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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
THE OKLGO II-DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. CCPTEML 11. 1. :. utiua outriTTiiia coatyAtrr ritnan oottittimo coiturr SABTEyToTjTTrTTTwa compaitt iitii QUTriTTia commw gag-rtitaT oqttittimo comfamt nasTa-sr ouTriTTia co.-:?it j r . ( coTnn: i ?i :t BMIN T it ATTEND THE " ! till 1 1 1 OE THE r II U Mt- J II , II 1 1 1 5 'X 1 TOMORROW -'v.'.ii- 't '"f ' - ' ;''-' EVENING : y FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK Wc ask you to take" this as a personal invitation to honor us wit - Opening hours will be from'7 to;10 o'clock in the evening. - Thousands of beautiful souvenirs have been provided and one will be presented to. each visitor C- duririgHhese hours; ; For YOU; WILL LIKE THIS NEW STORE r' It It gifipt t6 pjtLSb Jklnd of store that will win the confidence, and. regardjp? ;lf6l68tore,coiucted on broad, upright business principles-i-treating every customer with ' honor -and fairneas-offerlng only reliable and dependable" rterchartdiseaming the 'lowest possible prices and standing ready at -all' i r .? -r ' tinies to' tforrect-any cause for dissatisfaction that may arise.. THE STOCKS ARE MAG NIFICENT ' It Is a comprehensive exhibit of the latest conceits in Autumn wear for men, women and childrenapd jembracing as it does the best efforts 6t this best makers in this country and' abroad we feel confident iwjll appeal to discriminating - dressers, -The sections devoted ta jewelryr Art Goods, Fancy C Unaware, House furnishings, etc are replete with the choicest wares from manufacturers mak tag only the choicest goods. Here are novelties not to be found elsewhere. ' Store Will Close a 1 3 o'Cloclr : Jbmorroyr Afternoon A and Reopens -at 7 o Clock. No Goods Sold . DuringEvening i . v"' our Hew store N. W. Corner : V Washington . and Tenth REGARDING OUR LIB E fe AL ; GREID IT SYSTEM !Eastern OutfitUng Cdmpany and liberal " credit BavV gone " hand7in hand f or nearly a score of years here in Portland. We have always extended thjs liberal,' '.j helpful kind of credit the kind that enables any honest person to buy what jl; i ' J" .' ! ' - . ' ' ' ': . -i ' " they want, when they please and pay in weekly ormohthly payments so small, vj.-' . - . vvv. ' .V,;.r. s ''i-',". ;: . ' - '. .-.v..-'-: vii- v :, - as not to be missed. This Is the kind of credit we offer today TO YOU. There ? ; is no red tape no annoying questions just tell the , man to charge .it. - The .... ...p - ' buying organization of this chain of Pacific Coast stores is in position to secure - price concessions which smaller stores could! not. . W can therefore offer you ; the best and latest goods on easy weekly or monthly payments without any! rv: extra charge whatever for credit accommodations. ' ' PROGRAM :. Match, Th XaaWv Steokj .".;,. ...... ...Cmra t , tju Tbonii Walts, Oa to '.atlfal Bhla" ...,.KU-l . laotioaa frra T1m luuwir 01rlr. .Z.adra , CHmtoM. T Ull" .Oslbolka BseaaM . frsai "Weo41ad' ..,1. ............... XV o4rs .i. s , C4 ' XJTIIfHaiO.',7. y. . - 3- .1-: ,.' Orartnr, "tlfli Carmlry" . .... .Snjn :. BlMTao Oaprloa, Hhadow aUat" .Bmdlx itkma from A Sool dma" .-.;,;. .xuim ' v ltiimiio, "Oharrr" . ...'.Aibart " . QBi from "XlBf Dodo"'....,;.. ,I.ndar ';. , , . XwHtp, , ?9VVJ : ": Vt '. v.v.v. . v, A V . ...iHunpa ... ,. , - ", , ; " ;" -V SPOKANE filEETIfJG WILL BE GREAT CU Dennis .Declares Enthusl- ' asm and Success of It Will Be Surprising.." - - i FOUR HUNDRED ARE EXPECTED.TO ATTEND Publicity .Movement Appeals to Busk out Ue of All CUatet, He D. claret, and Is Expected . to Bring r Great Benefits. T,; -' ' - ' t .;' Vumbcra.and nthu1ara of tba P. c!flo.'orU)Wot Bualneaa Men'a oon faraifca, to "ba held at Bpokana Baptam-br-tl will. It la aald, aurpriaa vary bod jr. . Tba . committee . that art work ing on' tha project are having aplendid auooea amd fully 40 of the bast bual neaa men of OresoarWaahlngton, Idaho and Montana, are expected to be there. O. B. Dennle, prealdent of half -a doxen colnlnir and. development oompa niea ait Bpokana and chairman of tba publicity committee : of the Bpokana chamber of commerce, vn in Portland yeaterday Iooklni after 'tha Intereata at the.propoaed conferenoa. Ha la aald to ba a -buay man of Bpokana, but baa thrown hlmeelf Into the work of tha conferenoa with all hia energy. "Thle publicity Movement 1a' a new thing In tha northwaat," aald Mr. Dan ma. . -it aaa appealed to. tba beat In. telllgencc of the buelneaa men. ' It food reaulta are belna; felt. Ita auoceae la due to the hlfh-olaaa work that la belna; dona by a few of tha larger ctUca, Tha publicity movement la going to grow. It ia bringing great benefit to the ountry,,,., .uJT- , - . He talk ilka aaaoUna angina. Be hind hta worda tha listener la convinced there la; power to make good everything h Ta,' and perhapa more. - Ooantry Kada.l;.;,:.L. JJTW"1e"Oxa heat country Ood ha made. There la no other place with natural reeouroea ' equal to the Inland empire. - Beginning next' January, and continuing through the year, 590,0 will be apent for publicity. It will be ralaed by commercial' bodlaa and legla laturea. It will be in addition to ad vertising by Individual who , are ex ploiting the country. The Bpokana con ference la to unify thla movement and get the beat 'reaulta. Spokane 1 work ing on thla Una. It started a few month ' ago with a : 140,000 publicity fund. It waa bread cast upon the water It le returning many fold." The secretary of the Bpokana cham ber la visiting every elty of Importance In Washington; eastern Oregon - and western Montana and enlisting the business men In tha movement ' His Itinerary includes Baker City, Pendleton, La Grande, Helena, Boise, Butte, Mis soula, and all the . cities of eastern Spread the Worlds Table J along, every line of longitude from North to South j 1 every, parallel of TC: '.: latitude from East to West ' pile' -i, av f'.i, thereon the foods of every clime and It n will surpass them all in me elements :r which make a perfect world-ood.-- i :' I a Just tight, 37: ;7 ?; , v (Cy moUturi proof packagi. - NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY . . 1 n Washington. Seattle and T acorn nave been Invited - to come Into the : move, ment ' Ia tha list of welt-known men who will attend are T. B. Wilcox. Port land; ex-Governor McOraw, r Seattle; Jacob Furta, Tacoma,and many othera COUNCIL UNFAIR, SAY PEDDLERS " tt " m " ' Fruit Vendprs Declare .They Ara "3 B elng Unjustly Legislated t Out of Business.' -. ""Nlnetaen lUIUn fruit peddlers Visited The Journal office yesterday to charge the city council with legislating them out of a business that they pay 'the city to allow -them to conduct. - "We pay a license of $100 a year," aald the spokesman. "For thla we are supposed to have the privilege of sell ing rrult from wagons on downtown streets. Then the council passes a law requiring us to keep moving, and If we have to obey this wlU put us out or business. . "We can not stand la one place longer tnaa ie minutes under this new -law. and then only when a customer stops Hi. Then we can not return to that block for two hours. There are only six blocks ta whloh we can do business, and this 'moving on' law is prohibitive. The elty takes our license money and then passes a law that practically takes away tha right that we pay the money fOr. " . ,; "We believe the people of the elty want us because they patronise um. 'And we give thetn cheaper fruit than they get from tbe grocers. When bananas sell at 31 cents a dosen In the e tores we sell them at II cent a dosen. We sold them peara at less than the whole sale price. -And If the peddlers sell rotten fruit, ee It la a4 they do, the people cerxamjy would not . ouy irora us. And the people do buy from 4 us. not once,' but again and again. -! . e pay. a higher license here than la paid In any other city In the United State. Every large city has peddlers, and allows them to a stand by the ourb stones, and in tha east the license is only about ISO a year. It waa rained to $100 Jiare at the Instigation of the grocery .men who wanted u put out of bualneaa - When they found we bad patronage that would permit u to pay even so high a license, they passed this ordinance to make us keep on the go. rone or the policemen, named Nelson, would not allow us to stand a minute Saturday when we had our - wagone loaded with ripe bananas. We bad to sell them st three dosen for cents or throw them away. . yteleon made us keep on the move and awore at ua. and called ue vile names, and told our cus tomers not to buy fruit from ua, but to go to- the grocery stores. - f, - "One of the peddlers asked Nelson why we could not stand and the police man, struck him with bis first." ...'' i " 1 '-' .". , Oranta Vaa Sohools Op,' - . (Sseil Dlapetrh to The loeraal) i ' Grants Pass, Orv Sept. .11. Grant Pass public schools opened for the fall term of work yesterday. ' The .opening day shows an enrollment of nearly too pupils for the several schools of the city, but' thla will be greatly aug mented during, the week, a a number of families with school children are out of town In the hop yards snd mlnta.. More demand for houses In Fossil than ever. ..' i. - i ;' -ifj ' "I 1 A: ' - !.. s .. .' The Breeden .-Ornamental Lamp Pole- PORTLAND DAY AT. STATE Pair &OW aVate ad Special Train. . September 1 nas been named aa Port land day at the Oregon state fair, and a special train has been arranged for that will leave the union depot, Port land, at 1:10 a. nv. September lrand will leave fair grounds at p. m. the same day on the return trip. An ax. oeedlngly low rate of $1.(0. which in cludes admission - to the grounds, has been made for thla occasion.! and tloketa may be secured either at Southern Pa cific ticket office. Third and Washing ton streets, or at the' union depot, . J--"-.-. Za4 BoarA Basy, i . -, .- Salem. Sept ' 11. The state land board this morning approved it loans 19 farmers on 'farming land a secur ity, t,7ta from the Oregon school fund... .. .' ,. ' , ''',' preferred artoo Oaaaag cleeaa. Ulea A Lewis' best Brand. , ; , NEW LAH1P IS BIG OBJECT LESSOH Third and Washington Streets to . Be Illuminated by Artistic Light Arrangement. .i . HENRY. CLAYBREEDfeN THE MAN WHO DID IT Erects Ornamental Post at Corner by Hj Bufldinj and Declares It Will Not Be .Defaced by 'Advertising Matter Why He Did It. fc JseasVklk BJeawW .The gas pip lamp poles which defae the elty of Portland, both on account' of their own anslghtiy appearance as well as on account of . the advertisements which are usually placarded over them, will soon all be thrower Into the scrap shed, if '., the ' example of Henry Clay Breeden, tba well-known local , capital ist is destined to count for anything. -Mr. Breeden ha erected In front of the building which bears Jil name, at Third and Washington streets,' aa or1 namental lamppost which Is a thing of beauty and a Joy to be lighted by. . The pole is 11 feet high and at the top are five large globes, each of which contains three lamps of SI candle-power each. .-"It ta what is called candelabra style and art nouveau." explained Mr. Breeden today., 4'My purpose In putting up the post was to give an object lesson to the business men or Portland la the beautl ficatlon of the downtown section. The design is one accepted by the city of Los Angeles from a great many submitted to that city. . y v, "Los Angeles Is the only city in the world which usee the ornamental lamp post of this particular design. That city has them on three streets now and the effect la striking. While In Los Angeles last winter I was struck with the beauty and the utility of the design and I se cured, a lamp. This city Is full of gas pipe posts mads hideous by advertise ments. Not aa advertisement of any kind shall go on the poet In front of the Breeden building." ' ' ' i i i i in i i ' c North "Yamhill Is a small town,' but it has a $10,000 water plant and no Indebtedness. Thtt Kind Ton Have Sways Botujht, and which tuM teoi in' use) tor orcv years, nas borne tho signature) of ana Has peen made nnder xus per , sonal saperrlilon since) Its Infancy Allow no one to docetre you In this- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiment, tLat trifle Mith and endanger the health of , Infant; and Qifld:ikIperlonce aungt Xperlment. " ; What Is CASTORIA Cartrxria' Is a hannUss subsittu'e for Castor Oil Pare h : Wni- JrvP oocvuxug Dyrnpse .AS is Jt'ieasant ; is contains neither uplum jaorphlne nor- other jjfarootlo ' , '.' substance. Its agre Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms " and allays Foveiisnncss.. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind y Toll. It rellerea Teething Jroubles, cures Constipation - and Flatulency. '- It assimilates the Food, regulates tha . , fitomach and BovTels, qlvlng1 healthy and natural sleep . - The Children - PanacetwEhe Mother's Friend. . , , - v onrioiriE CASTORIA aIwayo Sears tho Signature of i aasoass. . , ABSCESSES, with few eaeeptlon, r indicative of constipation or debility. W. H. Harrison Cleveland, Mlsa, writes, Aug. IS, 1802: "I want to aay tword of praise for Ballard's Snow Inlment. I tatepped on a nail, which caused -the cords In my leg to eon tract and an abacess to rise la my knee, and the Jr tor told mevthat I would heve a Uf leg. so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drua store (who is how. In 'Denver, Col.). He reoom mended -a bottle of Pnow Liniment; I rot a ROo else, and It cured by ler. t Is the fet liniment In the world. Bold by Woodaril. Clarke A Co. . ........ ...... . The KM You Hayo Always Bongbt m uso vor ovor ju Years. t " VWt SttaTfffskaVS bbbsbbbMMA. . FIGHT TO STOP 7 y RUNAWAY HORSE Mounted Policeman and Athletlo Youth End Mad Dash After , long and Hard Struggle. A runaway horse and buggy, the former minus the restraining Influence of a bridle, caused considerable o!te ment among the residents of Hawthorne avenue on the east side Sunday. - By tha combined efforts of a mounted policeman and an athletic young ma the runaway was finally stopped with out much daman having been done. The rig. which belongd to the Crystal Ice company, wns hitched in a pt on Hawthorn avenue: By a-ime niia the awuraa allae.S fka hetdla au( kJe aaaa and started en a med! dash nut the ave nue. . Mounted Policeman Ralney gave chase but owing to the absence of the bridle when he came up with the run away" he found no means whereby -It mttfit be etopped. Ralney headed the erased- animal tat the Ladd Piatt on East Twelfth street, -where he tried to shut off the horseY wind by riding up and grasping ite nose. For a dosen blocHa the plan was pur sues without success, wnen - Arthur SchVoeder, a - youth who resides en Powell street, made a flying leap Into the rear of the buggy, climbed over the seat, leened over the dashboard and an wound the reins whloh had beoome wrappeo anoui iwrwmn wuv. . m ne inrew to in. puiiuvman. .wnv iwpra the animal's head and gradually forced Meanwhile the buggy was overturned and Schroeder was spilled out. but he was not hurt. ' , , . - There were msny chlldeoa playing In the streets end on the walks and It wa considered ludky that none ef