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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
c...,cc.'i daily joux:::au rc::TLAiiD,, tul:day evi::;ing, clptember 11, 1: A WILD Jf AX 4T tABuX. Tcun Tcn; , TOVIOKTI AMUBEMISTs. tuipire . Uric... H'(r Beeeoa Six Lot Hint Fa' "lb World ..."81iadiwed bf Crime' ...."aruia sire In Bn VudTll VeedevlUe Laying snares for pedestrians in th hap of Or escapee, wire fonoea, rella or wlra and othar junk calculated to . create havoc among sensitive shin bonaa , will not so In Portland. 80 daclarea Municipal Judge Cameron.- Cbarlea , Booat, proprtator of th Portland Wlra A Fane works, waa in court ttala morn lng charged with making a etoreroom for-scrap iron out of that, aide walk front of hla plaoa of bualneaa at Third and Flanders streets. - Varloua police men testified- that on " unusually dark , nighta they had often bean called Upon to extricate a pedeetrian from a flre : escape-wlre-fenee - ooll . trap. -. Booat could not aae why he ahould be proee , cuted. m he did not have room in hla ahop for all hla stuff. But the Judge ..thought differently and gar Booat two , days in which to clear tee sidewalk. ' Butt for an Injunction to restrain the American Tool worka from operating trip hammer at 19 North Second street , ; waa nlad in the etrcult court yesterday afternoon by Louise Olcelse. ,-. Tha fac tory la alleged to be next door to '. lodging-house oonduoted by Mrs. Oloelse. -lit la charged that tha trip hammer . shakes the ground ao badly that th .plaster on the walla has become cracked ..and broken, the door have sagged ao . much la difficult to abut them ' the window rattle and th coat amok from th forge la very offensive. W. C franklin and-1 A. Padaraon are part c ners in th tool factory. Judge Cleland -signed an , order directing that they ahould apnar in court September SO and show cause why th Injunction should a . mAi IW Borrtember -Chamber or Commerce Bulletin Is out in Its new drasa and pre nt a much-Improved appearance." Thi publication ia now in th form of a neat ' and compact magaaln. convenient for wing and reference. The change is, too, more intrinsic than . merely la outer xorm., Added to th statistical and gen eral information are artlolea on aub ' Jects of Interest to bualneaa and com mercial men. by local authorities. The Bulletin jtlms to beoome a complete guide to Portland and Oregon and th referenoe pages1 will goon contain rail able etatlstics on th counties of One gon, a guide to Portland and many oiner feature ox general information. On Thursday of thia week th Port land Kauway. idgnt rower company -will start regular ear on the Council Crest loop line. The olty council will be invited to make the trip on a special . car, as a formal opening; of tha new line. After th opening th company will run cars around th loon at rea. - aonabl Intervals for accommodation of . sightseers -1 during th daylight hours, and a th Croat becomes settled with permanent realdents a car service will be given for th full running period of tn aay ana uignt. : , . " Captain Durham of th ateamahlp noanok paid a fin of l!S In th mu . nlelpal court this morning for pumping - bug water ana wig on into th WU ; lamette river. Th ' Roanoke burns " crude oil and her master claimed that th bilge had to be pumped out. - Har bormaster Ben Btgltn aay that th bilge can be pumped out at sea as wall m In th harbor and that be will be more vigorous than ever with nig prose- uuon-oi-apiaina eavtna luture. ; County Fruit Inspector Richard Deloh ' mad a tour of Lenta, Arleta and Laur el 1 wood yesterday . afternoon,, and. con . oemne Doze of pears and other ' fruit Infected with th Ban Jos scale. Bom were found in th store and some On th fruit peddled from house ' to nous. A gallon of kerosene was naces sarytnrai "th Inf aetea ixriilt "cut of commission. - - 1 Water through boa tot sprinkling - wards or sidewalks, or washing porches . or window, must be paid for In advance 1 and used only between th Hours of I and t a. m. and and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary t these rules, or waste- fully. It will be shut tff. : Artlolee of ' Incorporation ' of Bethel Baptist church of Qrasham have been filed In th office of the county , clerk by J. H. Chalker, If. Clanahan and George Reynold a - Th property of th enurcn, is vaiuea at ii.ouq. - - r- -TatehCtaracmai aa Jewelry on ..easy payments; 11 down. 8O0 a week. Don't go without a .good- timepiece. Metsgar Co lit Sixth street. ' MUton A. Nathans; atty- 100 BUlner at. Ban Fronclsco. Commission prompt ly executed, insurance adjusted. Acme OH Co. sns th beat safety coal nil and fin gasoline Phon Sast Til, "-" Woman's BSxchang. Ill , Tenth street. uncn ll:lf to i business mens Juncn. ' "Jewish New Tear" Carda New line Just received at Th J. K. Q1U Co. - For Quality, Quantity and Qulokness, go to Moms', rastaurant. Ir. B. C Brown. ByeEar. Marquam. 1 J m One Dollar m :.. T . - - It I enough to start a bank ao , count with, and if you adopt a systematle method of saving the , dollars will pile up surprtelngly. . Why not adjust your expenaee so that thay wilt not exceed three - fourths of your earnings T That " will enajble you to aave a quarter out of every dollar. Juat figure what such a system would have done for you had you oommenoed it five years ago. But, cheer upl It isn't too late. NOW is the time to open the bank acoount an put awayONB DOLLAR out of every -FOUR that you earn. . We wel come your aooount and will help you to save and to succeed, . ; ' "" -i " '' '' : . .. .. WE A PER 4 PAY'S' CENT Interest on Savings Accounts Banking hours, f) a. m- to I p. m. , . Saturdays, I a. m. to I p. m. THE CITIZENS BANK , 'IM aSAITS ATSsTVB. ; , , 1. H. LAMBERT Pre A. ,W; LAMBERT. --A. Ci aidant Cashier A eonirr-iman from Mlcblxaa Is Bra-dug "rounj ira Iowa. A-wfin,f a hla coantmini a 4140 fro n: Aod liin arrna ar wniu madlj and kla volte la lik ttia rr Of a tbouaaiul Dili hub ilona ea wild Afrts'i atte afaoia. Ha dn-laraa that be. la aaxloua for to eat a ha up. Jnat Ilka a mimutala lloo woeld a yonag aod Juli'jr pup; ... Aad If Mr. . Btaay ever eroaaaa rordaar'a patb, Ua'U uii.Wrafaad the vanreaaee ef a bide that's iiuMtu wilu wraia. Now, this aosv la sot tha kind ef one that we Baeaaaa wa'ra aot In ayapathy with -ho're 00 tba flhM we urn ta look apaa toe faee that's maatlad . "B a amlla, uke Wundrr folk ke auraly work a boors . w viua. , Ilka oar saoala. for example, whaaa dallrtt to apraad aunahlna tbrouahont the bo him " '"' ir ay uaaorlus tha baniaa wardntha ao eWantly that thara la bapploaaa a eoUlug U thaf It nay ba cktuxl VmQtf LAVNDBT, TwU Maw SM. geeoad. sad Oehmbla. maa WHISTLES CREATE uc II DISCORD Eat Sidett Complain That Thefr . Btauty Sleep g Marred by Shrieking Blasts. '. """ewawjawwms-s ' a DECLARE. NOISE KEEPS : i UP FOR OVER AN HOUR Residents Urge That Council Take -JSoine Action to Sea That Nuisancaj Be Undisturbed. T "Has Bid Bepartmeat. Bteam whistles of everv ahana. alas And variety, from th hug fog horn at me anman-rouiaea mm to the on that emit a tiny squeak at th East Alder street vinegar factory, turn looaa at s o'clock every morning and from then until o'clock there 1 no sleep for tha tired Bast Blder who Urea within a mil m iae waterrront. First, a deafenlns? blast from tha Tn. man-Poulaan mill is heard at Intervals o' e few seconds, theii comes an ear splitting roar from th O. B. N. shop at 'Lower Albloa. By this time th wnuue on the early river steamers and th various planlne- mills tn-n Inoaa with th result that th east sld la-a Perfect -bedlam for th batter part of an hour. Th blowing of all the whistle is said to necessary In order ta awaken the workmen ovr there. "But surely. said. tha Eaat RMa aitf. ferer, "It Isn't neceaaarr ta kaan It tin for an hour, as was don this morning. If on is a bit nervoua aad Uvea within a dosen block of th aat aid water front there' 1 no aleep to be had after a. m.. it is really a serious question wiiii annno 01 ua. . 1 CM I see th n0B- aity or making night hideous in this way. .j. :. . ' was suggeatea 'that the a. nrnntr remedy for th nuisance la a city ordi- navnev. - in many .cities Of th country th whistle blow nulaaaaa la raaml-taui 07 ma city council. . . - r- A second effort Is to ba made tnnla-ht to let th contraot for th erection of in city nail at BL Johns. Rid. wa-a aaked - for : about on month ago, but owing 10 a xauur to understand th plans, but on bid waa offered, and that waa rejected on account of failure to comply .with tha terms of .th ad yertlaemenC At 4 .o'oloek- tl-afta- noon bids will be opened by the building commute of the council, which will mak recommendations to . tha full council tonight Th bid must com within th amount received for th bonds, something . over . til. Ma. Tha council will Insist that th successful bidder shall commence work on the at voce. ; . - - . Th unaxpected taelturnltv of tha n Johns councilman yesterday was omi nous of an agreement upon th hereto fore nolay contest that waa being waged for th mayoralty auoceeaion. The poli tician zprsd their belief that a nam had been agreed upon that would prooaDiy receive the solid vote of th council . on - tha flrat - ballot, and - thus quickly and quietly and what promised to be an exciting and prolonged strug gle. But who has been selected. If any selection has been made, is as much of a pussl as before' th alleged . star- onamoer meeting was held. It Is gen erally believed that lther Councilman Nolan. ax-Councilman B. T. Leggett or W. C. Pott Is th lucky man, with tha Indications strongly pointing to th vwuncumanw , . - r-- r: Vanls Store StaTT?p.in5 Don toYonr Order Free Lcsioni la Art Embroidery Vcrk-rSecondFloor Artistic Picture Framm.T to Your Order at the Very Lowett PrlcetSecond Floor - . . v 1 1 v ' It't time for the consideration of yoor Fall and Winter Underwear needt The wise bayer wi l supply her woota now, while the aortment of styles and sizes Is at ita best Later on you may experience difficulty in get- f ; ; , ilium! Mil! "f !- ' J ) "Harvard bills'' i hi'h r f I - dren wool ' am ; hravv weie-rits- tliig what yon want Underwear manufacturer are overrun with business ant it's' no easy matter to keep stock up to the point which we likeThe present assortment is by far the best in the city , Women's medium weight cotton Union Suits, -high neck and ; long sleeves ankle length. : Best ; weight' for 1 Fall' wear--all sizes. Regular $1,.60 values on sale at AD. the low pricer slut i-rv'va-f-.-. -t-r-r-rv-4 rj-rfr.r'nr' J Underwear for women, misses and chil- and mixed wool and ' cotton medium and heavy weights all sizes vests and pants, well made and finishedperfect fitting, garment; ... ..SOe TO 82.00 'Harvard Mills'' Union Suits, cream and gray.. 81 TO S3 "Munsing" wool Underwear for children vests and pants; -most complete line in the city..... ,...85e TO Sl.OO Union Suits , ; 81.00 AND ?1.50 Women s fleeced Underwear--vests and pants. 25, 35f "Swan" brand imported Swiss ribbed Underwear women's and children a silk and silk and wool white, black and colors, vests and tights. ...... . ; ; . . . . 81.00 TQ 8300 Union Suits. . . . . . . ... . . . ..$2.50, 83.00 AND 85.00 "Munsing" Underwear for women all grades.. 81 TO 83 Ypsilanti" Underwear foremen, silk, silk and lisle, silk anrwoolralI wool and mercerizedHandsome high grade Underwear, garment. . . . . . . . . . . . . .83.50 TO ?15.00 Tha IW.zT Oj Fr&r.!- Store Wsiv Fall i Thousands of Portland's best dressed women viewed the new Fall Millinery yester day The bright sunshine ana cbiily atmosphere out- doors made conditions for the sale and display of new Kiadear ideal The display jsthe handsomest you ever had the opportunity to select from Every new shape, every new effect, every new shade and, trimming--Fall and Winter Headgear for street' or dress wear Ini ported and domestic models ja wondarfttParray Every individual fancy can be quickly pleased -Let us show yog Second Floor I have asked the oltv en i near, tha health offloer and th plumbing inspector to iooa into and correct tb broken sewer trouble at the oornar of East Morrison street and Union annua" aaia Councilman Bennett, "and among them all w may succeed In gettlar th at mosphere of that locality cleared up in th next w dayaM . , The situation thara has grown worse. Th discharge from th broken sewer has covered th water under th build, ings at th southwest corner of Union avenue and Ehat Morrison street and is maiung lire a burden to th occu pant a Th northwest wind for th past day or two. has rendered it mora agreeable to realdents and pedestrians on that part of fiast Morrison street " Th end of th work of lavina- the water main from Mount Tabor to th Highland-Piedmont territory is at laat in sight. The original contract called for th completion of this Job by Aug ust 1. but th Inability of th contractor to get labor .and th failure of the city to deliver en time eastings and other material mad it Impossible to comply with that requirement. . The contractor reports that recently he has been able to get more laborers and that they stick to th work better than formerly. It Is now thought probable that th work of laying the main will ba flnlahed bv October L Th atandplp at Vernon la np aad ready to be filled from th Mount Tabor reservoir as soon as th main Is laid. : iW ;.!!,. Th ' construction company entraa-ed in driving th cement plies ' for the f oundaUon of th Mitohell. Lewis a Staver warehouse On ' Eaat - Morrison Street, has abandoned all efforte to re cover th ateel Jacket that waa driven Into the ground about two weeka aaro. It Is said that the contractor spent bout ll.lOS- in the effort to recover1 this pipe. Another ateel Jacket haa been ordered from th east, and will arrive in a few day, when ' the pile driver will be put to work driving th lemamaer of th concrete pile. A' quorum of th Mount Tabor Push' club failed to appear last night, and the meeting scheduled to take place at JYoodman's bU pa Jet avenue was Sale of Women's Coats . Woman's three-quarter Boa Coats, ' plain tailored atyleas in gray, gray plaids and light 'mixtureey i tweeds and homespuns, velvet r collar, wall made throughout , and . selling by th hundreds , regularly at IT.SO each; your cholc of this lot at aay jam , vlow pric. of, each... 4(W Ixt 171 women's new medium , weight Coats, In fancy tweeds and homespuns, light gray - checks, light gray plaids,' gray mixed plaids r three-quarter length, ' box styles, trimmed ' with fancy stitched straps and " velvet collar, handsomely mad ' and flnlahed. all slses; a sp . 110.09 values) at D.OJ Glove Sale . Bpeclal lot "of women's l-button length lac top silk and llsl Gloves, tn black only, all slses ' ' $1.00 values! on sal 1 "in .at-this low prlo......elajr Women's, l-pearl clasp sued llsl. Gloves, fancy stitched backs. In 'black, white, gray, brown and; mode; great -values L Women's S -clasp glace Kid Gloves, in blaek. white, gray, tan and . ' ' brown, mauve, green and navy, )' unequaled values at, ro. , pais 90C Ribbon Sale Values Up to 40c at 1 9c SC.060 yards of extra quality all silk satin Taffetas and all-silk Taffeta Rlbbona. full f Inches :- wide, all th new and staple - Bhadea in complete assortment; th grandest value la hlgh- ' grade stapl ribbons w aver offered; value to 40e; a q ' at. yard......... ....... ..IsfC 50c to 75c Valves at 23c 10.00 yards of Messalln Taf fata,' ombre, print warp taf fetas with corded ef fecta, shaded taffeta - ribbon. pin checks, Scotch plans, polka dots and fin . all-allk : heavy , taffeta ribbons. I to Inches y.ra:.!!!.!?."!:...;....23c 75c to $1 Values at 33c S.000 yards of choice fancy Dres den and print warp ribbons, C and 1 Inches wide, full Un of ' : dainty eolor comblnationa and V affeoU; very large variety of the handaomest ribbons waven; " T5o to 11.00 values; 33c $1 to $1.50 Values at 56c 15,000 yarda of high-grade Rib bonsDresden. "Dolly Var-r- dens," print warp taffetas, with - satinetrlpe- borders, floral de algna, eta Dainty eolorlnga and :. brocaded f fecta. to I Inchea ' wide; great assortment to select from and jnarvelous bargains; II to 11.60 vaiuea. atv (p. this low price, yard. .. ,yOC ce Curtains 1,000 pairs of whit Nottingham f Lac Curtalna, to lnchee wide, S yarda long, plain and figured centers. . with neat - borders; large assortment to select from; wonderful values at. '; : per pair. , "J6 100 pairs of whit Madras Weave and Nottingham Lac Curtalna, ' ti to SO Inches wide and S yarda ; long, Brussels pattarns ' in at ,. tractive designs; very large va .' rlety; matchless a jim .values at, pair...... ..9 14 J 1 4. SO Cable Net and Saxony Lao . Curtalna, heavy borders ' with plain centera, IS Inchea wide by ' ttt yards long;- great special "valu at this pric. :- palr........ ' $7. to Brussels Clunys, Boutach . and Corded Arabian Lace Cur . ; tains, whit or Arabian color. all new designs, full slse, 10 In. wide, SH yd, long; exceptional values at this low a ' price, pair.. eO.sJ Irish Point, Brussels. An.' . tlqu and Cluny Lace Curtalna, SO Inches wide by SH yards long, all new ltOf patterns and marvelous -values m m-r w ... at, pair Custom Shade- aneV-Drapery work our - specialty. Beat ma terials and workmanship; lowest prices guaranteed Third floor. Fall Underwear For Men i ' Men's best quality fleece lined Underwear-tn- gray or mixed' - shirts and drawers at this low pric, pr Kn ' garment................. WW Dr. Wright's health Underwear, . 11.00 values at, ' , garment.. ....... ,T OJC The genuine "Stuttgart cashmere ' . wool Underwear . In , natural eolor, per . , wr . garment..,.. llw Men's worsted ribbed Underwear, blue, gray and pink, bast 1 1.00 Value on sal Men's natural wool - Underwear, soft , finish, medium weight shirts and drawers all . slses. bes( value in -town -4 - at........ $1.00 'Men's Norfolk ' and new' Bruns-: - wick Underwear best Vicuna wool all slses shirts and draw ers, garment.... fl.SO-f 2.00 "Ramie Linen Mesh Underwear - W ar sol Portland agents for "-"Ramie"" tlnen tneah" Underwear, " all - weights shirts, - drawers and -anion suits pajamas and night shirts every garment guaranteed satisfactory or your money cheer fully refunded See it '. - tMuttnrmed for two weeks. A Urge at tandano Is urged for th next meeting, as several important light, water and street grading- propositions-will ba up for discussion. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT- Outfitting Co, Will JUve yonaat Opening Wedneaday Bvaalaa; Berweea the Hours tat gevea ut Tea. nn Wadneadav. September It. from 7 to 10 p. m., th new magnificent and spacious store of tha Eastern Outfitting Co. will formally be opened to welcome and entertain th nubile. Sweat strains of - mualc- beautiful souvenirs - and artlatlo decorations will Interpret th deep gratltud of this concern to ta people for the helping hand It has re ceived from them In th past, asalsting It to rise to lta p rea ant standard. Tb store Is Indeed a credit to th city and its community. It can proudly ba said that this is th bast equipped, fitted and illuminated store In tha northwest. Tha antlre floor spec seems to carry an air of hom-llk eaae and freedom. Everv Motion of th house forcibly demonstrates modem store arrange ments snd represents a oomplet collec tion of everything new, good and ua ful. Th varloua departments of wear ing apparel for men, women, boys and girls seem to race for superiority in appearance and attraction. Th ladle' aloak and suit parlor exhibit a mag nificent arras of charming creations in ladles' , attire. . Th millinery section silently, speaks th talent and genius of th world faahlon dealgners. Th skirt, petticoat and eoraet aisle offers a sight pleasant to every feminine heart and displays every new concep tion In -doaign and oraf tamanablp. Th jewelry department shows a brilliant display Of novelties In watches, rings, earrings, chalna, pins, silverware, cut glass, etc, l Th men's clothing store ia Juatlfled In its expectation to be rec ognised by clever dressers as th home of good clothes. It carries and displaye garments of the .highest standard of quality. Style snd workmanship. In Its wardrobes and - on Its tables every prominent manufacturer Is represented. The men's furnishing alal 1 a com plete store in Itself and i reaay to ac commodate gentlemen Tn all their requisites In fashionable toggery. Our shoe department la equipped with the beet and most prominent line of footwear tor men and woman and feela confident of pleasing the moat fas tidious fancies in styles, qualities and makea. Our lower floor, which consists of numerous' departmeata. such as lac cuVtains, draperies. rugs, beddings, linens, trunks, suit caeea,' crockery, etc., la one of th best laid out, brightest. beat ventilated and most convenient salesrooms any nous oan orrer to th trade. No effort haa been spared tq onr endeavor to mak this store th most convenient, th most pleasant and the most economical trad lag center.- W cordially lnvtt yon to ba present from V , is Wednaada awanlcav ' Baanttful HOTBL Y JEFFERSON San Pranolaoo'a rUaaadlns fiotast 8ltuad 'Comer Qrough and Turk streets, . facing JefTeraote, - Park. Two blocka from Van Ness ave, the present shopping district. Car lines, transferring to any part of th city, paaa th door. Largest and neweat hotel In San . Pranclaoo, having been conatruct ed lea than two years ago. Has every modern convenience; ISO outside rooms, slngl or en suite; -100 private hatha Newly fur nlshed and reopened August 1J . American plan IS a day and up. - European tlan 11.10 a day aod up. Hotel automobile or omnibus meets all tralna and ateamera. Wire or writ for reservations. . StewartBarker Co. (John O. Barker, formerly pro-y. prletor Hotel Colonial) , .-.., souvenirs to every visitor. 'Brown' orchestra will render th musical pro gram for the evening. , Most sincerely, EASTERN OUTFITTINO CO.. , . Washington and Tenth Sts. - PERSONAL Miss Roa oremus Baa gon for a month's visit with her brother and wife, Mr: and Mrs. Oeorgs Oremus of Walla Walla. Mr. Oremus Is pressman -of th Evening Bulletin of that city. Thomee Bra eel cam - from - Eugene yeaterday to vtalt hla mother, Mra. K. Braael of IS North Twenty-first street, but he was disappointed, for Mrs. Brasel had gon to spend th aeaaon at the beach. Mitwaukle Country . Club. Eastern and California racesv Take Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder, .: ;. ' - ' GOODWINS CELEBRATE ' V . GOLDEN WEDDING . 1 ' ": ' ( Joamal Spaalal Servlea.) ' ' ' Boston, Mass., Sept II. Surroundsd by the members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ooodwin today celebrated their golden, wedding. . The celebration took place in th bom In East Milton, preaented to them by their son, Nat Ooodwin, the well-known actor. Many congratulatory letters were received. Including a felicitous meeaage - from their daughter-in-law, Maxlna , Elliott T - i T i m ba aaaaatal Va iw aal Want AOs lately yew ha v goveea at ( kemek wttk tlUafa, asrtTi I4h aad .n.- U.ttl ft...-- VaahUstae HiC UCUIK IllCailC Mala.1. than., Fri., Rat Hlgbts, Sapteeibar Is, 14, 19 periai-rrKa Maiinee .oaruraay. ' t' fROHMAN Praaanta WILU1M coixiia la anrnatua Thoanaa' Veaaedy, ""ha rm onrrr." Kvanlof Prteee: Lower floor, 11.50; balcony, si, lit. eocj taiiary, ase. sue: noaee, fiu. Matinee Prleee: Lower floor, l; balepar, TBe. 60e; tallerv. SSe. IS. - Seata bow aaUlng at bos office. HelUg theatre. BAKER THEATRE Oraaasa Theatre Co.. laaaaa ' OSO. L. BAKCa. Manaser. . Fboae Mala 10T. - TBS BAKSR TOCK COM PAST ALL THIS WEEK IS Olltetta's Rperkllnf Comedy. - "BEOATJBS BHk LOVES HIM SO." - Kvenlng Prkaa S&c, tfte, BOe. Mattoaa, II aad 16e. Mast weak "TWO LITTLI TAOSANTS.' MATIKES SATVBDAT. EMPIRE THEATRE Phoaa Xala 117. , MII.TO.V W. BF.AilAN. Maaater. Toalfht All Tbla Weak Matlnea Saturday, Oread Prod nrt loo of tha Woedarral ' . . Bceeie Malodraaia, - , . -Ttttl, WORLD" Klskt -Prtoae ISe. S5c, Me, BOe. Ma Mate, 10e. lfle. S&a. fteit weak "ON TH BSIDOk AT MID- L-YRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINNING) SEPTEMBER 10, ; ' The Sensational Mekxlreeja,- "Shadowed by Crime ' in roc ACTS, THE STAR Ptaaaa Mate MM. ' Weak nf en toolbar 10, AIXXN STOCK OOMPAKT fraeaaUng Milton Noble' Well-Kaowa . Prame', ' "m0 at BIBB TO S0K.M Notice Betlualns wit week of fVpteeihee 10. tha Biar will hara- matlneaa ' Tuea4a Thuradara. Baneara and belMaa, ' iaateail of everv waek-day aa barelofore. meee Matin, ju aaa zu eanut avaauta 10, 90 and B0 caeW. Free ILLUSTRATED SONGS AND VIEWS -, Every avenlng S c'clock. Bring tim children. Corner Morrison and Third. Change of program weekly."' HABRT SHITMAN. General advertlaer. Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's famous mountain reaor at 7.J j '7, .-, '"'now' iin "' ' j r" on Mount Hood Away from tha heat of th elty. The moat . delightful resting plaoa In the aorthwaat Full InformaUon at th :r - a B. N. '-----', TICKET OFFICE, Thirxl & Washington Sts. Hotel Imperial Oae aieok fraa Taa aTaas Aveaae. . J BAN FRANCISCO' , EUROPEAN PLAN ELE0TBI0 LIGHTS STEAM HEAT IXETAI0SS IEyH0lS SKILL - E.S. DE WOLFE Proprietor Xleatrie Oaf Street frees yrr.- Hotel Eaton 00K. SIOKJUSOa A1T9 WEST 1AKX STS. . NEW ; ' ' Raawaaesoly furwlakee. etefaatty e leaae, fffesroaf, Bre Bloat' walk traa haart ai akopplag and bualneaa elatrlct, all larta, Irr, eatalila rooaM. atears aloetrle Htkta, trlepkeae la eaeh aoarttaeat, ate. Lara erfteee, toearaas, aaaoklnf , wrltla. ladlM raoaptloa fuUtn. Bouot raaatea hy m0 ae tVlrpboao. Frhntta eeaalbea aaaata tn time aad staasma Rooms fl.OO to tS.OO'w Day Bsaalsl Bate t Caaaaiareial Stan, KU. MAS EATON, ' yorBarly el Hotel C:paui, Baaeaae.) TheGrand -THt IE0JID01S. Starter Karald Kff. Eddie ttray Ca. laaaard aad Pnka, . Sraad Or-a 2 n, am . Sraa4i6 f-- PBICEB Matlneaa, 10c te all yia. Evanles. 10, SO and l ' rarforaaaoaa, J.tO, t:0 arwl i- I3;l!l'i;i i'JMiU-- Stindsfcr Ec:t la EJ.::::.i YacIAa University is on tl In oldeat schools of lilghar Kduvatloi en the Pacific Coaet, with aome ' the most dlstlngu'ahed men la let ters end law aa lta alumni It la a Private, Co-Kducatlonal and Mnn Sactarlaa Collage of th blgbaat standard. , , . ., ' Z.O0ATI0W. Paclfle University la lorate.1 at Foreat Grove, one of the mat brain i ful residential towns in Oreson a- 1 only 20 Bailee from Portland on t-a Southern Pacific West Side Plvtai n Forest Grove has electric atreet-rar and light aervlra. The drinking wa ter la chemically pure. Th collaa campus is the most picturesque ut any In the statev-rir - , - Pacific , University is th largeet endowed private college in the en tire. PacAa Korlhweec For this rea son the best Instructor can be em ployed. T'-e Institution does not de pend on student fees for its income 0 U UOrfXTflC -rflghest " scholarahlp- in classical actentlftc. , literary and mualual courees, .. . ..','.-.,, . ,. MQttxPiaan. ' Pacific ' University Is " the beet equipped private college in butldlnsa, laboratories, library, muaio and art rooms In Oregon. ' rUFAJIATOaT BBFAJITBCgxrT. ' High school graduates and others having eredita U -naltt up for resu lar college couraea can do ao in Tua latin Academy. The academy stu dents are extended the advantages ef college actlvitlee and association. No aoademy or high school training in Oregon excels that offered in Tuala tin Academy. : Upon preeentation ef certlflcatee its students are admitted to the beat Eastern and 'Western col leges. . iinsni, Th average- neoeeaary expeneaa for a school yaajtns from-a mini mum of 1200 to a miximum of 4200. Write for CsuIbm ui fflutrattJ Utcrstirs Fan Term Opens Sept lSli DAY and NIGHT Mmri BEGINS SEPTEKSIR 17 -. : . - BKAmrcna Avamv. ; - - ' a Actual Suslness Bookkeeping. ... ;.i Gregg or Pitman Shorthand.' '.- . Civil Bervlc Training. '' fS::r Mechanical Drawing.. ' Touch Typawrttitig. H Rapid Calculations. : t-r v Lttr Writing. Wxtttnff SUadlng BpelUag ar v Arnhaan AlaTehra . ti; aaography :', AdvertUUg Host llodern and Expensive fqnlpaenl on lie . 7rr PadSe Coast EVERf TCLG NEW Uil EU5!NESSC0LLECi WASHINGTON (V TENTH 5T51 PORTLAND. ORL; North Pacific College Dentistry One of th largest and bast quipT4 Institution of Hs kind in th entire West. No dental school can boast ef a better force of specially trained tearh era, who devote their entire Um to Lue interests of th students. -' Th clinic are unsurpassed, being In excess of the needs of the students. The annual aesalon begins October 1. For information and Illustrated catalog address the dean, ; " DR. HERBERT C. MIIXER, ' Portland, Oregon.. , , PORTLAND ACADEijY Portland Oregon lath tmmm wo orsns mwn. it. Fit boy and girl for Kastera and Waatarn college. Includes a primary and 'grammas school, j Boarding ball for girls efPordinf th somforta and ear of a refined kana A limited number of boys will be re ceived into th home of n tb ia- structors. r Office hour daring tb utamer froni S a. m. to IS b. . For catalogus write ta tha - address given above. Columbia University r University Psrk, Portland. Oregon. Classical, scientific, commercial and grammar grade course. " Apply lor Catalogue. ' ' M r 1 - a - r, ips ktk i i,ill( f iho Fortianc , portiUnd, oriooh europian M-A.N cra-Y HFArx3t'RTF"e r TPT