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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
- W .... , I'.liH on rift T'vri. s T r Mr'. -Hill 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I.L i'lS COCTEST With Two Gone In the Ninth, Oil Sends Califf Horn With . ... -.. Needed Run. . ; v FOURTEEN SEALS WERE LEFT ON THE CIRCUIT Cslitf Wss Wild Throughout, but Managed to Pull Out of Many Tight Places Myers Pitched Good Oame. V " ."' ."' .Portland 4. Ban Prmnniuvi 1. Batteries Calla and Donahue; Myers ;. ana epiea. . , . Tbs Seala tailed yesterday to keep pace with toe aianta. Buffering a 4-to-t ' after two mm were out. It waa a aad da -for Parka Wllaon and hi a eohorta lmaeina 14 Seals arettlnar left on huti! It waa a hard earn for Sea Frannlaea . to lose, but aa FortJaod aaeda the games . ut raault could not have beea other- wlee, lest disappointment would . pure. . Callft waa not Id very good form; he wse almost aa wild aa the proverbial . hare, and Oiled the baaea several time. but on every oecaalon, where wUdnea put him la a hole, ateadlneaa and a tre- saaadoue amount of lues pulled hint out gracefully. la the Bret Inn In a, with two- down, Ntcfc -planted aaafe one . against the fence and HildebraaS and " Mohler eroeeed the lata Thla waa serious baadloap. aa Myers waa pitch- uf good oaii. - ... y SUae at the Bat. la the fourth inning, bowever,- Dona hue and Jud Smith vera safe a the circuit, with Bona out. Kane waa im- filored for a hit and that clever young - aecond baseman came through with corking eoutwe tnai ecorea poib men aad compelled HUdebrend to ehaao hla fat lege In pretty fast time. Tbe tied score looked good to the locale. The fane took mora Interact la the game. but a till CallS waa wild and nausea many m turn to twist nervously. Califf would ! Insist ppon ruling the baaea. but merged safely. on every occasion. 'Chor tle Moor waa aent to warm up. Ca- . JtfTa and waa in sight, but ho waa el lowed to eentinaa. . . Everrthlnar want along smoothly until the eighth, when ' alike Mitchells single and Jud Smiths triple put Portland one to the good. Now . a victory- seemed inevitable r or - for a safe one aad Hlldebrand- followed-; - suit. Walthougb plastered one oa the . nose aad a aeajl romped aoroaa with the . tlelng run. Thlnga looked bright for" aa extra ' evasion until Califf resolved to win hla own same. He waited aatleatlr ror four bad balls and walked to first. Giants ware already, dead and burled. - Callft had the correct Intuition and - made for aeooaa, reaching there by a Aiakar. - Kvorvthtna- defended noon BUI Sweeney. Bill knew what waa ex " Mated aad took his elsot at the bat. - He waited for a good one and gave It a terrlflo crack. Bending It high and dry to the right flenr-taaco. acorlng Califf and awdlng. tha coatoh.; ' - - - While not manyerrora. were made. ', the game waa rather loosely played. Six sasa otole baaea. aa the catchers were siot vary accurate in ins nrewiif r vartmant. After all. It waa a case of Saa Francisco being outclassed. The core: . . '' - '-' -r- AB. R. H. PO. A. B. McHale. ef. I 4 4 J ! fiweeney, so. ......... !'!!? MltehelV If. ......... 4TI J J t MoCredie, rf. ........ J J Rmlth. lb. 4 1 J j J )onahae, a. t 1' t 1 kane. 3b. J Lister, fh, .......... T t ! Califf. p. ............. i 1 Totala , .....i.....l 4 1 IT It 1 HAN rRAKCIVCOL - - - AB. It. H. FO. A. IB. Pnencar. ct ......... 4 all 1 Mohler. lb. 4 1 I t l Vheeler, as. I Hildebrsnd. If. 4 Irwin, b. ... ..i..... t Wliname, lb. ....... 4 Walthour, rf. ........ f J 1 inn Mrsra. a. a Totala J.M 1 It'ii " "i Two out vhfta wlnmlBeT ma cord. BlAJfiJk 0 1 aulas' . ' mabi ejawv Ban .Tra-lao. ...J f f f f f ' porflaad V MjMj- Hlta I 1 I 1 I 1 I I . . SUMMARY, r :-- Htrork out By Myers. 4; bv CalllT. I. Our WhUkiee art all lead er.' Because they are all of the best quality. A bot tle of our MULTNOMAH pure rye or HILLWOOD . . Bourbon at . ' - . Ple25l A FULL QUART frfll prove it. ,... Wines and Liquors" Sold by ue are pure food. Not chemical production. They strengthen the weak ' snd refresh and invigorate . the stron&r. : ' THE QUALITY STORE Fifth and Stark Sts. ; ; Phone Main 6439 Fhone Us Your Order v Very Tempting hm i. 'i l rr-bu t il hinlih bu-. line fits- Immune. I. later, i:'nins, klui. rcui. Irwin. -i"lon i hriinil, Bny. Mniuh, Potialiue, WsU thour, Canrf. Jilt by r'li""! bH lr wio. Klrat bnae on nvra r'orlianJ, 1; bun KraiiKlatto, 1. W lid pitch 'allff. Ltt on ba.-a Portln1, 7; ban Fran riaco, H. Time of fani One hour and ( minutes, Umpire MahaSey. NATIONAL LEAGUE. - Won. LoaU PC, Chicago ............ .100 41 plttsBurg tO it .T6I .151 '.80 .401 .418 .! .? .Ill rnuaaeipnia . . ...... 7 " 7a Cincinnati . ...... II i '. 7 Brooklyn .... ti ...... T7 Boston,, . R.H. E. Brooklyn. a 4 i Batteries Rltchey and Doolni Strlck lett, Bergen end Hlner. Umpires Johns tone and O'Day. '. A yfttaburg. - v '- Fifteen Innings R. H. B. Pittsburg .............0 4 C'lwinimtt v r-.,.. ..- I batteries Phlllippl. Qibaoa and Phelps; Kwlng and Schlei. Umpire New Tork . i.....V..;.i....;..T I H Boetoa . .........444 Batteries Matbewson, Breenahaa and Bowerman; Young and Needhaa, Um pire Carpenter, - . - - - :" J asrtfaid.r- v- SpHllffflela h ew a e2 I CulCdaXO i . we . a a e a t ' Battrls-Frm4 mnd LuxJwif y Over eUl, t-undr and lloimsV .. ... AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Won. Lost. New Tork ..........77 41. PC. '.414 . .I&4 .651 Chicago iniimi.ft - li Philadelphia .......... Tt II Cleveland . 41 II ; Bt. lxuls -..r-w.44 -40 -t .414 Detroit . . ...... .4... .M .4(4 Washington. , ...44 Boston . . .....i II ft I .134 14 V r ,7 l - ' BTaw Tork.. , ' ..X R.K. K. Boston . I New Tork . IX 11 Batteries Barry aad Arabrnatar; Uiarasoa ana Thomas. , " '' At Ohloaaro. '. ''v Chicago,'. . .............. ...... 1 St. Louts . T 14 1 - Batteries Owen, Hmita and Roth; Jacobean, powell, Rickey ajtd P Con nor. R.H. E. Washington . v. ....1 . PhlladelDhla . . ...............4 I Batteries Kitaoa - aaa - waaeoeia; Waddel aad gohreca. . . . . . .At Srtoolt.. Detroit a .a.... ...... ....... .4 14 1 Cisvaland ,.11M Sohmldt; Ratteriea Danavad aad Berahard aad Clarke. . PACIRC COAST LEAGUE. ', . - won. at 41 ' 17 4 ?J 71 , " SI : p.a AM .41$ .104 Portland . . ..........II San Franoiso , ......74 Lea Angeles . ...,...74' Seattle . . ............IS : . .481 OakUnd . ; ...........2 rreano . . , - .449 .177 GOOD PRICES FOR HORSES AT THE STATE FAIR '..S. . dSsi'iMsiiwaiii u 'r, -i? - -; 4 y. Mai IW wCk "sy" srtrtT" wsVw)sbL l ' Salem, Or4 Sept. II. The results of tha races wars aa foDows: Trotting. I:IT class, twa In three, tor a puraa of $1.000 Glbbie won two auo eeeslve heaU la 1:14 and 1:14, Paekltne caxoa la tor aecond. Black Diamond tor third and Baeale Janaa for fourth. .. Three-year-old pace, two in throe. Valley staker 4S84 general Hartea, owned by Hogobaasa of Walla Walla, proved an easy winner, taking tha flrat aad third heati; Lou Killer, owned by O. O. Miller of , MeMlnnvllle, eaptnred the aeoohd heat. Time, l.ia. Tba running horaee then had a atunt. In tha flva elghtha mile, aeUlng purs of 1114, of which III to aeeead aad 114 ta third, for 4-year-olds, waa won by 11- drad. Pel ham took aaeoad aad Dr. Pow ell took third; time. i:4L - - la tha three fourths mile, eelllng. puraa Ilia, of which ft ta aeooad and 111 for third, for 4-yauatda. was won in a nretty gallon by Seaalck, a speedy UttlTar aaarej aaaoad plaea went ta Maria H. . - - Tna aevaa eirhtluumUa. eelllng, curse fill, af whioh III to second and aa to third, 4-year-olds Redmont first. Bert Arthur aeoond aad Montana, Peoresi third; time, l:JIH. ,. . ; r STORTWCOSSIP. j y Califf waa attandad by aQ Kinda-ef gaod luck yesterday. It la also fair ta mention - taa aa ami mmvww Kane and Bill Sweep ey ware tha atara with tha stick. Each man made throe bit and also two doubles. . . ; .. a ..a , . . ... I Football men are to ml tig eat every afternoon an tha Multnomah field, Tes- terday a few of tha old piayerg ware out praotlolng panting. v ' .'.l .:: a e . vV '- While tha tennis, season haa been formally closed, tha Multnomah club devotees are a tin enjoying tha aport Tea terday 14 clubmea were out an tha eourt. . "' - -v - . Fred Tenny . waa tha flrat Boston player to be auapended thla season, which ta a remarkable record for a big league team, , , Cart Drnhot. ooa at leaguer, la pttoh- Ing fine ball f or . Bt Loula, and Mo- Closkey pradlota a brilliant future for him. '.r.:--.:;--'f':;:' K:--: Pat Meany, as old San Freneiaee fa vorite, la now la tha Sonth Atlantlo league, playing tha outfield tor Sa vannah.'' ';... , '" a. a . ' - - : Mike Lynoh, who playad In the Caaat league, waa the pen nan to af tha Nertb weet league with tba Taeoma Tigers and made aome money neaidea. la ' Aageloa win have a new ball park next year and the new directors eay that It will be the best on tbe sir enlt, aiaa PranMsce 1s going to have one, toe, and It la aiaa going to a the beat. ..." - . - ....... . . e. e .. When 7foodlea TTshn asked for and waa given his release by tha New Tork Amarlcsna recently he had drawn aome thtng Uka 1.404 for three full games and three gaaaee that ha finished for some one alee. Before he aald good -by be told of the time ha pitched for III a month. Haevy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexions, headaches, nausea. Indigestion. Thin blnoe) makes you week, pale, Blcklv. Burdock Blood Bit ters" wis bee the tileod rloh. red. pure restotea sertet health, . 7 - fooe;lloouoo;: ill BOW British Columbia 'Sportsmen Look Forward to a Success- , ful Season of Rugby. - WILL MEET. CALIFORNIA UNDER THE NEW RULES Dresm of tht Canadians Has Com '. True ' Regardicj Football Gamai From tha States and Some Good Conteita Ar Looked For. ! v (geeelal vUpewb to Tbe Joaraety Vancouver, B, C-. Sept. lt.The toot, ball sea ton la at hand and once again tha Rugby clube of Vanoouvar, Vlotorla and Nanaliao will meat. . There la great excitement in local football circles and every enthusiast Is devoting hla leisure time In discussing the grand old game. ' 'The reason for tba oxoiteraent among the Rugby eathuelaate la the faot that tha dream of yeara paat haa at Uet become aa actual realty. . Reduoed to a elmple oonorete state ment, it meang that tha American uni versity teams will thla year be . aeen la competition with British Colombia eluba. - both 1 California ' and thla province. ' This. stimulus of outside competition and) International rivalry la lust what is needed in Rugby foot, ball circles. It has latterly been ap parent that for the want of outside com petition tha British game waa la a state of stagnation. But with tha ad fwnt In "the-field" of" nch "redoubtable opponents as the two California 'var sities. Berkeley and Stanford. Pomona, Occidental and the Sherman Indian col lege, besidaa a large percentage of other American colleges that Invariably fol low tha lead of Stanford and Berkeley, the standard of the game haa been revolatloalsed. ,v-- .---.-'.- -, -- ' : Reals af Ajrrangaataat. A solid and very workman-like basis haa been established from which It will be very difficult to estimate tbe splen did heights to which the game will rise on the Pacific coast. r-- Midway between the motherland and her vast antipodean eoloale tha sports men of the Pacifio coast seem deetlned In the near future to meet the very beat element producd by the home land and her varied possessions The famouo playing grounds of California and British Columbia will yet reeound with tha deep-throated cheer of tbe touring- Britishers,-the eoa ee of tha Cornstalks and the dreaded Maori war. cry of the Invincible nsw Zealandera. : The California cluba are at work and reports Iron- the aouth are to thd af feet that the . Americans are making good progresa and are fast mastering the fine points - of tha British game. Though no definite da tee have been fixed It is altogether probable that a Vancouver team will ga ta California In November and tha visiting 'varsities wUl in likelihood be entertained la Brit-, isa coiumoia aurtng unrttmao wees. Rugby la to be the offielal game tn the Ca-Ufornla universities this year. Like everything else that enthuslastle college athletes take UP. the Ameriaana are entering into tha spirit of what la a decidedly new gaaaa to them with tbe f uii-eplrlted enthusiasm ror wnicn toe western ethletla young sasa are noted. Setarmlnlaa to hars the beat tuition possible on the fine points af the game, tbe Stanford - a thistle committee sent James F. Lena fa a to Vanoouvar last June and he went carefblly Into all tha intricacies of Rkgby undsr Ue tutelage of eueh experts aa R. P. wogdward and C. M. MeTpo'e fit tbe local tee RACING RESULTS AT SHEEPSHEAD AND DOUGLAS flearsal Oseelal gsrvtss4 Haw Tork. Sept. II. Hheepsbead bay summary: Seven, farlanga. ru runty aearaa PaJnty Dante wen, - Monfort aeoond. eartngo uiirn, una a v. Mile Belie or Jessamine won. Laujy Tran telle seeaad. Cloiatraaa . third; time, 1:41 Tha Autumn a takes, gut furionga. fu turity course Arotto waa. Den nrique aeoond. Horace B. third; time. 1:11. Dltma Ken finished flrat bat was dis qualified. Mile and a Quirter M Between won. Angler aeoond, Red Friar third; time. S:44 4-4. Steeplechase, about two ndles Bel ligerent wen. Commandant aiaoond, Ex tension 1st third! thue, 4:44. Mile and a sixteenth on turf Otaette won. Single Shot aeoond. Runnels third; time. 1:47. - '.v, At SVewlaviUa. , ' ' paanal soacUl Barrlas.) Louiavllls. Sept. 11. Douglas Park race reeuitai ' About six furlongs .Oasis won. Bit ter Hand aeooad. Wattaraen third; time. 1:11 1-4. - Six furlongs Miss Lid a won. Demo second. Voting third; time, 1:111-4. ' MUa and 10 yarda Minnehaha wen. Oolden Mineral aeoond, Tbe Only Way third i time, 1 U4 1-4. Handicap, mils and a olxteeoth Co ruscate won. El Oteres aecond. Old Stone third: time, H47. - Sin aad a half furlongs Proteaa won, Alsone aeoond. Shining Star third; time, lit i. ! Mile Tba Englishman won, Alberlta geoond. Postman third; time, 1:411-1. YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY I 0N GRAND CIRCUIT - Syraouaa, K-T Sept, 11 Orand edr. suit races: ' Empire State stakes, for 1:14 trotters, three ia five, puree 10,004-AUte Jay won three straight heats and tha raoe la 1:01, 1:0114 and 1:00. 1:10 pace, two ia thaee, purse IL100 Argot Boy won two etralght heats In :04 44 and f:0lt4. ' 4- 1:04 trot, two In three, purse 11,104--Nutboy won twa .' straight u heats . In l:07H and 1:074. . 1:14 pace, three In five, puraa 11.200 i Owassla wea tbe eeooad, third aad fourth beats 4a - f:444, !: and 1:01 U.' Miss Gay waa tha flrat heat In I;I7. ;- . - . MSTXaaJm PAT AT STATR FAXJI . auhaawwanwaaa t XVow Baa and Special Tana. September II haa bee nawiaaSa Fort land day at tha Oregon etate fair, and a special train has beea arranged for that Will leave tha union depot. Port lend, at t:ll a. .. Sapi ember It. and will leave fair grounds at 4 p. aa. the same dsy on the return trip, Aa ex ceedingly low rata of 11.14. whleh in eludee edtnleelnn to the grounds, has beea made for thla eeoaalon, and tickets may be eeoured either at Southern Pa elflo ticket office, Third and Washing Ion stmts, st at 31 SAlr. 101 O OSIS CF Ml . Dii:::.'! p.sii:;E Eightesn of the Greatest Games Ever Played on the Base ' " " ball Diamond. -On aeoeunt of - the', great- 4-lnnlng game recently played at Boston between the PhUadelphla Athlelioe and the Bos ton nine a numbef of lnaulrles hev been made regarding extra inning con tests. The following list shows the moat noted of the extra Inning contests giving the date and pitchers wherever possible: - i May 11. 1177 Harvard ve. Maahae ter; 14 Innings; score 0 to 4, - August 17, till Provldenee 1, De- troit 0. in II innings. - i i July I, 1117 Milwaukee 4, Oehkosb I, in IT innings: no score In 11 innings. May I, 1I8 SL Paul r. Milwaukee 4. la 17 tonlnfi; Denser gave but six hlta . . . . .. - August I, 1109 Milwaukee t. ChleegO t, tn 17 innlaga Waddell pitched these 17 Innings for Milwaukee and then went In and won a five-ianlng game. 1 to 4, pitching It innings la tha aaa after. noon. ' .- '...'.. May II, 1111 Taooma 4, Seattle (, la II innlnsa -July It. 111 OraAd forkl 0,rargo v: ii innings. June 1, 181 Cincinnati and Chteage 10-lnnlng tie, T t T. Mullsna pitched against uumnert. Time. 1:79. May I, 111 1 Clnolnnatl and Boston did not aoore in 14 innlnga. Chamber, lain and Clarkaon pitched. Boston got torse nits ana Cincinnati four. July 'M, mi Cincinnati I. Mew Tork I, lii IT Innlnga. Rusts pitching against Chamberlain. - . May It. 1101 Chicago 1. St. Louie J. in IT innings, Callahan pitching against Lxmonva Jul.-I1803 AUjletlos-4, Bestow I, -If innlnga; Waddell aaataat Dlneen. 'June II, 1101 Chicago 4, New Tork a. is innings tAmerioan league). -1 August 14,-1 ! Washington I. St Louis 4, IS Innings: Lee s gainst Powell ' September It, 1444 Chicago 1, Cincin nati l. n innlnga 7 July 4, io A thistles 4. Boston J, i u innings :.w so deii against Touna. August 14, 1144 Chicago t, Phlladel. phis L, 10 Innlnga; Reuibaeli against operas. . ; September 1, 1904 Philadelphto 4. Boston 1 (American league), 4 innings; voomog against name. QUARREL OVER GARTER "t w RESULTS IN LITIGATION . lesrasl SeeeUI aarvteej " " ' ' Boston, Sept. 11. For six years Lv maa aad Lena Raymond, brother and Bister,-or"Pltuflaid, have 'been living In bitter enmity, the cause af which waa a-psiref red elik garters. It was not tha Intrlnele value of these useful aeoeeoories of attire that originated the feud, but the faot that they had be longed to the litigants' mother, who died in 1100. Neither Lyman nor Lena would relinquish their claim to the full and undisputed posse eelon Of the In. terestlng heirloom, and at last feeling ran so high that the assistance of the law waa invoked to eettle the matter ones aad for all. The administrator of the law, with true . Solomonic wisdom, has cut the knot by award Ins one nr. ter to Lymaa and one to Lena wblchJ nowever, in eaca case wiu leave one looee. atocains. - PROMINENT-CUBANS- 2 ARE UNDER ARREST (Josraal Syeelal SarrieeJ Havana. Moot. 11 Amm. thnu mm. rested yesterday were Dr. Manuel Se aavaa. . ForiMP ronmum. u.ik..i and Oonaalca Sarrein. dark of the lower avuse. j . iigns ia rTierto macipe la reported. . 7T". : ."' ' ", CHILDREN OF WARSAW THROWN INTO PRISON ' 1 m i . .. i . ", - ' Jeeiaa1 Speetal. Berrtea.) -Warsaw, . Sept. It Two . huadred Jewish houses bars been aaarohed, a thousand arrests made aad many ahU. dreg imprisoned.- r 3 AT THE THEATRES. CoIUaT Totnorrow Nitfrt. 7" The fesiaes aaiaidtas, Wltllaai Corner, sas- eam4 by sa eaeelleat eawsaay e plarera. will begin aa engasesMSt ef tear gerfonaascaa st tbe Bellig tbeetre, , yourteeatk an4 Waaklaftas streets, tomorrow nlgbt. aosuatas Xbenae' greatest somedr. "Oa the Oiiiet." eHll ha tka pis sreeaated. Lesgssble Berslesltiee epeear aersMate the plot. OpUier took Lesdea kr atorta wltb It a year as, and tkla saa vlaltad A sea aha a efcaUar niilwiat threat aaato sseety. Hla aspalsritr eeaaed bIbmI. viae with tka raver arttk w-k be to gesslaelr appreeietea ai als ews Halted State. ' " aaasBBaaaeaasssBsBwsjsaawaenaaam Itewnrt Opors Company. WNb the eseeeranee ef the Mmrt seen eawsaay at the Heillf tbeetre ter the week ef aertewber 1 ear neewfoes wU have ee epemtamlty e bearing eeng far ttta flrat thee la toe west arevleae to taie an ana these strik ing Mrht oners raerwia. "Tha Twe Mo" and "hsbette," sag seeing the aaueawth pr daetloae Idaotlrally the eesie aa wkea eaad goring tits encagewwt at ths Srea4way theatre. new xors vtrj. we wats as ee eala at tbe auuig sea euiee el w e'eteeh FrMsy Bocauag She Loved Him So." At the Seker tbU week the large asdkmeae ara swre thaa appraatln the aallghtfnl eon- I M Where You Newly arrived stock of Men's and Youths' Suits and Over' Icoats. We save you from $2.50 to $5.00 on price. Latest styles and patterns of Hats, Pants and Shirts. We save you from 50c to $1.50 on price.: Complete - stock of - Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Boys' Shoes you save from 50c to $1.00. Full line of Trunksv Suit Cases, Blankets, Comforters. Um brellas, at S3 per cent less inpric comparison than other stores prices. After; Jooking through other, stores' prices M go JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST ST, COR. YAMHILL AND 53-55 NORTH THIRD ST, COR. DAVIS- . Bill A CHAKM2NO nantorcc tad Grtai "TeS FJinutes' Walk From Business Center : - -:.:. :, .-jJ.--.";. - ' Elegant New Dining Room. . - Every Room Hestod. --r---, Every Room Ughtad.- - -Telephone in Ererjr -Koom, , , 6plendid EliiTator Jenrlce, ; : Six Electric Cat Unas Pass ; tho Building.'- (.- Five Storiaa of Stond snd Brick. . ; ' Fineat Mountain and River Vlewo- From- Its- Windows. A Real Family Dome Hotel for Home People and Travelers r .- Excellent Serricg la tha Din ing Room. v:.::::: r : Kindly Attsndoa to Erery Cuaat- , Rates Exceedingly iEvcry Floor TELEPHONE EAST 1 rif aa ssliaa4 by UBlaa LumaM,. Slcasrd merstnn, iMeeie bosm, oowera eaeeu.ase rha feet e the BakarMae. There hn't s eall has ts the play, aad ce the ether bsed then la a aeaimr wars every w eeraaos. sji areas. with aaatlnee Saraaaay. - Pest week Ike bill will be Two Isttlt Vagraata.- , . At tha Empire. This week arks Wavld. a big estate eley. thevlag the graataat etona at aaa era teare- daeed ea tbe atase.' hi the attrerUea et tha Kaaptrs, aad It le laaanais am aaa. "The WerM" wul be at sW weak srith a Satardav Saattoee- H atarttag gaaday ata tinea, ' Of tba Srtdge St MMsishr' wui sets ue sesraa. , . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "ShadowedT by" Crims.w ; S wbeleeeaM cad lavtseretleg slsy ese usait de- batter thea aa rlatt the Lrrle. Tbe naasstaWaa 1 that heraarel Inareeia. "Sh4- ewed sy waa," w ermng aa tBDerauos, sa aoweeh ee the ebsreeier sartraysl hj tar sheas (be ataxia rd Car Jecai steak est. At the Grand. 'at tba tee ef the bm at tbe Oread tba week If the sthletie set ef the leeaaae btetaea. e festare whicb eppearea wita auasuaga eeaee. The est w eae at tae ef Its als4 la thw eeaetiy aaa w weU werth las. The anaicrr ef I aeaare ead Drake eameliig ea4 aerei. whHe thew eae sa ara erlgtesL - From Sirs to Son." "treat Sve ta Sea" wffl bs atvaa tt tha SiaUaeee Imuwtiew. Baterda sad Buadav at the Star. Tbe AHea eeopaajr has dlsaotiiiDe4 the AaUr Sjatiaee wltb the eeeait that the pt- naiaaeai Tola ateek ell tbe eae try le sew, bevtas eaaa batH rreei Sire to Saa" eapeciallr tar turn ravtral. ia a power fat ' jrXOUBOTZO C0U1B. Evsrr cert ef the naooue Membrane. tbe noae, threat, ears, head and lungs, etc, are subjected te disease and plight f rem neglected oelda Bsllard a U ore bound Sjrrua ia s pleasant aad effective remeajr. W. Akendrtck. Taller Utile, Tevss., writes: '1 have ased Ballard a Here bound vrap (as eovgns ana threat troubles: it Is a pleaaant and moat ef- feetlve remedy. .- Sold b Woodard, Clarke 4b Co.. EXE Save Money to M fuiuilyitel Park and W'mhlngton now "The School , ' ' ' ' A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., Principal . !KV7 an educational institution to do thorough work. Our consuntly-iocreasing attendance pTores this More room, is a neces sity, snd we shall soon occupy 2 entire floors of the new building nesrlny; completion st Tenth and Morrison streets,. Oar facilities will thf J1.! .. J?!?.!. W prsctlce offices, new '"fiUoK cabinets, Tnew deTices geoeriIIy"fwill UinitalleAT'ereas t?WIyi, how well shall be our sira. J School lo session how. ; Students admitted st sny time. ;' Prirste or 'class jnstructioa ia regularcourse or special brsnches. Call, piwM; or' write for catalogue," busineis Soon; specimens of pen'manihipr- free for the asking. ' Learn what and how we teach. " It will pay. 7 Students now enrolling sach day. FACTS AND FIGURES OUR SCHOOL Jnthe StateWe-havc-the- best wp -of instructor, on the Coast " Ours is tha mostRcpeosivtfT Chicago. .Our ' graduates are all em ployed and we could place HUNDREDS MORE. We will place you in ' a lucrative position; when competent Day and Evening sessions throughout the year. ; , ; Catalogue free. Behnke- Th. BuslneaSaS Walker 'ColIegeT TTYE t. MAIN 590 Oregon State Normal School . . ; , MONMOUTH.' ; . 'Twenty-fifth scholastic year begins September 26. Over 80 graduates teaching in Portland and hundreds in' other leading schools of the state, '; : ' . i ; If you intend to become a teacher, or if you are a teacher seeking promotion, write for catalog. - CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. ' 11 "a7B. V.BOTLER, Refflatrar. DSllC0l .... 4. . w ex .... m . , . BECWS SEPIEMSEB if . amasTOanM vavsnr. .. ; . actual Bastaesg Bookkeeping. Oregg er Fltmaa Sbortbaad. . Civil Servte Training. ; Mechanical I rawing. - . -. Toacb TrpewrttlBg. ; Rapid Caletslatlona. . Letter Writing. . W rltlas antaaiatia algebra SreUlag' aeyiayi AdvertislBa- Uofl llOweni tad Expensive Eqcipnest oa Ce radHc Cessl EVERYTBISG KEW DU5IacSS O0LLBCE WASHINGTON tt TENTH STef JJLPORTtANO. Q9SLL !4ialT- Ta advertlss ear new and weaderful ly saeeessfal alveolar Kstbed. we WUl Se wee a eat geaea feg .- 30 Days? 10-reas gaaeaaaee with aB arerk. aTxasalaaalea free. Uvev fUUaga, aoe) srowaa (S8k.) SS.M to 5.0Oj bridge, werk fpea teetk), S3. BO te ga-OO. S-latse as low as S&M SvetTtalag first elaea. XAdy attendant, .. BOSTON DENTISTS Orroslte Toeton'.ca - a'a tv"V Tnt Ss Is t it t . 4 Ut-r.') 'f I 3 Rates Tenth and Morrison Oct. lit of Quality'1 is the largest private school XLaTS' BU1LDIMO 71 Beeetflaliv teeatee) ia Pertlaaa, Orerea. eSars saesreaased iadllliaa ler ttie cui- eare ss4 edacstioa tt reaag weaita. Special ewaertesities la Maslc. Art, Lumrn sad Lltrp stare. Wail easlpped rbralcsl aod Cbeatical Lah aratoriea. Hertiariaa sad Mlsaral Cabiset. Tha krsest aad eleeet tegies' Saw is err ia tha Faci&e MortbwesL tt sajera s aaiioaal raputauee lor ia aernas the beet sbrekaL atselal sad merel traio Bag aad develeeisg brae weaiaebeed. Eaaipe eodsUy asdedacatloaallr ier tbe wort eaaliad statioa. Coolara Atadaatu aad Collegiate Dasreee br 'Staat Aateeritv. laterlereace vttfc eeevtettaae el eeeatbolirs is errepaloasly eaeided. Acedaeir bj Meallr located, tmid iatpirlag seesls adrao tagea, Social epportasitiaa tuck aa ere saaiise hi ee etber city ea tbe Coast. Suildiaat larre ead sawadiias, eMll-krbled. aaeted asd eeeuiata4t sorsuteriee aad srnrsle reset sessUed wltb til Sasdtrs coersojaaeaa. The lastitsttes Is liberal sad arssreesiTe witheat sacnacisg tbe cberecia sed traditieas M see ead ecbieeeaaent Tanas stedaat. Setiefectorr feiereeee required. Writs tar aaaoaaossassl booklet, Seerd aad tailiea 1.S0 ear tear. Aiiiraet bitter beeaner. St. Marr a Aaadaair PORTLAND, ORE001T U.S.A. PORTLAND ACADEnY Portland Orcffon . - lata Teas wjx ornr azrv. 17. rite beys sad girls for Bastsra aad Wasters collegea ' Inclodae a arlmarv aad mmmu eehaoL - - - Boardlag tian Tor glrte airordiag tbe eomforte and care ef a reflued botae, . A limited auatber Of boys wni be re- oeived lata tbe home ef aae of the ! strueters.' Office bears dttrlag tsa SamaaeV freaa I a. so. te If aa. For catalogue jrrita to Ue address givsa above. . . . I1ILITARY ACADEI.IY A Boarding and pa ma ray Bcbeol for rva Manual Trainin College Prepare ng, allHtarr ptsclpiina, at) on. Keys t any ate admitted at any Una Write for lUue- trated Catalogue Dr.J. W. HILL, Prop, mi Prhd-il sax tana win epea aepi. is, oa rOBTXAJTB, OBSOOsT. TEE ALLLN P2EPA2ATC.1Y KV.r.l Corner East Twerftb and Salmon er.. Preparea P'iplls for eoll.e en i ' ShO"ls. Bittb year h.Kias b.ian-.-r . I. for catalogues HE ALLEN KZ?rAKTJ s::. : : roBTiAsTD, emiooir. Cc I' HILL