THE ORECON DAILY JOURNAL", FORTLAKD. FRIDAY 1.'. iuaiiiil f UCEt 00 RETIRED LIST 1 1, - ,i Lieutenant - General ' Reaches Age Limit "and Is Succeeded i . by McArthur. ". . L The Market Bnshet. JESSE M. LEE PROMOTED : -( TO BE MAJOR GENERAL Captain J. J. Pershing Jumped Over Sixteen Hundred and Sutty-Six Of- i ficertand Made a Brigadier Can eraL - 'i .f ."s.; " .v- "........' j V. ',. ' (Joorna) Special Borrin ) V Washington, Sept. ' Itv Llutnant. Onuil Henry C. Corbln. who haa th dlHnction f beln th only adjutant- ajeneral of the. United Btatea army te mch tM hlsh trad of lieutenant general, was placed on the retired ,llat ' 1 :. v y :. 1 r ... I t f' ft -4 vi ll si 341 Lieutenant-General jCorbin.' i- today by operation of the - as limit. General Corbln leave the active aervtce after n long and distinguished career, ; Like General Miles he la not a graduate of Weit Point. Ha waa born In Ohio . and-entered the army as a "volunteer, After f be-civil war he passed a satis- factory examination' and waa- accepted aa an orricer in the regular army. From - the administration of Lincoln to- that of Roosevelt he haa alwaya been- very, near 'the person of tha president.' He waa , the "adjutant- at the inaugurations, of Garfield. Cleveland. Harrison and H Klnley. In the war with. Spain much of the work of organising; the "Volunteer army feu upon the shoulders of General '.Corbln, and be. met the duties and re- anonslbiltUe "with an executive abll ltyHhat commanded admiration and praise. - It is not too much to amy that he had more to do- with the 'detailed work of molding the army - Into form than any"- other officer of the govern merit, and he waa one of the most Influ ential advisers of President McKlnley. - The retirement of General Corbln re- , suits In tha promotion of Major-General Arthur afscArthur, one of the most jwpumr viiiuvrs in me army, to ID grade - of -lieutenant-general . The va ranoy in tha list of major-generals la rilled by the promotion of. Brigadier General Jesse M. - Lee. Malor-General A. W. Oreely. late commander of tha .fm ... -ft... 1 . ; . f erred to: Bt Louts to succeed General Corbln in command of the northern di vision.'' ',-r. "; ,., -r 3'Oasatml & Oaraa. ft Captain Jtfhn J. Pershing 1s promoted to be brigadier-general. . General Jesae M., Leo hie ca reer aur a private soldier In the Fifty- ninth induna . volunteer , infantry .la IHL He won his way step by step in the civil war until h was mustered out as a captain la 1M. Ha waa appointed aecnnd Heutenant in the regular army tn 1M In the old establishment pro Inotlona were alow, and ho, waa a eap. tain for tl years,. i . '. ,--. - unnarai j-ee spent many, yeras on KivK&i-r witiw, imriiciiwuni in inaiao eampaJgns. Ha was in the Cuban Phil ippine and Chlaeae ware. Ha la one of the few living soldiers' who participated in the eivll war and three other Amer lean wars since. , .'-.., '. ; ,'. ' r,: General Lee waa In command of rerlment In the- Chinese' campaign In lon, and led the assault when Peking was taken and tha foreign legation re lieved. . Ho waa mad a bngadler-gen-eral in l0i while in command of tb post at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. ,- , srehiag' ymawitsd. ., . v.v' 0'sptaln Pershing la a native of Wis. soarl. He 1 a graduate of tha Vnlvar alty of Chlcaco, aud was appointed a lieutenant in the regular army in June, llix. He was promoted to first lieu tenaot In April. 101, and to captain In March, 1I0S. To enter the regular army from-civil Ufa In 111$ and receive-aa appointment as brigadier-general eight years afterward la an unusual raoord. Captain Pershing la No. lit In the list tit eavatry eaplalna. ' Including Infan ts, artillery, engineer and all Other eeptsina and majoa.-lleutenant-coloael and cwlonela, nla fromoUua, wlii; Jujnn Bvsry year ' the ohortage 1 Oregon ranch ease la becoming more . pro nounced during the winter months. The great increase in consumption or in Impossibility of getting sufficient up- piles causes, the price to go higher and higher every year. Laat year. However, was an exception. Weather conditions during the winter -season of ItOt were so mild all over the country that they will long be remembered by egg men aa the year of their' greatest tlamity. Usually there, la a fairly good profit in tha handling of cold storage eggs, but with laat. winter's, extra mild weather the production through th .winter month broke all records and there waa practically no demand for store te stock at any -prloe. This resulted in the rail ure of several v of th . largest egg handling houses "In the eaet and aawwed thoe atlir intact 'to go rather alow la their storage -operation thl ; season. Storage of aggs In Oregon thl season Is rather.'. light owing to the unusually high price that ruled during April tha montn- ror storing. ai mai time the price went but little below It cents a dosen in tha wholesale market! this being considered too high for success ful storing, k Thl likewise resulted in th smaller operation. Already a num ber of cars of eaatern egga have been brought to thla city on account of th lack of a sufficient amount or local ranch stock. .The movement- begin much earlier than usual owing? to th decreased production her a compared with the demand. During th week the egg market advanced and shows algns of making still further gaina. :.; -r, ' If there' la a shortage in th produc tion of egga In thl section there is a Ilk shortage In th amount of poultry raised. Of lata month th price have been so high in th Portland market on account of decreased supplies that retailer are forced to add several cent pound to th price they generally aalt.- Tnnlr ilnrTeriiT--hav-to-' cure a large par cent of their supplies from the east.. .,,,.;'.::., ' ;- The' hutter market Is again advanced on account of th shortage in supplies. During the week quotation were boost ed I cent a roll and thl seems but th beginning 'of tha rise. - ' Those that Ilka cheese win have to pay mora money ; in th near future, for prices are now getting reaay to ao om climbing. .. Y . . Fresh salmon la again In th market a week ago. Thla is due to th opening7) of the fall-winter season thl week and heavy eatehea. At ' thl .' time j of th year th ateelhead salmon is consid ered the best in the market. It is in much batter shape than th Chinook and for that reason sometimes sells for higher- prlca. . Sugar will cost you about IB cents a sack mpr than a week ago owing to the upward fluctuations 1n the whole sale price during the pat few day. For about flvs montns th two leading reflnerlea of the Pacific coast have been engaged in warfare In order to see which would get th business away from th other. Both companies lost money on every", sack' of sugar they old. It, being estimated " that a full million dollar was lost by each con cern - during th war. Generally th price of sugar on th Paolflo coast la about 60 cent a aack over that in tha east, but Just now it 1 about that aum under thst ruling on th othsr aid of th Kockle. On account of 'th lower price miller are paying for wheat; they mad th Initial price on th new crop flour about . JO cent a barrel under that asked for tha old crop. Thla la x pected. to be tb lowest price flour will ell at during the . present year, vfor already the price of wheat is atartlng on tn upward move. A few retail prlcea for yout Berries -Blackberrlea, 10 per . box; huckleberries, IT Ho pound; strawber rlea, J6o box. ' - V Fruit Bananas, tS dosen; lemons. IS dosen; llraea, 0-dosan; applea, TSo Ofl.tO box; pluraa, 10cI0o basket; plneapplea, 6O40o esch; gooaeberrles, two pounds for JBo; grapea. SsOtOo basket; caaabaa, ,40o each; peachea, fl box.. ... . u.; .'...' Vecetables Egg Plant. 1IH0 pouna: pepper, bell. 11 Ha pouna; peea, laie- nhona. lo nound: string bean, tnree pound for toe; ucumbr. 2o aosen; aummer aquaah. c pound; new Califor nia onions, so pound; rhubarb. Bo pound; - potatoes, ' to pound; . green onlona, 16o dosen bunches; new- carrots. three bunches for 6c; head lettuce, o head; radishes. So a bunch; cauliflower. lOOlSa head: tomatoes. 40uo box; green corn, J 5c dosen; mushrooms, 60o pound', celery, three heeds l6o; sweet potatoes, four pounds for ISc . Fresh Fish HauDuc, io pouna; sal mon. ISttc; aturgeon, lie; striped baae. 10025c; soles, llHOlso; black cod, lie; perch, 10c; flounder. 10c; ahad, HHe; sea trout. 10c; crabs, ifto each; aalmon cheeka. ito dosen; shad roe, l&o pound..;. -f . . - - -J .-'. ...;' Butter ana .xir seat creamery, 0700 per two-poand roll; cooking, 40o roll ; f reeh rench eggs. SO 1 8 doaen. t Poultry Chickens, 2 Oo-pound; duoks. TScOtl.tB " each; aquaba, To pair; aprln a chlcVena, IBo pound. OU BIUAILI Dalles Diamond Flour haa never failed to please. It haa al waya been th standard for family use. Ask Ton Orooer For l.tal officers hi senior In rank. - There are 101 colonels, 117 lleutenant-colonela, 101 majora and 1,071 captains who were appointed ahead ' of Captain Pershing. Captain Pershing la a son-in-law of Sen ator Warren of Wyoming, chairman of the senate committee on military af fair. His service In th ' Philippine won him th approval of th president HARRIS IS DROWNED 17HILE " BJPtCIGG'DHCT" & & - . , r- - I i 1 ' It I '. ,'. ' ..! ..' , ' ) j," Steamer Mattie ' rlover : Qpes v Down in Columbia River-. : . " " . Near Wallula." r (8peHl rMspstrk te The JoeraeL) Walla Walla. Wash., Sept. 14. New of th wrecking of tbe.ateamer Mattie C Hover on an . island above - Wallula lata -Wednesday nlgbt and th drowning of Engineer Col Harris, - yeeterday, while Inspecting th wreck, reached Walla Walla this morning. - Tha steamer wss on th down run from Hover to Wallula at tha time th boat atruck Jh point of th island and the hull waa- badly - shattered. "Th steamer went downIn 10 feet of Water so quickly that Captain Hover and th crew had time barely to launch a boat and get .ore th wreck. Yesterday morning Engineer Hariri rowed to the wreck in a amall skiff. ; In an attempt "to hoist an anchor over board tha point of tha iron caught his clothing . and pulled him ovtr. , The drowning, was witnessed by Captain Hover and th crew, but th men were powerless to assist Harris. A messsge rrom wallula says tb steamer is prob- aoiy a total wrecx. r - - i . s ..' ' JEFFREYS LOSES SUIT - AGAINST OPTION UW - (Bstdal Olapsteh te The leeraal.l " Salem. .Or' Sept 14. In tb suit af Lee Jeffrey against tb county court or Marion county on a petition for lit of review. Judge William Galloway yesterday sustained lI:o motion to quash in writ on tne grouu-is tLst th court haa no ' Jurisdiction over th subject matter of this proceeding or of th defendanta; that th pllatnlff haa no legal capacity to maintain thla suit; that in petition presented doe not state facta sufficient Co constltut a cause of action or invok tn aid of a court af equity.. - -, v ., -., . Lee Jeffrey conducted a saloon at Mill City In th precinct cf Horeb, Marion county, and waa forced t go out of business on account of tha county court ordering prohibition In th said precinct, in accordance with th focal option law. which was sustained In that precinct at the June elect! ja. It Is probable that an appeal will be taken. A- , TMI ; wflooiir, j . - TMV tWtLLrnaa-l fi t' , ' v i (reraMrty rarskrak ,i.-CLESALE AX J RETAIL CCDCE2 tsLugss, ass ThM SC. ear. Jeftereea. j , Big Stan of UtU Prfcaa MIH4HtH4 iHtfVMMMH4 I ". ; i i i i t t 4 i i popular ..PROPLE'S PRICES? nuowat feiox vni aavx tov at on xvxar douaju vautt uabaxtxu BOKiLinid'a ax BAxnrs rovroxs still. Mr lk DkY oaaJtuxATEivairoAa, rxa bacx.m.w WFHTEav pay oaaJiuLATX-o cahx SUQAX. VEX SACK al.M ma. wxstxxji pax sxajtdxatkd oax auoax auoo e pass (doiui eieeaea cerrsats ........ Bkss saw Straws seeded raisins ........soe I lb sew S-erewa kwae Mamtale ......s3a I la eaa BoTti baklna sewdar Oeaa Buekwell'a ellra'oH, 4t MUs,.tM l-IS pks'arm 4 Ha si mar aoda ......... .....Be l-l eaa (asey taMe arraa..... .......... .40 H-al eaa faaer table ajrma. . . . an earaneea wsaai viscvii, a-r pas . ....lue raaey early J ana rasa, par oa. 7l..o It bare Boral gavea ease ...... en. sane eaa i aaroiBea la Hi. ..., .x.'va lb eaa para Kra. ................ .60 -0 Cas pars un , ai la Pleaie Bams (rancr) ear n. 12j H O oau, t-lb pkfs, per pk ;.io, Sbreddrd eaeeasnt, par lb n. Hard-whear tour, pae seek .............. .11 at Betra eata. pas pkg ..........V.iol I T,. .T y " Km vvtia l.apta "ap, par lava A Meek enfree b BOS amla eraekars asiiaa. nraiinjf eaa. sea la ... SPECIAL 100 boxes or Waeeot Laondrr" - soap, loo ears te box, per box.,,., ft. II r nar - . . . . Bert saft-whaet floor, par aaok .....ii'oj tranlar Sak . aa- i"e so PeWaai lee Ttoaadave r ?HOXX HAia so. rrUaja. .., xh Orlglsal Diamond BraaA. ; . . : R H. GUTHRIE; Portland Bep, Slf Ablagton Bldg. , Phone Paclflo 1111. "I CHILD IS CRUSHED V 1 UNDER WAGON WHEEL -. i' I, - .'...".' Pendleton Or, Sept 14. In attempt ing to climb lata n wagon load of wheat late--, yaeterday afternoon-Alva, the -year-old son of Mr. and Mra. Alva Rhode of , thl ilty. was . Instantly killed. . Th wagon' waa driven by James Carroll, who saw th accident and ran to the spot at one. No possible blame Is Uld to tha driver, as tha child, waa attempting, without hi knowledge, to climb upon th moving wagon, and fell In front of the hind wheel, which passed directly across his neck and broke it The parent of, the child are .heart. wi, For Iced Tea USX Deyers Golden West Ceylbri , Tea Peculiarly Reft-eariing. Sealed Packet Only. ; Closset C& Devers . Cooked fresh dally, doz 30 FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS; ' 18e Pound CtAMS, OYSTERiS, CRABS ; Alwajrion .hand - COLUMBIA4 RIVER SALMON J - 10 Pound . Columbia Fish Co. Third and Ankeoy Phone Mala 5 MARKET.. Si QR0 CERY GO. : Phone Main 1412 First and Taylor Streets - V i Portland "Cut-Rate" 5upply Iiousd i Saturday's Bargain Counter HALF GALLON MASON JARS. . . , .85 QUART MASON JARS. C5 PINT MASON TARS . . .7: i ........ : .55 2 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR..'. $1.00 8 CANS OIL SARDINES .-. ......... . .25 2 LBS. CHEESE. ... .... ...4 , . .25. 10-LB SACK YELLOW CORN MEAL 25 -1 SACK LIBERTY BELL-FLOUR.; fl.OO 3 BOTTLES CATSUP. . . .... . . .25 1 PKG. POSTUM... .20 3 CANS ANY KIND SPICES....... ., .25 2 cakes honey. . .25 3 CANS OYSTERS. ..... . .25 3 MACKEREL .' . . . . ... . . . . .... . . . . .25. 2-LB. ROLL FANCY, CREAMER" -: BUTTER ............ .-. 55 FRESH EGGS, do 2 CANS ANY KIND CREAM.. 5 LBS. RICE. .............. i . . 8 BARS MONARCH SOAP.;.; 13 BARS SAVON SOAP....... 10 LBS. ROLLED OATS. ...... 8-LB. BOX SODA CRACKERS. 1 XB. GUNPOWDER TEA. . . . 1 LB. ENGLISH BREAKFAST X LB. JAPAN TEA : . MEATS Choicest Assortment of Meatt in - ; i V Cut Rite Prices Z 5 LBS. COMPOUND LARD..; 10 LBS. COMPOljND LARD., .......25 ..... .15 .......25 25 .......25 .......35 .......25 .:.r.v;20 TEA.. 25 ...... S5. the City at t .......45 ....... 00 I Thce Prices for Saturday Only Special Delivery o All Parts of the City (r mZtJb Of fCSTUNE - . HONEST VALUB i HONEST MEASURE HONEST WEIQHT - & Grocery . aSaat essa ai A. Mil m aa . a' em esajaa .., ' o ' - ; ' ,f Phone EmmtAGO - 4-4r!l UILLIAFlO ATC Phone CmtAK 020CCCIE5 SI lb. Suaar H. ...... ...fl.00 190-lb. Baok Bugar. ......... .f4.T6 7 lb. . Whit' Beaa. .... . . . . ... 35 T lbs. Pink eana...... ........ 2S tO-lb. Back K. P. Tlour......f l.lO te-lb. Back a D. Flour.. ...... .85 10-lb. Back of T. C Meal. 25 19-lb. Baok W. C M1.....K95 S Bottle Catsup.. ..M..25; t BotUe Helna Frenoh Maatard 25 X Bottl Btuffed OUVM........10 1 BotO Mixed Pickle. ...... ..10 IS Bar Baron Boap. ........ .,25 1 lb. O. D. Blended Coff....-..20 1 lb. New Tork Moeha Jar Coffee ..........25 1 lb. B. F. Japan Tea........... 25 MCAT5 lwt market price Bid Baooa. , Lard, Breakfast Bacon, Bait Pork, ' Bausae. . Chickens ... I8c i.-A full atock Prime Katlr MeaC Veal, Pork. Lamb, Mutton. Beef. FISH I lb. Halibut Steak...... 7.25 S lba. Salmon Steak.... 25 FKUITt VEGETADLES ' '. .We Have No Healtatlosi I .jjj la aaylo w oarry tb largest stock of hlab.-olaea fresb fruit en th t alda Call and a. . :'",;;;.;:.-:-: ",,:; Basket Tokay . Orapea. . .80 .-lb. Box Fancy Pruna...,..-.30 10- lba. - Fancy Apples. .... ,....25 Fancy Solid Tomatoea, per lb...5 7 Lara ' Pumpkin. ach.;..'.,...;5 . Fancy Cueumbar, , for, ., . . ...5e Lara Summer 84uaaher.ach."..5, Oren Peppers, per lb.....,..lo Sweet Potato, par lb,-... ...... 5 'Banana,' Lemona, Peachea.......... Carrota, Turnips, Beeta, 4 bunch for .5 11- lb. Box Klberta Peachea for caanlne . . . . . . .. . . . . . .f 1.00 I th plac where they tnak a speola effort te dr-ya- fresh CHICKEN tit dy, or they can (It yon LAMB, VEAU PORK. ' BEEF .or MUTTON, very thlnt- that la food in th meat Una Don't forfet th place. Kindorf Brothers 110 Brand Aye. ' Phoa aVurt 41a. Rainier; Marlcet " Freah meata alway on hand and prtoe -within th reach of alL . . . , Fresh Ranch Eears, doz. . . .SO Best Apples, box .80 Freah Jar Uoney......30 SS SO Freeh Flak rery Wedaeeday-Frlday, , yiasa press a a oaaoaens asoraay, . ant, Mftm aad Chsaas. ' o. uvm; ' 17th and Savier Sts. KaU XL " - - THE: HIGHEST. GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NORTH---, WEST: AT YOUR GROCERS. man iSa.iSf.'.' - tv .' 1.1 a. -MiiS. -- - ttmmmtw rxzax bajtox acM....,.......80 Egr. dosen i . .2S Best Creamery Butter,... 55 and Oe Dairy Butter ......... 40 and 46 Ben Bugar -urea nam .......17 Breakfaat Bacon .............. ...17 Full Cream Cheese, lb.....,.;,..,.lBat Swiss Chees, lb., .....t .2Kat wream orica, idi. ........ ,.t ..... .,KO Umburcer Cheese, each.... 35 saiuraay unicaen unj. . vnicaen. is and 18 lb. All . food retailed , at wholeaal price. LA OR AN DB CREAMERY 4 T1KHU ITB11T. F.IEATS Company GROCERIES 349 AND 351 OAK ST. 848 AND 350 ANKENY ST. y If you want the best quality of Meats and Groceries at the lowest prices go to Fellows on Oak street, near Seventh. Vou can save 20 per cent by buying from us. Best Creamery Batter, per roll 55c Scotch Oats, pkg. ....... 10 Toasted Corn' Flakes, 2. .25 Eagle Milk, cah..VtvtV..15 10' cans Star Cream ...... 50 12 bars Laundry Soap. ...25 1 lb. Gloss Starch. . . . . . . . .5 1 pkg. Corn Starch....... .5 Can Baker's Cocoa....... 20 8-lb. can Soup. ... ..... , .10 3-lb. pkg. Soda Crackers. .20 1 lb. M. & J. Coffee.. . . . .25 1 lb. Good Tea...... 25 Rose City Honr, the very best . . $1.15 100-lb. sack Dry Granulated Snflar; . $5.05 1', 'T"" J!i ' Oysters; Fish, Shcllnsh and . Poultry ell we handle. We tnak a specialty Cf th above roods. Call on u for your Supplies. W. guarantee entire satisfac tion In price and quality. , G. Covach D Col nMiuMM. S7snmsv win N CEYLON TEAS. DIRECT FROM TUB GARDBMS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest Tea to Buy 'ill pt V One Pound ; Equals Three No. t Ceylon and India 1-lb. can. T5. No. and 1, t lb... 65 Nft 1 Ceylon and India H-lb. can. 40. ( Na la and t, M lb.. .35 - ; SOLD BY ALL GROCERS i SPECIAL M ' f,C3D Haras at . . I2Ic !Plk-fff12ictol5c" St site r Market : '. 221 First Street ' ; Cor. Salmon r Phone Main 1657 " y. - - ' ' ; :i, ,K " '. ..." !. That yo will taw yoax n t aaoaey in yeu voekea. "pay. ar aleaa aad par wlthoat adnlaerattoaa of any sort. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT COMPANY asa Aids St, hetweeai lat and Sd Sta. PIOMTINQ THB BBBP TRUST- Rollad roast beef .... 10 Blrlotn steah V12H Tenderloin steak . 12H Prima rib ateak ...............12H Round steak ...................... loi Shoulder ateak '....8 Beat pot roast .................... .Set Boll beef ,..S Beef stew . ............. ......... ..6 Corn beef ....... ......... t ....... .6 Short rib beef .......... ..........B Lan roast mutton' ........;.... ,.8 Mutton for stew ...... .:...........& W will civ still lower price to who us quantities, th Port of Portland Loin roaet mutton 13H . Loin i mutton ehops . 12 Vi Shoulder mutton ehops .......... .10 Lean roast real ...... ...10 Breast Teal ....10, Veal tw . ......,.'.-..,... ..a . 8 Hamburc ateak ...... ...... .10 ' Pork aausaa 10 Prankfurtars .......10 ' Lea pork i, ,...! 2 Vi Breakfaat baeon . i .. 1TH Pure lard. I lb. .60 -Prim rib roast beef. ......... ..lai rvsia-uranis, . ooarainr-nouse ' ana all included. . - , -. A. H. Willett Co. -Wholesale, and Retail Orocers "THE HOUSK OF QUALITY" teKEMBER CUR HIOTTO t PEO'.PTKESS A'D OUAUTY , The economical buvera are alwavs lookinc for th htaf anA wViara. they can get prompt service. Ve aim to meet; all these require ments, and more, by selling at the very lowest figure. We are here" to stay. See us for your next supply of groceries. . ' ; ' 128 GRAND AVENUB:.p NEAR EAST MORRISON v PHONE EAST 283 P? - Towhsend & Van Schoonhoven ;-" ; , .' WhSleaals and Retail Grocers " ..... : . i47 PJR3T 8TR EOT ndy en prloe then yon will see why oar taad ha laoreased. Oar food ar o tke hlfheat nallty and we ohaUea-e a omparlso with th ftnaat that eaa b found fat any star. . . Fancy Creamery Eutter.,55c & (Oc Oregon Rinch Eggs, dozen :30c We ct our eta from th farmer, but4 ter from the oreamerles no middleman, Cross Blackwall Lucca oil, qt...05 Cross A Blackwell chow, pint.. .20 H. O. Oat 10 1 ean aood Peachea or Aprloots.. .15 Standard tomato , lO I cans corn, pees or strlnf bean.. 2ft Evsporated eream, 1 cans for.,. ...15 i-iD, par. Arm ana Hammer soda...6at .itorn I bars Baby Elephant Soap...... ,2S 1 1 1 1 lb. Kncllah breakfaat tea. ...... .1 Rat i' l.OO V-90 lb. Gunpowder tea ack Best Valley flour aack (food hard wheat floor. aackr best hard wheat flour - (patent) .11.20 I bottl Worcestershire Sauoe, 7, It sis .'...10e 1 lb. whole nutmea ...Ss2 Bast Bids -rtellTtry Tuesday and Itlda . PHONB MAIN UIV;.; 1 ,t .V