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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
rm: or:::co:x daily jou::::al. iohtlakd,;day i:vi.::,'ii,ra. eizi-temdeh io. m mm in TOHIQHT'S ABUSIMrSTS. P k I'lrs... I 10..,.. r 1 .stages Ciau ... 'Btnut SbeLer.4 Him Bo' V'"lb World ......"Shadowed by Crlma' from Sire to Don' i. Vauita.u .'. VUliTlll Probably the moat elaborate farewell ever given a minister of Portland will be held In honor cf Rev. Edgar P. Hill nd Mrs. Hill. September 18. The Port land Ministerial aaaoclatlon will give the reception and alao a banquet at the Hotel Portland. Dr. Hill goeg this month to Chicago to take the chair of nomuetlca 1q McCormlck seminary. The loaatmaater at the banquet will be Rev, 4. T. Ohormley, paator of th Central Chrlatlan .churoh. Rev. L L. Houae will apeak for the aaaoctatlon. Rev. A. J. Montgomery will make the address for Dr. Hill's Presbyterian brethren. rjr. ruu ia - a member or the reaeratea Trades council, and a delegate of that body will also speak. , Ernest Bolt.' who was convicted Frl day of assault and battery on LIU ' i-avero, was sentenoed to one year In the county Jail by Judge Qantenbeln In . the 'circuit court this morning. Bolt was charred with assault with intent to kill and Judge Gantenbeln in passing : sentence said he believed the jury found : Holt guilty of a leaser crime than the on oharged because the woman refused to . give . testimony against him and , shielded, hint In every war : possible. Witnesses . testified at the trial that oii bad demanded money of the ; woman, whoewaa an Inmate of a north mna resort, and beat her ,when shs re- xuaed to give It to him. , , ., , : At. a meeting of -. the Presbyterian Au.ww.vis ihvchuoii iuib nonuD Rev. B. Kelson Allen, paator of the ..... iiiui u .-mra rTHDritnao oaurco. -- wvia prwaiaeni ror iaf ensuing , year. Rev. O. W. Arms Jr.. pastor of ha A a. Vim! Du.ih.tHl.. . t-...L. saaviv wi iarirttiurr. - x urn morn In wag 1vd to vacation xparlnca Aft interesting' program U In prapara- -I' .-,-. BB II,. MM , v Mayor Lane baa received; 4 .letter irom the secretary of . the American . Mining congress asking him to appoint two men to act as delegates from Port . land at the annual congress which meets at Denver. October 1. 17. II and It The mayor-is willing to appoint as a - , oeiegaia any cituen of Portland who wui attend the Denver session. 7 , Water through ' hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks., or washing feorehee - r windows, must be paid for Jn advance . and used only between the hours of ::. ' and lis, and I and t p. m. It must : ' not be used for sprinkling streets If - used contrary to these ruled, or waate- T fully, it will be shut .IL Deputy County Clerk Carl D.'Chrls- r tensen baa returned from a two weeks ' eating in the mountains near Dallas Two deer were killed by the party and a bear and a panther sighted. Deputy . Chrlstanaen resumed his duties at the , courthouse this morning. , . Wanted Suitable location 100x100 .- feet, north of Bumslde .and aast of Park streets, or between Hawthorns avenue and Burnslde street. , east side. Will leas or purchase. . Portland Wire , eV Iron wprks. i . e. ..,. Concrete Construction Co fl Cham- . per of - Commerce, manufacturers of conerete- atone- Meoksr, Contractors for . all kinds of cement work. Tel Main lit. Your Eyes) Examined Frec-rWa are till selling syeglasses at $!-. A per fect nt guaranteed. . Metsgsr e) Co, .- jewelers andoptlclana, 111 Blxth street. If If s anything In the oriental lino .. you can buy it aha per at , the Japan Basaar, SIS First street, one door south of Salmon. . New Store, new stock. Acme OH Co. sells the best safety seal oil and fin gasolines. , Phone Cast Tit. " Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street. lunch )i:is to I; business mens lunca. FREE ATTRACTIONS ' -OFFERED AT OAKS ' " " The management of tho Oaks eon : ttnues to present free to tho patrons some ef the best acts ' on or off the stage! tunday - afternoon- Hildebrand and Vivian furnished a sensational iron law act and other novelties. Tho grand prise cake-walk again made 'a big hit. and Georgia Edwards was awarded tho prise as tho best cake walker. "Dare Devil" Newman will bo . seen all week in tho daring leap ef tho , gap On a bicycle. "Dead wood Mao's famous cayvse players oontlnuo with their show of tho buoklng broncho rid ers. Tho vaudeville acta are free to - ladles and" children who attend daring -tho week front II until p. m except ing Saturday and Sunday. - Much interest is centered la tho grand masquerade ball to be given in tho danc ing pavilion on Wednesday evening, 'when many valuable prises will bo of- Friday night is amateur night la tho cosy lima theatre at tho Oaks. . . Milwauki Country Club. ' Eastern and California raoos. Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First and. Alder. --.-.-j Say Saarord oaayom sand. i (eial Plspatrh to The tonal.) . Beppner, Or., Sept 10.- Emll Orot '( . kopp has purchased of Ernest Moyer a - 110-scro tract of land at tho head of Sknfnnt ranvon for a consideration af - 11.100. The land Is all In cultivation and part of It la la grain this season. . - wbuwv wns ww wm mm Wlnslow Meads ' olrcle, No, T, I of a, a. It.; will meet In regular sossloa ' , Tuesday evening in Drew haU. A largo i .attendanr is dlred. nam We aim to give you the very best Printing Serrico that can bo had ..-. BBBMBS) SSSBJS MSSSBBI BaBsSmssaMSBknaiSBTaBl QUALITY HIGHEST A PRICES LOWEST P. W. Baltes & Co., Printers FIEST it OAJL STREETS Two Dlrsct IJB,I5oth Kali HI il ARuS liGilli East Third Street Franchise' Is Cause of Present War of . '. "Words and Gestures. DISCRIMINATION IS NOW OPENLY CHARGED Residents Declare Fixed ; Compenia 1 tion . Ia Aeainct Same Princirjle Which Lod lo Death" of the "SUrk Street Subway,'-; ; '?y ' ' Olast Bide Department) : ' Tho most absorbing toplo of discus sion among oast slders Just now is ths action of the . council in granting ths East Third street franchise to the O. R. A N. . company upon practically the f terras that were rejected by that body In the case ' of the Stark street subwajr. Attention Is called to the faet thathe terms as first proposed to the council in the subway franchle. provided that th4 subway company should fill East Stark street from Ki0 Sixth "street to tho river. When the franchise containing these provisions reached a vote there were six for and six against its paaaaga. Mayor Lane, in casting tbo deciding vote In tho negative.-stated' that the council had no right to dispose -of ' a franchise belonging to all the people, when a wry fsw . property-holders would get - the benefit of whatever compensation was paid for tho franohlso. - - This view seemed to have been con curred In until the east Third, street franchlsc-which eorauined precisely the same compensation feature that Is, I that tho O. R. eV N. company should fill East Third street for about half a mils of Jts length thjt was rejected In the easQ- or tho subway franchise. ast slds residents who are ' Interestsd in . tho progress and development of their dis trict fall to . understand why - this dis tinction was tnaae. ; . . : . , .. - 100 Women's Coats at $4.85 , YS Coats at S6.85 Ecch Two forest special bargain in women's med , ium weight Coatavery unusual values. Second Floor. ' , , . ' v hot I 100 women three quarter Box Coats.' . plain tailored styles, in gray, gray plaids ,; and light mixtures, tweeds and homespuns, ' velvet collar,, well made throughout and sell ' ing by the" hundreds regularly at $7.50 each; ypur choice qfhii lot at the., CI A, ft low price "of........ ,.....v"J Lot 275 women's new medium - weight Coats, in fancy tweeds and homespun, light Cray checks, light gray plaids, gray mixed . plaids; three quarter length, box styles, trimmed with fancy stitched straps and 7- velvet collar, handsomely made and finished, '.. all sizes; $1Q values on sale flC at this low price. .t.yiU? Immense showing of nw tailored 'Suits m tight or semi-fitting- jacket styles, pony , suits, Prince. Chap suits and Norfolk suits,' velvet trimmed, fancy braids and buttons or cloth trapped, pleated skirts to match; solid -colors and mixtures; all the new weaves; i prices range all the wsy from. 15.00 to. IOO.OO. Second floor. , , . ; New Dress and Walking 'Skirts all grades. V Enttre new lino of 5 three-quarter Coats at ST.KO to S44.00 - oaoK '- New, black voile Skirts. latest styles, fT.SO to fST.OO each. .. Hew lino of Riding Bklrts in tan, blue, black, green. New Fall apparel for misses and1 children. 7 Becond Floor. i 'I , Phsnomsnd Ribbon 3cz2i, VALUES UP TO 40c AT I9o 25,000 yards of extra quality all-silk satin Taffetas and all-silk Taffeta Rib bons, full 5 inches wide, all the new . ' and staple shades in complete assort ' ment; the grandest values in - high- ', gride staple ribbons we ever 1 Qf offered; values to 40c, at yd....l 7C 50c TO 75c ! VALUES AT 23c 20,000 yards of Messaline Taffeta, om ' bres, print warp taffetas with corded effects, shaded taffeta, ribbons, pin checks, Scotch plaids, polka dots and fine all-silk heavy taffeta ' ribbons, 5 to 6 inches wide; 50c to 75c values at, yard.... ,iJv 75c TO $1 VALUES AT 33o 5000 yards of choice fancy Dresden and .. print warp ribbons. 6 and 7 inches : wide full line of dainty color combinations and effects; very large va-. . tiety of the handsomest ribbons woven; 75c to $1 values, yard........O3C J $1.00 TO $1.50 VALUES AT 58c ; ? 15,000 yards of high-grade Ribbons Dresden, "Dolly Vardens.1 print warp taffetas, - with satin stripe borders, floral -designs, etc Dainty colorings and brocaded ef fects. 6 to 7 inches wide; great assortment to" select from and marvel- CO. - ous bargains $1 to 1.50 values, at the low price of, yard.............UC Tho Woodateekvlmprbvoment associa tion met Saturday night at the. Wood stock hall, together with ia large delega tion from the Mount Scott Improvement club, for the purpose of-dlacusslng proj ected Improvements affecting both- dis tricts alike." Stret. railway extensions and the extending of the Bull Run water mains to the southeastern suburbs were the chief topics of discussion. Ths Mount - Scott delegation favored Joint action of tho two clubs in securing the extension of the Woodstock car line on Woodstock avenue to Tremont and Nash' vllle. . They also spoke of the inadequate car service.- - Numerous switches have been put In and still the oars are con stantly overcrowded- - . r The Idea was advanced ithat If ths street railway company will make the extension of ths Woodstock line it will greatly relievo the congestion by rask inx a large Dart of the Mount Scott ter ritory tributary to tbo Woodstock Tine. A committee consisting of representa-' Uvea from the two clubs was appointed to urge action - by the street ; railway company. It was said that tho private water companies supplying the two dis tricts were unable to meet the -demand! that the six square miles of territory there is rapidly filling up with people, and even now Trill -yield ' a " handsome revenue to tbo city if the Bull Run sys tem la extended over the territory. ' It was tho consensus of opinion that tho top of Mount Scott is the best place for ths reservoir for the ; proposed second Bull Run pipe lino. 1 A mass meeting of all - the southeastern suburbs ' will be held In the near fnture to consider te water quesUosv . , ' - ' Tho Willamette Dock company, whose articles of incorporation were filed Sat urday, announces that It wlU build docks and warehouses along the east side wa terfront from Washington street to Oak street. ' Edward A. Baldwin, A. T. Biles of tho W. P.- Fuller company and Robert J. Bulkley, a Cleveland capitalist, are the Incorporators ylth the first named as president. The company has pur chased from the A. 8. Johnson estate a strip of river frontage 44 feet long having a depth of l9 feet. It is the purpose of the new. company to pro-, vide ample dooking and warehouse fa- j eUltiee for both rail and water trans portation to the wholesale and Jobbing trade of the saat aide. . It Is the plan of tho company to be gin ths construction of the proposed buildings within a short time. Buttonholing and logrolling - is the leading occupation of St. Johns patriots today and will oontlnuo to be such until the meeting of the council tomorrow evening, when that august body will tackle the knotty problem of selecting a mayor in place of ax-Mayor Postmas ter Fred Valentine. Half the legal voter ofheeltyareaaldto "be re ceptive candidates. Five : out of- the seven counctlmen - are known . to look with favor upon themselves for the po sition. ' Recorder Thorndyke is' said to have been-practicing for two weeks -In getting up the proper amount of may oralty dignity. ' D. C Rogers, president of the Commercial club, is of the opin ion that the two positions would dove tall beautifully. Rev. Fred J. Warren Is said to favor a proper union of the clergy and the mayoralty. Willis Moxon is evidently of the opinion -that the ex mayor's partner Is the best selection that the council could, maker But the wise politicians narrow the fight down to Councilman Norton, C W. Potter and es-Counollman B. I Lesgett. . -( ' ,;. Recorder Thorndyke, however,7 la skeptical on the subject, saying - that "the man '.who can -tell what- the St Johns council Is going to do on a given proposition is the wisest yet." - 1 u. . . The Mount Tabor Push elub will hold a meeting tonight at Woodmen's hall on West avenue. More lights and street grade will be ftieprtnclpal topios up for discussion. . The committee ap pointed to seoure options t on - Mount Tabor ; hill ! will report It : lss thsr ln- tenuon of the club to have their project of 'making a city, park out of Mount Tabor hill -indorsed- by the-Committee of One Hundred. . The sentiment In that district Is said to be praotloally unani mous in favor of ereatlngHhls part. Streetcar trafflo was held up for 19 minutes between S and o'clock this morning On the Burnslde bridge owing to the breaking down of a heavily loaded truck en the east approach to the bridge. Incoming Union avenue cars blocked the track from the bridge approach . to Grand avenue while a dosen 40S-ponnd barrels of tar were being unloaded from the truck. Tho tempers, of scores of delayed passengers were not improved by the apparent ir TlfTerence of - the truck driver to the Inconvenience caused by the accident... .i..,."-.....-..-,r BAKER THEATRE Omcoa Theatre Oe., Lessee, v ; - 6K0. L. KAKBB, Msaaser- ? , ' hene Mala 1607. " - ' - -niBKBIt STOCK COMPAKt ' ALU THIS WEEK IN " OtTWtts's Sparkllns Oomrdy. "VEOAUBK SRK LOVED Hist BO." Shrvnlng frtees tx, SSe. SOc. Matinee, IS ana soc Meat week "TWO UTTTB TAOBAHTa.1 MATIN EB BATCRDAT. empire: theatre Faoae Mala 117. MILTON w. SEAMAN, Manager. Tonight All This Week Matin Ki tarda 7, . . Oraad Prodortlm ef th Woaderrol ' '- . - BeetUe Mlodrasa, . THB WORLD- . Night mees Ue, SSe, SSe, S0c Matntsa, 10c, IV. 26a. Nxt waas "ON THB BRTOOB AT MID- NIOHT." LYRIC THEATER r, wbxk BBanririNO sbptbmbbb io. , - The Bensatloaal M'alodrama, . e --'It nine -r IH FOtJB ACTS, onaaoweoDvi AS PLAIN AS PRINT is taught In our school. The style we hare adopted pUasts business nun. : It Is medium in siae, ronish in form, on a slant about half-way between the Tertical and the Spen cerian, ' All our students acquire skill in writing, hence meet " expectations of employers ' in this respect. Call, phone or write for copy of new; catalogue, state where you saw this adrertisement,'" and S heautiful specimens of penmanship will be sent you, free of charge. ' De it now. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE THE STAR Fheae JkUhi MM.- Weak at Saptesisse Ml auu stock cuarui lUag MUtoa Naeis s weu-aaewa Drama. - "TBOX SXKB TO BOB." OPEN ALL TUB y BAR. Batlte i Bea-laBlas1 with . araak of - Santa lu baa I 10. the Star win have BistUMes TDasears, I Tbandas, Sonoars and heUdaya, tastead ef I Park aael WauAtBt-twa Streets . r '" Men calls for M tksm wee emm Itfaye te ettemd eur etkeet - erarr vaiMar aa karatofora. Prleas Matinees, t aad SO eaata) evealaas. iw, av aae aw cn. wixxxxx: PAINT ACIES -Sr4 Castes saeV BUrvey. Btark JUaS Beatty.1 Tear StasUsl Oatss, Mr. aad Jin. Bill. Morrall aad la Bess, " Bissraph. Faffsnssaess dally st t:S0. TtSO aad I . al AAmiaakoa, 10s aad SOe. Ladles sad ahlldrenl take an seat at weh-dav siatlnaas ba- TfiV I "' 11 " " "i i .i i 1 f Night-blooming cereua which was the attraction at a neighborhood party at Mount Tabor recently. The plant la the property of Mrs. W. E. Potter. 1: neGrand ' Txx stAmror .. BEOS. ImU Soft. . Xddie Orar Oo. Tuaard aad Praba. wtaad Opera Trie, -' varaaUae. NIGHT SCHOOL 5 THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ; ; " v Attend our school and double your earning capacity. ' If employed during; the) day, spend your evenings with us. Our course of study is as thorough as any. in the world. Besides our 'regular course in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, English, etc, we conduct special evening classes in ... . rBIOBB Matfaaea, 10a ta aB seats exeawt jwxaa. amaina. lu, sv aae Doz seats SOe. Parfarmaocea, S:SS,. 7:S0 sad S:I5 p. at. CHIEF CAMPBELL BACK - FROM CHIEFS' MEETING Fire Chief Dave Campbell baa re turned from Calgary, Alberta, where be attended the annual eonventloa of the Paelfle Coast Fire Chiefs' association, of which he waa . the retiring president. Thomas Watson, . the I ehief of the fire department ef Victoria, . B. C was siectea preenaent. -. -. The .eonventloa - oeetrpled four days. aad Calgary, which is a town ef ls.ooe people, turned owt la f oree to enter tain the -visitors from California, Ore- son. Washlnarton and British Columbia, One day was riven np to sports and exhibition drills by fireman. One of the most exoltlns; drills consisted ta the men rising from beds In the street at the tap of the gong, dressing, and rac ing a short -distanoe to the supposed Are. Ia another the man raced nn a ladder, seised a heavy dummy and ear ned tt to the ground. Indian pony races and exhibitions of broncho bust ing, bull riding and roping were also features. ...,. j i Three weeks' leave ef absence waa granted Chief Campbell by the execs-1 Uve board, but be was' absent only two H Penmanship and cHgebra Each class Is conducted by a skillful and experienced spe? V - cialist. You will accomplish , something if you join our classes. If you cannot call; write or telephone Main 590 .-.. ..':.'. for -catalog. ;'".'. ,-!- kri''.'-,-"'j BEHNKE-WALKER THE LEADING ' " BUSINESS CObLEOE ELKS'. BUILD INO PORTLAND, OR. ii Mzsxxxx: BEACH RATE REDUCED Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH. ; T - Twentjr-fifth scholastic year begins September 26. Over SO graduates teaching In Portland and hundreds in other leading schools of the state. ' - --: ;;., : u If you intend to become a teacher, or if you are a teacher seeking promotion, write for catalog. V - , ' V. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. : . - aJ. B. V. BUTLER, Registrar M ZrfrW msSss Vade ta BTerth Begtnalng September IS the O. R, St N. wlU sell round-trip tickets to North Beach points for tt Instead of 14, as heretofore. This affords an exceptional opportunity for those who have not al ready done so to visit ths beach before the close of the season. Full particu lars by calling at O. R. A- N. ticket of fice, - Third . and Washington streets, Portland. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding and tmr School for Bora Manual Training. Military Discipline, College Praps ration. Boys of any" age admitted at any Ume Write for Illus trated Catalogue. , Dr. J. W. ML, Trop. and Principal Fell term will open Sept. It, ISSi FOBT&ABTB. OBIOO. FREIGHTHAUDLERS NOT READY TO CALL STRIKE The regular weekly meeting of the I Freight Handlers- union yesterday aft ernoon demonstrated the fact that the organisation la far from calling tbo strike In the freight sheds which has seen freely predicted la sotne quarters. The committees from ' each - of the freight sheds reported having submitted a second teqnest for higher wares and recommended that the railroad com panies be given an amplitude of time I an amicable settlement. Mr. Campbell in wnion to reply. tbo matter was I promised to refer the matter to th paaeed up to Assistant-Superintendent I hlsher officials. - Campbell of the Q. R. 4 N., who dls-I Elshty-flve per cent ef the freight played - a friendly attitude and prom- I handlers In the city are reported to be laea to 00-What ne eouia to bring about I members of the union. s:3Tr.::a syt.:? Teas Van eM by BtrKnas ef W-SjeH i tut tar eutblrM WBlls Taamlna for f l'V Jrm-r. i 1 aMxnss IM efciirt. sa?tMS tfce ffaaaa. ait. 1 , ell pain, mir-e wtaA eetia, sad la sue seat ' tnlT tUTdlarrVx. , ' ' ' T wsisTT-yi V B rtrgTSAeTTL PORTLAND i ACADEMY ' Portland Oregon ' im TBAJB VXU Om BXFT. Fits boy and girls for Bastera aad Western college, Include ' a primary and grammar school " Boarding ball for girls afrordhue the comforts aad eare of a refmed bouse. A limited number ef boys will be re ceived uta the heme of one of the in structors. . .. OflWie fifnfve SaHaa fltA mmmwmm -. lt.m.lolla, For catalogue write to the , address gtvea above. r 4 x Stands for Best la Edsritlca - Pacific TJnlverslty Is one ef the eldest, schools of Higher . Education on the Paelfle Coast, with some of ths most distinguished men In let ters and law as its alumni. It Is a Private. Co-Bduoational and Nob Sectarian Collage of the highest standard. ', , ':-,; ZOCAKOBT. '.' paclfla University la located at s-orest urove, one ef the most beauti ful residential towns la Oregon aud only It miles from Portland on the Southern Paciflo West Bide Division Forest drove has alao trio streeucar and light service. The drinking wa ter ta chemloally pure. The college campus Is the most picturesque of any in me state. . BBSOWBCsraTT. " Paelfle TJnlveraltv Is the larmat endowed private college In the en tire Paciflo Northwest. For this rea son ths best Instructors can be em ployed. T-ie institution does not de pend on student fees tor lta Income. ' Highest . scholarship In classical, sclent 111 a. i literary . and musical courses. . Paelfle TJnlverslty la the best equipped private college la buildings, laboratories, library, muslo aad art rooms la Oregon. - - FBBPABATOBT BVABTBEBBTS. High school graduates and others having credits to make up for regu lar college oourses can do so In Tua latin Academy. The academy stu dents are extended the advantages of oollege activities aad aseoclatloo. No academy or high school training In Oregon enoele that offered la Tuala tin Academy. Upon presentation of certificates Its students sre admitted to the best Eastern aad Western col leges. 'BxrnrsBS. The average necesearr snrpenees for a school year range from a mint mam of 1109 te a mlxlmuaa of sse. Writs ht CaUlefMBB nsstntte. Uttrstare Fall Tern ; Cpcss SejL 12 Ci DAY and NIGHT EEGOS 17 Mtraxr. Actual Business Bookkeeping; Oregg Or Pitman Shorthand, T Civil Bervtoe Training. '. , Mechanical Drawing. Touch Typewriting. - . - Xapld Calculations. ' ; .. Letter WrlUng. ' WrdBhur ! . '' .;, ArtthaMtSs) ' " . Beedrsg Algebse. - Bpeniag , " Qeog-aevHy Advertlsliig - Host Uodcra izi Expcslre ; " Eqsljstst ca Ce fttiZc Coast ;EraiTcr.SMi7- WASHINGTON (V TtMH S; poRXUAttU. ore Columbia Univcr:. University TsrV, Portland, Or.:; Gassicsl, scientific, tomp"' 1 rrammar grade ffr-. catalogns. .'.v:-;: .:: - 11 . ' '' V -'''.