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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
Tiu g;,: ;o:; daily jgu::;;al, i giitlaud. ,v;,::;. Bluo Mountain- Reserve, Land Fraud; Tnal ; Hears End Midnight Session Tonight;; Will Place Case in Hands, of Jurors : . ' -""The JSlue "Mountain land"" fraud oeae will so tn th Jury tonight. Thai was tiie announcement i4 from the bench '.this ssoralng by Ju4s Hunt . To bring . bout the HlNd reeuK the anrenfai . ! of the federal eonrt will, tf necessary, ruo Hutu midnight' ViHJr ' , tha schedule Adopted Mwnt -tor . ilafana 'will "!.' eOWIlleted "W : Then an adjournment te to be taken vf unta t:J JkH. At ffWch hour Bp- rial Assistant Attorney-General Frances . J. ileoey will Mtn4M Oiocrag ersu- stent fur tbe gdvermnsenC- -He is to-ho limited to throw noons. Assuming that '-'"tee court' Instructions wlU not take "i moro thn an hour and a. bolt tho big . eonsptraoy MM la Whlcn tate Mw Frenklla Pierce mays, wn - -'.and '.George- oao -aro- the doCend F 'anta at bar will reach the tmtf about : midnight '(-.' , ' - As th trial nears tta' close public L interest tncraaaea. . This morning the aisles were crowded. .. Aa for tbia even--;inr attodancs, U la predicted that tbe number of persona urbo see admls lon win bo tar greater Mian tta ca-'peclty-et tho courtroom, v-v s. :.' . : . sffl tho Central Fls r W.-Letr HtH. one of tbo three attor naya for Senator Alara. was the central figure of this tnoralng-'e prooosglnas. He devoted nock of hi time to lav polnta, dwelling at length oa the nature of reasofiabla doubt and advkung each Juror that If bo were not wholly convinced U waa him duty to "bo a hero - and stand Qetttn dowa to Xha evidence, Attos- ner Hill argued that, according to tho teatimbny, Borenaon operated xn him r ows aeoount; that fooee acted oa nla ' owa aooount; that Congresaman .Wll ltameon asked tho creation of a reaervo . - dlflerent front tho one favoaad r MaFa. The lnferoaoo drawn by tho pleader waa that thara waa no ureement If thao had tjoen a. eonaolraor. ho argued, tho ' defendanU would -not hare worked at cross purnoooa, AdmltUng that atajra waa In fayor of a reaerrv ha addod: "Every good CJtfsen ah (raid hare boon in favor of it. Tho only fault of Xaya and hla frleada waa that they ; didn't go f ar oseuga. Wnfllta Ullnigaa lligglllj - in dealing with witnesses Attorney Hlir contended that CaptaldT Ormab' taaUiaony waa influooeed by the gw ernment. Be called attention to tho conviction steading agminet Dan Tar- - pley amd nohrted out that ho had not i yet tteea aontaoeod. Next ho neorad o). ' A D. Pater, referring to Has self confessed eon vict, thief and perjuror , who had hopea of a pardon thrextgh tho influence of lroaeeator Uesey. Putor'a .testlmony, ho said, wss inspired by ro -venge and waa therefore vnworthy of 'credence. . -. - , After doclarlng that Ue ease of tho governmtnt rested apoa false witnesses. Attorney Hill cloood with tho customary FEIiTDIt EEeOS AjDT Addresses Jury In Federal Court v in Behalf of Mays, Jones : .-v : .- and Sorenson. :" W, D- Peaton, cMef oounael for Bn- ator-J.- P.- hiaye,- brgan -this afternoon . hla argument to tha Jury la the Blue t snouetala-eaae. Hie ftret contention wee that alt tho documents introduced by the government say tbo applications of .. ' achooi lands warp Innocent. Bo pointed ,-. out that tbo defendants wars not toeing charged with -comsetttlng any crime with either 8. A. IX Puter or Forest Superintendent Onneby,, saying . that , whan such barge were brought to trial the defendants weald .bo ready to atoet then, la this connoetlon ho do , ; .clared that the government, under covet of showing motive, knowledge and la tent. Jotrodueed evidence bearing oa -, . other eases on which tt feared to go to trial. . f ' . ",. Attorney Penton next insisted that tf Uniied sktatea enator Joha H. HUehaU, : Congraaaman J. X. WUliamaon and Com missioner E lnger Hermann were not i members of tbo same political faction - there wonld have been no Indictment. Re-ferrlng to Putor'a testimony that ho paid U.009 to Senator Mitchell, he com .. pored this particular wltaesa to a dovtl , flkh, as one who blackens the character of both tho living and the dead. In declaring tho innocence of Sena--. i tor Mitchell and Commissioner Her-m-tou. Attorney Fenton said: . "There is no evidence to show thai . tl:her Hermans or Mitchell knew .that a single pereou had made application for any of the achooi lands involved tn tale ,, Couaael made a genersVdenlal that tharo was any conspiracy, dhargtng that . Mays Jonea and Bora on were dragged ... Into the Indictment In the hope of reach ing Mitchell. Hermiim ana Williamson. ; one vt wliom, B eager Hermann, bed in . furred the aeraonal anmltv ar stanr. . : taiy Hlteboock ot tho interior depart ment MKT MORPHY WILL y- SING AT THE OAKS , J?. . ? Wn0 Beat the ; Band'' is hf re. ' Hla nsme Is Bert f Morphy and he gained his first fame in ; the preuldnntlat campaign of 1S, when h accompanied Preoldont McKlnley on nis csmpaiga tour. Morphy has been n-gHI by the Oaks to sing for the ro ' malnd?r of this week with DTrbenrs 'bsod. Morphy gained his long title on vi ma marveiousiy loud VOloC, wm s fisoaea .can be heard to advantage far above the playing of any band., Ills srtlaulatlon la said to be perfeet and his songs cen be heard at a srvni oisiance. K WM1 elnv Oaks at o'clock In the afternoon nndj w.vw winw remainder , or ins wees. RUN ON HIBERNIA . BANK IS CONTINUED San rranclsco. Sept. 11 Tbo run on the, Hibernla, Saving sr bank continued - today. The line of depositors ta half a block long, reaching to .the-paying Wlers.- All are paid promptly. There la no disorder, '. Th general belief in banking circles Ic that the yun Is an warranted and the institution Is sound. Tta etroaletioa of The fomraal Peruaad aad ta Oregon oaooagg thai at sa ovaat Orega aewrpapeav appeal not to take -tho defeindanta from thetr fasaiUew. iy. " . ,- ---. W. ix ronton, ctiUf counsel tor Sen tor Jd'ya, waa next oa tho JJet of cham plons for the defense, the etoae hsvlng boon a esses tg to s-udxe M. U Flpea Attorney Juntos nogan by addressing the oonrt la reference to Instructions desired by the defendunta.- tie wanted an authoritative definition of conspiracy, Judge Hunt infuiiued trim that the Ji)ry would be given ttta snact words of CnVef Jaatloo FuUer f Use United cUalea .supreme court. ' Attorney ran tan wanted the Jury rnformad that the prealdetit fcan tbo. power .ro make And unmako reserves. - The - govornment agreed with him. Next Attorney Fen- ton wanted the Jury informed that & A D. PtW dm ontrtled to nqufty of a pardon. ' There waa d Iff ere ace of opin ion on tbia point and as agreement waa : Matol apaaka riva Soeu-a, t'nlted BUtoo Attorney "H'flliam C. Bristol finished - tho -wpenlog argument for tne fovtnoMst at o'clock last evrakig. j He apeke ftee onra in all. going Into every phase of the aaae and giving a comprehensive analysis of tho enaenoe trom the ttax that WUlard N. Jones sent out canvassers for achooi land applications until Congressman William son forwarded the belated Grant county protests to tne general land Rloa. . B. Huston f JtZUUboro nnoned for tho defense, taking p the two hours of tne evening session. . Ha urged tho Jurors not to he ted away from tho point at Issue. . , . , - . ' i Even - if you hallrra erMrvthins oharged against thaao aef ondanta," ha said, '"till yon cannot convict them un less yon find hat their titles to their acheae iaiid wero tad"n that Ihey anew cney worn .- Huaton declared that Bingor Harmana waa a persecuted man and eJharged that Praseewuir Beney casno were poisoned agm nat urn. This brought onlok reply. i "When - - came hare." interrupted nesey, i am not Know Bingor Hermann from Adam'a off ox. Kelther did I know eeretary HltcJtoock. Attorney Oonaral Knox had offered aae an aaslssant attor ney generalship in VaahJngtoa, 1 re fused It, and ho asked me to go to Ore gon and try tho Putar caea. f cam hero and loood oat what John Sail wag do ing. . ' '.' ZZ " v Soon afterward Huatoa anocoadad In stirring Honey up again. R was when ha declared Hermann waa a victim of tbe maiioe of Secretary Hitchcock. "By that statement." said Hasav. vnn charge that my action Is mflnaneed by Secretary Hitchcock. I deny tt and shall reply to it, bat I win M, bow that Theo dore Booaovelt himself U not able to lafhianco my action either to nroaacnta or to refrain treat preeeoutiiig.- rererrad to n. A. I. Puter as "Henay'a darling" - witness, and oloaed with a wall-phrased plea to the Jury not to take tho defendants from their happy homes, . . SAKITY OF ACCUSED 17Di.:EH Medical Comrnieslon Teetinp Brains of Esther Mitchell -and Mrs. Creffleld. " fSetenl Dtepetvt te The foaraaL) missis appotatad by atiperler adge Prater to lnooira Jute the alleged la- ec aether MiteaeU sad Maud Hurt Craffleld. charged with murder la the first degree for . alarlnr Oaorae MltcaolLrcomaMneed 1U hearin this horning with the - Interrogation ot Bather - Mitchell and "Mrs. Creffleld. Only questions calling for the , moat general anawsrs were asked the two Esther Mitchell testified that aha II pears old In January, fibs asserted that she had been la Seattle wince anrtl. oeming here from Oregotw the state of nor nativity. She asserted that her edu cation consisted ot a course la grammar cnooi. xno crime lor which aha ia in carcerated and her mental condition was not inquired into at alL , , Mrs. Creffleld testified that aha waa ii years old, a native of Indiana and that she had also completed a grammar moos course.- nor examination was l meager as that tf Esther MitchelL O. Vr Harm father of Mrs. Crefllald. testified that both his wife and Mrs. Creffleld had been 1a the tnsans asylum in urogon. inree years ago a medical commission at CorvalUs ordered Mrs. Creffleld confined ta the asylum at Salem, Oregon. . While there she had freauentlv a he kept in the straight-Jacket.- Mr. Hurt testified that Mrs. Creffleld hail eea discharged as eured from tbe In- aaae aayium, tnai sue bad been released on parole in his care. Hla wife ant tha mother of Mrs. Creffleld were in th. insane aayium. acoordlnc to tha witnaaa at the same time. 1 ,r . , STORM SIGNALS ARE tHstrtrt Forecaster Edward A. SmIi ordered storm signals displayed this morning all along7 tbe coast. Indloa- tiona oi storms . appeared teat night most unexpectedly and at 11:46 rain commenced to fall So heavily that by t o'clock this morning the instruments at the weather bursas showed .11 of an Inch. Tha rain wlU nrobablv us. tinue for a couple of days and strong ooast' "Ie T r(3U:Ud along the -The storm of teat night same in the shape of a- surprise.- said Mr. Beala this morning, -for we had no intention of anything ia the wind. Mot untU quite laU yesUrday afternoon did we Mye a sign of the approaching storm. Warnings to shipping were ordered dla- ". a,n ct 'tlock this morning.' Despite the rough bar considerable shipping paeaed in and out at the mouth ef the river this morning. , BOXERS ARE UNED ) - UP AGAINST ANKENY ' "w .T"? 1h' The Jeeraal)' "' WaUa Walls, Wash Sept. no-Republican - eaueueee are being held throughout -the county this aftemooa. preparatory to a hltte fla-ht Msim the Boxers and Ankeny wing of the Be- puuucaa party at the primaries tomor w,o4ierneon, f , ., .. ... 4 iIElV RilfLROlD TO GUILD HERE Tacoma Eastern ! Running i Surveys With Portland V a Destination. - . J (Sseolat nsseteh e Th'wmU Tacoraa. 'Wash.. Sept. 11. News aoneg here today from the Btg Bottom country that the Tacoma Eastern rail road la running surveys from Morton. on the Til ton river, In the direction of Portland, and tha supposition is that the road has that place aa ita destina tion. ' ' -V The road la now constructed and trains are operating to within four miles or morion. rroa Morton a survey is lo being run eastward to Vance, on the Cowllts river, and up that stream to the pass, and the report that the road Is to build also to North Yakima is credited, by tbe .settlers. The Tipton pass is also being Investigated by the surveying parties, and if it presents no arduous engineering dlsadvaatagea ' It will probably be .selected as the best crossing of the Cascades ea account of the .rich country of the east side of which it la the western gateway. The line to Portland through the Big Bottom country will traverse an exclu sive territory, running . to . tha east .. of the beaten path bow used by the North ern Pacific and shortly to be invaded by the union Pacific. The region is rich in timber, mining and agricultural and horticultural prospects- and would make a road penetrating It immensely profitable. Tbe ownership of the Tacoma Eastern Is still a .question of ' great doubt and perplexity among railroad men here. Certain it Is that the line is not owned by the Union Paolflo or Milwaukee. Many believe that' the North Coast or the' Northwestern railroad are behind it, but no information is to be had. The fact, that Edward Coeklngham of Port land, cashier of the Ladd sV Tiltos bank, la its president, is accepted as evidence bare that the road will eventually con-1 eect the Sound aad Portland. , SACRAMENTO MEETING ; -OFJHE DEMOCRATS Hoarse! Special errke.l . .-- Sacramento, Sept. 11. The I Demo cratic convention came to order at l:l o'clock. The committee on credentials submitted Its reports ' which showed there were no contacts. The report waa adopted. As the committee on platform and resolutions was not ready to report the claim was made from tha floor for a re port of the committee on organisation and order of business, hut there were objections end the chairman stated It been agreed- in tbe "committee - to nominate the Judiciary committee be fore adopting a platform. The convention then adjourned to 1:10 9'elOCk. .... .t : The elxth oongreaaldhal district nom inated Harry A. Greene of Monterey to represent the district ta congress. BOGUS MONEY MAN ELUDES PURSUERS (ftrwcUl'TrtaMtes The eearaal) -Pendleton, Or, Sept. 11. - trashing through the door of a passenger coach onto the back platform of .train No. I and leaping from the. cars while they were speeding along at a rate of II miles aa hour. Jack Mclntyre. the young nan snMUl ,t pu1i.ia. m vw ... ago for raising II to tl eluded his cAfrwr ana wm nvw im snnewnere isj tne brush In Sherman county la ths vicinity or vonn Day, Mclntyre had been sbacUed through the night, but his manacles were taken oft by Jtha sheriff 4a the morning He wee coated with bis emptor' whea sud denly he Snede a bold dash for liberty, wsien was successful. - Although posses are scouring the country for the fugitive, no trace of him has been found. . : NINE MILLIONS VOTED ON IN KING COUNTY - (Special mspateB te The Joeraal) Seattle. Wash.. Sept 1 J. Nine mil lions were represented In today's elec tions In this city aad King county. The Seattle voters were called upon to de cide for .or against municipal -owner ship of a 'new etreetcar - system te parallel the present corporation which Owned the lines, at a cost of 17,000.000. Additional water system bonds were up for the city voters' approval at a cost of ll.000.000. - There wae also a vote by King county for eve.eOO bonus for tbo new Lake Washington canal nro lect, approved by a special act of ooa gross,. --;-: --.i --. The ' campaign for ths . municipal streetcar lines has been a most bitter one. ,-h .... .,'.,.- BONAPARTE AWARDS -DIPLOMAS. TO MIDDIES (Journal gperlel Hervice.7 Annapolis, Sept 11-Secretary Bono parte in giving diplomas to II midship, men today tendered much good advice. He told them they were taking up the profession ' or gentlemen, a profession which demanded of them as their sworn duty such conduct as is required of others by the religion of philosophy. Hs warned them against snobbishness and urged such modesty ot demeanor, purity of life as to command the re spect or ail good men. . EUGENE ALLEN ASKS FIFTEEN THOUSAND ' ." ; '5 - " -; ........ I 1 I in Den a i msosm ss xse jaaraaLi i . i . . l . . , . . i vtawn nunt fe tig one I galnst the C. K. Spauldlng Locrlna AAmnsnc ad tV Isi s1 r mp ah te In4irw o I 2Lt?h ""tZ0TXZn a.: k' i0" vc sew e e naa,ssj Wltoa BJ SSB olng fl the company with negligence for the safety of the men. -He ia II years of I ager TWENTY INDICTMENTS: AGAINST STENSLAND .. (Jos-sal Special terHce.l' Chicago, Sapt 12. Twenty indict ments charging Hsrlng and S tens I and with forgery were returned today. - it la reported that other Indictments will be returned later today. PatBolmaa Seymour Realgas. Chief Grltsmacher thla morning re ported to the civil service commission the resignation of Frsncls, Wl V. Sey mour, patrolman. . There Is a short list of men eligible for the position, and one wlU eoea so annotated te aU probability. ST0f?y OFOiLI BIGUli 1IICII0LS Born In Little lIIinoi Village Married and Divorced in j - . . San Francisco. CAUED COAST BEAUTY .- BY BAY CITY PEOPLE Came to Portland After the Earth. quake and Lurtd Vclgutb to De struction by Her Beauty and Wiles Some of Her History, : ' Mrs. " Nadlne Nichols, whoce beatity and wllea lured j-oung Bernard Velguth to his destruction, U .21 years ot age and tn San Francisco la regarded as one of the beauties of the Paclflo ooast. She has brown-; hair, and lustrous, brown eyes. .. ... .. .. , .. ;: She Is living with aa aunt at Twenty. third and Lovejoy streets, to - which place her "aunt moved while ahe and Velguth were In Seattle. Prevloue . to that time they lived at ot Park street They are said to have been compelled by the landlord to move from that place because of the complaints Of neighbors. Those residing in (hat vicinity declare that their slumbers were disturbed by the noise of automobiles which stopped in front of No. it. The maiden name of the siren whose slightest wish was Instantly gratified by the extravagant youth enslaved to her, was Nadlne Rlglan. She was bora and raised in, a small Illinois towa near Chicago. She came west- two years ago and visited for several months with her aunt la thia oity. . . Married and Divorced. Then aha went to San Francisco and married a man by the name of Nichols who Is said to be wealthy. Her married life was brief, the couple being divorced within a few months after the cere mony. After the earthquake ahe came to Portland and has been here since that time. It la said that within tha five months of her life In Portland she has been the beneficiary of gifts of the value of thousands of dollars by ths clerk la the office of the Sa company, Mrs. Nichols Is' prostrated as a re sult of the exposure of the young man's deeds and is under ths care of a phyel- clan. W. w. Banks, attorney for the defaulting ' olerk, relieved the tedium of consultations with his client by visit last evening to the young woman in tne case. Both she and her aunt, who almost always accompanied the young couple on their nightly- pilgrimages ' to'Clare mont, the Twelve-, rue nouse ana otner resorts, deny that tuey were aware that the young man wus stealing the money with which he entertained . them . so lavishly. They say that he represented to them that his y"nmlly waa wealthy and that ha was allowed aa Income from them. He also explained his large expenditures by claiming to be inter ested in a street-psvtng company and also In the manufacture of elgarettee. Velguth was a frequent patron at the downtown cigar stores and saloons. He patronised the slot machines .freely, often spending $40 and let on them. . He smoked only cigars that sold three for tl end in playing the machine refused to take what be had won unless his winnings amounted to as much as three cigars. 1 ' t '. MtAIUAIs SALUUNS ARE ORDERED CLOSED ; floor sal anaelal Strrtrs.l ' V "' El Paso. Tex- Sept. 12. With a View of minimising the danger of an-out break on September is, when ths revo lutionist . dsmonstratloa Is expected, Governor Creel ot the state of Chihua hua haa ordered the mayors- to close thetr saloons on September II and sot open them until September IT. Presi dent Dies has sent similar instructions to every other governor la Mexico. . ESCAPED CONVICT IS WHOLESALE SMUGGLER (Bneetel Dlseetch te Tbe toenail Tacoma, Wash., - Sept 1Z. George Wade, the . federal convict, ' who . with Ed Stlckney, another convict, headed a wholesale Jailbreak from . McNeil's Island penitentiary July , ltOa, and who was the only one of the eonvtetg that was not recaptured, la operating aa smuggler somewhere la the . sound region, according to Marshal Hopkins. NEW STREET RAILWAY - - TESTED BY FIRST CAR (Seseial tnsoetrh te Tee JoarssL) i Walla Walla, Wash-, Sept. . 11. The first car was sent over the line of the Walla Walla Traction company's street car system yesterday to test ths wiring and track. The new system will be in operation by October 1. The company is rushing construction work oa tbe new Interurban line between waua waua and MUtoa. t r COURT IN SESSION ' ON COLUMBIA BANK (SDedal Dienstrb to Tie JmtmalV Tacoma, Wash., Sept 11. The federal court that convened here yesterday ad journed test night to the north bank of the Columbia river, near .Portland. The trip was made necessary for the Judge, Jury, oounael and bailiffs by the suit 7S against S. 9. B. E Seattle railroad Btddla and Mary Blddle ... MAnlMMw - wlh M waw 4rw Ih. Ufil . ... .k. .u. . ... Dmvnr sa wmmkw ww,iv, a uw nuun wtl return here this evening and re- - gassBBassBBBsssBWsm THIRTEEN ARE KILLED BY CANADIAN WRECK . ......... '. (Journal Bperisi iim. a Sudbury, Canada,. Sept It Thirteen are dead as the result d of a wreck .en the Canadian Pa d ciflo thla morning. The third d section of number 1, esstbound, p was taking a siding for the third 4. section of number I, westbound, 0 when the latter eraahed into it e hitting the naggage. oar jet an 4$. angle, - upsetting the Pullmans p into e ditch. Many were killed e outright and ethers burned to 4 death by tha flemee following. The list of Injured Is long. The w officials refuse to give out de e talis or a list of the dead. d L'.. j CIS Tilli'lO Accused Man Is Not Allowed ; Private Consultation With , His Attorneys. . Speelal Dimsteb te The JeoraaL) Boise. Idaho. Sept 12. Deputy Sheriffs Charles BX Burkhart and A. C. Watson of Denver arrived In Boise this morning with a requisition for Steve Adamr, charged with the murder of Lyte Gregory In Denver May II. 1104. ' They represented the matter to Gov ernor Gooding, who called Attorney- General Guheen into conference for ad vice.. Jn the meantime Adams Is being held by- Sheriff Sutherland, charged with the murder of a man named Tylef on the St Joe river tn August 1804, who insists that he should be permitted to take hla prisoner to Shoshone county ror trial. . After repeated efforts of Attorneys Morrison cad Darrow they gained ad mittance te the penitentiary and saw Adams for a few minutes. - Warden Whitney and Sheriff Sutherland were present and Insisted on hearing every thing that was said. Adama told his lawyera that he had something of t portance to say to them privately, but tbe officials refused permission and also declined to permit Adama to write his message and deliver it to nia lawyers. It Is expected that Governor Gooding win decide whether or not no win nonor the Colorado requlaitloa this afternoon. Adams attorneys raised no objection to his being taken to Colorado. RAINFALL CONTROLS - BIG FOREST FIRES noadal DUhM to The "seeaaLt Cove, Or- Sept II. An ail-nlght heavy rainfall after a long dry spell haa -not only brought relief to drying vegetation. -but haa done much toward helping M. F. Griffin, forest ranger, ia reducing the acreage of timber destruc tion by fires in the south fork of Little Mlnsm section." ' ' Before the rain the ranger bad a f oroe of II Japs In the work of trying to get -control of the fires, but, although he had the one between Cove and Lit tle Mlnam under control, the rapid prog ress of tbe one In south fork of Little Mlnam was unchecked, under full head way, eweeping the timber like stubble. filling Grande Ronde valley with smoke so dense as to obscure tbe outiinee of Its surrounding mountains, until after the rein which gave hint tbe mastery of the situation. . . Here, as elsewhere, the cause of these timber -destroying fires Is traceable to the-carelessness -with eatnD fires by outing partiea from the towns except In. the one inataneev-where -lightning started the nro in the timber tn south fork of Little Mlnam about the middle of last month. LITTLEFIELD CLAIMS . GOMPERS AIDED HIM - '; eerssl Bseeisl Sarrlca.1 Washington. Sept 11. Congressman Llttlefleld's claim that -Samuel- Com pere aided rather than defeated blra Is believed here to be literally true. Early la the campaign e d eterralned effort was made in Llttlefleld's dlstrtot to get his seal pi Tbe fight waa led by the Lewlaton Journal, the ercan of tho late Congressman XMngleyv The-issue-was wholly local. - but Lit tie fie Id was In great danger when Oempere "butted" at the psychological moment The people objected and Llttlefleld's oppo nents were beaten. . - t WILLAMETTE CURRENT IS CORVALUS PAPER (apeelal IMspateh te The Joeraal.) ' Corvaula, Or., Sept 11 Willis Smith. for years a newspaper man in Utah, and Milton - Morgan, a loeai too ' printer. will be partners la establishing a new Republican paper. A 11.000 outfit, has beea ordered in the cost including a two-revolution, high- speed Campbell press. It will be a seven-pass, eight- column weekly In beginning and trans form to a dally later. Thla is the third paper ta Corvallla. - It will be called the Willamette Current The first issue ill be sometime the last of Septenv ber. ' . FIFTY MILLIONS SUIT REFERRED TO AUDITOR ' ammupaasaSBBBgsBspsa . ' , v' " (Joeraal apeeisl ervtee.) ' . Boston, Sept II The supreme Court denied a motion to vacate and ordered referred to an auditor tbe suit for 110,' 000,000 by Cedwallader M. Raymond against H. H. Rogers and others, a sun for an alleged breach of oontraet in the non-payment of royalties on ths secret process of making a petroleum oa exploslvc ,.. " ' J. P. 'GILMORE FALLS ' J' , DEAD WHILE HUNTING Ashland. Or., Sept II. X P. Gllmore, a well-known resident of Ashland, while out hunting yesterday a few miles from the .city, fell over e log. dead. . He had been troubled with heart ; disease. Deceased was a pioneer of tbe Willam ette valley and prominent la. Masonlo circles,. :, ' ' . ; ; j DENVER ARRIVES IN - - -HARBOR AT HAVANA 1 (Jeovsal tpscisl Bervlee.) ,- Washington, - Sept It The Denver undoubtedly Is now in Havana harbor. A cable was I this morning off American Shoals, which are 7 miles from Havaaa. - . '1 Aoaultted. Tacoma, Waah Sept II Lewis Mo Lean, a pugilist of local repute who bears a bad reputation with the police, was teat night acquitted by a Jury of the charge of .manslaughter. Three weeks sgo McLean struck and knocked down William Outsort, an old man. Oelsert's head hit the curb and he died several days, later without regaining consciousness. - 1 4 Boa SeUlaa; Bcturaa. Ben Selling returned - this morning from a sin weeks' trip to the east Mr. Selling went by. way of San Francisco and v1s1td New York, Chicago, Clnoln nattt and Baltimore.- He cays that business is good all over the country. He was In New Tork at the time ef Bryau'a return. . .. - . ' 'Turn Bryaa Pewa, : Hartford. Conn., Sept. 11. The Con necticut Democrats today failed to In dorse W. J. Bryan and declared unanl mous opposition to government owner, ship of tbe railroads, " Efflil-OIiEGOii AY IIAUE Officials Now Invettatlng Con. ' ditions Between Baker City I- and Richland. O'BRIEN AND MILLER - C01N0 OVER GROUND Proposed Mew Lino Would Tap Dis trict Rich , in Resources and De Much to Develop Fruit 'and Veg etable Region.-' -,J -. .1- J. P, O'Brien, general manager and It B. Miller, general freight agent of the Harrlmaa Unas la Oregon, are mak ing an Investigation of the .country be tween Safrer City and Richland. It Is said they have under eonstderatlon the taking over of the . Vlnaon projeot to build a railroad through Eagle valley and Into agricultural and mining sec tions along tho boundary line between Oregon and WahOL .w-i, . The two railroad offlolals left Port. land several days ago la Mr. O'Brien's private car, and are not expected to re turn 'until Saturday. - From Baker City It Is reported that oa their arrival there they were taken by W. L Vinson ia a spring wagon toward Richland.- - The Journal's Baker City correspond ent says; j,. ,... ... . -, . .,.;. Tt has-been well known tor corns time that tbe O. R. d N. wanted Vin son's right of way for this read, but they . could never some -to terms. But with tbe determination of the eltisens of Baker to build a road to Eagle valley and tbe offer of other capitalists to put up the necessary money, the O. R. N. thought it time to do something. - Ia feet they had to do something, aad do It At OOOe. LIVESTOCK AWARDS (JADE : AT STATE FAIR ; Fine Cattle Exhibited at Salem - Exposition Are Rated by V7 the Judg;efc7-T." OXTp ' - (IpeeUI Dbjpateh te The JesresL) - Salem, - Orv- Sept-11 The --tl restock: awards were partially made yesterday, as follows: - . 4 : Shorthorns Bulls. S years and over First C. . Ladd. North Tamhllli m end. Schmidt Bros Oregon City, third, L. B. Oeer, Maoleay. ... .. ; Bulla. S years and under Flret L. B. Geer: second. A. Chalmers, Forest Orovo. Bulls. II months and under I years- First C. B, Ladd; second, Haseiwooo farm, Spokane; third, N, H. Batsman, Shedd. i T Heifers. II months and under S years First C E. Ladds second, Haaeiwood farm; third, A. Chalmers. . Heifer oalvee. 1 year old ana unoer 1 months First,. Hastlwood f anni second. cl k. Land: third. A. Chalmers. Heifer calves, unoer 1 year airei ana second. C E. una; tntra ana ruin. Chalmers: fourth. Schmidt Bros. Bulla, 1 year and under 11 monine Firat. Haaeiwood farm; secono, u. u. Bull calves, under 1 year rust, - K. Ladd) second,-J.- Rioharus, veagMS smintv: third. HaselwooOL X arm. . Heifers. I years out ana ever irs and second. C. K. Ladd: third. A. Cha- mm! fourth. A. A Oeer. - v Heifers. S 'years and under First and second, C E. Ladd; third, A. Chal. Exhibitors' herd First, v. & aaa; wind. A. Chcimara. . Breeders, young nero rirat,z u- gVeftUUs atKrVlieac .an. -..M A f 1 senskfai ' . MARSHAL IS KILLED ' IN DRUNKEN BRAWL - (SpeeUI Wspatc P. Th?'C"7L) v.-l a.i.m Or:. Sect II Drunken hop plokera from tbe Heea-Raymond yard shot and killed Marshal Kretcher and aerloualy wounded Alfred Lambert, In brawl In William Jsturpny a saioon in St Paul last night. ' . Tha hoD-Dlckers. among wnom were members of a band of toughs from As toria, became engaged la a tight la the saloon. Marshal stretcher and two dep uties, -Lambert and M. Manaolo, went Into the saloon to quell the disturb. anoc. - in tne nsnt wmca nm marshal waa KUiea. one 01 nis aepuuee wounded and two strangers, whose Identity Has not been disciosea, were injured to a oertaln extent Sheriff culver ex atsnon cowniy was notified aad Immediately departed for the scene. , '; ' v ,. t Mura'hr is a brother of Matt Murphy, locakpatrolman, and Dan It Murphy, Portland attorney. - uaa Murpny is now camping at St Paul: The patrol man says be doeon't know anything about the shooting affray in hla brother's saloon except what be read la tbe papers. . - . , ...... y. T SERVICE IN MEMORY OF COMMODORE BARRY 'r' :. vV- , r v. v .,-- ; A memorial service in honor of the lOld anniversary of the death of Com modore Jack Barry of tbe American navy will be held by the Aneient Order of Hibernians snd Ladles' auxiliary tonight at the Hibernian hall. Second and . Stark streets, Commodore Barry died September It, 1101. , - At the isst session of congress 119,000 was appropriated for ths erection of a monument ia Commodore Berry's mem ory at Washington, D. C. , a musical and, literary program has been arranged for tonight The address of the evening will be delivered by Rev, p. v nara. sssaaasswsssnBeswaBOsaJBwBie v y STRIKERS ENJOINED 7 ' - TO KEEP THE PEACE ... vj (Jodrsal Reeeial Bervlr - :'. Log Angelea, Sept. 11 Judge Conrey today granted the Crescent Wharf it Werchouse company ef San Pedro a preliminary Injunction egalnst the longshoremen's union of San Pedro, re straining the union men on strike from picketing or otherwise Interfering with the nonunion men employed te unlosd vessels. He held the distribution of Circulars In which the word scab Is used , a i.. unlawful ... llllli iil.lLuUi.U tibllLt.i! Jiiil C..Culi!G "It can be definitely stated that the ft K a N. I willing to put up the ' money to build the kagle Valley rail road Is somebody else is ready to ' build it "If Baker City subscribes 1100.000 of -the stock as asked for In the contract with W. L" Vinson, there is nothing , that can stop the road. The contract . calls for the road within oertaln time limits and no matter, who does, uie building it must be done in acoordanoe with this contract which by its terms prevents any delay or dilatory proceed- . lags. ' "There Is no doubt but Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Miller are going over the pro- T posed route for the purpose ot getting a general Idea of what tbe road can expect They will be absent from the city for a couple of days and tt Is very . probable that upon their return to Port- land the O. R. N. engineers will be sent out to check up the surveys. If ia the meantime the 1100, tua la raised by Baker City the actual construction work on tbe road will begin within 10 days. . ,,: : .. . .. : ' Ooaatgy SMob. aad SHwrMia. ' "The country that will be opened up by the proposed road is as rloh gnd fertile as any -that can be found la Oregon. Even with the poor transpor UUon facilities afforded by overland oonveyances, the people are making money in raising fruit for market Only a few days ago two large wagons, each ' drawn by six-horse teams, came Into ' Baker loaded with fine large tomatoee tor tbe Portland market The peaches raised there are of the finest oualltv. .. and so large that only four halves are - required to fill a quart Jar. The straw. berries are the equal In also and quality Of the famous Hood River variety. 7! "The goad would tap considerable pel low pine timber. The mines at. Sparta would be reached and given aa outlet - for their ore. It will come within range of some of the btg mines, among them ' being the Flagstaff the Mayflower, the Red Jacket, the Iron Dyke and others ot that dlstrtot that are now turning out much ore that has to be milled at tho mlDe." , , SEIIATOR OICK-IH SADDLE, BUT PARTY BUCKS - Much Excitement In Ohio Con-: - . yentlon Oyer 6enator ; Selection. ,.::';;T' tJeeraal eecW Servtoa.1 ;"'V -" "Uayton, Ohio, Sept. II Much exoite- ment attended the second days Repub lican convention. Senator Dick's aaug onlsls ware not satisfied with bio seleo Uon again as state chairman, and In troduced a motion that the convention requeet him -to resign. In the uproar Senator Foraker rushed to the platform to defend hla colleague.' Diok was supported by a vote of 171 to III. ' Hla opponents refused to make it unanimous.- A platform waa adopted ' containing ft "dogfall" plank on tariff revlsinn. --n t Because Foraker requested the ques tion that be be not mentioned, tbe res olution indorsing hla for president was not offered.. . - Senator Dick won victory last night when he was reelected to ctatc leader, ship as chairman of the stats executive committee by a vote ot 14 to f. The event of ' tbe convention last night was the speech of Senator For aker, which earns In reply to former Oovernor Herri ck's address demanding tariff revision, denouncing boss Ism and a rerorm poncy . POLICE TOLD OF NUMEROUS CRIMES 8neak Thieves Carry Away Jew elry and Money Detectives ' . ; Working on the Cases. ua au . ins tt 1 1 r haa- tnf ormed the polloe that for the past In 1 watawwavaw as Vl St Warn SB saiMlMansf BB Sttl Brwltanteull faV eWV HSSJcawOj swsasa lisaei hviivwsi e seFiv w-a- looking man endeavoring to force an entrance to the saloon at tho southeast r.h anil Itmt atraata At 1 . o'clock this morning she found him In the hallway 01 ner nome, oui mi zei tew made his ceoape before the arrival of tha Bollca. Barseant Jones has been . detetled on the ease. J. A. Jones ef IIT East Thirty.nrtn. street reports ths loss ef a silver watch ..a .M shila Ha does not knew whether be lest, the timepiece er It was ' stolen rrem nis roeioenoe. a diiu,. has been assigned to make an Investiga tion. ... - - ' f.k. 'Skw4tAM an annlAVB nv tha Crane company, has notified the police of the theft ef a getd-glled wateu and chain and a geld dollar of the Issue of till, -Roberteon was under ths Influ ence of liquor and the only Incidents hs . k... 1. nnnnar.ttnn with the loss of bis property is the fact that a porter employed at tne asmono wro p " to bed and upon awaking tbe watch was missing. ' Joseph ter 0' Rainier, Oregon, - a gueet at the Oregon House, First and Davis -streets, has complained to the , .. .,mi.,i invastleatlon that a - UUIWH V , . ... . - sneak thief entered hU room nd ear- ried away 00 in SUrrenoy ana ' silver. The bllle were in ble eoat and ... t- vi- tnuuni f?a ia unable . to furnish a clue to the erook, but the polloe are Inclined to believe that one , .a iianirinus characters In ths house committed the theft ..: Iaaao Jordan, residing ai m u Central hotel, while under the Influence . .. MhKait at Fourth and Couch sTreets at 4 o'clock Mondaymorn. Ing of t0 ond ft roio waico. vwmB w his Inebriated cendltlon he does not re member his oompanlons., Detective Hellyer has bsen detailed on the ease, but no arrests have been made. Second Hand Furniture Will buy flO.009 worth at once. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. JOI First treat; Phone Main 11". . ATTEWTIOIt NEIGHBORS TONIGHT I A' BETTER COJaE Wanted sTirVKaa.. 1 tkl r tai VUWMrV t