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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
TIIU CViLZOU DAILY JOURNAL', roIiTL'AND, WLDKIDAY :;r.7 today. I IW BUILDIuG 0flS,500 Rent $150 Month 510,000 will handle It and how you . 13 per cent on your Investment. I ; 7 7r 14m 1! tlna ' location. beat boy lo the city. If not Bold thla week will withdrawn from th market , Fnone m tor parUculavrt- f . ;;, ,' , . C O. Shay :-.-.r vr:-V- X-AXM S33. . , ';- INVESTORS CM Tnisl (czpsnj ia Orejoa Iwh tetnwrt-brarlBf Certl flr. tee- jOepeelt tot earns of $600 or over that pay from 2 to per cent Interest and eaa be ftin at any time by trlfi certain Bamber et days notice. . -y--' - iii-:" " Write today for tjg bosk of ;; . . ..- "nxvrnuinoKi.n RESOURCES over $1,750,000 Portland trust Co. of Oregon 8. B, One,, Third aad Oak Slav Pbeaa Ex. Tl PEN. I. COH!... H. L. flTOOJ B. Lta PA'IET J. 0, GOLTBA...... . ........a, . ,.Pr1dnt ........... , ....... ...... Ssi-ratery ......Assistant Sacratarr Business ' ! f TSjOOO-d-etotT brick block corner, 190 by 1C praajeat remtai pays I par cent oa lnfeatment, Stevcnson-Brovn Co. Ho noon INSIDE PROPERTY Lata 50x100 feet, elaowalke, traded 'atreata, dtj era t (Bali iVnal piped the earUua, with aa oaobatroctad aw of the rlrer; errrr l"t cleared la kraaa pint and contain the rlrbaet kind of eoll. la .w. Ik log diauace of ceetnr ef the eltrt title perfect, aa aba tract furnlahed with orery lot, aad the price eely 10 per lot. A few ef three lota wlQ be eotd for JlSOl -v) dowa. balance month lr InaUUxaeata. The I rat eoane the tr aerred. M. t. CLOMESblC. 3b7 kUKay Boildlng. : 7 28 Oose in on the car line, cheap for a few days. T0WVF, 420 Commerdal C!k. WATCH LENTS CHOW nd keep your eye en WILET ALLEN A CO. 8 aaa for fine bargalna la roej eatato. i FOR RE1NT ' New atorea and offlro rooma, with team hoat and eloctiio Ucnta, N. R. corner Third and Idadlaon atroeta. Apply room t. nm studio icuis e. doil PARLORS t AND 10, M-V W ASHIKOTO.t treat, la aew opea for reeeptioa ef aeplla. WEATHER REPORT. A eoddea etona atede lta aapearaaoa off the WaahlnxUia eoaat early title aaoraiatt, and etoraa enntheaet warnkaara were ordered dlaplered at all tMporti ta tbla d la Met at T o'clock ttle morning. Thle die tar banc, be canard rala la weatrra Oragoa aad weetara Waablnrtoa, aad cloudy aad threataatnc weether, with higher tnmneratarea, generally eaat of the Ceacade nmatahaa. The high ptaiaere area yeaterday orar weetara Waahlnr ton la aow central erer klootaaa, aad lew UBperataraa, wuh killing froaia, are lapwud la that mate. The weetera trough of low preeaore la din In lab tag 4m latea ' alty and baa remained nearly atatlonary. Light to beery rata has fallen la the ivakotaa, Mlnnaaota. apper lake tegioa, Iowa. Nebraaka. Kanaaa end weetara Mletaurl. . Partly rloody weather eeatlnoee la the Atl.atl. atataa. with tewperatarea ellghtly a bore normal. The bvlloattoae are for rala hi thai dhrtrlet tonight aad Thareday, with a atreag another! gale along the eaaat. aad freak gnaty art aaa. la the Interior. - Obtavrataeaa takaa ef I a, m., Paelfle tuaei Ttau). Btanoiaj - - - --Max. Mia. Preen). Bakar Oltr, Oi 1 .4 Iieurer, Colorado , 64 . 80 TO 64 r5 88 : 81 - 44 . ,8, - 84 '.- T. Kansas City, M xn. lt Anielea. Calirorala T4 New Orleane, Leolalaaa. ... PS arm Tork. New Iork...... 00 Portland. Oregoa TO San rrandsoo, California... 0 ' fpokana, Waehingtoa....... M 1 scctna, Waehlngtaa 04 Walla Walla, Waablngtea.. T ' T. ',421 v J A .33 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charlee J. Beler, 441 Piaaavtt at4 SB, Man, S.TOI iw. William M. Pnrrsa. 18 - - bal BuedMS. ar . . mr Forth aTlereatk J. P. Mctlcholaa. 85; Nora C. Marpnyt-St , i. L. nsnsi, 188 North Sixth a treat. Mrs. Ellnabath B. Chnrchlli. til Lrmaa A. Darlaa, Bridal Tell, Oregon, . AaiMitB u-t 1-n.aiyva, jn. afallaauaat Bs4 4hw. . tv. ahvsa - '"ok Maunia, aWtleaaa, Oregoa, SO; rrtnre nuuim r. ainttk, , TaS Grand aiaaa nargeent, hv. Wedding Oarda. W. Q. Smith m O Waa. ".' ., . oana aaa waaaiagtea ata. Weddlas aad eaUIng earda anaraa.4 ea annuo, at. x, Koaatea, gxx WaabJagtoa -ec Via. Bertha Martin, rona SIS Allakf bldg. j Stamping aad Sua aeadlewerk, leaaoea glTen. full dreea aoa for rent, all tlaaa. Ta1klng ) gtid Stark at. ' Cahrae BIRTHS. UroHr-8cptemher 0, to Mr. aad Mr. Oeorga T. Hughra. IH7 Macadam. tnr. WHITE eVpteir-ber 10, ta Mr. tad Mrs, L. i. it. wuite. w wamaa, a gin. BAI fAN tealr a, to Mr. end lira. Ood- rnm mmMn. in Tvnmry-roarta. a gin. TALK Meptemher 10, to Mr. aad Mr. TM n r van, pi worrnrop, a dot . p- u! vN Aomat 14. fa Mr. aad Mr. J I.. I'.iivlnsrm, 1173 Rawthoree, boy, lfT1 1 hi in ftDtrtnbr 4. to Mr. and Mrs. A. Matt twin, Eaat Forty-fourth aad Eaat liarri- s.-n. a Iot. ' ' P t - i r.I IIKHd nrptrmht t. to Mr. and Mrs. I ..... Kek.iibera. 16 East Tar lor. bo HI ,i i'.s Anroat 2. to Mr. and Mr., Gnat HivWn, 811 Seventeenth, a boy. FUNERAL NOTICES. kPiL la thai cttr. September 11, tv. a faeill real'imoB. SH4 Keren th 10. at at.. Lary lanirl.errr. haranl dauahler of rTenry ana I . r Ka.L aard I rear, 4 moathe and . Prteoda aad ariialntan-ee are reapect f r In.Ord to attend the funeral eerrleee, ku-a mil be held et St. Lawrence church. .-r Tt.IrA eiHl Nnerinsa eta.. ! I a) D. a -i hr.4ar, heptamkar U. Uteraaeal bt. alary' muetetj, .. ' ' . Block UNDERTAKERS. l'u.nlnr. hlrF.ntee A Gtlbeugh. an4.rt.trr. end enioeiotera: modern ta every detail. .revaHa aad Pine, Mala to Lady invutt . a. Il.matork otikir a ad atalmw, bat Thirteenth aud li snail He ara. flwaa h-U. IL. Brtcfcsoa rndsrtektng Co., aa4 embalming, Alitor at.4, tboat Mala lilt Lads sssutaut, J. f. nai.r Boo, Third sad Ki'im eta. Office ef county eoroaer. I'booe Mala 0. v Cl.ARKB BROS Florist Fin floral design. 288 Morrlaaa a. flowere aad Edward Holatae, t-ndeateker,' ' Third at. airwraw cemetery. Single graves $18. Family lota ITS te $1.-0B. Tba ooly cemetery ta Portland which pee peiually malntalua tad cere, for lota, rar tall Informatloa apply to W. B. Markeaate, Woe mm block. lty. W. M. Lade. areelSeet, Tot ' abstracts title. Ineeranee ar sswrtgsgo leans, call aa Pacific Till. Treat compear, formerly PeclSe Coaet Abatraat Guaranty A TTuat company, 204-O-O-T a II In building. Oat your Insurance aaa ahatrarta ta real aatate rroaa tea line uaaraat m iru.v wwy HO Waahlnitoa etraat. eorear MEETINQ NOTICES. If. W. A-. Oraaoa Orane Caatp. Ha. .aTS, tfoe. 17tk aad MarahaUt ttaltora wtleoma. .aya. w a vwwnnwvai nAur aaas. , Wataia4ar eraaiiic,, aUlaky JUdau. Tbk4 aaa Morrtaoe eta. - noticb.: CROOK COUUTT COCBTHOUSl. ' Kotlce la kmb; alree that the eeaaty aaajrt ef Cror eoaotr. Oraoo. win racalra aal4 bMa tnr tba bulldlor of a new toorthooaa . op ta UanmbT 1. at 10 o'clock a. a at the coorthooae at It rrlaeTlUe, Oracoa, aa folloirat ku for the enuatiacftoa aaa bo 114- tag ef the foQDdattoa eat of etooe aa orlKla a 11. planard br W. D. Park, architect, Salem, Oracoa. Mecoea A bid for the tonatrnctloe and bulldlnc ef the fonadattea eat ef brlra. acrordlnc to aaneaded plea by a. me arahltaei. Third A bid for tte conatracUoo and eooi alrtloo of the raiieretractare aa otlatoal y Dlanead. eralttlna toe aoeae. roarth A bid for the rooatrectloo end eotaplattoa of the oulMlne complete aa orllBall7 plaaaea. Fifth A bid tnr tba eoaatructlua and conpletlna of the bolldlnc eomplato aeeerdma; to the ameaded plane. t ' . Tliat an blda moat Da tmwinai it". 1 .a ,wfWH .( W. a it.itmr a.Um rtraraa. and aaalad aad marked nni -air- "Blda tt Ooartheaaa," addreaaed to toe county elerkPrlnerUle. Oraena. . - The enanty will par raah opoo any or tract -eatered tare tnr the balldlnf aad coaatractioa of aay part or whole of aald balldlnit. Cer tified cheek at mealtcard ta the epaclfleatloae i sat areoeipanj each bid. The plane and apeclficatlone eaa be examined at the office of W. D. Pofh, Ralem, Oreroa, The Orefoa txnr Jmrul offloo, Portland, Oreroa, and . at the office of the cooaty clerk, pTlDerltle, Oragoa. The court raeerTea the rlf ht to reject any and all blda. By order ef the court. - ' f (Baal.) WABBM BBOWlf, ; .Clerk ef Crook Oooaty. Oreroa. REDEMPTION OP BONP OP THi 0BLEO0H CONSISTOBT "0. 1. OP PORTLAND, OR.. DATED APRIL 1. 1- . . , The following umbered boada of tba abort lease ' hare baea drawn ta conformity with article X of the mortgagd executed to the anderatgnad. datrd April 1, eaanrlng - eald bopda, and win be paid by the Sacnrltr Marlnge Treat Co. of Portlaad. Oregon, oa r- October 1, 1900, apoa aarrender of the bond. Interact will- eeaea to eecrae ea aad after that datei ,.-,-.-, . 1 Id IS n . -w- tns SSS r " pmy " T M lit US 115 "11T iao i is 170 laa 24 21 ' KM : elf ' 2S .441 T45 ' 823 " 824 82 831 ' ra 6. 8T M -1 -e 7S ST . M 91 2V SBCTJRITT 8ATINOS 4k TBCST CO- "; . , . Traatae. TO THI tarnayere ef Moltnamek Chanty. Ore gon: HOIK. Bi BH I IWJ a 1 ' w" W vm , uw. . ' October 1, lAOe, the board of eeaallaatlon ef Multnomah ceontr will attend et the office of the count clrrk ef aald eeaaty aad pnb- ilrly examine the a eel at aunt relie for the ' year lBOd, aad correct au errera la raraarlon. dcecrlptlon or qnalltlre of land, lota or other Sroperty. and it I the doty of all paraoet itareated to appear at the tiase aad piece ' appointed, end If It- aha 11 annrar to each - board of anoajlamtloa that there are any - land, lota or ether urouoity atantii twkw or la the aame of A pereoa or eerttna not. the owner of aame. or aaaeeeed nnder or he- yend lta nine, or any landa. lot. or ether - property not muni, aald board ef eaaaliaa ttoa ah all make the proper correct iona. B. D. SFrtLr,R.4TTwar5aar. Portlaad. Oregoa, September 8, laOS. ' LOST AND, FOUND. yorND-s-A Bght bey boraa with white anet ea roreaeau. inquire or J. n. Mtaauisaer, wita Pink ah Co., 814 Mlaalaalppi are. POUND At the Oaka, Labor day, ladya fold watch. Owner please can at ova Teniae et Sellweed aad raoalr reward. 1 LOST A fold rierklace. old (tyle with peealtar partera. rmoer rerora to too etivce at Kortonia, tsrair 14U and Washington Bta and recelre reward. LOST Leather bill bosk,, containing ata m pa. raoelTer' receipt for lead; name oa Inelde; reward. Leave at Journal office. N. 0. Beare. HELP WANTED MALE. "Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. - ' Pre employment te oar pair una Weekly rat! Boom, 8LS8 ap; room aaa) board. 84.80 ap. " Aaoereoa, proprietor. SOUND yeaof men, age 18 to 80, for Sresnea. ana nrakamea oa new feed ana tor rau raah; expcrleoce aneeoeeaarr; sUsaea $100 per month, bra k. man 878: poaltioaa now open. National fiallwa Training aaaoclatioa, 780 Paxtna blk., Omaha, Nebraska; a 081 Ridge bldg., Keaaaa City, MlanoarL. , f ANSWER THIS AD1 It et rar baalaeaa aeabled roaf ealary tree aad IS to 100 per cent ea matter where located, whet yoar work. Proof a ferhtabed. Call or write. Pg-Dat Co., Sept. 81. 418 tiamuiacciBI mag., rortlsna. WANTrTD Special ealeanMB te tatrednce ear fall line of eperteltlee, loclndlnx Bnrbank new etoaeleae plam-otracle. Reply with reference, t tba Urrgea Naraery Co., Sales. Oregoa. v MEN AND WO si EX to leera barber trade ta eight weeka; graduate ear from gig to gzs weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free. MobaMRrstem ef Colleg ta, 88 Nortk Courts at AGENTS enated te aril ettperlor, klgh-frede auraery toca; eomnirse outnt turnisBeo rxeet eaeh areckly: write tetlsy for choice ef ter ritory. Capital City Kuracry Company. SaletTs, rre-JB.- ... WANTED Toeng men to leera telegraphy and rnllMae amaBtlu: aalanea B7&.OU re sWO.ou. Por free cattbga. addraee Moree College ef Telegraphy, ace izta at, oaaiaaa, ui. WANTED JO ewampera at food wagaa; . It ml lea from Portland and eaa mil from rail road. , Apply Weetera Opt. Co., iB00 Stenraa orag., roruaeo. . . TiMNTrn Two or three fl rat -claaa. all. BMChln man; permanent poaltloa, goad wage. Aragoa rami tore Mfg. lo.. Maeaua ANTED Morlna-plrture ma eh tea-nper store will teaeh yea the baalnee; term reawMiabl: nositlona secured; food ealary. New ma a. 1 140 HlXtB. WB get work for ear aaemhera; a trial metn bera. IS. T M. C A. Fourth and XaathlU. F1R"T CLASS panta-makart. BteoO, The Tailor, A Val ABIIXS aW . , WANTED Piret-elae carpenter. Apply West ern Cooperage Co., SOS Steuas bldg., Port . land. .. .....- -. .. , .h WANTED Man with wife for work on farm; chane for early advancement to the foreman- ablp,. Adrlress, giving eanerlenre,- reference end eg. I 51. cere Journal. WANTED A tdr young ata, 18 ar SO yeara old, to run delivery wgna . for meat mar- - aetr one rcaatonMid to caring for A McUelr Bros., Hood Rivet, Or. , " " i' TEI.ETIRAPHY Big demand for telegripft eper atara; eipart bwtruetorai advaacod pupil per fected and eeeleted to positions. Call at writ. ' - wtiim iipkkt COIXEUB, "' ' Comnwaweallh bldg. . LA ROB bay with artistic tnlent to learn erenle K I rd'J'i1 Pacta Leaat Seeult Stadlo, T SOt T .? ' 811 ' '' 838 . 840 ' .rS SaT . vn mmm.mim aaa, , , l -r - , HELP WAITED MALE. at A N with eir-rianr. aaalatant ervnle art lat. AiH'lT ircliii: Cull avaula fttuuio. Kit aad Cuuca ata. WANTED final cornr Hatia. ateady work, at If. TnmX. SUMS .ipiaa1 tailora at BM Oeedaeaak ofaia. Jaut.uatila.aa, tailor. WANTEJ A finlahar. 2t Laaiber E- chaase hkl(. k tm Mala MM after p. m WANTED Boy to leant tke kardware bealaeea, alao (ra-.l rapalrluf aad lockauiltfctnci. lew waitea to eafta with. , r U, care Journal. XPERIBNCer. and banc kand. Portland Baak Door Co., Eaat laylor aad union are. . . r WANTED Blwtrlclae to take dowrn power aad llfht wlrM and relnatall aaoia. Apply to )Vlllaartte Irva tne.1 Worka, rroat aad looria iwia at. - JIOTd, 18 aeare of aye. who want to Ware the Imamaea? aiuat be reliable. Apply to aaper- BMoaeni, Ulda, worlmaa At avuia. WANTED Good hi aura nr. eoUcltor. Adoraae Poatofflce Box Sua, city. WANTED CbaaLberaald and. dtnlnfl (trta at juo ilia at., x.u ataia nsn. WANTED AT ONCB Oood wearere oa btanketa and rooaa; food nay. ateady work. Addreea uuloa Wooata MlUa. In ton. Or. . BOT to etrtp Coheeoo.. Lev la OUrk Ctiar Co.! a3S Unraalde. HELP WANTED FEMALE, ROM! LADIKB an NOT. l6i Foarth at., cor. Morrleon, "tapatatra. i-aoae Main oao. - Aloocalde the X. at. a A. bldf. OIRLS WANTED Oparator to work oa ehtrre ana oTeraiie. Leaaone (i.ea to inerponrocaa. Apply at Sundard faetury Ke A, Car aad are. aad Eaat Tailor et. , WANTED Olrle to auk 'Bona of AU" erar alia at Tl rirat at, HANSEN'S LADIES' AOttNCT, S4 Waahlnr. rbetat Mala toa at., eor. Bereaita. n pat a bra. ttlba. . r.maie kelp wasted. : GIRLS wanted for yrtvaral hoot work eooka and waltrraa. City Emplaymant Of nee, eulte 1, itOl Waahlnartea at. Mala Salu. WANT1D Cempetant alrl tnr femoral kouae wark. Apply 10 seat lata at. . WANTED OlrL ateady work, St 845 corner Derla. fs ' rroat. WANTED Ladrt - oaey, profl ealary and eommleeioa. 141 1 table poalttoni 11th al WAITTSD ktaaato kanda aad hiaawa at Oraed Laoadry Co, 11th aad Qnlmby ata. PKW Udlae wanted to aaatct making eeay faaay work epare time at home; food ateady pari, ae experience required. 820 Pwldaer fcldg., 407 Waahlngtoa) at. : . - WANTED Aa all-arownd woman for reetaaraat work. Apply SIS reurtk at. Ooad I HATS a good heme for a girl ta work walla attending eebeol. Apply 084 Stat Stark, ear. ear 88d at. . - - , - WAKfCD Hormkeenere, domeatloa, bookkeep era, clerk a. ate. Call and register free of . charge. Oregoa Ladlae' Employment Agnaey, 112 Abnurtoa bldg. P heave Paelfle B3oX. WANTED Toong lady apnreatlea tar 4i aaatiak lng. 874 Rose. Union 8081. . 8TENOORAPHER, erperlenead. wholeaele hooeal referaucae. Addreea P 40, ear Journal. WANTED Com petant woman, orer S0 ta ttka charge of oat-of -city . home; permanent place, good wagee; 5 grown poraoaa. X eg. Journal. BESPEOTABL1 woaaaa for chamber work. tiorth Third at. Hooaekeeplns ' wagaa paid. -..'.-.- OIRLS to work ta eeady factory; good wagee, ataadr emDlorment.- Pa olf Wt Oeaeg Blacatl icatt Co.. 12th end Larla ata. OPERATORS oa paatai aaa aara 818 a week. , 829 rueoner bldg. WANTED Apprentice ftrL Mr. St. John, nor Tamil UL v 17 a PENMAN Prlrtte and claaa lutina. both day aad erenlng ; get Tonne. Oeter'a Bxpert Oet - lege, Oomnsoawaeltb bldg.. Sixth end Ankaay. WANTED Indian a teecfc ta hf. B. S4TH Stark at. . Apply erentng at T:80, ex cept Saturday. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEM ALE fiOOD home la Christian family la etty for girl yearn ore; mast oa Bear a eenooi: atate aita. u. Mittooa, 434 RaaaeD at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOP PICK ERA Three weeka' pfekina: wa pay SoO.OOO for plckhur ear A34 acre, af hope: beautiful eamnlnf grounde, dellg htfol . bata-1 ng. rrecery ttore, bntcher-ahep, bakery, ber-bar-ehop. dancing pa Til loo BOxlM feet, mask by Portland orchestra; pare water, plenty of wodu. teiepDoaa. pnyaiciaB; no cnarge tor yen; low exenraloa raUroad rati ea. neaiat today at 83 Fourth at. Phone Mala 4070, .Bra. . Kreba WANTED Ooed Irra ageara repreaent aa I eiriereai eecoona or city, country sae la mall tow-ae. Write or call B, M. Plnmmar, S40 Third at. BBLP wanted aad aarwllad. mala ar fens. to. R. v. nraie. ano waanina-tao at raelne 1XTO. WANTEDAGENTS. AGENTS wanted, could ake 04 ta f 8 a day. Tab . Third. - FINB pRspoaltloa epea for - aoap eaarm agenta ar peddlers i a few dara only, at once. B. M. Plan mar, flSO Third et. AOBNTS wanted ta arorr town la Oregoa to rtprtetat the natloaal Life Inearanoe Co. of V. a. A. B. O. Ballon d. tat maaagae. 804 runin, w" B -i win uu, VI . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. - ' . HANSEN'S BMPLOTMBNT OFFICB -FOB MEN. SO Nertk Second it. Phone Main 1BSS. THS PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., Z4H Morrttoa St. Phone Paelfle S30. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT nonaee, eettagea, flata. teree, ef Opea, Booming htiaaae, ata. Lead- lords will do well te call ea . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ORPMOB. Phone Ex. 72. B. B. Cor. Sd aad Oak. . HOt'SES. flat, rooming houses, ttore. offlcoa. , etc.: prompt tttentloo aaaured. Phoae Mala 11TL H. W. LlBdhard. McKay bldg. INFTJBNISHF.D roora aad beard by lady ta mndera bouse) central' reference. Phooe Xaat WW, WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Pcrtland Catltalist W Bake a SPECIALTY of COLLECT1N0 . BENTS ef LA ROB BUILDINGS, placing FIRB 1N8URANCH. payment of TAXKS aad 0KNK8AL CARE OF PROPERTY. We bare tba beet of fadlltiea fur carrying out your wtahe aa aa agent. We solicit your aatroaafe. Our refereneea: Ledd A Tilt haoksra, aad Merchants Natloaal beak. B. H. BIX)SSOM, ' ' 80 CBAMBEB OF COMlfEBCB. GOOD tnooane aad reeideaea farming and timber landa. Mala 1171. ' H. W. Lladbard, Met. ay bldg. OR 0-room koua and lot. cine to esrllne; bare buyer with 8300 raah, balaaee InataU aieata. B. J. Uelrer, S2m Morrlaoa at. IF TOO want quick' Ml of. your property,- Hat P. Pack. K1H Mnrriwa at. ''- WANTED FINANCIAL. I WANT $750 loaa, $ yean; will , real j food real aetata a.cority. c aeon, l4H Flrat at. Room ThoBV WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mela 8068 . . - Mala 8450 rCBNITTJBE WANTED - '.. .. FOB , "i SPOT CAST! , . POBTLAMD ADCliOIf BOOMS Sll Ftrat et. HIGHEST price paid for men'e caet-orf cloth ing, rhono reiae ee. uncie joe, bi xaira. WS WILL BI T. eriL OR TRAP ANY OI.f THING. VrTf.liN BAITAUH CO- VO- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINT1NO, apraytsg and whltewaahlng tree. a,n,.i,i. baraej. doraa. Otol largaet aaaulln. ,m a the suest. 4a. O. " "l Oa, aX linloa . Phoae Beat Sll. CBANB BOTTLB CO. buy ll klnda of Jon raa, bolt laa, each a, lr and aaetala. Ihw Mala Aaad. 14U aad Couch. WB WILL BHY your furniture any eld tlaaa. Waatere Salrage Co., 4JI Weahlagtea at. BIOHIST price pal 8aet OOTt . d for aoada, ISO Unlua are. WHO II K. ft, MOBOAN cat- WANTED To parch see a aod-hand typewrit. or table or etaau. . em vtsiawuw Phone Paetfle 81 A - - - HATB a Bemtngtoa type wrt tar I weajd-cant cheap, laa rroat at. WANTED Fox f.rrlr X 09, eare Joaraai. pup- mnet be - aheap. WANTED Te bay a sac ad hand jtypewrlter . deak with four ar eight drawara. P 10, eare FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO furalabed rooma ba prfrat family, m beat raaldenee eectiea. wear moo. easy walking dletancet most giro rareraoc. SdUO. Phone raauie TBS OBAND. 48H Bartb Third at. Beoma for geetlamea 81.23 per week sad ap. - , ' . TUN JtlCHRf.IBOV SSH North Sixth et, BI. gantry rarnuoeai ateem oaa aaa saus KLONDKK.B Fnrnl boaaehaepttig atngle or aa anita 80S Aider, cor. Lowaadaus. BLBOANTLY furalabed roomer the traveling pablle solicit eo. xs4n Mornaoa as. LINDA 1 TI8TA. S4TH - Fifth Hoaaekeeptrig ultaa, llaeplng-roema. cheap. THS HUB." 00 Eleventh at. Stark) room with a team beat aad bath NIWLT furnlahed front rooma eul table for two gentlemen. 148 10th at. - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. im MITCHELL, riandera add Seveatb Beeaaa, hoos.ka.prng ana rrana-aaii eoa- leat) price, reaaoaahle. LA BOB atogaatly ' farnlahsd - boneekeeplag- rooaia; gaa raage. naniaf wauar. xoe iownav 4a la. oosti Alder et. S1.1S . PER WEEK Largs, ateaa- fataltkil hooaekeeplng-roome; la an dry aad bath. 104 Bhermaa, Doata roruaaa. SATB balf hotel expenaeei $1 week an, tlean. fnrnUbed Boaeekerlng-rooma, eultabl tor two parlor, laoadry, bath, yard. SOS), Stan ton. , U ear. . - S-BOOIf Oat with bath, completely faralahed. close a. Inaurre les West Park et. ROOMS AND BOARD. THS WOODLAND, the eholeeat prtvat Board ing place la the eltv; aeeing m nauenagi com aad ee. SfS Sixth at., eloa la. - - FOR. RENT STORES-OFFICES. PAST at seep ta fabt. auttabla plumber, sua roarta at. OFFICB-ROOMB, ufarnlabed rooma and atmple. raome for rent, yttuneiigh uag. - Appty et. trator. .... ' - ma INT Part ef furnished efaca. Iavutra ef Jaal tor. sooea XM. Lam has ascnaage FOR RENT HOUSES." 8-ROOK cottage ea Mlaalaalppi are.. 110. a-rooat houae oa car una. Data, ae ana easu water, etci 81S .. . - 0-rooea houae. - farnlahed. ak yard, ek-ea an a .arllBea: 81S. . , 0-room modern bone, excleerve dlttrlrt: ao. 8-room anodera cottage, gaa, at.. 0-tooni 'flat. TJalna see. aear TUlmnk; 1 10. 0-room modern. fUt ea car lis, aear O. B. N. ebopa; $15. Store With living rooma la tear, aa CakM ava. 1-year lease; W M. B. TllOMPfWN, ' S4S MlaalaalpBl are. Paean Woodlawa SOS. 0-BOOM bonne. TS1 Beat Taylor IJS 00 T-roeta hoaa.. aim uraaaa.. ............. jso.vw e-rooar house, Sll Curry. ...... ......... 18.00 4m swaee, 790 Clinton..... ..14.00 e-roora cottage, 4 Eaat 84th St.. ....... 18.00 0-room cottage. 088 Belmont.,,.. ....... 18.00 A-room flat. C80H Belmont.... V ,0 P. W. TOBOLEB, 108 Boarloek bldg. - s' ROOM h Sherman t.;ay rood little borne hot water, etc. I (W nvnrth. Port taafli. toilet, not land Trust Company of Orefoa, Phone Ex. 7f. EADDBBLY TBAN8FBB CO., Brwmpt aad re liable pUss and rrrrnl ture-mover! ii age. Phone Mala loaa. oraea lie a. Mala 1080. Otaee Third. FOB BBNT S handsome modem T-reom boauae. conveniently wcetea ea aniraet. carua; eio. 011 and 814 Corbett et.r rent reaeoaabl to dealrahle tenant. . David S. Steam, S40 WsulsftN at. , - - ' FINS (lightly need blgb -( plana for Bale at a bargain price, jau to aee it. auuaa m eilbert Co., Sixth and Merrlaoa ata. MODERN 0-room hotra at Midway, 000 BUla. Oat bey seat ooor. aia. MODERN bona. 8 rooatt. East 10th aad Oa- rather, 820 per atssatn. . vau ua laaana stsh ear. Salmon. SIS MODERN boas, newly finished. Sixth and Caruthera at. Tel. Mala 4528. 8-ROOM outrage, (It; aara rant la oarfarei atx block. Sll Sevan ta at. $1S MODERN house newly Snlahad, Sixth and sjarntnoro.. a-aoao- ail was TERY desirable, centrally located. T-raota koua for rent. - 1 eon ire szs ADiagtoa aiog. . POB BBNT At one-or by October , - bona,- ntodara nirnace, gas, iee-oi ugnta, blinds and riirrsrss, with bone nlrel lo cated! ' gaa etove, linoleum, cook atove and winter' wood for sale. Apply 830 Sellwood et., corner Rodney are. , livrN.Rnnv bona SOS Second ex.! five room oottage, eorner rroat ana uivrar ata. aaa. ire 635 Chamber ef Closnmere. ,. NEW 8-room modera bona with baaemeat get; walking aiataace weai sioa; piu.o snenta. Boom 403 Cesacmrelal bldg. OORNEB. new 0-room 8 -story bone, modern Improvements, soseee. very artracii.ei aunitai $22. 780 WUllsnw are. Phone. Woodlawa 420. B0T7SR of S rooma, good location. Inquire 420 Be venth t. PUBNISHBD cottage, S rooms end hath, tart pantries, eineeta. porcnee ana ysru; a enii dren; $18 per moath. Paelfle lied. ' 81.800 ft-ROOM cottage, modern, ear. Fourth IQO vvooa Bie. niHHI SB minraara. FOR RENT FLATS. : BI.BOANT f-mnm apper flat, beet location, aat aide. . Wuneeh A Co- 810 Lumber Ex change. Second and Stark. Phono Paelfle 1M. THREE S-rra-m fornlthed data; telephone and - bath. 034 Seventk. PBon Main 8M3. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. ,, S-BOOM houae for rent, farnltnre for !; trlctly central end Btedera, Phone Pacific PIT. BOT'SB for rent, furniture fog tale. T4S Love Joy et. Call at OOOD furniture, tls-room bona tiep; good locatloal tent a per saoaui, rooaa maia xP2N. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, ALL nit ballroom, arparat ar together; new end With all eenvenieaocu. rasra saaia asw. BUSINESS CHANCES. PHENOMENAL rlae In price of Horat Switch expected any dayj tnia may no your wet . tppartunlty to buy before euherrlptlon. bonk ar rloaed. J. Jr. Uarst A Co.. 300 Me Isy bldg. ' ' M . f FOR SALE Star aad etore building) host, aaa that will keep two mea baay. Addreea K 87. car. journal. FOB SALS Grocery stort with 4 livlng-roomt. In growing aubtirb, end of earllne; 111 health eompele ma t aelll will earrlSoe all, cheap tor caah. P 11. care Journal. , INVF.STMENT In suburb of Portland! fin hoeineea epportnnlty; will beer rioeeet tnvev tixaiion; $7,nio reaulrtd, Tytoa aUaeU, buinecs ciiai:ci:3. W ElJhs TA lll.l ilKI grocery store. giod eor bor on t si.i,; wotiid luru!-e sUiut gt.iK'O. T llrlng ruuiu with bath, $40 t luouih; lea a. r gi.trio tinve a anleadld frfrvj atock wU located, living roouia; rant i J par mouth. $....ii lun.t grHwy with ale living room; tent gig ..r n.iah. - fouw Nice little grocery ttock wall located with living rooms; rent $14 per moath. Grocery and pieat market i very good bnal - aea oa good corner: would la role about $l.i0. Alao one very good reetaaraat for (TOO; doea ' good baalaeaa; caah, balance caa be pakl : aieuchly. ' OTTO m CBOCKBTT, SaSM Waahluglua. . POB SALBV Reetaaraat' and IS roosne, cheap rent, S yeara' leaae, located on the eaat siue where baala to getting belter every day, J. J. Order, 1 N. Orand eve. FOR S ALB Wood and coal buelneee; clear 810 dally. APPV ie avl . aaorriaouu raoa at eixis. FOB SALS ee trade for real estate, - ranch Cull 844 William are. coaster raetaarent. HERB'S chine te get wort la a cask bnatnee ea partaer; will pay you a J uv , auw sw qalred. Call SeSm Stark at. . .- V. Fcr Lease A e.lbrted hotel and roadhona at 1023 Macadam at.. 30 mat t furnished, for e term of year. Apply to owner, 0. H. Plggott, at hi law ofnee, room 4, Malkay bllg. ...,.'.. - BEST offer thta week bay tb. ealy dm$ (tor la gojd vaUsy town; every tnmg up to ins, good eorner location; no reeeuaable offer re fused. Writ or call Drugstore, liount Aug el. Oregoa. FOB 8 A LB Old established eonfcetlenery. cigar ana fruit store: z large iiviBf-rooui an eva nectlon. 807 Ftrat at. A BARGAIN Confectionery store aad reataar- nt aad poolroom In connection, will eau t than coat of fixture; meat be eald la 10 day. Addreea 0 46, ear Journal. i tt AC EES oa the Oragoa City ear In tor 1150 per acre. Call at 107 y. Third et, . TBLBPHONB MAIN 0188. 1 POB are looking for a roomlng-houae go to TI1B OR08SB ROOMINOHOUMB aUB.M.1, Tk N. Sixth at, Portlaad. Oregon, OOOD-PATINO lunch counter; a mint for maa ana wire or two partner; must aau on au eount.of tlckn at yoar own price. SOVi rth Mlrd at. 1 " " " ' T:" V BLOCK ta St. John, clean In, price $3,000. call at 107H Third at. OBEAMEBY STORE Partner wanted; $450 re quired, rally eacured; experience not aerassara. to make guo a montn. call aes piara ai. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION If yea treat te eeu yeur hmtneee onick for caw,. a u yea waat a partner, call 8484 Stark t. CASH STORE Aetlv maa without pretrtoet experience caa make $150 clear aver au ex pense very month; price $1,000, Call 348 Stark at, - CLEANING aad preaalng atabUahmeat tor sale. avonreaa w a, care 40urnai.- and fUtnree for -sale cheap; MorU Third at. GROCERY and bakery with living room. $T50; tock, ovaoe and nitaree warta otx receipra $20 per day; mast eett. owner etca, price 400. Call 343 Medlaoa at. - $1.4 DOD-PAY1NO grocery euslaeae ea makt tret, 1 ta heart of city, for sale reaaonable. P XLi para aourauu. . . WHO IS M, . MORGAN m CO.! . CHEAP FOB CASH- reoao epetadld tocatloa. Addreea X 04, 3 oorneX WANTED Partner, mal. or femast. ta good Addxae paying hotel doing good Boeli tr. O. Box 801, Centralla, Waahlngton. HOTELS, rooming; bouae aad aU kind ef baat- aee chencee. - Tfaompeoa at Oaf. SOT Bherloek bldg. .1, 50-8 EAT hotel- Malng aaddenly called east. at. Roora 0. 145V Ftrat FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S TOO 3-reom houae, eenter led TBxTOO, ' la at- John; $180 down, beUaee $18 per moath; houae reeled for $4 per asanth. S 000 J niata beoae. all 1180 dowa, bale) Sl,S004MBa kn , Shaver et; . . pat Ssoai $3,000 Beeattfol 0-reeaJ a-odVr ta . , every reepect, ' I abundance ef K lot 87x113, nrera, ban 14- ,'.' lng reetrfctkm aelghhnrhood. 1 block from car; $1,000 dowa, belaaea oa loaf time; let aa ehow yoa this. OaiOOO-S bona of 0 and T lootM, U block. , woem for aaetber bouse; halt eesh v ,x " '.r'"l : ': ' :" "T-L $8,000 Blatant 8-reeai fcoaaa, atrlrtly aaodern, , new carpets In perlory range end gaa , , stov In kltchaa, h.U and atalr eae- peta, full lot, pleatr of ehrubbery. . . : near Eaat Taybe? and 14 tk; moat ba aeeato b appreciated; eaay pay- $1,000 Tery choice fall let la rToTladayi eoa - . erete walk, parked etreet. $S,00 Claoleeet H Mock -Portlaad Metfbta, oa carllae; Sneat view; term aaa ,-t- be .tnada. - r ;;;' '';,';'----.., . Choice euhnrbae lata e eerllne) rmintlnf reetrlrtlona; $10 dowa. $0 par mouth) yoa .will like them, .:;.".-,,,:. 'h WzsUm & Oregon - Realty Co. ROOMS 11 AMD 13, S58M WASHINGTON ST. $8.380 FINB 8-room bom; farnaca, fruit, loaa and bam, ea B. Alder et. cloee la. " 82,000 For a-room modern aew bom ea aaey tereaai It' a dandy; ea B. 38tb St. . $1.850 Large 8-roora food home; term $800; berne and 3 lota. Have a S and 0-room hoaae for mm aa fa, etallmenra, aad will build yoa a borne ta alt lot $10 caah, $8 par anenth: they are nice aad cloee In,, price only $178 la $200. Own bom of your ewa aad quit peylnf blf rent. . STEINMBTS CO., ' Tba Hosaaaeller. -18$ Morrlaaa at. " New neat 4-room cottage, nicely flntobed Inald ted out, front and back perebe. waur Xlped In houae, with ajt aceea oi fooa gar en, ground l.v.1 end all fenced, H cultivated, oa ear Uae near atatloa, only $1,700, H down. If yoa are looking for a food home at a reaeooenie price cau oa J. J. Bay Fourth at. Boon 8S. - STRICTLY modera flata, beat location, : west aid,, paying jx per cent on price situ, .Wanecb at vo., ai utmaar axenanfe, and Stark. Phoae Pacific ISO- WIDOW leaving Oregoa. offer T-ronra bona and lot with part of fumttar for $STBJ $275 . dowav-end $18 Bwataiy. noma ismo lo., laovt Flrat at, . S mtcm level acre for snout ntice of one. near car line and atatloa on graded street, only $1,800 for both I WW divide, aoitaoi lor piet M.rnDf . -. - - '.. ........ w. J.Day & co. : 100Va Fourth St. Boom M. 88.100 BOOMS, new, modem; part anah. Call SftS Eaet Medlaoa at. W ALBINO DISTANCB 0-room honee Bear Steel bridge; 50x100 M; roaee, flower and fruit tree, t hone anay, ataia a.wa. n u i, m, DON'T forget the place The ew Bra Paint A Tarnish rnlsh Cs.. now at lis lira I, be, au. - rlaon and YambllL' ABB yoa looking for a home or in veat merit T Good real relate I eafe. Wt have com that - la good. - Before yea buy see what we bar t offer. It Bl TTtOafPSON. 040 MleslBslapLave. phooe Wotxllawa 203. FOB SALE lmnroved and anlmprnved farma, wheat aad nock ranch, limber lend and aw mill, cltr and atihurba properly l cuanae a epecialty. Turaer A Walker, ronm 4. 8iMVi Wasbmgtoa at. A DANDY 0-rnrna bona, Jnat rompMted, t West Plod moat, 1 block from cat bars. U80 AihlaA OTOt at Jearsal 01 , ' . .. Mat new, eorner aac ace asoathly. -v law. full corner let, ea $308 oaah, halaooe $1$ FO!? SALE ni-AL TSTATH. II:re Are a Fev cf Wiley Alien & Co's. Fine Eirgfilns S2S4 rve Ftlr 0-room houae, 1 acre ef good orchard. II acrea anler rnlllvalloa. IA terra of good timber, Bear carinas aad aa r-.-d road; only $iA per acr. Several 8u plecea of beaTerdam land ca Johnson creek, near Lenta; Sral claae fur gardes puxpueea. Alae , and acre tracts with real da area: hooer to rent, furnlahed aad aufurulahed. at rsaeooabl raata. ' 4 8-aare tract. all Improved with tralldlnra. f'mloutee walk from school and car ststlon. 8c fare to any part of Pert lead, and the ehaapeat hit oa the Mount Scott line. , ' . VUeyAUen & Co., LENTS. OREGON. A NEW T-ranu bona, juat flnlahed, and 80-foot lot, ea West are, near Hawthorne are.. Bull ' Kan water, oaaotirui via price I2.5-K term. A. E. Jackaen, bldg. Phon Mala lou. 8. Hamilton $1,600 S ACBB8 near 0. W. P rarllne, d ecree cleared; good 4-room bouse, bam, ehlrken houae, young fruit tit a. Till I an elegant borne for the price. Call at 107V Third at. I NEW 0-room modera bbeee and 8-room mod . era kouee, by ewaer; small payment down, . balaaee monthly. : Phoae Eaat 075. - d-ROOM house, fractional lot. fenced; $.ir caah. , baUace teriaa. Mount Tabor care, lot Baat 48th K. . ', , P1TB fin residence lots, near Vnloa are. wa . Cambridge et.; these lota have a aortb (rent and ar about 3 feet higher than the street grade; only $300 per lot, 50x100. Call at 107 H Third at. -- . ; Send One Dollar ' - Aad w will Hat your property with 1.000 real eatete dealer who are nrloaa ta aara a coea natation as yon are to a 11; our plan eeldom fallal aand drecrlptloa; we tr helping any ether, why not yoot Addreea The In vea tor's Guide, 811 Marouam bldg., Portlaad, ' Oregon. v - 500 Homes Fcr Sale ? Farm and City Property.. "THB INTE8T0RS QL1DB CO.. ' Sll Harguam bids., Portlaad, Oregon, S LOTS ea Beat 35th at., $1,800. Y 80, Journal. QUARTER block aear car. ansa 11 honee aad narn, sawi tsrms. aia uommareiai bib. 3H. ACRES nean car; well, houae, eeenhou. rruii, snruDa; dm propoaitioa, sis uwtaar clal blk. ' . , ; A SNAP A aaodern T-room boa, fear lota. barn, laundry aad fruit for Bale cbeapi four blocks waat. me block" north, Trensont ata tloa. J. jr. Ilugglaa. ... -... -, $3.800 HIGH nd sightly SOxlTT feet, Wu- aameii rieigniB. 800 Corner 50x100, graad vlw of rtty, en Krby t. . . v THOMPSON A OAGE. BOT Sherloek blda. SS.250 BUYS a a lea S-rooad house la food t Kir, ae. teeauoa; froana lunioo, aieeiy proved. . $8,100 bay a aew 8-room hone modera la very respect; two lota 80x125 feet each. $4,000 buy 4-room cottage. grouDd 100x12$ faeL Yoa mnet sea tbla nlace If rea waat beat little bomee la the ettyr-r u n. r. v. ai tt.iibsi, , :. Paoaa 4, 908H Waahlngtaaj at. SEVERAL good nomas reed n)tnralabsaam tar aat, aios te rauroaa. iai Morrlaoa at. r-.r. SellW00dTvi,':, ' Mereheate A French. 1470 B. l$tk- Phone Bellwood TA City Ttow Park aat. S37S and aat Addltloa lota, $100 and apt $8 dowa and $8 month. Hons from 8500- to 88.000. LoU 8200 - and ap, la all parte ef ftollwosd." Ltot pear property urlth aa; we will eau It, BCY s lot on the test aldet a-mlaat car en Ice,' Wlthla walking dtataaee: Baa keaaa golag Bps prtes from $508 ta $850; term U tBMlnSa ' - r- 1 ... p. ' V. B. TBOtfPSOlt, ' $4$ Mleataalout a. Phooe Weadlawa 3r3, or breach ofdee ea the ground. Twenty aoeend and Morrlaoa.' Opea dally a. as. te 13 sv Moaat Tabor and stojanyalde eara. Fire Acres Wa wM aafl rea S acre far the BrtoO' M a (Ingle lot. Do yea reellae what It mean te your family te rata everything the market af f tr e rour own groaao 1 9 or me eol aee 844 Stark at. Easy tertna. CORNER lar, a -room honee. la every reapect, M mlaatea' no or city hail! owner need ready moaay) price $Z,a0O kali caah. Call X41 Madlaoa. POB baelneaa corner and epeeulatluf pupmly, can at sag uaaiaoa at. IBTINOTON 60x100 lot, H block from earl S feet above fraae, ace eaet. eavarsat ur rouBulnga; wlQ aell at a bargala fur spot raah. Pboaa Shay, 8 te IO a. m. . . Main SSSA"" " " .... rOR 8 ALB, eery ebeap. 100x100 ta wtrihnoa ajarnct, aorta aau. Auureea a ue, aionrnai. QUARTER block. PartUad Heights, graad view et city Ban rivara, at van. pais prerw wm sous acroaa the a treat, for a few day only. Call t 0UO Commercial bldg. Mala 043. er Mata 805T after 4 p. aa. on a STIR hawkrawered with brick build lar. ana navin 1 u, av rest an B-a ua laveea- ment: It la - ' StMt ta cioe. an att auvaaciog an vanae - - 8-mom bouea, bant residence eettloa, $0,100. . T-room bouea, hob HIU, $5,000. -rUOB. PWM J-T.VW. . . .room booae, 84.2AO. . -eoom bouse. $3.(ms. . '........ 0-roota bouae. $2,000. - 4-room house, $478. - ' " ; . I lot ta Irringtaa, $1,000. " ; ,t Vt block ta Brooklyn, 81,000. - " SPHINX AGENCY, SOOVt Stark t. MBW 8-room boa ta Meatavtlla. S finished, basement, c-oreer lot 40UOS, $750; half csth. D. B. UaffBMB, SI Anal Mn Moatavllla. ' BEAD OTEB THEN SEB I'S New S-toora boa, Hawthorae av.; lot soxsa taet aiy , S fla buln lota, Graad sro, aaak r.000, cloa la, fine Vat. SOtOX What have' yoa pot te nil 7 w have buy. era waiting jmu, - BAST rORTl TLA NO RIAL ESTATE 0O., L 404 Baet Morrison, , Phone B. 4878. FOB SALE RBAL ESTATE. 84.000 Cornet SOxeO. Broom new furnace. fireplace, attic; dealrable letaitloa. Eaat ZHth and Menieou tta. a. iutn a -. . - aw..M. a - cm B. T.Tlor. west of SOth at-: a barest. $2,850 New 4-room house, .880 Eaat Yam- kill, very nice: term to ut. $1,750 1H lots, 8-room cottage, Bast 37th and Kaat Morrlaoa. - 81.760 New 4-room boas oa Eaat 18th at, north. 3 block to nr. .. $000 0-room house, f Mnrkg, to Albert earllne) very cheap; half caah, 8O0O 35x100, very- tlghiiy, Bear , brine; eaay term, .-.' $960 Fractional corner lot, SSxOS, steel bridge; eaay payment. See It, 8 seres adjoining irTlngtoai a good ibtiou. see ic r ' ',- 28 acre, partis tie Impeeveel, ea Coltmbla nvar, aeora Vancouver, $1,000, . , P. W. TORUI.KR, " 10$ Sherlock bldg. WANT yoa to be ta Unas look an ear ad, a F las von, Portland aaaltbleat atinarh. . - DEAN LAND A INTBHTMENT CO., 380 Sherlock -bid. - Phone Male 140L $4, too AROOM heoee H block aa WUllama are.; baalneae corner I terms. $4.T T-room hone. , block Bo. Portland. - 31.700 8-room cot tag t; kit 00x100, facing Talon ar.; term. OTTO A CROCKETT, ' 24fVa WMhlngton, TAKE a 3o-mlnate ride on the O. W, P. nd e Frost' aew acr tracts at Stanley) 3800 aad $xft0 per acr. AT A SACRIFICE, br owner. 4-room boaaa ea the eaat aide; owner leaving thd city. Call 4.14 Chamber ef Com mere. 1 rOR 8AI.B Corner lot 00x100, snth and Fal ser, aaet eld. Inquire ewaer, 84 1 Eaat 17th, north, eor. Wetdler. $1,800 A ROOM aw hoaa. modera iencee. 1810 Eieter at, Portsniouth. POB BALE New modera ap-to-date S-room ent. tag 00 Mtsnn St. sad Vaneonver are- Bet ewaer at !U Mssoo t. $110 4-ROOM - basement; Bet third t, ' new plastered honee, ' ernent I (JBloa ar. Call at 1U7. FOU salt: IcAL lztaiz. 11 acree, one half mile frra Sllwond; fl irtvm lu orebaroV fine larae houae, barn, wlnd nilil and vutbuilUiu.s; liilt piece cauoot be baet. , tl 00 Broom cot tan In City Flaw Park, ntouern, eoe block from earllu,- $580 4-rootn bonaa, one block from car llue, tut OuxIUOi $175 duwn, balano month iy. $1,300 0-room house on block from car Una, . Bear the golf ltuka,'ouih front, fin location. $1,300 Fine modern residence I City Tlaw Park, fine view of the city, lot 80x100. Pour fine lot on Tsnlno a., $150 each; All Biuat be ol) together. $1,850 rive-room house en Spokane a,, aau carllua, lot 50x100. - - i ' ''v 'farms. $1,00040 acre. S mltoe from electric' line; .15 acre cleared, TO fruit tree, ant all berrlee, good barn; 110 a era. of timber that will cat 1. 000.000 feet; tbla la a bargala. There era cedar telephone pole enough ea tale place to pay for It. - ... :.;Mor(rio'nsc Phone SeJl wood 74.---1070 Eeet 18th et. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1.350 8-roum modera out lege, 3 Sleek .from car line t, terms. 8700 a-room house, quarter block. '-. . 31.1110 4-room bouae, 3 block: from ear line. ' 83.0OO T-room houea $1,ttuo 5-room modern buuae, beaattful lawn Bod flowsrs. , 1 II 6xi0 t-room ssodera bouae, bleak treat earllne. SELLWOOD TOWNSITB CO., - r H. P. Palmer, Manager. 10$ Sherlock bldg., or get off feellwood ar t Xanlno av. Phooe ins il wood lsL $1,000 4 BOOM hooae, lot 40x100,. ea Oerftold are. $780 S-room field svs. booae, lot SSiiot), m Oar., 83,760 T-room aw modern home, 8 fall km, en Alberta at.; a modal bomai tarnu, THOMPSON A OAOB, 57 Slterlock bldg. FINB 18 acre tract aear Mt. Tabor rtatnulr) the tineet Blce la th county for platting I LAO aad B-cr tracts; all cleared aad la caltlvatloa; $300 per acre; will make good tertna. Fine 30 acre tract Bear O. W. P. earllne) all In cultlrtUo. good aolL aa gravely sat - b sold; $IM par acr; $500 easb, - 40 acre fbie land. $ mile from arltiv. 10 an lie from Portland; new barai tlmbat ' eanugh to pay for place; $1,000. - Fine lot. 88d t., on Carlloe, f( "eat;y must be nld; $400; $100 caah. . 1 Good T-rootn house, 84th and Taylor I Int. -38 1-8x100. eome fruit; $1,400; easy tenaa. . Fin o-room houae, email lot, rente $33 per month; $2,300; $1,000 cask, balance loaf time, 4 per coat. , Good 8-room houae. til moderu; Ttugha. Bear 334; Sa.aftO) $i.0ft) cash. : 7 k " " llUKLiSOM CO., SIS Albky bldg. Pboaa Paelfle 1184. ' FTNA VON PORTLAND BTTRfTRR. The eholeeat location for home now aa the market.- a good electric ear trie car eervtce, S mile ; the eenter of rortland; : a O., W. P. A By. Co. " rroaa the conrtooase, th at Bell Station, oa the tine. Tewa lota BOxlso, ' $50 . - $80 and $78 each) 1 t 10-aer block at $170 per acr ea vary aeay ,vmt. v--- Tbla la aa apnortanltF that may not easae te yoa again, - rT.- ;.' ,;' Soaae choice lota ea Beet Pertltad Belfkta at a vary low price and eaay tar aaa. .. . . . - Ahw nome -very 4snrlribh)-looaHng 'and'"' 1 ' oma la irvingtoa, - . -i. uraj Karl yellow nr Umber , ty to ' fet aat, must be aold at once. . ; ; Stmt food frata farm at latalna, ". DEAN LAND A INTESTMENT Co'. '. . Real Ett. Inaarenrw, Ixtea, Beat la, -.. - 830 Sbwlack bide. Phaa Mala 1410. Pertlaad. Or. NOTION THESB BARGAINS- - fT.Bno Qaarter block. Sixth at., aoatk. ' $7,000 on 3-SxlOO. between IHtb and fOtk -ata, 1 block north cat Wahlngts. . - 88,800 Strictly modera 8-room raeldeaea, ' Slat at, north;, will take part kl exchaage ,' vacant pmoerty . .000-!ew T-room aMidera keaaa, Ea st : D., a, at. , ' ee.fiOBaaaUful wawt aid S-room Ivs-aae, , ea Jeckaou at, near 10th. -$8,500 Ou.rter block. 8 mem boa. fk , ' View, aa Hamilton v. South Portland. 83.100 0 roam oottage, aloe lasra, frntt n4r hraboery; eae at the coaleat boase la Saany-'.. $1.000 Oood T i ' venlences. Saa Rafael at. $1 400 T-roem Imaee. Nabrsska t-. Boath '.Portlaad. y , 8s)0 Mnr thaa 0 fafl Iota, Fraackl v, Kettllworth. . $750 I nflaarbed Oroora boaaa, 3 fall kta, t blocks Woodstock rarllne. near Ira Rhea. . .. ' THB PUfiN-LAWRENCB COMPANY. '. --1481 First iH.i-.ji... . T,: it fl.SO0 BEAimTL tvoraa, 0 noma, trirtly . - roooern. aimoet aew. M Pioca rrotn csriina ; " iT-mlaata eertice) ; fine view, choice location, . 18-mlnute ride treat Third aad Morrlaoa ata.) liberal term If desired $1.4SO Modera 8-rom Cot tag Bear Btaaro 1 at. ; fall sot, tin Incatloa; a rare rosace te secure boate by marking small cask pay - ment, balance aame aa rent' ., "' $1,180 4 room cottage; modern, fall b ea rn en t, bath, hot aad cold water.- etc., ea- fine eor ear tot, S block a from 3 rerUaea; , all kinds of fruit aa proparty ; ftrst-clas tnreatmenf, - - ' - $l,ano T-reom. btaa aa - baala corner; .. better wa thl. ' '.:.'..-'-!- M. B. THOMPSON. r 848 Mlsataalpol ave. Phone Woodlawa SnS, WB. WANT yosa? . laveat Igettoa on out choice- farms ana timber isnu; we win am you. v DEAN LAND A INTEttTMENT CO.,--" . 380 Sherlock bldg. Phooe Mela lM. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY Offer. H services ellke to -- Bayer and Seller. ' W ksTS bargain for beyer. Wa have buyera for your property. , Bay thru as. List with at. - Call and get acouslnted. W faarantee ell repreeaotattoaa. . ..,. .848 Sisrk st. -t NEW 4-room boa. Portlaad Height; large attla, fireplace, furnace, everything modera - ' sad at ths best material. SOxloO 1st, Urge front porch with view from mouth of the ' " - Willamette to the Oaks; 81.B0O; $1,500 eaeh, ' bslaact eaay paymeata. Phone Shay, S ta 10 . a. au Mala A134, ; $400 3-roora boase, fan lot, fenced, aa Mt, Bejaxt rmriine, tbh. 7a - -" FINB LOT aa Bsst Gltsen, aa aarltne, $800; psrt esah. Address B 100, aara Journal. , , S3.T50 0-BOOM modern new hoaae, 3 Iota, trait aad flow era) la Highland, Call at 107 H 3d at. , QO aad look ati that Bw 8-roow bouae, earner ' 1st Ban Basra '----- l price; key over front door. Pboaa Shay, S to 10 a. St. Mala 3384. , Xhoice 8.000 acree ef ekotca Minbet land and eaverel kBdrd scree ef coal landa) also atock ranobee and aavaU tract la to Coo bay ",r7, WILEY ALLBW tXL.' - ' - 4 ' HOT-RES built ea Inrtsllmsnta, lot If datrad. SIS CommercUl bldg.. Mala 1040. PITS aerae aear earllne aa tba re tar rnad. nlmproveo, , file, per aero. vans . 1 - Third t. - ' $ gso OOOD -reom boaaa, brick aad mt baseTaent. ea Eaet Washing toe t, CU at 107 V Third t. CHEAP A cBotc lot la Holla day Park addb tloa. Pboaa Beat $853. . Tl kin) barer, for four property r you bnainrt. Spblna Agency, soovh atarg at. LODOINO boa, with from S to 00 rooma) pile from $6 to $8.000. Can 34$ Madlaon. FOR SALE FARMS.. FARM FOB SALE OSO serve of frata tana for sals; 304 ecrea la cultlvatloa, rest ta patture; aU faaced gad eroae-fenoed. 1 sera orchard. 8 acres la alfalfa, goad boeae, granary and bare, all aeT-l.r10" water . on pleoe) thl plc I tn Whitman eoosty. aad, 0. B. A N.' new rallroadi will Ball or wssniaaioB.' a aaitve - - - - rallroadi will Ball or ill.y smsll farm; urt hrllch. Wlleea, Wash. trade fat 810.000. - lagtue. trad far WlllaBaette S Addreea F. Bhri 14 ACBF1S, cleared end ta eultlratloa, 300 heel ing fruit treea) 3 room house, barn, 3 springs) ea good road, aear earllne; with this bom go I young bora, 3 betf.r. 30 ton bay, wagon, baggy, Baower and rake, land-roller, , pkwaT ete. for only $.,000, Can at 101), Third t. t - , FOR SALE A good dairy, nark, 340 acres I , , M head of rattle, bone, wagnn. mowar, rak. fiirnltare: everything gnee; Jon tn-f . bottom lend; $f(.000 ; 82.KIO dews. ' Wtlt W. " t M. UtJTleoa, vBBb Orsgon, ,.,, - - - 1 . ' ' t . . ' ' .--?-'