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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
DAILY JOUniTALV FOIiTLAI.'D. . MONDAY. EVEHIKG. SZPTEMEZIl 10. 1C3. Tiiir c::::cc:i TODAY'S MARKETS Generally Celieved That.f4ew Flour Prices Will Open From Fifteen to Twenty-Five Cents Lower on Account of Very Low Wheat Price. FLOURTOOPEfl 20 CENTS. OFF ' -V ; ' Trade In General Believes Good , Cut Will Be Made In New w-'v- Grade Values. - FIFTEEN TO TWENTY-FIVE -, ; CENTS is THE RANGE x Creamery Batter to Advance in Short Z Time , if Present Conditions Coti- tlnue Ea Higher With Scarcity ! of Ranch Fug-gig Hops Sell Lower ' ., ... ;;'.:. .X " T prlarlaal features ef the Portias whole "Slate market aodar erei -i . , . Hew floor to oon abont 80s lower, Ocanwry batter t itniet, 1 Cneeee market look Signer. ' 'v K'gr advanced with ararettr. Hull a ahortag of greased meata. . , rural buf aall it lowar price. I . lower price aam 4 la apple. , Psn Franclso will aeoa bar potatoes. , YVboat market low rat la year. ', . ' ew ' riw' to ru ' Akaat 80 Lower. ' r Wall aalj a fnutleoal amnent ot sew wheat ' .flaw la. balag offered la tkls.'enrket prlcea : . are slreaay kegtnBlag to shew eom eigne ot lint what little Mttmrll of. aea not beta sold aaaer tha price fr old (rate bat tba tre la general la of tba onlnlna that prioea mill open f rem U to Me- a barrel sadrr tha llat gnated for old grade. At - tba moment tbara la only a amall amonat of -, tlaw trao reported. J a pane wnnt-are all tor tnimeolere shipment, and no ardor raa ba t eeeepte with thl Ciena a account of tba - uk at ateamcr.. Ixjral baalaaaa taa nominal - j baala, and bat small aawaata ara being hipped ; to eceat market. , -. ' . WVaet I Lwt la Yean. ' - " " Today's local wbest market how ' anorner ' dee 11 n af la bnhel la aU grade front gat- ttrdar'a aaotatloaa.' Ooatinuee preeenre la tba aaat a ad la Kvrope aeronnt for tut latrat iao. ' Prioaa aaw ralln la tba wbaat taarhat ara ' . tawcat aaaM for a boat tbraa paara. aad trad , la at a ataadattll la coaawanaaoa. " Tba market - to a hoot oa aa airport baala with tha laraat d ' cltna, nl aoma bmlana may ooro from tbat aoorca If Llrarpoot aaal aot lak a aotloa to , ' furtbar daellno. - : Mlllfcad prlrra ara Ukawlaa awry low. praaaatt valaaa balac tba aaialloat la acaaral raara. .; Braa a bow tolas of farad at $15.aO aad city . ' aberta at, a toa. Tba barter .and oata Biarkata ara both bald arrant an arroaat af tha (ood demand from California pointa. '. Fornwr prleaa nalautotd. t. v ' " '- Otaajaary Battar to Adraaoa. v ' Tbara will ba' aa adraaea la 1h prlo af creamrrj batter wltbla tba ait faw daya If - praaant aaadlrloaa oontltra. - -Tba aaarkat hi ' vary firm, wltb aappllaa Uiht, and aU araaai- .. arte fa pact atorha - claanln ap. r ' roantrr atora batter hi arriTlac T atowlr, aad for tola reason tba mark Ft la ftraior. ' Icta ara qooted todajr at MH aad ST a ' aViaaa. aa adraaea of V to K orar Taat waak'a - rloalna aaisra. Receipt -atlll wf - HtM- of floral reach. " ' Boajewhat bee eler arrieata noted la poaltrr, aad while tke. market la bnldla Ita owe tbara ' to bosm alUbt weahaaaa ohewn. Barert do net . aaiadlapoaad to Uk bold ot arrlrala qatehljr. :,.;.Tbto av.1nlOrl-'. ,'' .' v .. tj ' ' Sea rraaeteee to Sa etotoea,;-' 1 i - Oeorte tXBortt af L. Beaten Co. of fiaa - Tarteo te la tbo eltr. While tba principal . ableet of blr. Bnrtt'e rMt at thl tba b to ' bap applee fee bla ftna. ba ear tbat tba Bap ' CUp will anna bo In tba aiarket for .Orecoo potatoe. "Wo bare a fairly ood erop tbero.", , aaya Mr. 1 Bartt "bat will need bobw faor Ontm aa aaoL . . While ra roato to thl - ettr Mr.- Bartt atopped aff at aontbora Orecoa ' point vnd parcbaaad aome applee aad pear : for tha CaUforaia eitf. "I an tains to Hood . Brrer, aara be. "aad will aeeare- aeasa ef the trait- . there. ' ' . : i k Tb apple aiarket aknt tba etreet la ejalrt - wltb aome Vrwar prlcea Bised op aerotrat of . the bearler efferlnt. ; fc '. '- . v: rattla Bepa Bell leva. . . , Kerry L. Hart today . eeld a car ef fnttle pooa for aaeter aeeouot at UHe. Tbla to the leweet price yet naned for tbla Partrty tbla ' eeaaoa. Tba trade la rary mach worked ap ' erer the red eplder report from Waahlnctoa. btrt aa other hwatneaa la reported. The tmerel ; : orrfnlea rf tb trade la tbat no baotneee of aay :. eiteat win be abowa anttl the bnp are la tba bale.- Some report of lira and rala are new eoairat fro Waablactan. bat ao daaat from tbla aeareo la reported. Beporte rclTd tbla BMratat tra tb WUlaeMtta ralley aay that the yield le eoralnp aa expected, and tbat Jlo.OftO bale 1 atlll tba beat tlmte. Me "klnly MitehU returned "froia Irfferaoa thra : Bnratot. and aara bla yard la la auicb better T abip tbaa ba bad beea led t bllcTa A tote laaaa at tba Loadoa Tlioae aaya of j lTrbera kaa beea 'toera" Inquiry, " and 'eelleee bare eetalaed blpbor price. aeaUtloea .. nw raaaint froai DO to IIS. Beporta from tb pUatatlooa ahoet lltlla etianp: la the bert - nrdeaa. where farmlnt we poed. aad wartlnp -' thereat bly earrted ont, the bop plant I da- eeloplnt Mtlafactnrlly, ' bat In the poorer - v tronnda the lark of BMlatnre toad, to farther redace the yield. Today'e cable pew front tbe - Pad fie cat hi to tba effect tbat the crop la touted by draatht. and eatlmatea of yield . will bar to ha tedoced. A boat 1 cent per , ' poind I now bid for hop, aa aoaapared with ' few daya ape. Tbe trad paya tha followlnt prlcea to front ' atreet. Price paid ablppere ara leaa reraUr . " eaaUBlaaloB: -. ,', Orara, Maw aad feeaV OBAIM BAOS-Calcatta. . to14 baytnf price: eelllnt. , , " . ' j.rwHAT--Sew chib, PJe; red BoerUa, Oci B&-Whoto. WI.0OI trackod. tM.00 .' par . vtoa. .. -,'" a a TB New Producer prlca-Jte. (.while. 'LolCft""" 0r" Mtcata, pt.KH a atralpbu. M OflsO; export, $.U; .e'f-rr4 . n-a UKRA rvM tmit anftf. I. , " HI A Mil CDAV. 1-WM - ' BAt-IWacera' lce TlBHrthy. Wtllaatette n.l fcy. I11.60; erdlnary. 1.00O10 60j eartUi OreVoa. la.onlT.Oo: atlred. 10.00 1 WoT loi I train. ltJ.aOj abear, -;?'T,M,tottor. tin aa'' IwaJtry,? t'r - ' BtJTT" fAT r. a. b. rortlaad tweet areaa, tOct aow. ate. - . - BuflKB City creamery, fTHci eatald fancy; Te; ordhwry, .Vi atora, ltHfjlBe. . sJii-No. 1 treat. Oregon, readied, tVi 17e: ancandled. Hoc; eaetern, faltQaae. ' Vo&A1aT-I',',, i.ew. pw ibt fancy bena, MHOloe por lb, oM, lOHc narfbi atam, lltlHH - per Ibt trrer. 14 ' Clleri. l" per lb! el(f dnrk . tiac; Ibt tnrhiy. lc P- lb( eeed, ktt pet Ibt aSuabaT H IM h B-epe. Weal aad, Bldeav HOpB 1IX cTMp, liHOlia, . WOOL laoa ellp PIUy, eearae to Bwdlaaa. MONDAY PRICES IN 7 THE WHEAT MARKET r : . ' , , Ba-a.aBa. . .''.- Ld- Sept . . . n Mlnneapollt . . - .... 4 Puluth 4" Llrarpool t4 4 New Tork.r. ....i e Bt. Loula. , ... . ..... e . Kanaaa City. ." '.. i . 4 Mllwauke ItH. . Doo. . .TIH d . e HHB llltal.e TH .! ' .4B e 41V -. JOURNAL'S DAILY . . TIPS ON MARKETS dddddd4dddd .- , ' By W. B. Qlafka CMtriJ.- V e) d Etga bavt abown a1 decided , flrrnneat dirtng- tha paat weelc e . aad aome aharp - advancaa have ' e e been recorded. They re very d e firm today and being quoted at e e 2i and 17 centa. W would not be aurpiiaed to tee-even further e d - advancea. . e d . Tha poultry market It Inclined to ahow much larger - recelpta. e So far all a'rrlvala have beea e) d cleaned up at printed prlcea. but d tha - lnrreuaa In reeelpta I no e treat that tba market la likely to ahow noma weakneaa. ' e) d - Recelpta of dreaaed meat have e been very light and prior Arm. e) - Country atora butter tt rcry 4 e firm and recelpta ara light.'. , . . EZc: la. Met eaatera I MdHAIR Mew. nominal. tHk;EI'KIN8 ahrarlag. ISOSua cb abort wool, SSOtPr; media woim, POtJiO eaobl lent wool. I&cOal.OO eaeb. TALLOW Prime, par lb, ftkHmi Bo. I aad BT1M. tHC. tllirri.M BARK 10 atorb, mQ4 per M; Bo SH par lb. , fwr. Na 1.- It n and ap. lHO ITH nr lb dry kip. Ho. I, I to It Iba, lc; dry calf. Me. I. aader B Iba. lie: 4 hlda. trer. aoand. W lb d err. looilc: eowa, HtJOHc; tt and bolt, aoend. 8Q7c: hip. It to SO lb. Aej eelf. coned, aneer 19 Iba. 11c; rean, anaalted, I Waa; call. 1 per lb I: oraehlee. tailed, each. (I IfftfJI.TB; dry, fc 1X)01.U1 colt hide. 6oct toat aklne eoraioua, each, IO)iec; Aafjra, - eaeb, tia tl.lh ' , ' Bralto aad TtrnrtlM . POTATOto New, nr aachr pro daeera. priae - for ear lota. lOQ'ibt per ewt; w. ;-. r ' ONIONH Jobblnt price New Oregon. tl.SS; buylni price, TSctg $1.00:rllc. 83c per lb. --fttBSTt MtDITt New 'applee." tOcftH.W!" rangM.. pncla. t4.TnB 00: baeaoa. (O 5Hc lb; leaioaia, eboje. ta.TltCit.OO hoi: finer. .l 00W5.SO per box: lime. hleitcan. fl.XS per 200; Hawaiian. (It plom. tnITc per rrte; cantaloope. HOOftlift: grape, l.00il.6K naterraelona. BOrt crated, tl.ioj peacbea, ie ill IK); petra. tnftiwir; prune, bulk. Uc par tb: packed, 60c, per bos t btu-kleherrlea, 10c. VeViKTftl.K4--1wmlp. new. tl.00 per oacht carrot a. l fiO per eaeni neeta. II. HO per aackt parentp. $1 to per Met ; Oregon rdlh. tu par ' doe: cabbage. Ooa. V; SeR prppcra. - dotgiftne per box; ' Uautor. ' SO 40t .per pannlpa. . sor)$IXK: rrlnt beene. Oregea. QT per lb; eauU. flower,' ttJiO' per Toa: pea. : bora. radlab,-17e par Tb arrichokca. Tie pee eVt: Hh. I Her areea onion. Oreaoa. II Mr pet o bunch est enramber. S.V per box: celerv, 7-V dnn; greea, corn. 7.VJfl.00 per uchl aont ner eqnaah: - Toeertl.oo per best eggplant, at. SI per rte: pumpkin, le. , DBIEO raUIITl Appte. poretd. ltd) I4 per lb; aprleota. lMHttlte per lb: peerb,. IKIIlHi per lb: aacka. He per lb lra; pranee kw to 49. to; He drop ea oecb t-lt mailer lie: Br..'i California Merit.- !H per lb: California whit. tHc per Ibi date, toldea, TVh pee Ibi.f.rd. It.4nebl.a0 no lt-H ben. ' Bioeoilea. Bat. Bt. " . SUGAR All raflnerlee Cobe. tVKt! powdtred. IS. 13: frnlt, graanlrtod. j or.: dry graaalitet. In.Ml; eonC A. X.V0X; weatam P. tt.bA; Hw1ln c. C at.PA: extra C. golden C. MM: D. yellow. t4.S: bbto. lOcj bbla. BV box, tot adrene ea acb heal, tnm tbe par ewt far aaab. It daye aaple. Mfjia pac lb. (Above prime epply '.to eelee ef leee ttP ear lota. Car let at aacelal price aaajeet to locrnrlAna '. HONET Met per era re. J ' , roerp.P. rwrkarw branda.-t.S94Jt.Tt. . 8 ALT Ocar Halt mnl.. Va. 09 pet ton: Co. ta.&o; tM. dairy, Ma. tit.ant lora. $11 TB; imported Urerpool. 'do. IT 00; ion. ti.Kft: rrt, tit oo: extra ane. bbH. a, a, to. M.SOeM IMV:-balk. r lb, td.nsetaen: eacb to. flSltatei Ueeroenl romp rack. tlt.BO pet toa: no-lb reck. to.On: M0. fa. 00, . ' -BrCt laiperUl Japan, No.. I. to: No. B SU; New - Orlean bead. Tel Apa, Be; Creele. PX,e. " - .' ' - ' " . ' " '" " . BRAN B ta ft ' white, ft BAt leree - wblta. t.n: pink. I2.TI: beyoa. ti.T8: Ubum. $SJ3: MeTlcaa red. dHe, . NnTS rVtnnt. Jnaibo. be per PA : bwta1. er lb: roarted. MtaHe per; lb; Jape aew. tKUe; raaated, TdfTVte per Tb: eoeo. nnta. WfMtO per doe: waloot. 1.11 18 H per lb; rTi.nnt. tflOltHe par lb: hickory ear, toe per lb; eheaunt. tern. llc per Ibt Prll aat. . lie per Tb: ftlhert. !4)Ue per lb: fney necaca," 1: alaaond. 1tt17e. rJ"-r"eate.:rMi d Brailahiaa.' rBESn MSATP rroat ttreet Hog, faary. tHc; ordinary, TMOMe; poor. TCHc pee lb; bulla. liaSH per lb; reel, extra, StJH lb; orOtaary. TH per lb; poor, tt per lb; mm ton, fancy. Htf4 per lb: lamb. Iftoe. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland peck (Wal) ham. M to 14 Iba. 1flte per lb; 14 to 14 Iba, ltfce per lb; breekfaat bacon. I4Q21 per lb: picnic. UIVe per Ibt cottar., 1014c per .k: regakir abort eleare, aneakahed. IS per lb; southed. i;te per lb: clear hooka, anaowiked, lie per IN anroked It per lb: Cnloo belts It to 18 lb; coaamked. Be per lb; moked. a per lb; clear belllee, antamked. I4e per tb; moked. lb per lb; ehonlder. Utk per lb; pick led tongue. 00 onarter bbL LOCAL f.ABO Kttl Waf, 10. If aer H: be. ISkt per lb; KO-lb.-Hna, It par lh eteam readered. 10a. 11H pet lb; .to, U m IK,! lOB. aUL . !ANfr.r IALM0N Colnnibla rlTer. fib tall. l.HO; I lk tall, kltb; iaey. l-m aara,; n tanry aat. ti io; incr i-ia oral. le, ii.iu, i.uvf VT.P M..W. Alaaka ulht. pink. B)IIOc red. aumlual t. nil. $2.o. Bork a. T par m; lb; ballbnt. tc per lb; crabe; tl.0Ul.BO doa; aiilped b. per tb; eattoh. e per Us ealuoo, Colombia rrrer eblnaob. Tc lb: berrnig. ee per Ibi eolro, tc per lb; eBrtaap. 10 Bet lb parch, tc per lb: black cod. T per lb; tomcod, Ta per lb; ellrer emelt. ae per lb; lobatcr par tb; freah atackerel. Bt per I04 erawtob, tOe per daat (bad. tc per lb: attirteaa. lUc per lb: bfck ban. 20e. . OfBTKRa 8hoalwter bay. per gal. tt-ia; per 110-lb each. (4.00: tllympla. pet gallon, 1S; per 1 1Mb ack. $5.00. ' CLAM8 Bardabcll. per boa. eXAPt rater tlaaia, (ZOO pep hex. i fatnta. Coal 00. Xto. . ' K BOPB Pwra Mialla, Ui ataadard. i4e Waal. lie. COAL OIL Paarl er Atral Cae lBVia per tali water white, troa barrel 14c per taL woodea ITe per fxl BeadUfkl. HlMleg. tlHc per gL OARtjUNB flOdeg, aaaea 14 He per eaj, haa BOI 1HC per ga- BEMKINB bbl 1HV4 Per TCBPBNTlbB I bhla O.le nee aaL WHITE LEAD Tea toto. T per Ibi lOS-tb lata, tc per lb; km lota, BHe fZ P. WIRR NAILB Preeent b1 arlXU,' - LINHltP CILPar raw. In B-WM mis. to 1-bM lot, Stci rr. tto per gal; genalne kettlo boiled, oaaee, toe per gal) t-bbl Cta. 54c; 1-bbl tot too pec gI: gronnd cake, car loto. $30.09 par to; Urn tBa ear kta. MO. 00 pat a. jrxw toe corroir bubxxt. 4 New Tork. rwipt, lOe-Cottoa futare closed to ia polnta ap. , . , - Official anotatagaa ; by , Orarbect, Starr ' Cooke company: pen. , Bin. low. apt to. Bpt e 7n,i ...... nno 810 , tM reb. BIT p.18 . ... PIT aat ' M.rcb ... t P40 P24 - tea V Aniii . i... , . .,. . May: ..... Wd Bept. . .... P"" ' Mli '' Oct. Ml - B4 Nor." SM - J Pc Dee.' ..... anil ' ,v ' " ' 1 ; ' ' ' lltarpeoi Get toa Market. 1 Urerpool, Sept. ' 10 Tattle fataret ekd ateady, 1 it I polnta lower. , nitnV 7t toe) toa BAl am M P4 aia P14 Pit 28 aaa mi PKt PH4 r uT ' Kew York IOtot.' i't , New Tork. -Sept. 14. Bar atlrer, MHI Len oa, at .Md. . t ... - ane-anetoali nl 1 1 1 In v r . TfBTTED tTATia OOTtBBTttBT BOBDfl, New York. Sept, 10. Ooeornmant bond:' Date. Bid. Aak. Two. regiterej.,... ...... Opt, lmit dn eouDon Ont. Ira Tbreea, reglatered. (V mnnoii . 8m(I br1. ...... ... mir, rexlatrred.... do MMipoa pntira. rrglatered.... do eoapon rtlotrlct of Colombia, rblllpplna -to........ Opl lo-'m ....... 10s 14 ... 10"T 1 Vr IP ' lMi ,., li 11 t ... 1I2S 11 , ... 1P24 IM 10a -104. 104 14 ' VXl lit raoar t aixlabo. (pclaT Dlapafch to Tb Jonrnet.) Aahland, Or., Ucpt, 10 r'rnet ocenrred here 1at ni.t. bat It la believed bo aarieua daaag wai do to tb toeuta trop, . , . A L017ER RANGE Kl IV!IBATPIT Chicago Market Drop an Eighth Cent Except in September ,': Option During Day, V LIVERPOOL OfNS AND ; ; i j . CLOSES WITH DECLINE With Bearith Foreign News Ameri can ; 'Markets' Havt Littla .to "At tract to tha Bull Side-Flrat Re ports Help Com.: v. : ' V , 4 BBLATIVl WHEAT TALCBS. ',' Sept. 10. Sept. a. Laea, Beptember.,..! .HB $ . December..,.. .11 MKA. .00 .74 ..- Won. S -82 30 May.... - .75! B Chlrate, kept. It. Tbe wheat market ta like ly tu bar temporary turn, at meet ea figure one wey er the ether. Tbe forelg new tbi moral tig w brlsh. Wealkar orer tbe nortk weet enotlnne farorabl for morlnt lb new crop. Mlnneapnlm receipt, hbwerer. fell 100 car bort of Barnrday' eatlmat. Boathweat recelpta were enlarged tor tbe day. The totnl primary aaoreaaent raa a bead ef laat year. Tbe light locraaa In rlalble'anpply did little te oflaet tbe beaiiah fooling. It It twne out that northwest farmer ro to let ap In their offer ing When wheel faonf botk la ttktd" tbet there wllT be omr ebaact (or a turn la the jberkcu Troat"Banort"Hlp. - The mention of light froeta ta "' Mlaneeota, Iowa and Nebraska had little sentimental ef fect oa corn today, and. tbla. with tbe bullish feeling lu eat, brongbt about a fair rally (rota the early hreah. The matket closed at about Satnrday'l figure. ""''.. " " . Official quotation by , Orarbtck. Starr A Cook company:. ;. ' ,. 1 . , WHEAT. - . ' "T ..l..:. -Zj. :.. 4 Open High,,.-;. Low. ..-. Cloee. September ..... nuv, ' :. B May .. ..... T . ' ; " COBN. Septeniber ..... tt December .. 4li ' "41th Ma ,,, rVai 4S .-.,' - OATS. Bepretnber M ' - , - December 4 Slip SOU May -. S3wT : .... , ueta pork. aeprembar .....170 l7o l70 January- .... .UOS laoa 12nl LABD. ". September BM : t!S Bflt October ....... 8f8 t MO Jsnuary TdT T7T tT SHOBT BIBS. - '" - September ..... 0 , M October ...,.,, 8.14 -. M ,. . PM Jaauary TOO TOO , 6W1 t 71a Tli TtlJ 76 V ', ' "' ' Wit Tl "46 41 43 Vk ;a 1T 1283 '..aso' . two , TTT ; tnsA , tat . , auiA ' Sept... Dee... Dec." J... UTUBOOL BBAIB XAXKXT. Sept. 10 Official prtcee: - hut, -t .. Open, - v Cloee. L".- Sept. a. to id to twd l( to l,d ta llhd to ld d to 2Vid -. j.' - COBN. i... - - to td to ld ..r .d -: da tU4 HU . a a t,d to . d I JBXXABT BBATB MOTIBIBT. ' Chloaga, Sept, 10. Primary recelpta: Today Bnaa.. Tear ago Buaa. l.gso.ono t;.ooo Wheat 'nT.'...-.'n..'.T...' Cera CbJnmental Wheal ........i. .......... 84O.rin0 - MT.0nO Cora ,.....(,... T1t,000 11. 000 Clearance: Wheat. 3.'4.0no bushels: corn. 100.(100 baanela; eata.t I04.TOO - bahb; flour. a,47t barrel. r- 1 SETTUBUl 0B0? BtBOBT. , -y (npeclir msnxtcb la Tb JoorntL) " Waabluab-n. Bent. 10. Tbe denertment re. porta coudlt Ion en Septembar I: Com, Pit t-lt per cent: wheat a 4-tO per cent; oau, l b-iu per ceat. . . ., . WOBLO'S BBAIB SKXBKZBTB. Chleaca. tent. 10. , , mi weet Bnsh. Wheat .V"S.TT7t.O0A Cora S.t2S, World' grain ablpmeats: Week age lear ago Rash. .024.00 S.4U0.0UO Bui 10.8x0. nno . 4.aut,oot .. . .. CHacnge Oak Wheat. Chicago, Sept, 10. Cahh wheat ! Be. t red. TnHn'Ici - No. red. r7i; No. I bard. alu7Qc) No. bard. t0Oc; No. S aorta era, JsitTte. . ... -- ASSOCIATED OIL AT : THIRTY-NINE CENTS - Aaaoclated Oil to ara la tb ol fee tore of tb local atock market. Today 2.&UW akaraa were eold at ate. , . . Th meeting ef tb directors ef tba Stock exchange Saturday waa well attended end aar- erai snoMict er importance were aucaeeea. Official q not t leaa: . .... - . BANK STOCKS. X 1 Bid. 128 Alt. 200 Bank of California;..... Mercbaate' National....... thegon Treat A SsTinra.. Cnlted Statee National... I'ortland Trnat e. ...;.. Bankere' A Lnmhermea'. . , Euultabla Parlnt A Loan MIPCKI.LANKOl'8 BTOCKR. llint Maaufacturlng ........... lot Campbell' Ua Boroer. ......... ... Union Oil ......U.. 201 AaaocUted OH t Alaska Packer' .......a' M Pacific Rt.tee Telepboa,,.,.u. 9nS Horn Talepboue Pnget Sound Telephone. ......... ... Oregon Life Insurance.. .--r.. . Cement Prod net ... . 40 . Empire Contracting Co. 110 ... j, Q. Lee Co. , ........ ... . -r lib) : O. K. A N. By. to 102- Merlin TowneiU . 20 Nicola Coal 02 : .... lnurnatloaai. Coal .04 . . tT r- MINlNO rrocKs. . Pactfie Metal Extractloa Oa..... ... ' 28. Alaska Petroleum 14 ,17 iai iio 103 183 ;"i:' J05 40M . 0 50 lOno Alaska Pioneer 4t ( ... Staadard OonaolMttad ... 4 . 12 4 Oregon necarltnw OS 01 ........ y v V aa a a Ha. . nTknB RiMe "wbi form Leee Creek Gold. I seem nteei Oallce CeaaolldAtaa Os Usher 04 - Oolden Bom CoaoUdated....f. . . ' Bnlirrog Terrible ... Oolconif Ot North Falrrlew Le Boy ... ' Hlawttba ...i..... Ccdl Lncky Boy . Heel . ........ 1. S.tO - Rambler Cariboo , 12 Dixie Meedowe .................. 024 Great Northern ....00 Mountain View .' 19 Blue BITOT OoM Mlnav...... ... . SliOAK STOCKS. Rawaltaa Commercial Ilonokea . Hutch Inaea Makawett ..................... Onemea .. ... .. y... pssuuta ...................... Lniua ...........el M I 1.114 & 24 . 1 014 l.M 0i - on 02 04 ., 04 on 'feet 24; "ii Total aaat. 1800 tbara. , . 10ST0 OOFBEB AlUtT. AdTentnr. ft: A I tone, lAcj Atlantle, IM90: Bingham, tai AO: Cammet. trvi; Cop per Menntaln. Ui Copper Rent. 177 1 Daly West, fit; rrenhlla, 1: Green OoneclMated. tm.llH; Oranhr, $ltl Wee.. IA.12H; llckig, lit: Mohawb. too 50 1 Neead rvm nlldated, l2Ht NertB Bait, f U4.t0: - Old Dominion, 141. fm farrot. tBI.tnr Borsl. fihxTH; Phannnn. - AMi Tamarack, POT: Trinity. 10 Ml J'tak. tn2.: Victoria. e).78: Wlnon. t7.Tt Wolrerln. IM; .1. 8. Mining. Ini.tum Black Mountila. $4: ' Boetnn On. solid ted. fAMTIki li. AriaoBA, Bly. MS,!. .,...', .. , ,"; V:.. " 1 ; .' 'V t : 1 '. '- ' 1 , 832,500,000 GO 10 IS EHGAGED Fifteen Millions Secured by New ' Yprk in London Today With More From Australia. " NEW -YORK STOCKS IN ; A STR0NCER POSITION Republic Steel Common Advanced : Over Three .Pointa-r-Atchiaon Two and a Half Higher U. S. Rubber ' More Activa With Good Gain. , Anaoonda Amaltamated -.. Atchtaon ...... Smelter Car A oundry... BrooWyn , T. . ... Comrade rati.. Cheat peake .... Canadian ' Locnaottra .... Uotion Oil ..... Dearer -..... Crle .. ..... Oreat Wealera hatln'nal 'rij' NET GAINS. SH A 1 -I llllaoto Central U Missouri -PnclflA... . H Norfolk .......... H Padrte Mall Pressed Bteel Oar Renuhlla Bteel... do preferred.... 214 Berk Island H H Hither Ry Bouthera Pacific.. Txa A Part fie... . II. a. Hnbber..... 144 V. 8. bteel, peer... . M NtT IJOM bV Nortbera Katy ... Pacific. -Ik 1W - Pannerlranla People' Uaa. Boawag- U. 8. bteel. It Wall Street. New York. nept. 10. The mmte ettnatkm le eonatantly easing op. Today 1S,-000.000- In gctd waa secured kl London. Tula, wltb 114.600.000 enraged there met week and $2.Si0.0U0 enraged In Australia, atakaa a total of 8S,00.000 engaged tbue far. . Tbe atock market waa somewhat firmer todiy With BopuMIe Steel aad Atchkwa ae leauere. la the eumisoa ttock of tbe former there was a sharp rbte of 814 point aad 214 polnta la tba preferred. Atehlm era eery actle- on beat? Curing end dTneed 214 Po"- " w" weekT losing lit point, while a decline of IV polnte was abowa by Peanaylranla. Official auotatlons by Arrerbeak, Starr Cook compny: TESTIMONY CENTERING Le- (Contlnuatj' from Paso One.) DC8CB1PTI0B. AmaL Copper Co Am. Car round., eeta do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, com.. Am. l-oromotrr, com.. Am. Mugs r, coot , Ana, Smelt, eom. ...... ' do I!"' firTel . t t v a Auacnnila kilamg Co. .. Am. Woolen, eoa Atchlaon. com.;.....,. do preferred,.;...... Baltlatnre Ohio, coax. da preferred........ fradklra Rapid Tranalt. nadtan Ptrtflc, eoa.. Central Leether. com... ChL A 0. W., com.... tliL. Mil. 8t. Paul.. 1 111. n. w. peek A Ohio Coin.. Fuel A Iron. com. Com. Poatliorn, cars.... da 21 preferred..... ' d ui preferred. . .'. . Corn Prpduct. eom.... do preferred......... Delaware At Hudena.... Denrer A R. U., cent.. do preferred.. ....... Erie, man. ... .1 o Hit preferred do let preferred..,.., Illinois Central........ LoulsTille A Nashville. Manhattan Railway,... Mexican Central By..., M.. K. dr T.. coca ' do preferred. ....... . federal Pmelte.,.,,irr Mleoonrl Pacific.. National Lead..-.uu New York Central..... N. Y., Ont. A Western Norfolk West., com. do preferred......... North American........ Northern Pacific, coax. Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co.. Pennayhranla Railway. .. 1-. u. m v, 10...... Prraard Hteel Car, eon. ae preferred Bending, com ......... dn 2d preferred..,.. do 1st preferrel. ,. ., Brp. Iron A Hteel. com. du preferred Bark Island, com do preferred 8t. r.. 2d pfd. do 1st preferred ..... 81. L. A 8. W., com. .. - 4nfar eSbakdthtaBajbaf Var-e B t Seutbern Pacific, coax.. do ' preferred. ... ..... Southern By., com...., do preferred Tonne sea Coal 4 Iron. Texas A Pacific Tnl.. St. I,. A W., eom. do preferred Union Pacific, com..., do preferred TJ. B. Rnboer, com...., do preferred tl. 8. Hteel Co., com... do preferred. ........ Wabasli. mm...., do preferred ......... Wlrceilu Central, earn prererreu il2H 41 Ik 101 H 721k 1.12 W l.VJUHnOla 111" art 108 1 looit 120 0214 81. 177 8i 1814 178 11114 100 121 M -1 ii,' 214 177a.177i ill1 !4 ll lHk 7BiI70 21 121.1 21t 140 b&04 148 . t PTt. 7 4 77 - 2I0M, 210. . 21714 :n, 814 48 U T714 144 144141142 4H 10114 08 anif 2S141 nir 2H 2 I P214 JlMhjHl". P 141100 47 Id 10714 20 'ii' 4Tb, 1"7H 20 10214 40 Vh-glnl Cbemlral I 40 14 Total ah for day. f&S.SOO abare. . lau mooey closed at 10 per cent, OYER SUMlOMlfliT SfML IN YABDS : Hogs Steady With Prices Same - as Saturday -T one in Cattle' r . :. Strong Sheep Firm. - - i '-. 1 '.ii 'in Pnrtlsnd Dntoa Stockyards, . Sept. 10. Lire Stock receipt: ? , . Hog. Cattle. Bbeep. Tod if ,....18 :.l 250 ck ago .. ... .i. 28 r--rJt Month ago ,. 200 SuO Over ttundsr there were bat few srrlexls la tbe local yard. No cattle came In, snd ths totals la bogs amounted ta bat Tt bead.) while 220 sbeep errlred. Hogs ara stesdr. Sheep firm ' nd eattl strong. Today 10 Borsee ar rteed In. ' ' titflrtal Brestock oootstlooe: Hogs .Beet eistern- Oregna, 87.00; blockers aad t bttie fats, M Oot JO. fettle Best eastern Oregon steers, (S.SOifJ 8 tr bent rows a no) bet f era, tt 6oa.or); stock era and fesdfra. tt.7All.0O; bulls. , l.t0. , , Sheep BheerUng. 4i!e; lamha, bo. v EASTERN CATTLE HIGHER CTUsaATw Itorktti Tea eata Tf Otaat '' IslBta arOOw. ' ' Hog. ' Cattle. Sheep. Cn learn 8.O11O i. 23,n0 ., It.Oia) Kanaaa Ctly t.OtNl ' 2,000 10,(X Hog ara steady, with 8800 left orar. R. eetnto a year ago ware RArno. Prlcea 1 Mixed, te6fo; gor. i0.08tJt.OS.. roufh, 8.40t .T5- light. .in.Tl. , , I'attla toe higher. k -- , ...- , . 8hen Strong. rOBTLABO BANK STATUlIXt, (Varlng today ... Cbtarlngs t year age..... e. 828.748 At Oal tod" I S8l.TW.4t ,' - Kdlday In California, . Today la Admtsalea day la CaMfornl. and hlg a legal holiday there waa bo eeka ef tba trait at Moaay aaokaaft ta Sta rraadtaa. CIVIL I'M HAS um in POOR POLAND Fifty Soldiers and Hundreds of Civilians, Nearly All of Whom Are Jews, Are Fighting With Great Bitterness . In the Town of Syedlets.' . ' y.s"'V fJooraal tea rial Beretes.) , : - " -: Warsaw, Sept 10. It Is aatlmated that at leaat 40 toldlara and 100 civil ians, mostly Jaws, wart killed in tht last two daya' rioting . at Sledlct (Byedlett). . . .; ' . Tht rlottna contlnupt. - " , Tht troopers art paid to havt out raged hundred! bf young Jewlab women. Tha begirt of Bemltlo poople front this district bat spread to this city. . ,; Ordera hart ben roeelred from BL Fttartburg to tuppreaa tarrorlstt at all cotta, , . Tht troops used artillery on Bledlca todayand doatroyed many btilldlnga oa tha three central atroeta. Tht revoiu tlonlata who art firing at tht toldlery from tht wlndowt ara killing- right and left. Big buildings ara In flames now and tht fire la spreading. : Both tldaa tzDect reinforcement. - Famine threaten tha towns, at tht rioters deatroyed all tha bakenbopa, and tha turvlvora ef tha outbreak ara doa tltuta. At laaat 1.000 Jewt art hun gry. Tha offlcara In many Instaneca lad tht man to tht attack tnataad of trvlna- to quell tha disturbance Tht men of the Ilbau retlment of Infantry wart tha frJott aotlv v. Bladen, dork of tha United Btatet cir cuit court, waa put on tha ttand. Through him Prosecutor Heney brought ut tbat Franklin P. Mayt was an at- torney of record ' for Maya -until ahortly bttora-ht trial of tht "11-1" oata, which trial resulted In tht con viction of. Puttr for conspiracy. Maya anneared la eourt taveral timet for Ptiter, and wat ont of tha attornayt who took part in tba argument on aemurrer. A. C- Woodcock, of .counsel for Putar and other defendants In tha "11-7" cast, waa recalled for further cross-question ing. Ha admitted . that ha was first hired for tha case known, aa "1.801 which wat never triad and did not go Into tha "11-7" oata until Octobar. 1104, when It wtt tot for .trial. Referring to tha flrtt conferenea of tht attornayt for tht defenaa In that particular caao, Heney aaked: . - "At that eonferwnea didn't you Inttr rupt Putar by saying. 'You're ringing In a new ctat on ma, and I want another feat '"..' "No. lir. anaworod tht wttneat. ' r Didn't Putar tty to you. 'Mr. Wood cock, this la tha second tlma I'vt met you. Tht first time you wart' alto tak ing about a fear " . 'Again tha wltnesa antwerrd "No. tip." "Didn't Putr aay to you 'Mr. Wood rVtck. I don't want yoa In tha oaae. if thla la a new caaa you can got out. Takt tht train back to Eugent and I'll pay your, far."?.-' " ... - r-'.-1 - . For tha ' third time 1 tht wltnett tnawered o. tlr Ht explained that when Puter objoctod to hit continuing In tbo cae ha offered to retire provided tht other defendant! wart willing, but the other attorneys declared that they would not stay In tha caaa if Woodcock- retired, and Puttr. changed hit mind. ' '.- - ' ' .- r '-'' ' '" ' ' r-Tht wltnaat dsnlad that' Ptitnr said to him. "You wtrt drunk tha first time i mat you, and you're drunk now." . 5 Prosecutor Heney began to dig Into tha question of tha attorney feat paid by Putar, and ex-Judge Plpea objected. "That la immaterial," ha said, , "I don't suppose tha testimony that Mr. Wood cock acted aa attorney all through tha Puter trial - It disputed. Mr. Heney knowt ht waa present "1 1 had been blind I wouldn't havt known It," replied Mr. Heney. "but I had eyot, and therefore I know It." "Mr, Woodcock wat aenlof counsel in that caaa." said ax-Judge Plpea. - "I never heard him openhle mouth." remarked Mr. Heney."" , "That may have been to Ma credit," iretorted eg-Judge plpet.",.l"Wltdom it often allant" . Further "questioning revealed that Puter paid hit attomeyt ll.OOt. When the witness said ha didn't know that Puter had made good Horace McKlnley'a share of tht expense, Prosecutor Heney hiked: "Don't you know that McKlnley brought 11,008 to town, but loat tt all In Jaok Qrant't and Putar had to pajr for McKlnley'a defenBeT" "I don't know that," answered, the wltnesa, "but Z heard tha story." Irvln Rlttenhouse, secretary to Mr. Heney, and Thomas B. Neuhausen, spe cial Inspector for the department of tht Interior, were called by tht defense to Identify documents bearing on forest re serves. Rlttenhouse - explained tha meaning of tha varloua colors on a map ahowlng the territory Included or rec ommended for Inclusion In the Blue Mnuntnin rnaerve. - Through Neuhausen the defense Introduced a compilation of regulations governing trie creation and conduct ot forest reaer-vet. .-A aessloo of court will be hold to night find tht defanat expecta to com plete itt caae before adjournment, ' - Proeeeotor Htney bellevat that by" proving that Maya wtt Puter'a attorney tip to the time of hit trial ht haa de feated tha effort .to discredit Puter'a testimony. Ht hat a telegram from I. F. Puter In hit possession declaring that 'Mayt took part In the defenaa, being ermtulttd several tlmea by both of the Putera. but thla cannot be Intro duced in tvldenc. Tht government may call 8. A. D. P<r in rebuttal to prova conference! with Mayt.. . 'FRISCO STRIKEBREAKERS GO BACK TO NEVV YORK Ban FrancltW.flepL 10. Tha TJrlited Railways thla morning shipped II of Farleya etptkebreakert back to New Tork. which leave 180 atlll her. It it expected that further thlpmenta will follow at tht company haa no uaa for them with a peaceful settlement of tht Btrlkt by arbitration In tight - ; Mtatta meet Ofaoara, ' Sumpter, Or., Sept 10. The Bourn t minora'- anion No. 41. W. : F. hot elected the following offioera for the ensuing term: President, h. C Nslder- mark; vlce-preaiaent, i. x. atanoney; re cording aec rotary, i. N. Oamba; financial toeretary. X MaDonald; treasurer, W: O. Mknlf. conductor, - John Hog; warden, B. H. Farman: finance oommit tee. R. I Gilbert, Peter Bruseth, W. a Mltchelt ' . Frofervod BVMB Ceased aVeoda. eUloa latwlf Beet Bread, V-oj ry. -r;.-f. X7SCURE : MEN FOR a.c .'c we wu treat tny i-:3 : cattd ftllraent under tl : c Izi 3 jirtr-t . No pay cslwss cured. Doa1 wait until your whole 'ay stem la polluted with dlseus or until your nervous tyatem Is tottering un der iht strain and you become a physical and mentnl wreck, BAflt for work, tiady or aoolal dutloa an l ot llgatlona of life. Improper -or half-way troatment cm n only dn harm. The worst cases we have treated wr those that bad been Improperly treated before coming to us, aome having been maimed for life by bungltn aurgloal procedures. .. We cure by reatoring and pre serving Important organs. We do not advocate their mutilation or destruction In an effort to make a quick cure. All afflicted, persons owe It to themselves to get oared safely and thoroughly., ' WH MAKB STO kTSUaSTXIl BTATal afEHTa ot docepxlve propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to mire them UT A riW SAT In order to secure their - patronage. An honent doctor ef recognised ability dnea not resort to nttcb methndn; we guarantee a lira a pro LiiriMfl cuaai in the QUlCKlaT VOaaUBIJB TlatJi, without leaving injurious after effoota In the syBtem and at the lowest aoat posathla : for ROMBtr, Krn.x.rria aad tuo . cxBtvrui niATiuit. .' , Baeaasatlaai, both acute and ehronlo forms, cured without using any poi sonous drugs or In any way Injuring the system. ... v ' ;'... Aontt aad Ohroala dltoharg-es, via: ttoaorrheee, Prostatto altsttsa, cured by the use of tba only actentlflo methods known, injurious to the system In no wty, thape or form; But, on tht contrary, it buUda up tha tysum and tht diseased port rtturne to a sound and .healthy condition. .- .. j We also euro all forma of Skla diseases, TJloera, Verroaa Troablet, JOdaby aad BUddsg ajjsaaea, Tnoera, gtrlotare aad Tarioooela. ; - ' we wlah to lay tpeolal atreta upon our method of treating Blood Sotao aad BypblUa wltaeat malHtt msreary. r""f"T"- '''Tr'"""'' tt will not eott yoa anythlmg to oaJl at eat offlct. aad by aa dolag M aaay save won aaaofc tlma, worry aad moaey, feeoaaaa if wa oaamot ease yea we will fcotuhrUy and fraakly ten 70a to, aad yoa will not bt under may flnaj :cla obligation to i. ,.. ,'.'-i '.''.'.'.''' ' ' ' ' " ...'.. Remember This: - Consultation Is Our fee for any aaeompll eated ease ta flk-AO. Write for atyBtVaoaa blaaJt tf yoa eaaaot It noon. ..;:;.., ..'.';..; ....r.:....-.,;..i,,;; '.;:...,:.J.uii..,7."'J.:.., .... St. Louis SURGICAL UEEICAL AND - SIRCICAl ; ooxbtu noovo Airo takbxlx. ituiti, roAnAaro, ouaoi. Dispensary 251AuSCCE M In Ihc Treatment of Hen. 4 - d. "Wt make no" misleading tttte--menta or falte promise: w do not promise-to cure you for a nmsll fee and then charge more. Wt have no free trial treatmenta ' or scheme to trap tbe unwsry. Our doctors are graduates of the' leading colleges or ejurope. ana A merlr-a and a ra dillv licensed In I ' the state of Oregon to cure, dls- ' eases of mac. Come to ua in the strictest con fidence. Wo will treat you hon , estly and skillfully and will euro you In leas tlms than other doo . tors take to azDorlment on you. All those who are dlooew raged or who have taken treatment .front nn tkOled tpecltliatt we especially invite to call on ut and avail themselves of the free egamlnatlon. '..-." ' "' w As 8pclalltt wt treat and curt all chronic dlsesret of men. such aa. nervoua debility, aorea. varicocele, diseases of the nervous aystern. weak neaa. skin diseases and aoute diseases of the kidneys and bladder; also ehronlo heart, lung, liver, throat, rectal and etomaoh dlaeaaea. , ' sTatAXXi m -: ' 'V... "'V ' t. J. Our prlcB ar always reasonable and nTr mora than you ara abU to Miy rOr reaUiia Wa will jrwu. x-y aaacaj tw-T v .mw w-waea a month aa you are able, or wo wilt allow a liberal discount for eaeh. No roan too poor to get our best services. Wt hevt euch a large practice that wa can give voti a very low price. No excuse for any man to be without treatment- Being specialists In our line of work makes ua able to do as much for you for 12.08 as others can do for lit 00. - . , aUBT Young and middle-aged men who have injured themttlvea in body and mind, with weak back, falling etrength. sunken eheeka. hollow area bnd habits, dtnnlpatlon, poor memory, we cure secretly and cheaply. WAAIC08B THAT B Wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain. Rupture, hydrocele and piles cured. - Consult us free and find out how we curt without the knife. Our price jfor oura la tha cheapest In the northwest " . . OTTT O TOWX -SCSaT TXSXTUr CXTT. Consult ua tt once upon arrival and maybe you ' can be cured befora returning home Msny cssea can bo cured in one or two or more visits. Consultation and advice free.' - ,' writs People who live In outside town! and in tha country who can not call should write for consultation and advloe free.., Mtny caaea have been cured by home treatment"- - . , . ,n: - Office hours a. m. to I p. ta.; Sundays and holldaya, 10 a. m. to IS m. Dr. W. Norton Davis &Co. Office in Van Noy Hotel; i Third St., Corner Pine, Portland, Or. Txa xvABOiar in Bioaixa xnioAZi xbktttutb xm rn OBTXWBSV. Bttabltahad la Portlaad ta 1888. If you wish you can depoelt the price "of a cure In any bank in Port land said amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you mBy pay ua by weekly or monthly lostallmsnts if . yon prefer. , f.UD DOG TREES MASTER AND SCORE OF OTHERS : Great Dan Shows Signs of Hydrophobia and Frightens ' . Many People. ; : (JmrsI Rpeelal Bervles.) . New Tork, Sept 10. A Oreat Dana owned by J. J.' McMulkln of Hunting ton. uong Island, wont mad after hav ing been bitten by a amall terrier and treed hi a neater, who had to Jump from hit anto when tha animal clambered la Beeldea McMulkln a bicyclist and a score of women were driven to the tall treea while tha dog pranced about, snapping at everything In alghfc1-- McMulklrt waa. driving nit anto through the fashionable Bummer section of Huntington when a tmall Skye terrier bit the Oreat Dana which bad been trotting behind the car. The venom acted with unusual swiftness. Tha big dog sprang Into tht auto and attacked McMulkln, hla matter, who wae astonished almost beyond action, but managed to spring out of the car. He than fled to a amall tree. Perched upon a limb he aaw hla auto run Into and atop against a nearby stump. The dog rushed eft to attack 28 Isborers In a neighboring field and le a man they dropped their hoes and scythes snd r!!rr,r.1 trn. The dog ran about th - ' t r r a time and then dlaappeared. KW Tork O'fe. t" ' In cof'sl - . . -. , . For Iced Tea bevers Golden West Ceylon Ten "rr-"-: . Peculiarly Rerreshlnj.' , Sealed Packets Only. , Closset Co. Dcvcrs UJ I! FIRE SWEEPS OVER , . HARBOR OFVLADiVOSTC:; .4 tJooraal Special 8r1c. r Vladivoatok. Bct,t. 10 Ail im houses, offices snd g""! piers for the ue cf 1 ware detroeI 1 ,,