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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
Tun orecc:i daily journal; rOKTLAi.'D. Monday '.evening. si:rf iimi;:::: io. 1:..;. 1 0 COilCI 'ISIIL'iGTOil Dartmouth Star Arrives to Take Charge of Seattle's 'Varsity Squad.' - : ' TEAM WILITBEGIN WORK ' v ON THE OPENING DAY Placa Will Succeed Dr. Roller as Head of Athletic Department and Will Be Assisted by Trainer Connl bear of Chicago American Team. . Vsncdal bliMtcfe ts -Tbs Joarael. Battle, 8epL Jt. Victor M. Place, who . - - - V.ll'kt lliAlTlllM.Mtt of Washington this fall besides being Dhrslcar director to succeed or. Roller, arrived In Seattle lact -week and wUI immediately begin making some prepa- retioaa for the football aeaaon. He waa out at -the nnlverslty conferring with Captain Crim. but as yet baa made no definite arrangements for tba Com Ins season. Before tba opening of tba col lege, September It. tba new coach wUI be busy fettle a Una on tba football men who will be la college tbia fail. It la thought that moat at tba 14 men will be back ready for tba opening pre tlea September it. - After tba opening of eollege Coach "Place doea not propoaa to loan any time In berlnnlns actlwe training. M will . call ans-flrst practice-fo-tb -. first day of the session. Tba acneauie gins early thta year and for tola reaaoa the team will bare to ne got.togeiner expeditiously and the hsrdest kind of .training" ..undertaken .Tba new oaco aaid that b should like vary-much to bare aa many players aa possible out a few days earlier to practice a little m punting, falling on the ball and soma llgat aorimroage work.- -. - Besides having charge of the squad. Coaob Place will be physical director at the unlveralty, and will hare to be am aettlna the rrmnaalum In readlnaaa for the large enrollment that will crowd the gymnasium this year. He will oon far with President Kane on the subject - Conalbees Is Coming'. ? Trainer Connlbear, - who U to be as alatant la tba gymnaalum and hays complete charge during the football sea eon, besides being trainer, of all the athletic teams and eoaoh at the traok team and rowing crews, realgned his position on the Chicago Amertoaa league baseball team recently and will be In the City In a few days. - , Mr. Place and Mr. Connlbear bare never met, but know each other by reputation. . Their duUes will be very closely connected at tba' college tbls year. v The schema provides for the payment of Coach Place by the State university and Coach Connlbear by the Aaaoclated Students. Their duties -are so Inter woven that each does some work for both the university- proper and the stu dents. The plan has met with the ap proval of all those who have heard of It. As both the regents ef the college ana in oosra ox control er ue students voted unanimously for the plan, it Is tnougot it win meet with universal satisfaction. The University ef .Oregon nss adopted the same method. -Coaob Place has had a long and sue oessful record both aa a trainer and aa coach of football, besides being an athlete iii ether lines.- Mr.-Connlbear la also a premier athlete, with experi ence la a number ef lines. With two aueh men In obarge of the athletlo destinlea of the unlveralty for this year every one Is enthusiastic and optimistic. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York ; Chicago . . . Philadelphia Cleveland . , Ht. Louis . . Itrolt . Washington Boston . . . At OUoage, . K. . K. ....4 7 t . .a a ' Chlcsgo . Detroit . . Batteries Altroek and Tawne: Mniiin and Schmidt . . . . . ' A an. lOTla, iiEIrT fame-...... - R. H. R. Cleveland . . .j a - EL Louis a' a 3 Batteries Rhoadea and Clarke; How ell and O Connor. . . . et Louts . ......,.... 1 Cleveland ... ....! I 1 Batteries Palty and Spencer; Joaa and Bemla. . .. -- .... . .7 ... n. n. B. Of flavor combined with economical prices.' .That Is m good description of our stock of . Wines and Liquors - AH 'standard ; brands " of Champsgne, Claret, Sherry, Sauterne ' and Fine Old Whiskey and Brandy- : ' VERY OLD TABLE 'rl'S -i CLARET ' . 75t) to 91.50 a Gallon ' .. - M - ' r 1 -, ' " ... - REISLING 75s to ? 2.50 a Gallon - ; SHERRY. (S1.00 to 94.00 a Gallon Flflh and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6433. ' Delivered Free ' Won. Xjoat P.C. ....74 41 .410 .......... .74 4t - .401 . . .......4g;' 4( .14 ..........41 ' 44 . .W7 .......... ,44 - ' 44 - .424 J.... 44 r 4T .441 .........40 ! 11 .t t .It SHpcriority TuZM mm BY KELSO FLAYERS J.ocaJs Suffer Defeat In a Close Came In Which the Umpire Figured Considerably. tSnartal trtraatt te Tha Jearaal.I '- ' Kelso, Waan.. Sept 14. For the third time this , season the Kelee (Washing ton) nine . beat ; the old Trunkmakera yeaterday by a score of 4 to I. . Prob ably every amateur team la Portland haa met defeat, one or more times this aeaaon. at Kelso. Defeated teama gen- orally find .excuses for losing and In nine out or ten caaea will lay the nuune on the umpire, when is not deserved. However, the managers declare that at Kelso It is diffloult to get an even break. Kelso clalma that they will not play again this season. The score follows; HANGERS. ' ' AB.RH.PO.A.BL Jameson. rL-lb. ...... 4 S ' 1 I I McClelUnZa. ....... 4 11 14 Brlgga, cf. I ' 0 . ... I ' Van Nortwlck, If. ... ISO i , 9 Day. lb. .. 4 4 1 I Antolne, c .....7.... I : ": 9 ' 1 " 1 Doner, lb. 4 1 I 11 4 Brown, 2b. 1 1:11 Taylor, p. ........... 4 I - 4 4 Hurlburt. rt . 1 . I 4 0 Totals ......14 Kxxea I I'll IS t , ' j AB. R. R. PO. A. B. Halbert rf. ...... 4 9 , 9 1 1 Palmer, lb. ......... 4 I II Thurston, c. ......... .4 4 Baker, lb. 4 0 Graham, lb. ......... I - I Heberden, cr. . ....... 1 Kelson. If. 41 Daggle, aa. I 0 Hull. P- Totals .;..u 4 it ii -Batted for Brown. Tr- Two men out when winning run was scoreo. - ; SCORB BT INNINGS. ' Kelso . it-tA A .t.i41-4 , - fr : STJMMART. ' Baaea on balls Off Hull. t. ' Hit by pitched ball By Taylor, 1. Struok out By Taylor, 1; by Hull, i. Two-base bits r Jameson,-Domer t. McClellan, Heberden. Stolen basa Day, Heber- den. Time of game One hour and 41 minutes. - umpire rneipa. ' SPORTING GOSSIP The first football work of the season was held yesterday by the Multnomah club sauad. Fifteen 'Of the men who are to try for positions turned out and enjoyed a half hour's work at booting the "oblate spheroid." It la too early In the season to venture a guess about the quallfkatlons of the "winged II" repre sentatives. . ;, .1 - e e . Ther feature of the second gams at Recreation park yesterday waa the ap pearance of Mangerlna in the eatoner s box. Thia little fellow caught . a good game and was promptly dubbed "Spa ghetti" by the fans. v 'tr- Tha iirowd didn't Ilka to bear TTmnlre Mahaffey call Bernards safe double In the second gams a foul. Lou Is honest, but ha missed that, as well aa Ran dolph's In the first. - - - ; . ,-" Mefredle made a stupid play In ths servMh when he held Toman'a nit In stead' or returning It borne, -thua allow ing Cravath to score. ' ,,. , Lister's wild heave' la ths first game gave ths Angels two unearned runa. e ,; e . ' " v - Kane played a good game at second, besides getting two hits-In each con test. Every little bit helps. !.-- e e ( . " Randolph pitched 'a fine gams, strik ing out eight men. On his list were McHala. Sweeney twice. Mitchell. Me- Credle. JCana twice and. Oura. Bergman fanned MltoheU . twice, MoHals and Donohne. 1 J ' , " . e ... , It Seattle Intends quitting ths leaa-ue. tha sooner the better, ss everybody Is tired listening to the walla of Agnsw Co. ever since ths San Francisco Are. - Ths Chicago Cubs srs In a fair way to beat all records for games won among major league clubs. - , ... .-. ...... a i. e - ; . . - Connie Mack Is In a bad way for pitchers. , Waddell, - Bender and Plank all hays kinks in their arms, -- ? -y, a :7; --,y-.-1 T'f Sam Mertes haa not been a howling success In St Louis. Perhaps "San- dow". la feeling old.---: 1 Now Jg the time for the tall enders to take a spurt and knock the- chaaoes for ths pennant of some club higher np. How they roam! . Henley, last year with the champion Athletics, this sea son with Rochester, and neat year with Brooklyn. , . e. e . Chios go ball fana say that the Cubs are good for at least two mors pen r.ants, -which would make three years In a row. - The Windy City Is swelled up for fair.' i - -- - : t w a J .'. y. .- Among American league clubs next seaaon there will be found -three or more new managers, and at least one In the National league.' . . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost ..,.-.....100 ta ... . SI - 44 PC. .761 .444 Chicago . . New fork . Pittsburg ............ 80 47 .410 70 .453 . 24X.1 76 .406 . i t7 Philadelphia . ........ SI Cincinnati . . 64 Brooklyn . . .......... 61 Bt, LOUIS . ,. , s Boston 1 it Aft M. Zjsals.- - - . , R.H. B. 4 . 4 1 First sran St. Louis , Cincinnati . .... , ...... ..4 ' 4 0 Batteries Bee be and Noonan: Hall and McLean. - , Second game 1 -- R. JL Et Bt. Louis . ...i...... ....... ..1 ft 1 Cincinnati . . . . .4. 1 Batteries Rhodes and MarshaU; Fra aer and SchleL . . .. At Osioago. R.H.K. Chicago . . .................. T-.S S Pittsburg . t Batteries pfelstar. Brown and ran; Lelneld, Leever and Phelps. 4 I Mo- - ' ' Orowd Arts Vmplre Xlopf. ' V. Seattle, Sept 10. Thet Slwaehes and 4-Seals each took a game yesterday. Um pire Klopf angered the crowd se much that Manager Hall requested that he leave the grounds, which he did. Ths sco rest . First game 7 : - R. H. fit Seattle w.4 4 I 4 9 4 4 0 41 6 San Francisco. .0 0044016 01 40 - l atteries Jones and - Blknkenshlp; Williams and Spies! Umpire Klopf. ' Second game R. H. E. Seattle ...... ... .'.4 41444 0 t S 1 San Francisco 4041 440 I 4 1 Batteries Vlckcrs and Blankebahlp: Brown and Spies. Umpires Klopf and WlUiajna, , . . .. eiilUIS CAPTURE 11 DOUDLE-IIEADER Locals , Walk Away With" Two Games From Captain DII - - Ion's Poor Players. . FIRST CONTEST WAS A RAGGED EXHIBITION Second Match Waa Pitchers' Struggle Between. Henderson and Bergman ' Fana Hava Kick Coming on Way Certain Players Are Treated. .. . , Portland 4, Los Angeles' t. Batteries Qum and Donahue; . Ran dolpb, Cravath, Illlon and Kager. ... Portland 1, Los Angeles L g . -1 Batteries Henderson and. . ponahue; Bergman and Mangerlna. ,',. Before the smallest Sunday crowd of the season, the Glanta yesterday walked away- with two games ffrora 1 Captain LIUon'a performers. It la hardly fair to call Dillon's men baseball players. aa Dillon himself said after the - first game that the . majority of his team was not worth money enough to pay their expenses over a free bridge, and In making thla statement Mr. Dillon Is correct.' Eager, Towan, . Oochnauer, Ellis, McClelland and Mangerlna are not worth powder enough to ' blow them selves up. . They are no more in Port' land's class than the Fresno nine would be In the New Tork Americans Still, that is the kind of -ball -that the local fans are paying for. - - i ' Another thing that may seem nngen srous to mention, yet It la true, la ths desire of umpires to favor a heme team. eh. to the datrtment-nf-4he--sports- manshlp of the game." In the history or the coast league In Portland the um pire quest ion has always been one of disturbance and annoyance to the lo cal people. Few competent officials have ever graced tha local diamond. - If a maa were a good umpire It- always appeared that Portland got the worat of every deal. .. Coming down to the present time: we are face to face with the financial situation. Portland with out quenUon is the best paying ball town In the league this year.' Ths mag nates of California know thla full well. Aside from Portland being the best paying elty, Portland haa had ths best team In the league thla - year.' The Olants can easily win on their merits, no hslp being required from the better of any elose decisions For these rea sons ths local patrons of baseball Ilka to see a square deal On an even break Portland can ' beat any team la ths league five out of six games. ' Mr. Mahaffey Is the most efficient umpire that Portland haa seen In three years. While not. a aoul would say a word about Mahaffeys honesty,' there are many who would appreciate every effort he would make, even though the Olants are contenders for tba pennant, to give an opposing slub every decision to whloh It was entitled. - A square deal to Los Angelas or any other visiting team would not affect Portland's chanoea for victory materially. . Tester- day in me nrsi game Randolph knocked a clean two-bagger along the first baaa line, but Mahaffey judged It from the pitcher's Box and called It fouL ' In the sixth inning of the second game Ber nard hit as clean a double aa was ever seen to right field, and Lister In trying to field ft at deep first knocked Jt on foul ground after It had passed first base, and Mahaffey called tt fouL These decisions were noticed by the crowd, and really offended the fana. Decisions of this kind and ths tendency to rub It In to each men as Frank Dillon 'and Park. Wilson ere the little things that make the national sport distasteful to those who attend games to see a fair contort. This is said In fairness to all, and for Justice to the under dog ss well ss for fair play for ..the too noWhere. -V - '-.'-"V' . . Tire Crams Was Baay. ' . Randolph and - Oura opposed saeh other In ths first contest. Nagle opened up with a doubts and scored on Cra vmth's Infield poke. In the third Ottm passed four men, being unable to locate the plate. Lister" tried to catoh Cravath at third and threw the ball away al lowing twa Angela to tally. While It looked like the visitors' gams. Ours set tled down and didn't allow another hit for six Innings. . v For five Innings ' Randolph pitched perfect ball, but In ths sixth Tils sup port became wretched, and, with live hits, seven Glanta crossed the plate. Toman, Oochnauer and Eager were ao bad that they couldn't have been worse, and Randolph was disgusted. . Cravath pitched the seventh and Dillon twirled the eighth. . ... The Seeond Match. '-7; Ths second contest was Portland's all ths way. Bergman and Henderson were on the filing line, and both pitched good ball. . the Giants' work being the better. Portland scored In the second of Smith's triple and Kane's single. . In the sixth MoCredle scored en Kane's hit. Henderson was ss steady as a rock after the first, and. didn't allow a hit until the seventh. : Bernard's doublo waa railed foul. In ths seventh Cravath singled, Kane made a great atop of Dll lon'a hot drive, and Tom Toman hit an eaay aafe one to .MoCredle, The Giant manager stupidly tossed the ball to sec ond and Cravath scored.. McClelland filed out to right and the day was done. The first game was a farce, tha second fairly good ball. . . '.' , PORTLAND. .' ' -v. '" v- .r.,:.; AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHnie, cr. ......... 1 1 2 0 Sweeney, as. 4 l.,0 l 4 1.1 0 Mitchell, If. ........ McCredle, rt Fmlth, lb. ......... Donohue. o. ........ 4 ; l ci 4.11.4 4.01 '.. 4 4 1 1 1 Kane, 2b. tester, lp. .i.. 11 14 Gum, P t 1 0 0 Totals . w. ..;.....! - 11 IT 10 LOS ANGELES. ' , '"' , ; . AB, R. H. PO. A. E. Nagle. ef. . I 1 i 1 1 Oochnauer, ss. ....... I 0 0 1 Cravath, lb.-p.-rt .... 114.1 Dillon, p.-lb ....110 4 Toman, 2b. 4 0 4' 1 Ellis, If I 111 McClelland, lb. ...... 4.4 14 Kager. c 10 0 I Randolph, rt.p. 10 4 I -Totals : .:. II I 111 I I SCORB BT INNINGS. Portland ..4 I I 0 0 T I 1 I Hits .-,......1 1 0 0 1 I 1 1 11 Los Angeles ,..'..1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits . ,1 010140041 SUMMART. - Struck out Byum,-4;-by Randolph, I; by IXUnn, 1. Bases on balls Off Oum, 4;ff Dillon, 1. Two-base hits Nagle, Mr Hale. - Bacrlfloe hit Ooch nauer. Stolen bases Cravath, Smith 2. Oum I, Lister, McCredls Hit by pltohe4 ball Lister. Passed baJls Donohue, Kager 1.- First base on errors Port land, I. Left on bases Portland, I; I os Angeles, 7. Innings pitched By Randolph, 4: by Crsvsth, I; by Dillon, 1. Base hits Off Randolph, I: off Cravath, li CC IVUlon, a. 2itna oi .gania yns raiNTzw ijx. IVanSocJm If joe are aecceaaral as ss ' ad-etusmg artist ead bare eaoafh contdence bt yoet . 'een ability, bop ea s trele rot .', Portland, Oregon Hi TUE 1 sad lake a desk ta tie art shop of CHAPMAN ADVIX ISINO CO. Dost write, aa we are too easy to feply. There's work enoaga for even awes hlgkiaes artUta, bat we wast tears F. O. B. Fortleed, ' ee we sea at "Skldoe'taa aunsts we sea the kt stake geeA----"-' 1L Ths above advertisement, from "Print er's Ink," Indicates how the advertising business haa grown In Portland. News papers are today carrying more spaoe than ever before and advertising writ ers are busier. Merchanta are giving more attention ' to the preparation of copy they use more Ulustratlona and employ higher-salaried aM writers. The Chapman - Aaverrising Agency sae Kown ' from a one-man agency to At tn nine of these are artists who pre pare drawings, oto.. for all classes of advertlalng. The agency now occupies a big portion - of the top floor of the Commonwealth building. They handle the advertising of Portland and other coast merchants In eastern and ooaat roagaiWa and newspapers - They pre pare booklets, - get up the Ulustratlona and superintend advertlalng campaigns and do everything else pertaining to the advertising business that can be and Is done by the big agencies of the east. hour ' and hattey, , . 41 minutes ' Umpire Ma- eoonS Oama, . PORTLAND. T-AHlOrFOrATET McHala, of. Sweeney, ea Mitchell. If. ......... S ; V , S 4 09 I. 0' 1 4, 11 MoCredle, rt s V , ; a 4 s s o . Smith. Sb. ...-.I....... lL Donohue, c .......... 4 0 . ........... 1 L 1 1 S ' 4 C 4 0 0 4 0 0 . ........... 0 I I 1 4 Jtiane, ZD. Lister, lb. benderson, p. ....... 1 4 Ill 4 Totals "? II 14 j .11 I LOS ANGELES. ...... AB. R. H. PO. A. B. St ........ t 1 4 0 0 0.4 r. ss ...... 1 4 0 0 11 Bernard. Oochnauer. Cravath, rt . 1 1 ,w Ill Toman, Zb. .......... Kills, It . . . . . ... . , MoClelland. lb. ...... Mangerlna, 0, ........ Bergman, p. I I 4 4 Totelg . . ..... .11 til - r SCORE. BT INNtNOS. 1 Portland . . .... 1 4 4 4 1 I - Hlta . il4S e 7 Bos Angeles . ..4 4 4 0 4 4 I 1 '... s S t f 11 v' SUMMART. . Struck out Bv Henderson. ' K Bergman, 4. Bases on balls Off Hen derson, 1: off Bergman, 1. Three-base nil emitn. eacrinoe hits Oochnauer, Ellis. McHala. Smith."- Stolen haaaa . Cravath. Smith. Sweeney,- MoCredle. First base on - errors Portland. 1; Los Angeles. 1. Wild pltoh Bergman. Left on bases Portland. I; Los Angeles. I. Time of game One hour and 14 min utes, umpire saananey. VILLAS . ARE DEFEATED 121 LIEHJH1SG GAME East Portland Grays Administer a uvely Beating to the Mon- , ;. i7: tavilla Lads ' ,-' ' There was a mighty fast nlne-lnnlng contest pulled - off - yesterday morning on the Montavllla diamond between the Kaar Portland Oraya and ths Villas, ths time consumed being just ona hour. Ths Grays won by a- little timely hlttlnk. aided by a couple of bad miscues by ths Villas. Probst, who pitched for the urays. waa effective and kept the hits pretty well scattered; splendid support was aoeorded Mm by the entire team. Harklna need -his speed and cent ten Oraya to the beaoh after -vainly punch- ing noies in the atmosphere.' Ths gsme waa the fastest exhibition seen on the Villa diamond this season and attracted goodly turnout of fana Tba Villas Close tbelr season next Sunday, when the St Johns Maroons will be their opponents The East Portland ' Grays will nil aa engagement at Fort Stevens with ths soldiers. Ths score: ( V "y GRATS. . V ' - AB. R. H. Pf. A. E. W. Morrow, lb. ..... 1 . 0 1 14 4 McKlwaln, 11. 0 I 11 IT 1 i i i 4 I 0 0 Kmenck, lb. . . C. 5iorrow, ct Ta use her, rr. Myers, as, .. Brock, c. Oearln, lb. Probst, p. . . 10' Totals . ..... ......11 4 I IT 14 - X . , ; villas. C ' . AR R. H. PO. A. B. Sloan, rf. ........... 4 1 Brodle. lb. I 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 4 I 0 ii .1 ,-i .Ross, lb. ............ 4-4 Freenwald, CI. 4 McKlnley, lb. ....... 4 0 Marshall, c. .,,..,.; 4 0 Wlebush, It ...... t I 4 Pater, as. ..;........ I . 1 Harkins. p. ......... I 4 I T 4 10 11 0 0 4 . 0 0 0 jr."? ' Totals . ....... ...!! 14 IT 7' :V SCORE BT INNINGS. : Grays w I 0 1 I I 1 I I--4 Hits , . ,.;.....4 0 0 1 1 4 1 1 64 VUlas , 1 I 0 4 4 I 0 0 41 Hits V. . ! 1 4 0 I 1 144 f , SUMMARY.- . ' ..j. "' Stolen baaea Graya,' I; - Villas, I. Three-base 'bits Ross, Sloan. Poubls plays Ross to McKlnley; Koss to Mc kinley to Sater; McKlnley to Marshall. Hit by pitched balls Brodle, W. Mor row. Struck Out By Probst 4; by Harkins. I. Earned runa Grays, 1; Villas, 1. Time of game One hour. Umpire Billy Heales." ' .- -" Bran Break at Oakland. ' ' . Oakland, Sept. 10. The Tlgera and Commuters broks ' svsn yeaterday. Scores: .- Morning game R. H. B. Fresno 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 44 II 1 Oakland ....... .0 4 4 0 0 1 1 1 40 1 4 Batteries CBanlon and Hogan; Catea and Bliss. - Afternoon game " """ .: "', R.H.B. Fresno ItllMIIM f.l Oaklsnd ........01041441 I 4 1 Batteries McGregor and Dash wood; Graham and Hackett ' "' PACIFIC COAST-LEAGUE. -, v , .- ." Won. Lost P.C. Portland , . SR 41 .6 ft Baa Frsnclsoo . 74 I - .471 Los Angoles , .44 :t -70 .497 Henttle . i 44. 70 ..477 Oakland . . ....aa. .... 40 . 71' .4S rreaa- tw .. . A. H. ' Ml DO IBDIiiG DELLS FOR TEJ Corv&I'Is Couple Are Out Three Dollars for License, but Are Not Married. ' BLUSHING BRIDE HAD- BEEN DIVORCED WEEK John Albert and Clementina Myers Get to Altar Before Learning. That They Cannot Be One and Now the Groom Want Hia Money BackT""" (Special Maeatck tt Tbe JooraaL) CorvaJlls, Sept. 10. "That Is easy made money," was ths remark with which John Alberg of Benton county handed over It to the deputy oounty clerk for a marriage license a few daya ago. The bride-elect waa present at the time and the wedding was to have oc curred early the following morning In the Cathollo church; but It did not, and thereby banga a tale. v The happy couple appeared at tha courthouse at 1:10 on Saturday evening ana applied to Recorder Newton for license to wed. Mr. Newton telephoned Clerk T. F. Vincent, "Come down Im mediately; business Is urgent." but Mr. Vincent had not had dinner and he like wise had work at home to do, so ths answer came back; "Call Captain Craw lord; ns 11 coma" . ' i I Bridegroont-Sleot .Bxcltea. . ". While a neighbor waa called by tele phone to run over and send Deputy Crawford down, the Impatient bride groom, wearing his working clothes and a broad-brimmed straw hat, decided to hunt up ths deputy, and struck out. Ths two passed on the street, neither know. ing the other, and after the deputy ar rived at the ; courthouse he - bad to await the rtturn of. the ax cited., bride groom-elect. . . ,. Arrived at the clerk's office, tha dep uty asked or Mr. Albera: "Ever been msrried before T" - '. " "Once, II years ago," replied JUbers. But never' a- word said Clementine Myers, the bride-to-be, and never a word more saia tne nnaegroom . until - ne plunked down the II fee for the license with the remark quoted above. , - ' ratbe Springes Balked. " ' Sunday ' morning tha couple repaired to the Catholic church and asked that Father Springer perform the ceremony, but here they ran amuck, for the father waa aware that the bride had been dl Torced only a week, and In Oregon six montns must siapse before a divorced man or woman can .- wed, - and Rev, Springer refused, to tie the knot "hen we'll get another minister." was ths declaration of the loving pair; but the law Is not a thing with whloh ministers trifle and ths prayer of the anxious ones was denied. - , '-''WSBteS Mosey Back. ' Bright and early Monday morning the exasperated lover appeared before Dep uty Crawford. "B'goeh, I . want my money back," ha exclaimed, only to be confronted with the Information that the fee had been plaoed to the credit, of the county anal could not' be refunded.' -Then I'll see Clark Vincent." blue), tared the unhappy ' victim of a cruaL cruel olrousastanoa, and the last seen of him, he wsa astride a bony sorrel horse, his big straw hat flapping In ths wind as he galloped oft to locate Clerk Vnv OenL. ., '.":'-; f ; u 'i This he failed to do, how ever, so tha oounty-ban the fee, Albera has the li cense, and It la presumed the bride has a lesson in law that may prove of bene fit wnen next she attempts ta launch her bark en the uncertain sea of matri mony. ';.. 1 -.'. . :, LINN COURT OFFERS BOUNTY FOR COYOTES iBDerial msDateh t The JeeraaLl Albany, Or., Sept. 10. The residents of the country surrounding Holley In thla county have wsged a most deter mined warfare agalnat ooyotes and oth. er wild animals that bother and destroy sheep and cattle of that section. The county- court, to. assist - In this, hss inada ani.ordaraUoTrlng. ll for-eacb scalp brought Into, ths clerk's office and proven before htm as to killing. date, etc. These men- have banded to gether, and besides the pay allowed the parties by the court, pay an additional bounty to anyone killing a coyote or other animal that may be dangerous. , FINE SILVER CUPS FOR 1 i - STOCK SHOW PRIZES ' ,,..-,.. . i i .---- .f. i (SseHat Dtnttik te The jeersaLl ' ' . Tillamook. Or., Sept II. Over 1100 worth of silver cups havs been put up for prises at the next annual stock show of ths Tillamook county farmers These srs In ths main confined to stock which shall be owned and In Tillamook before March 1 of next year. -PORTLAND DAY AJ FAIR ' tow Bate and pedal Train. , September II has bean named as Port land day at the Oregon state fair, and a special train has been arranged for that will leave ths Union depot Port land, at 1:10 av' m, September- II,- and will leave fair grounds at 4 p. m. the same day on the return trip. An ex ceedingly low rate of 11.(0. which In eludes admission to ths grounds, has been made for this occasion, and tickets may be secured either st Southern Pa cific ticket office. Third snd Washing ton streets, or at ths union depot . ' Bstats of John Oonsec. .- -.v Special Dtepttrb to The Journal) '-, 'Albany, Or., Sept 10. Tha estate of the late John A. Conser, deceased, was filed - Saturday In tha Office of the oounty clerk. Mrs. Conser, his widow, was appointed executrix. - The estimat ed value Of the property is 114.000 In realty and 1300 In personal property. - Under the provisions of the will ths two sons share with the widow In the distribution of the estate, each of them receiving something jover 100 acres of land. " j 'i : I ' ; . ::; - OU Stock Bises. ' (Special Plspatrb to The - JmrsaL) TUlamaok, Or Sept 10. The Insiders who own stock In the oil company are today offering $110 for etock that was Issued at 1100. " The drilling IS tdTngStt" ebfttlnuoasTf: When escaping gas Is lighted It barns until quenched. Surveyor on Bvery gtnmp. (Spaelal Dlpat:h to Tha JoerseL) ' . Tillamook, Eept 10. Tha county Is sllve with railroad surveyors At least three railroad companies havs parties at work. A man said: . , T hava been, traveling around, anA iim Dave Yoa an Eztinz FIcMrcn? vf ;r EUCTCIC KCXS ARE UXlXtS JtUSt' If you care for CONVENIENCE, COMFORT, "HEALTH, ECONOMY in your household; If you, ; care to be up-to-date, progressive, in the swim; you will use the Electric Fkt-lroa- . - -: By filling in the coupon below, you will receive one of our ELECTRIC FLAT-IRONS, under con ditions which ought to attract yovu3 : " STYLE NO. 1 Regular, household, 6-Ib. Flat- v STYLE ! NO. 2 Nickel-plated. 3-lb. Smoothing Iron for' dainty work. ' . : . , ., -y: y--::'.y t,;v;.The Iron win be delivered promptly upon receipt, of coupon, withoiit expense to you. f;,.-:yifi;-s, on on PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC! COMPANT, 7 J Seventh and Alder Sta, Portland. Or. ' ' . Gentlemen! Ton may deliver to me one Electric Plat Iran. style No. . ... which J agree ' return to yvn wvuun av usys iron) aaie oz oeuvery. kx a oO not return - rt at that time yon mag charge the same to my account at 14.40. . It la understood that no charge will be nrnde for tba Iron it I return tt within II aara. ? ." r r ;-.- Add! sv a ar-si PORTLAND GETtERAL ELECmiC COJIPATiY PboceMy8te Excbasse 1. llScrts2i c.AIjer. Streets J.fji Willi Brooke! Cut Rates '" Te advertise our new and wonderful ly snoeeeeful Alveolar laetbod, we wUI do work at eat sates o - ge36lDayg; A 10-yeaa guarantee with Ln work. Baammation free. SUre ftlllngs, 0O crowns aak- SS40 ta a.OO ferldge- work (per tooth), 43.64 to ge-oo. Platee aa low aa SS.00, Bverythisg first slasa. Xrftdy atteadaat. . - 1 t, BOSTON DENTISTS ; 291 Morrison Street ; :. - . Oppoaita Postofnce Paints That Play Ghost- Ths kind that havs no real "body" . havs no place in our stock. Imitation paint la worse than no paint at all. We have a care In providing Bay State paint that fills the wood, preserves It, adds to Its sppearance and altogether does what an Al paint ahould do. ' rn BIO PAXBT STOBB, . Fisher, Thorscn& Co. non ajtd kobbisobT stsv. by gosh there's a fellow sitting 'on every stump writing down figures in a, Uctla book,' . 1 1 .1 vovmMm ta try, and If unsatisfactory. to aes a sw FOR nosiioe AND PROPERTY i i lliillll 600 feet waterfront, Jolnrng1 Poit. : . land Flouring Mills. -- -- r" 900 feei k waterfront, d 1 r e t'l yj. north of west - end ,of new,! ... Northern Pacific bridge. " ; 5ys acres -. on- Northern Paclfla track west ; 6f Portland Qay4 Company. ' . " : ';y ' '";t.:: Front street lot, two-story brick, ' income $185 per month.' 1 v , , Pries .............. 925,000 . Third street quarter, tncome $420 per month. Price . . . ? U,&UO . Sixth street quarter. Income $370 per month. Price . . UO,QOO Half block on Irvinff, between - Sixth and Seventh." "' Price .'. ..G5,000 - w Quarter block bn' Biirnside ' and :