The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 14, 1906, Page 17, Image 17

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With Internal Combustion' En
gins CIxty-Foot Craft Attains
Twenty-Four Knots.
Twenty of Them Could Be Built
: for 6m Price That One Destroyer
Now Coats Will Revolutionize
i Mosquito Warfare. -v: r
. (Copyrlctt la tlx United Btetee and Oreet
Britain by isnia Brows. AU siiota strictly
, Beeerred.) " 1
' London. Sept . The piotor engine
ha again triumphed ovarithe - itun
engine. Mhiii. Yarrow Ave of Pop.
' lax, wht hava probably built more torpedo-boats
end destroyers than any
other' Arm In the world, have now
turned out a motor torpedo-boat which
ha amply demonstrated her overwhelm
Ins; superiority tor the deadly work for
which she is designed-1 all steam
: driven craft of the sams class. After
being subjected to exhaustive trials she
has been purchased by the admiralty
and ere long a large number of them
, will probably be added to the British
navy. , . , - -
" By the king's request the novel eraft,
. was -sent to Cowes during the regatta
week thai he might Judge for bimsslf
the capacity, of the boat, which. It Is
predicted. Is destined te work a revolu
tion la mosquito warfare. After watch
-tng with delight the amasing speed and
ease with . which she maneuvered
through the fleet, he took a trip en
'board of - her, accompanied - by the
queen, the Prince of Wale ths king
and queen of Spain and ' Admiral Sir
"Jackie" Fisher, . the man who really
runs the British navy.-
- Ths boat la feet by t feet beam,
is provided with three propellers and
has a speed when loaded with three
tons (an ample allowance for wsight
of torpedoes and fuel) of 14 - knots. A
torpedo-boat of . similar -dimensions.
. drlvsn by steam and carrying the same
, load, could only attain IS knots. Ths
radius of action of ths former is SOS
miles for one toe of fuel, while that of
. the latter is only CO miles. To any one
who bss the faintest conception of ths
- requirements of torpedo warfare) these
figures will Indicate that the steam
torpedo-boat simply Isn't la it" with
. the motor torpedo-boat . She welghe
only eight tons, while the steam craft
weighs twelve. Her Internal combus-
. tlon engines demand a crew of only
two hands below decks. She has no
funnels belching forth flams and smoke
when going at top speed to betray her
presence to the enemy. Every point of
comparison Is In her favor. Her com
paratively light weight and small else
make It possible to transport such ves
sels rrora one eoast to another by rail.
"r They ceuld be carried overland across
hreatkBiitsla la much less time than
it would take to go around the Island
should the necessities of warefare de
mand, their concentration. v-..-...
Her general appearance as she lies on
ths watsr is distinctly striking. Her
sheer line has a bold sweep culminating
in a nign diuii cow. ; Her draught loaded
la only IS inches. :',.
' Heavy, Impure blood makes a muddy,
pimply complexions, headaches, nausea.
Indigestion. Thin blood makes - you
-weak, pale, slcklv. Burdock Blood Bit
ters makes the blood rich, red, pure
rwt"re prTTPC-r nairn.
Didn't Hurt a Bit
coiro or
We have moved to US Wash
ington strict, corner of I Sixth,
; where we have fitted up Ave rooms ,
' with the latest and most modern
appliances for doing dental work. .
Ton don't have to -waits. Tea.
don't have to suffer. , And now, to
msks It an, object for you to visit
our new quarters, we era making'
you the following special 'prices .
for all this month. Remember,
this Is for the very finest dental
work that money can buy.. ;
fine Set Teeth, warranted
to fit or no pay. .; .$5.00 ;
Flexible Flesh-Colored : v
Plates V.........f 10.00
22-K. Gold Crowna. .f3.50
2K. Bridge Work. . $3.50
Porcelain Crown ..".93.50
Filling . V'.'I.-. .60ft
A It-year protective 'guarantee
with all work Coma and take ad
vantage of our Fall reduction
Save your teeth and your money.
Open evenings and Sunders,
..-.." - t
r "
British Motor
Young Lady Mad a Practice of
Becoming Engaged for ;
' v : i v . . . Jewels. " v, . ,' v .
Laugh .' at - Swaint fat : Court and
'Amuse Crowd by Reading- Ex
tract From Tender Missive Sent
- (Heent Ntwe Servles.)
- Hew York, Sept 14. The love affairs
of Helen Abraham eon. of 1SS1 Fifth ave
nue, formed the oentral strain of a day's
amusement In the Tombs polios court
yestsrday, where Magistrate FineliU
listened to a story . about the young
woman's penchant for getting engaged
. I N
Ty W w
Helen Abrabamsoa.
to young men to their pecuniary loss.
It was another ease of "I want thoss
presents back," and Miss Abrahamson
seemed intensely amused at what the
wltnessss said about her, --- -
In fact, shs laughed -loudly several
times, and produced a letter written by
her latest fiance several days ago
after hs had obtained a summons for
her in - which he told how much he
was In love with hsr still, and offered
to stop ths prosecution II she would
again be hie ewsetheart.
Max Meadlowitav a well-to-do man of
Houston,' Texas, was ths complainant.
He told how shs got him to buy .1704
worth of Jewelry for her. - He was a
trine mors blunt about hi charaotor-
Isatlon of ths transaction and charged
her with swindling. He said he msl
her three yesrs ago. and In less ths
a wsek became engaged to her. Within
another week, he said, she wanted some
jewelry and he suggested waiting a
while. ... .
"Finally shs importuned me so much
that I took ' her down to ths Bowsrr
and boaght hsr diamond earrings, a ring
and a pin,, worth in all 1700. . Also 1
boaght hsr a suit, hat, shoes, and every
thing that a lady should have." said
Mesdlewlts. - . ..v ;" ..." -
The man said he 'then thought the
wedding ought to take place, bat Mies
ADrsnsmson a id n't ssem so keen on the
subject, and they had a disagreement
When he talked love shs talked dia
monds, and he felt very much disturbed.
rou have nlentv of monev. . whv
don't you put half of it In my aamer
was ths unexpected suggestion he next
received from the young women, so he
said, and -when they discussed actual
figures she seemed to think she should
have about 116,000.
Continuing, , Meadlowits told how
shoeked he ws while talking with e
friend named Strauss . at ths Raleigh
hotel, where he wss living, to hesr that
Strauss had also sees engaged to Miss
Abrahamson. . .
"Ho also told me that Joseph San.
wsln of this city had been sngsged to
her,', said, ths witness: "Strauss said
he had given up some diamonds, and In
return was classified as a sucker' bv
Miss Abrahamson's father." "
Nothing daunted. Mies Abrahamsan
took the stand In her Own behalf and
when she wasn't smiling shs wa direct.
mg withering glances of scorn at the
accusing men. Miss Abrahamson con
tributed further to the amusement of
tnoss in court, by reading some of her!
former fiance's ardent love letters, In
cluding the one of recent date. The
csas was continued. . r
Aaetket Brisk Shipment. v: .
(StMvlal Dlapetr ts Tie oraaL)
Wsston, Or., 6ent. 14. The second
order of 100, 00 brick for the tlOO.SOO
snnatortum at Hot Lake, in Union
county, has been sent out from the
Weston brickyards. Msny brick ars:
tow being shipped out la aU directions,
r' -
Torpedo Boat
Distinguished Kentucklan, While
' Supporting Bryan DoeaNot
;. Favor Hia Program. ;
(Joernal poeUl ImVt l
Louisville, Ky.. Sept. 14. Henry Wat
terson, In today's Courior-Journal
takes issue with Bryan over government
Ownership of railroad and pledge him
self to do all In hi power to not only
whip , Bryan into line, bat to prevent
the adoption of such a plank in the
Democratic platform In 110. Mr. Wat
terson says: '. I '
'It la greatly to be regretted that
Mr. Bryan could not have seen his way
to taking the political situation as It Is
and dealing with It upon existing lines.
which ars . sufficiently distinct; that
Instead he should havs felt himself
impelled to break -i substantially nsw
ground In ths proposed government
ownership of ths railways; but every
publlo man has his limitations,.' each la
answerable - to - bis -eoneolenoe, - and - in
any event and in the end. Mr. 'Bryan la
likely to be Judged rather by ma char
acter than his opinions. It is his per
sonality which attracts ths people. It
is ths absenos of reserve which makes
him Interesting. . .
"He Is already as good as the Demo
cratic nominee for JS08. Long before
the assembling of ths National conven
tlon he will be named by the several
statss. . , - -;' - :
"Nearly two years lie before us. The
question is too big for quibbling, it Is
too Important for evasion, and it la too
organic for Democrats to 1 wander fat
from base. - We shall Oiscuss it with
perfect candor, with exhaustive research
and without the least acrimony.
Pile Driver Slips and Falls Upon
Unfortunate Employe
: ; , v of RaJIrold?
' " (SiwrUI Dtwatek te Tee JenraaLl
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 14. A terrible
accident occurred on the north bank
railroad- yesterday afternoon about 4
o'clock., one mile west of Lyle. In
moving ths plledrlver down an incline
the stays slipped, throwing It complete
ly over, v The engineer, whose name was
Williams, Jumped, but' wss caught by
ths machinery and scalded in a fearful
manner. - Four other, who were work'
ing on -tne piieonver, were badly in
jured. ; .
' They were brought -to The Dense
hospital lsst evening,' and everything
done possible to alleviate their suffer
ing. .
' Mr, Williams died soon after arriving.
and will be burled in The Dalles ceme
tery. He ha relatives in the east, and
they will be informed of the tragedy.
It la statsd by some persons that the
accident could have been averted by at
taching guy ropes te the plledrlver, so
as to make It impossible , for It to
sup. j v , .:,v'v :-.
rrenoh Vewspaper First.
The credit of publishing the first
regular newspaper belongs to - France.
This paper, which was called the Cas
sette or France, was foundsd in ISIS,
in the reign of Louie XIIL by Theo
phraetus Renaudot. - . . .
in England the first newspaper was
published In lltl by Nathaniel Butter.
The name of the sheet is uncertain. In
list the first Dutch paper was printed.
It contained two email folio pages of
news, in ths Imperial library at Bt.
Petersburg are two copies of the first
Russian newspaper, which havs the dsts
of 17 OS. Thsre are also aome proofs of
tm same paper on which are corrections
written In ths hand of Pster ths Greet.
This monarch took great Interest in the
paper and personally superintended Its
editorial composition.
Ths first paper established In North
Amerloa was the Boston Newe-Letter,
wnicn nrsi was issued Aprl 14. 1704.
Thjs paper was printed on a sheet 11
Inx5bee by eight and container two col
umns of news. It survived until 1T7S.
It advocated ths cause of the British
government at the outbreak of the
Rsvolution. ,,
Take a Kyomat Treatment Four Times
'Say and Be thued, ,
Hyomsl hss performed almoet mtraen
lous eurss and is today recognised by
leading members of ths medlosl profes
sion ss the only edvertlsed remedy for
this disease thst can bs relied upon to
dn Just whst It clslrn'sV-
Until reosntly your physician would
havs said the only way to'eure catarrh
would be to havs a change of climate,
but now with Hyomet yon can carry
a health-giving climate in your vest
pocket and by breathing It a few min
utes four times a day, sure yourself.
The Hyomet treatment is simple and
assy to uss. It destroys all catarrh
germs In the ajr passages and snrlches
snd purifies the blood with osons.
Whsn using Hyomel the air yon breaths
will seem like that on the mountains,
high above the sea level.
A complete Hyomel outfit costs ' hut
11.00, extra bottles, tOe.' If It does not
give satisfaction. Woods rd, Clsrks Co.
will refund your money. Too run no
risk whatever In , taking this reliable
treaUneat, '
Copper? Matte. From Southern
Oregon Is Now Being Shipped,
"to Tacoma Plant.
. r
Many Mines Are Not Operating Be
cause of Great Expense of Shipping
but Could Afford to Send Ore
'. Her'.. - '
(Special DUpatch te The JoaraaL)
Grants Pass, Or., Sept. 14. There is
greater activity in .the copper mines of
Josephine county this year than haa
ever been known. ' Numerous properties
have recently been exchanged, many
others are under development, and sev
eral of the larger Onea are being oper
ated. The big smelter of the Takllma
Smelting company at Takllma, on the
Waldo copper mines, is operating night
and day, and scores of teams are en the
road between thla city and the smelter,
hauling out matte, and hauling In coke.
Captain Mclntyrs, with his . train of
mule teams. Is doing all of the freight
ing for the Takllma company, over the
46 miles of mountain road between
Grants Pass and Takllma, He is haul-.
Ing la four carloads of eoke every week,
and hi teams return loaded with matte.
Regular shipments of from two to four
cars of pure copper matte ars being
made from here each week from the
Takllma, smelter alone. . Besldss this,
considerable crude ore 1 being shipped
from the mines for reduction, The
matte Is all shipped to Taeoma for re
fining, but the greater part ef the ore
goee to the Smelter at Selby. California.
' Fortlaa Meed Bmelte. :
.. Were there a smelter in Portland, all
of this mstts would bs shipped there for
refining. Instead of Taeoma, thus re
serving the oredlt of the output for
Oregon. The ore would also be shipped
there In preference te the longer haul
to Selby. Several copper mlnea that are
not now shipping, because of the great
expense of transportation to Tacoma or
Selby, would be able to ship with profit
to Portland. "rr" '' "f :
... The 'Takllma , smelter was late ia
starting thla aummsr because of the
inability of ths . company to secure
teams to haul In coke. Captain Mo
Intyra was employed In Klamath with
hi freight train,' and was not able to
bring them here till the first of Sep
tember; however, an effort will be mads
to get enough coka on tre ground to keep
the smsltsr In operation till December,
and if ths roads wlU not allow of haul
ing, the matt will be stacked on ths
ground and left , till nsxt spring for
removal. . - ; ,
- . . Takllma ' Booming. ;
The stactlng op ' of ths smelter has
created a lively boom at Takllma, the
new mining camp that haa sprung - up
sround ths plant. ' Besides the men of
the day and night crews, with thslr
femtllem there .are many other mining
men-and mine owners located there de
veloping properties, and getting- them
in line for operation. - It is believed that
another and . larger' smelter will be
erected on the Waldo mines before long
to do general custom work and take
care, ef . the ore from the Queen of
Bronse, the richest and best dsveloped
of the several mines of the group owned
by the Takllma Smelting oompaay. The
Waldo Smelting at Mining company also
owns and I developing a number of
properties In Waldo, among them, being
the Cowboy and iytisu. ..
-16,000,000 DAMAGES
t ; ' . v - ' ' '
United Fruit Company
cused of Violations of " .
V 8hrman Law. r
(Josraal laedal Serrlee.l
New York. Sept. 14. A eult Insti
tuted against the United Fruit com
pany demands damages In the stupend
ous amount of SI.S04.000. The plaintiff
la the American Banana company of
Mobile, Alabama, which charges that
Its larger rival has violated the Sher
man antl- trust law and prevented it
from engaging in the fruit trade aa a
competitor of the defendant company.
The pspers In the ease were filed In the
united btates circuit court.
The United Vrnlt company ia a New
Jersey corporation, with its - principal
offices In Boston. It practically con
trols ths tropical fruit business In the
United Btates, owns enormous planta
tions in Cuba, Costa Rica, Panama and
Jamaica, and operates several lines of
steamers running to the' tropica. Its
president la Andrew W Preeton. .
(Bpeetal Dispetet te The feuraal.)
Hood River, Or Sept 14. Ildlewilde
todg Of Odd Fellows dedicated its new
I1S.00S building and lodge hall here
last evening. Delegations wars present
from The Dalles, Mosier, Cascade Locka,
Whits Salmon aad Ode 11. and also msny
members of the Daughters of Rebekah
and invited guest. The dedication cere
mony wae conducted by the officer of
the lodge and Grand Warden HoaUttler
aad Grand Treasursr Doan 'of . The
Dalles, who are offlosre ef the etate
lodge. . - - : .,.
Th ceremony wae Impressive end
after it was concluded membero of the
visiting lodges were served with a sup
per at the Mount Hood hotel. Later
In the evening a big lodge meeting wae
h41d, at which eevrral of the degreee
were worked and the visiting members
afterward entertained.
... ... - -r -. sjggoasst -
AB9CE88K8. with fsw exoeptlons. are
Indicative of constipation or debility.
W. H. Harrleon. Cleveland, Miss,
writes, Aug. 46, ltOIi "I wsnt to say
a word of praise for Ballard's Snow
Liniment. I steppev--a nan. wnich
caused the eorde In my leg to con
tract and an abscees to rlss Ire my
knee, and the doctor told me that I
would have a stir leg. so ons dev I
wsnt to 1. T. Lords drug store (who
Is now in Denver, Col.). 'He recom
mended a bottle of Snow Liniment; I
ot a Boo sue, ana it carta oy leg.
t Is the best liniment In the world.
Sold by Woodard. Clarke Co.
-e i -,'
T7t? -mini?.
V e-W s W.SW
. T-:2N.F0R
- we una man j -wrmm .uu...... -
i, .f nm.(nr.i old. with loss of msmory. no
, energy, whoss
ments of soms contrsctsa aieeaee wurca K
treated. The-x!sses of simple Infection soon dsvelop into deep-seated and
Chronic debllltv, which soon pass beyong the reach f ' medical aid unless
properly treatod. We Oare tale Class of Cases,, STo T allure.
Msny men whose esses were slmpls in the beginnfhg wers "ft able to
pay the exorbitant fees oharged by many apeoUllet oa Men e JJi
who went to epeclallets who were not ouallfted to diagnose and properly
trest theee private dleeaeee of men. from lack of knowledge and proper
onice equipment. The X-Ray-Ststtc, Microscope, etc, are all nry of
Bce equipments that every up-to-date specialist must have In i hla offlcs In
order to make diagnosis of sach snd svery ceee and foi proper Ueetmenl or
dia.aae. We have all theee Baulpmoats In Oas Otto .,t?r,T!
undertake a ceee lust what treatment Is neceesary to restore ths patient to
health. Za this way w do sot fall. , Ws cure our patients. . r
DLOOD POISON .: Vi'-;-i:;''
Is ths most dreadful, dangerous apd deetruetive dleeess known. This
dlseass not only unfits you for your work and duties, but makes man
unlit for marriage,: for, holding responsible positions. Whsn his retem
becomes inoculated with the germ the whole body undergoes a Changs of
deoomposltloa and not only results In a dieflgureroent of the body, but also
of the man. This dlsssse can be cured. We have received the everlasting
f ratltude of those whom we have oured , and who show their apprecla
lon by sending us other cases. ,'
Loss of energy, will power, lack ef eoneentration of thought, loss el
memory, which weekens your sntirs System, mental as well as physical.
This lowered vitality of the nervoue and physical ecndltlon Is Strength
ned so that in a abort time you will have your original strength and bs
yourself again. ' - A
rt will mot cost roa aavthina to eall at en efflo. aad by so dotaa tt aaay
are yon moeb time, worry and money,
wlU honewUy and frankly teU yea aw, and you will not ho under any nnan
cial obligation to us. . , , . , i- r- . ... -
" Write for ymptonr blaak tf yo esaaot eell.
' Mourn a. m. to I p. m. Evenings, T:S9 to 1:10. Sundays, t a. m, to
It noon.; ' . '
SL Louis
Wer Make
of th punteet, weakest specimens of
manhood. Ws cars not how long thsy
have suffered, nor who hs failed to
cure them. This le not Idle boast, for
we have done it for thousands, and
many of them hsd spent hundreds of
dollars without obtaining relief before
coming to us ss a last resort.
z.oor roxsojr -
Ws treat with unrivaled suecess Blood
Poison (Syp'TTTlls) In all atagea. Suf
ferers from this fearful disease should
-coneult us at onoe.
A thorough course of treatment for
all heee aailctlona. In this far-famed-Institution,
will Insure robust health,
physical strength, mental power, manly
vigor and all thoee virtues and attri
butes that combine to make splendid
manhood. Ws have cured hundred e of
theee cases that were considered hope
' less, and will guarantee to cure yoa.
- . . ... - wAKCotoaxji
Cured without the us of the knife
of treatment peculiar to ourselves.
James Breen of Spokane Buy
Famous Hoetelry and World'a
' Largest Natatorium.
(Bperial Dispatch to The Joanst)
Helen. Mont, Sept. 14. The Broad'
water hotel and natatorium were sold
today by the Broadwater estate to
Jama Breen of Spokane, the consider
tlon not being made publlo, but It le
understood to have been more than
1109.000. The natatorium la the largest
Inclosed awlmmlng pool ,n the world
and the hotel which adjoins It le one
or the finest In the west, most plctur
esquely situated In the eastern slop of
the Rocky mountains. t
Breen-announces that the hotel, which
haa been closed since the death ef
Colonel Broadwater, and which cost,
with the pstatoriam, several hundred
thousand dollars, will be kept open ths
year round hereafter beginning January
X, ' next. Breen is psrt owner of the
Hotel Spokane in Spokane, and the Hotel
Taooma In Tacoma. He stated that he
would thoroughly advertiae the medical
propertlea of the hot spring which feed
the natatorium. .
" , for :me million
Great Consumption of Stewed Stand-
by of Boarding-HoQses.
Whsn ons thinks of all the boarding-
house breakfasts in the country It ts not
urnrtalna- that mors than lSO.SSS.eOS
pounds of prunes are eatsa yearly In the
Unitsd States. '
. Prior to list the eupply came almost
wholly from France and the Danublan
provinces and sold under the designa
tion of Frsnch and Turkish prunes.
In" that year prunss ef Americas
growth appeared on the market , and
with each succeeding year the supply
ha increased, until the Importation of
foreign fruit hss been reduced to ex
tremely omsll proportions.
According to Whst-to-Kat moat ef our
prune supply I from the southern psrt
rttrmlm Tn Hants Clara count
alone there are S.TOe.OOe treee growing
en ST.0SS acres, 100 to the acre. The
quality of prunes raised there exceeds
1 10.000.OOS pounds more than enough
for the requirements of the whole coun
try, but th excess Is needed te eupply
the export demand. -'-...
In September the fruit ripens and ts
gathered by spreading sheets under (he
trees and snsaing tns orsncnes. j ne
green fruit Is tsken to the wsrebouse.
- era u ia graded la slat aa4 Aaseed,
srzw tTxrnsji -
psrmanantly cured without cutting or dilating by an absolutsty nstnleds
procedure, whoh dlesolveo every obstruction la ten days, leaving the
organs ia A perfectly normal cmOltiOU . ,
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured
at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 -
If unsbls to call, write, giving eymptome I ' full. - Treatment by man
successful Consultation free and strictly confidential. -
Offlo hours a. aa. to s aa..aad . as. Baaday aad koaV
days, 1 to IS. . m ; . ' v T---- r - r-
Dr. W. Norton Davist&Co.
Offloes in VAN NOT HOTKL, lH THIRD ST. Cor. Pine, Portland. Or.
INo Pay Unlesa Cured
Ws ease Skin pise, Blood Foisen, Yetteoeelo.
trloteure, STervoas Xkeollse, Weekseee, aoaorrkoea and
Ila see of the Kidneys, ladde aad Fiwstate ftiaaAs.
Our. Fee Is Only $12.50
For any uncomplicated cae 1 '
. ,. r4. mmi with '. IamI
cases In the beginning wers simple all-
aad beoaasw if we oaaaot emre yoa we
sjtbbbts, roBTXJuro, omaaov.
Strong Men
asts xtsboi
and without pain, by a new syste;
Keo!ator Line Stepcn
QATZERT" makes round trip to CAS
CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving
PORTLAND at I a. m returning, ar
rives t p. m.
Dally service between Portland and
The Dalles exeept Sunday, leaving Pert
land at f a. m arriving about S p. as
earrylag freight and paseeagers. Splea
dld aoootaaodatlon . for eutflte aad
Doek foot of Alder street. Portland:
foot ef Court etreet. The Dallea. Phono
Mala tit, Portland.
V" Pastest oa the aUvas : .
Ths only Steamboat making a reaad trip
. . BAIX,T
' Hxcept Sunday Between
. .. ajtb wat room . .
Leave Portland ..........T:e a.' m.
Arrive Astoria ...:s so
Lee ve Aetoria.,,.. 1:1 p. as.
Arrive Portland. ............ .:SS&. as.
Vcstlaad kaadteg, Aids Street Desk.
. Astoria Tiaadlsg, OaUsnde Bee a.
. Bt SCOTT. Agent. Phono Mala SSI.
S. S. F. A. Kllburn
PsrtOeae Bay
Xt 81118 fresi Pertlasd Tsnrssar, Asgeet St
Meat ealll eg tresi .Sea rraacSMe, There, Best.
' ' r. u auiRocsa. ,
seeswleh Peek He. A rioae Slals Ui. ,
through a boiling hot liquid. In which
process it Is clesned and the outer akin
sortened. It is thsn spread out In trsys
I . feet by S ' feet in else snd exposed
to ths bt Of ths sun for three to
eight days, depending, upon weather
condition . .
Ten thousand trays ef fruit Spread
out. In ene unbroken tract may be seeo
In Santa Clara In the drain seeaon.
When sufficiently cured the prunes are
storedtln seperate bins snd there al
lowed to sweat, this process taking
rrom to is asya. wnea they axe ready
for marketing. ...
' - ' i
BTo Use Trytag. ,
Csptala Alrsklp Whst'a ths mstter.
Jones? Aren't you having a good time?
Jones Nuhl I bought this mar nine
so I could get easy and get a little
rest, but my wife has bought a wire
less telegrsph outfit, snd I might Just
M .wall haia sts eaat home.
tka;::: si.ta;
-'V VOL' 1M !. r-
I ...I a r . .-r - tt t . i
iwt-.r, I.. -1 ... , Uu iff Mi.ii. v, w
hnt tt. ft.,.
Trains to the East Daily 3
Tkimft Pnllaaa atandard and toertft !..
M-eare 4IIr te Oaiaaa. CbUara- npok.noi
tnarlat elplns-ears Sally to iaaaa our.
Thraifh rcllalag ebalRalre- leeaia free) ts
Chl .partialis Special far
tha East via HoBtlBfton. Sly. SiSSast S:00 et
Spakane - Flyar tar gnatre ' '
" ""i"a. wane walla,
l,.btiw - - . . . A .. ...
rnmmm anal i
la Hunttn jtoo, dally S it em T:IS
riiuiM BKii local, for all ,
PDlota itnrHt Blare aad ' '-'
orUaad. ....!T lSas
w,v sotBte. easeectlnr with
. "d North Beach. Siaanae
Baaaale, sab-at. doek. laanc S B. BV. SallT.
!T,."U7i aatsrday. te p. at. ArrKae
shout . earept Soaday.
Sror Daytoa. Onttm City an Taeihtll rre
ata. ateeBMre Rath ead Modo. Aah-at. Sork.
T.? "' sally, except Sunday (watar
SuaoU?. ' .'..' 'Xr, et
-"V k?""". Idaho, aotf way snlats fr-w
Rlparla. W.h., ateaaiere Spokane aa4 lawWk
? T'? 0 e. .. or epos arrlral Trals
.V' iSSL Amv. e .
Ticket Office Third ead Waaalagtoa sts.
' Teljone Marn T12.
. 0. W. StlNOBR. City Ticket Afest.
Wa. afeatOBBAT, Seaeral Paaaasser Aft,
Taloa Depot ; Leave.
overland Cxpreae TraTne
for Beiam. Boaatmrg, Aab
lead, Baeraaaaale, Ofdaa, '
Saa rraaeaMsv Stockton,
Los ABfBiaa, Bl faae, .
Kew Orleaaa aad the east. S.el sal TilS aej
MonlBc train niiaama et
Wood bora dally exeept
Sunday with . tretn for ' -. - - ".-..
hloant Angel, Sllverton, .-,
BrowaavlUe, SprlncTUld,
WenSUng aad Natron.. .7. S:0eei T:M sol
Bncaas - naaatnaar earn-. - ,
te at Wood bora with
Moent Asset and SUvertoa
local 4:ltma 10 S aie
Corrallla aaaaangar........ i00 aaa . M ena
SbeHdas pa aaansar.. ...... t:Mjmr'IHK
roraat Orora paaaansar.,..ll:00 am ll6 SO a.
roreat Oreve paaaencar. ... l:O0 nnt !.00 nai
Dally. 1 1 Daily exeept Baaday. .
ror Dallaa end tntersMdlate pernta dally, T t")
S. at. aad 4:15 p. m. Arrive rnrtlaad
S. a. a oa S:SB p. am.
For tlmf aad ears ef Oooeio eeberbaa tralaS
apply et City Tlrkat Office, er eutlon.
TKkaU to Baaters points and Bnrepet SBW
Japan, Ctitna, Hoaolabi end A a. trail.
City Tlca.t-Offlea aorar Thud sad WaaV
tacton atrMta. Phone Mala Tlx.
City Ticket Acest. Oes. Paaa. Asoat.
' " Laava. ArrtM.
TeUewatene Park-Kasaaa City
St. Loala Opeclal tor UawaalJe. . 1 i
Cvatralla, Olmpla, Oray's .'
Harbor, Boeth Band, Tneeaaa, . '
Seattla,- - Spokane. Lewartoa, - -
...t,. n ri u f . ...
aa, aaaaaa utr. sc. uas
Sad Soatheaat. Sally
S:M pm 4 0 tm
North Coeat Limit, eleerne
Usated. for Tneoaia, Seattle,
Spokane, Batte, Mlnaeapolle,
St. Paai ead the Beat, dally. S:08 pas T: aaa
Paset Bound Llmltad. for'
Claraaaoet. Csehalla, Can-,
tralle, - Taeaans sad Seattle
r. oatir e:SB ntn S:BO naa
Twin City Brpreas fee Taee "
. seettie. seoaane. ateama. .
Bntte. St. Paai. Mlsseapolla.
com. m. Joeanh. Kanaaa
City, Otaaha, St. Lou la, with
ant chanse ef ears. Dtract
aouaai ttoaa for all
aU eoteta Beet '
snliy 11 :et pat i:U pat
and Seetneaet,
'- a
. m i-- . -
1 1 C, Li' S
i Orerhal Tra!ss DiSj
'Xae Ortaartal UUM. tse Inat MM
.... . Bally, P".
Laave. Anire,
Pemaed Bate sakadads .
f ead treat Spokane. j '
it. PaeL
twlatk ted ell paints
tteas ale BaatUe...... re sat f-ee est
11 14 am liMae
1 sad fraas St faef,
Kleaeaaella. Da loth
ead all priata Beat
te Spot aaa 0-tS paa e aw
at Beetkaea tWaaakl Oa.
Baniag treat Saattle tor Jaeas S
Cktoa porta ad alaatla. aenyta H
eaagare aad fealett.
. . . Mhiaeaetn, Ooteker St. !
' S. S. Bakatn, Xovaaahae St.
BrrroB nrtiB baitva
(Japae sun Steaatatitp
S. M. Kaa Mare will eell from
aattle a boat October t for J.ia
aad CktBoae porta, earrylag paaaeaaare
ead frelfht.
Vat tJriraa. rates. Wtb maw a
ttaaja. a., eall ea av addraae
au ntoKSOB, o. . t. a., in -
St VartlawaV Or at an. Vseae ItaJa
Astoria & Columbia
: River Railroad Co.
tt.i ' ' ' ' tasea, '.
Scar Marfan. Belnler. Cletf
kaale, W aatport,! tJlUten. Aa
. , - u. ...,. n. t. I.
Hammond, rrt Stavess, Oaar-
hart rare, aoaaioo .w -l,J- -
Aatorla and Seashore, eipreae .
gaily T;ovaai v w f
IVliaVaXf. s-d P. A.. AatoH.. o
C. A. STSWaST, lomm.relal A-l.
Aldae atrea. faooe Male If 4.
---rx. Irooi -" at a l'
ra anj r.ii'.oae-
.. ' I r 1 !
: ? a s r.t-r r
Sunt, a-,,,.,,
BOB'1 prirT " a p
i a tkt ISA. .. t
Prnm -.(fi at P a. - "
Cr of f -n. ". "'' ' ' .
SaiUaaa O .
at ! . I , r
p, r, i .ia... . t.-. . (
C oct i aOJ" j
in it it graded li