The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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    C - ' r
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Jcurnnl CItc::Mia
Showers tonight and Friday; south
1 west wind, ' ' ' .
Yestcnby "On?""'' P'
v; -sea
VOL. V. . NO. 164.
ii :l
' i -
T2 TQ) TQlH)"'
tlasterly Work' of Francis J. Heney. Re
suits in Quick Verdict Finding Defeh
ddnts Guilty of Conspiracy to Defraud
the United States Government Big
Crowd Hears Closing Arguments "
: 'r-Ouilty as charged
lo Km th verdict against Franklin
PI ere Mar. 'WUlard N. Jonas and
Georire Borenson. defendants la th Blua
mountain caae, . It took the Jury lasa
than two houra to decide that all thre
war- guilty- of .conspiracy- to defraud
tha Unit ad Btataa out of publlo lands.
and although thra ballots war neoes
sary, at no tima was thera mora than
on rot for acquittal. Acrment cam
without recommendation of maroy. Tha
verdict was recorded in tha federal
i oourt this morning and Mays, Jonas and
, BorenBon now fac th xtrn penalty
i of two yaars In prison and a tin of
Not sine th trial ' of TJolted BUtstlnat prosecutor Heney had mad a pas-
1 Senator John H. Mitchell, has a land
-fraud eta attracted so much attention
or been as bitterly contested as th on
thai, has Just been decided. . Th Blue
v mountain conspiracy Involved Senator
- Mitchell. Congressman Btnger Hermann
;, and Congressman J..N. .Williamson, and
Uhongh on had died and th other two
; wer not brought to trial. Francis J.
Heney. special assistant to th United
States attorney general, throw himself
heart and- soul Into tn ease, believing
' Aiot only In th guilt of th defendants
fat th bar. but that a verdict arainut
them would- be accepted by-th publlo
as proof or th charges .against th men
of higher ' position' whoa names - were
linked with -theirs In - the - indictment.
'United Btates Attorney William G
Bristol ably seconded th efforts of th
. special prosecutor. Together they fought
the battlf and together they won the
t victory. v
' ' SUoorda of Pefendaat. ' -, , . ,'
. - Two of th three oonvlctad man bay
. atood high In the opinion of their fal
.' lows, ' Franklin Ptarc May - was ' one
United State attorney for Oregon, and
- Is -now state senator from Multnomah
.county. WUlard.N.. Jonas served In the
, last assembly atf a representative from
L Multnomah. . As foe Sorenson. - bw la
Just plain George, hustler for votes for
7 political candidates and tool of th land
' swindlers. . . - .
Commercs Commission to Probe
Charges of Discrimination and
; Combination Made by Com
peting Linet Who Allege Effort
Is Made o Monopolixe Trade
(. -... . ..v! (Jlaorsat Special Sarrlea.) ' - -
. ....Washington. Sept. II. At the hearing
In Chicago on September II on th waiv
ing of th 10 days' notte of ohang In
th xport and Import rates, th Inter
tat commerce commission- will probe
th controversy btwn th Harrlman
' Hill lines and competing roads -tn trans
, continental bualnsss.. ;
Th Union and Southern Pacific the
' Northern Paclflo, Oreat Northern, Burl
. Ington and allied lines," th Hill and
Harrlman staamahip lines In th Pacific
re charged by competitor with having
. formed a bug pool to control trans-
continental (sport and Import business
and Pactfo shipping. - ",
A loopnol hss ben discovered by
which th Standard Oil company may
gat free transportation over - th rail
roads and it Is the only corporation
. which can. The rate bill provides that
common carrier may giv and accept
free transportation among themselves.
Th amendmert to th bill by Lodg
' declare th Standard I a common car
- rler, It poaeeaalng a pip line,
l . " (Jnapaal RHal arvlc.l
New Tork, Sept II. A cabl to th
Sun from Santiago do Chll says; Th
Chilean volcano I In full eruption and
a new crater ha been formed. The
i rrlffe'l populace wanted to camp In
th pnhllc aro, but th authorities
'-refused' to enow them,
The last night of the casa found pub
lic Interest at a fever beat; Th crowd
that Sought to gain admission to th
federal oourt -would have filled tha larg
est 'hall in Portland. ' Society women.
business, man. attorneys, .clerks, ..arti
sans, "laborers everybody wanted to
hear Francis J. Heney .say th final
word in argument. - It had gon abroad
that during' the afternoon W. D. Fen-
ton, chief counsel for Mays, had de
nounced the - special prosecutor artd
charged that -the indictment was found
ed in th enmity that Secretary Hitch
cock of the interior department bears
for Blnger Hermann. Everybody khew
elonato- -reply.' giving .-bade -personality
for personality. They also knew that
Prosecutor Heney had not finished, and
it was ten mat draw in erowa.
. Owtioom Is Crowded.
'Icons' befor Y:1S o'clock, the time set
for the beginning of th evening session,"!
the seats were filled, a hundred extra
chair had ' occupants ' and th alalea
war , Jammed. ' And still . th people
came. - Th hall filled, men and women
gathered on th stairs until United
States Marshal Reed In fear of disaster,
forced them to desist, and then hundreds
who could not wedge their way into th
mass of ' humanity in tn - ball wer
turned away.
When Prosecutor Heney appeared la
th courtroom ther. was a burst of
applause.' It was-quickly checked., but
a precedent bad been broken. No on
had ver before dared to applaud - In
Oregon's federal court. r
Judge Hunt cam In aocorapanled by
two brother Juriata of th federal bench.
Circuit Judge W. W. Morrow of San
Francisco and District JuWg C, B. Wol
vertcn. whose place Judge Hunt took
for th trial- of the- land fraud cases..
, Xn7 Make erect Speech.
Prosecutor Heney did not disappoint
th crowd. His was' a masterly speeoh.
(Continued on Pare Two.)
Conditions Approaching Chaos
in Island Five " Thousand
.Troops u Ready to ; Be Sent
rom America on Short Notice
-Ihsurgents i! Captorf Trains.
. . . 4Joural tpaelal Servte. -
x Waahington, Sept. II. The UU de
partment has advices today- that Indi
cate an a tuck upon Havana la Immi
nent Sleepers' dispatches ar under
stood to fully confirm press reports of
conditions approaching chaos... No ap
prehension I felt here, as th govern
ment la fully able to quickly rector
order if forse Is ndd. Fir a thousand
regulars ar encamped at Chlckamsuga
and could be embarked at Tampa within
II hours. Others to be followed quickly
by many ships of war ar within a few
houra' sail. , . .... .. , , .
Dlspstches ' from Clanfuegos stst
that th Insurgents have captured a
train, burned and ' destroyed telegraph
Instruments, burned a bridge and took
th cash from th city treasury at
Cruees. American property is being
seised. ; --- - ' - -
In a flgV near Ranohoelo, Captain
Noy led a machet oharg against th
rebels and scattered th enemy, killing
three and taking aeven prisoner. To
day th rebels ignited . tha bride at
Calabaxar, but wer driven awar b-
for they destroyed I, ,
n-juci. .r. in swarms II miles out OT
Havana. Four hundred rlnforcementa
bav been brought In to protect th
city. , -
' Peasaatsj Setrtroy BnUre City.
Odessa, Sept II. Practloally th n
tir population of th Jewiah vfllara of
Cooprftg In th dlatriot of Krments
was murdered by pessants, who burned
th pla to th ground. Th bodies
wr raaltretd, - .-
nnn n rnif .
Illlie HI I 1 1 r f , -1--:-
: j ';. v. ; - - i!" -'i. , ft i
BernardvWelguth Is
Accorded Privileges
Usually Denied to; All
Other. Prisoners
Isl Late . at ;Arrafgnment
Keeps Face Hidden but Is Not
- Reprimanded -- Jailer Does
Not Put Him In Cell--A Youth
With Molasses Hair.
Bernard 0. Velguth, th 1 19-a-month
olerk who oould not ooatrlvo to live n
less than ITS a' day, was arraigned In
oourt this morning. Afterwards ho spent
several hours In Jail, 1 waiting" for his
widowed mother to skirmish around aad
find bondsmen ' .to guarantee th In
creased ball Imposed by Circuit Judg
Soars. ' . -.
But veigutn old- not mind. Kverybody
treated him nicely. When arrai-rned he
was not compelled to bold up his head
and face th court, but was allowed to
huddle between his brother Arthur and
th deputy diatrlcr attorney, all th
whll holding a big bandana to hi fac
as If tn desperate efforts to choke off
thd moat copious nasal homorrhaga that
ever flowed. Later, beputy -Sheriffs
Proebstel and Beatti accommodatingly
let bun- sit in th sheriffs orlvsta of.
fic for a whll, than spirited him 'away
tbrough trie tax collector: rooms to th
Jail, where, instead , of being given an
ordinary cell like an - ordinary : pick
pocket, h was accorded th prlvllece of
sitting in an e&ay chair in th library of
mat insutuuon. - .
-t Dodgo . tk Oaaaorar
Velguth, did not- have a noso-bld
this ' morning. In holding th handker
chief to hi fac ho was merely anjoying
a llttlo flirtation with th photograph.
ors and artists who had gathered to se
cure aa Impression of his likeness for
th benefit of th public Th picture
mer were all ranged along th west wall
and so fearful was b that they might
reproduce th part 'of his yellow hair
or th curv of bis smooth chin that
Velguth used th whole handkerchief to
cover th right aid of hi fac,' Notic
ing this, Th Journal's sketcher slipped
around to th other wall and bad th
youthful ombesmlarY profile- on,, paper
befor th latter was put oa his guard
by his ever-watchful brother.
Bernard O. Velguth Is a tall, slender
young man, smooth shaven and wear
ing molasses-colored hair. His fao la
what Is vulgarly termed aa th "Ussl
boy" type. ' Th lines ar soft, unmaa
culln, . th Jaw timid and th mouth
weak and vacillating. , Th man la th
sort which goes mad oyer chorus girls.
whoa bead is turned by flattery, to
whom display la everything th "cor-
1 set-man.'' la brief. . "
V; Smjoya lb sTotortety.
From ' his actions so far, Velguth
rather enjoys th notoriety his exposure
baa . brought him. H attracted added
attention to himself and at th sam
tlm showed hia contempt for the Mult
nomah county circuit court by being
15 minutes late at bis arraignment.
Judg. attorneys and spectators sub
mitted to a long Wait,- but whan th gas
thlaf arrived he was not reprimanded.
He - waa accompanied by . bla brother,
Arthur Velguth, and. was quickly dis
tinguished by th crowd by th kerchief
mask which ho held over bis fao. . Vl
guth stood Just lnsld th railing, hud
dling behind now one and bow another
of th attorneya until he was ordered to
com forward to be arraigned. Ho took
two Steps forward, still clinging to his
mask. - Deputy District. Attorney Haney
then turned, and. with his back to th
oourt, read th Information to th pris
oner, j Previous to this Attorney W. W.
Banks had asked that th reading of th
Information he postponed for 10 days,
but th motion waa denied. - -
Th - information " charged 'Velguth
with th mbsilmnt of 11,100 from
th Portland Oaa company. Haney ex
plained that ha -believed Investigation
would develop that at least four times
th stated amount had been stolen., H
aaked that th prisoner b turned over
to th sheriff until such a tlm as he
should put up 11,000 ball. Banks ob
jected, sayins that the ball required In
th lower court would b sufficient to
hold th prisoner. - Honey's motion or.
v ailed and th defendant was given un
til September II to plead or move. This
11,000 la In addition to ths l,000 re
quired In th pollc court, making th
total bail 110.000. .Velguth waa placed
In th car of tho sheriff to stay until
th added amount Is eourd. . -
Th alon of tho oourt was Short.
Deputy Sharif fa Proebstel and BeatUe
then' took possession of th prisoner
and solicitously cared ty him until he
waa comfortably installed In - tho Jail
library. - . .
After th adjournment of court It
waa arranged that Judge Sears and a
clerk should go to th - Velguth resi
dence at 414 Bast Fifteenth street
north, wer Mrs. Velguth, mother of
th accused, would sign th necessary
papers to soeUft temporary liberty tot
fee aoav ',;;',:; "'.
' mmr Ww
if! - -
111 ; ,'
(j. , fi
n - t ) I
a .-- --
Bernard Velguth,
Harriman Tries to ' Purchase' Mrs.. Oelrichs1
11 San Francisco Property - For : Another 1
S . Bay x City i
Jeanal RpeHal servtae.)- '
San FTajicleco, . Sept -. it. Primarily
th purpose of Mrs. Oelrlchs western
trip whloh waa contemplated befor her
husband's death la to confer with local
people regarding a big realty deal with
which It la reported tnat EL H. Hani
man of th Southern Pacific, 1 deeply
oonoerned. - It la th sale of 10 blocks
of property on tho northern boundary of
tn city, commanding one- of -th .most
valuable piece of water frontage en th
4 , '" (Jtmraal, SpocUl Imfce.) '
4 St Petersburg, Sept. 11. Bx
pressing loyalty to the cans of
4 tho revolution to which she gav
4 , her life, . Zonald onplinl
4 kovo, th girl assassin of Oeneral
d Mln, was executed this morn
4 Ing. After tho rope had' been
placed about her neek she ex- -4
. elatmod:. i. . '
q ' "Long liv th, social revolu
Uon for land and liberty I" and
e awung into eternity befor the
4 echoes of her vole died out. .
A -a---.v..- V Arv a.-.. -nr - A - - -tin- 4'i -
That ' the ekjaet of a ehib that kas jMt
sea etartl. Tke pme rlr have two
nade tb vl.tlma ot eaacrapoloae art de.lra
- en long tbat J. riarDoat Macxaa haa ni
laM an Internatloaal arprrattoB to aetmt
.: : e pUns -t tha pr-datorv phor. Too
caa r.d all about It m TBS gCrTDAZ
JOURNAL. . v.. ... , , , .
What tK life ef the sraBdaea ef the
kakwr will be, tee aroiitary o cnlMheo.
th. rMtrtctloM of youth, the wnrrte t
i ataWcraft. aad tke l.T.l.aa aiarrlace for
, .rouona of state la a weadmrally atrenf
. atory wrlttn br a apwlal enrrMpondnit for
th leader ef TUB 8UNDAX JOURNAL, .
Who would rather walk thaa eat er aleap,
who tikM 10-nlla trloS to mt hliriMlf.
eed wb dnaa aot ear (ar sxat, talka of
a vary plmast jannt ke siade te OatUaa
Hrar is an MicrOTIM? abart t(m. te Uia
readers of TBS 8U.NDAT JOURNAL.
Tke hare ef the Bm war, hi s eralptn
ef ramarkahl ahtllty, aad the hut of
Captain Joha Smith, whk-h be oi.rt. and to th Jaaeatnwa Bxpoaltlaa, will
ba ahowa, with a atnrv of tba f allant
pknaor'a, life, tn THS 8UNDAT JOUENAU
Wfcleh are a wlcom aa ftoavra hi .print
to yon n and oM. will alao ha amohf th.
Biaaj f.aturta jrnMod tat tha Inatntrtlna
tn, of the readers e THA) Ut
AX JVlfUUi. i
Sketched in Court.
bay and forming- a key to th transpor-
tauon situation, tnat will bo or Incal
culable advantage to Harriman in bis
coming battles with Oould and Ripley,
and possibly Hill for future supremacy
on th San Francisco peninsula.
Mrs. Oelrlchs haa received an offer of
11.100,000 for this piece of property,
which la her only remaining larg hold
ing of toe original Pair estate. It Is
said Mrs. Oelrlchs has been advised by
friends that th property Is worth near
er tt.EOO.000 .than , tho figure offered
her. Th -10 blocks of property
along th waterfront, taking In an are
between th gas works on tho oast and
tho Fulton Iron works , on ' tho -west.
wher It adjoins th government reser
vation. :-'- .. -'. . ---..
Laying bla wires for tho acquirement
of tho Fair property, Harriman baa In
view a plan for another railroad gate
way . Into San Franclaco, and one that
will more quickly- reach the bualnes
portion of now San Francisco and Im
prove hla position against competition
In securing tho bulk of tho government
business) emanating at rreaiaio.
.-Ho plans to roach this property on th
extreme northern lino of' tho city by
bridging or tunneling Golden Gate Park.
Possession of this property will also af
ford Harriman an Ideal terminal for a
new coast line to Portland. ; It to under
stood Mrs. Oelrlchs -Is not disposed to
let tho halfway secure th property for
tho small prlco offered, ',' -
1 ' ; (Jooraal Spaelal aarvlce.t
" San Franclsoo, fcept. H. Ths run oa
th Htbarnla Savings bank : continue
Tb lln of depositors seeking to with
draw their' fund) was two blocks long
this morning., -. ' ' . :
- f ho polio arrested a man giving th
nam of Carroll, claiming to bo - from
Tenness,. who wae urging women to
stay In Una and get their money, as the
bank would close Its doors this evening.
Acting Seoretary Tobln of th Hlber
nla says If tha run continues rauoh
longer It will assum a., serious aspect
and -is likely to affeot other . Institu
tions. ,' 4 .... .V ,
- Unarael Bpaelal SarHoa.)
Springfield, 111., Sept II. Th state
board of eharltle report thst after
thre months trial much good com,
from ths state's consumptive eami x.
where the moat advanced stages ir.
kept In tents far from noise or coni.
with other patients. , After gtttn; i
patients, able . to sleep ' and eat. I'
condition - I , improved and rco
probabl ' '
Engineer of 0. R. & N.
Passenger Throws
Throttle Wide Open
to Save 'Lives r
VNTild Freight Finally Runs Him
Down and Causes Wreck, but
7 No One - Is Injured Except
1 Fireman Who Jumped When
Locomotives Crashed. ' ; ' '
r,r'"'-' "" " " f ' "'T
(Sarefal Piapatet t The Joareatl - ' -Baker
City, Or., Sept. II. O. R. N.
pasengr train No. . 1, westbound, duo
to arrive in Portland at i:2l o'clock this
afternoon, waa wrecked at daybreak this
morning about, three miles west of
Durkee, si small station II miles west of
Huntington. - Fireman Mitchell .of th
axtra train, that oaused tho wreck, was
seriously Injured ' in jumping from his
engine. No other Injuries are reported.
- When- Engineer Ferguson of No. - 1
pulled out of Durkee with his long
train of human freight bo aouced tnat
a bloc signal Was not acting right, and
ho suspected that something was wrong
up the line. Ahead or him roa a long,
heavy grade, ascending from Pleasant
Valley, and b had not worked up much
speed when, thre miles out. he descried
th approaching freight train. .- v --
No. 101, aa extra freight. Mat-bound,
pulled by Engineer Baucom, with Con
ductor Staoey In charge of tho train,
waa coming down tho grade at tremen
dous speed, and apparently disregarding
th signals of tho passenger angina. It
required but an instant for Engineer
Ferguson tO realls - thattha freight
train was running wild and beyond
control . of tha men In tho locomotive
cab. ; ' ; :v'- '" ' '" "' -; ;
WH4 maoo With Seata. .
Cloelng tho throttle and rveraing his
engine, FOrgusoa began backing his
train, with th hop of getting It under
way sufficiently to decrease th fore,
of the coming eolllalon. . In thi he part
ly succeeded. , Tb passenger train waa
moving backward at tho rate of about
tt miles aa hour whan ths wild freight
overtook It and tho two . locomotives
crashed together. '
Th pilot and front frama Of th pass
ongr locomotive ware broken, tho n-
( Continued on Pago Two.)
Defaulted Broke- Up r Home - of
Chicago Baker and Then Pur
chased Hie Spoue-T"Receipt
for" Traneaction .Found , In
Papere Left by Fugitive.
; CJearaal Bpaeiat Sarvlee.) -'
Chicago, Sept 13 T-Ouatave Oulllksen.
bead bookkeeper of tbo Mllwaukeo Ave
nue 8Ut bank, told -th story yesterday
bow Paul Stenaland broke up th bom
of rillpo Votava. a baker living In Irv
ing Park, and gave tb baker a bouse
and lot la exchange for tho lor of bis
wife. Tb recelat for tb money Btens-
landr paid was found in an envelope
among th banker's., effects marked
Nobody's Business." Votava secured a
divorce. i
"Tou cannot kill persona, who should
bo killed for social crimes In this coun
try," ho said when found today. ; ;
Btniand must nav pursued my
wlf In heer wantonness.. Bho was not
tho atyl of woman Btnsland aoaght as
a mis. ! bad my-children to look out
for, and, much against my will, I agreed
to accept th settlement." .
Votava produced a typewritten docu
ment which purports lo be an agree
ment between bimeelf and wife.
- Boa Bxoaerate Path,
(Joaraal Bpwl.l RrW, )
Chicago, Sept, 1. Thodor Stane
and today declaree falae all lnslnua-
t'.-i.; I' t he blraV..1 hie fathar II.
. t 'i l'i filter la not a thief and
i i a ' w',1 covar all ahortait.a;
if I tha real culprit.
a v that the t"iTik w -
! 1 I ' 0 ' r f J . , ,
! ;
FreightTariffson Lines
: Bossed by; Harriman
Almost Exhbrbitantto
Local Points
Average Is Almost One Hundred
Per Cent Higher Than LocsJ
- Rater In Same Classifications
to Non-Competitive Points crt
Railroads of Middle West. A
Freight . rates under . which the
bulk of Oregon tonnage is moved, foe
distribution ;f to non-competitiv
points on the ' Harriman railroad
lines, and to points similarly located
from 60 to 100 per cent higher than
the local rates in the same classifica
tion to non-competitive points on
railroad in the middle west It is
generally admitted thst tha far west-f
ern rsidroals are justified in. charge
ing slightly. higher rates than are re
ceived on eastern lines that enjoy a
much larger volume of business but
should they charge double?
Oregon business men hare been
asking this question a long time, but
they have kept silent, in the hope
that by long enduring they would be
rewarded, and that railroad builders
would extend the state's railway mile
age and help to open and build up tha
country. The existing railroad lines
in Oregon hava pursued a policy of
waiting until forced by-the energy of
prospective competitors, who would
uuuu luiiiycuug kuo uhu ma scare.
It the threatened competition could
not , be. throttled, ,the existing com-.
Daniel nave - reluctantly decided re
build extensions into the bottled up
fields. ' -
Meanwhile a system of freieht rate
has been and still' is, in vogue
that in many instances is unreason
ably burdensome on shipper and pro
ducer. When to this burden is
added the hardships of repeated and
well-nigh continuous car shortages.
(Continued on Pag BU.)
Democratic Candidate for Cove
. emor Claime That Hie Party
Controls the Next Legislature)
and Will Elect a United States
Senator to Succeed Frye.
' WatervQle, He., Boot It. Th Morn
ing Sentinel, owned . by Ron. Cyrus W,
Davis, Pemoc ratio candidate for gov
ernor, published today, th following
dispatch from th stst capital at
Augusta: i .
"That Main election la still in doubt.
Ther Is a great prospect thst th
Democrats will not only control the
next Maine house of representatives, but
on Joint ballot win have a majority of
the entire legislature and aleot a felted '
States senator to succeed Mr. Fry. As
a sample of what Is being done, it may
bo mentioned that the lnveetlgatlon ef
tho returns already shows the electing .
ef thre Democratic representative li
place of; four th Republicans claiml
to b winners.
. "Information Is -at band which Indi
cates that thee thra may he manr
time multiplied, in fact, enouth to l
sur th control ef the leslalatiir."
In addition to th dlspatcrr, th U ntl
nel says editorially:
"The Democratic "candidate fir
ern or, Hon. Cyrus W. Iav)s of this ci'r,
was sean by the Watarvllla Mwr'
Sentinel laat nlsht
r ir1 i i i
shove and he MM:
this slectlon will
gated snd It la 1
Hon will be
selv.a If r--
of r- ' '