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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
the orecoij daily JOURNAL' tortland. Tuesday. evi::u:;g. ccm-Mi::::: 11. 1;. .3 :iiL i.;Hi t'U IS ilFTERIIOOl! W;:i : Takt Definite Action, : Rs . girding Uncomprated New . School Buildings. CONTRACTOR BENNETT AS ICED TO EXPLAIN tavllla board of trad and asked that the director consider the erection of an ad ditional school building for Montavilla, this on to be north of Villa avenue and near the O. R. N. track. He declared thla section of Monta villa U growing rap- i i .. u. r, . . kitarm the IU1I 11D V Bfl kUltl IV annual taxpayers' .meeting In December. BIG CROIVD EXPECTED TO - HIKED STATE FAIR Southern Pacific Makes Arrange ments for Handling Increased Trafflo From Portland. , j RAHSDELL TO - OE 10 Til IS Congressman to Follow Strenu ous Program . Arranged by Chamber of Commerce.- WILL VISIT CELILO AND L MOUTH OF COLUMBIA '. . Ittenberg EecUte , the : Bunding Committee. Has Been Unabls to Get' Bennett to Use Good Material in Construction of Buildings. At a special tnsetlng of the board of ed ucation thin afternoon It la probable that definite Action retarding the uncomplet ed school buildings -will be taken by the director. At the last regular meeting enlv three members were present ana it was decided to wait until the other two members could attend. rr---.-:---.r J. B. Bennett the contractor on the Sunnyslde, Holm an and East Twenty eighth street schools, whose-, contract are far from completed, has promised to let the directors know today whether he will etempt to finish -the buildings or will turn the work as It stands over to the board. . . - - "The building committee has been un able to get Bennett to us good material or to take off the defective - material." said Mr. Wittenberg. . '.-.: - Bids - for painting the ' Hawthorne school were ordered advertised for. J.- F. Tumblln was elected Janitor of the Woodstock school. C M. Carson. Jan itor of the Peninsula schools having re signed, F. C. Maloohn was sleeted In his ., ,1 . i .. '. r - .Robert Kfohn, supervisor Of; physical training, asked for an Increaae of sal ary. This was laid over until the other members were present. .: V -r The Brooklyn Improvement club 'peti tioned for the use. of the assembly room of the Brooklyn school for a celebration of the awarding of the contract for the Brooklyn sewer. As ths state law p ro ntons eucn use or ecnooi Duuaings us petition was .denied.- - ; William Deveny appeared for the Mon- Ths round trip rata of $1.80 granted by General Passenger Agent McMurray from Portland to Salem, whloh Includes ad mission to the state fair, Is expected to canee- a record-breaking business this week. On Portland day. Thursday. It is estimated that ar least S.6W people wui go from this elty. ' r Every day this week an extra section of No. U leaving Portland at I o'clock a. m., will follow the regular train as far as Salem, to eooommodat travel to the stats fair. Os the morning of Portland day a number of extra trains will be run and the railroad management la prepar ing to furnish equipment for a . many trains as may be necessary. ' Nearly the entire population of ' St. Johns Is preparing to attend the state fair on Portland day. Besides ths Indi vidual excursionist, the business ele ment has organised a large party to fill two coaches, and ths O. R .N. com pany baa arranged for a switch engine to bring them In and attach them to one of the extra trains. .. i Mr. McMurray has granted a rats of one and a third fare for ths round trip for the Whitman county- fair, to be held at Colfax. .Tickets will be oa sale Octo ber 1 to t. - i.- ,' PORTLAND DAY AT FAIR Xow Saes and Special Train. SeptemberlS -has-been named a Port land day at the Oregon state fair, and a special train has been arranged for that will leave ths union -depot,-Portland, at $:$0 a, a,' September IS, and will lee-re fair grounds at p. m. the same day on ths return trip. An ex eeedlngly low rata of 11.(0,. whloh In cludes admission to the grounds, has been, mads for this occasion, and tickets msr bo scoured either at Southern Pa cific ticket office. Third and Washing ton streets, or at the union depot. Party Will Hold Public Meeting at The Dalles and Another in Port. - UncV While Port' Stevens -Will '.'Also Bo Visited, -iruv.a V Congressman - Joseph BansdeU, whs oomes to Portland this week as an ex ecutive official of the National .River and Harbors congress, will arrive Thurs day evening. The chamber of commerce is preparing to utilise every hour of his time for three days la showing htm exist ing conditions on ths Columbia rlvsr and Impressing upon his mind ths Importano of pushing all Improvement, work. As Congressman Ransdell ' Is - also a member of the rivers and harbors com mittee of the -house, his visit takes on a degree of significance far more im portant than that of the average eon' gresslonal visitor. River and harbor im provements are almost a hobby with him and he la recognised in congress as an authority.'' Ths program In detail baa been com pleted and was given out by Secretary Oiltner. The party will leave Portland at f :1S o'clock Friday morning for Celllo, arriving there at 11:46." After examining ths canal work now under way they will make the trip over the - state - portage road to The Dalles, where luncheon and s brief 'xrubllc meeting will "occupy two hours. .Short address ea wilt be made by Mr. . BansdeU. Senator John M. Oearln and Senator tevl P. Ankeny. Leaving Ths Dalles at S o'clock, tha party wiU arrive la Portland at 0 p. m. At : o'clock tha same evening a publlo meet ing will be held in Chamber of Commerce hall, at . which . speeches will bo heard from Governor ( Chamberlain, 'Congress man W. Im Jones of Washington, Col. S. W. Roessler. chief of United States en gineers, department of the Columbia, and i NATURE'S VAIftlwG - . - a, a . t . - - '" . Portland People Must Recognize and Heed It. Kidney Ills some auletly-rmystsrious-ly. But nature always warns you through the, urine. ...... Notloe the kidney secretion s. km it th. nnljr Is uahealth- If there are settlings and sediment. Passages too frequent, scanty. It's, tlms then to use Dean's Kidney To ward off Bright' e disease or d la bs tea ..!. Doan's nave dona great, work la Port- James TPeterson of ttt East Jefferson street, Portland. Oregon, says: "In 10?, when working in Woodstock, I gave" ray endorsement of Dosn's Kidney Pills for publication, stating that they are the best kidney remedy X ever heard of or used. X had previously tried every medi cine recommended tor sucn rrouDies ana had lust Mid a doctor bill of 17k but without satisfactory resulta I suf fered everything for two or three rears with awful backache, lameness across the loins and a disordered oondltlon or the kidneys, the secretions on standing ahowlna- a heavy brick-dust sediment. and there were times when I could not get up after sitting without the aid or some suDDOrt to take hold of. I was In bad shape when a friend induced me to try JJoan s iuaney fins, i was oeno- flted from the first, and 'alnoe using tnem I nave been more rree xrom pain and discomfort from my back aad kfa nevs than for ths last twelve years. Doan's Kidney Pills are a reliable kid ney remedy and I wish every sufferer rrom bacaaone or aianey irouoie coma know of their merits." , r For sale by all dtalera. Pries 50 centa Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United eta tea . . Remember tha name DOAN'S and take no other. , .-- W. - D, Wheelwrtght, repreeentlng Xh chamber of commerce. . . ; . Saturday the visitor will be taken to Astoria and ths mouth of ths Columbia will be visited. The party wfll leave Portland oa- tha Astoria train at i:lf a. bl. arrive at Astoria at, 11:45, and go to FortevanXT"vrnuiu!heon-wllIbe served.. From this . point they, will go sut on the Jetty by tramoar.. After an Investigation of ths works they will bo taken, by boat to Astoria and leave at o'olock for Portland. No special pro gram has been arranged for Sunday. The day wlH bo spsnt seeing friends and ths city, r- , .. ,..-' - v. .;, : , , -. : - Toa are aov pjuuerty To. 1 unlees you watt treat Ads. looking oat fee) . Tas JoaraaJ WHISKEY PAPER .': BAD BUSINESS Retail Saloonmeri Learn That They Cannot Sell Whiskey Certificates Legally. :, ' Grief and woe are likely to reign In the ranks of some Oregon saloonkeepers who have purchased whiskey eertlfle A whiskey certificate la a document well known to the liquor trade. It is merely a certificate Issued by a 41s- tuier, wnieh entities the Bolder to a e tain quantity of liquor which la at ths time In bond under the supervision of the federal , government. The retailer pays the distiller so muoh a gallon for tns whiskey and when he is ready to use It he pays ths government taxes upon It and has It shipped to him. These certificates are largely dealt with by some distiller! aad are readily purohased by retail liquor men who lis ten to ths plausible arguments of com mercial travelers representing the east- era dlstillerlea , Recently a Portland saloon man who had bought and paid for a certificate entitling him to to barrels of whiskey oeciaed mat bo did not want the liquor. It not being the right sort for his trade, aad sold the certificate to another mer chant . Undo Sam la the person of a revenue of floor Immediately swooped down upon the unlucky dealer and ex-' plained that the . revenue department has plaood whiskey certificates oa a par with whiskey and had ruled that these sertincates cannot bo' sold or trans ferred by any one who does not hold a government wholesalers license. A utrtot interpretation of tha law, tt la aald, would avea prevent a saloon man returning such a certificate from tha distiller from whom ho purchased ft. This decision la expected to bo -a great blow to some eastern distillers who have been flooding Oregon with tha wblsxey certificates. Many of ths retailers are bow refusing to buy paper whloh they cannot sell without paying tha government a lloense for so doing. Hop contract reduoed Oregon's In come this year by many, thousands of oousra mT OuroaFsloa1' says Sam Kendall of PhlUlpsburg, Xaa 'lUSt OOVOr It over with Bucklen'e A. nloa Salve end ths Salve will do the rest" Quickest cure of Burns, Bolls, Sores, Boalds. Wounds, Piles, Ecseraa, Salt Rheum. ChaDDed Henda. Snra Tmi aad Sore Eyea. Only 6o at B. O. Skid more Co., drug store. Guaranteed. - ' i . .- . o 1 77 fl El ME Regular $3.50 in" all tha new and ; :;. i Fall Stylc3 and colors 5 yj)oCt)o it Absolutely "the best - hat values ever" t - . offered in Portland. ; 111 KSnSISCM SV C??. Pcs!s!2ce Jta to Valum ATn Dm or Cam Clvo SttUr 5& Boiidiiig? ompSnylk Ml e m. MI1MWII El GET la llna The whole town will be here at t a. m. to-' morrow. Just follow the : r crowd. ' The door will - be open at a. m. tomorrow. Remem ber the address, the store formerly occupied by the Eastern Outfitting' Co.. 186-Sg-lS-sS Washington street. Remember, no goods will be sold before ths opening. Here every--: body will get an even chance. , This sale--will consist of clothing, dry goods, shoes, furnishing goods, kitchen utensils, household goods, curtains, millinery, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, cloaks and suits, boys' and men's clothing and thousands of articles too numerous to mention must be sold to pay for warehouse and bonding charges. Thou sands f cases of goods shipped from our offices in Spokane and Seattle and also all the merchandise from the Portland places of uncalled for merchandise will be placed on sale Wednesday, September 12. . . Doors will open at 9 a. m., no goods wiU be sold before that time. Thousands upon thousands of bargains, bigger and better than any bargains ever offered by any other concern In the city or any other out of town concern. These goods must go, and it will last' absolutely four days only. We have leased the store formerly occupied by the Eastern Outfitting company. For four days goods will be sold at your own priceslower than the manufacturer can manufacture them for. wholesale..-" Below we will give you a short list of some of the bargains that will be in the store for you starting Wednesday at 9 a. m.: , ' . . : - ..v " .-v:-- f-----. .-v- . v THS sale lasts bat four days. .There will be great bar- (tins in Dress Goods, Cot ton Goods,. Wash Goods every thing' that ths family needs is in this sale. We csn give you an , entire list- thisisonly part: but let as tell yon that they will be "here for yon, and marked in plain figures., . . ' t -,) t.. .-, . .,-' Boys; Clothing . Mothers, wo have tha Boys'-Suits for you, 1, SOS Boys Suits, -,1 and S-plece suite, ranging in age from I to IS years, single and double breasted, Blouse and Norfolk Suits; there are about 1.00S In all at, the sale of Unidentified. Merchandise will bo sold on the opening day at your cholco for any one of these, 2St. ; l.SOa Boys' Suits in the finest of material, worsted and Cheviot Mothers, take In this; school time will soon be here; thls Is ths greatest of bargains. This Is our' property now; 'buy It In this lot; there are suits retailing as high as I10.0S . Beau tifully made, right up to stylo and In fashion; you take your choice of any one of them for 91.75. Just think of It, but ' take our advice and be at the door at a! m. -. , ,-- , ,000 pairs of Boyr Knee Pants were stored with us; they were held by a large manufacturer and sent 40 one of ths largest wholesale houses In Baa Francisco. They are yours; wo have them to sen and will do it; pries is no object: they are going , to go. Fit your boys up (for years to corns; thsy ars In slses 'from I to XI years; they are in Cheviots, worsted. Buster -Brown ' 'and all the latest novelties In Boys' Suits, and of this you caa take your cholco for $2.20, hardly the prloe of the making. 2.BO--.000 Men's-All-Wool Butts.' ranging to siae front IS ,io 41. These are suits that tha retailer would generally ask from $9.00 to S12.S0 for.' For this great Bale of Unredeemed Merchandise, fa.50,X,., f,.,..,,:.,'' V- -,-',- -:r- - y- " ' "About "4,000 ' Men's 'single Snd double-breasted worsted and cashmere Suits, well lined and well made, uncalled for at a large Seattle concern. ..They will bo sold at your own prices. S4.08. Men's l2O.00.and I2B.O0 Dress and - Business Suits In Sacks and single-breasted, dark and medium shadea-" Tour entire choice -of .this lot,- SS.OO. - 'r;....,:--'"----Hf----. - " n..-...;- - ' Men's 1 10.00 and $15.00 Suits and Overcoata' Xvery garment Is hand made and finished as well as a dealer will make your $60.00 suit, in serges. Clay worsted, cheviot, tweeds and vicuna; ' in dark and medium shades. You may take your pick out of about (,000 suits. It would be im possible for us to sort them out, knowing nothing about merchandise business, and wo will place them In one lot.. You may take your choice of any of them. -They will suit the most fastidious, tha men who are the most particular with their clothes. - This will bo the biggest bargain : ever offered by any concern trying to sell It or to close It out. Ton take your choice of any one of these for $8.55. ... Millinery r Mininery has got to bo sacrificed. We know that thla Is line of goods that ladies are 'particular about. Wo cannot bang-' on to them, some storekeeper will be glad to get them; hardly, the price of the manufacturers'. You take your choice of $.$00 Ladies Elate, flowered and feathered, and tho-very latest Fall' styles, stores would ask you as high as $10.00. They have got to. go, the biggest Millinery attempt ever mada' iby any eonoera. $l.BO takes the choice; ths more you know about tha mllUaerr business the bigger bargain you get. ' . - J , , , Bxtra Special Irm There ars thousands and thousands of pairs of Shoes that wa have to sea We will class them In three distinct lots. Ladles', J Men's and Boys Shoes, patent. leather, low. aad high ones. Colts and calfskins, makes boo numerous to mention; thousands of pairs will go. Borne of these worth aU tha way up to $1.00 and $7.00. - We have got to - get our -money, for storage charges.. Divided into three large bins, displayed in plain view to every body. All these goods marked in plain figures, goods worth aa high as $1.10. of any also, for 69. Goods worth as high aa $4.10 for 95a. . Goods worth as high as $7.00 for $1.23. ' v ' MeriV Fur hish iriffs 1 For some of tha biggest bargains aver offered to you ta ths way of Furnishing Goods. Men's Suspenders, there art about tie boxes of fine Suspenders, come from one merchant's store; there are six pairs to a box. . W11I place them on sale; you caa take a pair of them; they are worth 15e. 50o and 7Bo; lisle, web and embroidered and neatly, finished. ' Your choloe, 10d. -. Men's Pure Idnen Handkerchiefs, ths greatest sale over of fered by. any concern; 10 eases were stored with us, they were not called for, so have got to got so hers they ars, and they are yours for leV We do not know what they are worth, sCome and take them away at let each.- - .- ' Thousands and thousands of dosen Neckwear. Men's Neok wear; they are In Four-in-hands, Tecks and Puffs and all other style. - They have got to go; the goods are worth up to $1.60 1 xsoma very fine silk ties. - Come quick and they are yours at 1 " ' r 7"- 7 - --1 1 r Men's Fancy Vests, silk and wash vasts; goods worth as high aa $7.60; there are about 160 of them. Ton taks your choloe Of any of them for $1.00- ' , - - -,; .. 4 Men'a Bilk Mufflers, oholoe goods all of them. Hera Is a groat bargain, 50f. They are worth as high aa $6.00. -Men's Gloves, all alses, 10 a pair. Worth aa high as $1.00. There wlU be bargains for everybody In lacs embroidered gloves. ; Men's Overcoat . A- great sale of Men's Overcoats, - long overcoats la the very latest ' styles, overcoats In wool and Cheviot, velvet collars, ths very . latest material were, stored' with ' us, worth as high aa $16. but . ws cannot hang on to them; they ; have got to go. Your choice of any of them for... ,.$4.95 : Men's Hats r 1$ eases of Men's Hats, tha well known makers, and inside all of . them the seel, tells the story; some of them retell for $6.00. x. and as you know ws have 4 days ' . Jto sell the goods here, you take ' your choice of any of them for r cnoice ox any oi tnem t -5w ".'.I '. - "-- .Men's,: and. Womsa's Umbrellaa. About 6,000 Umbrellas. wiU bo . placed oa sale and you can take your choice of any one of - them ..,.... 85t About $.600 Ladles' and Men's Urn y brellas, silks and gloria capers, ' -pearl and - silver; handles. We have got to sell them for the etor ' age charges. They are worth as , high aa $i. They are. - yours for .$1.QQ Thousands and thousands of pairs of Men's Pant. They have got to go; every pair marked In plain , figures: ' scores of . them, hardly ' the price of the making; men's and boys') worth aa high as $1.60, for, a r'r...., T5a Men's Pants, worth as high as IS. on, $1.23. Men's Pants worth ss l.lrli ss $1.66. TO. Is not this an opportunity to secure -merchan-' dine for years to come at such a ridiculously low price? Men's pure wool Underwear. Gar-, mente worth as high as $1.00 to i tl 60 a garment, but you taks your ! choice of any of them for. $l.O0 j t.i.'iO 'yiii7iig Pads. Any r(-taller J would sell them for 10c and 16c; I our price for this great sale, etor I sge prices are shout tc, but here I goes, you take them J for, ...5 The Greatest Sale of Cloaks and Suits Le$ than bankrupt prices-The entire stock yout choicepay us the price of the storage - Ladies $23.00 Suiti; yes, they are worth perhaps $50.00-4hst is the price that some of the retailers mark them at. Thev are ths finest of Broadcloth, Cheviots, etc., sll finely trimmed and of the latest style. This is the best stock that the concern stored with us that went out i of business, and here they are your choice for. $4.98 Ladies' Coats they are worth from $35.00 to $50.00; our price, for these ... will be the price of the making. They are nobby. garments, well made, - long snd abort It is hrd..for us to tell you about these goods, as we are not very experienced in this dry-goods business; we will do our best all we can do is to teI you ,whst . the origins! prices were," snd tnat cuts no figure here and you tske your choice ot sny of them for s . ....,.....,,...,,.'. ,...,.. .,-;...,.. .$5.85 Dosens of psirs of Ladles Hose, light weight, heavy weight, laoe. . any style you. may wish for, sis high as 76o a pair, every pair ' marked In' plain figures for overs . body, and see that you takeyour ' choice of any of them for. ..10d It will be the biggest and best bargain ever offered by. any eon. cera in the United States. .. Take our advice and come early. Thousands and thousands 'tt yards of Ribbon to bo sold. We have no -' ttme'to sort it aU out: ribbons as ,. 'high ss 60c ysrd, widest and nar- y rowest, a yard. ............. ..8s ASout 1.600 Ladies Wrappers. Thsy ,; are In percale, flannelette . and Iota of other materials too nu- . meroua to mention. Here Is the sensation of the season at this sale, whloh oomes j once la- five : years, ' Come and buy, buy. buy; 77 you take, Vour choice of .any. ' Wrapper In all ths house for ...... .....63 , Men's Hosiery. Thousands of pairs of hose will be dumped tntd a bin, "' - and we will place them all at one ' price, all kinds and styles, all shades, a pair 5d Notice to the Ladies! , Corsets and Corsets Thousands and thousands of corsets to be sold. Impossible for us to mark them an; ws have no time, nor do ws -, know what they are; you take your choice of corsets; ws have as ..hlgh ss $6.00. They will all of them flt anybody, big and small; . here Is a bargain for you; we do ' , not know what the ladles pay for 7 these articles, but we want to , glvs you something hare. Come and take your choice; some mer-V 7 ohant might buy the lot.., ...5d 5.000 Ladies' Skirts, divided into three parts. We hare no time to mark them, ws hsvs no time to sort them out if we did the Stprtge A Bonding Company would get no profit: so her they go,' 5.000 Skirts, , all slses, shapes and styles,, and you can take your choice of all of thetrcJ .. : Lot No. 1 Your choice of 100 of them for f 1.00 they are worth ; up to T10.00.,; , -77 :7-;.: 7':'.-"-';V 1 1.000 of them for f 1.50 they are worth tip to $15.00. t ' ; 7 -'. 200 the greatest and ths biggest and the belt bargain ever offered , by -Sny concern. They are Panama, Novelty Plaids; they are worth tip to $25.00 you take your choice of any of them. 7 Goodness' knows these prices would not pay for the making. You take your choice $2.55. ; . r Extra Special ! Twenty-Ore hundred Boys' Over coats, winter, goods. They are : absolutely nothing but the best of. ; goods, but thsy have got to go. , You can take- your choice of any one of them; take as many as you ... want; they are bound to flt tha ,'. boy as tilgh as 16 years; fur, vel . vet and silk. They sre long and . " short ones, well made aad well ' lined." Here Is your chance, 7 mothers, to secure your boy's clothing.' - Tou take your choloe of any one of them for...-.$2.00 1,(00 oases of Soap. . Tou see tp this .' . . lot of goods there la everything.' .'This soap has got to go; it is " some of the well-known makers . .' aa Gold Dust, Fels Naptha, Nook .' Bros, Poney, Golden Fleeced and ' - thousands of others too numerous - to mention. They are here and - you can take your . choloe, 10 , packages for, .......t.,....25e 1,000 pairs of Laos Curtains; good ness knows what thsy aro worth. . Ws know nothing, about ladles .'. and msn's goods, but you can take ' your choice of any of them, a pair ; 50a $,000 dosen Men's Llnea Collars. ... When ws say (.000 dosen wa mean), It. There are all r shapes and alses, ' turnovers, straight and ' . wings. They are collars that you - will pay $ for 16a, and here you are, we will sell them for 1 dosen in a box, all slses. and all shspes. " You take your choloe for...25d fust think of it. IS eases, nothing' . else, of Sweaters, . cotton, wool, , -j. Jersey . Sweaters. - -We have as high aa $1.60 a pair wool for the ' men and for the boys, and you , take your choice for 49e There will be bargains for everybody In Laoe. Embroideries,' Gloves, Neckwear, Millinery. Boys Suits and Men'a Suits; Domeetlca, Jewelry, Ribbons, Hoslsry. Corsets and Housefurnlahlngs, and dosens of articles too numerous to mention. Be with us at this great Sale of Unidentified Merchandise, conducted by the Franklin Warehouse 4k Bonding o. -. ('-''- Notloe to merchsnt All merchants desiring to purchase goods in bulk eaa call at any tlms during the day, and you may pick your goods Just the asms as a retail customer. There is one price for everybody. v'j.,.- .'.-. ..- .,- 7 " .. - ..-. . .. . y ..-j... , -. ;. .j........:- ... .. - " Now. regarding ths Mall Order.' If you cannot come to Portland, ws will forward you thd goods as advertised. ' These goods are to be sold as you see them advertised, so they will bo sent to you, nothing misrepresented, but goods are really better than they are advertised. Tour goods ordered by mall will be ssnt the day the order is received. - Address all mall orers to the Franklin Bonding Co. The whole ot the stock Is to bo sold..- Never, never, never, will there be such a .successful sale as you will find, berovpa Washington street. This comes but once In a uptime, uome. . . , ., .. , - , . ( f , ,- . ., . i . .. . n ., . - . . , . . Hranklih areKduse & Bonding Co. 386-88-90-92 Washington Street i ' Old Premises of the Eastern Outfitting Co. Men's, Overalls About TO eases. ' nothing also but . Overalls, overalls of the finest and .' beet -makes;, they are well known - and sold - to - some of the biggest . snd ' best : department . stores ; - throughout Idaho, r 7 Montana, " Washington and Oregon; but they : , i are here and they have to go. We wlU hold onto nothing; they are all slses. - If you ar thinking of . ; . buying, working -people, hers Is ; your choloe. This is tha biggest and best' bargain ever offered. We have got 1,600 to go. la 4 days. ,; v .r v:r - ;,"' ;7 You take your Z choice tot. 35c nil 7 All aood heavy Underwear. Mer chants, here Is your greatest Chan oa. The blggsst bargains sver offered. -Country merchants, take our ad-. vice; you get the first turn; coma to Portland .and you will secure a stock of goods for your coming fail trade at lass than manufacturer's cost It will pay you to dump a part of the entire stock In your store, and you will secure tha big geet bargain sver seen In four city. These goods must go retail or wholesale; everybody will get he same chance, whether you live In the country, Portland or other cities, or any town, one prloe to everybody, and they will bo marked In plain figures; no humbug; plain: English, figures for anyone that has eyea to read and sea Will you take this?. The lowest prices will be marked on. and they will be low; hardly enough to cover the price of the manufacture. . .. Extra Special-Men's O'coats $00 of 'em, stored with us and must be sold so, we can get ths storage - charges: manufactured by ths - best makers, all wool goods, yery beet materials poaalhle to obtain, ' ""mads by the best workmenl worth $30 to $40 each. All ws want is the storage charges, , Bo taks ' your choice .......,..,. .$8.80 f