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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
m:z civizcc:: daily journal, Portland. tuxsday Evi.:a:.-s. z:-i::: l.T.V TODAY. jjcal' Investors An J Savings Cank Depositors. We offer sub loot to prtor ssla, following IU-.ii..-e bonds: - " , S1SO.0O0 County Ponds, Interest rr annum, Bcrnl-annually. , Principal,. . . ,. annum, inter- una ta three) years. tao.000 W M?wJ.hfft-J . tercet l o pwr ' -'-v- est payable nmi-niiu"j. ? . ma f. a r .... (Ml t WW . - , i 30,000 Otlt Edi Farm Mortgagee ... . a mt wnt Mr annum. All or " any part or tba above 1 oKarwd at par. We Invite.; Subscriptions k .niiowiitr iiAtit indti ta ba rMdr for delivery January 1. fol lows: ... - , .. - .-'' ' "' ' 0700,000 Klaetrio Railway Company . var cent ten-year bonda. . 120,000 Electric Light Power Com pany S per cent ten-year bonda. . B3S,ooo Water Work "Company t per cent 20-year bond. 110,000 Electrlo Light and Power Com pany percent ten-year bonda. All of tha above bonda are leaued against lnc-ome-raytnB companies, in . terent and principal guaranteed and payable at th. option of the holder In Portland, Or, or N.w York City. Full information to intarssted parti.. ricrthwcstern Guarantee andJrust.Company IuVii mxchaage Bid, (moom bowsj, : U. a. Ooc. M sad tmrk St. ' ' ? - Din Crops 1 DIoCanIi Accounts Whens-rer yoa sell yow farm predeeta, brln your surplus a:eney in um osns. . . . rgi v ; -.' ; ' ". ' - "OLDrrr nm conur ni ooo Will -safely kaes yoor fund eaUl railed for and will allow yon . '." ' two i"M"raire'"iatpmiBT' Per tnnOaa on dolly bslseees (seen kuodrods) . of A3uo or em. - IV BCTiroU aTEABLT M TXAK. MBOffBCEg 0TEB 1,TM,MW.M. : " , rcrtfjnd TrBsf Cczrpsy cf Orejoa BE. Cor. Third aad Oak sts, Pheae Ex. Tl. pes J. f.J mHTK;.... H. I, P1TTOCK b. i.r.r, Paget. J. O. (iOl.TRA. ....... ............ ....PresMest ........... Tics-PreellM ................ Meeretsry Assistant Beeretnry Fine Lot on 1-EVEL GROUND. JUST THE PLACE FOR A QROCERT 8TORK OR TENE MENT HOUSE; LOf HxlOO. PRICE, I.00. CAN GIVE TERMS. ,0 St, JOURNAU - A 5Room New and modern, the B. W. corner J7th and Clinton 8ts east aide, . 7 -minute car service. There la no batter bouae .In tha city for tba money. . ... . , Price $2,250 ; I AX THE OWNE1W O JOURNAL. INSIDE PROPERTY fret, sidewalks, ended streets. Jty water (Bull Raal piped te esch lot ea the ear line, with aa unobstructed view ef the rresr; every lot cleared la (rasa plot and esntalna the richest kind ef soil, la walking dattsare ef center of the city; title perfect. ' sa sea reset ftimlanad with every lot, and the price only tlw per lot. f- A few of thess lets will be sold for flW; dowa. balance monthly Initallinenls ". The rat coaae the. Bret served. . M. J. CLOHE88Z. 107 McKsy Building. ' WATCH LENTS CR.OW Ad keep rour aye on WILEY ALLEN aV CO.B ada (or Una bargains In real estate.- . , FOR RENT , New stores and sfBos rooms, with steam 'wTf sUsctrts lights. N. E. corner - Jfdsnd Madison a treat a Apply room . TOMVXkXB UI0STS - ; ' lts f and Mocks from esr Una, graded atreets and water, bea-ltlf ul treea. elegunt nltes for homes, st the ' v8 nd taoo per lot GEO. E. vVAOaONER. Phone Main I87. , rmo STiDio loiis b. boll JA 1L0RS t AND 10, B41H WASHtKOTON . street, as- sow seen tor recsptloa ef paella. WEATHER REPORT. ' Although the north Pacific high praaswre area Is advancing alnwly Inland, Ita crest la still central western Wsshlngion. It has esnaed fair snd eorrf wesuier ra Uls dletrlet, with light . frosts In southern and sua I era Oregon, sealers tVs-hlngtoa end Idaho. The Waaler. Irmtrh preeeare ta alee advancing alnwly seat' vrsrd snd Its aorthern eitremlty bow everllee Iske Bnuertnr snd Ma soothers nnrttoe Is cen tral ever New Mexhw. It has caused sneertlTd anowerr urestber la Texas. Kansas, Mleoourt Mkhlgao. The presenre-nae Increased la Tsi A'lnilc atatea, aad fate weather prove I hT gen erally m that aertlon, with tam sera Ui res slightly shnve normal. , . 7 J.T- .JT? f7" wearber la thia -" " " BHiiaiisyi it will mm tlnno cool tonight, and light frosts may he einectce ta esatcra Oregen. eastern Wseningtan end Idaho. The teenperstnrae will rise Wednes day ever the sntlrs dletrlet, aicept aanr UM .. oierrsloos taked at a. ., Pacific tune! ' J . Temp. ' Ptattne Max. Ul Bw Bakee Cite - faeegea. . v .. . as-"'- S4 .4' hk-aeo. Illlnots t TO , j r M 71 t-eavee, Colorado.,.- S4 Kansas City, M laaonrl. . ... SO I "a Anrelas, talttornls. Ta New Ottesas, Lonlalana.... PI w York, New lark...... SO Portland. Ornn....,T ad oshr, rana a Kt. lails, Mlaanairl f-ll lake. I tah 74 ' 1 no 7 '70 . 44 14 74 ' rn Fcasclaco, California... ft ad -kans, W aaliti..ion... 4 S .-ma. tk aaliitiatoa at 44 rV.iia, V) .akinftoa.. 1$ et Grand Avenue Gottag MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthnr I., Stswsrt, Needles, Caltrorala, 18; h'ora M. Pierce, la. Milium T. ShepardX ' Trentdeei, Oregon, ll ; Barak Harding, 1 nomas K. lwla, Moutavllla. Oregon, Tl ; cetueriue o.iilferaiels. 81. Hag o bidg., ' a. aiib o.. region cor. Fourth ssd Wsaklsgtsn Ma. Wedding and celling nr. evnna a printed. . , B. T. Rusbtou, 8x1 Welo-to at. Mis Berths Mania. Ma l AHaky bldg. Stamping a4 In aeedlearorki Im hi elvea. J rail lrM aul'a fnr rent, all Tailoring Co, ) Stark at. . Unlqee DEATHS. 001 DT At tba residence of her daughter. Mra. W. B. Wallle Jr., 664 East line -'Avptaaikr ' 10. lli-aj, t'lar Oeudy, ad d -reare aad 8 aaAaiba. BTEWABT Ik,Iw t, Blvla K. Btawart, 1 rear. Bt. llncanl'a hoanltaL BBamaaeaiLl. no.tK.NRERO Karah B. Roamherf , 1 MeU, - B4JI Thlral. kanaorrbaala antarttla. . PALMEU Rpsmobar T. Henry O. Paloatr. Tl years, ixu Baat Vanbllt aeoplaiy. 0I8WOIJ-l.Dtaibr a. Miles . OrlawolJ, r yeara, uooa aaaarKaa . aoapifai, aeaue CI' KHAN September a Paal Coma, IT yeara. Bt. Vincent's boapltat, ralmlnatluc .peeodl eltla. . . ADAMS-Sestenher a. Mary Adams, T4 yeara, biiid a riau. epilepsy. FUNERAL NOTICES. FBBTTTMAN la tfeta Hty, rSepteaiber 10, lana. ueeu rretryaiaa. acea is years, asnetas, beloTed son ef Mr. end Mrs. Ueorge Pretty mas. Bw rkse st toe Oemstorlam, Kednee- a.y, Bepremoer is, at l mi p. as. UNDERTAKERS. Danalne. MeKntse Ollhaarb. eodertakees and embaiasers: aae4en Is every detail leTealk and Flos. Mala eaa. laidy aaslsUat. A. B. Hrasetoct. endertaker aad eaibaln Esh TklrtseaU aad UasaUUa ae rkesm B srood TL Krlekasa t'ndertaklti Oa.. aad ambalmlu. ena Alder at. rkoae Mata ells. iay esslsuat. J. P. nnler Boos. Tklrd and Madlsea eta. Ofnee of eoeaty enroser, Paone Mai it. CLARK BROS Florist Tine . (towers and floral ileal. na. zw Morrleoa at. Bdward; Holnun, nA-rtrkr. Tktrd at. uniTinr cxmetext. Rtnvie Braeee lie. Family lets fTS il.tmo, I in only romrirry in trtiana woirn par- Ctnslly HkaJatatne sad earvs for kits. Tar rail fnenwtlon apply to W. R. Markensie. War eaoter blork. eity. W. M. Udd. nreslesnt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' i. C. rord te C. P. aad Ulna Alleway, i . west H of sonth H of north H of northeast H ef aortbwest of aertlon SI, township I south, ranee 1 aet.... t. W. Tstvhsslna to Hophl TnMieatnc. tors 10. 11 aad 1. hka-k 30. Wlllam. etta t.000 wiiiiani M. sad Minnie B. ranaha te i W. S. EThtree, lota IT. !, IS and B0. Morh t Mount Tsbnr Tills Annex 1.X04 William and Annie Beldt to Heled M. , nnabar. lot 1. blork ft. anntb at. Johns . 30 CoMIe Barell to Max BarelL pert of lots 1 sad 2. blork IS, Carurlers addition J Ida - B. .Peters t al. to Cueeter Arthur ilUler. east of lota S and 4. blork' 14. Hansen's Second addition to East Portland ; ,SS Henry and Emma Benssl In John P. Pin- ley. lot t, block . Alblna Helchts ' addltloa .....i 830 A. J. Pream to William C. Ooaalin and . Harry h. Hamblet, sonth H of sonth . of northeast ef saetlon Ei, tows- shin 1 north, ranes X araat KnA Wels Lerssa to William O. Ooaalin and Mary L. Hamblet, north H of eoarth W of northeast of sertloa E2. town shin t north, ranes aa KM Jamee M. and Viola May Hareer te fl. C. Pord. west H of sooth H of north . H of northeast 4 ef northwest of . . eeetloa 11. township I sonth. range , t east - ana Raehel W. Morrte to Mra. Panale Mayer, v m soninessi h or sontnwest H ex section 17. township 1 north. rues 1 sst. be L. Craig ta Andrew Mutch, block AV Um Fir immt atw lot t. Isa belle o. and Oeorge B. Collins to Dora sna inrtatias Meng. mt IX Mock Ml W-rV.. " ii..iia svo niiiism sno annie MsrMsster to James K. Locke end James Gibson. - lot A block S. Couch's addltloa..., T.SOO win - taw sLosj r.aiate company to -August wnilam Lambert, lot is. bfeck 11. Point View : toS w. . ana incite m. Allen te Bthel M. -and Bessie U Allen, esst H ef lota ( -and S, block 19, East Portlaad..-.-:'-! I. B. and May Beard to Msrths L. Bar rert. lots 4 and a ainch 11 vii.-a . son Certified copy, ef will ef Ashford Twlgg. - neatkmg to Tlllle Twlgg Iota II and " 14, peninsular addltloa No. 4. -tttfmr-fn Carrie O. Mlllapsorh to Annie Plckthora. 7 wooowsra s snbtllvlsloa of lot 1, Riven tile Hnoesteed tract. . . . 1 Frederick L. and Annie Pick thorn to wTJ.?- MP". Iota 2 aad B8, 9hlock II. htount Tabor Villa 77. ' I . aad Christina Popke to Nek) Pi Ol- s aen. 10 acres, commencing at a point ' ' In the ea.t line of the northeast (4 of , ewrtloa 1, township 1 south, range t . eaat , 1.900 Loots P. Bene end William and Bertha . . Bsllut to J. W. and I -aura R. Hill. . sast IS feet ef lot 14, buck IS, Oold ewilfb'a addltloa ....7?.,V". . r"a?Jt -T' . Gor"' w- Oliver te , , Mlchsel A, Bchsppert. west 11 A feet ! Jf kt T, snd north IB feet of west . '? '. t M block M. BuimysMe. . I.nrx) P. W. snd Harriet O.. Monroe te Addle - rryden. I seres, commencing st a point ' ."' ; B2.00 rods and SO rods north from ' . sonthweat eorner - of Joshua B. aadT" NanCT Wlttew'a Aom.,1 . l and Ella T, Noble to J. N. DsvU. lot a. block a rV,i..'. .jji.J. ' T1."l!,l,..,!"'1'ra'' "nd Paelflcinnlveraity lasd. lots 10. 1 1 IB .l is . n. .BOS ttkVTTT?:. 401 bioc HlgbUnd Dorothea 'MesVk" 'hi' Mrs. H. " p.' cisrk.' lot Si, block 11. toe Fi, eemrteryf: Bertha M. snd 0. W. Hnsford te Aart 'iStt M U- ,"P.-W' lanthe Ooc te jeka'and Roslaa Romsa, lot 4. blork 17, Cook's .First addition to Alblna. ........ TIvTI MJ!,,.'U lAtliiier to Ranmei ' ""d Loulas Lsgsase. lots B and la hlock 1. Avaloa addltloa .."!?..;.. Minnie U. and M. B. Lee to Louis tS3 hkK ln Coach's add- Arleta Land 'eomrwnyTnMershsU' A. Jones. 1st .1ft, black 7. Arista Park wo. ,.- .,, JonrBhlne T. Rord to w. ft Be .'-a ITS m eoo B7I COS IS 100 Joha H. Bnrgsrd, northeast hi ef blork 1. A. M. King's addition. . Title Oaarantee Trust eomnsay -to Kel- S.000 - wV,nt'Tr:.7. bUrk Jl ,0f T4 A f "Berg". MmJf. ... . ' "M A"" Z..."'" to w-' '"' 'Ke'lioi;; ' lota 11 end 14. block i, Bt, Johns Park addition to St. Johns?... V.7 ".....! . Frederick H. aad Btele Frances Pare to Emma Ouler. lot S. block 14. McMII lena addition te Beat Portland...... . VKm-i: li"".Wystt,' STB 1,000 S8S l,tM 138 '"-Pi V.T'1. 'enton te'williain 'D! . mwna niiHTiar rentes, annth 14 of h? V M li ttoldsmlth addition ...... Edwsrd snd Emma Wetslee "to t.. fi- .tftOO A., a1, ""np"" J.'Vv Hows', ; . rJi,. d4i "ejck 1. Arista Park . " AdeHs NeedhVsV 'ii'r.' A.'ry. lot' A 'T rv Parkff.'. . M. M. Block, sdminartrstor. to Joha W. 1 yr2,,"i' 1?.u 1 " a, toeluslvs. block ( iJi'A"'" addition No. 1 to Kast "HJT' .i i-blM:k M- Prt'd . whsr-s adjttW.-;,v"':.-:.rT a kLK?5I i" t''"" 'raea. let S.Weck 1. Bon Ten addition ."Z"1 '"?, L ro-oeiaurh til TM . -T "-' aw. wrianji BJI tTs. HMMrK 1. at sr sa ' m aay4Vl4a ' - . T Lionel R. Webstar a a'l 'ii B"."sM'l' 4TJ - t " heghmlns at northssat - ?i ,..,r" eonveyed by W. K. Z.h S !" ""ty "f Murtnomab, :. eectlnn townehlp I eoulk, raage 1 esat. west meridian . . . . ,. Oecrxe A, Eppcriy snd wife to t. H ., Hovedagssrd. weet 00 feet of lot 1, 1 1 VTlr.!"'- ' mort l feet L"k J' 'ephee' addition te Esst Portland...'. W" ' C ,E"'a" and H. P. E.Mman ' J? ?r' Penman, lota 1 aad A , wr,, p,r addition to Alhlas...... Lottie S. Penman ts Vernon A. Billion. " JoVuV4.: .Mt v"k '""-: Dsvld Gcodeail ta' Blfs's' ' W. ' CsVteV' and , , d"tlo7 7 bl0r'' O''''' i beeld Ot-oWii ' W 'fiilaV V.' 'cirter ' and BOO 1.SO0 804 1.400 U00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS; lar g. and At.ri,.ai Th'fcner to Eloe . U na ar(, i, i, blu fc , Blrou- - amntl, v .7 ,ooo Mine to saw. Lit 9 hLwa A llMjt'a SOUHlua lanruiM u' aaalaraat seonle srt- roe sivtrerta titio, inaaraar oe aaoetirsre anaaa, rail en raririe TH1 A Truat eaimpauy hiruierly I'artoc ( ,wat Atalrae 4isarauty A cunipauy. 8wa-4-a I .alllna Mlldlnc. Oat your Inanranr sad eherrarte to real estate rroia th litis ouaraato Treat soaapaa, HO Waahlintoa street, eormrr taraaa. MEETING NOTICES. InurrniMn rf.t ImUM a George Washington eamp. ' Bet - ter coma. Vlaltlog neighbors welcome. Woodman hall, Tenth end Waan His too sts a. . aaros, c a . U. A. rithOHlCH. Clerk. BTOt'KIIOLDERS' MERTINO Notice Is hereby flren that too annual meeting of the atock oldera of the klldwsy ImiiroTenieat aaaocla- Tion win De Hold at the rire asu, Midway, Mliwaukie are., Portland, Or., September " ii, ivuo, at i i p. m. - WALLACE MILLER. Becretary K. W. A., Oregon Orspe Csmp. Mo. .To, Moe daye. . ITU and Marshall! visitors weVsstne. at. W. A. EVenoREKM CAMP, fteeM, meets Wednesday erenlag. Ausky bide., Ihlrd and Morriaon stn. NOTICE. CROOK COUXTY COURTHOIJBB. Notice Is hereby given thst um county eonrt ef Crook county, Oregon, will receive seeled phM for the building of a new eourthosse nn to November T. 1108. nt 10 o'clock a. at tbe courthouse at Prlnarvllle, Oregon. t follows: ... First A bid fnr the construction and build' fog of the foundation out of stone as origin. auy paianea ny w.u. rugn, nretutect, nsiem, 'Oregon. Seeond A bid for the eoMtmrtlon and building of the foundation out of brlcs, according to ameuuea pun oy same srcniivcw Third A bid for tbe ronetructtnn and com pletion ef the snnerstTueture as erlgtnsliy plsnned, emitting live doms. Fourth A bid for the eonatructlrai snd completion ef the building complete as originally plsnned. Fifth A bid for tbe construction sod completion ef the building complete according to the amended plana. . That all bids must be submitted nnoa the plans and epeetficstlens of W. D. Push, sr rhltet't, Halem. Oregon, and aealed aad marked "Blda for Uourtlvotvae," addressed to tbe j TOonry-rleTlt,- PrtnevOler'OresoB. ' ' ins county will pay cnan npow inr namn entered hire far the building snd construct lo or any psrx or wiwie o oaio tmnuinw.- v.i- 1l(H check so mentioned to the speclftcatlons ef any nart or wliole of said Miliums.- tr- stuat aemmnanv esch bid. The Plans snd specifications caa he examined at the efHre of w. u. rugs. Bsiem. vregoo, ids uvwso Dully Journal office, Portland, Ore .on. snd at the office of the county clerk, Prtneelllr. Oregon. The court reaervee the tight to reject any an. an oma. By order of tha eonrt. (Besl.) WARREIf BR0W. -. Clerk of Crook County. Oregon. TO TUB taxpayers of Multnomah County, Ore gon: Kotaee Is aeeeny given test en Monnsy, October l. lata), the hoard ef equalisation ef Multnomah county will attend at tbe office of the county clerk of said county' and pnh- llrly examine the assessment rolls fnr tbe rear 1 00. snd correct sll errors In valuation. description or qualities ef land, lota or ether Eroperty. and it la tbe duty of all peranoe wrested to appear at the' tune aad place appointed, end If It , ahallspper la .such Ut PIIMUUIRM IHfll miw J Isadsv lota or other nroperty ssseseed twice er la tbe name ef a'perann er persona not the owner of same, er sssessed under or youd Its vain, er any lands, lots er ether property not asseeeed, aaid board of eqoaliM tloa shall make tbe proper corrections. B. D. 8IOLER. Conntv A nr. Portlaod. Oregon. Beptember a. 190. REWARD. The Oregon Iron A Steel company will pay a reward ef Five Hundred Dollars for the arrest ssd convtrtloa of ths persoa who. oa or about the sixteenth day ef August, IMS, destroyed by dynsmlte er ether explosive s portion ef the dam ef said Oregon Iron A Steel company across the Tualatin river, la Clsckamaa county, stats or uregoa. Dated at Portland. 'Oregon. Aagust 18. 1904. TBE OREGON IRON BTEEL COMPANY. By A. B. Pattella. Beeretnry. LOST -AND FOUND. LOST Between Mth aad Washington and union depot, a K. ef P. watch charm. , Return te . Journal office; reward. LOST On. nalr ef a la lases, s week age. 41 Davbwa ave Mt. tabor. FOUND A light hey boras with white spot en - forehead. Inquire of J. H. MlaenhJsssr, with Fink A Co., S14 Mississippi are. LOST September 10. gold monoerammed beagled watrn roe, dated iwu ana lswz, wits aiamona locket; Initials M. K. Finder please retara to lew 14 clay at. aad receive a vary liberal re ward. . -, . . ..I ' - IV ON Monday afternoon, downtown district, gold bracelet stodded-with smsll pearls. Return te - 17ft North 14th st. snd receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH BT. Free employment to ear patrons. Weakly ratea: Room. tl.SS ap; root board. 44.60 an. - Aaaareea, proprietor. SOCND yooag men. age IS ta SO, for Bremen and arakemen ea new roads and fop. fell rush; experience anneceeaary; 4 re men $104 . per month, brskemen 975: positions now open. - Nsrtonal Railway Training aaeoctatton, 730 Paiton blk.. Omaha. Nebraska: er SSI Ridge bldg.. Kansas City. Missouri. r-r ANSWER THIS ADI It's mooey la yoor pork et yiur business, doubled your eatery In creased 38 to 100 per cent no matter when located, what your work. Proofs furnished. : CalJ or write. Page-Davie Co., Dept. SI, 413 ; Commercial bldg Portland.- WANTED Special ea Icemen to Introduce our . full .line of sperisltles. Including Burbunk's new standees plnm-mtrsrle. Reply with reference, to tha Oregos Nnrsery Co., Salem. Oregoa. - WANTED Young peorile to prepare themselves ss bookkeepers snd stenographers; havs bed &4S cells since September 1; placed SOS la positions. We will place yea when eom tartent. Day or night. Catalogue. Benake Walker Business collage MEN AND WOMEN to learn berbcr trade tn eight weeks; gradustee varn from (IS to 82S weekly; expert Inatruetora; catalogue free. Moler Systom of Colleges, 8ft North Fearth at., Portlsad. ,. . AGENTS, wanted to sell ssperlor, hlgb-grsde auraery stock I complete outnt rnrnisaea rres; csak weekly: write today for choice of ter ritory.- Capital city Xureery Oempaay, Salem, - Oregoa. ; - - , WANTED Tseng men to learn teVgrapbr end raliroea accuntiting; aaunea gvo-ou to sw.iw. For free eat a logo a address Morss College ef Telegraphy. C4 11th St., Oskland. CsL WANTED SO swsmpsrs at good wsgssi PI miles from Portland aad one mile from -rail, road. . Apply W astern Cog. Co., SOS .Bteeras bldg., Portland. - , ' Venn Turn er three flret-elsra. sll-aroaud ma chine men; psrmsaent posltioa. good wsgeari ursgoa rerniture airg. to.. uacsosm roaa. WANTED Mor1ngptcture aachtae-operators; win teaca yoa rue business; terms reneonsn'r: positions sacs red; good salary. Mswmsa, 14SH Sixth. . . . WE get wart, for ear anem beret special mess. A I K. U a, Foarta aad xamblll. WANTED Manager snd for- morning dally; also job printer. Oua W. Kramer, - MersbSeld, Oregon. FIRe-T-CLASa pasts-makers. - laA Third et. . Kleell, The Teller, WANTED Boy 1 steady work., 44 corner Davis, M. Preat. WANTED Fhrst-clssa carpenter. Apply West ' era Coopers gs Co., i4 St as ran bldg., Port land AUKNTS to well prenaratloa te keep frost off , show windows; 0 per cent profit. , P. 11. , I tlllty Co., IIS Nasesa at. New York. WANTED Men wttb wlfs for work oa farm; chsnce for esrly sdvsnosment to ths foremsn- snin. AOdress, giving experience, yeiersnces ' sod ege, Y 41, care Journal. WANTED A steady young man, IS or SO yesrs old. to raa a delivery, wsgon ror meat msr net: one sccuatnmed to csrlng for herass. McOuIre Bns., Hood River, Or. WANTED1 Of f ice boy Y an, cars Jonrnsl. la , wholesale business. ' . . ' . i CLOTHING snd fnrnlehlng goods saleam.n wanted by the Frank lie Warehouse A Bonding e. Call this evening st 7 o'clock. Ask for "r. V. ii.r. sunerhiWndeaV 808 1W0 Waahmg aaoa j Jt6l fa HELP WANTED MALE, LA HUH boy wltk artl.tlr talent to leara arenle paliicluf. AMI'ly HatlltC tuaat Sceulo Blwlltf, lack awi Covib au. ' ' I . 1 . . . u I U II.. I.Ik lac. apmy raciiie it -'-, sad Cuius sis. MAN to show proiierty ssd tend office? huatlar; no monay required. Address P at. Journal. TKI.EtlBAPIl V Big demand for telegraph oper atora; eu-ert Inatruetora: advanced pupils per . fecied and aealaied to tmsltlone. Call er wriie. - , G31KH S KXPKRT t'OI.LEOIS. Dumnionwealth bldg. MAN to work for cripple who goes la rolling chair selling stnsll a nicies; fl.ftO per day. ' P. Culver. HS4 Usutenbeln. Puune tut sttal. A BRI.UB1.B man te take Uitereat to, h eatabllahed bnalnees. T In. ears journal.. BOMB sxoerlrnred tailors at ZM Ooodnoogh bldg. Lsutsuschlseger, tailor. WANTKIV-A cement flntoher. ST Lnmnsr Ex change bklg. Phone Mala WO after a u. m WANTK11 Voting man for newe-atand. wares av per month, vs alter .eeay. at vtessuig' ton, comer Fourths . WANTED Boy te learn the hardware oonlnens. sine general repairing ana mcssmituing; low wsgss te begin with. P hi, cure Journal. WANTED Penman teacher for clasa teaching, two evenings per week, f da. care Jouraal. EXPERIENCED framemaker and bench hand. Portland Bash Door Co.. East Taylor and i nun a ve. - HELP WANTEDFEMALE. '"homb. Indies' "aokncy? ' ' IK ronrth St.. cor. Mnrrlsoa. a pat sirs. - rnone Msin 020. v Alongside the Y. tt. C A. bMg. . QIRLS WANTED Operators te work ea skirts snd evsrsiis. ijeasons givea to Inexrionencea. Apply st Standard factory No. 1, Qraod see. sna cast Tsyme ef. - - . '. , WANTED Olrls to maks alls at TS First at. 'Boas el All" ever- BANSEN'B LADIES' A0BNCT. S41U Wsshtna. ton St., ear. Seventh, upstairs. Psoas Mala nra Female help wanted. . 0IBL8 wanted for general housework eonaa ana waltresa. City Employment OfUce. suite 1, 26 Washington at. Mala 1410. WANTED Competent -wlrt fnr general house. worn. ( appty .on asst iota si, WANTED Olrl. gtesdy work, at BS N. front. ewruer uavis. vivevn . . - -- . ... ... rWj!"Dr?.' i mjifllabrnjnmitm; WANTED Mangle hands and I roe era at Grand isnnary c., 17th and (Julmby eta. , Nt'BSB GIRLv Irving ton. , SOS TUUmook st,, ear. 18th, PEW ladles wsated to assist Boa king sear fancy work epare tune nt home; good steady EdY. o sinerienaa required. SZS rieldner 407 Washington st. WANTED An sll sroond woman for reetseraat work. . Apply lis Fourth st. Good wages. I HAVE a good home for a girl to work while aiimoing scnoot. apply XVJ4 Bast Btarg, cor ner od mi.-. - ...... WANTED- Houaekespers, domest Icev- book keep era. clerks, etc,. Call and res later free-of , cnarge. oregoa Ladlea' Employmeat Age Sll Ablngton bldg. Phone Pacific 32S1. GERMAN woman to act aa bonaekeeper aad nurse 10c sgea w wow or. call XI 4 jsriereoa. WANTED Yonag lady apnrentlce for draaamak uig. 874 Roaa. Unloa SnSl. ... WANTED Girl for general bouse is k. good -coos, smau ismiiy. on aast Burns is sc. . wages, a asoata. .. ..-.- SALESLADIES for ladles' aad geat'a faralehlng department. Apply this evening at I o'clock at Franklin War hones A Bonding Co., S88-8M . Wsshlngton; ask for Mr. Wiley, Snot. . TEACHERS for Episcopal Chinese; e-' ten. 333 w, inai .aw uo e;v p. m. i- A GOOD home for girl to work for .board and sitsna scoooi,, near acnooi, eui - iota St., I m. . , , t j . . WANTED Chsmbsrmald and dlnlng-rsosa girls - m aaM sa. ivk aasin also. GIRLS wsnted to nsper-box factory; erpertsnce SP "ery: toady position, t. 0. Stettler, STENOGRAPHY Leesnaa prtrato aad elaaav fnr , svmuuiers sna uavsneea pupils; standard eyn. tern. We will make yoa a good stenographer w rva to poeitam; oeaaaBa lor good v ,-" -.. --. . van or wrii. OHTEB'S EXPEBT COTXEOE, Fifth floor Commonwealth bMg. MALE AND FEMALE-HELP. Y0UN0 men aad wnawa te learn Gregg short hand; woa the highest sward st St. Loots exposition 1 learned la half the time at half the expease of aay ether eyeteait taught everywhere la the eaat Holmea Bealaeea College, Washington aad 10th sts. WANTED Good lira agents te reprnaast aa la an rarest sections ox city, enuntry an in amaU towns. Wrlto e call R. M. PUmmer, 160 Third at. .... . . HELP wasted sad snnpHsd. amis or female. R. w. ursan. wasBlnarton st. Psclas I ST A LAST CALL FOB H0PP1CKERS Very fin. ao msiasoaatKnam, mvsiy pmce ap Bear rue loot . bllle end tbe beautiful mountain ntreema. Call or phone to J. E. Hosmer. 727 Union ave.. N. - Phoae East 6100. P. B. Goad hops aad beat pay. - - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE STENOGRAPHERS fnrnlsbed without charge. Btsarna Vlalble Typewriting Agency, SO Fifth at. Phone Mala 6474. . COMPETENT, stenographer desires half-day poaition. aggress Box 4SS. city. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Traveling and lorg! representatives. e 1 1 oar ee-x, wo present new, attractive adveo tlalng offer of flrst-claaa establlsbed music school; permanent wort and advancement; salary for traveling $1,020 first year and ex penses paid weekly. , ' JOSEPH MOOR I. . I ;"- 121 I'lymoath, Chicago. AGENTS wanted, could make 4 to S a day. FIN B proposition open tor anew can1 agenta or pcooiers; a rew days only, at once. R. M. Plnmmer, 200 Third et. Call EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BANSEH'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICII ' FOB MEN. - tS North Second st. Phone Mala 1829. ; THE P0BTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., tmV, Morrleon Bt. Phone Psclfle Its. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Ronees, cottages, fkita. stores., or 1 ices, rooroiax-nowass, etc. Laed lord, will do well te rsll oa PORTLAND TBUST COMPANY OP OBfXIOS. Pbene Bx. TS. B. B. Cat. Sd aad Oak. . WANTED TO RENT House anburhan) of S - rooms, with email barn, convenient to earllne; will pay rent 3 months tn advance; answer. STSttng - rent wasieu. rnone jesst 17a. address P cars Juarnsl. BOUSES, flats, rooming bouses, stores, offices etc. I prompt attention sssnred. Psoas Mala 1171. H. W. Llndbard, McKay bldg.- - WANTED TO KENT A .mall house la suburbs with good yard, wltMn three ml lee of noal office. Mrs. J., 700 First St., B. , 8 OR 6 -room konse snd lot, close to csrHne havs borer with 8300 rasa, balance Install meats. J. feelser, 321 4 Morrison et WANTED REAL ESTATE. To Trie Portland Capitalist ;re Bake a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING NTS of LARGB BUILDINGS, placing FIRS INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GKNERAL CARR OF PROPERTY. We have the best ef fscllltlee for carrying out your wlahee as aa agent, r Ws1 solicit yonr Ctroosge.- Our referencee: Lsdd A TlHoa.,. aad Merchants National beak. R. H. BLfMNOM. . . , SIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCR,' I WANT a S or T-room house ea east side; give price snd location la first letter. D 80. cars Journal. I FARM, running water, good banee end barn shout to acres Is cultivation. -M 38, Jourasii URITIUG n UMUT D T0R a112 JOUiUUlL .Is only a moment's work, and incurs but a trifling expense, and does the work every time. If jrou mail .a want ad to The Journal at midnight, enclosing price in stamps or coin, it will be "printed the next afternoon, and probably answered the same evening. If you would try this want-filling method once you would probably find frequent use for it afterward. That's the ( case with others. Journal want ads never disappoint. Rate: 6 Cents for Every. Seven Words. ' THEY ALVMYS FILL YOUR VMUt WANTED REAL ESTATE. Buyers List your nronertv with us: we here bay' srs for homes, d snd T-room cottsgss snd nouses; no cnarge wade strives ssis w el- rectea. - - JORDAN A BARBADE, 332 14 Wa.hingtoa at. GOOD Income and reeidenee property, lots. . farming and timber lands. Pbene Mala 1171 H. W. Mi-Kay bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mela 438 Mala 6034 , : FURNITURE WANTED v IBPOT CASH PORTLAhlll AUCTION ROOMS - til First SU Mala B688 PAINTING, soravtne snd whlteweshlng trees. . basements, herns, docks, etei largest aaaollns sprsylug outfit en tbe coast. M. 0. Morgsa A Cav, m Unloa ave, Phoae East SIT. CRANE BOTTLE CO. hsvs sll kinds of tank. - rags, bottles, seeks, rroa and metals. Phoae Mala 2288. 14th and Cooed. WE WILL BUY your furniture any old time. wee lara Salvage Co., B21 Washington sc. HIGHBKT price paid for men's cast-off ' cloth ing. .'Bone rseine 40. ViBcie joe. o-a loiro. UIOHK8T csstt price paid for ancead-hand good. Phoae East S0TT. ISO Ualoa ave. WE WILL BIT Y. SELL OR TRADE ANY OIJl THING. WE8TEKN SALVAGE CO S S2S WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TS8. . WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.? WANT! I) Te purrhaaa a second-bead typewrit' uui se ta,- ewa-tiumueiinisi Phone Pacific SIS. - ' I HAVB a Remington typewriter I would rent core p. je rront er. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS GRAND. 40H North Third St. 1 geouemee i.xa per weea aaa up. THR RICHEI.IKU. SSH North Sixth st. Slo gan ny tornisneei; steam neat aaa as tba. KLONDIKE Furnished housekeeping room single er ea ealte. DOS Alder, ear. lernede ELEGANTLY fnrntehed rnome; the traveltag iu 11 1 k awKn. aesia MOSTISOW et. UN DA VISTA. 4TH Prfth Housekeeping eniree, sicepmg-roorns, cnesp. THE HUB." SS Emveatk St.. at rooms with' steam heat and bath. Stark; FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL. - Flssders ead Seveath Booms, honsekseplng and trsasieatl a vealeatl prices reasonable. . LARGB elegaatly Tarnished bonssksspiag. rooms; g.a range, rnaaing water. Ths Levrae dale. SOS, Alder et. I.SS PEB WEEK Lsrge. etoea furnished Bonsekeeplng.rooai laundry and baU. 14 Boots roruaad. -. SAYB half hotel expeaeee; $1 week an. cleaa. rnrniaaea Bouses .cpijig-rooms. saltarile lor two; parlor, laaadry, bath, yard. 8084a Stan- 8-ROOM Sat with bath, completely xnralshed. cnee in. laqnire los west rack st. ROOMS AND BOARD, TBI WOODLAND, the choicest private board ing piace la tae city; seeing as aenseingj come end nee. SIB Sixth at., close In. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to teat, suitable for pels tee sr piumoer. . sua sour m St. OFFICE-BOOMS, anrurnisbsd moans aad ennaple. reoane for rent, tjeodaewgh bldg. Apply ale. vatoe. . ... -. w, .... - P0B RENT Psrtof forulahad offlcs. Uoulre ef tsaltor, room 32s, Lamber Exchaage bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES. ft-ROOM bones, Snerman at.; a good little bath, toilet, hot water, ere. I re. 1 820 month. land Treat Company of Oregon. Phone Ex. 73. KADDEBLY TRANSFER CO. liable piaao snd fnml tore-mov era ; alee a tor age. Pkon Msla IdSft. Of Aos 114 N. Thtrd. FOR BKXTwTwe ft-room eott.gss en - Grand are. j. s. roes, 41 uswtborne ave. FOR RENT S aaadeeaxe anodera T-room houses. eonvenlsntry located sa Thlrd-etv eerunei SIB, 012 and S14 Corbstt St.: rent reasonable to desirable tenants. , Dsvld B. Stearns, 348 Washington at. ' . riNI slightly huta-erai ana for sele at a bargala price. Call ts ses it. A Ilea A Gilbert Co., Blxth aad Morriaon sts. M0DEBN S-roonj bnnaa st Midway. SOS EUuv Get key Beat door. 1 MODERN bens. rooms, Esst loth and Ca ruthsrs, w per asonia. a-au aie ronna at. cor. Salmon. - 81S MODERN hoose, aewly finished. Sixth aad ueruiaere at a. mam eoaai. A ROOM cottars, 813: aave rent ta carfare; six owrxa. Bll eeveotn ex. - - $1S MODERN nouss Bewfy Snlshed, Sixth ssd isrataers.- rnone main eoe. . VERY deeirable, centrally located, f -room nouss tor rent, inquire aza Aoingtoa ouig. FOR RENT At once er by October 1, 8-roonj hoose, modem riirnsee. gas. electric lights, blinds snd f llturee. with hones nicely lo cated; gaa stove, lino loom, cook stove and wlnter'a wood for sale. Apply 820 Sellwood St.. eorner Rodney ave. ' SEVEN-BOOM hones 80S Second at. I flve-roma cottage 74) Front at. corner U rover. Inquire SUB Chamber ef Commerce. NEW 9 -room modern bowse with basement, raa; walking distance west aide; Boats. Room 403 Comemretal bldg. CORNER, new 4 -room 3-story bouse, modern Improvements, shades, eery attractive) adulte; 322. TOO are. Phone Woodlawa 420. HOUSE of S rooma, good location. Inquire 42S weventn ut. FOR RENT FLATS. THREE t-room furnished flats: teteriboeje and bath. SX4 Seventh. Phone Msin 4-VH. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI - TURK FOR SALE. BROOM bones for rent, furnltnre for ssle; strictly central and modern. Phone Pacific S17. HOt'tB tor rent, furniture for sale. 744 Lovvjoy et. Call at FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, BALL and bsnrooea. separate er Together; new and with all eonvenlencse. Phone Msla 8S. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Wood and coal buetneas) clears 310 dally. Apply, . 410 Eaat Morrleoa. Pboa East 404S. - FOR SALB or trade fnr real esfats, ranch counter reetsarant. Call' 844 Williams are. AN experienced ma a lady er gentlemen -Invest la hogratstng. In etoekralslng wishes with mean, that will O 48, rare Journal. HEBE'S a chance to get work In a essa bnalnees ss partner; will pay yen 84 a day; SdUO re quired. Call 246 Stark at... - . . ... BUSINESS CHANCES. BEST BARGAIN IN -NEHALEM ' - 84O.OU0 worth of property et SOe ea the dollar) centrally located oa the Nehalem rlvee, nt the mouth of eaat fork, where the - Bcappooee A tilllenoro rsll roads will form Junction; best tow net te snd best wstsrpowsr : sna muixits in ton wnoie reasismi n asm 60 fsst hiss can esellv be built st smsll SI Senas, producing 1,000 horsepower, and Dot nod ever ! scies ef land: ksy to ths railroad situation in the Nehalem. cell ea or write to B. B. Quick, St. H fleas, Oregoa, ror particulars. - Fcr Lease A celebrated hotel and readbonae at 1SS8 Macadam at.. 19 rooms ruraatbsa, for term of yesrs. Aoulr to owner. C. H. ' Plsgott,. at bis law of nee, room a, Mulkey Brag. . - . BEST offer tble week buys the only drug store Is gojsi valley town; everything ap to sate, good corner location; no rsssooabls offer re- - rueea. write or eeu tiragstore, atonni angel. . ursgoa. . . . PHENOMENAL rise la price of Harst Switch 1 expscted any day; this may be your last tpportuntty te bay before subscription books ere -cloeed. J. p. Uurst A Co., S0f aie- nir Drag. --... - FOR BALE Store and store building; a bust- Bees mat win neap two men posy. Aoa: owner, K ST, care Jouraal, - FOB BALE Old setsbUshsd oaf, faction ry. eignr ana truit store: 1 large living -rooms la cea- aectioa. un t irsr at. FOB SAI.B A 80-barrel arlst mill: water at Bait Ita value, j. a, b., 400 W aaaton St., v POsVSALB Oiotsry 'lumTTli la a growing an barb, end of health compels sue to sell; will sacrifice sil. chssp tor ossa.- r 11, car. journal. A BARGAIN Confectionery store and restaur ant and poolroom in connection, will eeu seen thaa oast ef fixtures; must be sold hi 10 asya. Address u eo, care Jearaai. 38 ACRES oa the Oregoa City earllne for 8100 per acre, can at luitt ?vira at. . . r - u TELEPHONE MAIN S188. -if yoa are looking for a rromlnx-honss go TBI GHOSHS KOOMINO-HOUSB AGENCY, . TS II. Sixth et, Portland. Oregoa.,. GOOD-PAYING ranch eoo star; a mint tor mas sua wire er two pertnere; must sen ea se- count er sickness at your awa -price, avya -nana Third et, . - - - BLOCK tn St. Johns, sloes fax, price 83,000. mu at ioih intra ex. INVESTMENT to ea barbs of Portland; fine business epnorrmttri will bear eloseet nves- ligation: 87. BOO required. - Tyson KlaesU, commercial Blk. . . . , . CREAMERY STORE Partner wsnted: SdM ra- 4 area, itiity secured; experience not aerssssry to juaks 412S a month. Call 248 Stark st. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION If yosj want to sou soar onsineee quick ror csen, sr u yen want a partaer. csu sssh BMrs at. CASH STORE Active nil without ntevtona vapavienos cue ansae aioo ciesr over su sx peoese every moatb; price $1,000. . Call S4SH ntsxa st. . , '. , CLBANINO and preeauig eetobUehaeeat for tale. aoaresa r 04, care joarnei. SALOON and rixrorea -fnr sals cbssp; eaaaa. Bwanesev- .il norta xnira at. 81.700 3-3 INTEREST la manufsctartng buai- aws -m rwiMH, 81.000 bnye flrat-claas hotel ta good, live CKmnrry town, nettmg sioti per moots. THOMPSON A GAGE. SoT Sherlock bldg. GROCERY aad bakery with Uvlng rooms. 47 SO: stoca, evens ana fixtures worm atsjo; receipts 320 ber day; must sell, owner sick; price i,ew, . cau zea axsaison st. COBNER lot. S-rooa hoaae, bsarmest, saodern am .'wj , v w wwiira v cur.a.iii owaar needs ready money; price 82,400; half easa. vau au jaaaiaon. FOR baalneaa eornera and apeealattag property. eau at xex asanma at. , GOOD-PAYINO gTorrry basins aa on mala street, to heart of dly, tor Bale reaaoaahle, care Joumsl, P ta. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SALE Small bouae sad half s let. ' Is quire S2S WUUs ma ave.. Upper AiMna., 4O0 2-roora souse, fall lot, fenced, on Mt Soott enrllae; terms. Call 107 Third St. tiki a an-mtnats - ride- on tbe - O. W. - P. . snd aee F root's new sere tracts at Stanlsy; S800 aad eWo per acre. - r- AT A BACBrrtCB, by owner, S-coob bouse oa , the esst elds; owner leaving the city. Call SSS Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Corner lot 40x100, SKth and BaV say, esst side, inquire owner, B41 eaat nut. , aorta, eat, weiuier. I HAVB 14 S-ecre rrscts eoo Bile weet ef . Clackamas station Jost platted; there Is water plpsd to each tract from a urge, spring, ea Inch tip for each s acres under 40-foet pr . sure; price from 4300 to 81.000 per tract) will sell ea essy terms er exchange for Port land property. . O SS. care Jonrnsl. - NEW bouse for eale, lately built. Owner, ears Journal. Address A SPAN OP BLOODED HOBSBS 4 aad 8 years old, broke doable end single, bright bay geldings, excellent pedigree, ftaoO. J, E. Hoa- . mer, 72T Ualoa are., N. East 4100. . $2.7M 8-R00M modem new bouse, t lots, fruit and flownrs; in Highland. Call at 107 Sd at. 11, 100 s-ROOM new - bouse, modern -traces. 1.19 Exeter St., Portsmouth. FOR SALB New modern up-to-date A rooaa en. .lege oa Masoa at. and Yaneeaver ave. v Sec owns, si ew mmwuj FINB LOT en Eaat Gllaan, oa earllne, $800; part casn. aoaresn - a iw, snre journal. t HAVB S scree of fine land, easy to clear, one mile sonth of Cedsrvllle station oa tbe O. W. . P. eleetrle Doe; price 378 per acre) very eaay - terms, x eo, care e-ournu. - 1 - - INVERT In ton; 100 In the right place Very cheap. Bee J. 35. Has msr, ST Uotoa ave.. N. East SIOO. - , , GO and look at that sew 8-teoa bonns, earner 81st and Msla sts., aad thea phone me for price; key over front door. Phone Shay, 8 to 10 a. B. Mala 8384. . , $278 FOB 80x120 lot. S2d .Ba fow.n st.., one block to car; city. 'water aad gas. Phoos owner, Main aiov; aa fritters. . Choice 4 fW) acres of choice timber leads ' and several hundred scree ef coal lasdsj a Wo akock ranches and saal) tracts la tbe Coea bay country. . 1 . ' WILEY ALLEN A CO.. ' ' BOUSES built en Installmenra. bire If desired. - 813 Commercial bldg.. Msin 1040. F1VB acres near earllne an the Foeter mad, nnlmproved,. $118 per acre, Call at 107 ft Third et, $1.M0 GOOD S-mom bones, brick end cement nseement. on assx wssningtoa nt. - Call at K17 14 Third at. CHEAP A choice lot Is Holladay Park addi tion, rnone -cast sons. 31. fl 50 S-ROOM new plaatered . hoaae, cement naaement; nous union eve. , cau at 107V4 Third at. FOR SALB OR XXCHAXllE Ranch 80 acres, In miles rrom lortiano, ana ba lanes cash; wsnt a -room modern hone with 3 lets. Ad dress M .87, cars Jonrnsl. TWO fine lots ea Esst Portlsad Heights, ne- tweea isiviaNaB ana t-lintna sts., on aist, tano esch. oa term.; theee are the rheapest ts hi Esst Portlsad, locallos txaeideisd. 0 84, care JonrnaJ , ... . ' . . ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' Here Are a Few cf Wiley Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains OS aeree Fslr 4-room bouse, 3 scree ef good orchard, IS acrsa andsr cultivation, 8 acres of good timber, nssr earllne aad ' ea good reed; only $08 pee ecrs. - Bsvsrsi Sne pieces of besverdao. land ea -Jobnsoa creek, nssr ietauj Brat glass fog gardea nwpoaaa. Also H sod acre tracts with rssldenoss) -, housss to rest, furnished and afaralshsd, st ressoasbla rants. 4 4 acre tracts, all Improved " with buildings, S Blantss'awslk from Softool snd . ear station. Be fares to any part ad Port, land, and tha cheapest feta ea the Mount Soott line. ... Wiley Allen & Co, , ' LENTaV OREGON. . A NsTW T-room honaa, yset fhrMasd, aad 90-fast . lot, an Weet ave., nssr Hawthorne are.. Bull Rua water, beentlful view; prise 83.600; terms. A. a). Jsckson, loaea 8, H .all tod bldg. Phono Mala 163, ammuvm $1.600 S ACBE8 near 0."W. . earllne. A ciearea; good e-room aons. bam. ehlcksn. -boose, young fruit tree. This Is aa elegaat ror toe price., cau at 107 Third at, C NEW 4-room raodsrn boasas aad S-roem Bed era house, by owner; small pay meats dowa. balaace anoothly. Phone EsslSTA - - 4-R00M sous, fyaceinoal lot. faaeedi $800 aseh. oamnsn mnxs. jsoaat aoag aara. , 10T Bast 44th st. - FIVE fine resldenos lots, sees Union ave, ea vemoriage .( usee ure ssve a aorta front and are about t feet higher thea the etrsvt fr;dsi 'y woo pe tot, ooxioo. can at : 10TH Third at. . , ' - . . , . . ; Send One Dollar Aad we will Met your ptuvotty with LOOS real eetote deal are who are as anxioaa to earn a commies loo ae yoa are to Ball; ear plsn wwb latMt, swna ocscripfKini we sre aeiping many ethers, why not you? Address Tbe la. veetor'a Gaidn, 811 MarqusB hldg Portlsad. Oregon. t:00 Hcaes FcrSale e - Parma and City Property. THB INVESTORS GL'iDB CO til Uarqasa bldg Portlaad. Oregon. PAXON PARK-. - ' is sow en the aaarftdtt lots at saresge prices, according to Improvements. Lota Box W0 alio, siso, ' $1H0 - -- ' Lots lOOxlBea $224, $290, $27$. ' Lota lOOxivO 4o0. $000, $004) Thaas lota are ssoatly la cnltivntloa, level and nightly, ea a good graded street, close to send 10-reoa school, at Lents; Se fare to any part of Portland; water free: term. O.fR. ADDIT0N. OWNER, Tahe Mount Scott car. Ba. Lenta, fegoa. S LOTS oa East SSth St.. $1,800. Y 80, JonrnsL QUARTER block near ear. nail aad aara, 4000; tersas. . SIB blk. SU. ACRES near car: 'Well. rruit, enrnbe; fine proposition dsITilk. , 11 Com A . SNAP A modern T-room hense, four kits. barn, mundry end fruit foe a Is cheep; four blocks weet, one block north, Treaont sts- Uon., J. F. Huggtne. . $ao f. 10 CABH. $10 month, for 4-raoa bouse; ' tot voOxlOO.. Phone Tabor 38S. "1. - t 44,000 Nrw B-roem heaee. fnU eorrter lot, et ironr, run csToeni easement, e closets, oath, pastry, gaa and eleetrle lights, furnace; a oeentirui notns; Moiiaaay aodtnon; Thompson A Gage, 447 Sherlock bldg. $3.600 HIGH snd sightly ftOxiTT feet,- W1I-" awnirtisj nPiRnia. $000srier WtalOO. frisd ettw ef cityreaT "tYioMPSON A GAGE. $6T Sherlock bldg. $$.36 BUYS a elce S roomed hones tn good re. P"'r, aw aamuan, grenoo ivwuuu, niosir ; Improved. - - -. . . - $3,100 bays S sew S-roem hoose naodern Is every respect; two tots 80x125 feet eech. , $4,800 buys A room cottage, ground 100x124 feet. , Yea most see tble piece if- -yue west one ef tbe beet little homes In the city. ,,.- TURNEW a walker, -Bona 4. ,803 Waahugtoa at. ' f NEW 4-rooas plastered house, lot 40x100, tar. oKarse rrwm car, .no ear.. Balance - 310 par month. V 38. aara Jonrnsl. US-ROOM lodging hooss en I Oth at., cheap rent. waavrw fun nHaaiu. New Aroom houss eorner lot StntlOO a 14-toot alley v- near tvto eerllnee. 7 MUX UUMMSKUIALi BUL ' 8EVBBAL good homestead rsltrKTslshSMata fosT ssrs, ciose to raiiroea. in, Morrleoa at. . .GET BUSY 40x100 . oa Northrop, near SAd, m ao anon; nnrry. uwasr, as vales bis. I- Sellwood Morehouse A French. ISTO B. Mth. . - Pbene Sellwood TA J ' Cttv Flew Park lots. 4S7S and am- bVbss Addition lota. 3100 and op; 4ft down and $4 4 month. Home from $000 to $5,000. Lota $800 and up. In sll parte of Sellwood. List pent nroperty wits aa; wa wui eeu rt. $8.180 S BOOMS, new, avodern; part saah. cau aaa cast M.aisoa at. . . - - DON'T forget tba place Ths New Bra Paint A varniaa Co., now at lis rim, set. ue riaon aad XsmbllL v BUY A home before botmlektng Is aver aad ths rain Begins to xsu; aa.oai pnva a fine new, modern 7 -room honaa with full lot In exesl. rent location 1 terms. J. B. Hoamsr, T2T Ualoa are., N. East S10O. - ABB yoa looking for a home or aa investment I uoea real estate as este. we aavs seme taax Is good. Bsfore yea bay aea what wa havs to offer. ' M. B. raOVPBON, Sa MlsalssipVI ave. Phone Woadlawa tot. P0B 8 ALB Improved snd unimproved fsrM, wneet sna stoca raacnee, limner asnan aaa sawmills, ,-elty snd -snnuroan suburbsa property; sx Torner A walker, toodi chsnses a .penalty. a, 4u8Vs e. aahhjgton at. BUT a lot on the esst side; 4-mlnnte ear serv. Ice, , with n walking niataeosl aaa sense, going np; pjlcee trea $600 to $860 1 terms If desired. ' ' - M. . THOMPSON, J ' - 848 Mleslsaltinl ave. Phoaa Woadlawa tni, er besnch ef dee oa the ground. Twenty, seeond aad Morrison. Open dally t a, m. to 13 to. Mount Tabs aad Saaeyslde aara, , - Wa win eeD yoa S acres for tba price at ! a single lot. Do yoa realise what It asana to your family to rales svsrythlaa the aisrket offers oa your est ground I For the weet aide ooale a 844 Sterk aC Eaay terma. OWNER ef a handsome home la Irvtagtoa, S I rooms ana bstli, will sen rsnsonnom 11 enia tills wsss: groanes luvxiov: rwnasnv suiter, fnrnecet fine Iocs t km: wall built 1 every ooa- , venleoce. Address M SS, -cars Journal. . WR-RENT 1 new pianos at a flat Price pat month; Victor taiaing mamma sou rvooros. Allen A Ollliert Co.. Sixth snd Morrleoa. EST 6 sees trseta offered for 3200 sere and ap; Ju.t beyond rnirno -persi goo soil, charming situation! spring water, macadam road; survey sf traction Una now building runs through place. B. B. COOK cu., asi Aider st. At Rlvervllls. oe eerllne. ovetinoklng rrvse and charming lasdecape; very deeirable home plscsi 8100 down, 410 month. COOK A CO., 2T.1 Alder St. 0. a. FOR 'SALB OR EXCHANGE S fine Iota at , . a, fniii .iu . . . - l,innn.wa, . 1 ' -' 1 V -" rnmB ror Bale. np-to-dat. $8.2V): t acrsa lead, I rown bona! fruits, ste.i IHfiO. Bes Our Albsny list of barsalns. Ea.t Portland Real Bat.t r? . fhoaa 487$, 4v4 East Marrlasa. r , '-"1 (