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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
ina UKEGOrf DAILY JOURNAL', rORTLAliD, TUESDAY i:VL:;it;C3. ZZl'IZlIzZll U. 11 :X f 0 DAY'S. POTATO COIIPIIIOII IS MM Excellent, Demand , for Oregon Stock at Higher Prices From . North and South." ; ; CROPS ELSEWHERE ARE V. SLOW IN MATURING As High a SOc Now Being Paid for Fancy Stock at Country Shipping Pointf Small Receipt Helping " Quotation' Tkt prlaclpsl featarei 'et the Portland wholo- MM tuarkete today ra: ,.-i- - i RM spider U area eld bo JiMfc , . ' : : t Ho asartet til waiting too. , . . A (TMiawjr batter gtp to 30c. " '.'-, fneea market o remain ste''. -- l:gg market flrnt t avBe f igtire. ,---;. -all lines ot nrodoc r fair. . - I.;. " Local cabbage at ejVo4 fcishw., , . . "'reeh lal-noa to quoted today. ' ; .. , Poo I try ton aieeedlnglr good a ram. . . Practically dreseea Bleats coming. Uiaher prices said la potato. -Uakm aurfcet qntet; sawilles stasH.-.-: '- '.' " rotate Ooaditieee Firm. Condi t Ion In tk pottle- market ar very firm. Mo guod I tk demand t this tlma sad so scarce ta aultablo shipping stock that sev ral InlRi kave bid against aark othar la ttaa country sad rw now paying aa hlfte a Sue par knnrtred peumie lor fancy stock. Xnere la bow . Il Oavewa liw w w '"! -ef-4 lateo of . tue Oreely attar and aaa geoa aised erdera can be obtained froai the nurtnern etrle oa seamut of lb backwardness of dig glng at Yakima oa account of recent ralna wblck promoted second growth. On or tw nail order ara rejeu-tcd la froae alaaka, but tbl latter Infomatioa cannot be confirmed at tbl tin. Aa yt thr haa bra practically a shipments to California fwlnt oa aceoaat ot tb amall arriral tbar. The enloa market la rather dull bat tcdy with nothing bat a purely local demand ruling a account ot amall supplies. Prices about th Bad Snider la West Sid Haps. Foe some tlm tber haw been rumor of red Plclar la Oregon houyarda, butap ta this .time they "ear bee unconfirmed. Xoday lhs""ve. rwa-ts may be aatd to ba true. According t lb Journal's Informant, red spider have beta la several west aid yards for week or two. but tbua fir so known damage of coneaqnence ha resulted. Other;! the yards an la bast abepe. ...,... Buslo la hop Is rather alow with bat aa ercaslnosl al ranging from 16 to 17e a poand. 1 be futur of tba market, according, to th trad, depend oa what attitude the EngHah men take. If they mora quickly tba market will become excited and aom high prices would be expected. If, on th other band, aay the dealera, the Bnglieh laeaeia hold bark their erdera aa they aeuallV no, th preant level will rule for am tlm. At asoal Oregoa will hare th best ouality bona thht aoaaoa. -TallfoniU and New York will bar fairly good Quality, but on account of vermin th Washington a,uaUty . wlU aot h ao food. r ., Oraamary Buttar waas ta M Oeats. ' Thirty ernt la tbo top prtra for dty eraanv ary butter tsday. . Bat one creamery made the ndranee thle morning, but all others are ex pected to follow by- tomorrow. Aa official of the T. B. Townsend creamery aaye: "SuppUaa of batter are eo mau and trad a good .that w wer rnroi'd ta adTaoca th one. Wall Front atraet mea report s good trad la tb buttar market, they ao aof aellee that eoadltlon are yet perfect for an advance to lie. ; aom gnodised (ilea war reported oa tba tract today to tb north . at 17 He, bat tbl Is tb limit f Float atraet arte at nrao- COt. .... :v. - Cheea Is very firm. Of thai B. Boblaeon. tb Tlllamuok cbeeae xoaa aaya: "Tb present prlc of cheea will b th low point aatll next aprlng. Supply and or mind oa tb Pacific coaat la bow a -par and I do aot look for any great change la tba market far about sis waeka. Ther la quite aa amount of ebeeaa en bend. Thl wilt last far about ta weak and antll that tlm th market will bold It own. After that upptle will beeom amall and aom will b brought la from th east., i Zgg afarkat 2a Klghor. ''''' With smaller mpplles the egg market la a fracttoa higher today. Demand very good evea at tba new figuraa. AU oatatd market ar new advaadng rapidly and call from, there will fore prlcea hare to a higher iereL Whll there waa a felat tlag of weakaeas in the poultry market yaaterday, today's pricaa are ven firmer than ever, aappllea ara only fair with demand aeveral Umea a large, . All poul try finds good reqaeet at thai tlx, - Th trad pay th following price ta Front atieet. Prices paid ahlnpera are leaa regular Mmitlnii ..... wram. Flea aad feat --' 6RAIN BAGS CaJentta. baytnx art re: aelllng. e. WHEAT New elah, lte; red Enastas, gOc: briwstem. ) valley. 8c. bakusi-new read, WJOO rolled. I21-M-, X. 122.00. CCKMVYb, 127.00; eraekad. (ts.0 ear , RTB ear , " OATS Mw Prodooars price Be. t white. au w: gray, i.uv. I LjUIj h rjaaicrn Ore roe aatenta. aa anas Bo; atralrbu. M.0.M: export, u. U: valley, M.fri. graham, Ua. $.S0; whole wheat. t.T: ry. no. n.00: kales. 12. Th. . MILUSTt FFS Bran. 21S.B0 per ton; - mtd dllnga. (24.00: shorts, country, 17A0i elty. tlflbft; chap, Sie.OtMt21.00. ' - Hit PrtxJ opera' rk Timothy. Wlllnaietta vaiiey. Taaey.; orainary, sie.aogio.DO' eaatera Oregoa, tlSOOt) 17.00; mixed. iiO.uOc 10 so; clover, I - grain. 701.0; eaeet. Better, tm lillilr;" ' - . BCTTER FAT F. . , a. Portland Sesat ream, 20c;. oor, 2. "- , ' Bi TTBHtr creamery, ; ' otald faa-r. 7e-. erdlnary. 26c; store, 14Hlc K0O8 No. 1 f reah Oregoa, candled. . 2741 I7ic; uneandlcd. 2Hc; eaatera, Saatic. CHSF.KB Kw Fall cream, flata. uiaellAet Tonne America. lueinH. wejMri POULTRY Mixed chicken, MQUHe per lb. ri.1 "..- :.";j."".,r""' ryt,. ie nviieiB, -av yn aw h; aprlng dnch. 12H1SH lb; ceaaa. J l7U rnrkeys. lec per Ibi araxan hn. M; aquaba, $2.OC1.0O par dost plgeaas. tiua 'aaav' Boss, Weal and Vises, ' . BOPS lftne crop. tntylTe. - , r V ' WOOL IBu Hp Falley. esere ta medlam. gar: flae. 4e: eaatem Dmna aoaaeiA MOHAIR New. nominal. 7 ! SHEKPKK1N a Shear lag. UC2ua aacht ahort WML Sbfjeoe; mediae; weea, aoa;t each: sang wool. iarjsiw eeea TALLOW Prime, par le, tV44ei Be. t tad ie. 2He. H1TTIM BARK 1208 start, SVJ-M per lb: l s2U per . - w ' , niunaiiry. K I tn sad aa. JgUgJ FfVk. per tb, dry alp. We. I. I to II kJTu?. dry alt No. 1. ander S lbs. Itvi atad hides, steer, eeend. BO lb and evar. locille: eawa. IHfllVi stage and holxe. aoaad. J7c: kls. li Iw AO lb. c calf, eaand. eader U Ibv lie; freea. enaalted. I leaai cell. !c nr m la: oraehldea. salted, each. 21 Jr.eJt.TJ; dry, each. tlJodl-Oi celt hldee. 2Taaoi goat akin eoeanwn, each, lotjltcs Angora,-each. Sec) Fralta and Teaetaaiea. ' " V'i rrtTATOKW New. 0cCil.O0 per each; pee. TUESDAY PRICES IN' : THE WHEAT MARKET Sept. , $ .12 Dee, . I .71HA - Ilk ..ITa .71Tt A rtiloago . . Mlnnenpolla , Near York. ,f l,lverp.V)l .. Karsae City. lwlih , t Iul Mllaauke. ... a Hd '.' eeeeeeeeqef M ARKE l S JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS Thla I the tlma to ghlp dreaaed meats ta market If they are In ood eondltion whan Urtatv Cooler weather ha made ship ping -Quit aafe. Th market l la th beat - poaalbl ahap for fancy atock. but there la prac tically nothina; doing; when it cornea to poor jrradea. Tho doea not want anything bat the beat and ahlpparw-will aava money by remembering . thla. Dressed meat prlcea at tha mo inent are very high. . ' . , dncers' mice for car lota. ToCtson per ewt; wcta. 8c . .. DMnvti iAMftin nriw .New tireco. ii 1 20: buylac arte. TBctJ 11.00: garlic, SOvc per ip. i rnrcn kanria Haw anoW SOecitl.BO aranraa. raleaela. ta lBAS 00: bananas, s ar in: lemons, cnoica, .idio;o-w b, J1.00ili.Hl per box; llm. hlrilcaa. 1 to pel 100: nluma. SOU 75c per erata; caate loupe. I.U0ll.Va: grapea, gl.00Ql.o0i watermelon 11- -tm tA hi in- BMohaa. TBcitl.00: nr. HueJSOc prune, hulk. 2c par lb; packed, 0c par box; buckieberrte. loe. ' VKfiKTAxil.BS Turnip, new, II 00 per anek; rarrot. gl.BO per aaca ; neets. (i.ou par aaoa: mmmIm ai ah M urk! Oreaoe radlabea Sue per doa; cabbage, Oregon. .illHO; bell peppers, - i per in: toaiw". " IT)? Vr 'bo: paranlps. 1KWH1.U0; atrlng bran. Oregoa. S47c per lb; caulk flavor, per aos: peas. inoes aoree. radlih. 1 7 per lb; srticbohee. tit Per dost qnaao. 1 Sic; greea onion. Oregon. 12H rtna knnchea: eucamhera. S8 nor baa: eelerf. TSe dosi yrea corn. 7V 11.00 per aack; enm- awr eqnaahr- Toe1.00 pee noil, eggpwm 11.23 par crate; pumpklaa, 1. ... , SHEEP PRICES HOLD FOR - HEARLY A ONTH-- Values Unchanged in the-Local Yards With Demand Steady Cattle Hold Their Own. " Port la ad. Vm Stockyards. Sept. 11. LI re stock receipts: ,. . i Bogs. Cattl. Sheen. Today 0 T8 226 Week sgo oli oit MOB lie1 S)SJt) "' """' aw " Xrar ago 4 i 2S M . Tba ahaan market . la hoMlaa steady r- change In value being shown In thl line for nearly a month. Hoas are weak with aachaaged vaiuea. The cattle demand Just about equala aupplle at thl time. Prlcea same. - OfncUI llveetock quotation! , ) - - Mnr Beat Matern Oregoa, IT.00: blocker sad ('bins lata, a.nuja.oo, ' Cattle Beat eaatarn Oregoa ateera. xs.pna .69: beat now snd heifer. J oa 00; itock- re and feeder. 2.T53.00; bulla. t 50. , Bheep fbearllni. ilHc; tambs. 6c. STEADY EXCEPT CATTLE - Urea took tm Oood anipa rrloafl Bama foe XofW, ' Chicago, Beptni. WvertocS eeelpf: Ilnae. . Cattle. Sheen.- Chicago ............... 22.0110 ' 12.IMW 22.000 Kanaa city' a.iaw ,- e.wm Omaha ' 0.004 ' .IO0 ' S OU Hog sr steady; Itft r 4.800.- Berelpt a year age, 17.i0. Price: Mixed. HS.IKStl 024; good. dl.0 reogh, o.ojh.7&; light. Cstle Dull. . .e "r Sheep Steady. . ALASKA PETROLEUM- - AT SEVENTEEN CENTS Sale oa the Portland stock exrhsnm today Included 2.000 share Alaska Petroleum at 17c and 2.000 sharoe Oregon aecuritlee at dc : Utncial qootationa: , , , BANK STOCKS.' .-. .w, Bid. .. Ask. Beak ef California. .............. 22 ... Merchant' National -. 12S - ... Oregoa Treat A ftaTtnga......... ... 1A2 United State National ....ZOO ... Portland Traat Co ... "120 banker' A Lumbermen'. ....... --tKi-' riii.i.u u ..... a I . iiM MISCElXANROCS STOCKS." aer Mff...:. ...... ... v;:t 1M ... Campbell's Gas Burner........... - S Union OH . snz . jraj Associated Oil 3Vt eO Alaak Packers' M - to Pacific Htsto Telephone......... M , Home Telephone ..w -, -etO Pnaet Bound Telephoae , - . SO Oregoa Lit Inrarnaea ... ' lbOO Cement Prodnct , 40 Emplr contracting u JJO Lee Co. in 102 O. R. N. Ry. s. M Merlin Tovrnalta ................ -20 Nicola Goal .. .... Ml Interna tlooal Coal 64 .' MININfl STOCKS.. - Pacific Metal Ex tractloa.. ....... ... . Aiaeka petrotstua ............... Id Alaska Pioneer - d Standsrd Coo........ 11U Oreaon neurit lea a. ... ... .. oa . Snowstorm 1.00 Lees Creek Gold.. ...... ......... 01 Tacoma Steel - Oa Oalke Ooa OalUbar Ooirtea Bala 0a).Mu.uu.....'n,'- Bullfrog Terrible ... Golcoada 03 4 North Falrview , - n . r um nu . ... . Hiawatha ... Cascadls .... Be 20 Locke Bee . Heel .!.( , Rambler Carlho ......... ....... M 40 Ulxle Meadow .................. 02U ... Oreat Northern........,,,..,.... 07(1 nwn i in v mw ....,........, . , hi . Bine River Gold Mines in Oarvta Cyanide ", . 90 STJ0AR STOCKS. '' Hawallaa Com au ' ST Iloaoke ........................ lml '. 14U Hutchlnaoa 4U i MsksweU mil? . Onnmea . ............ .,,,,,.,.' xa ' raauhsa l i - i Unloa ' SOU ... Total sale today, S.OOO aherea.- . SAB rtABCISCO tOXTH 9 ' XXOHABOX. ' Saa Frssciace, Sept. llOfflrtal closing! .. Bid. nia Bermont 2 1.00 lOohlr "V.;.."..'..E 1 .to Cash Boy .12 Mexican J&t) Celettaalu ' .2d Ooldea Aaehor. Hmb Jim Bailer .... Mae aetata ., Midway Montana ' North Star .... Ohio Tnnopak Ex.... Nevada ...... Weat Bad w. Adaata , Atlanta ....... Mnehell , Booth Coiiimbla Ml... roa. Quarry... .18 l.W - .72 hirbeqner ' J13 Norcroa 1.0RA ioio urowa .... .,,ii 22H (Ireat Bead Reacne A. " i Al -' : 8.2 1D.7S - S.70 .Oh ' "id , .tA , .an ' .12 JI7 jim - no l.M : Jt 7 .M " .1 t.7 .12 .02 .fi2 .45 .15 .42 .14 .204' ,nfl - Hlack Batt Ex. Tramp old. Belmont . Montr, uwcij Mt "anaet ........ Sceptre Manhattan .... , Say. Humpray.. tlranny ....... (lold Wedge ,.. .22 J I .21 jM 4 .25 .52 .05 JM .51 - Ml IffanMeditel Id Ime Star ..... x OoMfleM ...... Jambo ........ Kit.... Kendall Ignna ....... May JMw .... Mohawk OL Bend. Ex.... do. Annex . .... ICreaceot ..,, Cowboy Ienver Annex.. Bull 4 Bear., Hlack Bock N. y. Conanl. . . V"" ' 1 -iMsnhattna Cell Silver Ph-k.,.. St. Ive Nathmal Bank., flenvee F.HIpee ........ Oold Nar i.iiiiv an. . 0' ,JHI .M "'.15 ' 125 .14 : fjnniplng jack . . Ked lop Ex.,.. Miiarag ,, Ball f'roa Mia. i riant I Tract loa O. Bull Frog. d nteiBwae htelawa ..... Con. CaL-Ts... Tramp Coa. .i.., . 1.32 H ' Sterling behaaga Bate. New Tort, Sept. ILMiMlnr rates: 4M.8S4J4A3.4: AO day. 471. 04.50. "'-'- " . Derewad, DELIEUE IVHEAT IS LOW Ef Trading in Chicago Shows More Bullish Tinge, but Is Slow. " Price Does Not Change. VALUES AN EIGHTH TO THREE QUARTERS HIGHER Largest Gain in September With Fig' urea Getting Closer to Cash Liver pool Blow and Lower at Opening- Closing Thera It Mixed. RELATITB WHEAT TALTJES. ' Bent. 11. Sept. 10. Ostn. 108. September..,. t .08 . t .oUSB I .00 Decexobag 7lA .11 .OoC May?. .76 ..7518 .00 hi .63 Chiraee. Sent. 11. Evidently tha trade thought today that the wheat price had been com pra east enough, for there wad geaernl bull lances at th alart, thoagh trade continues oa s amall era. Liverpool waa likewise very alow with th opening lower and the close anehangsd tor tb September nnd fed lower for the l"e- eember. 1 thl market September was getting cKwer ie ue caaa price aaa sain. ....... , Official - quotation try Over beck, Stan , Wok company i .;. ' WHEAT. - . - Onen. Hlrh. Iiow. ' Clnee. September ''...., 6u4 70 , ' . f December ...... 711? r 724 71 4 TltA May - 75'i 76 75i ' 7B COBX. Septemfier .. . Deecmbec May 47 ',.' dHB -414 42 ' 42H 48 5d2 OATS eptemhr ... I December u. . May ....... 2SIA 52 ' Jtli 8214 214 83 5 . - n MEMS TORK, eptember ...147 ... Iwr J54T 1275 1 S45 SAO 72 S4T - -i -685, 155T " 122 S5T, V 572 757 - i S78 " -547 -f' M January ....... 12 . 12KS - , LARD. September ..... IMS airr -October 8A2 872 January........ TH2 787 . SHORT RIBS. September ...... S0 . T2 October eWO r- IM7 January ....... st - W2 .- ..- TJTMiyOOt SBAUr KAKXXT. Liverpool.' Sept. h Official pricaa: nui. . Clos. Open. 1 horn. :. Sept. 10. 2 d 8tptaa Dee..... Hd ld CORK. 4 544 d ' 5d Dec-.. a ivi da SSd )hd Jaa 4 . fed BKIatAKT 6BATjf KOTXatTJTr. ntrage, Sept. U. Primary reeelntat "' 'r ' . . T2 -.-Tear te Wheat ......I,70,0r) .83,00 Cora tamn Tiutnnn SUlDmBtB2 - . Wheat m0 19 OOA Cora 7.000 - 6l2.eo CHICAOO tAMK WSXAT. Chlessw. Bent. 11. Cash wheat: Hit. 2 red. 11 we: no , na a rwq, ivax, ic; no. m aara, nea.f Ne. 2 hard. HfleHe; Be, 2 Nortbarn. 72ti7ac;'Ne, spring. 72Q7ae'. Tic: lOT TOXX OOTTOB tCAKXZT. New Tork. Sept, 11. Cottoa fatnre closed ta 2 point lower. Official auotatlons by Over beck, Starr a Cook Co.; Sent. Sept, Onen. Trta-h. Iaw. 11. 10. January ....... 227 SHI 822 224 22 tVtt 4 Sftrt 8WV - 5KO - aos 815 2.1 231 240 44 8.M 51)2 B04 SIS renruary ...... via ' .it , as March SM - 644 , - H Antll B44 fia , ay Pot ' aVMl ' P47 September 579 - " 571 '1 . 570 tictobor. nss , nu RXg . November H7 " B02 December ..... S20 023 218 i -r-i Llvereaol Oottaa Higher. Liverpool. Sept. 11. Cottoa fatnraa claaad S ta 7 point ap. trirnxD tTATxt wrzRnuxr bobds. New Tork, Sept. 11. Government bond: '-.., ' Date. Rl Aak. Twea, regis tereo..,., opt. 104ft ll 14 105 1H 1U4 ao coodob iidc. juti Three, regutered Opt, 105 I05U 10814 do couBon. ................ Ont.. li Smell bonde 108 Fears, ree-litercd 1007102 105 do eoopoB.....-;...v.;';';i"7""i;..."r-io8a roar, regutered .1925 181 -152 do coupon..... ......J 1025. 1.11 132 Dietrletof Columbia 1224 ' IIS Phlllppin ..... 108 ..... Baw Tarh-Lendea Silver. ' Ktw Tork. Sept. 11. Bar silver. 55Uc: Low, doa. 81 Ad, ?.., TO COBCITOK HOB MCKIBO. (Special tHspetrh to Tba Journal.) O rants Paaa, Or., Sent, 14. Picking will b implered In most all Jnaephlne .county hop Jnaephlne) county yard thl week. The yards that-were abort of pickers when the eeaaon evened bow bav run crews ana work la progressing splendidly. Rsla fell one day. but Dot enouah ta ran sua pension of work la the ysrds. The biggest crowd or pickers are camped oa the Haass ysrds, oa Rogii river, below Grants Pas. Al these yard there la a big dance hall snd a merry bop, with 'fiddle" music a a sightly feature. - Bomnee ef the greet number ef Grants Pans families at work ta th yard th school board haa been petitioned to postpone the opening of school till after tb bop picking ramrx habtxst to bzoib. (Spedsl Dispatch ta Tb Journal.) 1 Salem. Sept. 11. Harvesting tb ctob Brans began In many ysrds this morning. Th petit or French varieties sr tb one that srs ripen lug snd It is believe that it will be more thsa week Before the picking of Itsllsn prune he mes general. As the Italian prunes ara the sndsrd s rie t leaf the gstherlng of the petite does aot cat Bjach flgar In tha indua trial world. No . contracts srs helnc made In n nines snd there are no ssles being negotiated. The price are stiffening and U sale that have bee re ported rrea eeatera marseta snow an apwara tendency. All the prune grower of this vicinity be lieve that a fair price will be obtained. . . ...... yo DAJCAOE BT TB0tT. ; .1 '' (SpeHsl Diapatch to Th Journal) " Grsats Pae. Or.. Sept. 11. TV -first frnt for the fall la Josephine county occurred yes terday aurrntng. It waa light In Uranta pass, bnt heavy oa the lowlanda along the river. striking the melon fjelde full force. Fortunate ly the Bieions have attainea tneir growth and th froat will other da me re than wilt tha vlnee. It waa ant heavy enourh to Injur melon lylna la th field. The frost Is eonsld. srsbly earlier this year tbaa usual. .. -' ; BOSTOB OOPPKB M ABKIT. Boston. Sept. 11. OfflHsl enpner close.' bids snd prices: Adveotnr. ao.Tn: Allooes. 854.75; prlcea: Anveornre.; a 1 lone, sm.ia; dlsn, 11.23; Blnghsm, 855.12U; Calumet. 1.011; On Rang. 874.00; tisly West, '81 00; nkliu. 821.00; Green Coo.. 828.00; Mohawk, rcni 2750. Frank 851.00: Nevada Coo.. 217 75; North Bull 4 50; Old liomlnlon. 84lOO; Oscenls, 1 18.50; Parrot, '41.25; rhoenix, .SIT; O'llory. 2X7. OO; Royal. 812.50; Shannoii, 85 .So; Tamarack. 87.O0; Trinity. 8 &0; Tnlted Cop.. 801.25; I tab. 803.00; Victoria, 85. 7; Winona. 87.50-, W.dvertn,-8155.00: Fly, l 50; F.sat Butt, 8B.5)i; Rlsch Ml., 85.00: Boatoa Con., 825.5m; t'alirnmla A Aflaona, (117.2; L. S. Pitts., 818.25. I -..' . P01TLABD BAWX STATIBEBT, Clearings today ..11.301 5508 Cleerrngs year age ., i.ofirii Oala today . ...aMeee .... S21a.1aa.1a lOUGIf Fancy Matured Potatoes Are In Very Good Demand at. This Tim Owing to Lateness pf Other Crops Prices Are at Eighty Cents. STERLING ;HIE ill ,' LOW fJARK v Exchange Goes to Very Bottom Today and Prices Sag Off .. on All Securities.' READING AND ST. PAUL ' HAVE LARGEST LOSS Session in London Rather Dull With Americans Showing Quite Drop Union Pacific Loses One and Half Steel Common Down a Point. - nai x BSoonds ........,.2U uslgsmatod ......lit khlaua ...1 igar 1H MBT LOSSES. ; ' Anaconda Loulsvlua ' Ksty do. pfd N. Y. Central, c. ...1 Out Weatera..,.. Pennaylvania I1 Pros Steel Car J Reading ....... .t1 Republic Steel ...... do. pfd Rock Island 1 Souther Ry., 1 Southern I'ae. ........ ' Union Pacific. .,,,..1' IT. B. Stael 1 ani Ate Sugar Smelter uter A Foundry..... Cnr Brooklyn ::::: S 1H Baltimore Cold. Fuel St. Paul .. Ckeaapoak Canadian . Locomollv Northern Pacific. ... . Erl t Great Western III. Central do. pfd. i : ' WET 41 AIMS. ' Mlasonrl Pae.... Allexaa A Padfto..... H Norfolk I.. wl Wall Btraet! New York. Scot. 11. With sterling .exchange going begging at lowest rate lb years, there wss cunsiuersoie seiung prvaaurv In the atock market today. Preeaure seemed derided -mnn- the entire Birr advance being bowu la etily about three laauea. Official Quotations by u Tor Decs;, niarr aa cook Co. . DE8CKIPTI0B. Amal. Copper Co Am. Car A Found, enas do preferred. .. 112t,ll21,lll24e eo eo Am, Cotton -Oil, com... Am. Locomotlv. com.-. Am, Sugar, -com.. ..... 824 Tin 82 "4 1555 82 V. Tl 182 1S5 m. Suielt, com....... do- preferred Hi2fci- Holism 1161a lloii Anaconda Mining' Oa. .. Am. Woolen, cow....,, Atchbwa, com...,.,-... d preferred Baltimore Ohio, coca. do preferred 25V XT 3 8514 10H 100 li 110H 108T4 101 101 1004 12H I120H11U,11IS . . ..1 1 an Brooklyn Eanld Transit. 52 -i 50 1! SOtf Canadian Pacific, com.. Central Leather, com... Chi. 0, W com..... 88 28U 88 18 I 17 It I 17 int., alll. a St. raul... Chi. 4 S. W, cota Chaaapeaka a Ohio...... Colo. Fuel a Iron, ansa., Colo. Southern, com..... do 2rl preferred,,,,,,, ' do 1st' preferred Cora Product, com , d preferred.......... 1784 1771175 210SI202W 20 elawar, Hndsrm ,J218 Denvsr a R. O 454 ' do preferred..... w Erie, com. ........... t de 2d prererred... ., do lt preferred...., lUlnole Central VP 48 47i4 rtv, 173 14W44 lonlevllle a Neshvtlle.. Mexican central By.... U- K. a T com...... do preferred. Federal Smelter. Mleaonrl Pacific....... National Lead New Tork Central:.... N. T., Ont. a Weatera. Norfolk a Wait, eon.. do preferred....,..., North American .'. ami 25 IV 50 S A21 '-''-" . It IK, WW... Psclflc Msll S. S. O0...I Pennaylvania Railway... a; ,1. U..IM- - 21 4 '4 4 r. u., it. v. vo l"reaed steel Car, com., do n referred Readinx, eooj. ... ....... M8H 142H 140(4 do. 2d preferred.,,... do 1st nreferred Rep. Iron A SteeL com. . do nreferred... . Bock Island, com....... do Breferred St. L. a S. P.. 20 pfd,. 1 do lt nreferred St. L. A 8. w., com.. do nreferred Southern Pacific, com... do preferred Sow them Railway, coca. . do preferred Tennessee Coal A I roe.. Texas a Psclflc...,'.... Tol, St. J a W eoa.J nreferred Union Pacific, com..... do Breferred.-. . . I l2!l2 1H0T4 B.-S. Rubber, aom .Ti7;. 48t 48 00 preferred..,.. C. S. Steel Co, earn... 45U 5 do nrafarrad . Wabaah, coin ..... ... , . JOT do. are feared. Weatera Union Tel wieconarn central, com. do Breferred Virginia Chemical. ...... io'" Total sslee. for day. 1.071.800 shares. Call money closed at S per cent. UNKNOWN WOMAN ' ' , r ATTEMPTS SUICIDE 7;v,.:.n, ', ., .;.. A woman, pannileaa, bedraacled and unknown, felt in a fit laat night At mid night at Blxth and Morrison street, probably aa a rcault of Uklng strych nin with ealcldM Intent Tha patient was carrlett Into Kau's dnisT" stora, where aha remained until tha patrol wagon cama alone- tn take hdr to Oood Samaritan hoapltaL At tha Bocpitai th womatv want Into arjaam after apaam and for hours It was thought that ah could not lira. Today aha la better, but Is atlll dellrloua. From a paper found upon her peraon at th hoapltai it waa learned that tha name of th atrang woman la Mra. Nelll Avaaka, No letters or other In formation was found to tell where aha reside or where are her relative. The woman ta of American' birth,, about St year of as and of medium complexion. Dr. Keeney 1 attending her. CHINESE GOVERNMENT : .STOPS ALL LOTTERIES New Tork, Sept UtK cable to "th Sun from Pekin; aaye: Th chief of p. He of th lnnr elty has riven notice f that an tempiea in which the practice of forecasting lotterle la followeyf will ,b deatroyed In accdrdanc with th teaching of Confuclua unleaa th prac tice 1 atoppad within ten day. Tsaltaa, who waa at tha head of th reform "fommlnnion -which visited th United "73 tat ea laat year, has addressed a memorial to th dowager cmpreaa, ex pressing hi deailr that ah . remove Kunacha, who low exerclaes so much Influence In th ralac. - . , r .- - !' tel4l.ptotatd. ' .'(Wssbingtea Bureau of The Jonrsal.) ' TVaahlngton, D. C- Bept 11. John 1 Cnnebeor la appointed postmaster at DixonTlll, Dougloa county, Oregon. - Xew Tork Oaaa Ooppsr. - New Tork, Sept. Il-Caah cor feat jr. Rio, 8c; No. 4 Santo. 8V.C , ' . , ; : arha atresia tom f Tn aTonrnal " ta rortlaad and la Oregoa exceeMla tekat f aaw atkaar'OnaToa Bwa7apa,. v.. .. .- . - '-'W YCU.'.'a CLERK (Continued from Ftft On.) trouble-wrought brain. At tha beach they lived at tha moat expenalve botal and war tha observed of all obaervera. Their wanton dlaregard for money and wild extravagance war th aenaatlon of tha beach and many wondered who tb nam of . th profligate apender war. Among hla other axtravaganoea Vel tuth poaaeaaed an almoat frnald pen sion for aulomobll riding. .Th moat expenalve maohlnea in th city wer hired by him by th hour.' Frequently ha drove a machine to tba horn of th woman on Park atraet left It thera for noura whll he remained Inalda, then tn two rode to Claramont to th Twelve Mil houa or to th. various plaur reaorts about th olty. At BjrpsmjtlT Keaia. in th ooatllest restaurant about th city b was a constant and liberal pa troruThe cost of kiia meala oar week. It ta aatlmated, waa far In exceaa of hi monthly salary. On hi paraoa b rarely had leaa than 1500 In bUla. with persona who frequent th plaoea wrier Velguth tvlhed money with auoh a liberal hand It. has been for weeks a matter of apeoulatlon how much tlm would elapae befor hla mployrs learned of hla open and never-dlagulaed xtravagancea. Though - Valguth'a manner of living and hi wild acattarlng ot money waa known to other employe of . th gas company, it . waa only at a compare tlvely recent date that th official of th company learned of It H. M. Papet present manager of th gaa company. who recently arrived from .San Fran- claoo, learned of th young clrk'a z travagancea and at once began a oulet inveatigation. - Velguth'a books were found to be In good condition. Indicating no clue to hie long and extensive theft. Falling to find a clue that might lead to tha de tection, of the young man, Mr. Papet placed tb affair In th hand of . the dlatrlct attorney. Th only tangible art' dence that waa given to the district at torney was th disappearance of a draft from Saa Franc lac o for tha aunt - of 17(0. . .. .. Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Adams, who began. thenvetlgattaivwaa .convinced. though h bad no proof, that th draft waa In Valguth'a poaaeaaion. - The young man held It, It waa believed, until he waa able to collect an equivalent sum In cash, whea he Intended to permit . th draft to be entered on th hooka. ' 1 - How x Waa Oaaght, Teeterday th young man' daUctldn waa accomplished: with th aaalstanc ef Detective Maher of the dlatrlct attor nays offloa. . A large arum of' money, which waa marked, waa paid at Vet guth's window.- An Investigation of th book later failed to ahow that tha sums had been entered. He waa accordingly arrested aa he waa leaving the of f to at t o'clock laat night. The entire amount that had beeo paid ta waa found oa his parson. .' veigatn a memoes ani tne manner in which he successfully avoided detection for almost a year, and by- which ha se cured. o large a sum of money, are eald to have been clever, though by no means novel. . r-; -. , ' Bvudied AA'rg fTi-Unrff , In eonoeallng hie crime from th com pany. Velguth made a careful atudy of th adding machines that ar ueed.ln the office. - It la atated by official of the company that hie final mastery of -the subject and his ultimate knowledge ofiow to manipulate th machine so ae to make a Taise total eaaoiao mm to con' ceal hla continued thefts for so long a tlm. s ' -, - . v v .. Th aunts that were atolen will be a total loss ta the company, for It la said be likely that ao attempt will be made to compel th ooneumere who paid Velguth to pay the amounta again. Of ficials and clerka ara endeavoring - to ascertain th exact amount of th ahort- age, but had not completed their effort at a late hour thla afternoon. However, It la believed that the loaa will reach a much higher figure than waa at first bUvd. . At th company's office today it was announced that for the last two years tha defaulting clerk haa averaged In his thefts 1508 each month, and during .soma months the sunt was much in axceae of tbeae flguree. - ( : - Kow It Waa Worked. .. ".',' Billa were sent out to consumers on specially printed Blips. A attached to the slips were atuba on which were flg uree and datee that corresponded to those on th slip. On paying the bill at the clerk's window the oonaumer re tained th alip a a receipt whll th clerk kept the alub . for the company. The etub waa placed an a file beelde hie deak and each sight each clerk went aver hla books, checking up. the stubs In order to prevent detection at the and of each day Velguth, It la said, sim ply placed In hie pocket both the stub snd a sum of money corraepondlng la amount with 'that receipted for oa the etub. - . , -, On the sixteenth of each month when the clerical force began work on the oonsumera' ledgers Velguth'a . thefts must necessarily have been detected had he not anticipated auch detection. . Be fore the clerka completed the "work he managed to mark "paid" after each eon aumer'a name that corresponded with th stub and money that he had previ ously withheld. - . By operating a lever on the adding machine he Is said to have .been- able to foot up a fale total mat might never have been detected. The adding ma chine perform a task of -adding that would require a score of clerks several days to complete, and the complete (In vestigation of the entire system ' of book will be nacessary to ascertain th exact amount that haa been atolen. Th youthful frensled financier stub bornly refused to discuss tie plight this morning. Pacing nervously up 'and down hie narrow cell on the third floor of the city jail, he listened to all ques tions In silence, or merely with the words: ."See my ' attorney, W. ' W. Banks. " Hla eyeeswar blood-shot his wall clothing waa rumpled and there were other evidencesthat be lad epent a aleeplea night - " '- "How did you do It anyhow, and why did you do Itf Didn't yon know that you wer aura to be discovered and punished,'- On auch questions Velguth simply turned hla back. . The prisoner was not arraigned today, but will prob ably appear in the municipal court to morrow. i . , ' ' - ENTIRE SCHOOL TIPSY FROM SMUGGLED LIQUOR t ; ' 1 , . New Tork, BVpt 11. A cable to' the Sun from Geneva ayes It Ie the cue torn in Canton of Lloino, where liquor la vary cheap, and large quantities ar smuggled acroae the frontier, to drink befor and after every meal.- Black coffee and cognac often replace coffee and milk at breakfast with the reeult that young children often arrive at school Intoxicated! The other day a aohool Inspector, dropping In Unexpectedly on: a claag of aom to children of both aeaee. vary ing In age from 7 to It yeare old. found more than half the claae completely In toxicated and Bleeping, and the other puplle more or leas under the influence of liquor. Th,T ar many Waa Ads la today tearaal that will latere) ytra. . r.'LI:;crka s -ct C:;va a well, Yin ctver c-'a 2 sLI-I CaAextal laiAextt CAaaaw3 C3 l 3 lie curb snd fccl'crs. Portland, Oregon Is hew and wll forever remain the New Tork of th Pacific ; Portland is ' the real and only hub at which all rail- -roads center and rl vera meet .Three ' rich tatea, Oregon, , Washington and Idaho, dapoalt their wealth down grad . with . brake .. a at . Fortlaad'a fresh . water ocean docks, hence Portland . la ' . the heaTthlest child that ever breathed metropolitan Ufe. Alao 1 the health iest City - tn .the world, oauaed by. the ftnaet all ' around climate, - Including ecenlo beauty, to ba found on the planet ' ' called earth. Oregon never had a ; cyclone or crop failure. .. .. Header, . do yourself .and family,- or ' proapctlve wife or husband, a kind- neas by securing at one a home In , Portland -before values advance aver- v lastingly beyond your 'reach. Remem ber thla faot opporttuUty ta aow wlak- - lng as yon, for never before In your Ufe could you a cur, for only 120 a front foot tha beat and most healthful rest- dene property in a olty,- having the best car eervloe, only It minutes' ride to the btialneaa center, tae eeater eaoh day growing close to your lavawtznant. This matchleas natural sit, la now. being dottd with beautiful - hom. Blxty thoueand feet of cement sidewalks parked, else It-foot alleys, thereby giving to all inside lota the convenience of 1 corners.. Building restrictions, of course. Oood homee or none, ar saorsa e ahaaka aaa ba ball la Walnut Vara. - No languaf can tall you of tha beauties of Walnut Park. It ha no qual, heno no rival, in th elty of Portland. To prove this bold statement take any U ear going north.- It will land you in Walnut Park, th highest lvatd spot of ground Thetweea ta rivers. . Then -foaat-youreye on Oregon'a magnificent souMnaplrlng Soen ery rivers, mountains and anowcap aentlnela - '- , ; 8hOU1d you dealr more Information before taking the trip, send for my Walnut . Park - map-and folder- free. will like its Jingle. Too will sav tlm you visit Walnut Park. Only a few left feet. . W. M. K I LLINGSWORTH Central Offloa, Walaat Varki aTrabubaa Offaoe, B9I Ohambes of Cnmuisgsa." , ACTRESS BUYING TROUSSEAU TO I'ED STEEL Mabf)(li Gillman Busy With Parts Dressmakers for Marriage - , With Corey."-' (v,,.1 Soeclal Servlea.) New Tork. Sept 11. A friend of.Ma- bella Olllman haa Juet returned ' from Paris with lntereatlng -ne we of the former California actreaa This friend Is a milliner and ehe haa been helping Miss Olllman pure ha a a troueaaau, -foH in latter is to marry -wiuiam ii. t;ory, president of th United States steal trust aext. month. , ? v 11 las Olllman la living In Paris with her mother In great splendor, "having abroad since befor' Mra Corey Instituted dlyoroe proceedings,, -.Sbf has sufficient money to Indulge In aa wild extravagance aa- any- chorus girt ' ever dreamed of. - The detalle ef ' her ex penditure are aatoundlng. - She buye artlolea for her trouaeeau, for lnatanoe. wlinout Inaulrlna th prlc. Th cost of on Of these article proved to be T,S0S and other parchaaea were made almuar rate.' The once poor actreea with a hall bed room for shelter is reveling- In a de bauch of S renxled prodigality. - She has reallged her fond feminine ambition, and Is on auch a shopping tour as falls to the happy lot of few women. Corey haa bought a home In Paria and be and hla wife will live there part ef the year. TRIAL OF GAMBLING CASES IS. POSTPONED ' : (Journal Special frvtc ) . . . . Orleans, Ind., Sept 11. The trial of the French lalck gambliifg eaaea haa been- poatponad on. aceount-f th Ill-J neaa of Thomas j. ferry,: one or the defendants '- . ,'- II : S' rrr; ? 1 ' '- v .' ' , V ' . ' , ' f v , and eurba ara being laid. Streets are If - yott are "Bot a moaebaok, you' by bringing cash or check book when at prices named. . Lota ar IS by 108 -, ..'V-v-.;i. d-r! WHALERS FOUriD On VERGE .ofiosi;;g i;i;;ds - Crew of Alexander Rescued by . Natives When Nearly Dead From Hunger. ' . (Jearaal Bpectal Btxrvtea.) "r 1: , Nome, Alaaka, Sept , 11. A tale of terrible euffeting will be 'brought t elvillsaUon . ithen the crew ef th whaler-Alexander reaches Beattlln a few days, for Which deeUnatton they are now bound from Herscbell laland. where they were picked up by a pass ing steamer.- - The men were. -found starving In the north and oa tha varg of insanity. , .( . - v .,; " The Alexander-Waa wrecked en Cap Perry . August II and her crew by auperhuman efforts finally aaooeeded la reaohlng r land. : . Tby mfrtanatly ' struck a bleak 'and barred atratoh of cliff a and had to subsist for days oa anything thy eould piok up along th beach In th way of mussle and hell fish. Their presenc waa finally dis covered by native and they were eared for until a paaalng vessel reoud ba -hailed. .i. i" Lr-A-r,vrv-..x. ; Tha - Alexander was t e . th smallest whaling veaaela in th Arcrtlc, -being only II feet long and of tt feet beam. Bh waa one of the old timer, having been buUt la Stta-jTranclsco in 1177. :. - ..-......-.:,,-. BTBOUOY-aTS 00UaT.' Kvery part of the mucous membrane. tha nosa. throatr eara. head and lun a. tc ar subleoted to disease and blight " rrcm negieoiea coiaa. xauiarra s norw hound Syrup Is a pleasant aad effeotlv . remedy.. . . . .. w. Axenancsa vaiiey uuis, xrxaa- 3 .l -' IU. 1. " -d -asea , w write-. "I have seed Ballard's Hore- ' . hound Byrup t or. coughs and throat troubles; it is a plsasant and moat ef-. feetiv remedy." Sold by Weodard Clarke A Co. r- - It is time ta fVh'in'yott'paiht use the Vest Paint Lowo' Brothera' MHKhStand3ard,, BECAUSE t. It Bpreade -beeh-Ad 2. It leek beet-meet baautlful color. t 3. It ceete the least per; year of Berries-. 4. ; Tli uar,nt7 ie bread and footi. ; 8, ' It GlTfXI PWTlaoW In all crueJlUee. , 4rk of Color Cards, "IloV to Paint," e47.' etitr vf arc rn.e " RASMUSSEN . 214.235 Taylor Street 194-196 Second Street ' ' Portland, Oregon paint "