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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
:::al. ronTLAiJD. - tui:cday nvr.NK.o. cuptcmdziz 11, 1:::. JUL Ml IKS PILES. DAILY of ciii;,;jo';;; Crlstol Bay Cannery Chinese Negotiate for Passage on Steamer Roanoke. LARGE NUMBER CO.; SOUTH ON NEXT TRIP W 11 ..r:- Steam Schooners Aurelia and Noma City Arrive Prom San Franciaco to i Load Lumber for Return Cargoes '" at Down . River Points. , r i . - ..'- ; ' W1ia the ilnmtf Rnanoka Balls for Ban Padre and way porta Thursday aha .will hava on board a laraa number of Chinese fishermen- bound jrgr JSstt.r ran claco to apand tha winter. Tha Chl naaa hava Jue return ad from tha can neries on Bristol bay and ara anxious to get' baok to - Ban -Francalco. Soma of foam hava learned of tha disaster . that laid tha Chinatown In rutns and these In particular ara tir to lt back to hunt up- their friends whose whereabouts they know little of at 'present. ' ' ' " Several hundred Chinese eame from Baa Franolsco early .In the spring- to work' In tha annerles In Alaska and they ara now returning to tha Colufnbla driver with tha salmon fleet that- com menced arriving a few daya ago. - The - :ahlp James Drummond -eme In day Be fore yesterday with about 100 Chinese, soma of whom came on to Portland to (visit cousins bare before going, south. i will anaiul the winter la leisure Those who remained at Astoria wlU be picked up there Frl day morning when tha Roanoke goes to sea. accommodations having been re eervea for them in tha eteerage. l Tha Roanoke arrived here this morn ing with a light freight cargo, but about 100 passengers. Her voyage up tha coast was uneventful, ana weather pre vailing most ? tha time atter passing Point Reyes. She docked at Martina iwharf thla morning and commenced aie 'charglng cargo at.onoa. - ' ' - ."" ; Tha steam schooner AurelU arrived liera from Ban Franclsoo last alght. fha -came empty and went to tha mine at Llnnton to" load lumbar for return 'cargo. - Tha AurelU -la -bow carrying union sailors and eoneaauently will hava no trouble In getting qulcK, dispatch, i . . i uhAAHif to reach tha V ""river last sight from Baa Franclsoo waa tha Noma City, una wen w "!to take on a few thousand feet of lum ber before proceeding to Stella to flnleh. This o tha Noma Citye first vtait to -the Columbia river alnca having bean . equipped with oil burning furaeeea, , ,t - CONTRACT APPROVED 'oevermmeat agtmeara Aswama Coat j?- af Predga OolawWa. X Colonel 8. W. Roaaslar. United BUtes nglaeer, received a telegram from tha department at Washington thla morning , authorising the lease bf the dredge Co . i wi. mm TVirt f Portland for : the .improvement of tha channel to the ' sea at IMS a day. Tha contract, which i. waa,lgna4. aevara; daya ago. Jbas not - y,t reached Washington, but he Vital votnta -wera wired, upon tha strength of which authority ia given tha govern ment engineer to assume control of tha : . work.; 3 vtr-rt :rrj e'2 Three inspectors were sent to tha ' dredge thla morning by Colonel Roees " les and . they will take charge of the "" work" immediately npovTeachftig;thar destination. The dredge . is at. present digging on DouMebowere bar, having, completed tha work at Knapp'a crossing several days .ago. ' Cwtng to the-delay , tn getting the contract signed tha Port ' of Portland will have to pay tha coats incurred from the-date' operations were ' "wiTH RECORD CARGO 'J The Pacific Mail oriental liner -Manchuria on tha coral reef off Honolulu. ; The picture; the first to reach Portland, ahowa two tug standing by ; and keeping tha Vnonster hull from being driven still harder on the reef. of merchandise, 700 tons of box hooks. Ill tons of canned goods and II tons of oysters, while on deck were piled up 1.000.000 shingles and 100.000 feet af lumber. All told the freight taken out of Port land amounted to approximately 0,000 tons. An additional 1.000 tons will be taken on board at Astoria, space for that quantity having been reserved. The Astee Is expected to return to Portland in about two weeka for another mon ster cargo, and -the intention of the of ficials of the Sen Franclsoo A Portland Bteamshlp - company is to keep her steadily on the route. V - - The. Harriman. liner Costa Rica wUl be at Alnsworth wharf this 'evening. She reached Astoria thla moraine", after a aiow trip xrom tha Bay Clty.; .... REDUCES EXPENSES Philippine Commission Abolishes Ton nage aad aTevlntlon Daee. f Collector of Customs Patterson -was notified thla morning that the Philip pine eommlsslon baa naaaeif an eat' ahnl. IsMng all tonnage duea and navigation cnargea .. on American , vessels plying between , tha Islands -and the- statee, Thla will mean a reduotlon of t cents a registered ton for tha vessels plying in the trade. 1 The eallactm was alaj. Atmji w- tend the courtesy of the government to waiving tha examination of the property and baggage of Ho-Ken-Yan, chief mil itary surgeon of Chin, should ha ar riva at Portland on his way to tha fifteenth-annual meeting of the Associa tion f military surgeons of tha United Btatee.-wnlch convenes la Buffalo thla month. ,..' ; . l. .. It was stated at tha miitnm that It la not Ukely that the dlsUn gulshed guest wlU . hit Portland first, because tha llnare Ttr1 Wwun ki port, and tha orient do not carry pas sengers. Dr. Ho-Ken-Yan will probably go east by way of Baa Francisco.': v-, ELDER NEARLY. READY - - 'r - Maaaa ji, - .' , ' A ( Btaamav Xay Be -ZMaabad 'itawmw Aftemooa From Srraook Foatooma.1 Tha steamer (iMtrn xxr via m probably be launched from tha dry dock romurrew.. xne wora or riveting the Plates la now nearly completed and the Contractor .will., make . inn. ffnwt hava tha hull ready for the" .water by uimumw anemoon. At. any rate. , the Elder ' Will be off the Mb k.i . The dock la In great demand Just now vr uhi reason un WOrK on the Elder has bean hastened as much as possible, although .it. baa. not pragressed rapidly enough for-tha contractors, tha difficulty of securing competent help having proved a. serious drawback aver since .the .vessel .waa. docked. ,4 . rived at I and left up at 1:10 p. m., steamer Roaaoka, from San Pedro and way porta ... . . . t .. St. Helens. Sept 11 Passed at 10:11 a.. In.,- lirlUsh e earner Elaine. Astoria, Sept 11. Condition of the bar at I a. m smooth; wind north, uim; weemer ciear. , , --. Mollendo, Sept. I.- Sailed. ' BriUsh steamer Shelth, for Portland. Acapulco,.. Sept If. Sailed Jury . 10, Brttlsb Dark iverna, for Portland." Astoria, Sept 11. Arrived down at 1:10 a. nu British bark Brabloch. , SAFE AT JUNEAU government Snrveyors oa ths Oolum- . . bias Bonad for Cape Hlchlnbrook. Colonel B. W. Roessler, United SUtes engineer, received word this morning to tha effect that the lighthouse-tender Columbine hss arrived safely at Juneau, Alaska, on her way -to Casta Hlohtnbrook, Prince William s sound. : The Columbine earrlee a party ef gev- arnment englneera -from thla .city,' who will make surveys preparatory ; to . tha establishment of a light station at tha entrance to Prtnoo . William s sound. where all steamars bound for .Valdes havete pasa An appropriation of III, 000 was made during tha last session- of oongraas for. thla purpose, -and - plana for the lighthouse will be. prepared when tha survey la completed. ; j -- - . Xafrimas tin Aseea S-aavaa tarn Baa , t j FTaaoiato Twelve xoan Xaaa. "t Tlia Harriman liner Asteo, Captain Fraslsr, did not get away for Baa Fran - eleo until I o'clock thla morning, but aha sailed -with' tha largest cargo of a general nature ever, shipped . from one Paclflo coast aport to another. Below .the hatehea In tha big hull ware stowed away ISO tons of oats, 1,160 tons of ' paper. TOO tone of flour, 700 "tons of mill feed, ISO tons of wheat, 1,011 tons r,t MARINE NOTES. T AatorlSL BenLi' llilrrl.) . .- left up at 1:10 a. m steamer A.sunc1on. rom, Saa- Francisco. Arrived at- T:I0 a. m, .sieamer vosta Rica, from San Francisco.' Arrived atVf-lA .- left - an-at- 0:10-a. . n land, from San Francisco. - Left up at a. jn., nriusa steamer Klalne. ' Left up at 10:10 a. m-. barkentlne Amaranth. Ban ymel-m. lanl.' 1timwi ateamer Tiverton, from ABteriai" . Astoria, Sept" 10 Arrived at 1 and left up at 1:10 p. m., ateamer Aurella, irom nan F rancisco. Arrived down at 4:60, and sailed -at . 1:10 p. m, British steamer Wellington. . for Ladyemlth, British Columbia. Arrived at , 1:10 p. m., British ateamer Elaine, from Port Xtm IhmUi. . Aprfved Mnwn e S n m schooner Roderick Dhu In tow of tug venanoe, ana eonooaer Admiral. Ar- ALONG " THE ? WATERFRONT. '' Tha ateamer Alliance. Captain Kelly. sails for Eureka via Coos bay this even ing. rrr1-. r The large BriUsh steamer S3ahia will reach the harbor this afternoon under charter - to Balfour, Guthrie A . Co., - to load lumber for tha orient Bhe will go to the mllle of the Portland ' Lumber company.-- --, f '- -. .- f-.i Z , Tha British ateamer Vermont wlllVin isb her lumber cargo tomorrow and sail for the orient Bhe will carry away about 1.100,000 feet She is receiving her cargo from barges opposite the mills of tha North Factflo Lumber company. The dredge Portland will soon be put to work deepening tha channel- between Vancouver and .the mouth of tha Wil lamette river, Government engineers hava completed tha survey of tha chan nel and found dredging necessary.-.--. OUTLOOK BRIGHT- FOR STATE SCHOOL Vacant Positions Filled and En rollment Will. Be); Record- XI, Breaker at O. A7CT"Ti. iBMtal rHspstebits The 7earnal.V Corvallla, Or., Sept. . 11 The vacancy In tha art department of tha agrlcul tural college due to - the unexpected. resignation of Miss Almea Lavarett, now in Arkansas, has been filled by tha ac ceptance . of rroreaaor r. u. MeLoutD of New York. Professor UcLouth.. served sa pro fessor in this department at tha Oregon Agricultural college three, years ago, re signing to go to New Tor city. -A telephone meseage from Mark Me Calllater of Marlon county yesterday announced that tie would return to fill his former position in the woodwork de partment. His resignation waa tendered a few daya ago and along with the news that Fred Herbold had decided not to coach tha O. A. C. football team' thla season, the vacancy In tha art depart ment and the reel gnat Ion of Graduate Manager Bert PUktngton as athletic manager, it began to look as though O. A. C would open bar doors thla There Is No Good Rcaoon Aainot , Good Insurance - Nor any gabetitate fot It Wberem faQore to live means financial loss, there lo . v call for iDsorajDce. , Is yonr liie of hnincVil value to another your lantily, partnen or .t bnjinesi 7 Ktt so, Life Instinnce deserve yonr attention, and deserves It now. Yonr for. . - - thottjht will be better than their tuHerthocfht f When It comes to the best kind of life t: ' X Ittsorancc. men do not all think alike, There li no desirable kind that cannot be obtained from THt MUTUAL LUX INSURANCE. COMfANT. This ii the oldest active Life Iniatranot Company fat America, and the tartest and sta on chest In the world. It is a Mutual Company. It fcaa no stockhoIdeis' Its assets belong: to Its nollcr-holdera. It has naid then dividends fimHiisals ' ' lor fifty lx: years. . Takinf Itg history thzooah, . , - . . i ... , . ' -srsu.i i .am ... ... M ...Tt. VP has done at well for It poBcy-holden aa any company. It should have don better, at has recently been shown. Under the present manaiement all poUcy-holderi may expect onntnally favofible results, This b aiade reasonable by the facts that it iaa strictly Mutual Company, operated under New York, irws. which are now the best in the world i that its great volume of business means smaller share of : ; t expense on each policy, and that the new methods and ecoindea, which an now a part of Its con : . atirntion, will save immense rums which mot o to the policy-holders, u the only proper place. - ' ' j nr. uuriea L. xiuxbes, who became famous by condnctiag the Invest! aatioa of tha Leiauuve committee, and who tpeau witn authority, hat recently nidi "We have had . great companies exposed to close and unsparing analysis, only to find that their -solidity was aa the rock of Gibraltar. I would rather take insurance in a New York v ' company compelled to transact bnstneM Under these rcstrictioaa. thaaia any company not so restricted, aad I believe that irlU be the sentiment of the N people of these united States. -. ,,,, . , .. v -. - ,.. v. If yon would like to know for yourself the latest phases of Lifr -. - lasuraaca, or ansa utormatkm con cent in f any form of t ' -. ; poOcy, consult o ax aeareat a jeat or write direct to ' "' " (K4iw The MatausI swan Cos xeerw Twrit . . . , A Trial Package of the Wonderful pyramid Tile Cure Is gent by Mail to Everyone to Test Thor oughly Free of Charge. ' "I hava tried your pile cure and find them all you reaommend them, t am very thankful to you for ever putting them -within my rtach, for 1 have had one bex and 1 have not used all of them yet, and I fel like n new woman today, and I tell everybody about them. When I started tbem I could not walk aorows the floor, but now 1 can do my work all right My work -was a burned to me be fore I started them, but I can tell, you that I can work much better now. You ean rely on me. I will tell everybody about Pyramid Pile Cure. Tours sin cerely, Mra J. Bond, Toronto, Canada. It Pears Ave." Or If you want to prove thla matter at our expense, before purchasing, send your nnme end addreee to the PYRA MID DRUG CO., it Pyramid Building. Marshall, Michigan, and receive a lam. p.e packet free by return mall. The use of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure avoids the danger and expense of an operation.- You cure yourself with Perfect ease. In" our, own home, and or little expense. - Olves instant relief, heals sores and ulcere, reduces congestion snd Inflam mation, and takes away pain -and itch ing. After you have tried the sample treat ment, and you are eatlnfled. you can get a full regulsr-stsed treatment of Pyra mid Pile Cure at your druggist's for 10 cents. If he hasn't it, send us tha money and we will aend you tha treat ment at once, by mall, in plain sealed package. ' - month minus soma members Of tha faculty ss well as being short aa ath letlo leader. But, it is now different, v Tango asnrtenfts. . - Tha outlook now ia that O. A. C will saa the largest, attendance thla. fall aver tn Its history. Last year the total enrollment went to Til. Registration will be slightly delsyed .the first few days, owing to - the . faot . that.,' many young, men will remain at home until after the hop-picking season . and the other fall work is done.- ; ' Already about 10 rooms ara engaged at-Cauthorn rhaltr the" boye dormitory, by new students, who ara now dropping ia dally by twos and threes. . . Cauthorn ' hall . has been thoroughly overhauled -'and - repapered - and will be. In- flret-claee condition when college opena. -t -, - .- ; - - Profeeeor C. EL Bradley who baa been a 'member of tha Paciflo university faculty, arrives this' week -with his family. He la to be connected with tha Oregon . experiment . station, a' position for. which- ha- u said -to vba. especially fitted, being a man who baa given much time and attention to- scientific re search.. '- " rv ..; - - .PROSPERITY IS EVERY- : WHERE . . . . Aftes Ttva Weeka pea la Ohloag-a aad .aTew Tork, Xeory ' mobarta Xan Ba t.:tased to aeport Bnslassa eVmadlng Bverywhere Me m"aaa,-:"y'':;.'' "I never, before saw tha east ao busy aa 1 found' It thla time,'' Henry Roberta of Roberta Brothers replied when asked concerning eastern prosperity. He haa bean In America'e two big metropolises for five weeks, buying women a ready made garments skirts, coats and on derwear thousands of dollars' worth of which ara arriving by express,' repre senting, the moat fashionable apparel to be had In. the great city where fash ion baa its origin. - "The New Tork factories are running to (heir full capacity, and the same may be aald of Chicago, it la hustle, hustle from morning' till night; from day to .day, xrom month to month, - There is no rest anywhere, any time, and ao far aa I could dlacem the prosperity of tha east la fully equal to that of the Pacific coast.'. ....... - "How do -yon find your own business here?" Mr. Roberts waa asked.- - ' "Excellent. The volume la 'greater than-last yeas, notwithstanding tha fair and the country trade that- naturally drifted to Portland. . - Every month ahowa an Increase over tha preceding one. and today our Business' Is tha beat. far and away tha best, la the history of our house. . We employ more salespeople than ever before, carry a larger stock than ever., and -we find It necessary to carry tha bast that we ean buy in many of tha llnea. . For example, tha pur chases I made In New. YOrk of gar ments for women are a higher -grade than usually carried in any but the most exclusive houses, and represent all tha style aad fashion of Ootham'a very par ticular dames. I likswisa bought much larger 1 than on former trlps,nnd feel confidant the lady patrons of our store will be more than pleased with my se lections. I spent much time tn the marketa of Naw Tork and Chicago, but aUl my pure ha sea of woman'a goods ware mad in New York. It Is tha real place to buy after all, and to get the best one must pay a personal visit to that great market. - I bought dosens of garments that Z would hava known nothing about had I not bean -there in person. "V Mr. Roberts aays ha bad a vary pleas ant trip . across the continent, but no place looked so good to blm aa Portland. NEW FIRE COMPANY , - FORMED IN CORVALLIS (Special Dispatch te The Joereel.1 : ' ' Corvallls, Or., Sept. 11. An Independ ent fire company has Just been organ ised in this city for tha especial pro tection of tha extreme northwestern part of the town, which is ao far from tha el ry nail, where the nosecarts are bouaed that to reach a blase in that sec tion In winter time, when mud Is deep, would be practically impossible. The , orricers or tna new eompany. Which will be under tha general fire chief, are: Lincoln Chamber a, first oap tairi; Henry Cummlngs, second captain; George- W. Den man, president: T. T. Vincent, vice-president; R. I Tsylor, secretary! George W. Fuller, treasurer. BRYAN INDORSED BY : - ALABAMA DEMOCRATS Montgomery. . Ala- Sept, 11. The Democratic state convention last night nominated John R. Tyson for chief Jus tice cf tha supreme court and John H. Dowells and T. C. McClellan for asso ciate Justices. . ' ' - j The platform adopted indorses -"all es sential prlnolplea and policies advocated by Democracy's leader, W. J. Bryan, oe- j peclally his arraignment of the trusts, private monopolies and abuse of public service' corporations' Bryan la indorsed as the party standard-bearer in uoa. , I TAC0MA PREACHERS-- ANGRY AT FUNST0N i Taoema, Sept 11. The ministers of Taoema ara raising a storm over , tha reoent Sunday army review at tha Amerloan lake encampment. They have appointed a committee of three of their number who wilt prepare a vigorous protest to President Roosevelt and tha army department and they hope to make the case so warm for General Funs ton that nalther be nor any other 1 1 vniis viadi I f iae ISss'i I .fuliFiiflEii xa Qun.litr TlielTailueo on tiiio Page are tlio 'Bczt ever P I a c e d bo fore the 3?ebplo of Portla.nd. ; ; ; T It is our ambition to serve the people well, to satisfy them in every way. Tha success of (this store shows us that our efforts are not in vain. ' With our great purchasing power we pro cure great price concessions. Our method of giving our customers the benefit , of all under rice purchases makes" it 'possible for them to save money. "Every one'of our many departments s complete, in very detail. Large stocks, plenty of light, polite salespeople, efficient delivery and a determination on all sides to make buying mutually advantageous. romen'o Natural Gray ;T7ool;::;i;, Ribbed '4t andPaht b V A "T if Avuiua a w vv . t We. have never, started a season -with such. an abundance of cheaply bought merchandise as this season.New fall stock now perfect in its completeness. Xs-XXXXX'X ; x;X;fyx An : Extra Speoial Feature for ; Tomorrow xix-r::'. 100 dorenlWomen's fine ribUed wool plated Vests' and Pants,: elastic, warm and perfect fit ting,? guaranteed non-shrinking; an exceptional offer for tomorrow only, garment. . . . . . .50e Specials in lien's Wear X XXT;-X-r'Tr UNDERWEAR yX-XX X -"Best quality" Balbriggah Underwear,' Maco cotton-yarn, cream : color, for. . . . v. ............. . . . . . . , . . . . ........... ... . . .50e iGray Merino Underwear, the right weight for those who wear 'wool the year round; all sizes, for.. ................. ...65e X:,X:-'iX: NOBBY -NECKWEAR :X'- yX 'All Silt Fbur-in-Hands, Tecks, Bows, Strings and " Windsors, for ... . . . ..... ..... ... . i ... ...v.; . ....... ........ 25e All Silk Frencn Four-in-Hand Ties, newest colors.. i. 50e) . :,.,7r.,,..: STJSpENDERS rT.-,:;:-v, . . 38c Suspenders,' made of best.linejt web, leather end, new eolor- U1(J3 UU4WtHjHill iaadli.,l..A-' 76c Suspenders,-finest linen web, oest Bristol leather ends.'.50V- XX'--:'X X- $1.00 GOLF SHIRTS AT COe "XX XX-X:" The balance of a large purchase of Men's Shirts, consisting of -madras, Oxford and cheviot ; regular golf style, full assortment nf Ki-fh Iiorht anrl rtarlr fferta. all sirrer thf S100 shirts at. ' 'choice . ;: . I ;Vi X. ..'X X XGOf f .-rrxx'XX'::j'' rrtv.Si... I S2.16 for Womeh'o G3.00 Sboes Th rbegi is is an exceptional offer, coming as Itdoes fgh rat the very rinnine of the early fall trade, wnenltls the usual custom to 'get full price for all new goods.' We want your trade now and , the above is the inducement. - Lkes it : in- - terestou? If so come early WedneS- : day.. le.lOl 79c for GirlD S1.75 and 02 Shoes They're only for one day at this price. Don't be dilatory thinkingsome .other day will ' do, . for ; it , won'f. r Wednesday is the only day 79o DRESS GOODS AND SILKS AT $1.25 New Gray Shadow Panamas, ex clusive designs,' shading from steel to dark gray with neat overplaid effects in dark colors. An extra special value at, per C 1C yardi -rwmji ; . . . . . . . ... v. :. . . eDI LO AT f 1.50 New Gray Shadow Plaids, made from finest selected wool, great, variety of ex clusive designs to choose irom, in light, me dium and dark grays.; Out, special. ?A price for Wednesday. . . . .eDl eOU $1.00 Louisiennes lor 60e 20-inch genuine Swiss finished Louisienne, made of purest silk fiber, very lustrous and effective, all the latest colors; also cream and black. , Very -Q special, per yard. ...)s $1.00 French , Messaline 75e 20-inch satin finished ' Messaline, one of the choicest silks made, comes in all the wanted I colors, both staple and evening shades;. our regular 7C"- $1.00 values. Special at, per yard...... ItJU 75c Silk PoplinetU 50e 19-inch real Pop linette, very handsome and durable srlk, comes in all the wanted shades; regular 75c Cfl quality. Special for Wednesday ...... .0 U L Black Taffeu Silk, Full 33 inches wide, 05 Only a limited number of yards to be sold at this price ; 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, beau .tiful rich finish every yard guaranteed; best $1.25 quality. Specially priced at, fC yard. jr... ...;.t.yuC AT 50 New arrivals in" popular novelty I Plaids," large variety of light and dark grays,1 come 38 inches wide -A special value Cft -for Wednesday at4..,. .i..... ..... .OUL AT 50e Large assortment of the - new Ombre Plaids in latest colorings and styles, j-ich effective material, in colors red, brown, green, blue. "Special' for Wednesday EjQj AT 75e-t-New Gray Over Oieck and Ombre Plaids in great variety of new patterns, conies 44-48 inches wide. Very exceptional f7Cp values at,' per yard. .............. A . . I Oi AT 91.00 New Gray Broken PUids and ' ombre effects, in both light and dark shades, new and .effective styles. , An extra &i ( A A good value at, per yard. ...... .....ePlaUU Black Swiss Taffeu, Best $1 Grade, at 75 36 inches. wide Black Swiss Finished Taffeta Silk. deeo. rich finish, strictly, all pure silk, warranted to wear; sold all over the city at '$1 a yard. - Specially pficed for this : HZA sale at only.... ......... ............I I ) Black Taffeu SUk, Best $1.00 Quality, OOf Swiss of Messaline Finished Black Taffeta Silk, from 22 to 27 inches wide, warranted all pure silk, wear guaranteed, perfect finish, the . finest foreign and domestic makes; never be fore sold for less than $1.00 ar yard. . CQV Extra special, tomorrow at. . . . . . . . . .,.,,Uy v Special Sale Women's Handbags 50 dozen Women's Hand Bags, in seal and walrus leathers,' with both pinch and cov ered riveted frame, leather and moire lined, com purse fittings. Exceptional , 1 C values' at, each. ...... ,i . ... X ' vl eaWU A Sxecial OfTerinc in Laoes '15,000' yards Normandy Valenciennes Laces, 1 8 to 5 inches wide, guaranteed to wash, very - e a a a w i suitable lor. unaerwear; jtapntrs ana inser tions to match. ' Exceptional value at, H per yard....... it A Iffanf niln'Af ' iTnihiinirTnitir'i 1 10,000 yards of Embroidery in Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric, 4 to 12 inches wide ; Edging and Insertions to match. , . Extraordinary A r .value at, per yard. ...... .". I Unrivaled Values in TAhl: c r i 3,000 yards Fancy Ribbons, full 5 inchc wi ' - . in black and white stripes and checks; Tarr Trint Warps in beautiful floral ' r '. 1 suitable for sashes, girtls a- ! Specially priced for W edncsday. , officer will hereafter dare to make a gala dez ef the Sabbath, - v