f. 1 Celilo Project, r : 4 ;
" fipedl Inspeteb 'te The Joem.l.)' '
Ths Dalles. Or., Sept. 14. -Congress-man
Ranadell of Indiana and Portland
escort arrived at Celilo, an hour lata, at
noon. The weather la clear.. Congress
man Ranedell Is making a careful ex
amination of the work on ths uppaH
eanal. In company wrth Senator Ful
ton, Congressman Jones and , members
of the Open River association. Tha
party made a trip over tha portage road
through Tha Dallea and will - return
home this evening for a public meeting
et the Chamber of Commerce halt They
will visit the Jetty tomorrow. Rana
dell will stsy another day and take tha
trip by boat to Cascade Locks to en
joy the scenery.';:
y r'f- -: . T..- , r J
'. ' (Joersal Special servlfls.t "
. San Tranclsoo, 14. 4am Berger
today accepted Jamea Coffroth's offer to
fight Jack O'Brien at Colma, Thanks
giving afternoon. The fighters are to
split two thirds of the receipts and ft
a third sack la' the moving pictures. :
. ; . ataee'i tot Oomaalssloa. '
(tpeiial Dtaritc to Tee Jooreal.)
. Baker City, Or., Sept 14. In the cir
cuit court yesterday- T, . S. Anderson,
through O..F. Hyde, hla attorney, has
filed action aeeklng 11,400, whfch he
claims as administrator of tha estate of
Dan Bird, for whom be alleges to hsve
sold some mining claims, receiving but
a portion ofU the commission agreed
upon. Ha declared the 11,400 naked' la
tne balance due. Walter rarnsld, as
administrator of theestate. Is defend
ant; ! ','.':, .' " ''..','.!
Sny fca arande Kersea. 1 j,
(Special Dtapateti t Tl Jnmst. ' J
La Orende, Or4 Sept 14. HorseS are
being bought In this section In lsrge
numbers. Two men of Blse during thai
past , few days, have been buying up
logging horses la this valley. Wednes
day they started on their return, taking
with them nine beautiful horses. The
psrty purchased one team from Ssm
Brooks, a span of bays for f BOO. Other
teama went for 1410. In all abount a
dosen heavy draught horses were picked
e im this vailavb v
ra Uninhabited, Now Stocked .With
remain a "dead aaa." Aside from a pe
culiar little water-dog or Itsard. there
were no living things In the lake,' and
tha rock-walled shores are void of vege
tation, wltb tha axceptloa ef -. stanted
hemlocks. The water Is very cold and
pure and so void of any mineral matter
or foreign substance that it offers but
little realatanoa to floating thina-a, ' ao
that leaves,, twigs and atlcks remain' on
tha aurface but a little while. - -
Superintendent A rant as well aa tha.
hundreds of people In Oregon and other
sections of tha country who visit tha
park each year, are highly elated over
the -results of tha fish "plant" In tha
lake,, and believe - It will be a favorite
and popular fishing ground in a few
years, aa tha fish appear to be multi
plying very rapidly. ( - r .
vi - . -. t--,:v z '-i-K
tther men who have blowa In all
they had, but who are not arreeted, find
It necessary to ' have some - excuse -for
their poverty,- Then their Uttls gams Is
to approach a policeman on the street
and tell him a fabricated tale of woe..
here's the case of Xaaao Jordan, for
example, While partially -Intoxicated
Jordan reported that he had been robbed
of 14 and a watch. Ha gave aa hla.
resilience mm urana central no tel.' in
vestigation discloses the fact that there
Is nothing In tha story at fell The man
never had a room at the Grand Central
hotel in hla .life and he haa never had
as much aa 1140, at least lately." v
" TR00PS,:FR0:.l;CAL!r
, S
Soldier Are to Leave American
Lake Summer Quarters Soon
- - : er Than Intended, "i ;- ' '
ffleselsl TMsnaleb te The Tesrssl.i
Tsncoaver, Wash, Sept. 14. Ths
United States troops stationed at Van
couver bafraeka, which have been Jin
ramp at American lake for the past two
months will back at the garrison
here not later' than Monday next It
waa 4 originally Intended to keep the
troops at American lake until some time
In October but on account of the large
number ef eases of typhoid, fever . in
canrp, the stay waa cut short
. The division left the laks yesterday
and should be In Vancouver thla after
noon. The aecond division leaves today
and will arrive here tomorrow.. The re
maining guard will get here either Sun
day or Monday. 7 ; ....
" San Francisco, Sept ii -The Jury In
the United States court' In ths case oi
the ' Levi , Strauss ' Realty company
agalnat the Trans-Atlantic Fire Insur
ance company, - the -. first case
against the so-called "welching" insure
anoe companies, .this morning returned
st verdict of 110,000 with tntereet for
the , plaintiff on . the ground that the
Insurance company failed ' to prove ex
emption from responsibility. Ths com
pany had no earthquake clause. Thla
la looked upon aa a test eaae. '
-'' V.S.K Setts Seed. v.
' (Spadal Ptapatch to The Joorssl.)
' The Dalles, Or.. Sept 14. William
Henry Harrison Butts died this morning
at o'clock. He hsd been sick for sev
eral weeks of heart and. liver trouble.
He was bom in Lsfayette, Indiana, Feb
ruary it. 140. - He crossed the plains
with Ills parent tit 111! and settled
neer-Portlsnd, . then moved to Waace
county lit 1171. .He manried Miss Artie
Powers In lilt and six children were
born te them. He married a aecond
time, hie first wife dying In Ills, Feb
ruary. I0, 10I... . .... . - , . - . ,
' AppoUted City Sail Janitor.
. Qeorge Urquhart has been appointed
aa one of the Janitors of the city hall
to fill the-vacancy caused by the death
of Thomas Ooodwyiw the -elderly man
whe died as tba result of a streetcar
eocidtBt . ,..,. 1 ...'.... v ' , ,
Doxers Claim Control of Thlr
, teenth Legislative District but
Opponents Deny Statement.
-(Special Pwpsteh te The Journal.) '
Walla Walla, Wash..' Sept 14. Re
tarna from It out of IT preclnota In the
county Indicate that tha Ankeny forces
will control 101 out of 147 delegatea at
tba county convention, -tomorrow. . Tha
Boxer delesmtes will number about it.
Two precincts iiot heard from yet may
give tha Boxers seven, more delegates.
- The fight at the primaries yesterday
developed a bitter str.uggls for oontrol
of Republican politics la this county.
In Lewis, Clarke, Steptoe and Whitman
preclnota, which the boxers figured car
rying, the Ankeny forces swept every
thing olean.v Lorton. Keesf F. S. De
ment, J, H. McDonald, Councilman Kirk
man and A. H, Reynolds, leaders of ths
boxer Action. . were defeated In their
own precincts. ' v . 1
. The sotfvity of Warden Keea and the
penitentiary guards waa mainly re
sponsible for tha Ankeny forces car
rying Baker precinct, where Keea headed
the Boxer tloket - - . .
Tha Boxers carried four preclnota In
tha city and claim they have captured
We thirteenth legialatlva district, but
this la denied by ths Ankeny men. -
Ten delegates from fresoott sup
posedly elected Vn tha Ankeny tloket,
will have the balance of power in tha
thirteenth district Both faotlona wiu
go. Into tha convention tomorrow with
alatea and the Boxers will make a de
termined effort to capture several coun
ty delegations.- -' ,
Police Institute Search but Fall
to Unearth Detatils of S. ua- '
picious naturo.
apeolal Clsaeteb te lbs learaaLr-
Oregon City, Sept 14. "The nan be
hind the sun" oreated some excitement
In this city laat . Wedneeday night He
waa seen on the walk leading from the
paper mills at a lata hour, with a re
volver in hla hand, and Chief of Police
Charles XL Burns waa promptly notified
that the man waa on hla way serosa the
suspension bridge to thin city. - - -
Strict watch was kept for more than
an hour by an officer, but no suspicious
character appeared, and " nothing haa
since been heard ef the unknown. -
Chief Burns aald thla morulas; that
tha man may have been' going home
from ths mills to Bolton or some other
place on the west aide of the river, and
that he may have been afraid of being
alone in the dark, and so "carried hla
gun ready for action.' Hla expert en oes
of. this kind have been numerous and In
some instances - such reports have
proved unfounded.- Tha man may
had - a - monkey-wrench or some other
shining teol or Instrument fn ala hand.
4 Key Kelly and Kdward Smith, two
young men,, called at the police station
last night and reported, that' they had
been brought to Portland agalnat their
will from San Fran at boo on the British
steamer - Visigoth. They . alleged they j
were, . shanghaied while walking along
lot waivrcroni vx oan araaciaon mv
boys ware given protection and abetter
in the station over night
The Visigoth arrived here- yesterday
afternoon from Antwerp via Baa Fran
cisco. Upon reaching San ' FranolaeO
most of her crew deserted and new men
were secured through sailor boarding
house masters to take the vessel to
Portland. .The boys have telegraphed
their parents in San Franclsoo. t j
v "" (Jesraal pcetal
" Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept li The
Twelfth cavalry, which waa ordered to
start on a Hike" tomorrow to Atlanta,
la ordered to remain in eamp here. . It
la supposed It is designated tor arma-
aaent for service Jn Cuba.
-: .v';", Webee WUl Xaag. ...-rj.-J
- ' ijoarsal BseHal tiim,
' Sacramento. Cel.. Sept '14. Attorney
General Webb and . District Attorney
Robinson of Placer . County today filed
affidavits in rebuttal to thoss filed by
Adolph Weber with the governor. .It la
believed TYeoer win nang September IT.
games Foley Alleges Admlalstratrlx Xaa
) I 4 ' " -. . Sol Psi formed Duty. w ,
' (Ipselsl IHapateh to Ths JoarasL) '
Vancouver,. Wash.,- Sept' 14. James
Foley haa commenced euu in the su
perior court here agalnat Mra. Margaret
McDonald to recover on a. Judgment se
cured sgalnst the late Columbus Mo
Donald, huabahd of the defendant.'..
, On April 11, 1190, Foley secured Judg
msnt agalnat McDonald In tha -circuit
court spr the county of 'Multnomah,
Oregon, in the sura of, and M0
for attorney s tees. The same waa to
bear Interest at the rate of II per cent
until paid. ' McDonald had no property
In Oregon, but waa largely Interested in
Clarke county real eststs. Hs was con
sidered to be worth at leaat 110,000. J On
;V.": 'Breettaf -Fixe Saoapea.
(Ipeelsl Dwrateb te The ootsal
, Vancouver, Waeh., Sept 14. The ma
terial for the fire escapes te be erected
on the Hotel Columbia building has ar
rived and the work of putting It In
place will begin at ones. This is ths
first step taken by owners of buildings
of more than two atorles to equip their
buildings with firs , escapes In com
pliance with - ths ordlnanos recently
passed by the city council. If the
necessary fire escape art not forthcom
ing' soon the prom lees may bs closed
to ths public 1 .
- v :
- xsldrtua's Station Afire. . "
' ' ; (Mpnelal Dlapatsb te Tb Journal
' Oregon City, Or., Sept 14. Meldfum'e
Station on the Oregon Water Power A
Railway company's line, . - about three
miles below this city, caught fire last
night and the bis is was dlscovsredby
the crew of the I o'clock car- out of
Portland. 1 The conductor and motorman
extinguished the flames In short order.
The origin of the fire le not known.
1 r" 1 '""'
The Seal B state Oolamas ef
geomal are UterersUd as bvycx
TuTT 9
. It Is cheaper always to buy a
good, reliable Sewing Machine.
The new White rotary shuttls
Is the lateat device in Sewing '
First. It makes six stitches to
one turn of the pedal.
'V Second. It is noiseless, and
after you use It 10 years will not
. Third. : It Is ao light running that a oblld can run It without exertion.
Fourth. The bobbin holds 100 yards of thread on one half Spool, ..'
- Fifth. - It uaea a very short needle, only ) ft Inches long. The shorter
. the needle the stronger while most Department Store Maohlnsa uso tha
long needle; 1 Inches long. 1 We could bring to bear many . other polata
to convince our eustomere that It Is not only to. their Interest to buy '
the WHITlC-even if the cost te a little more at tho start ' , . . "
- Try one and be convinced. Call up Main . 4101 and we ' will bring 70x1
one. lOur.terms 'wlll suit you.
. I .
.280 Yamhill Street, Corner Fourth
A fear Macbrnss a aaad allgHUy aaed very - ehaay. ' , Jtaohlnea esd
,...-,,.... . and repaired. t -
Hearth- and Police Committee
Asked to let Buitdkif Stand . '
'Si' m P?flanc of fire laws. .
A strong effort waa made thla morn
ing to Induce ths health, and police com
mittee ot the council to recommend that
Friedman Brothers be' allowed to main
tain the building at Twelfth and Everett
streets ss It is, notwithstanding the pro
test of Building Inspector Spencer, who
deolared It waa a simple violation of
the building ordinance agalnat frame
buildings Inside the fire limits. ' A per
mit had been taken out for a shed, but
a frame building had been' erected.
City Attorney McNary told the com
mittee that If the council gave ' Fried
man Bros, the right' to violate the laws
with vlmpunlty all -the building- ordl
nanoee would - be uaeless and could - be
violated - with ' the understanding that
ths council wonld afterward 4 aanetlon
ths violation.' " " '' -Finally
the committee adjourned until
Wednesday morning;, Ths committee
evidently, wanted to let the of fenders
down eaay. The dry attorney and build
ing Inspector, however, ateod firmly for
observance of the law. . ' -, ,,.
mil 1 nroTDnv nun a
HILL UCOinUI bUDH ' ' . 7
., y-' (jamml Spadal Service.) -T-'
Havana, Sept, 14. Tha aailora went
back to tha Denver thla morning. ' They
could land In ' 10 minutes, however.
Twenty-five thousand, rebels are. under
arms. -The cry of the populace' la for
Immediate Intervention.
. Deeplte the denial, it la known that
property la being deetroyed. Interven
tion will do little good after the laland
Is a mass of ruins. , - ' ,:'
The general view of Havana eittsene
Is that only the appearanoe of an Amer
ican army can prevent the devastation
of. tba laland..' ' :","
" Harrison Allen, dlstrlot attorney, for
Clatsop county and at present oounsel
for Oregon In the boundary dispute be
tween Oregon and Waahlngton, rsllshss
a story even If It la on his own home.
' '. . llllPA.ii . Ma-aaavew aaa .''v.1'." 'J " i'it:
'.' . , sAMCO U., D LAI PI C III, .i. '. , ( . T,
I'll I B I .
1 '
i i
j .
i j.
njl , , I
iy :
Jamas O. Blaine III, grandson N of the dead statesman, haa Juat made
hla metropolitan, debut aa a financier.' For ths psst month hs has been em
ployed as aolerk In tha Day and Night bank on Fifth avenue. Report haa It
.that his salary Is fl a week, and that ha la pot in love with' ths job,, Hs
wants to go into politics. He doesn't want to He a J. .Flerpont Morgan. ' He
worahtpa the memory of his distinguished ' grandfather, and vould rathef bo
a umica L.vai nnaiur maiai ournar ins iniraed nt (a world. . Jam OS II
Blaine Ill's mother Is ths wife of Dr. William T. 'Bull. The divorce that
years aso separated his parents attracted International ' attention. James O
Blaine. Jr., the senator's only. surviving son, married the daughter of Colonial
Richard Nevlns of Ohio. After the birth of James a, Blaine IIL the aauni.
tUaa&retd god fiarted, lAtet; Krs, Blaine pirU4 W, Snl-. ....
i (
become noisy. -.
tho commission, ths members were pre-
nmrinm a m nut when it sommaneed
raining. The rain recalled the story of
tho district attorney and heolalma that
It was told to him by a disgruntled sol
dier returning front Fort Canby. -
"X man could bury himself In Astoria
and . Ilwace for life," aald the eoiaisr.
"Why, "It le a living death. It ralne ao
much In thoae place that a man haa to
wear rubber boots, a sou'wester, a rub-'
bar coat In addition he must aarry
from -drowning while standing up."
.(speeiai inspsiasi n imm
Astoria, Or, Sept II. The British
steamer Ovmeric put la here this morn
ing to replenish her bunker,, her eoal .
the coast from Saa Franoleoe. . The
steamer left the Bay City several days
ago with what waa thought enough eoal
to take her to rugat souno, pn m tr
.... waa encountered and little
progress vat maae... in. "T'" '
ooel before going to Puget sound te load
lumber for Anstraim. - - ..-.';''. V
1 - .J r ,.: - .
rSperlal Dtssetea te Tae fsaisai ,
Waahlngton. D. C, Sept. 14. The
treasury department reoelved Informa
tion late tnis siiarnvna
Hamlet. ooromandlntiha ThsUa. that
Captain H. H. Bodfish of the whaler
wuiiam aMioa v -
sachusstts, had been held ror tae grana
1urv at Nome for kicking In the head.
in- . iBBntr and. later tne
death, of Ed Legere, a boat ateerer. The
crime wee oommitteo. wnue we wnau.r
waa coaUng at Imtch Harbor, August
li. ... . -'- ' s.-!,-' -
etjri einll InnlPn'
X" ,y rUUn rAnM iviAnnicu
The marriage of XX XX Jaokson. su
perintendent of the oounty poor farm,
and Mra. Hayea of this city, whloh eo- ',
eurred aaturaay, seouu anown wo7.
Ths oeremoay waa performed at the ',
oourt house laat Saturday . by Oounty
Judge Webeter. The affair waa kept a
profound aecret ' ...
. tf ye aavs not answered nt gov
aal want Ada lately yea haws
out ef Boaeh wtth- enlace, ' -