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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
n. 1071 iC"12j tOJUGHT'i AMUBEStEJIta. fever...". , . mpire , I f rlc , bar. liaae Craaa "BcUM She LoT'd 111m n" "ih World" "Shadowed by Crliiw" . .."Ifroei BJr to ..., VatNlerli'.a VauUellie That there will be a smaller amount ef delinquent taxe on th 1S0I (ax roll " than vr before la th opinion of Chief Deputy Sheriff AM. Moltaen, who ha chare of the- tax department. On the brat of September there were 1121,000 . of tllOS taxea unpaid, but payment - are being mad so rapidly that Deputy ' Moltaen believe that by October 1. when taxea become delinquent, nearly the entire aaeament will have been ' raid. The tax roil of 1906 became de linquent April 1, but property-owners were allowed the privilege of paying . half their taxe then, and were allowed . -to nay the second half at any time pe- . for October 1. This aecond half of the taxes. If unpafd. will become del In ouont on that date, but It Is believed ' that there will be practically no deltn- " fluencies. , : . TJntil landed in the city JalJ Charles Wagner lived with his two boys of ' and 11 years at Ml Lax street. rom the Information so far gleaned by De teotlve liellysr It seems that 'Wagner ha followed the profession of thievery and has systematically been teaching hi small sons the tricks or tnelt. A few days ago be Impressed his . boys, Oscar and John, ss well as a neighbor lad of -II. Peter Stickle by name. Into the theft of HO feet of copper wire cable from the Mining building of th Lewi and Clark fair ground Detec tive Rellyer found th booty and -... cured a confession from Wagner. Th latter will not only have to answer to . grand larceny, but also to the equally . serious crlm f contributing to th de linquency of minora-.' ' ". ."." '.' ''' ' '' ' , ' It's a good rul never to room with I nu who t tailor's measure 1 th am a ryer owa."--,y our- roommate .may not only persist In borrowing your dress suit on nights when yon -might need It, but h may5 some dsy fail to return and you will be left to reflect -upon th ingratitude of th human hog. Robert Shufts and John Baely shared ,' ths eame apartment at the Williams boarding-house, at Eleventh and Davis ' streets, 'for ' the salt of seonomy. Beaeeley bad better clothe than Shulta and. x for th sak of eoonomy, .Shulta dressed up In Beaaeley's beat and went south to spend th winter. , Beaseley Is now kicking himself. It Is - not th first . eas of th kind which fca happened In Portland, lately. -: - Rev. Henry T. Atkinson.' pastor of ths Epworth Methodist Episcopal ehureh, and Mrs. Atkinson will sail for Juneau, Alaska, on Thursday, Septem ber tO, where Mr. Atkinson will take charge of th Juneau church. A fare well reception , will be given to the pastor and his wife by the member of Epworth church on th evening of Sep tember IT. Mr. Atkinson has .- been pastor of ths Epworth church slnoe It 'was organised twe years are. Th church la now out of debt and has large membership. Tbo'eongiegatlon Is much interested In knowing who Rev. Atkinson's successor will be. This will be determined at'th -meeting of th Oregon conference st Sunnyslds M. B. courea on September if. , Ths Mtlwaukie city council Is eonald sering ths readjustment of telephone conditions tn ths town In connection with a franohls that la asked for by - th Horn Telephone company -Under an axlatlne? arranremant with th Pa ....... W ....W..W . v u . 1 1 j v.i . . v leiepnone is rurnisnea at us city naiu Th council will make an effort to se cure oonceeeion from telephone compa nies regarding municipal offices and also In ths matter of rates and switching charges for Portland msagea Th next meeting of the council, on th sec ond Tuesday In October, will b held at ' th city halL . . ...:, ..- ,- V Frank Ds Blen, who conducts a boot . black stand at Third and Ash streets, was ar reeled last night by Patrolman H. A. Oalbratth en a charge of being drunk and disorderly.' It Is alleged that D Blen slashed Ralph Mareello on th sband with a knife during a quarrel be tween th two men. Th case was con tinued In th municipal court this morn ing In order to allow Mareello ta file a complaint against his alleged, seal! ant. . - A barber shop at ICI First street was J attached by deputy sheriffs yesterday 1 afternoon on suit brought by B. I Seorest. . Th complaint alleges that th - shop was sold to Ward Roerk Tor 1S14, and that ho part of the purchase price . has been paid. Th suit was brought : to recover th money. Walter O. Hayes appears ss attorney for oeorest. , ; m BiesssBea Articles of Incorporation of th Red -Cross Hospital association have, been filed In th offlc of the county clerk by E. Mallory. F. M. Col well and I. M. Bassler. They will ngag m the bust "" ness of providing medical and surgical , treatment and hospital services to pa " tlent at a contract rate by th month . or year. . Capital stock, 11,000. -' 8tlt to reoevwr 1414, alleged ta b du for millinery goods,' was- brought against B. O. Case In th circuit court this morning by Edson, Keith 4k Co. of Chicago. W. H. Fowler and Emmons tc Emmons appear as attorney for th Chicago firm. - . .,, . Charging desertion beginning In Sep tember. 1905, Fred Kreglow has begun suit tn the circuit eourt tor a divorce , from hflnnt Kreglow. They were mar ried at Hastings, -Nebraska,, la June, . IMS. ; . . ; , - ... .... ..Iaaae. Jordan, a guest at th Grand Central hotels has reported to th po lio th theft of lie in coin end a gold-filled watch from his room In that ibl mm OTHER ' Our saf deposit boxes gr all numbered.. Each boy (or safe) has a double lock. No ' two ' locks allka Ton hold . ons key, we the other. . Neither can unlock with ' out th aaslatanc of ths " " other. Cost per yar. 14 and upward. OREGON TRUST & SAVKGSDAKIi ' roxTxojrD, omaoov. domicile. . George Robinson. " a cook rooming at 114 Ftrat street, reports having been doped in th Palm saloon. When he 'reached his room he found that t had been ntrd and robbed of $1. The room of his chum In th same nous was robbed of 114 at th sam time, ' .-; .-.-:. - . j, , - S.' W. "Jones was sentenced ta serve three years in th penitentiary by Judge Oantenbeln la th circuit court this mronlng. t. Jone was - con vie ted - last week by a jury In Judge Gajitenbeln'a eourt of a statutory offense on the oomplaint ef little B. Fuller. Jones' father was In th courtroom when, he was ntncd. - ' .. . . ; - Th ease of tha eltv uilnil "ev4- man. Broa. who reotd a building with in th fir limits without a permit, has been postponed until next Monday with the eonaant at dtr illam uoon On Monday Friedman's attorney. Judge Northrup, wlU try to square the mat ter by going before th council com mittee. , , , , J eBaaaswaaBsnaa' When his trial was called tn the cir cuit eourt this morning; George Austin statsd that .he wtahed to change his plea from not guilty to guilty. He waa accused of a statutorr offense hv li. TMMia jwin xayior. judge clears sentenced Austin to three rears In the pniinuary.c ... W6 aim to giye you tho yery best Printing Serrico that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST & PRICES LOWEST F.W;Baltcs& Co., Printers FIRST OIK STREETS Twa Direct Llni,Dotli Mats 161 C Water through boa for SDrlnkllna yard or aide walk a, or washing norch er windows, must be paid for In advenes and uaed only between the hours of I end tin. and I and P. at.- It mast not be used for sprinkling streets. , If uaea contrary , to these ruleo, or weste- nuiy. it wiu be shut to. . An Information charging ' Miks Po tato with aaaaultlog 10-year-old Mabel Mas was filed tn th circuit eourt this morning - y- Ipaty- District Attorney Bert Haney. Potato Is .being held In -i - . . ., . . Ill VUUULjr jam. , ;,. Tour Eyes Examined Free. w ar till selling ayeglaaeee at 11.00. . A foot Bt guaranteed. Metsger gt Cos. Jewelers and opticians. Ill eixth street Modern I languages " by conversation. Mme . Baur. lit North Nineteenth street. : Telephone Mala Silt. Modern-Slanguages Ztt" eonversatloa. n uaurr, lit sr. .Nineteenth. TeL at. lata. ....... -,, - ,: -. i Acme Oil Co. sehs th best, safety eoa on ana rine gasolines, rnon jcast ti. - Womeft'a VSmtiatitf 11 rM1k iwncin iwt wjrWMiMn mea a-tnnesi Fin Millinery. The , Chapeau. ' 111 Seventh street, oppoelte ImpertaL Miss Makl, maaaeuse, Abington build ing, returned. qnlck ttmlts as f Tn TcmmaL the want t9t RICHARD WILLIAMS TG GIVE UP PUBLIC SCHOOL I70RK After Service of Fifteen Years He Will Resign Position Because : - of III Health. , After a membership In th board of education covering ' tha Isst . IS years, A luonara wuuams nas announced nis in tention of resigning. He has s aotl fled J. V. Beach, the president of ths board, though h has not yet formally tendered his resignation. : .Mr.t Williams has been Tailing la health for som tlm and often has not been able to attend the meeting of th oireciors. xnree time he hss acted aa president of th board, a position which goes by rotation, the-senior member each , year taking the chair. He Is now on the committee on judiciary and on repairs. It is doubtful if any other man la Portland has had a part la th management of th public schools for as many years Mr. Williams. Many of ths older residents hav followed his' lead In all matters pertaining to th ouy sonooia - M nas been an actlv and aggresslv member, thou ah . con sidered jthe leader of the conservative sisment among the directors. Ha, la a member of the law firm of Williams at Williams, but has lately been spending much of his tlm on a ran oh la Wash ington county.'- WAS MERELY, SHOWING r , THE MAItTHE TOWN It H. DrlaoolL a north end habitue. who claims to be a miner br nrofes-' aloe and a gentleman of leisure' by oc cupation, was a Treated yesterday morn ing with 1 cents la bin .pocket and w'.th 141 la his right trousers lev. O. Olnen, a alffbtseef from Klst, was ar rested at the same time with a lag and empty pockets. Prlscoll's f 41 belonged (o uisen. - "I was - just takfng ear of It for him," explained DrlaoolL "He asked m to keep It for him and I put It down my pants lee for fear torn on would steal It away from-ma lis waa drunk and I was sober, you see, and I was showing Mm around. I often do that, though I have never met the man be fore. Sort of a Chinatown guide, you know. Free beers and things you un derstand. , Drlscoll Is held for pocket-ploklng. . Milwauklar Country Club. J Eastern snd California raca, Tak Ian Ald.iv , ?;DonttoYoKrCrcr FrcaLe norniiArtEr.broiIeryVork2to5P.M.Da:iy C -tc-i a tiJ Dransry VorltOr fecity-Kcst WorkmansT.?, Lowest Prices TEne : Meier ' b. : Want Sore Woinniee's Portland's Leading Closk and Suit Store la showing an immense variety cf aew WaPxing Skirts for Fall and Winter wear Tha extent 7 !' ; f V 'J J I ! ' k-7 "If ti-.v of the display wonld do credit to any store in the country Every new and attractive style and material- Pleated and panel effecfa-9 to 21 gore and circular styleThe latest novelties In phids. tine and green, brown and green, gray and black, gray and garnet and fancy checks, mannish materials in endless assortment Solid colors in blue, black, gray, brown and green Serges, Scotch Tweeds, Panama and Broadcloths The best Skirts from the leading manufacturers la the land Well made and finished Perfect fitting r, We guarantee every gar ment to give perfect satisfaction to the wearerPrices range all the way from $5.00 up to $30.00 yompieie. snowing oi new Kiamg J Skirts Tan, blue, black, gray, brown aiii lm i i i 1 i ea .. iie ! i i iifceMasaeasiaajsaarj- and green Best display in the city TO Second. Floor Cloak Department Ruffled Net Giirtaiiis 1.15 ii Pair Preit apecial offering of 1,000 pair New Ruffled Net Curtafnt, plsin white net with lace 7 'if r C ' on edge or rufflei, 3 yds. long, 36 in. wide; splendid styles and quality extraordinary val V 1 U 500 pairs of Ruffled Net Curtains, with lace inserting and edge,; yery handsome style's; 36 inches wide by 3 yards long curtains wa sell thousands ef pairs at $2.50 a pair regojarly; your choic ; 1 At today-atthis-wonderfully low prica.TTT; 300 pairs of White Madras Wetve and- Nottingham Lace Curtains, 46 to 59 in. wide and 3 yards loqgrBrusssls' patterns, "in at- tractive designs; very large va t riety, machlcss CI AJ Values, at, pair..; V $7.50 " Brussels, Ounys, Soutache and Corded Arabian Lace Cur V; tains, jhiteorAxabian color, all new designs, full size, 50 in. " wide, Zyi yds. long; exceptional alues at this -X. CL ; low price pr....V Wsst J $10X0 Irish Point, Brussels, An tique and Cluny Lace Curtains, -50 in. wide by-3j ydsrlongTalt njr 1906 patterns and mar velous values at, C ff O C .;.T:-v....;,.y Second 'Floor. .,par." Boys' School App Boys Black Sateen Blcmse Waists, absolute! fast color, attached collar, a jjes 5 to 16 years; splendid rallies . . 60 and 75 each Boys' Indigo Blue.and Red Cham bray Blouse Waists, agea 4 je" to 18 rears: beat ralue in town at. each. ....... .....,,.,.JC Boys' Cordur6yKnee Pants, best grades, pair. ..60S 75, S1.00 Boys' Wool Knee-Pants at,- pair. TTTTTTTZ. ZSOtTS and 81.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Knee Pants at, pair. 81.00, f 15 and 1.50 Boys Corduroy School Suits, double-breasted coat and (il Kf knickerbocker trousers, ages 8 to 16 years; 8pecaI,-sutv"," Buy your boy a "Hercules" School Suit for 85.00 and you get the 1 best suit it's possible to manufacture for the money best in style, r best material," besrm "wearmrqusuties"- erery suit warranted shower-proof; hygienic and sanitary unshrinkable materials -.are V used throughout: Coatsaare lined with extra heavy, double-warped Italian doth, pants are lined throughout with shrunk Irish linen, IX seams of pants are .all taped! 12-patterns to select from; ages 7 to 16 years;. by far the greatest school suit on the' , CAfY ; market on LsaletJhispular.price,suitJ.i ' 1 Dinner Sets At Greatly Reduced Prices 60-pe, English. Semi-Porcelain Din , ner Set, pink rose decoration, gold tracing, great value f T.Oft JOO-pc. set as.above...'. ..11.87; 100-pc Haviland China Dinner Set, . pink decoration, gold on knobs 1 and handles, great . special value at, set 823.40 Nickel Chafing Dishes ,...T.60 Nickel .Coffee Machines.... $9.00 4-pc Silver Tea . Sets,.;. ..12.5 and 16.50 60-pc White Semi-Vitreous Dinner Sets; great special value - at . . ...".......3.8 100-pc Set as above for.... 6.49 60-pc BroVCn Decorated Semi-Vitreous Dinner Sets, grand ;" - value 4.98 100-pc Set as above for.... 7.87 60-pcPink Decorated Semi-VUre-, oat Dinner Set, gold tracings, f or k . , ....7.18 .100-pc Set as above. .....10.15 TTaTiitchcn Goods Sale Continuos All This Week $1.25 set of Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons on sale st' 99e 12-in. Turkey Feather Dusters 80s 14-in. Turkey Fetther Dusters 28 15c Wire Carpet Besters 12 15c Potts' Iron Handles ..12) $1.25 "Univtersar Food Chop- - pers . . . .....99Y $1.50 "Universal". Food Choo. pers... 1-19 25c Potato Ricers for ...i....20 $1.00 Waffie Irons for .79 10c Cleancut" Cake Pans ......8e) lOc Wtre Pot Chains ........ .8 8c Kitchen Forks for ......... Japanese Pot Brushes for .:;v.2 25c Titi Dish Pans for..... ...21 30c Tin, Dish Pans for......;;25 35c Tin Dhh Pans for.......29 35c JapTable Mats, set... ...27 i5c Mop sticks Vi,.....:.;.:.ii 18c Black Dripping Pan.. ...14 45c Iron, Skillets, No. 8..... .36 20c Acme Frying Pans .......16 6-hole Tith Gem Pans.......... 8 9-hoIe Tn Gem Pans... .....12 15c Clavr Hammers for .....11 Small Hhmmers, each ........4 15c Magnetic Tack Hammers. 12 Wire Pohato Mashers, 'acb:.. 3 Wire Egjg Whips at ..........2 Wire Soap Holders at .........4 TTOrWffe SipRacks 8 8c Cake (Turners at 6 15e-RoTmdGraterrforTT."7."7l8 9- in. Tin Pia Pans for ...... ..S 10- in. Tin Pi Pans for ..4 9-in. Jelty CUke Fans for.:..:. 4 8c TinPudding Pns for.... 8c Fofgod Basting Spoons.... 6 No. 8 Tirt Steamers for ......25 Tin WashBasins for ........8 15c Towa; Rollers for .......12 15c Rollini; Pins for ...... V.12 25c Wooden Salt Boxes ... r.l 15c Gas Lighters for ........11 Wax Tapters, per box' ... . . Wooden Mixing Spoons forrrr.S 3-arm Towel Racks for ......8 12- qt. Gal vanized Pails . ..... 19 10cTin Bread Pans .j.t.jjiJLVjL.8 10c WochI Handle Spoons ....8 15c Imported Egg Beaters. ...1 8c Wire 1 Plate Handles .5 Carpet Tacks, all sizes, pkg.,.2 10c Rapid Potato Mashers. ...8 10c Crown Can Openers ......8 5c Lemon Juice Extractors.... 4 Hat Raoka, with mirror ,...47 40c Zinc Washboards .....r..83 Blue and , White Salt Boxes. .24 13- in. Wood Chopping Bowls 14 15-in." Wood, Chopping Bowls 24 10c Mincing Knives, each...... 8 Double Mincing Knives, each. 12 Sleeve and Bosom Boards. ..83 SmaU Washboards 14 GalvanlxedWashtuba "777754 25c Scrubbing Brushes, each 20 15c Scrubbing Brushes, each 12 25c Stove Brashes, each ....SO 25c Wooden Pails, each.. ....20 25c Handle Shoe Brushes . . 20 35c Counter Brushes, each. .28 50c Counter Bruthes, each. ..40 $2.50 Qothea Wringers, one-year guarantee,' great value ..2.10 50-foot Clothes Line ...... . .12 $1.00 Willow Clothes Basket. 79 Toilet Sets White China Toilet Set. Barland pitcher, regular $1.25 QC value for ........... ,Jv 6-piece Decorated Toilet Sets, as- sorted patterns, pink, green and : brown decorat ns, . 1 OQ great value, set.,...) 1 tJ7 10-piece Decorated Toilet Sets, as- sorted pat'ns, reg. C?0 itQ $3.00. value at..... v6'7 HIGHLY PLEASED' WITH NORTHWEST Senator Taliaferro of Florida Loud In Praise of Oregon, Her Resources andfeople. . A visit to Portland has resnlted In eonvinclns; United Stataa Senator Jamas P. Taliaf srro ef Jackson vlll, . Florida. that ths wealth ef Oraroa and tha necthwast demands aU that ean be se cured from congress in th way of a deo Channal In ' the Columbia river. After spending several days la Portland he has been won ever to the weat in such a manner that he has pledged himself to seear all . Orgon needs at ths hands of oonsreas. "No country evar impressed tne as Druicncnirc rv m - x. t rut 4Mt i do tov mow Tmt aoonatraLmxs er Blch.rttWsE Embroidery Wlx ? MnlBf all food m1iim. aiMthiMaa t thrMd. anaty at aelat aad abwiate tast- "n IHifef atealneia atvas eitb airtMrd aon'a Bilk Taa tocloda tlfol enter plMM. pillow tip, A hookWt UWn$ aboat tbw prtsM rata for th aakla. Oar Special Offer for One Vets Cnly tmbntOrrf Bilk. B akalae tar.'. IS yrw W fW In anibrol(Wry. - Mali ordM rilM areaipUy. The NtmtCRAfT Shop, 352 VuiSL th north vMt," said th senator, "th wonderful resources that have been re vealed te me on my first visit lead m to believe that I hav not seen any' where near all that thr Is to see out here. Not only th country, but th peopl, hav impressed m very favor ably. . I hav bn ntrtalnd royally slnos arriving la Portland and cannot express my gratitude too glowingly. X. knew Senator Oearla In the senate and hav had the pleasurs to be with him In Portland. He Is a very One man and I wish that ha had been reelected. Tou may be sure that when anything up In the senate from Oregon I will be aur to do all I can to secure te her her needs.' Senator Taliaferro Is accompanied by lira Taliaferro, MI as Taliaferro and Mr. and Mrs, A, S. Hubbard son-ln-law and daughter of Senator and Mr. Talia ferro. Th party leaves' for th Sound this evening en their return to wash Ington, . . ' . . : . Sea men's Zaatttaes Ooaoert, - Th weekly concert at th Seamen's inatltut. 100 North rront street, will be given - tonight ander the diree. tion of Mia Bugmla Craig, who has arranged th following program: Piano solo. Miss Ethsl Barksdal; song. R. R. Adams; T. M. C A. Olee elub; song. J, Bock (British steamehtp Knight of St. Oeora-e): reading. Miss Annie O'Brien: song, F. Newman (steamahlp Knight of St. George); song, Miss May Bresun; mandolin solo, J. H. Leggett (tam- ship Kaight ef St George); aong. Miaa BusseUt readirfK Miss K. Craig; song. A. O; Lewis (steamship Knight ef Bt George)) ng, A. Slgmond (steamship Knight of St George); song. J. Neville (steamahlp Knight ef Bt George); x. M. C A. Olee elub; American. British. German and French national, anthema Aeoompanlat. Miss Katharine Unehaa. Lewis & Lewis Architect General CoaUactors Specialists In Artistle Exterior and : Interior ; sot UkPUQM ax. sua smj, ST JLVJl ' ';;',;S' .; :"' '''' :;r HEis HERE J'-yf':y THE MAN WHO SINQS TO BEAT THE BAND" ATI THE OAKS . , FREE EVERY AFTER NOON AT 3 O'CLOCK, FREE;: EVERY NIGHT AT 9 O'CLOCK. , IN CON J UNCTI O N WITH- D'U R B A N O'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND TOMQHT . POPULAR HITS V.' rGOOD OLD U.S. A." y -HOLDING HANDS -WILL YOU LOVE ME IN DECEMBER AS YOU DO IN MAY?" "IN MY MERRY OLDS-MOBILE,-. ETC, ETC E FRIDAY INiarfT . Owinr to the numerous re- quests, Mr. Morphy will sing old-time favorite songs: " - -OOODBY. DOLLY GRAY" ,:v;" "BECAUSE- ; "I CANT TELL WHY I LOVE YOU BUT I DO- . NEXT MONDAY NIQHT , Will Be IRISH NIGHT "' Irish songs most " dear 'to the heart of the true IrishmaA - Free, on the open-air stage, HILDEBRAND ft VIVIAN v In their Iron Jaw Act, Tonight, Grind Rasqaerade ti'J - In the Dancing Pafilion Admission 23c Ttr lasuraaes mdaa. (peett ntapetrs Tke leareaL) Walla Walla Wash Sept It H. a Jackson, chairman ef ths Insurance com mittee appointed ny ue commercial olub a few weeks age- t take up the matter of getting better fire Ineurano rates la .Wails .Vsus .waa Q.ua4 !- terday by TOee MeKenale. etaf lr.nrnoe s!rror, that the r)iit er" 1 t-e t runl et a 1 ' 1 ' a r"rarrT a ' 1 r-r of tt .' v i ie tiX 1 i !-r t ! fie e' I . . IV. ' Paclfl Cnlreraltr "la -one of the oldeat schools of Higher fcduoet .n on the Pactnc Coaat.. with aooie el the moat distinguished men In Ut ters and law aa it alumni. - It la a Private, Co-Xducatlonal and Non Sectarian ' College - of th hi beat standard. iocatxov. Pacific University u located at Foreet Orove, one of the snoet brauti ful residential towns in 'Oregon. 1 only IS miles from Portland on ! Southern Paclfla Weat Side lMvlaion. Foreet Oroy has electric atree-ar and light aervi-e. Th drinking wa ter 1 chemically pure. The college campus is the most picturesque ef njr la the state. -. ' ' aaTDOwacBVT. ' Paclflo TJniTeraltr ta the largest endowed private college In the en tire Paolflo Norlhweet. For thla rea eon -the beat instructor ean be em ployed. TUe Inatltktion doe not de pend ea student fees for It income. ousjuoTTTitrac. - - Highest scholarablp In , elaasloaTu sclentinc. . literary aa4 mualcai oourees. aQtrsmnr. Partflo University Is ths ' best quipped prlvste college In butldlnae. laberatorlea, library, musle and art rooms In Oregon. - rmatrAmATOBT BarpAat7aam. High school graduates and others having credlta to make up (or regu lar oollege courses ean do so la Tua latin Academy. Th academy stu dents ar extended the advantages of college activities and association. No academy er high school training In Oregon xol that offered in Tuala tin Academy. Upon presentation of certificates Its students are admitted to the best Eastern aad Weeiern eol- is gss. Th average necessary- expenses for a school year rang from a mini ansa ef 1109 ta a mlilmuw ef $u. VrlSt nt Calsertss as4 ntoaUlcrataT fiU Tcna 'Cjcsj SerL AMVUSMM7KTM. lets ss "n.. M.i'l TV.... Waealas-ui uitili luitttil. Kia L. Than., Irl. gat. Mlfkta, Sestenber IS, 14, It ' Sseelal-Price Mattnee Sarareay. .... rilitr re FBOUMAN PreeeaW, .. WILLIAM COLLTJEa : r - . Is Antrum Themes' Ooeeady. - 'roai nri ftum." aliealaa Prieea: LAwav floor. SLBSt 1. TBe,.S0e: callery, Site, tat: sasae. 10. aaaiiBee-sTTeaa. - fcowae-giaer,- ii TSc. SOe: nllerT. SBe. 1 5c. Beets sew aalUag at sea efflca, Hsfilg theatre. BAItEIV THEATRE Oreces Theatre Ce., Lessee. . . s L Trasne Mala 1S0T. , TBS BAKER STOCK COMPART ' . , ALL THIS WBEK IN "noAnsa sh i. ovxd him so. '-Sveniag Prteea ace, SOe. SOe.. Mattaes, IS Meat two urm.g TAaBARTa. MATIN BS SATUBDAt. . - ' empire; theatre; no Mala I1T. MILTON W. SKAMA.N, Maaeger. Toakrht Ail Thai Weak Mattnee Saturday, . . Orasd rre4actlea el the Weaeertal Steals Meledraaaa. - -"THBWORLD" ' . -triiJ-Prteasir- SOe. kfatiaee. 19&Tl'wea-M0! TBS SBTDOB AT MID- BIOHT.' r - aUYRIC THEATER WBEB BBOIWinitO BEPTBUBBB 10. Tb , Beneetloasl Melodraaia. nt - - i.i n VHinAnrArt nirl OUdUUHCU VIXj ea a. W 7J W nne .. IN IWI ACTS. THE STAR Pbeas Mate S4. WeHt of S-Bteeibet to. ALLXM BTOCX'COMPAMf Pieasallii Milton Nobles WaU-Ksewa Praroa, . - TBOkT SI1K TO aOW." -' " Wotiea Bsslaalog with week - af S-ptatrhat M, the Star win bare saatloaas TaaaSaya, Tharedaye. Baadsys aad aoHaaya, mateed ef very ereebay ea heretofore. . PrW Matlneae, 1 aad 10 eaalsi eneanags, IS. SO aad SO teats. Free IUCSTBAHD SC" AND UEWS aJ TBvery Tnlng ' e'eloek. Bring the children. Corner Morrison and Third. Change ef program weekly. HARRT S HUMAN, General Advertiser. . ausear Bereld Kerf. mGrand .'a . .. .... . wnvad Oeera-, Xrte. TBI . - aereallaa ; XJWBitOaa. . , ; eraaSmie. III! ' .( PBIOaV-Mattaeea, 10c an eeeta exr beesee. STealase. 10, SO aad baa eaata Sue. ' Parferaaaaeee. s:SO, t:S0 aad S:U s. aa. rai a ar-aji a : . alut Oastaa ssd Btaraey. " Bbaad Beatty, . rear BMeel Oatea., , . - . Bdn aeat Mrs. BlU. :" Jeea WOeaa. -., -. MeneU aad la ' Bvagrasa. - awuiMi San at s an t an .i a ASaalealoe. lOe aaeT Sne. Ladlee ee4 cb lake an seat at wees-oar sMttaeea Bar CBNTfl. , In S For Iced Tea y, .-t ... . . , - Devers Golden West Ceylon Tea v Peculiarly Refreshlnj. Scaled Packeta Only. Gossct C. Devers