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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
" I- Oil JE17 CHARGE - ' t .-"- ... ...r ., , Murder of Tyler Is Latest Accusa tion. Brought Against Baker " ; County. Man. "" WALLACE SHERIFF FAILS TO COME FOR PRISONER t Attorneys: Declare They Can Clear Client of Any Charge Which Haa Been :.Preferred"Again8t HU ' by .. Prosecution, y '. .. - , v .. v . '" (Special Dleaatra to The IwhI) " , Boise, Idaho. ept 10. Sheriff Bouth . rlend of Wallace waa xpcted to ar . rlv In Boise thle mornlnf with a war - rant for Stave Adams on the chart or murdering a timber locator named Tr ie in Kootenai county In July,. 1004. lie failed to arrive, nor did aa officer .ftjom Colorado come to arreat him. for tli -murder of Lyte .Gregory In Denver .Mar IS 1004. y- Adama clalma to have been in tb Cripple Creek mining diet riot up to June i T ofhat year, when he left, escaping . : from the etate Jmliltls wh,ch waa da porting all union miners. . .. ' -' -elective McParland came In '' from Ntnver on an early, train thla morning and waa In long conference with Gover--' nor .Gooding and Chief Prosecutor Haw ley. Neither would submit to an Inter, ' view, saying there waa absolutely noth . log new to give out. - They aald they were satisfied wltn conditions as far as - the proeeeutlon waa concerned, and that Lthe Imprisonment of, - consent and to protect him from . as . sasslnatlon for the Information-he had 1' given. . v. T ii " ', . !' .- Darrow, Morrison A" Nugent attor ., neya for -T Adama ... and - th weatern Federation, say they are able to estab- llah the Innocence of Adama ' of any ' crime so far charged against htm and that they will go wherever Adama ta taken to look after hla case. -. -' Adama ta confined In the earn Jail '"' with Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone, i and while - each knowa of the other's ... presence they have not been permitted to come together. -i- - - - , : DERNBURG HAS STUFF V - - THAT MAKES HEROES -y-v:--;- . - (ennui BperUl Service.)' " - New Tork, Sept. H. A cable to the , "flmea from Berlin aaye: - .- :'? ; . - "The newspapers -are wondering to whose Influence tha appointment of Herr XMrnburg, aa director of tha colonial office, la due. Soma say the appointment . waa suggested by Baron Speck voa Sternburg, ambassador at Washington." The Tagebatt prlnta a atory to th affect that whan h waa a clerk in New - Tork Deruburg waa th only employe of r the bank -for which ha worked who " turned up at th tlma of th f amove bllaaard of 111. .He made hla way to th bank on foot and found a member of th firm trying to get through a . mass of correspondence. . Th banker found Dernburg fully acquainted with all tha detalle of tha work. Boon after . . ward. It la added, ha waa appointed to a confidential position. . ". ''. ' ' Emperor William, wh 'haa deter . mined to. d I soever what la wrong with tha Gorman colonies, sfter returning .' from th maneuvers will receive Herr ; Pernburg and dlscusa plana for reform. - HAY AND BARN ARE tttBURNED BY EXPLOSION ' ' T' (Sseetal IMepetee te The Jeersal.) Heppner, Or.. Sept. 10. A big har a, "barn and a atock ahed belonging to th Penland Land LJveatock company, On what la known aa th Hamilton place. It miles southwest f Heppner. waa deatroyed by fir Saturday. Th fir ' started from tha explosion of a lantern. One hundred tons of wheat hay war burned also, making . a loaa of , 11,000 - la alL .....- ... y v- . sajajasjas-aaa sa awaa saMBrawsBBstB TWENTY ACRES NET : FARMER LARGE PROFIT . (Speelal Olaaateh te The Joareal.) La Orande,. Or..- Sept.' It. Harvey Clark, who owna mountain ranch four miles aouth of town, haa a tract of -SO . acres under cultivation. From thla ona piece of. ground h will hav SOS sacks of potatoes and haa H.009 head of cab bag in fine condition, the heada weigh ing from two to five pound a. At bot tom price hia potatoes wlU bring 1400 and tha cabbage 1100, or a total return of 11.10ft for tha 10 acrea. . PRISONERS SICKEN ' , ; - ON COUNTY FOOD : e e e e e e e e ee e e - County Physician MoCornack, e waa called to tha county Jail thla 0) . morning to attend alck prisoners ; e ' and found about half of them ' Buffering with cram pa and oolto. e The prisoners stated that the 0) cause of their Illness waa that some aour beana wsro given ' them yesterday by Contractor e ; Eballng. They also gave Dr. Mo- e Cornaok ' aamplea of hash that thay claimed to hav been given e . thla morning and tha doctor pro'4 e nounced it unfit to eat. Th pris- ' oners wer given an extra meal ' d at noon today by Ebellng. e Or. McCornack aald that where e) : a large. number of men were fad e from ona kitchen It frequently : d . e , . : occur that aour rood la given e them through - no .fault of tha 0) cooks. ' The doctor attaches no blame o Contractor Ebellng for i e th condition of th hash. Mr. e Ebellng told Dr. McCornack that he would be iglad to hav th 0 food he glvea tha prisoner ln,4 , apected at any time and If It la e e found unfit h wlU gladly cook e a new meaL y-' - i. :,'," - ' r -e e a - r.i v-' . ' a-tn Broaka Bridga. . ' .;'; 1 (ll OtapnK t Tli Jueril. r Albany, Or., Bept 10. Tha large en ' gin on Howard' a clover huller broke 'through on of th eounty-brldgea Set urday near Froman atatlon. - The on rator of the angina, contrary to law, "undertook to oroaa the bridge without ' Blanking tha aama. - , . Two Train e. One Traak. (Joernel gpenal srTiee.) Wheeling. W. Va Bept lO.Two paraona were killed and twa injured in a head-on collision at Woodland, on the Ohio river division of the B. O. Two ' paeeenger tralna mat en A. bridge ever Slsh creek. . ' . . i . if- , . il.O 'JtSStLS .:!it EED lil FOG Highland Queen Runs Down Schoonerf While Driving Be-' fore Howling Gale. (tlpeehl Dlwetca te The JaeraeLl ' BeatUe, Wash., Sept. 10. Th halibut fishing schooner Highland Queen last Wednesday afternoon in a fog and In a howling gale when off Cap Scott col lided with tb schooner Norman Bund, Captain George Penny, and th schooner Louise, Captain Larsen. Th Highland Queen's crew bad but a momentary glimpse of th boats and it -waa impossible to tell whether or not either waa . seriously damaged. Owing to tha terrlflo velocity of tha gala the Highland Queen waa unable to put about to tha asslstano of th craft. . - Tb Highland Queen la In command of Captain A. Brackner. While . cruising about the spot where they were laat seen tha achooner Northland passed, bound home. Captain Brackner com munlcated tha news of th collision to Captain Brown. Tha two veesele carried It man, near ly all of them reaidenta of Seattle. Cap tain 'Brown aald becaus of weather condition a th men would have a hard time getting aahore. , ROBBERS JOKE AS THEY TAKE COIN Fourteen Holdups Pulled Off by Two Cans of Footpad -l' - v. In' Butt. ' ' 1 r'- . - fcpeHil Dtopetea te The Joanal.) ' Butte, Mont, Bept 1. Fourteen men were held up In this, city last night within av space of two houra. , Th robberies occurred - In different parta of tha city ahowtng plainly ther were at leaet two ganga of highwayman operating. - - ; - " r - No arrests bar bea mad, the polk) being apparently powerless to' check tb carnival of crime. - : . ' -George Watson, believed to be one of th two men who held up several men in Meadervllla last night. Is at St. Jam hosplUI with a bullet In his In teetlnaa..- He ir not expected to llv. Th wound is behaved to hav been In flicted by Watson's companion In erlm while tha two war fighting over u division of their plunder. . - Several of, th holdupa wer .pulled oft within sight of each other, th rob per joahlng with on -another. CANDIDATES CHOSEN 9 IN COWLITZ COUNTY - (Special Wptrk te Te JearaaL) 5 Castle Rock, . Wash., 8pt 10. Th Cowlita . county - Republican convention waa held her Saturday. Tha convention waa called to order by Chalrmaa F, O. Barn.. J, U Harris of Kelso was elected temporary chairman, A. IX Wn loughby of -Kalama secretary . and I. M. riamondon of Kelso and F. M. Lane of liartln'a Bluff assistant aecretarles. Tha usual eommlttaea ware Appointed. Tb following candidatea wr , nomi ne ted: O. Byerly, representative; J.- I. Wood, auditor; A. F. Klrby. sheriff; W. O. Powell, school auperlntendent; - V. J. Miller, clerk; B. V. Hubbell. proaoeutlng attorney; George Campbell, treasurer! J. W. Huntington, assessor; d It Bell of Caatle Reck, . aurveyor; Dr. F. M. Bell, coroner. -" .-r Delegate to atat convention aa fol lows: A. VL Cagwin, C" A. Taylor, K." L. Lank, Al Boaarth, E. R. Pattereon,' J. M. Ayers. I. B, , Huntington, F. I Stewart X. M. Blma, E. W. Ross, R. F. Johnson and W. M. Inua ... v - , . . . DELEGATES NAMED AT , .CENTRALIA PRIMARY a (iDedal Dtapatca te Tae ieuraal.) Centralla, Waah Sept 10. In tha prlmarrea held her Saturday night tha following delegatea were elected to at tend the Republican convention. to b heldt. Chehalla on September If First Ward A. T. Carr. M. Toung. JuUua Koch, J. M. Benedict Mel Clark, 8. C Davis, Fred Darla, W. B. Kler, U Bar. . . Second Ward H. Tilley, Dan Salsen, W. O. Bennett C S. Gilchrist J. T. Jones, B. Stewart H. H. Hamer, Charles Wallace," Frank Bprague. Third Ward D. F. Davlee. J. C Wil llama, B. H. Rhodes, T. H. Dunekley, B, A. Cowlnyen, S. S. Grimm, J, . Lease, J. P. Guerrlar, A. C Greene, R. G. Cotrlll, I. Rosenthal. ; , v Everything passed off harmoniously excepting In th . Second ward, where considerable contention waa manifested by worker for aspiring politicians. It la thought tha eoming county convention wiu do a not one. INSANE MAN STREWS DESERT VlITH VALUABLES f (Jrtmml gneelal Br-.1 . Loa Angeles, Sept 10. John H." Mo Crary. proprietor of th Crystal ' Mas oaf in Denver, waa- brought to JUa Angelea last night by F. P. Rivera, a Santa Fa detective, a raving mania. He left Denver a few daya ago with several hundred dollara and 1100 worth of dia monds. " - ; i At Hackberry, Arlsona, the train wae halted by a waahout and MeCrary showed aymptoma of. Inaanlty. . Finally hla mania reaohed auch a atage that Rivera felt Justified In confining him. MeCrary escaped and started across tha desert - He hsd progressed about a mile before hla absence waa discovered and Rivera, tha engineer, conductor and brakeman of tha train, started In pur suit. When MeCrary saw that ha, waa pursued he threw away all of hla dia monds and several hundred dollara In gold and bllla. PICARD WANTS PLAYS ., , OF HAPPY FAMILIES t ' (oerail gperlal Servlee.l ( New Tork, Bept 10. A cable to the World from Bruaaela, Belgium, Bays: A millionaire named Ploard haa offered a prlae Of 11,000, t be divided among the authors of the -best plays brought out In the nest winter season, provided they contain no mention of marital In fidelity. H explain that ha Is vary tar from' wanting "goody-goodlnees" on th stage, but he desires plays that will make a aubject of conversation. Ha saya now dinner table are persistently occupied with the on eubject," which la both Jinsavory and a bore. Ha aeea no reason except inartistic, unintelligent acquiescence In foolish mod to forbid tb creating of new sohool dramatists. . , DEFENDANT DOES HOT-APPEAR - ; TO EXPLAIN BOAT MYSTERY Though, bis trial was to begin in th circuit court this morning, Foster Brad ley did not appear to explain to Deputy District Attorney Adama what kind of a boat It was that would carry 1,100 pounds of pig lead and could be rowed from Astoria to 8t. Johns by ona man. Bradley waa ' charged ' with ateallng th lead from tha Portland Gaa com pany on May 12.' . He . pleaded not guilty and hla trial aet for 'today. He was released on 1S00 ball furnished by P. F. Halt Wen he waa arrested Bradley said the lead had been brought him from Astoria that day by boat. Aa no river ateamer had been up that day, Deputy Adama wanted to know what boat Bradley aald a man had rowed up with It to fit Johns. - Deputy Adama waa . curious to ' asa tha boat and tha man, but thay had started back to As toria, , . , - , - TKi PLATE MAGriATE TAKES ? " HIS THIRD SPOUSE Forty Timet Millionaire Robs the Comic Opera Stage of Beauty c:y. for tht Second Time. fJasrail aneeUl flervlee.l ' . Maw Tork, Bept 10. It haa Just bo eem known that Daniel O. Reld. or ganiser of tha tin plato trust and worth about 40,000,00t, haa married a third tlm. - Hla bride la Mabel Carrier, an actress, known on tha musical comedy etage. ; Reld been attentive to her for ?rara. He married tha young - woman n Burone and tha couple Juat returned to- New- Tort Thle-ls the second tlm Reld haa robbed tha stage of-an orna ment to embellish hla home. Tha aeo ond wife waa Clarissa Agnew, a eborua airL who died two veers ago. Mabel Carrier Is II years old."' She haa been la th chorua antil racanUy, when ah waa promoted to Important parta. - Reld Is 41 year old. H haa a young daughter by. hla flret wife. To the memory of a dead aon ha erected a splendid hospital In hla native town of Rlohmond. Indiana. - Later ha erected a church adjoining the hospital, dedicating It. to hia paranta. r. r r: DETECTIVES CAPTURE . LOCKSMITH ROBBER . A capture of tha greatest Importance was made thla morning by Detective J. A. Meara and Sergeant Jonea of the bureau of criminal investigation of the local polios department whan thay ar rested Fred Gordon, alias Smith, In the north end. on a charge of laroeny, Gordon waa found to be In possession of a portion of th plunder stolen from Ooldenberg, -rsv locksmith on Taylor street about a wea ago and at tha tlma of his arrest waa trying to dispose of hla booty.- Gordon offered ao resistance and aubaeouantly conducted tna oe tec tires to hla room,. whr th l malnder of the goods atolen wer re- oovervd. v .:-.-: . ..l-.-.v ; Mrs. k. Olankamp of Ogdaa, Utah, t notified the police that aha loot or had atolen a purse, containing till In cur rency and gold, while at West Park and weaninaton streets several aars ago. . Misa Miriam Stevens, a. stenographer In Attorney Vaughn's of floe in the Cham bar of Commerce building, haa reported to the police that aha left her purse containing II in a room In that building and upon returning found that some sneak thief had taken It There la no olue to the culprit r--sr-1 NEW11YSTERY1S "1 f FACED BY POLICE W. Brennah, an employe of the Weat- sra Union Telegraph company,. Informed Captain Clover last night that about 11 p. m. be observed an unknown man car. rylng'. three gripe over the Madison street bridge and when near tha center of the draw threw one over the rail Into the river. Detectives were Immediately assigned on tha caae, but up to noon to day had been unable to solve tae myetery. ' v. v. ", . . - According to Brennen'e story the man appeared, to be considerably agitated end after dropping one of the grip into tha water hurriedly walked to the east era end' of the bridge and turned north on Baat Water street - What waa con talned in the satchel Is not known, but there la a poealbllity that It may have been the mutilated portion of the body of noma victim of a murder. Captain of Detective Bruin regards th matter aa serious. - . FIVE-CENT, FARE , ; TO COUNCIL CREST The new trolley road to Council Croat wni probably be opened on Wednesday, although the opening' may be post poned until Thursday. ' General Man ager Fuller of the Portland railway, in addition-to making - the announcement of the probable opening, also made tha more Important announcement that the fare to the Croat will be five centa from any part of tha city, ' Thla la the first announcement regarding the fare to be charged. Tha arrangements for run ning the care hav not been completed, but the probable plan la that -one Or more cars will be used In making the Council - Croat loop, . the paasengers transferring from the Portland Heighta car to - the Crest. - car at the Pat ton road. It will Uka from II to 10, min ute to make th loop around the Crest, the road being Just A trifle under one mll,ln langth, , . : . r- . . MATTHEW WELCH. IS r,V: r'vn FOUND DEAD IN BED Matthew Welch, an aged resident of Beaverton, Oregon, waa found dead 1n bed In a lodglng-hOuse at 111 Third street between 11 and 11:10 o'clock thla morning. The deceased waa 70 ysara old. Deputy Coroner Ftnley la making an Investigation Into the cause of death to ascertain whether or not an inquest will be necessary I John Welch," a eon, la a resident of Fdrtland, alao Mra. Kate Maloney, a daughter.. .. ' iii I I nm i m I ii . " acre. Oreea'a Mosey VseftU. Austin. Txaa. Bept. 10. Tha Re. organised Republicans thla morning filed mandamua suit asking that th secretary of atate be oompeiied t place tha names of their nominees on the official bal lot E. H. Green, Hetty Omni son. heada the ticket aa candidate for gov ernor. ' '.. ' Werkaaen Killed. ? ' IJoeriMl Special aerrtre.) Mlneola, i L. I... Sept 10, A burg being constructed collapsed today, killing two Workmen and Injuring ty - Adams thought tha affair would all ha explained at tha trial and curbed hla curiosity, but appeared In eourt thla morning eager to. learn more about the boat. , But Bradley -did not appear fortrlal, and Adama asked Judge Oantenbeln for a bench warrant tor tha man's arreat. Bradley Is a pa I nlrx n 1 TrM4t IV heard of waa at tort bio vena palnitrrW tha soldiers' barrack a Attornsy H. C King, who appeared for Bradley In th polio court, eald he had sent to Fort Stevens, but his client Is not ther. At torney King said also that ha la not now Bradley's attorney, but represents th bondsman, and asked Judge Ganten beln not to declare lb ball forfeited for 10 daya In order to give them an op portunity to produce th painter " In court Judge Gantenbeln lasued a war. rant for Bradley arreat and allowed th tlm asked by tha bondsman, THIRTY PEOPLE I! TRAIII WRECK Thirty Passengers on Southern .C .Pacific Are Seriously ? "S1-1-' i ;. Injured! )-:'r , w -w -w -w e - t (Joaraal Ipeelal rrlo.) Santa Barbara, - Sept e (Bulletin) Th second : seotloai.e) 4 of train 10 on tha Southern Pa- " clflo, leavlpg ' Ban Franclaoo a( 0) 0 :4i p. to. :, yesterday, - . waa 0) 0 wrecked at Bea Cliff, 10 mllea ' e below here and five mllea below') - Carpenter, at 10 ., o clock thla -mertilngi 1 - 0) It la reported": that 10 ' pas- ' aengera are Injured, aome very , e seriously, but that none are kUled. Dr. A. W. Taylor, the e Southern Pacific aurgeon, and 0 several looal 'Burgeons left at - O) 10:40 on a apeolai train for the scene. No partioulara have been e received. , ,t v ,', ' f. Most seriously Injured: Clara Tuaw lor, Loa Angeles, shoulder broken: Mrs. Mary Pet ram, Spokane, Washington, rlba and arm broken, lung punctured; Mra. Long, San Franclaoo, arm broken; George Wilson. Oxnard, assistant ex press messenger, right leg broken; W. Qorham, Loa Angelea. leg broken In two places? Mra. A. Gaakil, San Franclaoo, collar bone broken.- ' VETERAN'OF CUBA IS ; DEAD AT WALLA WALLA " (Spefal Dlepeteh te Tk lesnslj Walla Walla, Wash., Sept 10. David Gregg, pioneer carpenter of thla city, waa discovered In a- dying condition In a shack on - an -.alley back -of - Main atreet at 10 o'clock thla morning. It la supposed the cause of hla death waa an overdoee of laudanum which ho had been -la the habit of taking for neu ralgia. -, .'- He waa aeen by no one since Frldae. . He .was a British sailor and engaged aa a filibuster during- th 10 yeara of war with Cuba. He aaw the massacre of the crew of the Vlrginlus In 1171 from a prison window at .Santiago da Cub. .. A coroner's inquest was held this morning. . ' .-, .. - . ONE BURST BANK . W1UAY DEPOSITORS Joraal 8tdi Br-W. - -? Topeka, Kan.,. Sept 10. An amicable division of property valued at 1000,000, belonging to the estate of C J. Devlin, haa been arranged between tha trustee and the receiver of the First National bank of Topeka. The bank will relieve property valued at about 1100,000, which will make possible the payment In full of all dsposltors. .. Dividends totaling IS per cent have already been paid by the receiver and tha remaining 41 per cent will be paid la three aeparate dividends at an early date, thus cloatng up the affaire of the bank, which failed In July. 1101. : SACRIFICES FAMILY FOR COMPANION . , - Jowaal Special Servtes.) ' Loa Angelea, Sept 10. While William F. Jack, a carpenter, living at Burke, shared hla house with strange woman. hla wife and two babies sought rest In a cowshed la th rear of the dwelling on a bed of straw. , Warrants wer is sued for th arrest of Jack and th woman who displaced hla wife. It le Alleged :hat . Jack's companion cams out of the house with a revolver and ordered the rejected wife to leave even the outbuilding In which aha had found ahltr. . .. MRS. 0ELRICHS MAY- . TRY TO BREAK WILL Utmnul gserial servlre.) Chicago, - Bent 10. Marie Dressier. who waa with Mra. Oelrtcha all tha time the latter was in thla city, says that Mrs. Oelrlcha la en route to San Fran Cisco to break her husband's wllL . - That Mra Oelrlcha would likely do thla will not surprise tho who know th relatione that existed betwoerr her and her huaband. . VALUE OF OREGON z:: , COAL-INCREASED .;v.. . . ... . , Washington, D. C, Bpt 10. The ad vance report of th geological eurvey on tha coal production of Oregon ahowa th output for 1101 decreased from the previous year. The figures are-: -1104, 111.140 tone; 10I. 101,141 tone. Tha value, however. Increased 1I,I6T. REBELS VERY CLOSE f TO CUBAN CAPITAL I I ' . ' " Havana, - Bept. 10. Rlncori, II mllea from here, la In the hands of the In surgents. Tralna are atopped and plun dered at will. The rebel Infantry la moving Into Santa Clare to Join the In- aurgante there. Government troops -with machine guna repulsed an attach on tha troop train thla morning at Aartimiat '. . mlUt-Stewarl wedding-. -' Inverness. Scotland. Bept. 10. Banna war pronounced announcing the ap proaching wedding here of James Henry Smith of New Tora ano Chicago, th bachelor heir to llO.Ono.OOO, and Mra Rhlnelander Stewart, divorcee, of Balti more. . .. ; t ..' i v. . Glil FIEiiOS FACE POLICE JUDGE J weaBBsaaxBBjeBjsBaMBrx . ' ' . - 1 . , Ten Totter Intd Prisoners' Dock to Answer brgeKr-VR2- rincy ia urunKenness. Ragged, unkempt blear-eyed and pal sled. 10 unfortunate slaves of th deadly Chlaese gin habit tottered from the prisoners' dock Into Ah presence of Judge Cameron la th municipal court thla morning for trial on chargea of vagranoy and drunkenness. tAtter bear ing th testimony of Patrolmarl'Prtoe to the effect that all of those before the court were habltuee of the gin shops on Second street Judge Cameron al lowed the majority of them to go on their promts to leave th city. Some Interesting - Information waa elicited during the proceedings aa - to the amount of the vile liquor that cduld be purchaaed for I centa and the quan tity that, eould be consumed In a day without death ensuing. From "Shorty Eastwood, at one time, It la claimed, a wealthy resident of San Franolaoo but now ona of the moat prominent mem bers of the ''aln brigade.'' It waa learnel that a -quarter of a pint of either gin or whiskey was sold for a nickel and that hla capacity was about eight drinks or It ounces daily. T think that I can with safety drink eight or ten drinks during the day," tremblingly replied JEaatwood to a ques tion from Judge Cameron, "but I never touch the "gin." The whiskey hits me right" - --- Saya it Salt ettaa... When- -interros-a ted as to whether -the liquor was good ha rtpllad-i' Weii, lfa not equal to the atuff the awella at the Portland drink, but It aulta me." - He acknowledged being an Intimate acquaintance of the fiend who oied several day ago aa the result of drink ing Chinese" gin and admitted that the demise of hia friend made him refrain from touching the liquor for two daya. In view of the analysis of tha gin and whiskey made at the request of Coroner Flnley In which the chemist found that methyllo - alcohol waa arr Ingredient Eastwood's declaration that he could drink a quart of tha latter liquor in a day la remarkable. Methyllo or wood alcohol la an active Irritant poison and half aa ounce la known to be a fatal dose. ' .. D. Ross, R. C Green, Bill Dillon, Peter Halgbt, D. & Blssbee, J. O. Ford, Jo Goggin and ESaatwood were found guilty and their aentenoea suspended for them to leave the city within 14 hours. Charles Baumaater waa sen tenced to five days' imprisonment and Tom Reynolds will be locked up for 10 daya. Tha arrests were made by Ser geant Baty and -Patrolmen Hill and Price In the gin milla . along Second atreet ana heralds the Inauguration of a crusade against these resorts, aa the direct result of the disclosures made at tha coroner's Inquest - ' UOSESSOHN SECEPTIOrl IS ; : GREAT SUCCESS. Five Hundred. Friends Congratu late Doctor and Wife on Silver ' ' Wedding Anniversary.. . ' ' A reception was held at the residence of Dr. and Mra N. Mosesaohn Sunday afternoon and evening to celebrate their sliver wedding anniversary. The bouse was beautifully . decorated " and many lovely nieces of silverware were ra- eetYed. About 0r friend cAnedUurTn7 tn arternoon and evening and congratu latory telegrams were received from, ail over the United Statea Dr. Moaeeeoha la dltor of th Jewish' Tribune. Dr. and Mra Moseasohn Intend to take a abort trip through Canada and upon their return Dr. Moseasohn will go to New Tork with hla aqn David. Dome ox inose present at tna reception were: Mr. and VTra I. Bavraky, Mr. and Mra I. Rubinstein. Mr. and Mra W. Fox, Mr. and Mra F. Marx, Mra Esther Holsman, Mr. and Mra A. Friedman, Mr. and Mra John Dellar, .Dr. and M.ra A. TUser, Mr. and Mra C. H. Davidson. Mr. and Mra.. L Arumberg, Mr. and Mra B, Palley, Mr. and Mra 8. Chalraoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Goldman, Jacob Lautersteln. Mr. and Mra L. Goldberg, Rev, and Mra Cohn, Mr. and Mra. M. Oottglener, Messra A. and N. Davidson, Mr. and Mra. L. Cohn. Mr. and Mra R, Friedman, Mra 8. Rosentbsl, Dr. and Mra J. Bloch, Mr. and Mra Sig. Blchel, Mra Abigail Bcott-Dunlway, Mr. and Mra D. Solia Cohen. Rev. and Mra R. Abraham aon, Mr. and Mra Wolfe Wll-J ner, Mra J. Shemanskl. Mr. and Mra N. Welnatetn, Dr. and Mra M. Axelrod, I I. b. Kosenorsnts, 8.. Lk Goldschmldt J. M. Rlcen, C T. Barker, Mra Louis Altman, Dr. O. 8. Btnawanger, Dr. and Mra J. H. Cardwell, Dr. H. J. Harris, Miss Roa Crlsley, Mr. R. M. Halt . FILLS MOTHER-IN-LAW'S HOUSE FULt OF SHOJ ' . . - Loula Farcbi adopted a novel method of wreaking hla vengeance : on hla mother-tn-law, Mra , Carlone' of h 51 Fifth .atreet last night by securing a shotgun and firing 14 ahota at her resi dence. The building waa peppered with buckshot but fortunately none of the bullets struck any of the Inmates or passing pedestrlana Fare hi waa ar rested before he eould do further dam age and Just as he waa coming from hla nous with A pocket full of ammunition. Th oaae waa continued in the -municipal court thla morning until tomorrow. It has been learned that Farchi, after Imbibing freely last night left his home at 114 Sixth atreet And went over to Mra.. Carlone'a homa He was or dered out of the house by hla mother-in-law and left vowing vengeance. He returned In -a few minutes with th shotgun and commenced firing at the house. Patrolman . Stewart, who waa attracted by the shooting, opportunely appeared and upon making a search for Farchi found that ho had gone homa The shotgun was found by the police man Outside of tha; Sixth street house and h lost no tlm in securing pos session -;of th -wapon.--Farchi wss found coming out of the house with a dosen shells In his pocket and - waa placed under arrest; He denied having any .Intention of killing his mother-in-law and claimed to have been engaged In Uirirt n rant Ira About nva weeks agn Mrs. Csrlone complained to the police that Farchi had '(stolen 1700 from a trunk In her house, but refused to swear to a com plaint agalnat him. Tha money be longed to a number of Italian roomers in her house and had been given to her for safe-keeping. It la understood that he returned the money and no further action waa taker! In the matter. rhere are many Want Ada la today's reaxmal that will tatoreev ytm. iATEc o ; cc:;ve::ti:: CfI'iS AT SALELl - Afternoon Session at the Fair Grounds and Evening Meet ing at Capitol. ; (Special Dispatch te The JearasL) Salam, Or.. Sept 10 The water laws ooavsntlon waa called to order at 1 o'clock thla afternoon by Gl W. AJlen. Judge Lowell was detained and his speech waa read by Judge Thomas G. Halley. , iv The meeting la well attended. Bpeechea were made by Senator Gearln, F. H. Newell. T. B. Holbrook and others. The afternoon session Is being held In the auditorium at tha atate fair grounds and the night aeaslon will be held at the etatehouee. . A big delegation la present from- Klamath county.. - ' .; - - NO DIVORCEES IN- . : V MANLESS HOSTELRY ' ' (Joernal Special Bervlee.) . . New Tork, Spt 10. The Hotel Martha Washington, . New Tork'a only m anises hostelry, has mad a new rul which run to thla effect: "No peraon autng in a breach of promise caae can tarry here," ,'- Tho cauae of the legislation Is not so much, due to the Impropriety In volved In appearing before . the . courta aa It la tha dread of newspaper report-era.- ' ' - - - ' - ' - A fair plaintiff In a' breach of prom ise suit who waa notified by the hotel management today, to move asked for the reason and tha hotel clerk aald: i "Madam, there'e nothing against TOU. It's- Uia -reporters. They-will-be -a lng here, not singly, but la bayttallona with their inquisitiveness, : their In quiries, their, stubborn aggreealveneaa and their lurid Imaginattona" .TO. HotelMartha Washington haa been the target for apace writer on certain New York papera aver alnoo It opened. The slightest occurrence of in terest at thla hostelry is good for a col umn or so of -alleged humor.- - ---.r THAW'S" ATTORNEY ASKS FOR A SPEEDY TRIAL ' (Joernal Bpeeiar Bervlee.) ' ' ' New Tork. Sept 10. Lawyer Hart ridge will have f conference with the district attorney : tomorrow and It Is said an effort will be made to fix an early date for Harry Thaw's trial. Though tho prosecutor ' haa declared Thaw's ease will have to take Its regu lar turn on tha calendar. It Is believed bv Lawyer Hartridga that when the district- attorney hears his views' the objections to a speedy trial for Thaw will be' removed. ' Harry" Thaw'a defenae ' for '. killing Stanford White, . according to aemt- official information from tha district attorney's office, will be baaed upon a written confession made to Thaw shortly prior to his marriage by Evelyn Nesblt In which she telle of her asso ciations with Stanford Whit when ah waa a cnorua girt . BARKENTINE MAKES QUICK RUN TO PORT , The . barkentine Amaranth, Captain Bowee, arrived af Astoria yesterday arternoon after a run of 41 daya from Manila. This la considered good time, the average run between the two porta oeing ao days.- - The Amaranth will go on tha drydock upon reaching Portland for a general overhauling. It being soms time alnoe aha waa cleaned and painted. She omea here under -charter to engage tn the coaatwlse lumber trade, although heretofore- she han -carried mostly for eign. She left Portland about Ave months ago for Manila with a cargo of lumber, and while ah made a quick trip returning, her outward voyage waa rather alow. . .;' ., MINNESOTA MAY SUE - STANDARD OIL PEOPLE ' (Toeraal Special Service.) Jefferson City, Mo., Sept 10. Charles Connor of the department of -Justice at Washington, who has been here exam ining tha evidence obtained by Attorney General Hadley In - hla - proceedings against the Standard OH company, lsft laat night for St Paul, where he will aubmlt a report on the result . of hla Investigations to P.- B. Kellogg, spe cial counsel for the government la the Standard Oil investigation. ! Th presumption la that - proceedings wlU be Instituted at St Paul agalnat tha Standard OH company. MILL TO CLOSE AND LOGGING WILL BEGIN (Bpectai iMepatch te The Journal.) v ' Weston, Or.. Sept . 10. The Blue Mountain aawmtll will cloae down thla week after cutting about 1.(00,000 feet of lumber since June 1. The aotual running tlma waa 14 daya, and the mill maintained an average of nearly IS.00O feet - dallyi' After --ther' machinery-ie stopped winter logging will begin and a number of old employee will be re tained on the payroll by Manager Avery. WESTON NORMAL IS OPENED THIS MORNING " (Special Dtapet'B te Ttas Jnomal.) , Weston. Or., Sept 10. The Weston Normal school -opened - thle morning after having been closed a term. The eouraes have 'been revised to meet th growing demand of tho atste for teach ers who are prepared Aw do high school work. Never before In the School's history has the preliminary registration been larger or the prospect for a suc cessful year'a work' been greater. William AJlred Bead. '' (Speclsl lnpatra to The Jonrnal.1 John Day, Or, Bspt 10. William C. Allred, aged 14 yeara, a pioneer miner of Grant county, died In John Day early Friday morning from an Illness of sev. era! montha Mr. Allred had no rela tives In thla state end had a alater tn California. He came west at an early age and mined in CallfornJa for aorae years, later coming to Grant county, where he resided until hla death. He owned mining property In the Prairie diggings In thla county. . Saes Jsaker Ooaaty. J 0 . - 8reeel Wanton te The .JwmI.) Baker City, Or., Sept 10. A suit hss been filed. In the Bnker county clreult , court by C. Reynolds, an Omaha ! stockman, against C. B. Com stock of I Sumpter; J. A. Howard, trustee; . K 1 1 Rend, sheriff; C J. Johns, C. C. BesWie i end the constable of Rumpter. The suit Is tnr th recovery fit tl.&on, claimed tu j be e trut fund risked 1n fometo k ' I i hi the Pnmiilfr berk the pur- ' i - f bnvlng hora, snj a-l.i, u . : I' , 1 1(1 F" ' 7 IU Li . i .... M I. OF SLiiLi Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Cr:r field May Oe Sent to Cie!!- acoom Asylum. ' COMMISSION APPOINTED w.'-' BY PRESIDING JUDCZ Attoroejrs .Claim That They Will Show . CUentg.;VVc- . Inaana gnd That They AMNot in Their Right Minda Now. ' .; .,.. '. :, . 2 (Bpeciaf Mipatch't Tse Jeoraat.) s Seattle, W'aith., Bept 10. Esther Mitchell and - Maude Hurt Cref field. charged Jointly with murder In the first aegree for the killing of - George Mitchell on July 11, will be examined for inaanlty Wednesday by ft medical commission. -,..- Upon the ahewlng mad by th attor neys for th two woman that thay are now Insane, war Insane whea th homi cide waa committed, and have been tn san for years. Judge Frater appointed a commission. it h. .nm-. ... i. i... " ......... V . w 1UU.1U ,v vaj by the medical commission they will be sent to the Insane asylum at Statlaooom and the prosecution ,for murder ta th first degree will be dropped. The appointment Of a medical com mission to Inquire Into the alleged In aanlty of - -the women-w a - vlgorousl y opposed by Prosecuting Attorney Mack intosh and Chief Deputy John F. Miller. They both discredited the report that the women were Inaana and declared the question of . their ineantty should be threshed out before a Jury when they were on trial for murder.. After listen ing to the arguments Judge Frater granted the request of tho defendants' eounseL v -t--- He appointed Pre. Kenneth Turner. J. H. Snyder and R. M. Amea membere of the com mlis Ion. The application for an order for the county to asaume th responsibility of the payment of the traveling expenses and witnesses' fees for the two witnesses coming from Oregon to testify ns to the women's Inaanlty waa not finally passed upon. The prosecuting attorneys of floe re sisted the issuano of tha order and Judge Frater refused to saaa a dob it The witneeses will be examined by the attorneys ror tna two women and Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh. Tha woman will be aant to the asylum if the commlaaton should declare they are now Inaana . If it should find that they are now sane but 'were Insane at the time the crime waa committed they will be prosecuted, if the women are tried the finding of tho medical com mission can be uaed aa evidence even If tha commission should - find the women have alwaya been aana. Thla doea. not bar them from entering the defense of Insanity when put on trial. ALIERICANIS1S 111 SESSlCIi QUEBEC Men Interested In the Country's - - Archaeology Discuss Di'a - ' coveries of Year.' . (Joaraal Special Service.) Quebec, Sept 10. The International Congress' Of Americanists was formally opened today with eminent scientists present from ' many parta of Europe and America. 'The work of the con gress haa reference to tho native races of America, their origin, geographical distribution, history, physical eharao- tsrlstca languages, evlllsatlon, mythol ogy, religions, .morale and hablta; also to tha Indlgenoua monument and the arohaeology of America, and th history or the discovery - and European occu pancy of the new world. j. ne uvugrves was lounaea l nancy In 1171 and thla la tha fifteenth aeaslon. Tho existence and work of tho society haa given an impetua to both nubile and privet acUntlflo missions In the two Amerloaa Among the membere who have con tributed the most to tho progress made in tne studies ror wnioh it waa insti tuted Is-the Duke do Loubat of Parta Not content with merely glvlna prises and founding chalra, ho pays large sums to- travelers sent out by hlra to take photographs and caste of the grand ruins of Mexico and Centra) America. He haa had many of the mor Important pieces of-Indian sculpture reproduced for the benefit of publlo museums. Th scientific bodies of tb United Statea have cent delegatee, among whom are Professor W. H. Holmes, di rector of the bureau of ethnology at Washington, and - Dr. Frans Boaa of New Tork. ,,. CASSIER,Sr.UHY"lVID0;V3" IW HIS' ESTATE Wealthy Publisher's Private Ufa Will Be Exposed by the r . . ." Claimants. . ' ' (Joaraal BpeeUI Seme.) " . New - Tork. Sept 10. The counter claim of two and possibly - more al leged wives of Lewis Casslar. proprie tor and editor of Casaler's Magaxlne and the Electrical Age of New Tork and London, who waa killed in the railroad wreck, at Salisbury. Knglsnd, will be fought oat In a notable will esse thst will be begun in this city thle week. The publisher left en estate veined at over 1600,000. Hla will haa not yet peen opened. - . 1 v . The two claimants for the widow's ahare of the estate are Mra Gertrude Bpooner Casslsr, now. In precarloua circumstances, and eking out a living at Seltuste,. MsarhusU, - ss s washerwoman, and Mrs. A sites NlchnUe Cassler, who has lived, for several rr past aa Cassler' s wife and who was es tablished by hlrrv, In a handsome plare at Trumbull, Massachusetts. . Kelativee pf the publisher state that there are Other common-law wives who Sere ei nouneed their Intention of putting tot n their claims. Bar Vers la ' rit(hur. I'i . I- ' f ' annual r"nveni I .n ' brsnrh of O. r lr I !'"" ' A i