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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
o::::cc:i -daily jouhijau. rorTLAi.TD, tulcday evening, September h. iccj. IMICF FOR J0UH01L SCHOLARSHIPS IS ALLiOST AT Af3 Et)D 5 Contestants Continue Working Ambitiously; jSseklnjj, to Retain or ' Better Their-Positions In the Score List of the , ' -:- ' Contest v'.. JL r.......... .......... ....... .a..... ... 0 " ' niniia or ooniiTAXM ur totu. -. . Nelll May BbannontlS Tenlno, Portland. Or. .......... ,., .. .11,SJ Horace A. WUaon, SI Halaty St. Portland, Or. .. i .............. .10T,170 Mildred 1 Clemens. Univerelty Park. PorUand Or.............. 78.040 '. Lallan MoVlcker, Bt John. Or.i...... ......i .,.........:.. .. "Ouy Orahara, Troutdalo, Or Rhoda JU Stalnaker. Albany. Or... Clay Jones. 400 East Twelfth Bt, Portland. Or................ Edith M. Harris. 41 Oxford Bt, Portland. Or....,y ,. Bertie O. Chan. 1(1 Clay Bt, Portland. Or.... Maial O'Donnell, Buaton, Or............ Mary B. Powell, 41T Salmon Bt, Portland. Or........ TJbarlea Gross, T.-M. C A, PorUand............. ............... Cart 'helton Fortyeighth Str-Moanf-Tabor, Or: trf. ", ;". i . . . i? ? Roy Johnson 14 Division BL, Portland, Or Mao Pendergraas, 111 North Seventeenth Bt.' Portland, Or,...,. Paul Nygren, IS! East Third BL, Portland. Or.................. John Benson, Chemawe, Or. .................. .' ...... ... ........ Louie Berra. Astoria, Or,...,...........'. .... ; .,.. ..., Mabel Magneas, Amity, Or... .... ............ .... ...... .. Dorcas Van Bchoonboyen, Cove, Or..,,'......,... '.-'...... ...... Dan Knox, Corvallls, Ot..,.........,.,..,,.., .................. nun Turner, ids Jteroy Bt, roruana, or....... .,.-. . .... .. . . . . .a.......?. T0.0U0 . 7I.I6S 4.110 (1 T41 47.700 , 47.400 10.(40 IIJI5 14,100 11.000 lt.70 11,440 tl.100 IJ.I0I 10.100 1I.0SI 11.010 MIS Harry Brant, The Norton. TwelfU snd Morrison, Portland, Or... 31enn Patlllo, QranU Pass, Or. ,.J.....,,......,"....-.i.'- -Uoyd Riches, Bllverton, Or......,..,...;....,.; Clay Cary, Balenv Or., .............. ............. Alleen Hickman. Myrtle Park, Portland, Or. ........ ...... ...... IC W. Cyroa,' Bclo, Or. 0.410 t,H( 1.100 4.010, 4.(40 nmrr, rr.rr ,oe- Louis Scott. Central addition. Portland,' Or., ....... ............ ' 4.00 e .J3uy Johnaon.-lttA-Oract-BU-PortUadr f.-ryrr.. . , , ,ttht- . Ivy Owens. Cedsr Mills, Or...................... ................ 1.710 4 - Edward L. Kinsman. Llnnton, Or.: " 1.010 Agnes Xvans, Latourell, Or.................... (1.I00 - 4) W. E. Qwynn. 040 East Thirty-seventh Bt, Portland, Or........ f 00 4) . . . Richard .W. GUvln. Koseburg. Or......... ,.;;;. 40 e George D. King. KlneitonOr................. ...... t.r....... 140 ;Tae yonwal ednoatloaal ontss irin .end at S p. September IK To i wuM aubsorlptlons mart bear posv mark not later than that hone and date. ; Ths finish of the educational contest " is. the. most exelUns; part of tha race. Tha contestants are now nearlnc the six bajs of fold amounting to f 700, and the 27 scholarships, and they are etruj- rlirif to excel. ons another as subscrlp- lion vote-getters. . . , Mildred L. Clemens has returned from -- 'faer rlde 'oTr the Willamette valley .and - reports th-, trip - tot svery -way aaU lafactory. She says that the canvassing ' In ths country was as good a vacation . ; as- any one would want and that she .- was glad to make tha outing so useful. Everybody commended her for strtv. . Ing for a scholarship and subscriptions were offered at every turn of the road. - Malsls O'Donnell Is soourlng ' ths ' , rural districts of Washington -county i In order to finish her education. Al t ready she Is able to pass such an ax t eunlnatlon-a'torgt- s Brst-grad oer tlflcate. but she Is unusually ambitious ' and she want to gain mora knowledge. Xary rowU OhOnlng. Mary Powell Is .another contestant who went Into ths country for votes. v Bhs canvassed tha Powell Valley road. . going and coming from Grasham, and ! in two days she gathered votes enough to advance herself three places up - ths sor ladder. -WhUs Miss Fowell - out of ths city eanvaasing for seholar " ships one of her Portland friends was writing a letter to Tha Journal com mending her enterprise in going Into the contest Two paragraphs from the letter, which was written by T. B. Mc Daniel of the "Westers Trust aV Invent . ment company, are her given: "I notice that on of the candidates. for educational crises offered by The ' Journal is Miss Mary Powell, whom f. have known for a number of years. She ' desires to secure the Page-Da vis eorre- snondenc scholarahlp, as this will in a . larg measure enable her to flt herself - - for a college course wnn remaining at . horn. , - ' .. -She Is In vry Sray worthy eonsid . era t Ion by the general publlo and on ' who will make use of any prise ah may secure so as to reflect credit upon The ' Journal and upon her friends, as well as advance herself In attainments that V ' will fit hsr for Jnoreasing usefulness as th years com and go." . " Bon of Sonocw ' As to nw subscriptions secured by J- th vontestants sine September 4, the contestants stand In the order In which their -names are printed below... It Is ' . s mark of honor1 to. stand high In this list, -as new subscriptions always are harder to seour than advance eollec tlons from old subscribers: . . . ." , 1. Nelli Mar Shannon. ; s r I. Horae A. WUson. , ; S. Ioui Berra. .- ' ' 4. Malale O'Donnell. . ( ; . . . , ' Rhoda L. Btalnaker, , ; ; . , , i-0. Mildred Clemens. f .'. i 7.i- Dear Knox. - . - -. , 0. Lillian MCTlckr. , " . ' . ,-' i.y Clay Jones. - , .' :''''' 10. Mary E. .Powell. . , , v Roy Johnson, t Edlth M. Harrjs. Paul Nygren. , R. w. Cyrus. '.'V ... . . Charles Gross. -Dnrcss Van Schoonhovn.,.i-;. . . Mabel Magness. John Benson, k 4-. Louisa Bcott. .... .T- . . ,! Ruth Turner. ' . ' . ' Carl Bhalton. --r f llv 11. Mae Prendergrass. rower of Bubsorlptlon. ; ' Persons who wish to help contestants tnay want to know ths voting power of subscriptions. Th following votes r allowed for" advance payments for. new r old subscribers: , ;' , s , . - Ually and Bnnday Journal. . , . Price by 1 Tim. ' ' Carrier. Matt Votes. . One Teaf .r.....'... .17.80 7.00 1.E40 Six Month ........ 0.78 0.78 ., 700 Three Month 1.08 1.00 .100 Two Months ...r.... 1.00 1.10 180 One Month ......... 8.:. -48 88 Bnnday JonrnaL One Tear ........ .i0 11.00 JB0 Bis Months 1-18 1.00 110 Daily Journal Wlthon Bnaday. On Tear .....85.00 $100 1.000 BIX Months. 1.00 : 1.78 . 480 Three Months ...... 1.00 1.40 100 Twe Month 1.00 1.00 . 110 On Month W.. .80 .80 , 80 Beml-Weeily Journal. . One Tear '. 11.80 100 Six Months . .78 100 Payments may b made In favor of ennteatsnts, : direct to The Journal, through routj (tents and The Journal's oUector or th money ma be senlt the contestant whoso addraase are printed In the scors list vry day. ... ''.',' Bohool of Oregon.- t ." A- Hat of -the excellent schools and colleges participating In The Journal' educational contest is printed In these columns" for-the- convenience ' f all. For th benefit of, the contestants an outline la given of . the character of every acholarshlp offered as a prise. - Others who read this list should re member that the scholarships described as being suitable t Th Journal's con testants are not the only ones which the institutions offer. Th private schools and colleges engaged with Th Journal In. this contest re the leading Institutions of .Oregon, including tha greet atat schools, , and they otter varied and extensive courses of study. The schools here enumerated, in their respective lines, meat every require ment of modern education. The new comers in the Paolfla - northwest who have growing families will do well to send to ths schools for their catalogues and descriptive literature. A famous man ones said: "It, Is a .poor cltlsen who -does not pot himself on ths rtrurche and schools f his own state. A .man cannot know his country until he know what .the churches and the school r teaching." . . . ; rne Pris Bokolarsiiis. Academy of ths Holy Names. Astoria, ons scholarship - good for - ths full 'academic course and valued at flBO. Albany college, Albany, a scholarship good for two years tuition In th classi cal, scientific; academic or commercial courses, valued at $100. ' Behnke-Walker Business ' eollege, Portland, on or more scholarships pro viding for a on year course la buafc. neaa. ahorthand, or other departmental valued at 8100. , ' Capital Business college, ' Balem,' -' scholarship, good for 10 months', tuition la th business or shorthand . depart meats, valued at $100. Columbia university, Portland, a scholarship providing for ' tuition and dinner on school days - during the school-year commencing September 8, valued . at $100. Dallas college, ' Dallas, Oregon. a scholarship providing for tuition In any departmsnt, valued at $100. Gillespie School of Expression, Port land, a scholarship good for two private and one class lesson per week and use of the school library for on school year, valued at $110. Hill : Military academy, Portland, a scholarahlp good for on year's tuition, valued at $100. . ; - Holmes Business ' college, Portland, one or more scholarships providing for. on year's tuition In th business, short hand or other departments, valued at $100. . : Holmes-Flanders Private' school, Port land, ons scholarship good for ' one year's special university preparation, ons year's normal course, or practical English course for on and on half years, valued at $180.. - International Corresoondenee Schools of Seranton, Pennsylvania, ons scholar- snip goon for any of ths regular home study courses, covering a period of five years and valued at $11. McMlnnville college. McMlnnvllle, scholsrship in any department to the value of $40. Oregon College of Optometry. Port land. Oregon. Dr. B. J. Mills, prinoipsl, a scholarship providing for Instruction In ths measurement of vision and ths fitting of glasses, valued at 10. Oregon State Normal, Aahland, Ore gon, a scholarahlp providing for matric ulation and Incidental fees to the amount of $18. and a chance at th flrnt three cash prises, ranging from $100 to $100. . - - Oregon Stat normal, Monmouth, Ore gon, a . iholarshlp providing for ana trio ulatlon and Incidental fees to the amount of $15, and a chance at the first three cash prise, rsnging from $100 to $100.- ' 1 ; -,. ; Oregon Conservatory of Mualo, Port land, pianoforte scholarahlp good for one year's tuition and the use of mualo lor th course, valued at $200; one vio lin acholarshlp (Bevclk semitone svs- tem), same conditions ss ths foregoing,. vaiuea at sua; one guitar and mando lin scholsrship, sams condition as the foregoing,, valued at $100. Taolflo college. Newberg. one scholar ship good for two years'- tuition In reg ular eollege course, valued at $10. raciria Telegraph Institute. Portland. on life course In commercial and rail way telegraphy, railroad accounting typewriting, etc., Valued at $128. . Page-Davis Original Correspondence Bohool of Advertising, instruction by mall or at -the weatern headquarter t 41$ Commercial building. Portland atudlea and direction- In advertisement writing, making and displaying, printing.- lithography, advertising manage ment mall order advertising. - general advertising la, magaslnee. Illustrating and engraving, follow-up letters, out door publicity, special ssles and special openings, eta . t ' Portland School of Domestlo Sclenoe, Fi::h, Sixth and Washington ' Streets . Tile OLDS, WORTH All & IttUG STORE the "c:r; r , STQ7tZ EVERY WORD: IN THIS PRINTED MulOU'lCEHENT IWST EE BACKED UP BY THE C00DS IS THE STORE.-OLDS, WORK'.AU 0 lUHQ HERE'S , A HAPPY ... ' , - - . . -., ,.-','' .' - j SEPTEMBER SHOPPItlG IS PLERSMIT MID PROFITABLE , . . ' . ..' Cfi nTilflp Fortune doe lit neither good rUtxiUHEi nor hurt; ohe ' only preaenU us the matter and the teed, which our jfcoul, more powerful than she, turns and- appliet at best eh pleaseor being- the tole cause and sovereign mistress of her own happy or unhappy condition., ; All ex ternal accessions receive -taste- and '-eolor- f regit th internal ''constitution, at clothes warmn--not with their heat, but our' own, which they are adapted to cover and keep in. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne - Promoti your own HAPPINESS today by aup- - plying your person with th things you desire. K' W ,wiU furnish those wanted articles at lowest possiDie cost; you may eliminate by saving here any pos sible TJNHAPPINESS which might -jpom - from paying elsewhere more than our pricei for equal values. Mo regret toiiow in tne train 01 snopping done at this atore.After all, W GOOD FOR TUNE to thop here. Yf.-T'-' ".tl Vt:::;;' " gold. A Wonderful Sale of HOSIERY ; ; Frtt Floor: : o i -. Sure to delight thrif-, v ty women Very un ' usuaf pricings u on Women's Plain' and 7," Fancy Hosiery. Scan : th bst: t ' PAY HALF . . FOR DOLLAR. . HOSIERY .. - Women' 75c to $1 Lace Hoa for 49c.. : Women t Biacc Embroid'd .Hose, also Black 'Lace Hose, values 75c 85e and $1.00 special . ......... Women's 50c and 60c Hoe for 27c Women'e Black and 1 Fancy Colored Hose, splendid, 50c and 60c values, y -CJi!.iL V irU Haas 9eUlWomen'j ' Black and Fancv Colored Hoae, oar 3Sc and 40c TaluesripeciaJ-1 -R,gu1ar7Sc- value; special. at PLEASINQ REDUCTIONS IM A SALE OF V Children's Fannee Tf " oL ta i4eaeM am jffrl winter nicrbta should in-: 'tefest mothers-Theser gowns ar thown in iamty pmlt blue or white tripet, full length, yoke, turaea-aowii couar.. Sires, yeart i v..2 4 ; 6 8 10 " 14 Regular price . .t ... .45c ; 50c . S5c 60c 65c 70c 75e Special pVicet . . ... v v84c39ov44c 49c . 54c 59c '64q Fine Sheets and Pillow Cases A Sale to Gladden the Hearts of A' group of underpric . --tl. :-1 j. - KJ . saacs Ol special miciw I ; to thos- homefolk who tjT afeln Ihe tmidsrof f Mfj j .-r-.-r. P" contemplate" fall house- , cleaning, a g e n e r a 1 brightening up ,or . fill ing: in of ; niches now vacant with pretty china ' pieces. Get , - new duster for use . in the housework.- Not the special prices.' Take an elevator to t Third Floor. i t9 kit . s ' jv g -v e m ..-.ivf mm V-J'-J -K .' - '- ' , ' . RICHLY .DECORATED DINNER SETS. TlI7Tce DlnOTr'et, smalT Tfresden r aid's nowefrTuTTirofcr ' handles, regular value $10250: trimming, solid . special ...... 118-piece Dinner Set," decoration heavy gold border, lac ..ffect, regular value $110.00; special........... 8S.OO J17-piec Dinner Set, broad red border with gold border, solid gold handles, rcg. vaL $183.75; special..? 1BS.OO - New lines of White China for Decorating.- Artists will' do well to provide these dainty china piece now to b hand-painted later on for holiday gifts. Full line of Vases, Jugs, Bonbon Trays, Sugars, Cream ers, Teapot, Mugs, Hatpin-Holders, Hair-Receivers, hunj drcds of small fancy articles. , - ' v L . 1' -1 ... - i TURKEY DUSTERS. 10-lnch sire, regular value 20c; special.,.. ,.,......16 '12-inch siae, regular value 25c; special............... ,14-Inch size, regular value 35c; special... ........ ....SB 16-inch size, regular value 40c; special. ..,..82 18-inch size, regular value 50c; special .............. .f Oa ' extra" carriage dusters. Regular 60c -.value; special.......... Regular 90c- value; specials. .................. Regular 11.00 value; special ......aow, , r JANITORS' DUSTERS. - 14-inch size, regular value $1.10; special. 88 -16-inch size, regular value $1.25; special.. ...... ....fa.OO 18-inch size, regular value $1.50; special- flO PIANO DUSTERS. J First Floor. ' Sur to bring Joy to the heart of every housewife who ( love fin bd fixin't" and prefers. th. An linen textile, to cotton for her sheets and pillow-slips. Hemstitched Linen Sheets, all pur flax - Size 90x96, reg.,vaL $8.00; pcial, P!r..........J- : Siz 70x90, regorl..$6.50; special, pair...; f.o , ; LINEN PILLOW-CASES. s Hemstitched ;Linen " pair.. . . . ll..'. .i' Pillow-Caaes, siz 22x36; pecial, .a.s :SEE THE NEW. s ; Laces and Trimmings ; ' ' ' First Floor. " : ' " We're showing vefy handsome line of Trimming and Lce that are to be Extremely popular thia season. "Trimming are beautiful, very excluaiv in design and . colorings. Come in all widths. Complete sets to match. Little Persian Bands and one-sided effects in rich color-: v tegs to blend with th new dress goods. ' Sets of Oriental Laces, St GalL Point Veniae and Ouny Complete sets of Allovers, Bands, Edge. Appliques and 'Festoons. Visit the Lac, Shop tomorrow aa you tour through the store. . . Regular 65c valuej apc!a.r;'.;;.'...V.........-.Ba4 Regular $1.00 value; special... 80f , A large assortment of Hair Floor Brooms, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 to 36 inches in length.. i - ' .. ' ; " -, THERE'S PLEASURE AND SATISFACTION TO ; .WOMEN IN . .. . These UM ' '.'''''',f First .Floor. '. ':-;T.f -:. - Women' $1.75 8ilk and Wool Underwear for tt.19 Women' "Merode" Silk .and Wool Vests and Pants, winter weightr In" natural and" white," brokea sizes, our $1.75 values; special at, th garment. .,.,,.......f 1.19. Women' $1.25 Vests and Panta for 82c ' . ' ' Women's "Merode" Merino Vets and Pants, in white - and ciatural, great $1.25 value; special at, garment 82a Women' $1.75 Silk and Llal Vest for $1.19 - -Women's Silk and Lisle Vests, in white, pink or blue, -long or short sleeves, our $1.75 value; special at.. f 1.19 A Broken Line of Women's Whit Swiss Ribbed Vest ' Fall weight, our $1.00 value; special at.. ......... .69 Otfr 75c value; special at... ......40 Children' 75c Underwear for 49c v ' e :Children'aJfine,. Rihbed Whit Cashmr -Vest and ' Panta, value to 75c; special at... ........ ...........9 HUNDREDS OF WOMEN FOUND HAPPINESS IN ... THE GLOVE SALE JYESTERDAY LOTS .. - i MORE LEFT FOR TOMORRQW. A Happy Pair of Bargains la Portland' $ Greatest Garment Shops. Grand Salons Second Floor. A GRAND SWEEP OF THE ' WASH WAISTS. . Value to $4.50 for fl.29 Values to 8J0 for f 3.98 - You choose frora Lawns, Lln ene and 'Dotted Swisses, all prettily trimmed in laces. m broideries -and - insertions,-Jong or short sleeves, som hav yoke collar of lace, other 'H- . over embroidered fronts. Re markable bargain in the great Closing-Out Sale now on. . ' Tsllr-- I 1111 Js'Vv- ' $1.50 Breakfast Kimonos 69c P Veryjiandaome, long or short models. Dimities or Dot ted Swisses, sacqu or kimono- styles, long or elbow sleeves, all prettily trimmed in dainty laces, ribbons, etc, dark or light coloring. Th biggest values in town tat abov. . . ,. '...X- A DELAYED SHIPMENT OF HANDSOME 51.75 Silk Elbow Gloves $1.25 ' Gloves youll need for opertr and theatre wear all winter; elbow sleeve are pretty sure to be the mode next sum mer; gloves will be scarce , and prices go rocketing again., Better - provide - now why not? Hundred of pair on sale at the Glove Counter beauties I Just th V suwellest gloves shown in America this - year by any hous in 18-inch lengths, in- the serviceable, handsome wire-mesh silk yarns that rival the finest spuailver Jin appearance, sheen, jret soft and dainty as th cobweb of the India apider. A fabric that is more exquisite, ' beautiful; will not only outwear ordinary silk, but keep -clean, dainty longer. Th color are just what Faahion orders--black. whit, th daintiest imaginable cream. Most store s wouldhold thea glove 4ody-L; $2.00 or $1J5. Instead, we re going to turnisn tnem to otrr patrons at, pair ..,,81.25 There's Satisfaction inlSavlng Tlc Vhen Buying a Handbag Attala it by attending the sal In th Annex First Floor. A rare chance offers here to buy $2.00 bag at.':..fl.29 ... A line of Best Grain Leather Handbags, leather-lined, fit ted with coin purse, leather-covered, riveted frames, all stitched leather handles, gilt or gunmetal trimmings, latest improved catches, in black, brown, blue, green; - i regular; value $2.00; special at ......... . .... . . . f 1.29 Women's Wash lleckscarfs and --:V: 'Kerchiefs V : ' J--l"J': In Special Sal First Floor. '. . a5c Wash Ties 19c--LacHi White Mercerized' Waahable Ties, csn be tied four-in-hand style,' our 25c value; spe cial .... ..........;.......19aj S5c Linen Handkerchief 25c Richardson's Par Linen , Initial Handkerchiefs, with -inch hems, our 35c value: special at ... . ..25a) tmmm'mmi - 1.. a. At av. .t. .a .Af.A. .M a..i t sa sswesjsa w a M . 01 isaawsiMtw PorUand,' general training In domestic science for one school year, or Uf equivalent In speolal claases, valued at lioo.-- .. - j ; Bacred Heart academy, Balena. one scholarship good for board and tuition for one school year, valued at 1110. Bt Mary's academy. Portland, on scholarahlp good for tuition for th en tire academlo conrae (four years , or board and tuition for -school year, valued at 1100. - ' - Whltworth college, Taeoma, Washing ton, two year' cholarahip. I for, any contestant In the tat 6f Washington. If ' more than on - student 1 atrtvtng for ; thia scholarship, Ore gon . contestants w4U ba : ex cluded from competition In th state of Washington . ebolaraMp and 'selec tions will be made by ths Waahington conteatent If only one student in Wash ington strives for this cholarBhlp. the Waahington scholarahlp will be added to the other prises, to be chosen by. all eontestsnts In ths order In which they finish the contest Whitman college. Walla Walla. Waah ington. a scholarahlp In any department This is one ef.the lending Institution of th Paclflo northweat and 1 par ticularly attractive to student desir ing a dry winter climate. S ;y '.'V : kaasa Btet Vat. . Topeka," Kan.. Bept II. Th Kansas Stat exposition was formally opened today to continue until the end of the week, and ths early. Indications point to large attendance of visitors from all parts of Kansas and Missouri, Ne braska, Oklahoma and othsr etatea Column at Th UtsrsaUng te snyes as Th roaraal are sella alike. - rrererte Stock Cease AUeo, at Li wig best firand. r A Mother's SchooL Massachusetts pays more attention to education than any other atate In th Union. Every town ha a free pub llo library and th school facillUa all over the atat are exceptionally good. Th latest educational venture Is school for mothers, which hss been started at Bpringfleld. No .better or m-r tractive work can be done than to teach Ignorant mother at tenet th rudiments of education. A child who can read and writ, whll It mother la wholly Ignorant of these srt. Insensl- Cleaning Out Sale SEVENTY COZEN IADIES AND C3YS UNEN COLLARS AT ; 5 Cents Per Half Dozen Tiian Sinfl & Co. ITL Morrton, Bet W. Park and Tenth blv lose respect for It mother. It la a practloal school, with a practical ob ject, and Suould aocompllsh untold good. To educate th mother means to Im prove the bom and strengthen that woman' Influence for good. Of course, It Is hard for ths average Illiterate for eigner to find th time to go to school, and perhaps son sort of club and th giving of as much horns work as pos stent would be ths best solution of this difficulty. If women of this elsss seek education there should be some way to help them, for Intelligent mothers mean better children and better horaea To Encourage Weaving;..-; Carman Sylva (Queen Elisabeth of Roumanla) 1 never Idle and her latest Industry 1 to encourage allk weaving among th peasantry of Roumanla. Bhe Is organising a publlo display of th work don by her peopl and la sending all over th country to get representa tive work and to encourage the people In this Industry. A good example is set by the queen by having a loom set up In one of the rooms of th palace, and bar aha toils dally. , Ths queen has long been Interested In weaving and era broidery and exhibited some very beau tiful work at the rarl exhibition In 1000. .- w ----- - - ' - -. . a .--.-v-.;..; V-.--:' ,, Chicken Cutlets. Mix' together one pint of finely chopped chicken, half a can of chopped mushrooms, on teaspoon of salt, a dash of cayenne, on teaspoon of onion Juice, ons teaspoon of chopped parsley and a grating of nutmeg. Melt one ta blespoon of -butter, blend In two table spoons of flour, then add one cup of milk and cook untU smooth, and thick; stir In th prepared chicken and stand aside to oooL When cold -form Into outlet-ehaped croquettes, dip Into beaten egg, then lav fin crumbs and fry In deep hot fat -i - . . :,. v,;- It - - -: Woman's Club and Chnrch. Current tJterature for September ha an article entitled "Are Women's Clubs a Menac to th ChurehT Th Ques tion Is: "Does th growing dab move ment In America) portend a weakening la th church and It workr Of course, If It doe then something 1 radically wrong somewhere, and . probably th club or rother clubwomen are at fault. bnt Charlotte Barker. Oilman. In an ar ticle a til subject, denies that thia la th case, and I am , Inclined to agree with her. i- - ' . "Th church worker and th , elub worker generally go together," says Mra Oilman, "and the work of the women' a clubs of today only supplements that of th church; It broaden th acope of work don for the good of humanity. Ths object of all elub work (women elub work) la to do good; to grow wiser; to Join In clvlo progress." . - If th club reaches many women who are not church worker, that Is an ar gument for th club. When tha worn an'a club first came Into exlstenc the men' were frightened, their one idea of a Club being a place of recreation, and they have never been able to banish this Idea completely. They cannot conceive some of them how women can hav a club In which amusement la not the chief aim and coneldr-ratlon. Tble la perhapa one of the renaone why It seems hard o reconcile club and church. Hut If t' a v"')t Yy the club Is god - : i , t i r d'.r' tln It cannot pos t t i tJ the cUurub, flCT VftllD -1 lfCMOC ukl I WWII L.IWUHOL. BEFORE, YOU HUNT - If yen want to do th Jflmrod stunt wathtn th elvUlsed eonflnea of Mult nomah county you must pay a license. The fee to 11 year and fall due On Ootober 1. Chief Deputy Game Warden Maok wishes to. warn hunter that the license must be secured promptly, ss any on caught ahooting without a li cense after Ootober 1 will be prosecuted. H. Holbrook. a farmer., living on a mountain - road, - near - Linnton, " wa caught ahooting' quail . yeeterday by Deputy Game Warden Beal. Today Holbrook was assessed $10 and costs la Justice Bold' court A similar fine was handed out to k Bnell. who killed a Chines pheasant east of Bt Johna - ' Several Wlllanvtte valley town ex pect to hav a linen mill yet aw e ! i i i Jaw '" -asS". i . ' - - I; i