The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tin: onrcou daily journal. ror.TLAND. tuhcday evening, September-ii,-isca.
Sheep Camp Trader in Eastern Oregon Photo by. Major, Lee MoorehouM
:r'v . ' r-'' ' By Lula R. Lorenm.' "
' (Special Correspondence to The Journal. I
' Pendleton,. Or., Sept. -The noeom-
panylng Illustration Is a realletlo re-
production of a band ot aheep camp
tenders In eastern Oregon. They are
fording the Umatilla on their way to
' the iunmar range In the Blue moun.
, tains, 1 . .1 . v . - ,f "
"Early In October the great herds of
sheep that have been on the. summer
. range In the Wenaha and Blue. mountain
reserve will be returned to the winter
.. range."i , , : .'..' ',
In these reiervee extends a vaet area
Of country en which the sheep find good
summer - range, and the . herders spend
--months ',eagerlywatchtpg"the flocks
and enjoying the -good mountain elr.
Al night 'when helaysTa the open air
- me--can -well say t
'rmera la no and te the say,
And the stars' are everywhere, f .
And time Is stsrnlty - . '
: And the hers Is ever- there. '
And the oomraon deeds 'of the. com
j Dioii day
......Are. ringing balls In tha far r-
t-' .: away.", r. " i:V,.:
'' Each ' of the : sheepmen .with large
. bands have a summer range, and all
" have tender besides the herders. Tha
- tender usually -has two hands to tend
camp for,, and each has a full outfit
. tor camp. Ufa for eats .or snore. ' They In tha summer
' and ; occasionally thsy carry .. a small
- tent tn - ease of storm- or for storing
supplies. Ths tenders' duties oonslst
)f taking supplies to the camps; mov
ing ths camps and looking after things
In genera) about the camp. They are
required to move eamp every six days.
This la done to prevent the sheep front
nslng one bedding 'ground toe long.
Zogs are found In all herds, and they
- are often 'more -valuable than the herd
ere,.;. ..... , ...... .Y- ..V-
.... ;;etase a'rereet aesstrse.-.
In 'eastern Oregon moat of ths sheep
'are . ranged-, on, the Wenaha. 'And Blue
Mountain reserves, many thousand head
being there at. this Um Sheepmen are
-J DAiihl CAmnarrmanf Hauls)
- Sped -Through Straits" of i
Butte, Creating Havoo
panic Resulted as J People Belief ed
f Surface of the Town Waa Falling
' Into tha Mines lWhlch Lie Underneath.-'
- : ' ' ? r
. 1
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Butte, Mont, Sept 11. Crashing
-down the steep grade on North Main
street, with IS frightened horses gal
loping ahead, e doable-compartment
'house speeded from Copper to Broadway,
en Main, a ' distance ot three blocks,
Sunday afternoon at an express-train
clip, TlaaJly ending its : wild flight
-against a telegraph pole' In front of
Hlght and Fairfield's establishment.
' roar horses -were killed and two men
narrowly e soaped death.
v -i-A Watervllle ear filled with passen
gers rounded a onrys on Granite street
at full speed, but a moment before the
mastodon runs war crashed across tha
Intersection. . But for - the - prompt . ac
tion of the motorman tha car would
have been transformed Into kindling and
t passengers possibly killed A score
. nf pedestrians bad narrow escapes.. .
, It was the most peculiar and spectac
ular accident tit-the history of Butte.
- The structure had been placed upon f oar
steel trucks. - The grade on North Main
street Is heavy, and the men in oharge
- of the moving had fastened a one and a
ene - half-Inch rope to the rear truck
and wound it about a telegraph pole as
a brake. A -sudden lurch of the build
ing caused the rope to slip through ths
ksnds of the men who were holding It,
and a moment later ' the trucks and 11
horses began a wild flight down the hill
through the heart of the business dls
trlot. Poles were smashed and ths ear
service demoralised for'- three ' hours.
' On Main street a panlo existed, the peo-
, a,..
The Best Scouring Soap Made
A Scouring Soap
A Metal Folish
A Glass Cleaner ;
required to 'pay a ' graslng fee of
cents per head, and two lamba count as
one sheep. . Ths government requires
each to comply with sertaln rules and
regulations, one of which la that they
cannot camp within 600 yards of any
running stream. Tenders .and herders
must fight forest fires If called upon
by the forest rangers. ; " "
Morrow and Umatilla counties, have
the largest number of aheep upon the
ranges, though . there - are many from
Baker, Creek, Malheur and Grant coun
ties, .Morrow , county has more shesp
than any county In the state of Oregon.
There are -160,000 head of sheep . In
Umatilla county, the average weight ef
the Tleef being nine and one half
pounds, worth at nreaontjrlces jfromll
10 31 cents per pound. , i .
-rr-T aiaety-aiae Tev oemt Raved. "' ,"
Ninety-nine per eent of lambs In
Umatilla county la saved each year, ow
ing to the nil id climate In the winter
and, the favorable -conditions for sheep.
in -some parts or eastern Oregon the
winters are often severe, and many ef
the lambs are lost each year. ::X'--
' Over (,000,000 pounds ef wool pass
through Umatilla county warehouses
annoallv. much being shipped lit from
other joints to the Pendleton scouring
mills, and large quantities of it being
manufactured 'into Indian robe and
blankets at. the Pendleton woolen mills.
' Pendleton Is the headquarters during
the season for the wool buyers from
all over the country, and It la the cen
ter of the great weol-grewlng dlstrlot
ot eastern Oregon. ' ;
The following is a list of the Sheep
men In- Umatilla county who nave large
bands on the ranges; , ,. . .
The 3. B. Smith Livestock company,
11,000; the Cunningham Sheep A Land
company, 20,000; Pedro Brothers, t,000:
William Blusher. 10.000; Smyths Son,
lf.000; Rugg Brothers, 10.000: Donald
Boss. 0.000; Pat'Dorrity, 10,000; Pear
son A Johnson' 10.000; ' Douglass Belts,
lo.eov. inere are many outer email
bands la the county. ;,.-.
- 1 1 1 -:- r' -
Ho Evidence Against .Vincent St.
. jonn, tns i-sasration of . t r
,. ' (JaarsarSpeeUt Serrlcs.) VI
- Denver, Colo, Sept. -11. After aide
months' Impiisonmsnt, Vincent St John,
alias-J. W. Vincent. Federation leader.
president -of ths Burks. Idaho, Miners'
union, will not have to stand trial for
ths murder of Benjamin Burn ham, the
Bmuggler-Unton miner, who waa killed
in a riot in Tellurlde July S. 1(01. .
St John waa to have been tried for
the murder ef Burnham at ths 1 October
term of the district court at Tellurlde.
District Attorney , Hugo Seltg, after
weighing the testimony, has reached the
conclusion that he baa not sufficient
evidence to convict, and for that ra
son will so before the court October A
at Grand Junction, and nolle proese the
ease against Bt John.
r. - (t,,,,1 socelal B'ii iUa. -
New York, Sept. 11. Those In char re
or the arranKemeate for- ths Indepen
dence lea rue oonveatlon tn Carnegie
nail tomorrow : te - name - William R.
Hearst (or governor met todr and com
pleted the final details for ths Cather
ine. 'V , -- . '
. According to Max Ihmsen, chairman
of the Independence leasus stats com
mittee, tha political manager of Hearst.
everything has been arranged ' f or the
gathering, which la to bs marked by an
calculated totmpress the people with a
correct ldest thsv genuineness and
strength ef the public demand that Mr.
Hearst 'become a nominee for srovernor
or new ToraVIfi addition to namlna Mr
Hearst It is the nntention of the leacue
managere to put up a full state ticket
composed of Republicans and - Dsme
erats. t - -. ' . '
Ths nomination ef Mr. Hearst at this
early date la regarded as a clever move,
as it may aaturally be expected to in
fluence the Democ ratio primarlee which
are vet te - be ; held throughout the
state- . . - , -
pie taking the - roar, and ramble ef
tne runaway building for ths surface of
tne town renins into the mines. .
To Get I.Iore Strength
, from Your Food.
HEN the Bowels are filled
; with tindlgested food we
may be a great deal worse
off than It we were half
-starved. ' ;
Because food thai stays too lonr, In
' the Bowels decay there, Just as If It
stayed too long In the open sir. ' a
Well, when food decay In the Bowels
through delayed and overduei action,
what happens? . , t .. ; ' v . .
: ! ; . , :,e . '; .':'. f
' The millions ef BtUe Suction Pumps
. that line the Bowel and into tines then
draw folson from the-' decayed Food,
Instead of the Nourishment they were
inlended to draw. T.'r;"r:Tfar:";
JTil Poison uoi into the blood and.
In time, spreads all over the body, unless
the Cause of 'Constipation la promptly
removed, 'r'" .:' .. , .' , i ., '-.., .
. .That cause of Constipation la Weak;
or Lary Bowel Muscles. ; , v "
When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby
fhey need Exercise to strengthen them, -not
'Physio" to pamper them. ;
. ;'.,'.'('-' :;" . ;
- There's onry one kind' of. Artificial
v Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles. - ... ,(
, Its name is "CASCARETS," and Its
pries Is Ten Cents a boa.1.'; ;t
So, If yon want the same natural ac
tion that a six mile walk In the country
would jive you, (without the weariness)
take one Cascaret at a time, with Inter
vale, between, till you reach the exaot
condition you desire. ' " ; ,' ;
One CsscaretjLt a.ttme. wlfl properly.
Cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue
Oon'l fail to carry the "Vest FooVei
Cascaret Bo with you constantly. ;
, ; All Druggists sell them over ten tniV
'Ion boxes a year.;' Vj 'V: ';:;4
Be very careful to get tha genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com-,
pony and never sold In bulk.' Every
tablet gtamiedCCC.""" ""T .. nm
Steamer pity of Topeka Reaches
; San Prancjeco With; Pumps
: Barely Keeping Her Up.;
(Joarsal Special Srvlc.s
San Franolsoo, Sept. 10. Ths Paolflo
Coast Steamship company's steamer
City of Topeka arrived here at 1 o'olock
yesterday afternoon with ber pumpe
barely able to keep her afloat She came
full speed ap It was reared tnat . tns
numpe might give out -and send - the
vessel to tbe bottom. She will be placed
on the dry-dock this afternoon for re
pairs. .'....:,.';.
r While bound from Eureka tor this
pert the City of Topeka ran close te
shore and struck the rocks off Point
Arena In a denss fog ysstsrday morn
Ins. A. fsw moments . before striking
the rock the captain - saw .- the lights
from Point Arena and ordered the helm
put over. A moment's delay In obey
ing the order would bare meant a terri
ble disaster because no sooner had the
big uU altered--the-eouree efore-ebe
struck ths rocks a ' glancinc blow but
sucoeeded In clearing them.
None of the psssencere was aware
of the danger until the ship was at the
pier... ' " . 1 ... . .
(Jonrmal Special Service.) V
Fort Worth. Texas, Sept. 11. Silas
Johnson . died horribly in sight of a
Croat erwwd yesterdsy when the city
Jail at Mlneola burned. Johnson, who
wss a nssro. was arrested for drunken
ness and tried to burn hia way out of
prison. Ths fire sot beyond hie con
trol and the people who gathered in re
eponse'to his cries could not open, the
doors of ths Jail, although a battering
ram waa Improvised and used.
Johnson stood et one of the crated
windows. Imploring the people, many
of whom he knew by name, to save him.
.Men and woman fainted as the flamee
trove him away iron ut grating ana
nis ones aisa away.
Johnson was considered a very good
cttlsen, whose. one weaknsss waa love
of liquor. .
'...! -V'1- (Joaraal Special Service.) '-s
' St. Louts, 8epL 11. Attorney-General
Hadley today resumed ths oil Inquiry
before the special commissioner. . This
isi a continuation of ths ouster proceed'
lies egalnst the Standard . and Waters-
Pierce Republic Oil company. Fleree ad
mitted that the Standard holda . 1.746
a ha res of the . present , Waters-Pierce
company, but pleaded that their business
tnotlvss were pure. , . ,
- (Jearaal Special Swvtce.) -
AV , Tl LJ . , . . 1 '
wj.tni , om.. I..IU.IU
Roosevelt' and- Mr. Hlggins hsd a con
sultation , today. The governor hopee
to a enure the prealdent'e Indorsement
for his reelection., ..Paul Morton - wss
here and had lunch with the . governor,
president and Theodore Jr., who arrived
home this morning. ,
-,i . . . , ,
(Joaraal Spestal Servlee.)
Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 11 Munici
pal ownership is toi be discussed to
night at a mass meeting arranged by
tha cltlsens of Minneapolis. - The in
vited 'sneakers Include Mayor Dunne of
Chicago, Governor Johnson. Judge Cent
of Duluth .end other men of note.
Prominent women, it is ehnounced. are
to sneak in favor or a municipal gas
plant furnishing chssper fuel gas for
the housewives ef Minneapolis. " .
" ' ' X. Cnay SMetwe'AaMewisV : ' . 1
St. Louis. Mo,. Sept. 11. H. Osy
Pierce, hesd of the Waters-Pierce Oil
company, was arrested yesterdsy and or
dered to appear as a witness in ths suit
brought ' against the company . by- the
former secretary, una eruet, for salary.
. OnJyl
Cases :
Each Patlont Receilvesss Poraional AttentIon
' Termed Weakness by Sone
We ate paeltive the treatoiMt we emptor
la tb cure ot thl enin(.iBnt I. the
most potent, ratton.l, direct and ewtata.
Oar Ml.BtKte. rieeatle eMtne ef traat
suot b been adopted after ren of eue
e.aar.1 praeuee by a. It ia th. only eae
bj wblch a permaaest and abeolnte core
Sppelfie Blood Poison Potl '
: tlutty Eradicated
Wttheat the - we ef daacwooe tnt. I
drive toe very last taint of Tlroa from the
ar.t.m. tod yrf sjraiptoa of the dlwu
vaalahM, to appmr no rnxm. 1 enploy
saralasa blood ln( reaedles Ml.
. BTXlOTVBaV Tor ths cur of Stricture we have discovered and developed a system that
Siva all th benefit of eorsary wlthont th pals that mrcary IdvoItm; a petal aratatm of
caring Stricture which act directly upon the affected part; dlaaolT tbe aboorsuu tlaeue,
topa all trrltatloa and allay all mflammatiua of th Bladder and Prostate.
. . TaaiOOClXg Is a dlaea Condi t loo ot the creal velm. It Bay be earned By blows.
kick fall, beary llftlof, mump, early ladlaereUoa or may be a symptom oaly of some
peclal waakneaa. T , , , . - ' -
, The pro par treatmeet eendats of loeal appllcatlos for tbe pnrpo ot dUrpelllnc the
etasnant Wood and eontractlnc th ewollea Ttn, a well a Internal medication to
etTnjrttaea tne serves wairh awers the blood aupply ts these vein.
Tbouib caoalng yes ao treable at tbe preeant time, your Varicocele will. If tad
ts.go wltbowt th proper treatment. Impair and deetroy the element of vitality.
We dally -damonitrat that Vartcoeele eaa be soalUvely and speedily eared wlthont
catting, boralag or aay other form ef operation. .
Urinary and Proatatto DIaaaaaa
1 . 7rtHiTTrrItaaos of Hark oT TlUdder, EnJrirmnt and Inflammatlos of ate fro
61and and aU dlaaaaea ef tbe Bladder and KMnays quickly yield to car meders
: , TV . , wmumuj an am mm mroais casts mat sate MOB ansae-
roily treated elewbare.
- Oosorrboea. Blood Peleesv Skin Dlteea.-Werveo'TWllneTeorea by Hentlfle-mthod
fcsews and indorsed by tae medical prefeeetoB. - Write If yea cannot eaii.
, HOUaS S s. as. te s. St. Xvealas, V l:M.. sassy. S a. as. Is IS am.
St. Louis
coairaa siooitd at tajorix
;- '' rmXlt- V'.,. - '
: Don't wait tinUl your whole system
; becomea polluted with dieaase. or until
your nervous system is totterinc under
the strain, and you are a physical and
mantel wreck, unfit for work, business
;.er study. .TJnosrtaln or Improper treat
ment can only do harm. There la only
"ene perfect, oaf end lasttna cure for
youC which you will and at the Norton
Davie- Medical Co. Start right, and
start at ones. - Delays are dangerous. '
.was 7. sue r aasui vsiaix avsrsf uu a
. TIOsOUItUT. .;
' Bvery avu euffertnc wttk eUseass, warleossls, kydrooals, ' ktdasy ' er
Madder dlaesee, blood poison, aervs SsblUty case ad by sasssses, eta
or with eny of their numerous and distressing symptoms, owss it to him
. self, his family and especially to the future generations, to get - cured
promptly, safely and thoroucbly. , . , . . ... ,
.A- . . WIRI jTOB TMMM BOOK. ' .
If yen can't call at enr offlce, write for book which describe! our meth
od, Au lettere are given Special attention. ";
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured
at a Cost of $10.00
. If. you cannot call, writ snd deaorlba your troubles and we will sd
rise you If you can be cured at home. v .. ,.
Office, hours f a. m. to S p. m.; Sundays and holidays. 10 to IS. .
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
leading Specialists In ths sTorthwsst- Zstsbllshed I8SS.
Wa.M.LAee Pnaa. '
Am Orogoa eorporatlom whtoh Ughtsaa
. .. sows gnaraBieed level preaUum
: Bella ble ansa desired
!S- (Josrnal Special Service.)
Chicago. Sept, 11. Clsrenee- K.
Wooster, the bachelor millionaire end
clubman, and vice-president of the Peo
ple's Gas. Light A Coks company, cut
his throat In his mansion at S600 Ellis
svsnus and died .before a physician
could reach him. Three weeks ego he
was crostrated by heat and waa a
nervoua wreck sines that time. '
- Wooater was a member of the Chi
cago Athletlo club, the Chicago club and
the South Shore club, and 41 years old.
The body will be sent to Essex. Mas
sachusetts, lor Dunau i ; .
s iv - .vjrlaomeim State Tnlr. ,:
. t Joaraal Special Service.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept, 11. The
annuel sxhibltlon of the Wisconsin
Stats Fair association opened today wits
an attendance ss largs as ever recorded
before for a first dsy. Ths livestock
and poultry shows snd display of choice
exhibits In the egrlcultursl. Horticultu
ral and manufacturing departments are
the best ever offered by the suts fair
here. - ' " ' ' . ' '. '
Oood sTews for Central votai, '
(Rpedal Dlapatr te The Journal.)
Waahlneton. Sept 11. Rural postal
service has been eetabllahed at Central
Point. . Jackson eoonty, to begin No
veniber It. ... .
St. Snok Appointed.
' (Special Dispatch ts The Joaraal.)
Waahlneton. SepL II. Shsvely Buck
of Clselmsr. Oregon, has been sppolnted
a clerk In the forestry eervlce.
- - . srBAtirs.
8. A. Resrl. Cisco. Tex.,
writes. March
11. 1901: "Mr wiief; ws
y wusrwss sprainea so
bsdlr by a fsll thst l was useless, and
st 9. was useless, snd
1 remedies thst failed
after using several
to give relief, used Ballard's Snow Lini
ment 1 ssrnestly recommend It to any
one sufTerlnr from sprains." Sold by
Woodard, jClarks d C , . .
K.iiiim ipimul
maun -.lain
Ve will trcct any sinIa uncoiapli
cztzi tuln:ent cndcr&bsolota guarantee.
Uo pay cnlass cored.
Remember This:
Consultation Is
Oar fee for any ameompU
ste eaas Is $180.
. Special Trouble)
We eore tn 10 to IS dars. We have de
voted reara of study -to the formatloe and
eoaiplet. ertdleetloa ef arethrak obatraettoa.
We reitoro hMltb and tone to tbe bmw
braae. Our trMtment remove the aecexity
of .ay artry. Tb right treatmoot, ap
plied the rljht way, will always fertu seud
teeulta. ,
ContraetexJ Dlsetmaea
We cur tseae aUments atere enKly.
lea pain and inoooTvalence, thaa a
claiming to treat sacceaafally thee e
ttoae. - Ha yoer caae beeosie ehaaol
thronyh Improper treataeat or taroash the
nee of Seattle NCMdlMT Be It ceiuwd a
de.p-tl lnflamniaUoa and trrltatloa la
tne parte, ne reauic or wniea yos
uf far fro IS srathral obttraotioaT
' traat-
it cans tbea coadltloas eoicklr asd
CNi jirymiwmiii ... ( .
snzrrs,-' roanjun)
m Ta i
and Many Only $5.00
ThbOl &Wlixoa V P.
. the poUoy-holdsr'e kurdea. : Baa
rates thaa any other oompaay. , -
as rprisnbatlves. -.
Dalles Diamond flour
hsa never failed to please. ' It has al
ways been tbe standard fdr family use.
j ' Ask Toar Orooer Tor .
'A.-., "-wwe-
I UYo B '
jat,; Tiepu.ioe;i. VI
Th: Origin! Siaasoad Brand. ,
' " Portland Rep, 111 Ablngton Bldg.
Phone Pacific 1211.
r Zateretate Livestock Show.'--.-Bloux
Qity, la.. Sept 11 The big
Inter a tat a Livestock, fair waa formally
opened today knd la fully up to tha
high standard eetabllahed by the previ
ews exhibitions held hers. - Sixteen
thouasnd dollars la purses ate offered
tor the racee.
. t i ... . ,
Oeveraer Tolk at Xis Offloe.
Jefferson City, Mo., Sept. 11 Phy-
stclsns report thst Governor Folk la
better today and allowed him to visit his
offlce. .
. lOEMOy. J
Lilavalisr aJTa.a.a - avaia
S aii?m,.
WHEN yoJ TRAVEL earry To Vat Coat
Hoi. I a Railway ttnlile to tralna, bns.
simtcara, hot.u; 10c vy mall, or dealer.
boa 4-xi. cltT.
Ceulator Ur.e Steamers
thu rrruRsiot steamer "bailet
OATZEHT" makes round trips ts CAS
CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leavlnc
PORTLAND st a. returnlna. sr-
f rives p. m.
jLfsuir Hrna mwni rvnums inn
The Dalle except Sunday, leavlnc Port
land at T a. m.. arrlvtnsj about It. as,
carrying- freight and pasaengars Splen
did accommodations -. for outfits and
Dock foot ef Alder street, Portland;
foot of Court street. Tbe Dalles. Phone
ldsln tie. Portias L ,.. , ,
V, STBABtBB' V ' --
', ----esnwat em the Birer-:-Tka
only 'ateamboat making a round trip
.: BACbT , -,
-aCzoept Cunday Between
Leave Portland.......... TS a. aa.
Arrive Astoria ..............1:1 p. as.
Leavs Astoria. ...w..-..- 1:10 p. ra.
Arrive Portland... t :0S p. na.
BcrtUat fceadlag. Aides Street Sosm.
. Astoria lVaadlaaV Callsndet Book.
B. a SCOTT. Ageau Phone Mala .
' Popular and ; flrst-claaa passengsr
steamship .. , , u r , . , ,i..r,.i..
1.500 tons, aall for San Francisco, Los
Angeles sn4 Eureka at S p. m.j en
THURSDAY,: September 13, '
THURSDAY, September' -.'. . .
- THUR8DAY, October Jl,-
Dock foot Seventeenth street Take "8"
or ltth street oars. Ticket office HI
xhlrd street, near Alder.
H. TOtTNan Agent v
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
.... . ... r ..
Pnv Osss Bay, Ssreks aad Sas rraiatlsesk ',
Nest eelHit (ram Psrtlaad Tssreday, Astsat SO
Next aalling frosi Saa yrascisco. Thurs. Sept S
F. U OEEIltorjOH, Agaat,
wiek Dock Me. m Psone alafa
Portland's ;
Widely . Ipiown
and7 Successful
Mediclnsi, -Root
Herb Doctor
Hat raasoa lendls. ts lerdleate et
whUM we Imnort dlraet from tne Orient an
mrsv enantltlee and prepare asd pet ap for
see la Sis sp-ss-dau laeatory. - is SMrearf,
poison er trues ef aay klad seed, rarely
Tae Doctor treeta ascceaaily and raaranteea
ra core ail etomacs mraDies. cesarrn, asinme,
lane, throat, rbesatarlsm. aw mesas, liver,
kidney ead lost msnbeod.
f falsa er mlaleadln; statemeats ' t tae
afdlcUd. A af and laatins care la tbe esleh
t pomlbl time and et the lowest east so.
stbl for honest treatment.
If yes eeaaot ealU wrtu for ayaiptom Blank
end ctrcalar. tnelea 4 eeate I etampa.
. ..t ... ooirsxriTATiov rsn. - -
Sae C. ae- We Cautaaa Medioue Oa., IU
Iks St. Cor. ntaniaon, yertlaas. Oa.
, fleaae m.atlaa this paper.
Scott's Santal-Pepsm capsules
Tor Tnflsmmatios orOatarrh of
tka Blad.lrr and
i piuand a la
aava. SS 00S1 SO rar. Care
ckty aad permaaentir
orst ci
oi aaea
nd aie, no nintter ot bow
Ions etaaxUns.
fcarmlam. Bold by dm(ftate.
nos si m. or dt siaii, pos
elfcawstalae, OtJa.
Tar Sal by Weedard. Clarke AO. !
Every Vcnan
, khitrtd and tboald kaew
MASVCL wMriiaej Serey
" ajiwaa. Mfm.
i aevl JtmfHom, 7bim-iU.
If ha aennoiantelT the
paABVrl aaoapt no
outer, net aana aieanp ror
llluatralad book tt
fall panlaulara aad llractiona In.
Valuable to lasttoa. niRVtl, reX.
ae n. ass st.. set ohh.
fMXrSaKfp'.' :. Jrwbrm.
pjcvam Karon- ran.
Timal a Kzataa ot Oasehs Sam
Oepelb la ',
Thetmufaaa, eat ead laweapk ear nap
aeaoTTheea. sleet, white, af. faay
take, eaeaaalaat te earr. lifts
poass eaeeemiat see. mae si. aa
Ro A AUrtlH'a. .Ill Waatilaerea
St.. i'ortlasd. Oreeoai er by mail from Tha
Tama Co.. 44 Redana et. STew Verb.
. aaeaawsa V ll-i r -
r ( Treatment
f '. If you have any IMoael 1
ek m ekeovdeA Satney. IHms. I I
f .liimsraj ar Borarai soubia. Bbaww I I
I tlaaa, Coeetlpetloa. SASSETT'S f I
1 MATTVE HtahS anil oanT yau, er east f f
. V nenans. ) aao. Ttaawnam. tl. (i nnaias
- ill SM Drafils atee Vx aa. At Dn. ,
fkar tn kadi I iip.'ar . as ytSS M
. VTMalSmOMiearMaMlia MM
asaa's Nmim Saras Ca ' y
J r. -.1 r
Xh. 'V.n7 - a-ioeconeeieot,
; J1: 'aa!lill'ii hriismn
xrywr jit
SOr,. -C-eaiS-a
aT - 7 sT A4W -
anew- ST sbbj -
tha:::; cut at;
1 ) ! i
- ' i
4 k j-ir a a va - a a
iwi.a.Ui al-Ja s
r.' ' . '
- iJfaoriPAnnc
Trains to ths East Daily 3
ranmaa etaaoard aad Sesrtat ..
"S-care sell, k Auk. r-.L
STT., Ztf," . tssem ar U
rlL'"- Jf Walla.
TrwoetWa palnrs. datlr. t:ll pm B.9S )
m. Ti T"r tae Bast
VuZ"1 .-T SUpm t.isasj
Xra aT. lor1- W all . - ., , -rVrtla
v ..?!.... SS em . ts .
!?LJ'i2mn'?4 war pMnta. e.nwettoe wt
eVcZi ml- " tarn. d.t.y.
Sendev! Sati,. IS a. St. , Aretwe
. escept Itesday.
r n.T.?mTTX lmrrrii.
KVta ,!L V"n City d Tsmbtlt rtaae
"ttrtnt. ie5 Vlr" pee.
Sunday, SaOy. saeeae
.'sL"v ''WAK" srv'ss KOrjTB, '
Slrmrt. W" 1? r selats tmm
& W i' Spokane and tewia
Ne rjii" .!. ev apes aniral Tr.le
JsV p . 4 -.
Ticket orfle ThM and Weaktaawia ass,
.' - TeWtmo. Main Tl. - .-. ., .
Wm K,i,nfi ?IUi""R- Pf As.
' "eMPkltAT. Baeoral Paeaanaw Ssaat
rWs!L Pr Trams
ree Salem. ahM- .
land. Sacra man to. Osd.e. T
faa . rnarmoa. Stecttoa ' -" V ' 1
? - Aaselae. . J raeo. -
J5,or" trala ennaecm at
tyoocbarn dally, wueot - '
Jaaday wttb tnHafir 1 1
JAsrt. Sllwrtoe, ... . ..i
"wnevtlle. f pHnsselA- -
Wendllng aad Natron.... IMII TJS pm
SnsB saaMn, ma-
feet, at Woodbnra with ;
Moont Aasel aad Silver- V
Ki-i?"1 : ie-se
. rawilgVT. . I "' SOI
"nerMan naaaenavr ....... m4:Wpm
roreat Grove peeencr.. 111:00 em
eaaaeneer.. I'a-on em
er,fir. ttri.ny eeept WnaAmr.
..... 1 1 . . maaenavr.. r-mia
tl iw pm
:. pm
(110:20 am
S:S0 pm
Dallas and la tar mad lata points daily T:8
a.- aa. and :U p. sk. Arrive Pertland 10:10
a. m. and 0:23 p. m.
gor tlnw.and ca'S of rNnrega nhrra trelss
tpply at City Ticket Offlce. er ataHoa.
. T,,l.,, "era points snd tar ope. eta
Japan. Oiln. Bnnorala aad Siwrralla.
City Tlekat OfAe enntee Ttilrd and) Waaha
tagta ereaete. Paee Mala Tli
a W. STTirjp;(. W. McMTTke AT.
- ' - . OF ' '- :
w n1 L?!'' wIl"V ' assvs. - Antva. Park-Raaaas .
Ctty-SV. Looia SpeeUI (or
Cbeealls. Centralis. OL.m- ; .
pla. Orsy Harbor.' Snath
Bend. Taeoma, Seattle, Bps- :; jux-rars-r.- - -
tan, fwlatos. Bntte. Bit-
Unse, Denver. Kaa-
aaa Cltr. St.- lash aad '
tWofheaat. dally SdMasi d:B pat
North cneet umiteo. .lee-. , .
trie Msbted. for Tirnmi
Seattle. Spokane." Batre. T'" '-rr':'--- '
MlMvapnU Rt Paal aad
ttie Best, dsfly :pa TM Sat
Pneet Snoad Limited. e
Crarement Cakallo, Can. -
rralla. Taremn and Seattle '
only, "daily ............ .. dtSO pat "
Twla Clf y.prsse rae Ta-- -
some. Baettle. Spokane, '
Calaae. Batt. ST. ram. - ;
tnnaanolla. TJeeora. Bt
Joseph Kaeaee City, Oms. -
he. St. teats, wtthewt i ;;
ebanee ef ears. Tttreet eaa- . ' '
eeerloee ewe en aetata
ra-4 d sUoMaa. Satre.. tlraB pes tSisl
A. T. CRAPTrnW. Asststaat Oaweral P.
ami Areat. est alatrlans street, swam Third.
Part lead.. Oreaoa. - .
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
rates Drnt- ; - ? ' '
' tawve. , Arrlvej
Par Manor. Balntar. Ctata.
ksnla,. . Weetport, CUftna, s
Aatsrla. Warreatoa, Pie- -
vaL Hammond. ' Port Btev- ' v
esa. Oearbart Park. Saa aide. S4S IB lltSS eat
sstnna ens sssshors. es
ses daily Ts pas Saw pas
Alt train dattv.
J. C at A TO. 0. r. and P. A.. Avbsrle. Or.
(1 A. STSWAST. CommereUI Aswa. S4S
Alder street Phews Mala see. .
' i sN
-- ... . ' " t" . JA '
2 Overland Trains Da2y 2
'She OrlaMal Umrtsd. the Bast ItaJI
-v..Dall - HeJIp.
tea re. Arrive,
rerfhiad rhse aekadale r
Te ed from Spokane,, ' '
'St. ranl. Mlnneepolla. ' , .. .
Tmlath and all points .
Vest vis Seettle...... S-SSsm T-es)a
llmSpm IMts
' f end frees St Psat. . . i
sflnoea nolle. Iralnth - s ., ,
nd all pevtata Beat
via Spokane . S'tt eaa Bio em
seat Berthera Steemshtp Os -Santns
rrnm Seettle tor Japaa and
China part sad Maalla. ekrrrtag Be
awesem and frelsht
.AS.- Vlaneeetn. - OatoW ts,
S, S. Daketa, Kneawf tS.
'.' irnor tvseb kaiska -
' (lapse Mall SteemaMa O )
I. S. Taate San will sail from
Seattle eeont September IS foe Japan
and Chinee porta, earryltig peasensers
ad fralghf.
Per Oeketa, rates, aavtk las
- Hose. ate., eall es e eddnea
Bt- PICKiOa. O. . T. 1- ' T-
St. tartlaad. Or, rbene Mala a.
Mtrvtiimv AtAtKA Botrrr.
r;. , rn P-aiil. at P p as.
Vf!ScX er Kf-Ma. Jne. a.
ZO Vr.A war. Whlta H.a. t)a.-a
'Jf sea Y4 aad r.lri..nka
I X i A- Il S. S. nr "t Sae tile, Ai-
tf " S. luu.t,. it. P-"'-
won iiofT'-"
rt 1 I '
ttr "I l-i.-' '..
fi '
'- '
W 1
) 1
south mm
mm i
I '.. -' ' ' ' '' ..r.V