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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
fi:3 cni:uc:i daily jou;;::ai; roi-iTLTtf.D. Tuesday evi II. 0, LI. I 'XL. T.I 11, 1: 11 IIS i ilarriman Adds Three For Building Feeders in Southern Oregon . and. Northern California 'vV.'7; . A nitbw of extensions la southern Oregotf end northern California have t a decided upon by the Southern Pa rian. Through chief 'official tat San l-rancisco. It la announced,' Mr. Harrl maa haa set aaid an additional 11,006, ooo. nakf t total of ll.tot.tot for the projects. ,iv' "v. -.. v.- Moat of these extensions Will coo nect with the Shasta rout aa feeders and wUl open a lot of now territory for Portland and Baa Francisco-Jobbers and manufacturer, It la explained that tha monar appropriated art thla time la for "preliminary expeneea of Oregon rail road extensions." . Two of tha llnee will. It la said, penetrate northern California. The rontaa are aot definitely given-out U la aaid one of tha line will tra verse -Trinity county and . ultimately reach Eureka, -which already haa direct connection with San Francisco. -' SUPREf'E COURT CHILD, LABD3 LAW : Conviction of John F. Shorey Is ; Upheld by : Opinion of ; ? ; ' , justice Bean. ; v (Special Dtspateh t Tie Josrsal ) - Balenv Orr Sepfcl Tmr cbtraMaborj law waa sustained In the supreme court this morning In the suit of the state against John F. "Shorey, appealed from Multnomah county. 8hprey swaa con victed of working child labor In a laun dry. Justice Bean affirmed the decision of the Multnomah district Judge. -- Other decisions were: In the case of L. P. OulUaume tra. the K. 8. D. ,Frult Lend company, ault to enforce specif io performance of a eon- tract, which waa appealed ' from Mal heur county, the opinion of the lower court la reversed In an opinion by Jus tice Moore. w - . .., The case of A. Miranda ragln Ed Coulson. appealed from Harney county, waa affirmed by Justice Hsiley.-. i LAY CORNERSTONE OF PENDLETON CHURCH (Rperial Dispatch to Tke JoaraaL) Pendleton. Or., Sept. 11.- The corner atone of the new M. E. church In thla .city will be laid thla afternoon wtthj appropriate exercises at 4 o'clock. - Dr. John H. Coleman, president of Willam ette unlveralty at Balem. will deliver the principal address. Judge Stephen A. Lowell of thla city will deliver another addresa and sev eral ministers will apeak. A copper box will be placed In the atone, containing a Metbodlat hymnal, a Bible, a picture of Mr a. ranna corrman. The only living charter member of the Pendleton churcn organisation, a copy of the Pacific Christian Advocate and a copy of the Pendleton papers. The M. IS. church waa the first organised In this city. The new ehureh will coat KS.OO. CAPTAIN ACCUSED OF ABDUCTING CHILDREN ' .' '. fjoansl Special li ilm 1 " - Nome, Alaska, Sept. 11. Offloars of the revenue outter Thetis have brought to thla place Captain Newth, master of the steamer Harold Dollar, and Captain Bodflsh, master of the steam schooner Jeenette, the former charged with ab ducting native children for Immoral pur poses, and the latter accused of the mur der of Captain Cook. The Russian gunboat Shllk has ar rived hero with the Americas trader Greyhound In tow.- The Greyhound was captured on the Siberian coast on sua piolon of being engaged In -bartering whiskey to the natives. - . GRINDING CONTROL OF OIL TRUST DESCRIBED Me sal Ineclal arrtaa.l St Louis. Sept 11. The oil hearing was resumed this morning, H. Clay Pierce continuing his testimony tinder c roes-examination by Attorney-General Badley. t . " -. . v ;.. . Pierce told of the grinding control exercised by the Standard over his eotn- pany In Iff 04. The Waters-Pierce em ployes were Jet-out- and 'Standard men put In their plaoea by R. P. Tlnaley, whom the Standard aent to rua thlnaa. Pierce admitted that several dividends amounting to 100 per oent bad been de clared before reorganisation. , . ., , -Hadley finished the atate'a ease and gave the defendants until October II to reply. - - . ; ; . . CHILDREN SHIVERING i: WHILE FATHER DRINKS . Clpeelal Dtamtch to The Jearsal) Xa Grande, Or, Sept 11 John Evans of this city had a muscle of his tight arm aimoei aeverea as the result of a saloon quarrel last might. Evana-left his ehtldren shivering -In the oold out side while be spent several hours in drunkest revelry.. H. T, Pheppa, age II, an Idaho narserymsn, went into the saloon and tried to get Kvaaa to take the children home, but Svana became angry and knocked Pheppa down and stamped on hla faeo, ; Pheppa arose with a knife la hla hand, with which he cut Evana twice In the aaae place. , Ba waa arrested ana hie trial will be held today. nu?.:ons cause run 4 ON HIBERNIA BANK (Jnepsal RpeHal Serrlre.) '' San Vtandsco, Sept. 11. Un founded rumors of the condition of -the Illbernla ' bank, - tha strongest savings bank on- the Pacific eoaat have led thousands cf depositors to withdraw-their funds within tha last fortnight but their demands did not as sume the form of a "run" until this morning, when the sldewslk In front of ' the bank was rrowded by about 1.000 persona. Three tellers were engaged in handing out coin aa faat aa pass books were presented. - Million Mare to Fund ''As In Oregon, the Harrimen roada own moat of tha railway mileage la California. In Oregon are 1.76 miles credited to the O. K- H. and the Southern' Pacific companies. The Hill ayatema at thla time bare but 40 mllea of railroad la Oregon. The preaent line eatera from the north and the new line now under construction jointly by the Northern Pacific and Great Northern roada will enter from the oaat by way of the Columbia, river's north bank. According- to the Ban, Francl sco an nouncement there la building- or will bo constructed In aoutharn Oregon and northern California lot mllea of new branches at a bonded eoat of ever 14.400,000. Thla Indefinite etatement cannot. It la aaid. .bo meant to Include the Drain line to Cooe bay and the eoaat extension southward, aa that -alone would eoa aa mwch or -more thaa the amount appropriated. - . FUNERAL DIRECTORS LTEET 'I il .1. Undertaker From All Part ? State Gather In Portland . L for Annual Meeting. " of Nearly two. score of the- eolemn-vis- age gentlemen in -black, who orentnaHy wv mm nJtru m bvui viw uuiijiuwui bill collector, gathered thla morning to discuss a multitude of question apper- talnlng to their calling. The occasion waa the annual convention of the Ore gon Funeral Directors association, and Foresters' ball at Second and Yamhill streets' waa the scene of tha aeeem Wage. The morning aesslon waa devoted to perfecting organisation, and President W. T. Maoy presided over the gathering. At noon adherents of the oaaket and the shroud adjourned to Flnley'e under taking parlors, where Professor Ecklea, a- noted embalmer," demonstrated on a cadaver the best method "of withdraw ing the blood from a corpse and Intro ducing the preservative fluid. This afternoon Professor Ecklea will lecture on the "Art of Embalming," and tonight, as a relaxation, the members of the association, with, their wives, wilt attend the Baker theatre. After the aeaaiona tomorrow a visit will be paid to the Oaks as the guesta of the management Thursday afternoon the applicants for licensee aa ombalmers and -undertakers will bo examined by Dr. R. C Tenney. , MILT MILLER SAYS ; BRYAN IS ALL RIGHT ' State Senator Milt Miller Of Lebanon passed through Portland en his way home from I-lnooln, Nebraska, where he attended the homecoming of William J. Bryaity Senator Miller spoke enthusi astically of his trip and of the great No braakaa. "Mr. Bryan.'" he said." "looked muoh the name aa ho did when he waa In Portland several yeara ago. Be doea aot ahow the offecta of age, and ap peared atrong and well when he spoke to .what was probably the largest au dience he ever confronted. Fully 10,000 people turaed-eut "to-fcear-hhn.- and he apoka entertainingly without going Into politics. The . entire affair waa non parttaaa. - .,. .,.. . . . - His strenuous trip around the world did not seem to have any bad effects, and he apoke and acted with all his characteristic vigor. ... . ' MONTEITH ELECTED V V , : PARK SUPERINTENDENT The park board yeaterday afternoon elected Arthur IX Montelth of Lew Is ton. Idaho, superintendent of parka for the city.-. : t " - Mr. Montelth for several yeara was connected with the Metropolitan park commission of Maaaachusetta, and la de clared to bo aa experienced gardener and nonet and a competent engineer aa well. ho baa telegraphed the board that be will reach Portland in two weeks and will be able to take hold of the parka at once. Since Herman Lowlta was dis missed over a . month ago: the parka have been getting along as best they could- with only the attention of the gardeners employed In the Cltv nark. It is expected that a number of Im portant Improvements will soon be made in the park system. . FORTY-ONE CARS OF . . PRUNES ARE SHIPPED (Speetai Slspsteh to Tse JearasL) Freewater. Or. Soot 11. Prunes an being shipped out from the Freewater Milton country In Urge, quantities. Forty-one carloads have been sent out up to thla time, and It la estimated that nearly ft cara will go out from thla point thla season.- They are all of ex cellent quality and fairly good prloee have been received, though much of the crop which waa ahlpped east baa not yet been heard from, and It Is not known What price they will brine Over ins people are now employed packing prnnea in me inree airrerent warehouses. . C0RYALLIS TO HAVE t -r ANOTHER NEWSPAPER i .. . ., i., ,it " (gperUl Dlrvt to The loenaL)" Corvallls, Or., Sept IL It la authorl tattvely sUted hero today that Cor vallls wlU have another newspaper. A man named Smith, arte of San Fran cisco, has been viewing the ground for several days and today It Is privately eUted that a paper will be started. The political compiexion of the aheet la not stated. . . , DEATH PENALTY FOR v .. t ;.. LOVING WRONG MAN (learssl Bneelal Serrio.) . Muacatlhe, la.. Sept 11 Because his daughter Bessie accepted the attentions of a suitor not favored by him, John Holetein killed the girl and committed suicide, this morning. i. . i v Ooloaet Salffea Appolated Paymaster. Ueernal Mi i.. aerrlee.l ' Washington, Sept 11 Colotwf Culver e I Sniff en was today appointed paymaster e I general of tha army to Succeed OeneraJ e,Joue, retired. rais rcriv i:i Vfli'i D.'.D LISHT- . . r ' ArouseeCuspIclonThat Michigan Was Implicated In the Land Frauds.' , , The aueplolon that Congreaemaa 3. W, Fordney waa Implicated. In, the land fraud caee In which hla ' friend e Gil christ and McPheraon . were ladloted. waa further aroused today In a letter front Acting Land Commlealoner Pim ple to the Michigan man la reply to aa Inquiry aa to eertala traota of land which the indicted men wanted rushed through ' to patent -. This letter Is In possession of the United States District Attomey'a office end. was-used by At torney Bristol in securing indlotments against Gilchrist and McPheraon, In discussing this feature of evidence. Mr. Honey sald.' , : . . , ' Of course, this letter doea not estab lish the fact that Fordney acted fraudu lently In the matter, but llluatratea the way ail or tneao frauds nave been per petrated. The consplratora would get hold of the land and then urge their congressman to uee hla Influence with the commissioner In Washington. It la a very easy .thing for a ooagreasmaa. or a senator to go to the commissioner and aak favors for their friends. They tell a story to the effect that the friends are good citlsena. atrong politically, and that he, the congressman, would like to have thla fever granted. , - "The letter . Commissioner - Flmple wrote to Fordney contained . In effect that the three pleeea of land which he had Inquired about were held up for In vestigation. This letter waa written la August,-HOB, and ahowa that Fordney a Interested In securing patents on theee tracts, and If It could be shown that he accepted money for his services he could be Indicted and. convicted the same aa Senator Mitchell." Fordney left town thla morning. - CRIMINAL CASES ON ; DOCKET IN MALHEUR ' (Special Dispatch to The JonraaL) Ontario. Or.. Sept 11. Circuit court for Malheur county convened at Vale Monday, with Judge Davla presiding. Following la the docket of criminal cases: - . . State of Oregon ve, Walter Kfiley, larceny of colt. - . , State of Oregon va Onn Grneii, tar. cany of eolta State of Oregon ve. F. R. welch. R. Stewart Ed Mefford, H. C Whlt- wortluF.,. C Lambourn, permitting gambling In their placea of business,.. State of Oregon va. J. JD. Grovee, sell ing liquor to minors. " . State of Oregon va. M. FItsgerald, forgery. . . . ' -... LIEUTENANT TREAD WELL v KILLED BY PULAJANES "(Joernal Spedal Servlos.J Manila. Sept 11. Lieutenant B. K. Treadwell of the Phlllpplnea ecouta, waa killed last night ty Pulajanea, six mllea south of Barauen. - Be waa In command of a small deatchment of ecouta whose bivouac was attacked during the night by a band of about 100 Pulajanea. Lieu-. tenant Treadwell waa tha only man hit Troopa are In pursuit of tha band. Bixiy iroope anu v wsiiunuaiy struck a band of Pulajanea noar'Sltlo Marabou, killed one and wounded eeveral of them. The rest of the band escaped. The troecs sustained no casualties and destroyed a large quantity of supplies gathered by the Pulajanea. f EUGENE MASONS ARE i INITIATING CLASS JL tSpecial IMmteh to The Jaeraal.1 - Eugene. Or.JSept IL This la a busy week for the Masonlo fraternity In Eu gene. Meetings are being held every afternoon and evening and on Thursday morning a sunrise meeting will bo held at : o'clock. - The reason for theee continuous meetings la tho conferring of the oommandery degrees upon 14 can didates from Cooe bey, who have made tho trip to thla city for that purpose. lU the degrees In the command ry will be conferred upon visiting candi dates. - At the sunrise meeting Thurs day the work In the third degree will be- exemplified and on Wednesday night the workln the council. OUTBREAK IN HAVANA EXPECTED AT ONCE (Jesraal Special ervlee.t Havana, Sept 11- Insurgent parties are organising In tha auburba. 'An out. break In the city Is momentarily expect ed. The paper El Liberal was sup pressed today and thef editor imprisoned. President Palma haa laeued a decree Suspending - all constitutional ' guaran tees In the provinces of Pinar del Bio, Havana and Santa Clara.- The law en forcing public order, which la equivalent to martial law, also la pnt In Immediate effect - -r , 1 - A eupplemental decree haa been laeued auapendlng - the decree of August II pardoning repentant rebels and ordering that aU rebels be arrested and Jailed. . HURT WILL AID HIS DAUGHTER IN TRIAL ' (flpertsl Mpetca te The JoeraaL) ' Corvallls, Or4 Sept 11. In response to a telegram last night announcing that the trial of Maude Creffleld 'had been set for Wednesday morning, O. V, Burt left fir Seattle te aaalet hla daughter all that la poesible In her trial. Be stated to fiienda hla belief that the girl will bo sent to the asylum. - Xadlasi Zeuad Sold. (BpecUl IMeeateh to The Joereal.) -'' Pendleton, Or.. Sept 11. At tho In dian agency of floe yesterday another aale of Inherited Indian lands was held, one of 10 acres and one of 4 acres, and thsy were bid In by X F. Anderson and H. R McCallum, respectively, the first 10 acrea having been Bold for lit aa acre. The last 40 sores were aold for 14,00. ; .. , .Wotaar lm Bool Plelda, ;. ---(Mpedsl Dlspeteb to The foarasl.) -La Grande. Or , Bept 11. Work la now going on In the beet Aside of Union county and many Jape and Indiana are being brought In and will be here for several weeks until ths crop la harvest ed. About 100 Indiana came over from ITmatlllatiounty yesterday, and they art earning 'front 75 centa to. 1 per day and they will perhapa remain here until the crop- is harvested. . -,- Sells atajuiB, -1 , y -.; IKneHal tlanatea to The Joonsl.t Monument Or, Sept 11 Mre. Jo hanna Baylee haa aold her ranoh at thla place to H. Johnson of Gooseberry for a consideration of 14,000. The ranch con sists of 100 acrea of fine land and la situated four mllea southeast eX the city, 18TUDCK IUKEI1 FROfi COLLEGE Portland Man'e Efforts to DIs close Graft at Stanford Not Y.V Appreciated. , ALLEGED CONSPIRACY . . IN ERECTING BUILDINGS Claud McColloch . Refuted Permla ion to Register Because of Article Written in NewspaperIt Kept on Move by Authorities. Oairul BiweUI Sarrloa.1 Stanford Unlveralty, Sept ll.-Claude MoColloch. former associate editor-of the Dally Palo Alto and a prominent sophomore at Stanford "university, has not -'registered in tho university this semester on account of aa article which appeared ' under, his signature In Portland paper on May T, 190. Mo Colloch, -who was a reporter in Portland last summer, stated that- there waa atrong ausplolon of conspiracy between Charles O. Lathrop, treasurer of the university i C K. Hodges, , former uni versity architect and J. D. McGilvray, the - contractor who did all the atone work, whloh was largely responsible for uio poor work in the construction of the Stanford university buildings, which was exposed by the earthquake. During the summer vacation Mo- CollOvh received a letter from President Jordan in which he waa requested not to attempt to register until he had oome to an amicable understanding with Treasurer Lathrop, upon whom' tho art-ela la the paper hat -ssrloUslyTO-fleoted. Upon hla return , to the campus MoColloch went to Professor Rufus Lot Greene, ohatrman of tha atu- dent affalra committee, and the chair man of this committee seemed In favor of allowing MoColloch to register. Bow ever tho chairman referred him . to President Jordan, as the request to re frain from regleteting had been a per sonal request from Dr. Jordan and the committee had taken no eognlsanoe of tne Objectionable article. When MoColloch annealed to Jordan ho was referred to the board of trustees, who, after hearing tho case, decided that it waa atrlotly a matter for con sideration by the student affairs com tnlttee. MoCollooh again Tlatted Pro fessor Greene and again ha waa paased up to president Jordan and Is n no nearer registration thaa at hla first nan to tne president - BURLINGTON ENGINEERS fr THREATEN TO STRIKE , Hnu i seaai ervies.l ' Chicago, Sept 11. A strike of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers on the Burlington system Is threatened as the result of the adoption of a new and radical rule by tha company. The rule, which affecta the engineers. establishes a standard for sight Men obliged to wearglaases, by the provi sion of the rule, are reduced In rank and assigned to unimportant and Unre muneratlve rune. The reduction applies to all engineers, regardless of length of aervioe for the company. - , The effect- of this order was so sweeping that Grand Chief Warren S. Stone of the Brotherhood of Looomottve Engineers telegraphed J. - J. Hill at St Paul, requesting an Immediate confer-; once. A protest to the company by the engineers already had been filed and had net received favorable consideration. The engineers of tha. entire avetam look aTvote on acceptance) or rejection of tha new rule, and tho returns show an overwhelming majority In favor of tak ing extreme measures to oppose the or der. ..-. . , MORROW COUNTY HAS , FIRST DAY OF FAIR '' ' (Bpvetsl Nspetek to The' TovrnaL) Pendleton, Or- Sept ll.--The first day of tha Umatilla-Morrow county fair. September 24, will be dedicated to Mor row county' and a' special train from Beppner over tho O. R. A N. will ar rive In Pendleton at :0 a. m. on that date, bringing tho Morrow county peo ple hero In Jarge numbers to be present at Morrow county day. The fair promises to , bo one of tha best In tho history of eastern e)reon and will be better In many Instances on account of the great amount of exhlbita that will bo furnished from tho two oountiea.'".-' ' - ' :- . " SPENCER MAKES FIRST TRIP TO BIG EDDY ' (tperlal Dtspaten to The JearaaL) The Dalles, Sept 11. The Charles R. tlpenoer made her first trip to tho Big Eddy, the termJnua of the state portage road, last evening. She left her wharf at The Dalles at 1:10 o'clock, and, after landing soms rralght at the terminus, arrived at her Wharf at halt past . o'clock. .' - v The trip was made without tha least difficulty, and as soon as wheat begins to arrive -she will make dally runs to the Big Eddy, unloading freight for the portage road and receiving a cargo of wheat for her return trip to Portland. DUNKORST COIN - . TO , BEAT UP WHITE ; - (Jeenal SpeeUI Servhse.t New Tork. Sept 11 Assistant Die triot Attorney Garvan resumed the In vestigation .of ths Thaw murder case today. , Be examined several witnesses. Be is anxious to find Edna Goodrich,' the actreaa, who Introduced Evelyn to White. . , ' 1 Ed Dunkorst ths 411-pound prlao flghter, told Attorney Bartrldge , that White offered onoe to give him 1110 If he would beat up Thaw. . HERMAN 0ELRICHS . r . LEFT TWO WILLS ' (Joereal Bpeetal Servles.) Kew Tork, Sept 11. It developed to day that Herman Oelrich left two wills, a prior one bequeathing his property to his wife and son. The one filed yes terday la aaid to be a surprise to hla wife, whose frlenda declare that aha will immediately file one mede when her husband was -"In sound mind." - Big Sxempi UsV -"X ' ' ("peetiit .Uapetrk lo Tne JeeniaLI ' ' La Grande, Or., Sept 11. Assessor 3, H. Morton states that the recent de cision of the supreme court would in crease the amount of taxable property In Union county 1400,000.' Last year the amount exempt was JI,44 A -'NERVOUS- VRECK si, wtxxiaxs rax nxjes SATXB sxas. quiti rsn. She OeJaed tt Pounds U Weight and Can JTow Walk aad Work. ' Oeitoral debmty la a term that covers a multitude of cases where ther Is no acute disease, yet the patient continues to lose strength and the doctor's medi cines have no apparent effeot This Is the decline that leada to death If means are not found to check It In a great majority of eaaea Dr. ' W 11 11am e' Pink Pille VlU check tt and restore health and strength because they actually make new blood and ao aend renewed vitality to every organ and tissue of the body. Mrs. B. A. Oreen. whose address Is Box II. R. F. D, No. 4. Franklin, Ga., says: "For three and 'a half years suffered with weakness and ' nervous ness, complicated with stomach trouble. At times I.. was confined o-my bed foe perloda ranging from three weeks to two months and was under the phy sician's care most of ths time for three yeara. I do not know the cause of my trouble, but I waa prostrated with weak ness and. although t took a great deal of medicine, nothing seemed to give me Strength. At times my stomach hurt me aoraatnlng -tearful -and myhead often troubled me. I waa sleepless and what aleep I did get did not refresh ma "Whan I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I weighed but 104 pounds. knew I waa ao bad that a few doses would not euro me and I had patience. Soon tho- pills began to give mo strength, my blood got In better con ditlon. I could Bleep well at alght and help some with the housework. Now I weigh 130 pounds and think nothing of iking half a mile. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have 'done wonders for me sad ths neighbors all know-thla state ment is true." Dr. Williams' . pink JPIllej actually make new brood. That la all they do. but they do It well. They don't act on aaaa-that-ia' not raiieed - byaloo4 the bowels. They won't ours any dls They oure anaemia, . rheumatism, head' aches and many forma of weakness In the most direct manner and, as tha nerves depend .upon tho blood for nour ishment they strike at the root of such diseases aa neuralgia, sciatica, partial paralyals and have been used with the greatest benefit oven. In cases of loco motor ataxia. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be. sent by tnalL postpaid, on reoelpt of prloe, 10 oents per box, six boxes 11.10, by the Dr. Williams "Medicine Co, Schenectady, NDICTMENTS ARE 'BEING; ARGUED Election Fraud Defendants Mak ing " Fight to Have Cases Against Thenrf Quashed. Tt; Contending that the affidavits sworn to by tho- men Jndtoted for perjury In the alleged election frauds In Sellwood precinct did not conform to the law and that no perjury can toe charged where aa affidavit that la ao good la aworn to, attorneys for the Indicted men argued to Judge Scare In the circuit court! thla morning that the-Indictments should ba dismissed. .' -1 1 ... Ths arguments for tho Indicted men were presented by Attorney W. T. Muir. Re atated that tho affidavits on whloh tha affidavit votera cast their ballots were defective because they failed to show tho -county, street number, num ber of the room, or city in which tha votera lived. If tho contention of At torney Muir be upheld tt la said that the alleged illegal voting would be the fault of tho fudges of election for allowing voters to cast ballots --without proper affidavits having been presented. The men Indicted hope to escape prosecu tion on. the contention that tha affi davits they swore to were not la ac cordance with the law.' Other attorneys representing election fraud defendants who were preaent were George F. Mar tin, W. Baton, R. T. Piatt and J. I Taugher. r .. , - ,, . Arguments for the state are being preaented thla afternoon by District Attorney John Manning and his chief deputy, Gus C. Moser. . The indicted men are B.'. F. Boynton, O. Plass, W. P. Jacks, J. W,vjleed, Herman liaBrecque. A.'B DlmlckV A. XL French, 1". R. Bold- win, F. C. Holland, John Schneider, Merton BelL Alfred Drill and a W. Olson. There are tt charges against theae men, for perjury. Illegal voting and inducing men to vote Illegally, , , vIERRILL SURE HE WAS - ; ;J NOT G01NQ TOO FAST Fred T. Merrill, proprietor of r-the Twelve-Mile House, and an alleged auto scorcher, scented an ambuscade -of po licemen at tho easfend- of Stark street and played atool pigeon for all tho pro fessional autolsts on tha west Bide. Re turning toward hla plaoe of business he was surprised to find himself held up and charged with, exceeding the.apeed limit , -V ) -.!., Pshaw! ' - Ivirnew tho ' officers ware there all the time, and I would have been a fool . to drive faat," explained Merrill to Judge Cameron this morning. "I waa watohlng my oyolometer all tha time and tt never registered -over ten mllea an hhur." The arresting officers were -Patrol men LUlls, Adams snd Seymour. Their eetlmatea of Merrill's apeed waa from tl to It mllea an hour. Merrill pleaded not guilty and voluminous testimony was taken. ' The case will be concluded tomorrow....- 1 ' -. ' -," ". MOTHER-IN-LAW NOT HARD ON HER LOUIS Louis F&rchl tried to blow hla mother-in-law to heaven with a ahotgun. He missed the woman and injured her front door, for which she entered a.oomplalnt against him.- ' Farchl also atole $470 from hla mother-in-law's dreselng case. The lattera name la Mary Carlone, and he resldea at 651 Fifth atreet Farchl ia therefore charged with two felonies, burglary and assault with a dangerous weapon. -But Mrs.Orlone la not eueh a harsh mother-in-law, after all. ; After. wear ing to the two complaint she Is now beseeching the district attorney's office to reduce the chargee to one, and to re duce the one to a misdemeanor. A tl fine for discharging firearms within the olty limits will probably bo the outcome. 2I0N CITY IS MINUS 'OVER THREE MILLIONS (Joereal Bfteclal ftervfee.) 1 Chicago, ' Sept 11 John C. Hately receiver of Zlon City, in hi firsts report says the liabilities exceed .OOO.flOO and the assets are less thaa i,000,000. E.LiOUM ARGUED 10 Attorney Bristol Begins Review of Case on Behalf of trie , Government. PARTS OF INDICTMENT : ' ABANDONED BY HENEY Attorneys Engage In Lengthy Argu- r mentt Over Every Point Brought Forwtrd Cate la Still Being Bit terly Contested by Defease. : Before getting down to argument In the Blue mountain land fraud case thla morning tha government decided to abandon tha portions of tha Indictment referring to sohool lands aoquired prior to March, ItOt, and to ask the jury, to base a conviction of State Senator F. P. Mays, WUlard N. Jones and George Sorenson solely on their acta since that data, This change was brought about by tho Injection into the case of a ou ra ti ve aot passed by the Oregon legisla ture of 101 validating the title of all school lsnda previously purchased. The defense ; Insisted that this act - swept aside the contention that tha title to the 10,00 acres of school land aoquired by Senator Maya, Jonea and H. A. Smith In 100 waa not good, and Speolal Assist ant Attorney-General Francis J. Honey came to the conclusion that ha bad bet ter rely on the charge of fraud In re gard to the l,000 aorea of school land aoquired by Maya, Jonea and Sorenson after the passage of that aot - - Jt Ji1VufJ.4ha4:.p'4 question Inoluded In Ite membership F, P. Maya, H. A. Smith and J. N. William son. Prosecutor Heney was of opin ion that the measure waa cunningly framed In order toglve a good, title to lanaa - fraudulently aoquired. v '" , Argumsmta Wei Xrfntg. Argument over this curative act took up all tho time vf last night' eeealoa and waa resumed this morning as aooa aa tha federal court convened. Judge Hunt declared that ha waa loath to be lieve that tha lawmakers of the etate deliberately eouerht . to nnhold . a fraud, and said that If there were noth ing else In, the Indictment he - would rule against such question and gladly let an appellate court pass upon It ' He asked whether the government's ooun- 1 desired any restrictions of tho .evi dence, and In reply Prosecutor Heney announoed tha abandonment already mentioned, asking that ths evidence con cerning the 10,000 aorea be considered solely aa - showing design, eystem. knowledgs and intent on the part o tho defendants, " . , " . , '.- . Further, ' the government . announoed that It abandoned the portion of tho In dictment that, Inoluded In the conspiracy -timber - landa thereafter to bo ao quired." -Thla, tt was explained, waa done because the evidence la regard to theae land waa left out In - order to aav time. Thla referred to the Wil liamson holding that figured In the trial that resulted In tha conviction of Con jrreaatnon Williameon, ... - - Again Aaka fog AoqsittaX s Attorney W. D. Fenton, repreeentlng Maya, asked for the third time that the jury be Inatructed to acquit beoauae of variance between the indictment and tha proof, and for the ird time Judge Hunt overruled the motion. At the requeat of the defense. Judge Hunt informed the jury that they could not find a verdict based on the 10,009 acres purchased by the defendants prior to February f ,-1 tx. Attorney S. B. Huston wanted some thing aaid about the good faith of the purchasere. Thla caused more argu ment during which Prosecutor Heney, apeaklng of tha landa atlll Included la the charge of conaplracy, remarked to the defense: Ton hoped to get the paa- aaae of . another .act validating these frauds.". ' . -. Judge Hunt promised to Instruot the Jury as to ths law governing the ques tion of good faith and this cleared the way for the first plea to the Jury. : Bristol Opens Argument. United States Attorney . William - C Bristol begun the opening argument for the government at It o'clock. Hla task was to review the evidence. After, hie first reference to the conspiracy ho said: "If you And that Mays, Jones and Sorest- son put school lands Into the reserve to take lieu landa out yon can And each and every cne of them guilty." Next the United Statea attorney ex plained that tha reason for introducing testimony against John H. sfitoheiL former Land Commissioner Binger Her mann and Congressman X. N. William son, who are not now on trial, was to round, out ths conspiracy and .show all lte workings. Then with a sldll ao quired by lotg training ha proceeded kit by bit to build again the mountain of testimony reared by the government He told of the wholesale perjury In tho obtaining of school land applica tion and assignments; showed the msp where the filings were made; traced the movement of Mays, H.- A. Smith, Jones and Sorenson; pointed out the secret knowledge of the proposed reserve that May must have obtained from Her mann: told of the petitiona for tho re serve that were typewritten In the office of Maya; brought Hermann and Forest Superintendent Ormstry together . at Rosebutg; laid stress on the control that - Maya exercised . vet Ormsby at the time ef tho trip of inspection to tha Blue Mountain country; read tho letters from Senator Mitchell to Maya; called attention to Ormbye request to ths chief circulator of petitions to "keep the thing tulet"; told how Dan Tarpley, whom he described ma "a lit tle debonair, fellow with a pink in hla buttonhole,'' butted Into tha gams by bribing tho aon of Forest Superintendent Ormsby; showed how tha Ormsby re port took In the holdlnga ef the con splratora, - ana pointed' out that wnen tho geological ' survey report cut out part of their landa they stopped making payments on tho eeotlone excluded. ' This orougnt unixeo states - Aitor nsy . Bristol up to tha noon hour. ' He la scheduled to take three hours in all. Than comes argument for tho defense. Four of the six attorneye on thla aide of tha case will addresa tha Jury. 8. B. Huston la to lead off. -Then cornea W. Lair Hilfwho la to be followed by w. D. Fenton, and ex-Judire M. L. Pipe will close for the defence. Each ex pects to- take about two hours. Special Assistant Attorney-General Heney will clone - for the government His turn should come early tomorrow afternoon. . Defense Closes Oaae, -r -The defense closed yesterday after noon without putting eltner Fjenator May. WUlard - N. Jones or : George Sorenson on the witness stand. Among the persona called at tha eleventh hour to testify for the alleged consplratora were C H. Carey, law partner of Sens tor Maye. end Mr. 8. B. Ormsby, wife of Cnptsln Ormsby. -WUneea Carey, sought to oonvinoe the 01 CASE W DO FEDERAL COURT jury that if 8. A. TJ. Puter had called frequently on Mays . while - the Puter trial was on he would bava known something about It but that he bad seen Puter at the office only onoa in the latter half of 1801 end that was , before the trial began." He admitted, however, that the private of f loo of Maya had a private door. , Mrs. Ormsby testified that Special Agent W. J. Burns had threatened to aend her husband to prison If ha did not tell what he knew about Binger Her mann. She begged her husband to oon fesa whatever waa asked of him, but Burns 'said, ."I want only the truth." The wltneaaes in rebuttal were II, J. Brown, Captain 8. B. Ormsby, Dr. An drew C Smith, W. A Peters, t Held. J. W. Rowland,., Mis .Lulu Roger and -& A. D. Puter. - Brown, who la tha Washington corre spondent of tha Oregonian. testified that the Information concerning the Blue Mountain reserve published - July It, 1808. before Hermann's report -had reached the of floe of the secretary of the interior, was given to him by Com- mleeloner Binger Hermann, Captain Ormsby testified that la Do- . comber, 1104. W. M. La Foroe ' had threatened to expose . hla connection with the Blue Mountain scandal If he did not give him some money. Says stays Wag Fteaent. - -Dr. Andrew C Smith revealed that when Congressman Williamson and Dr. -Van Geener paid him tM00 due him on a note the money was paid over in Mays', off lo and Maya was present This transaction grew : out of - Dr. Smith's ... unfortunate speculation - in -sohool landa Tha doctor knew nothing of- tho methods of tha alleges eoasplre. tora. .He -bought an- Interest ia school land certificates held by Williamson and Van Gesner and lost about 11,100 on his Investment ' . i W. A Peters aSettJt' ntterneyv tolet eTpurohasing - a school ceo lion front Maya for one of hla ellente. Thla eeo- tlon was part of the profits of tha "S4-1" land deal. In whloh swindle eV A. D. Puter. according te hla testimony, , was a partner of Maya. The wltneea Identified several letters great Maya.' -These letter ahowed that tha latter , waa keeping oleao tab of the progress Of tha eases against Puter. . - . ' J. Held,-eashler of the First National bank of this olty, testified that Maya ; had mads a hank deposit following the sale tevPeters. - -- . ; ' -' Bteaog-reshex ea Slang Agia,'A'; Mies Lulu Rogers, stenographer for -Carer - Mays,- revealed nothing of ad: ' vantage to the government She did ' not remember .seeing Puter around tho -office more thaa gooa during tha latter part Of ItOi. When asked it aha had ' talked to any one about her teetlmony she admitted that aha had dlaeueeed tha aubject of Puter visits that,very noon Tho person aha talked with was Edwin, M. Mays, brother of Senator Maya. 8. A. D. Puter was the last wltneea.' Ho disputed various atatsments madak. by ' A- C Woodeooav -relating to hla' efforts to discharge Woodcock, who was ; one of his attorney la the, "11-f ease. That cleared tha decks, se far as the . government waa concerned, and the de-S ; fense had, nothing further to off sr., i CAPTAIN CHARLES T. Kif.!!.l' friHifiFiiRYnFiTir?' i vuiiuifcv, ve.ll I II Weil-Known River Captain Diet: .-.-at His Home After Linger ing Illness, Captain Charle iT7 stamni, en ef the beat-knotrn river oaptalna of Portland,, died thfa' morning at - his home, ait ' Thirteenth atreet after a short illness. Captain Kamm, who had no boon feel- ' Ing well for torn time, decided to visit wm miuiu irm our aiwris ana wniie - stroke of paralyals. A few dare later ne bad improved and It was decided to : homo a week ago. Since then he has ' gradually failed until the end name this morning.- The funeral will take plaoe 7 mm.uhj- uiug . avian vwwjk irum his lata home and nHvtta lntraiAfie . will bo made la Rlvervlew cemeterr. -7 Cantaln Vmmm at th titnm f life aeaxn was euporintenaent or tne van-., eouver Tranaoortatlon eomnanv and tha mwm niTw -a imiasponauon oompsny. H was bora la Portland, at Third and -Tamhlll streets, 41 years ego, and after being educated In the schools of the city entered Brown's university. Upon leaving ' oollege he .'became associated V - - w as aesss smwi. xea- m a aa eenww wa stiii aa In the transportation business. Rising gradually he eventually became a, river wsrl rta S t si rath aaaa nntttaia, Tasah vaenni captain and outing his tlms as an ; active river captain ha commanded the well-known river eteamera, Ocean Wave,-7 Undine, Lullne, Vancouver and other boats. About 10 yeara ago ha gave up the command of a boat and became gen eral euperlntendent ef the two trans--' portatlon oompaniee. On September t, -ItSI, - Captain Kamm married Mi Fannie H. Walker, of Klickitat Wash ington, and they have had tour ehtldren, . one glii and three boy, aU of whom are ; Uvlng.' ';' Upton, te PbmUamf . : '.' v (Joiraal -SDetl.l terriee.) " London, Sept It. The Standard says that - before Sir Thomaa Llptoa returns - from America ha will issue a challenge for the Amerlca'e cup. . - : V 1 If you hare any symptoms of 'weak, or disordered stqmach, liver . or kidneys, you really ' ought to com mence taking the Bitters at once.' It. promptly, corrects all such ailments as Poof Appetite, Headache, Nausea; Sour Risings, Heartburn, Bloating, Liver or Kidney Ills, Indigestion, -Dyspepsia or constipation. v J