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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
c..;.;cc;:i daily jou:::.rAL. ronTLAiiD, tul:day i:vx::ii;o, clptemlei 11, ic;x SPOnTIIIG GOSSIP OF THE DAY How tha New York Sports View ' Joe Cant In All His Glory. COLORED MAN MAY BOX V WELTERWEIGHTS NOW Mirrln Hart and Mike Schrtck WU1 Matt In Grand Rapida Thla Week Princeton Football Men Anxious to "Assist in CarTyinj .Out ReJonns, - !.',".. . Br. Manhattan. . . ' ; flseeUl Carteesoadea 1 1 n hvuVI , , Maw York. Sept. (.I am not ana of ..; .. tha "I-told-you-aoa" In tha matter at tha Gana-Nelson fight It looked to ma aa thouh the Pane waa under all the clr . oumstanees the batter min, but that opinion la no lonaer tenable. Tha Baltl ' mora negro la a wonder. According- to all tha reporte he eonduoted himself aa -a thoroughbred aport and damonatrated beyond a doubt that ha la tha beat man of hie weight tha world over. Bar that foul, and I can hardly ballere It waa Intentional, the lltUe Boreerk baa noth- Talte Advantage of Our Special OHer This Wccli This week we will make a dark JjIUe, fal weight Washington Navy Serge ; to your measure' for " 1152 You cannot duplicate this ' fabric in Portland for less than $40.00. We wfll be -- glad to give you a sample - of the V cloth, A Take- it 1 around with you to other tailoring :T establishments' and see for yourselfe . We Press Your ClolhesFree For One Year This week we will make an Unfinished Worsted ' either black or dark blue, to your measure for ' v The same fabric positively ' cannot be bought In Port land for less than" $30)0 to $60.00. Test these prices for yourself. We wl give you a sample' for the ask- tog. -;:- X Your, choice of a Mohair, serge, llnftfc' or mn Im ported Venetian wiotn in our "This Week's Spe- caU;'.;."-;':Hs,. . .ELKS BUILDING. .; Corner Seventh and Stark t .... Ing to te ashamed of, and la undoubted ly tha n-xt best. According to the present talk there la a chance they will get together again. But talk tha Brit few daya after a tight rarely amounta to much.. A careful atudy of the atory of tha lighting makes Nelson about a ten-to-one chance In the next fight. If they aheuld get together again. Oana will probably go Into the wel terweight claaa for hie fights.. There era vary likely a number '6 f llghtwetghta who would be glad to fight the negro now, but It would be simply for the loaer'a end of the puree. ,- Mow Oana ataada. ' v; Oana atanda to tha lightweights as Jeffries to tha heavlea, and It would be hard to act up much Interest in a bat tie between him and any other little fellow. . . fight which would draw would be one between Oana and Jack O'Brien or Tommy Burns. Oana would be giving away lota of weight to either of these artists, but after tha wonderful allow ing of the Baltimore fighter at 11 pounds. It la no aura thing that at 140 he would not have an even show with the member from Philadelphia. .. The matter la worth the attention of fight promoters. ' ,- .':.-.' Marvin Hart ha a coma to life again. He haa bean matched to fight Mike Bchreck at Grand Rapida next week. Hart la a curiosity In tha fighting Una. He haa fought battles which are pretty cloee to championship , form . and then haa fought like a fourth siaea amatonn At hla beat ha la dangeroua for any of them except Jeffrlee. At hla worat there la none ao poor aa cannot make .of him a chopping; block, The Football Game. Tha famous Corlnthlana of Rngland have been with a and exemplified the beeutlee of association football. .'- And It la a pretty came, requiring skill, agility and judgment It ahould be and doubt laaa will be more popular with ua, .put that It will aver supersede the American article of football I very greatly doubt. It doea not appeal to tha American lover of tha atrenuoua aa doea the American college game. - Speaking? of 1hs American game, iris worth v of not that Princeton has taken Ian Important atep In the line of reYorm. um u& in new ruiea aicr inn i qu player having projecting nalla will be permitted to play In a match. . Princeton la beginning to realise that the 'new rulee may help her overcome the handicap of a shortage of material for the football team. All Warsaw has for a number of yeare past had to de pend more upon agility than beef for ner griairon victories, ana ma coming aeaeon will .be no exception, according to the present outlook.- Under tha 'new rulee tha team that haa poeeeaslon of the ball ia compelled to gain tan yams. Instead of five. In four downs. Thla meana that a majority of the gains must be made by end rung and not by maaa play a. where weight counts. The Tigera are atrong at this work and will be able to give any of tha big taama all they can atand at these tac tics. : - ; Swimming Cbaasjrtonahlpe- 'There will be an exodus of swim mere from tha eaat next weak to St. Loula, when the national swimming championships are to be conducted on Sentember It. 14 and 18. -A new order of thin as Is to be Insti tuted thla year In the decision' of the championships, aa the contestant will be divided Into three ; claaaea-r-aenlot iniermoauia ana junior. imi wuvyk' tlon la expected to produce closer con teata and more attiring finishes in tha varlona raoea and also add lntereat to the races among tha swlmmera who have not yet graduated from' the "alow" divialon.-Heretofore such fast perform era aa Danlela .and Ooodwln of the N, Y. A. U Marquand Schwarta of the Miasourl A. and Harty, tha Chicago crack, have been able to grab up many of the trophlea In hollow style. : -a. I am frank to- sonfeaa disappointment la tha Greek athletic Geergantaa, who haa been giving axhlbltlona In dlacua thro win a and doing aoma poalng. In aooaaranoa the Greek la an ideal ath lata bat when It cornea to performing- he la not In It with the athletlo cope. Sheridan and Flanagan. - OTED-FLY- CASTER PODTUD Walter D. Mansfield of San Fran Cisco Stops Over a Day " to Visit Friends. ENDEAVORS TO INTEREST LOCAL FLY CASTERS 7 Pays High Compliment to the Local Country and Giveg Reasons Why Portland Should Have Organized Club Local Anglers Entertain. Walter p.- Mansfield of San Fran clsco, champion fly caater of tha world. la spending the day In Portland, In an endeavor ' to "create an lntereat In fly casting in this city. Mr. Mansfield a prominent attorney of the Bay City, and la on hla way back from Seattle, where he appeared In several cases before the Washington court a. He la the gueat of X N. Teal, and dur ing the ,' day met a ' number of - local devoteea of the fly-caatlng aport.. Mr. Manafleld la vary anxioua - to ai fly-caatlng club organised - in Portland. Ha waa one of the organlsera of the Ban Francisco club In 1891, and haa been one. of the leading aplrlte In- all movements toward elevating fishing and tha protection of fish. . .. ... Oregon Ideal for Angling. "I cannot aee why Portland haa not got one ofc tha beat fly-caatlng cluba in the country," eald Mr. Mansfield thla morning. In talking about hla favorite YESTERDAY'S RACING AT DOUGLAS AND SHEEPSHPAD ' (lesnal iDeeial Betiieej Loulevllle, Ky.. SepL 1L Douglaa Park race aummaryt Five fa rlongs Bon Vlvant won, Prln- Marie aeeond, . Senator .Warner third; time, l:0tt-l. Seven furlonga Scotch Dane won. Dora's Settee eeoond, Paclf lo third; time, 1:41 . . Handicap, alx furlonga Platoon won, Hannibal Bey aeeond, Lady Esther third: time 1:11 Five and a half runonge Beautirui Mayo won,- Slater Huffman second. Plausible third; time, 1:01 1-i K. Seven furlonga J. P. Mayberry won. Angletg, aeeond, 1. W. O'Nell third; time. 1:11 . -.( Mile and aa eighth Athena won.' Moo eaaln Maid aeeond, Mae Lynch third; time, !:. - -: v : ' At' neeyaneaa Bay.. Lr: , f Jeomal Boeclal BrTl.) New York, SepX 11, Bheepshead Bay race results: , -. ' ; Five furlonga, futurity course Joe Miller won. Senator Clay aeeond. Com mon Sue third; time, 1:01, - Six and a half furlonga, main course Robin Hood won, Flshhawk aeeond. Stieka way. third; time, 1:15 H. --. . ! The sappnire ataaaa, rive ana a nair furlonga, futurity course W, H. Daniel won, . Paumonok eecond, . Main Chance third; time. 1:01 !-. . The Ocean handicap, mile Tiptoe won, Neva Lee seeoad. Proper third; time. 1:! t-t. . Five nrlonga, futurity course wi- terbury won, Cltrona aeeond, Angelone third; , time, 1:09 -. . - v Mile and three Quartern on turf La Caatrtan won. Ebony aeeond. Sir Ralph third; time, :00 !-.. ' :; , . . ON GRAND CIRCUIT' AT SYRACUSE TRACK - . --. I -J : 1 ' Jearaal Bperisl Service.) ' Syracuse, N. BepC 11. The grand circuit apened hare yesterday. Results: l:M trot, three In five, puree tl.ioo Jessie Benyon won three straight heata ana tne race la i:is4. :il. 111. 1 Onondaga aUkea, 1:11 pace, three in five, ' purae 11,000 Ardeila won three straight heata and the race in l:0tt, :0. 1:0I4. 1:20 trotting, two In three, for 4-year- olds, puree 11,100 Daffodil won tha seennd and third haata and the race in 1:11V4. 1:111. , The Abbe won the first heat In 1:14V. KELLY AND BURKE TO . BATTLE THI$ EVENING . ..." Boston, Maaa., Sept 11. A 15 -round boat between Hugo Kelly and Sailor Burke la the scheduled attraction ar ranged by the Lincoln club of Chelaea for ita patrons tonight A lively con teat ia anticipated, as both Kelly and Burka have" recently ahowif Up well. Kelly distinguished himself two weeks ago by knocking out Tony Caponl, while Burke atlll reata on hla reputation ao- quired by knocking out Jo Urltn ' Aa tha . baaeball aeaeon la rapidly drawing to a closo, guess aa to the probable pennant winners will not be apart. -Tur- -country hare la Ideal for I amlaav Hero -yon-arat-r-PaeiBe Coast the sportsman. Tour atreams are full of flah, and I understand that Portland boaata of many clever anglers. In Call fornla. our club' numbera 100, and haa been the- meana of getting special legta latlon for tha protection of the fish from tha unsportsmanlike fallow. There a fisherman cannot catch mora than 60 In a day. - Our club membera take general lntereat la the aport, and lend their aaalatanee toward tha enforcement of the laws. A similar organization In Portland would do much good. It would be the cause of bringing together the men who love to fish for the sake of the good aport It affords. The fly casters are aplendld v aportsnyen. Fly beating vvara .ine aamei riisuun to angling as trap ehootlng doea to gunning, although tha contest work at tha eaatlng platform la more practical to the angler than work over the trapa to the hunter. mm antlnl Volnta la Sly Oaattng-. "The three essential polnta In fly casting are distance, aocnraoy and dell eacy, and a novice can easily acquire I good knowledge of trbe work In one ae eon.'' Mr. Manalleld talked with, Mr. Gab- hardt, Mr. -Wnltera and several other enthusiastic fly' casters, and tha chances era that thla will result In a movement toward the organisation of a - club In Portland. ; Mr, Manafleld la an expert with the rod. At the international - tournament In San Franoiaco In 1001 ha won first prise by easting 114 feet In an exhibi tion eonteat tha earns year ha eaat 144 feat - What Mr. Manafleld considers hla greatest feat waa tha eaatlng of a fly with a nve-ounee roa, ill feet Mr. Manafleld can talk Ashing every day In tha weak and twice on Sunday to all comers. Besides being an expert angler, ha la an enthnelaatio patron of au outdoor sport He will. leav thla evening lor nan aranciaoq. WHAt THE WOLVERINES THINK OF NEW RULES (Joarnsl BpecUl Berries.) Ann Arbor, Sept 11. Ae a result of the laboratory teat of the 10T brand of football.. In ' progresa at Ann Arbor, In which Coach Toat himself, Dan Mo- Gugln, Willie Heaton. "King" Cola, Longman, Curtis and a number of the other leading light a of tha University of Michigan football, paat and present nave taxen part, coach Tost expressed nimaeii aa louowa: - "The football of 1100 will be a pretty game to watch and a fascinating one in possibilities from - the playing atand' point - To my mind, the rushing atyle of game, alternated with the new one- side kick., will prevail. The forward paaa will be a great aid to auch plays winganirta beck of the line, hut. when used paat tha Una of scrlmmare. will be a mankiller. , The man receiv ing tha paaa will be In poor position to protect, himself, aa ha will be compelled to look over tola shoulder to watoh tha ball and will be a aura and unprotected mark for tha tackier.". Tost announcea that hla enda will be big, heevy men. and that one of them will be Curtla, hla atar tackle in paat yeare, a man who weighs over 100 pounds. This will en able him to pull Curtla back for Inter ference which would be practically Im possible were the player. In any other position. . On plays where a faat man ia needed . Curtis . will be switched to halfback. ' ' - -. AMERICAN LEAGUE. 1 " .' ' .' '"-' Wort. New Toric .-. .....7 Chicago . . ....... ..W7t . Philadelphia...... ft Cleveland . . .. St Louie . S Detroit : . ...... ST Washington , . 40 Boston . ; .,. ....II ' , .. .... . At Caioago. . ; Lost 41 .. 80 J i. 60 (4 - 40 ,41 j 71 81 ' ' PC. .410 .. .403 : .551 .557 .110 .440 .110 .111 R.H. E. ..1 1 1 .10 I Chicago . . ijeiron . . . .............. . s w a Batteries waian ana Towns: Dona hue and Schmidt. ; , .. At FhlUdelpbia. R.H. E. hi it i Waahlnaton Philadelphia ., I t ' Batteries Falkanberg and Warner; Coombs and Powera. , . FASI H.'.GlC M , STATE mi IT the Oregon Trained Horses Make Fine Showing at Salem's Annua.! Affair. .... r (Special DUpstck to Tbe Jooreil.) Balera State Fair, Sept 11. The raoea yesterday wera tha beat ever aeen at Lone Oak track. One occurrence yea' terday caused tha Oregon people to oon gratulate themselves, Knick Knack and Lovelace tha horses that did best on the track, wera trained on the Salem track and have not been away, from It , Tbe reaults: .,. . t The first race waa the Oregon atake of 1400 for 1-year-old trotters; beat two In three heata. There were only four atartera . aav. followa: Violin, Haatua, Hops and Shamrock. -Raatu won the first heat In 1:11, Shamroak won tha eeoond In 1 :11ft and tha third and the race in 1:40. Th 1:15 pace was best two out of three for a purse of 11,000. Lord Love. lac won tha first heat In 1:11ft and tha second and the race with Knlck Knack aeeond and Mandolin :: third. Bwlftwater Bill and Dr. J. . were en tered. The time for the taat heat was 1:11. xankee Jim won- the half-mile run ning race In 0:4S. with Pimkln eeo ond. Thla la the best time ever 'made on tha Lono Oak track. , -... Merry-Qo-Round won tha one-mile running In 1:41, making thla one of the prettiest races of the dav . The last wag the slx-f urlong running raea tor il&u. Tltua II won In 1:13, which la another new record tor the IX) ne oak track, , SPORTING CHAFF league. Portland; National. Chicago American, Mew York j- Kaatern, Buffalo: American association, Columbua; West ern league, Dea Moines; Southern league, uirnungnam, ; At srew Torh., ' " 4 R.H. E. Beaton ... , i .4 41 New York . ......1 I I Batteries Winter and Carrigan; Orlf fltli, Hogg. Klelnow and Thomaa OPENING FOR BUSINESS - We have for rent a fine atore at Front anJ dlbbe, aultable for a branch bakery and confectionery, etc. Living rooms In rear; low rent ' Baa . GEVURTZ C& SONS 171-1 First St ' Tom Fisher, former Boetonlan pitcher. created a SoufBern league reoord and believed to be a. world'a reoord for strlke-outs last week .u by pitching bnreveport to victory over Montgomery In - a hitlesa, runleaa fashion. Fisher struck out 14. Not a man reached first base owing to Fisher's perfect control and the flawlesa fielding of hla aupport- era. . .... . .:..... -The Journal clcka Oana to win from Nelaon In or about tha forty-second round. . Should the light go more than 40 roanda It will not end by a knockout" The foregoing Item wag Intended for publication on September 1, but It waa accidentally mislaid, and waa not found until thla morning. , ? . . ... ' - e . '.' , If afl the battera In the National and American lea rues were combined 1n one battery, and if thla batter, at one atroka, hit tha ball aa far aa all the batters In both leagues- hit It during the season, ha would drive tha ball 1,834 mllea. 011 yarda,-or .far enough to drive the ball from tha home plate to Selma, Alabama, or to Tuna, Ariaona. If Rube Waddell'a thumb ' will only mend Philadelphia don't care how many bankere ateal tha church runda WelL - anvwer. Jimmy Colllna won't spend all winter telling how ha won he pennant r-r' ' ' - '. " One footbal rale that will eliminate considerable kicking thla year la the elauae forbidding; - tacklee to push In their opponenta eyea Thla restriction will be bard on the Sound men, aa they are known to. be . great klckera Pratt and McMillan take-notice. - - Brick" Devareaux of Oakland - aaya that the beat thing for a baaeball player Ja plenty of fresh air. Judging from tha position of tha Oakland team In the pennant race, we are led to believe that Brick" la correct. a a ,' : ,- The Seala and Olanta .will hook up at Recreation Park thla week, beginning today. If tbe Seala play up to their reputation wa ought to have a lair ar ticle of bait ; a a . . , It la to be hoped that Gum, Callff and Henderson do not break down from the amount of work that they have been do ing In the box. A trio of harder-work Ing pitcbere cannot be found. In the league. - - ,: Here la one of Eddie Oraneya lateat at the expense of Tim McOrath: "One night a sporting man at Goldfleld gave banquet to the San Francisco contin gent Among others, Tim waa Invited. Tou know Tim'a quaint atyle. When he entered the featal hall he waa graeted grandly and whan Tim began: 'I want to fell you a little atory about Tom Sharkey It waa the signal for an eut- burat of applause. Well. Tim started: went to a little baok restaurant in New Tork with Sharkey,' eald Tim. The plaoe was famoua for ita lobsters; Tom ordered one. The waiter brought Tom a lobster that had one of ita elawa off. "Wat'e the matter wld dat lad's futT" .asked Tom. "Oh, Oul, monaleur. Ze grandO lobatar he fights when he Is In de sack, and dla grande lobster loat foot .In aa one great battle mon aleur.' "Well, be Jabera, dat'a all right," aaya Tom, "but bring ma on the winner ." 1 , LIEUTENANT DILLON :Y; T 'WINS AT SEAGIRT 1 (Josrasl gpecle! gervlee.) Seagirt N. A . Sept. 11. Lieutenant Theodore Dillon of the United Btatee engineer corpa, I won tha first prise In tha national individual match yeeteraay. The scores were: First Lieutenant Theodore H. Dillon. hlted Statea engineering corps, til. . , Second, Lieutenant Mumma, : Second United Btatee cavalry. 104. . Third, Private Brasa. Montana, lei. : Fourth,' Captain Cavanaugh, United Statea I eavalry, 101. Fifth. Corporal Jackaon, Oregon, 111. ' Sixth. Sergeant Ogtatlnt Porto Rico Infantry. ! Seventh,. CapUIn Lyman, United Statea marine corpa, H. " - Eighth., Sergeant Corbett, New Tork, 111. - Ninth, Lieutenant Bllveater, New tork. 19(. - .' . Tenth, Captain Tewea, New Jersey, t4. ' ' Eleventh, Sergeant - Scott, United Btatee marine corpa, ll. Twelfth, Sergeant Hereon, Montana, m VJ1LL DISCUSS TAX COLLECTING Oregon Sheriffs to Assemble In Salem This Week for Their ' Annual Session. :V : ED RAND CHAMPION OF : " NEW COLLECTION LAWS Baker Officer Believea That Present System" Has Proved j Inefficient and Will Advocate Some Reform ." Legislation. i; ;;T':- "'7 ' - (Special Dlspateh to The Joveal.) ' Salem. Sept 11. The annual meeting of tha sheriffs of Oregon' will be held In the Marlon county eourthouae Thurs day and Friday of thla week. - The Ore gon aheriffa have a regular organisation and hold meetings every year., Sheriff MoClellan of Douglaa county la presi dent and Sheriff Corrigan of Tamhlll aa aecretary. There la no program mapped out and anything that will better the condition and Increase the efficiency of the sheriffs will be discussed. It la understood that Ed Band, the Democratic aherif f of Baker oounty, will start a movement to have the collection lawa altered ao that tha aherlff will not be ex officio tax collector. It la argued that the aherlff haa no buainaaa to be tax collector except In delinquent cases and that the sheriff cannot be In hie of floe a great deal of hla time and that tha collection of taxeav handling the money and keeping the books must of necessity be turned over to deputlaa and thai ia- savral -Oregon ao u n ties-1 h l h aa proven disastrous. MRS. MARIE PEPI0T r DIES AT LEABURQ " ' " (Special Dlspttch to The Journal. ) Eugene, Or., Sept 11. Mrs. Marie Peplot a Lane eounty pioneer, died at her home at Leaburg. In tha McKenale valley, yesterday at tha age of 11 yeara. She waa the wife of Regia Peplot. who died, several yeara ago and-who for yeara kept . a atopplng plaoe at Gate creek, on tha road to . tha upper Mo Kenxla Bummerreeortg.::s- Mrs. Peplot died of old age.- She was tha mother of 10 children, eight of whom are living. They are aa followa: Amla 'Peplot of eWalla Walla. Wash ington: Mrs. Mary Tbompaon of Pendle ton. J. J. Peplot of Leaburg, Mre. Annie O'Brien of Leaburg, Fred Peplot of Lake Creek, Frank Peplot of Vide, Mra. Cells Powara of Coburg, and Mra. Katharine Allen of eastern Oregon.. - . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ;.: "..'7 '.Tee fo Oakland. TSrT' . (Journal Special gules, ) Oakland, CaL, Sept 11. The locale captured two gamee from the Tlgere yesterday. Scores: ' Mornlne game Ti H Fresno 06011400 0 t a i Oakland ...... 0 0 010000 11 I I Batterlee Fttsgarald -and Hogan; Hopklna and Bliss. -Afternoon srame- ' . n tr m Fresno . , ....0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 I II 1 Oakland 1 1 0 1 0 1 I 17 14 .1 ciaiienea woitera, Daahwood and Sohlmpf; - South, Beid and - Haokett uppiro rernna. - Weleh t SEara. .." (Rneelsl Dl.patrh to The Josnwl.) " Seattle, Wash.. Sept 11. The locals took yesterday's game by hitting Welch hard in the fifth and sixth Inningst The aeore: . Seattle . . . . ., .00001401 I 11 Ban Francisco ..1400010 0--l 1 Batteries Vlckers and Rlankenahlnt Welch and Wilson. Umpire Derrick. NATIONAL LEAQUE. (r. FORTLfJW'S IlEYDEFARniEiif 1 c ENTIRE CORNER rflOU Sldali Unbleached Muslin at 7c the Ycrd THAT'S tha Wednesday special that Is going to attract every one In .Portland who knows a - bargain. Thousands of yards of It, ao you needn't be afraid that there won't be enough for you, and lt'a tha good substantial quality that every housewife swears by. We'd Ilka to tell you toe name or iv out mat wouia nrtng tha manufacturer about our eara But you'll be satisfied to know that lt'a a OOOD 14-Inch muslin, sold - regularly at llo tha yard, and though we limit you to IS yards, every one la Portland may buy that much weaneaoay at, tne yara ... :CrOXJ)KaT SAOII: CtOLDBJeT BAO: 7c Mena Underwear 43c ADS of a splendid ' grade of ribbed balbrlggan, and " the beet trimmed garment . for a modest price that yol'll find la the City, - Shirts silk front and drawera have double seat and silk finished. Come ; in- brown - only. Special for Wedneaday. - Women' Wrapper 89c THE8H are constructed In the ' best possible manner, from a 1 very blgh grade of faat . color percale, and they - are trimmed la a way " that la oeciaeaiy pleasing to the partlcn lar woman. 11.11 and 11.10 la the regular price, but Wedneaday.. only. , . :tOXJXV BAQUfc: :CHXdBSf BAO 89c $10 Women's Suits Thal Rival s Appear- since and ' Wear the Regular Twenty-five Dollar Grade, for Each A BXALLT marvelous value in Suite that la, of course, priced thla low only xor tne one daya eelllng. They are the very correct Jacket atyle Coet Butte, made of substantial and. attractive, materlala,. fancy: goods that-reflect the aeaaon'a beat taat In patterning; nicely trimmed and regit- iany woria to siv.vv, a ............... , 10.00 -QOUBaT BAOZ.i Children's Coats" AeALEVERLT made from all-wool fancy materlala, and made for looks aa a. well as wear and comfort Bmartly dressed will be tha little maid fortunate to secure one of these, and she'll ba dressed well at a email cost, too. Long Coata with belted back, trimmed with braid and but tone; : worth to 110.00 each, ; for $4.23 BODY IDENTIFIED BY FADED LETTER Remains of Deceased Prospector . Looated by Relatives More ; Than Year After Death. Chicago , , New York . Won. ..........too ...... 81 Plttaburg . . 10 ,. PhlladelDhia . IS Cincinnati . . IS Brooklyn . ,,, $1 Bt. Louie . 41 Boston.. ............ 41 Lost 11 46 . 47 TO TO 4 to : . II 0 PC .751 -.440 .110 .461 .410 .401 .147 .111 -"' At Boston. . .... it. w. m New Tork , ,4 , I I Boston ....r.....O 0 I Batterlee Wlltse and Rrnnih.m Dorner and Brown. Umpire Carpenter. : A Brooklyn. " ' - ' . Jt W. V. Philadelphia . . ...............I 14 1 urooaiyn . . ...10 1 eatteriea Lush and Dooln: Mclntvra. Faatoriua and Bergen. ' (SpeeJsl Dispatch e The Joereil.l Balem, Sept 1L Through the rem nants of a faded letter found on his dead body, tha Identity of James Tbor nnola of Alderman Lea Ache son of thla city, haa been made known. . The body of Mr. Thorburn. who waa a proepector; waa found on Loat creek, near Anaconda, Montana, September 4, and there waa nothing on hla body to Indicate who he waa except . a faded letter, moat of which waa faded and torn ao as not to ba read. The letter waa old, and was mailed at Jaaeavllle, Wisconsin, last year. Tha latter waa found te be written by .Mre, A. Aoheson of Taooma, the mother of Lee Acheaon of thin city. Enough of tha latter could be read to show that the writer had a son In business In Balem. The coroner at Anaeonda aent tha latter to the ehlat or police of thla city, and Mr. coruellue at once aaw that Lea Acheaon was thf person referred to In the letter. Mr. Acheaon at onoa telegraphed thie morning - to- the Anaconda- author! ttee and tha Identity' of the dead man has been established. -.- - r: -r v Judging from the appearance of the remains and from the data of a news paper In tha pockete of the clothea. It la believed that Mr. Thorburn died last August or September, a year ago. - IS ACCUSED OF STEALING BABE Centralia Man Wanted by Police to Answer Charge of Kid naping His Own Child. J NEW CORPORATIONS FILE THEIR ARTICLES (Spertal DlMstek to The Joarssl.) - Salem, Sept. 11. Artlclea of Incorpor ation ware filed today la tha office of the secretary of stata by the following companies: . O. K.' Logging company, Incorporated Under the lawe of Waahington. Oregon attorneys, K. P. Bhlelda. A. W. Clark. Bed Cross Hospital association of Portland. E. Mallory, F. M. Colwell. L M. Baale Incorporators;, capital stock, 11.000.' . ' ..x, Manhattan Packing company , of As toria, Minnie Falangoa, D. Falangoa and Harrison Allen. Incorporators; capital Stock. 111,000. : ..J. ... i (Special Dlspateh to Tk JearaaLI ' Chehalls.. Wash, Sept 11. Mr. Thall of Centralia. la being sought high and low by Sheriff TJrquhart and hie depu ties for kldnaplng. lt la alleged that a few daya ago Thall went home and beat hla wife. Separation . followed, the woman taking their 1-year-old child. Sunday Thall la aald to have atolen the child from the mother, and In company with another man started towarda Che halla in a rlg 'v,.- . When near tha town the rig broke down and Thall oama to town afoot. Word Was sent to tha authoritlee here to- arrest the man but ha auccaeded In secreting himself, and is believed to have made hla escape to the Columbia rlvar country during the night,' though all tralna ware watched. Portland's po lice department waa notified to keep watch for Thall and the child, - FARLEY'S MEN, SHOOT . INTO MOB OF CITIZENS -' , (leeraal Speelal lervlee.) San Francisco, Sept 11. The departure of Farley's strikebreakers from San Francisco last night was the occasion of a riot. The men wera attacked by a mob of union sympathisers who hurled bricks and abuse. The guarda and strikebreak ers became frightened and opened fire on the crowd, wounding half a doeen. . The mob was dispersed by the police and 10 of tha armed guarda placed under arrest. - ? -- fnasvlasT to Beats. ' ; Because her stomach waa ao weakened by useleaa drugging that aha could 'not eat Mrs. Mary H. Walters of St. Clair street Columbus, Cu wss literally starving- to death. She writes: - "My stom ach waa so weak from uaeless drugs that 1 could not eat and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I waa given-up to die waa I In duced to try Klectrlo Bitters, with the wonderful reaun max improvement te- rtan at once, and a complete cure fot owed.' Best health Tonlo on earth, loo. Guaranteed' by B. O. Skldmore Co., ' druggists.' - - " r i ... 1 . l ... J" A - Mala of Yearlings. ' (Joarnsl Speelal Brvk.) New Tork. Sept 11. Many prominent horsemen gathered this morning, at Sheepaheed Bay at - the opening of a two-daya' aale of tha F.lmendorf year Units of J. B. Haggln. About 100, com prising tha entire Elmendorf crop of yearling a,, will go undes tha hammer. .'. .. . 1 ' :') 1 ' . r Automatic bistantaneons Unlimited Individual Service Never Tires, Gossips. Visits or listens Rates Reasonable Xeeldeaoe "airl-lesa Central'' Adopted in 60 leading; cities In the Uaited States Here is what they ssyt PASTEURIZED DJDY. COMPANY ;'-;..'. ;f. 300 RUSSELL STREET V "; :: V"; " ':''V ' ' W ; ' Portland, Oregon, Aug, 20, 1906a. ; Home ; Telephone - Co . , . : City. : T:: ,- -v,-.----r: r Gentlemen: I take pleasure in reoommending the Automatic -Phone. Its system being so so simple, its service so excellent and the pleasure of not having a "Central" to make wrong oon neotlons, or no connections at all .appeal to any user of the. Automatio" at first sight, andhaving used it in Grand Rapid3, Miohe, where it is giving the best of satisfaotion, I predict ' Tfor Portland users a general satiaf action, . ' ' ( ; 'Yours truly, PASTEURIZED DAIRY CO. -, '; ...;..'.-;;, ' .. By J. A. KcKevitt, Pres. . 4 , Arrange to "Hitch your house to a Home" When th: Cclic lcr C .THE HOME TTLLTSPHOJME COMPANY, r