The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Unique M&nless JPolitical Meet
. .. Ing Held by Democrat
ff..r of Wsissr.' C''
Disaffection In Republican Rank and
Many 01 Membertof Party De
btor. The JWBI Bolt Their State
Ticket j;;''.;;' ; , -tt(
, Welser, Idaho, gepU 1W unlgui
. , political electing- w held In this city
' last night under the auspices of tha
1," Democrat, Tha speakers war women,
woman sat on tha stage, a Udy presided
f and a woman offered a prayer s,tth.e
i- opening of tha meeting.. . s - '
, . Tha principal speaker was Mrs. F. J.
- f piefenderfer of Eiio, Penneyrvanle. who
i waa seni iw aiuuiv uj m " wv
".: national Congress of Woman "to apeak
' throughout Idaho on the - eubject . ef
, Mormonlsm lta menaces and evils.
' Mra. . ciafenderfer la an eloquent
. '. apoakar and made a good Impreaalon
. upon the large audience that filled the
t opera-houaa until standing room waa at
. a premium. . She advlaed her hearera
that aa tha Democratic party la right on
. tha questlotwthat they are.-deserving of
tha aupport of all conscientious, moraj
r loving, citlsen of the state, both men
t . and women. - She eompllaiented Senator
Dubois highly on hie fight In tha United
Btalta . anafca, f nrt to expel
- V Reed 8 moot of Utah. -
.. 8 he was followed by Mlas Jane Slo-
eura of tha Idaho Induatrlal lnatltuta Of
thla city on tha same lines as spoken On
by Mr. Diefenderfer.
The t disaffection tn tha - Republican
ranks la thla county on the combine of
the Republican atate - administration
with the Mormone and lta graft and
bossism is very great, hundreds of old
line Republicans having declared their
intention to. support the Democratic
state ticket . , -- ,
ul -
Saa Franciaco, Sept. 11 The first In
surance suit' over loas caused by the
recent fire - waa begua before Judge
Whltaon la' the United Statee circuit
court this morning, t It' is the Levi
Strauss , Realty company agalnat. tha
Transatlantic Fire ' Insurance company,
and is one of a group of five eases to be
tried consecutively as test cases. Great
interest attache to' the outcome. -
-. : -A. v - . . . "
xi i . ' .--.'.; '.
. '" . (Joaraal Special Ben ice.) . f
, Sydney. N. F., Sept. 11. Arthur Nbx-
ham, the steel magnate, hla wife and
two children, and the entire crew of
the yacht Adele are believed to be lost
ff Labrador, Fishermen saw the Adele
and then few minutes later saw the
meats of tha craft It I believed that
the - Adele . disappeared beneath the
wares. No signs of the ship -were
found after It waa submerged. '
1 . ' l Bpeeial Serrle.)
Breslsu, Sept. 11. A plot to aasaasl
nate the kaiser during? the maneuvera
waa frustrated today. Three anarchists
were arrested, a Pole, an Italian, and a
Csech. Documents show that they are
connected with the International organ
isatlon of terrorists which haa plotted
the emperor death.- v ' ,
tl : 4 - x ' Usere.1 Spselsl ierW i
I. - Winnipeg, Man. grpt. . U-The Allied
- Trades have sent aa ultimatum 4o em
1 ployer that unless the plumbers'
grlevanoe is arbitrated all bulldjag;
- trade in, the city wW atrlke hnnfli-
.T" : ' teraal Sssetal Sarrlea.) ' ,'
Seattle. Sept. 11. Mrs, John Brswsf
; shot herself In the head this morning,
i dying instantly. She was sick and de
spondent. The family are recently ar-
', rlvale from .Spokane.
; The Cost of zat-armeat Ha Seem OreaV
. ly Bedaeed y The molmaa trade,
r taktag Oosapaay.
Heretofore it has been the custom of
M funeral director to make charge for
. i wiwm.u Kvunmni w i l n a xuueraL
t he Sdward Holmaa Undertaking com
; pany, the leading funeral directors ef
r rirrtiauju. uh i n n i n r jiiiw a i mrm eaii
, i depart from this old custom. Whsa the
f t ') casket is furnished by us its cost will
, incioae mi: ensrges. such as conveying
I the remains to our chaceL ontaua i.
'--.'Mihtlinhi & . h a ,a . .
' w nvaigrj ana ail
-' 'aervlcea which may he required of aa
1 except clothing, cemetery an
;..thue effecting a saving of 2t to $7S on
. . stand frmear j. - -
i MO Third street, corner Salmon.
received New
Deposit Ware
ware,. ine silver scroll designs over different color '
. ?t,e,?; Tj! ,in includes Afer-Dinner Coffee Sets,
Chocolste Pots, VVster Pitchers, Cupi end Saucers,
Pates Co!pirnr Bottles, Steins and Candlesticks' -The
ideal gift, and tisefut as well. Prices will in-
. icrest." cc corner
. - . ; "Diamond Leadert
Manufacturing Jewelers. - I
',." . esaaaaaasaSBBBasBM
. Billy ewls, boiled, fried, fricasseed or
aerved with country gravy, are no
longer on the bill of fare of tha Quelle
" Billy owls may-never have, been 'upon
tha printed menu of the Quelle, but a
dlah purported to ba Billy owl baa bean
Served- at the restaurant, according tod
Deputy Game Warden W. A. alack and
Fred BeaL who had a taste of the dlah
and afterward ran down the gams and
put a atop to tha business. . .
Rumor, hee It that the Billy" awls
served at the Quel) were voted by tha
patrons as a highly delectable dlah. so
much so that only a select Una of cus
tomers of the most elite standing were
allowed to partake of the limited far. .
A Billy awl is a small, fluffy Bird.
mostly head smd feathers, which alt on
a aqulrral mound and stare into the
sunlight with its great, yellow aye. At
night It-livens up, files about and de
vours mice and other small anlmala.
Good to aatr Faught 'Ickayl ,
t r
Carried "bodily agatnat hi will Into a
barbershop yesterday by two of his fel
low-employes. Charles Morris waa com
pelled to have hie. embryonle beard
shaved off, and ha now mourns the loss
of what he thought a beautifully sprout
ing goatees To make matters worse, the
tonsocial artist re fused te let the aubject
out of the shop until the fee waa paid
and Morris had te dig up the regulation
price of If centa. ' , ..... .'. i ,
Morris recently went te work In a fur
niture moving establishment near First
and Oak etreeta and- proved himself a
good fellow, but the other boys there
eould ae gre inttf r bettef -that a hamt-
Court Says Lawyer Was on In
X timate Termt WitrHThief
and Knew Conditiona.
(BseHU Dtapatck ta The wearsai.1 '
; Olympia, Wash, Sept. 11. Holding
that Attorney George M. Nethercutt, at
torney Tor George F. Hammond, ona pf
the bandit who figured In the famous
Bearmoutb, Montana, train robbery, was
In such confidential relation .'with the
thief that he knew he waa receiving
stolen property, the supreme eourt to
day rendered aa opinion upholding the
Spokane superior court in lta award of
I0 In the caae of Nethercutt against
the Northern Pacific railroad.
In thla case Nethercutt accepted from
Hammond aa a retainer diamond and
other property afterward learned to be
loot Secured in' the train robbery. When
Hammond waa taken to Montana for
trial the prosecution took the property
from the attorney, promising to return
to htm all that was unidentified. None
was returned. ' He aued - the company
and secured Judgment, for '150, and the
supreme court upholds the lower, court
on the . ground that the lawyer" must
have known that hi client could not
convey clear title te the property. ;
. ' (Joaroel Bpeeial Serrlee.) i '
Washington, - Best. 11. The cruiser
Des Mo)ne hastily took aboard amall-
caliber ammunition at Norfolk! and
sailed tinder order. It la learned she
1 going to Havana to protect American
interests. Further -order - for- the vss- I
sal are at Key West. The state depart
ment requested the move, it is believed.
under order from the president
1 (Continued from Page One.)
presided ever the convention ef the In
dependence league which met te nomi
nate W. R. Hearst for governor this
noon. The applauss at the mention ef
Hearst' name lasted for : seven mfn
utes. - . ' , . . -".. 1
Few Delegate la Seat and Opeaing ef
Oonvestioa Foetpoaed. ' - - -1Hnelal-IMetrh
te The JoarnaL)
Sacramento, Cel., Sept. 11. The Dem
ocratic state convention was te have
met at 11 o'clock, but at that hour only
a few delegates -were In their seats.
The failure of a large number of the
San Francisco delegates to arrive and
the difficulty In 'securing a satisfac
tory chairman are tha reason for' the
delay. It is ssld that Edward Flts
gsrald, who waa agreed Upon for chair
man, refused to be dictated to by the
leaders on any question. State Chair
man Bpellaccy rapped for order at. 11:10
o'clock and ait adjournment was Imme
diately taken, until 1:10 o'clock.
The convention will name candidate
for governor and other state officer te
be cboaen in November. There are sev
eral aspirants for nearly every , place
and ths final make-up of the ticket
cannot be forecasted with any degree
of certainty.
Two factions battle for control, one
headed by William R.. Hearst and the
other' composed ' of . the regular state
Democratic , organisation. The fight
centers on the . governorship) The
Hearst men are endeavoring to awing
tha convention for William H. Langdon,
district attorney of San Francisco. .
Fall Shapes and Styles in this
of the Nortnwsst" "
Cor. Third and Wsshinston Ste.
' About a year ago San Franciaco swell
were thrown into a state of dismay by
owl. war, being ad in tha hlgb
priced restaurants of the Bay.City un
der the name of quail. Now comaa the
Information that a very rare delicacy,
Chinese pheasant, has been served In
at least one Portland restaurant under
the name of Billy owl.
Several weeks ago the news was pub
lished in the papers that Fred Been tern,
proprietor of the eating-house at Sixth
and Stark streets, had been arrested for
having a Chinese pheasant In his pos
session. . Sechtem claimed that a cus
tomer had placed tha jblrd ,ln his safe
without hla knowledge or consent and
that he himself waa --t tower ore net toi
blame. - Deputy - Game Wardena stack
and Beat did nof believe the story and
Investigated, the result being that the
records of justice of - the Peace Raid
show that Sechtem paid a One pf 1100.
some crop of whisker cannot be brought
out - when the rasor Is applied in the
early atage of their growth. .They plead
ed in vain .with him to get a shavs and
yesterday morning when be showed up
for work they decided to take the matter
in their own handa.
Morrla put up a hard struggle; he could
have fought no harder for hla life, but
there was no use: tha march led on to
the little shop around the corner and In )
a few minutes lather was flying. Once ;
under the keen edge of the' rasor, - the i
young man ttectded to remain docile and
after all was 'over he took theatter
gootrntririw: ; T' . "r T
(Continued frpm Page' One.)
this morning. The outcome of this In
tervtew is being eagerly awaited by all
Interostsd. x
Except- for the statement ef the
mayor, only one aide of the Eaat Third
street controversy was presented thla
morning. It was expected thst a num
ber of east side people opposed te the
franchise would bf present at the ses
sion in - the mayor's -committee'' room,
but they did not put to sn appearance.
and Whitney L. Boise, E. M. Brannlck
aad 'other friend of the franchise bad
It all their ewn way. :
Fred V. Pag of Pear eon-Page 60 111
paay told what an advantage the track
oa Eaat Third street would be te the
wholesale' houaea in that vicinity.
' . Other Save Their Say. .
Then Mr. Boise laid hi side ef the
question at considerable length before
the mayor. The -new track would not
only benefit the adjacent property, new
practically useless, hut' would help the
whole eaat side and the elty in general.
EL M. .Brannlck, manager ef - the
Studebaker Bros." company, northwest,
objected to the plea thst the Hill road
would ever wish to use Esst Third
street, and denounced the Hill lines as
enemies of Portland - and - friends of
Kalama. ., .. . ;-r ' -- y- r.,
H. J. Fiaher, C. K. Henry. F. V. Hol
man. C H. Sinnott, George F. Flanders,
Thomaa Hlslop, Joseph Buchtel and
others produced, ; strong argument - tn
favor of the franchise.
Then Mayor Lena aroaa and hum tn
aak queetlone. "I'm trying to look after
the Interest of the whole elty," said he
a a preliminary. I have sworn to do
my duty, -1 Intended to do my duty be
fore I took the office and I still intend
tO dO it If I CO tO hell two minutes
after my term expiree. I believe a rail
way franchise ahould be free, but tha
tracka ahould be used by any railroad.
This company, however, will not let
them be uaed on any common user basis
by which another road would pay its
share of the cost of construction."
Then he naked 'Mr." Sutherland if auch
were not the ease, and tha utiumM
oould do nothing more than admit that
It was. .' ..
Bxample f xt Bid Btree.
"Look at East First street, where this
company na - field
franchise for SO i
year, continued the mayor. "Ton
eant Uk a wheelbarrow alone Jt m.
cept at the expense of the wheelbarrow."
He pieced treat stress upon the ae
eesetty for filling the street full width,
mi nsi o snow ir tne ' property
owners would give the vslue ef every lot
thst their property might be filled. .
.The council has given property worth
tJOO.000 to the Hill line, end even mora
than that to- the - Harriman svatem.
through vacation of etreets." cried the
mayor. "It haa given a xreat deal to
the terminal company, which Is owned
by ail these companies together, as I
understand it, and the company has de
liberately fenced In what the council
neglected to give. Some dav I'm coins:
to get that property back for the city.
ir ine jiamman system ever get a
franchise en Bast Third street, don't
you fool yourselves with the idea that
any other road will get a right to us
thst street for tl years, except-by pay
ing a high price for. the privilege. It
would benefit you now, but in-10 years
you will wish you hadn't asked for any
franchise there." - v ., , , . v
Mr, Bole then said he understood Mr.
Sutherlsnd desired a private Interview
with the mayor, and declared that every
firoperty-owner would DC greatly pleased
f the Harriman system would allow the
common-user clause to be included. In
the franchise ordinance. ' -
"We weren't able to hold up the rail
way;, all we could de wee to get them
te help our property. Perhaps- you can
do more. If eo, we'll be very thankful,"
he declared. . ..... ....
Joaraal SpeHat Servles.)
Torkton. Saakatchewan, Bent 11. Tax
collectors are trying to collect school
taxes from the Doukhlbors. who refuse
to . pay, saying. that education , la an
evil wnicn ney wm oi support.
' (Jeersal SpoHil 9rSc ) 1
Rushvllle. Ind., Sept. 11 Oliver Oore.
eged 10, and two negroes were electro -
M I WTl VII m Win iciiun, mvrvmm WDICI7
trolley supply wire hsd fallen this
morning. Gore' body was hslf a mile
from those of the blscks. i
- ...:-.v; v
(Jeerael Seedal Kervtea.,
' Charleston, W, Ve, Sept. 11. The Co
tumble corporation, with a eapttal of
lll.000.SOO, wss incorporated today te
Uo all through the Ohl sisUioU t
N ,' . .. ... , r,., .-, : t ,. , , , . . v
Nature Way Is Dcst.
The function strengthening and tlssne
building plan of treating chronic, linger
ing gnu obstinate caaea of dlaeeae as pur
sued by .Dr. I'lerec'la following siutr
Nature's dan of restoring health.
- lie uses natural remedies, that la
extracts from native medicinal roots.
prepared by processes wrought out b;
the axnendltnr of much time -ani
iony. wiinout m use oi aicouoi, euu
- j by akll f uT eombinsUon In jusl, tha right
- Used as Ingredients of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. Black Cherry
Bloodroot and Stone root, peel ally exert
their Influence In caaeeoi lung, bronchial
and throat trouble, and this Disco v-
BbT" la, therefore, a sovereign remedy
for bronchitis, laryngitis, chrouio coughs,
catarrh and kindred ailments.
The above native roots also have the
strongest possible endorsement from the
leading meuicai writer, oi ail tne several
schools of practice, for the cure not only
of the diseasea named above but also for
Indigestion, torpor oi liver, or ouious-
AAMlM.lMn bljln.. '.nil
awa, VUOIIUVW wurtiyiKivui tiuuvj lull
bladder troubles and catarrh, no matter
where located. ' : , '
. You don't bare to take Dr. Pierce's
say-so alone aa to this; what he elalmt
for his "Discovery Is backed up by the
writings of the most eminent men In the
medical protcasionv A request Dy postal
card or letter, addreeaed to Dr. JEL V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a little book
of .extracts from eminent medical au
thorities endorsing the Ingredients of his
medicines, will bring a little book res
that Is worthy of your attention If
needing a good, safe, reliable remedy of
Known compouon lot the euro of almost
anv old chronic, or lingering malady.
. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ear eon-
etipatlon. One little "Pellet "Is a gentle
laxative, ana two a mud eatnartie.
, The most valuable book for both men
and women Is Dr. Pierce's
Common Sens Medical Ad
visor. A splendid 1009-page
volume, with ' engravings
ana coiorea pieies. a copy.
DDr-covere4. will be sen I
to anyone sending SI cent
in one-cent stamps, to pay
the east of mailing only, to
1)1. v. fierce, uuflaio, A,
Y. Cloth-bound, U. stamp.
Audience at : the Grand Mad
Nervous by Antics of ,a .
Bakery Chimney.
A dense volume of amok pouring lnt
the Grand theatre laat night from the
chimney , of the Koyal bakery, directly
opposite i ths playhouse oa Park street,
nearly caused a .panto during the per
formance. It waa due to the eoolneas
of Manager Ertckson and hia ushers that
the audlenee kept their Beats and did
not rush for the exits. A civil action
agalnat the proprietors of the bakery
with a view to having them abate the
smoke nuisance I, threatened by Man
ager Erlckaoa. - ;
Just' as -the curtain fall on the last
number i0f the flrat performance In the
theatre the auditorium ' commenced to
fill with: smoke through the windows
and from the basement. ' A few timid
persona attempted to rush . toward the
exits, but their fears were allayed by
the attachea of tha house. ' Manager
Ertckson noticed 'the unusual amount
Of smoke coming from the chimney and
fearing that Its entrance through - the
air shaft Into the basement and tnrough
the ventilators would unnecessarily
alarm the immense crowd In attend
ance, rushed downstairs and directed
the ushers to station - themselvee
throughout the house and prevent any
attempt to rush tn the doors. ,
V Iteeeist IMssate te The Jearaalt '
' Weston. Or., Sept 11. The member
of the Woman' Christian Temperance
Union of Weston have signed - a pro
test with 41 signatures to be presented
to the ctty council resenting the action
ef the council la granting C H. Wal
tere of this place a license to sell Un
ttoexlly at renewal of the license to C K
Walter against whom several indict
ments have been found." some of which
are atlll pending, for violation of state
and municipal lawa In the selling of
liquor. Further, etnoe It ha been pub'
llshed thst the prosecuting attorney or
Umatilla county ha suspended action
on some of thess charges on condition
that aatd Waltera . should- go out of
business In Weston. The avomen do not
deem a aaloon run by Walter a lit
place for the community.
1 (SpeclelDUpetch to The JoanuL)
Pendleton. Or Sept. 11. Twenty-five
delegate have been named from Pendle
ton to attend the atate convention which
will be held at Condon next week. Under
the rulea of the etate association each
county is allowed one delegate for each
10,000 sheep within the county, tbue
making Umatilla county entitled to 21
representatives. They are a follows:
- J. N. Burgess, perry Oould, Douglas
Belts, Ous LaFontaine, C. W. Matthews,
Lee Connelly. George McDonald A. H.
Bundermann, Pan p. Smythe, A. A. Cole,
K. G. Cole, K. G. Warner, .William
Blusher, B. D. Smith,, Herbert Boylen,
George Bugg. Pat Doherty, J. T. Hos
klna. John Rust, Manusl Pedro, Donald
Boss. Dave Johnson, A. G. Horn, A.
Knetts and E. N. Hutchinson. - .
' (Sseelal Dtesateh to Th Soaraalt
Elgin, Or., flept. 11. Srickaon Pe
terson, who have the grading contract
for the O. R. A N. from the mouth of
the Wallowa river to Joseph, a distance
of 41 miles, are getting their work well
Glider way. and they now have a Jarge
force of men: employed. ' Considerable
rock la being encountered In the can
yon, however, and it is very doubtful if
th road will be completed la 1107. ,
- TracklsylnsT began at thla city sev
eral weeks ago and about five miles
were laid, but the crew was pulled off
several days since, end it le not known
when tracklaylng . operations will be
(Jeeraal Special Strvtea.t
Tangier, Sept. 11. Banker Paul O.
Btenaland attempted to commit auloide
) by poison today in prlaon. Ho Is seri
ously 111 SS ins reeuii. i waive guards
now keep constant watch over the
prisoner.- If his condition warraats he
win atari for home tomorrow on the
Prince Adalbert. ; - , , I;
Eastern Man Leases Ground on
Sixth Street Between Wash
ington and Stark,
- 4
Jones Tract-at MonUvUia, Consisting
of Sixty-Six Acres, Will Be -Plat,
ted. Improved end Placed oa Mar
ketOther Real Estate Deals, '
John B. Teon. Orlndstaf f A Bchalk
and other owner of a lot to by 100 feet
on Sixth street between-Washington and
Stark have leased the ground te Enoch
Harvey, aa eastern msn, for till a
month, thua establishing the value of
the land on a per cent basts at III,
000 or 11,701 a front foot, which is a
new. record for that section. The prop
erty Is aa Inside lot back of ths Oregon
savings A Trust bank and. for soms
time haa been ocoupled by a liquor
store and a messenger company. -
It 1 understood that Mr. Harvey will
remove the present one-story building
and erect another etructure In Its place,
one half of which he will use himself
aa a restaurant.' The building . to be
erected only a small one, as the
leas holda only for three years and ta
It is a cancellation provlelorn that tha
Isase ie to be void upon six months'
notice from the owner. There are indi
cations that the property will be sold
at the end of the three years or prob
ably sooner the owners -will erect
on it a-large' building.
The Jones tract at Montavllla. com
prising aerea, 1 to be platted and
improved - by Orlndstaf f A Bchalk.
Btreets will be paved and Sidewalks
laid and the plotters have made arrange
menta to extend Bull Bun water te the
new dlatrict ; - '
Charles A. Sumner haa ' deeded te
Mary A. Gray1 two lota and housea In
John It-ring's addition at the eouthweet
corner of East Nineteenth and Schuyler
streets zor vs.ooe. .....
Jamee K. Locke - aad Jama Gibon
have purchased from ' William Mao-
Maatera lot I. block II. Couch's addition.
pocated on Thirteenth - street between
("lander and Gllsan for IT.600.-
M. B. Lee ha sold to Louis Brands
lot on Eighteenth street - between
Kearney and Lovefoy. The . considera
tion la given aa nominal. ,
H. R. Beokwlth will build a two-atory
nom oa sroaaway between Twenty
first and Twenty-second. It will eost
IS.00S. -
Mra. J. Leach haa started work on an
attractive home of the semi-colonial
type on Alberta street between Union
avenue and Rodney street It will cost
ss.svv. - - I '
A bungalow coating about tl.000 will
be built by D. Mulr on East Yamhill
street between Thirty-eighth and Thlrty-
nwin. i . . - - ., -.- ,
H. Meister has secured a permit for a
st.ove nouse wnicn he will, build on
Twenty-fourth street between Petty
jrwv ana uimoy.
Widow and Son of Deceased De-
. Clara He Waa Not Mentally
- - Capable of Making Will.
A petition netting that the will of
Frank Zan, or Zanlnovlch. be act aside
on the ground that Zanlnovlch area not
mentally eapable of making a will was
filed in- the county eourt this morning
by Mra: Jennie Zanlnovlch, the widow,
and D. A. Zanlnovlch. n son ef the
deceased. -' . n :.:-,.
The estate is valued at 121,000. By
the terms of a will .that waa made in
October,. 1101, and admitted to probate
February IT, 1101, the widow waa be
queathed the household goods exeept
books and the eon waa' given IS. A
large part of the aetata waa left to a
daughter, Teronlca, now-11 years old.
' Zaalnovieh waa an Austrian, and was
known In this country aa Frank Zan.
H waa a member of the firm of Zan
Bros.. He died at Wick en berg, Arlsons,
January Is, 100s. In addition to the
bequests to his wife and eon the will
provides . that -Zan' desk, books 'and
other personal effects should be given
to a cousin, Nicholas Plonclch, ef San
Francisco. All the remainder of the
property waa given In trust- t John
Kelly and Fred Dresser, ; The trustee
were directed to pay the widow 1100 a
month until : the daughter reached the
age of II years..
. St Vincent' hospital was to receive
12,280 to be invested and the income
devoted to the relief of sufferers from
tuberculosis. The same sum was to be
used In a like manner by ths hospital
trustees of the Episcopal church,
All the remainder of the property was
to be given to the daughter when she
became 11 yeare old, and if she did not
live to. that age her chare waa to be
divided equally emong the children' ef
the brothers of the deceased. ri
'The petition of the widow and son,
filed this morning,' alleges that for sev
eral yeare prior to the date of the will
Zanlnovlch wae Buffering from a dis
ease, wss addicted te the excessive use
of Intoxicating liquor, morphine and
other . drugs and ' was laboring . under
halluolnatlona aa a result of these
habits. '1 ' , .-, ''.....,' :r ' ''
- , . .
. (Continued from Page One.)
away to Cottage Grove a weak ago last
Friday after he hsd sold all my fur
niture, which -1 had purchased with
money sent by my . mother. He took
with hm ' eur bsby boy and a Mrs.
Katherine Alexander of Htbbert street,
Montavllla. He left me and my three
other children without a cent, and eu re
ly there le some way to make him sup
port me and the children. He owes
large paint bills to W. P. Fuller A Co.;
and when he left he took 1100 with him
Intending to put It Into land there.".
Mra Clark e father Is an Episcopal
clergyman tn Locking, Somerset, Eng-
Jand. Clark's mother Is said to be
fighting for a share ef a large estate
In chancery in London. According te
the. deserted wife thla fact Influenced
Mrs: Alexander - In the alleged elope
ment It la the Intention of Mrs. Clark
.to apply to District Attorney Manning
this afternoon for a 'warrant and have
her' husband and hie companion pun
ished. Bhe also intendc to fight the
diyorce proceedings, scheduled to come
op In the circuit court within S week.
alia Mac Oaaeer. '
Constantinople, Sept IX The sultsn
' ' ' ' , ' f - '
- I " Jf " i-. 2 ' - V - - -'- u " ' 'p " i
, jr.;- If you want a hat of finest tfur felt, becoming
aPe ffid, dietinctlve and correct in style,
t-t-'er tne Kensington hat, "j A wide range of
j:VV::v,iM.:smart styles for your selection, .'-.v.
t'- a -'v ' - '' - . i . -
John B. Stetsbns
; ; " r :. T ... T 1 '.
I . -.1 !.; - -. - . V ' . ... .. . .. , . ' . . , ,' .
269-2? 1
A email blase tn woodshed In the
rear of the Elkhorn lodging house, con
ducted by Mr Pegu at III First
street, a few minute before 4 o'clock
this morning, caused considerable ex
citement ' among tha ; roomer of that
hostelry, but the fire waa extinguished
by hose and chemical companies No. I
before any great damage had been done.
The fire originated In a lavatory located
In the shed and la supposed to have
been caused by . a carelessly ; thrown
cigarette. v;;.' ,v . . '.'
The building Immediately adjoin th
headquarters ; of. the boa and ehcmloal
companies named and to thla fact la
due the email damage, aa the apparatus
waa called out almost aa soon aa the
flame were discovered. The lnmatee
of the lodging house, awakened by the
moke and flamee, rushed out into the
street In scant attire- but no one waa
injured. - The damage will' not, exceed
1200, covered y lneurance. "'v "
V,,'.,,y.. -,..-';
, (Sceetal Dfcpatek e The eearaali ! '
Kewberg, Or. Sept. 11 Rev. - Esra
Nash died yesterday afternoon after a
long illness of cancer. Mn Nah waa
born In Ohio October I, 1141: lived m
Wisconsin and Minnesota and came to
Oregon in 1887 and settled in Yamhill
county. Some year ago he moved to
Newberg. where be . haa conducted a
a tor.- He leave a devoted widow and
10 children. The funeral will be held
at Hopewell, from the United Brethren
church, of which Mr. - Nash haa long
been a member. Elder Naff of Sal km
wlU have charge of the eervloee. -
Lameness in His Joints
' j
" j '
X" ' .V
i t N,'
. . ... .. ; k
E. B. DEOSS. :
Duffy's Pure
Is sn absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating etlmulaat and tenioi It builds up
the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power tofhs brsin, strength and
elasticity to the muscles, and richness te the blood. II brings Into sntlon all
the-vital forces; t makes dlgeetlnn perfect, and enables you to gst from the
food you eat all the nourishment It contains. It is invaluable for overworked
men, delicate women and aickly chll-v
dren, aa It ia a food already disemed.
It strsngthens and sustains the system.
Is a promoter of good health and long- '.
evity, makes the old young end keens ,
th young strong. - Duffy's is the only
whiskey that Is lecognlsed as a medl- '
cine, and is guaranteed absolutsly free
from fusel ell.-. . . , " , ,
BEWARE of dangerous Imitations r
end substitutes. They are positively j
harmful and are sold for profit only
by unscrupulous deelers. -Look for
Uie trade-mark, ths "Old Chemist," on ,
the label, and be certain tha sesl over v
ths cork is unbroken, All druggists
or grocers, or direct' $1.00 a bottle. .
Doctor's advice and medical booklet
free. Duffy Mslt Whiskey Co., -Rochester.
New York.
Morrison Ste
149 Third Jcrwef V
Portland's Best Shoe Store
;;y ' AIWOUNCH .--'f
Fall Styles
.. v..-. ... .... ,. ., . , ..'
-"flanan" Shoes
Experienced Shoe:
Salesman ' Wanted :
Waahlngton.- Sept ' 11. Secretary
Roger to be paymaster-general of th
navy. . Rogers, who is a native of Cali
fornia, waa named upon Bonaparte' a
recommendations, : - -
Iftr . L' "B, Deoss of Lyndcnvjflcv
Vt. was permanently cured cf cold
and lameness In his joints by the
world's . greatest tonic stimulant,
Daffy's Pare Halt Whiskey. Thoa
sands of letters are received daily
from "gritefal . patients who" have ,
been restored to health and vigor by :
the greaf est of au tonic stimulants.
'For a long tlms I Buttered from a :
sevsre cold, acoom panted . by lameness
and disabling pains in my Joints and
general aching throughout the body.
Many remedies taken 7slled to five re
lief, and I soon fsared, as I was a poor
man, I would be unable to do my work.
At this time, broken In health, and much
that was dtasrreeabl facing Pie, I waa
Induced to begin the use of Duffy's Pur -
and l am nappy io siai.
that from th first dose I besan to feel
tha inSiunne nf its ereat healing nower.
1 am now a well man, and offer this
tealmonlal in gratitude and in th hop
that others similarly
similarly arzucten may o
neratieflefl to aa urn I nave none. tu. n.
hc I havs done. B.
1)E088. Lyndanvllle. Vt., R. F. New
1, Box. ill, June -II, IMS." - - -
Malt Whiskey