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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
ini: civLCOii daily jouiiiial. Portland, liouday .eveiiikg. September 10, iocs. imilY'5 HOSPITAL IS DEDICATED IT ALDAUY UzW Orders Filled OTT-Or-TOWIT eustomers WIS Bad it to their advaataga to . try onr mail . order- depart ment. Write for anything advertised, and the Bra mail brings It. Touts just as sure of satisfaction as tho yon'a shopped In parson, too. .'' PORTLANDS HE7 DEF MITllEUT STORE Jwlilv l ...... X ITST- getting t! is 4nrtn.e I . shape and r-.-. ri t. a aJ .values there la the wbcie i Tow Tuesday we offer a vaalsed Iron Tab, that sells regularly for TSo, at 'only ENTIRE CORNER , c - THIRD & YAMHILL rt rrrr ' o- m n o rrr r THE bargain worthiness of the special items we mention in this advertisement are apparent at even a glance. Every article that we tell you of here was chosen from among the splendid stock we have on account of its value-excellence. And tho' the prices here mentioned are so small as to be merely an apology for not GIVING AWAY the goods, don't think for one moment that the qualities are not all that you could desire. . READ and let your own good sense show you the unusual values here. --. - -; V't '-v''': : . ' y- ..:': - - .- .r,-.;-'.,. ; , ... , ; 1 TXS OOUZaT KAOXJI !' ; t 'ill r i. 1 &3 Residence of Late Father Metayer of Albany, Which Has. Been Converted Into a Hospital.' ("pedal Dispatch to Th lovul.) . ., Albany, Or, Sept. 10. The dedicatory t exercises of 8b - Mtry'i hospital took '. place yesterday. It wn a great event . in the. history of ' this action' and mark aa advance along- lines moat to be eacourst-ed. -A prog-ram- of excep- ' tlonal worth and Interest was rendered, containing the names of those proral ' nent in tha affairs of the aUte and this - Section. - Tha new hospital la established in "tha elegant and palatial raaldenca of tha lata - Rer. . Father ' Louis Metayer. . Through ths -untiring efforts of the Her. Father Arthur Lane tha property was secured and remodeled for hospital i purposes. Tha physicians and surgeons , of Albany and tha surrounding oora . munlty are highly elated over Its ad vantages. . Posalbly no other Institution offers so much In tha way of beauti , ful surroundings and - modern and up . to-4ata equipment. . -.The establishment of this institution . Is In aooord with tba wish of tha late . Rer. rather : Louis Metayer. Ha had lone planned auch an undertaking; and his untimely, death Interfered with his plana, and In aocord with his plans tha Institution will stand as a memorial and monument to the work he accomplished while In chares of tha Albany congregation."'- " ' '. Wins O'Keefe la in charge of tha hos pital and sha will be ably aaslsted by sisters sent here from ether institutions of like nature controlled by tha church. It la thought that arrangements will be perfected before long for tha man agement of this hospital to-be turned over to those now In chares of 8t- Vin cent's of Portland. v? .-. ' - In the forenoon Host Rev. Archbishop A. Christie of the sea of Oregon City conducted t services . in tha - Catholic church. At that time he preached the sermon and celebrated high mass dedi cating tha hospital ' to tha . work of mercy and charity: Ha was -aaslsted 'by' Rev. Father Lane of this city and otner members of.tna catboiio clarg? of western Oregon, i A publlo reception was held In tha afternoon at the hospital and en the grounds from t to- 4 o'clock,- at which time tha program as arranged was carried out as follows: .' .' , Instrumental solo,. Miss Emma Box; address, Mayor J. P. Wallace of Albany; mala quartet, Messrs. J, C. Irvine, A. M. Hammer, 8. N. Steele and H. A. Nelson; addreaa. Mayor Harry Lane of peruana; vocal duet. Miss Julia Dergan and Miss Anna Bchults: 'addreaa, Hon. J. K. Weatberford, Albany; Instrumental solo. Miss Emma, Box; addreaa) Arch blahop A. ChrtsUe of Portland. The Installation of such an Insti tution marks an epoch in . tha history of tha Willamette valley.- Albany la tba canter of railroad aotlvltr and great sawmill country surrounding. Al most dslly there have been ealla and need for the aervicea-of the institution now established end it will be the means of doing much good for tha com munlty.. Tha Institution was made pos- sime by tha liberality of tha cltlaen ship of this, community, v j .,.-.. dcdcip put unnniv r RtClLO -Ofllil ifltflU llfll- li ' " DISTRACTED CUM Rsfuss Amnesty and Wilt Ablds by the Arbitrament of. .4 rr.v.,.. tha Sword. -7- ) (Jearaal Sperial Berries.) - 1 Havana, Bept 10. Amnesty, arbltra ' tlon and Intervention appear to . have 1 bad little affect on tha rebels, who are ' gaining headway In- soma1 of -the prerv vlneea..- . Despite . the dally ' statements thajt i emanate from government sources to . tha affect that tha ' rebels are loelng , men and ground -constantly,'- tha fact - that tha forces of Castillo,. Asbert and Loynas are steadily . pressing on to ' . Havana causes- tha people hers much uneasiness. " v. There is. apparent ntue real loyalty ' to the government. Thla is noted by , old soldiers, who declare that if the people were as friendly to Pal ma aa they are said to be they would enlist I under his banners apd drive the insur . gents back. . Palm a baa mads no new friends by , calling . a s'peclal -.session of congress, , which Is not likely to . do more than T discuss the cauaee of -the-war -These .4 are matters whloh. lt is said, might as well not be Ulked of. 1 v The moneyed Interests of the country ' are demanding that Palma make some headway, agalnat ' the - rebels, whoee .march is marked by fire and deatruo . tlon, Tha rabela have destroyed a vast , amount of property and have been espe cially bust aiong tna lines or rauroaa. ; Ralls have been torn up, telegraph com , munloation out off and bridges burned, and tha result Is that tha government la not In possession of much, knowledge of the movements of I ta enemies, - - There has been much fighting la' the past three days and reports say that, the government forces were victorious Id e very In stance. The 'rebel losses 'are said to have been large, but the figures are indefinite. . . The government troop train that left hers on Friday morning was derailed, report says, - by obstructions placed on the track east of Conaolaclen del Bur, and was saved -from failing into tha hands of the Insurgents by tha timely arrival 01 i votonei Araios. nno uuer- rera commanded tha rebels and - tha fight for the train was stubborn. When forced to retire Guerrera carried off his dead and wounded. 1 PATRIOT'S . 6RA?iDDAUGHTER f.1AY BE EVICTED r Condition of Descendants of Pat rick Hnry Calls for" lm- nrirT mediate Relief." :' : . SOUNDS LIKE RATHER . 2 NEAT PROSPEOTUS ; ' (Jeerest Bpetlal Bervlee.) ' ' New Tork, Sept. 19. A special. from tha City of Mexico say a mora than 100 buildings: in the city of Guanajuato, which, were built many years ago- from adobe blocks made of tailings from a primitive smelter mixed ' with 1 mud, have been sold to a mining concern. i It was recently discovered that tha walls of the houses assay from S to IZO In gold to tha ton. . - Tha company which bought them will smelt tha mixture with modern methods and oxpeota to realise a profit of sev eral hundred thousand dollars, Tha walls of Soma of the larger houses con tain gold values to tha amount of 18,000 or 14,000 sach., . BtilUonairea Arrested for Murder. Tausa. I. T- Sent 10. Three weef S sgo Robert and Mlohael Glenn,. Frank Baxter and Charles Harper sat In a poker game In Buxton' resto-ar. in a, row over a pot. Harper was killed. The Glenna, whoare mlllionalrea, and tna restaurant - keeper have been . ar rested and will be tried for murder. QJmidlerwesiir LET. YOUR BODY BREATHE VM.-. '' . 323 . . U u f71 'Pn r, n ncv u w u Uii P LnctdEaUSlM- ' (leerasl ImIiI hnlM t , Chicago, Bept. 10. Mrs. mllv White. whoi Is said to be tha randdaughter of ratricK Henry, is threatened with evlo- tion from the little half basement room sne cans home. In company with her onppiea aaugnter. . Mrs. White is. I years old and her sughter Is tl years f age. Tba mother aa suffered two severe, naralvtla iruaea ana ner aaughxer -la bent by rheumatism, . Tha colonial societies have taken up tha ease and will nrob. ably find a home and proper care for we wo numan aereucta. Mrs.. White says her father. Reuben Henry, was tha son of Patrick Henry and an Indian, woman. Tha family home was in Charlotte oounty. Virginia, where shs was born. Jul 16 Is veara am. There were also two other girls toy,-this anion, notn or whom are dead. - - in substantiation of her . claim Mra White says when she was I years of ags there, was a. lamily oounoll held la Loulavllla, at which another son of Pat rick Henry offered Reuben Henry. an equal share in the estate, but he re fused, aa tha aetata consisted almost entirely of alavea. " She has a brother who, until recently, lived in Xenla. Ohio, and says ha retains all the por trait a, documents and transfers, show ing they ara tha acknowledged de scendants of Patrick Henry. . For a mild, easy action of tha bowels, a single dose of Doan's Aegulete is enough. Treatment curea habitual eon stlpation. ll oents a box. Ask you? druggist for them. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tha Steam schooner Noyo oroased out this morning, bound for Baa Francisco with a cargo of lumber. - The American ahlp Two Brothers was towed to the mills of tha Portland Lum ber company this morning to complete her. cargo for Ban Franclaoo. The British ship Brsbloch left down this morning bound for the United King dom with a cargo of wheat. Bhe cleared Saturday. - Tha British steamer Wellington sailed for. Ladysmith, British Columbia, this morning after bavins; discharged a cargo of coal here. 1 t The JIarrlraan liner Asteo leaves for Ban Francisco this afternoon with the blggeet cargo of general freight ever shipped between two Pacific coast ports. Tha liner Costa Rica ta dus to arrive here tomorrow. - - The steamer Alliance sails from Eu reka via Coos Bay tomorrow night. Bhe Same off the drydook yesterday morn ing after haying bad her propeller re paired. ' 'The British steamers Elaine and Yla'l goth are due to arrive at Astoria to morrow. "Both are under charter to Bal-1 four. Guthrie Co.. to load lumber for the orient. . 1 ' t Ths British Steamer Knight of St George shifted to Montgomery dock No, t this morning to load wheat for tha United Kingdom. Ths little tug George R. ' Vosburg sailed for Kehalem yesterday morning and the tug Jordan arrived her yester day afternoon .from Astoria. , Ban Francisco, Bept 1. Bark Home ward Bound, from Guatemala for Port land, Is anohored off lightship waiting for provisions, i ... 1, . .... Silk Waists Worth to $ 1 5.00; Nbwi$&89 SUCH an opporunity for saving on waists as good as these may never come again in the ' history of Portland merchandising. - Bought at an unheard or reduction in price and. in quantities that would stagger some of our larger neighbors, we feel'that in this waist sale the climax of value-giving has been reached. .Made of soft, shining,. shimmering silks, in the most alluringly dainty styles, embellished with medallion lace and cobwebby hand-made . lace they are the most desirable effects ; worth to $15.00 re). MU1S SAOU Women's Union Suits 'fy d)OD fall and winter weight of fleeced cotton and wool; VT r " so cunningly mixed that althf T". warmth of the wool isthere with "soffness' andfreedom from "scralchi 'ness" o f -the-all-cotton. Silver-gray ; worth $1.00 the suit, : : tr for OOIBIX XAOXJB .1 Women's at Y OU'D look a long time, to find a hose . value toequal this one' that we make ,; t ;-'"r- yoa-TuesdayThey-refast-ackr prime cotton, made for solid - serviced and - tho' the regular price is "one bit," Tuesday, Lpir.t.:.....,:.:. : 9c : OOUB1T SAQLS Rustling Tafletar SUk 36 Irich, 97c WITHOUT rJoubt, the premier silk offering of the season a perfect grade of rich, black, . taffeta silk a full yard wide, the guaranteed kind, suitable for the construction of , ; r . waists, skirts or whole costumes the regular dollar fifty grade? ... 97 c Tata ooxjH aaau 54-Inch Srating 59c Yard tl, call it suiting, but really it s suitable for either suits a , V ... 9 ui.t mat. v. - m , w . - trnnA wrml fabric, too. and in a v splendid dark gray mixture ; worth $1.25. We have only four pieces of this(superb cloth tho, so it is best to be early Tues- . day.....;.. w 36-Inch Percale for 6c UT bear in mind that that is very strict- - : 11 lv a : ONE-DAY offering., S and that ... - j when' this lot is gone there will be no more at this price. ; Come in the dark or light' colors and wprth 12j4c'. the yard. ' Tuesday jonly, yard. . . .... .. . . . . 'J .' iseei (Sc OOXASSr BAOU LastpGaU ESr these are the same ones that we gave you for a Sat--. ' urdav Earcrain.. and" we've iust 143 nairs of them left :r: lor 1 uesdair. ; High grade shoes -these, m--the:best leathers -and styles. High or low iheels, made ro( patent or plain leathers, good assortment of sizes ; worth to $3.50 . pair, divided ' into two . lots and on sale at $1.15 and, . . . ...... Twm soidu s&au Silk Velvet Flowers 23c rOTHING more popularior the' prettiest hats 'this fall than silk velvet. rqsesi-And you know that you pay 50c' and 75c ji bunch for them. " Tuesday we'JJ hay a sale that'll save you money; they come in all colors so that vou can match anv hat or gown. Special for Tuesday only. , 1 i ROAIiOKE AID : TO L AT NEW WHARF Lease Entered I ntq by North Pa- clfic Steamship Company Be- -comes Effective Tomorrow. B-TtER ACCOMMODATIONS , TOR COASTWISE SERVICE Steamer Due in the Morainf and Will Maka Faat for the Firtt Time at Martin's New Dock at the. Foot of ; Seventeenth Street. ,:' When the "steamer Roanoke arrives her from Port Los'Angelss and Way ports tomorrow sha wlU go to Martin's dock at the foot of Seventeenth street. instead of Columbia dock Na t, where she has been in 'the habit of landing sino placed on the coast route a oouple of years ago. Tba North Paclflo Steam ship company leaaed Martin's dock sev eral months ago for a term of 1 rears, but owing to tha scarcity of material and labor the dook was not made ready for oooupaney untU very recenUy. The new wharf will prove a great im provement to tha service becaus It Is within reach of two ear lines and has dlreot railway communication, being equipped with aztenalv switches from the terminal yards and the Northern Paolflo tracks running close by." Ths dock has a frontage of 414 feet and la 600 feet deep. Having a dpth of It feet ths wharf is splendidly adapted for deep draft vessels and the largest eteamera oomlng into the river ean be handled there with safety and dlspatoh. It was reported thla morning that eleo tria conveyors wlU shortly b Installed and accommodations for the housing of passengers while waiting for the ataamers will also bs , provided for at once....' - .4 ; . , One of tha moat pressing neede of the Portland harbor at preeent is better fa duties for the handling of coastwise steamers and tha opening of the new Martin dock is therefore good news te shippers as well ss the traveling pub llo. The wharves along Front ' street will be ' crowded with . sailing . vessels and steamers In tha foreign trade thla fall and winter, and without Uia addi tion of new docks the eoaatwiae traffle would ha greatly handicapped. Tha cronosed construction - or new wharves along the east aide waterfront. north of the . Morrison street Bridge, will also be of great benefit to'the com merce of the port,' becauaa the depth of water there la suoh aa to accommodate the deepeet draft vessels. The Victoria dock, to tha south of the east sup of tha old Albln ferry, has been enlarged to twice Its .former capaolty, ao that twice the number of (grain vessels can be' handled there this seaaon. The completion of the new O. R. at N. Al blna dock affords fine accommodation for the oriental liners plying out of this port, and with tha modern appliances these steamers will be saved consider able time In port; . but still more wharvea ar needed and tha near future will probably see a number of them In course of construction. RAFT ON RAMPAGE bogs streak Away Prom Sfeoriaga and Badaagsr Shipping am OotasaMa, . A runaway lograft was captured near Rainier yesterday after having occupied the middle of tha channel of tha Colum bia river for two nlghta. Navigators managed to steer clear of tha cumber aome structure or they might have aent their craft to tha bottom. .The towboat Colwell brought the -news to this - city this morning after having spent a night hunting tha runaway. ---r - - The raft broke loose from the Kalama boom Friday night and was not missed untU tha tug Colwell was sent to ths scene by the University Shingle a Lum ber company to bring it to tho mill near St. Johns. Captain Hasen hunted high and low for the raft but failed to And it. . . He ran up and down tha river and finally reported the strange situation to the mill company, with tha reault that a systematic search was inaugu rated. . . From a point Ave mllea below Kalama cam the report finally that the raf t - had been J located and seourely moored. It had crossed the river with the wind and urranC-iv-v-' -. SHORT ON PROVISIONS America Sola Homeward Boaad Sends to Baa Preaolsoo for Pood.' ' A dlspatoh from San Franclaoo to ths Merchants exohangs states that the American ship Homeward Bound an chored oft tha San Franolsco lightship yesterday and signaled for provisions, her supply having run low. , A tug Is being sent to her today, . Tba Homeward Bound is on her way from Guatemala to Portland. She started on her' voyage on tha 11th of July and It Is supposed that her aklpper overrated . the , sailing . ability . of the squara-riggerj and so went out with sup piles for a eouple. of months only. Only In the mdst extreny cases wtll salts that ply tha sea yell for assist ance or provisions, and for that rea- OPENING FOR BUSINESS r :. - we have tor rent a ftne store at , Front and Olbba. suitable for a branoh beksry nd confectionery, eta. Living rooms ia rear; low tent.' See ,' - GEVURTZ CO, SONS -." r, tJt-e First at:- - ) bob It Is figured that whan tha Home ward Bound finally reaches port it wlU be with a tale of hardships and priva tions perhaps never before equaled In tha annate of deep-sea navigation. - The Homeward Bound is a historic craft although net aa old as some of tha lumbar droghers now on the coast. Bhe was built in - Bolfast . Ireland, In ISIS, and launched under tho name of Zemindar with the flag of Great Britain waving over her stern. Subsequently Germans bought her end changed the name te what they thought- the more) euphonloua, Glldemelster.- The name, however, proved, too muck for her and for . several seasons sha plowed her way through poor luck until finally sold as a wreck to San Francisco parties, who decided that . Homeward Bound should be Jtor name for the future. , i WOULD SAVE DUTY 11:8S- a. in., schooner Prosper, for Ban Pedro. Arrived at 1:30 p. m., barken tlne Amaranth, from Manila. Sailed at 1:50 p. tn., Norwegian steamer Thyra. for . Port Pirla. . Balled at 4:20 p. ra., steamer Francis H. Leggett, with log raft, for 8n Francisco. Arrlv3 at 4:25 and left up ac 8:40 p, m., steamer Argyll, from Port Harford. Arrived at T p. m., ship James Druramond, from Alaska. . ; . ... Astoria, Sept 10. Condition of the bar at ( a. m., amooth; wind north; Japanese Flour Bayers Secure team ax to sums Across ta-Paeifio-v . Japaneae flour buyers have bean at tempting to buy large lots of flour dur ing the past few weeks on the coast for delivery before the end of this month and Immense quantities could have been sold by Paclflo coast millers had steam era been available to earry the product across the ocean In the specified time. Ths reason for the eagerness of the Japanese at this particular time to buy suoh large quantities of flour Is found in ths fact that on October 1 additional duty will be placed on the foodstuff In order to reduce the Indebtedness In eurred, by. tha war with Rosaia. The duty means considerable to the buyere, and now that they have found flour tn strong demand they are anxious V pocket the difference in prloa that wnl follow after the first of the month. In order to beat tha new tariff tha Japa neae have secured a full cargo of flour for tha Japaneae liner America Maru. wheh Is to sail from San Francisco on the 14th of this month, but In order to reach Yokohama on or before the first of October ths steamer will not only have to paas by the Hawaiian Is lands, but will have to crowd on all apeed possible. The distance from San Franolsco to Japan la auch that- the big liner, although one of tha speediest In ths trans-Paelflo service, will have no time to lose If she le to make the run - In the time allowed her. - The Portland-Aalatia llnar Ntwmai(l which left Portland during the- latter part of August carried 47,00 barrels of. flour, most of which was consigned xo japaneae ruiyers. ' ,-.: MARINE NOTES. , Astoria, Sept 10. Arrived down dur ing the night and sailed at 10:11 a. m., steamer Johan. Poulsen. for San Fran- Cisco. Arrived down at 11 last ntgbt and aalled at 1:40 a. m4 steamer Noyo, lor aaa rsanaisoo. uutside at 11 a, m.. a four-masted schooner. Arrived down st 10:10 and crosatd out at 11:46 a. m.. steamer Cascade, for Ban . Franclaoo. San . Franolsco, Sept . - Sailed, steamer F. A. Kllburn, for Portland, and schooner' flequola, for Astoria. Railed at midnight. , British eteemer Vlalgoth. for Portland. ' Aatorla. Sept . -Arrived down at T a. m. and aalled Qt 1:3.1 p. in.," schooner Lottie Bennett, for Kedondo, Sailed at FALLS FROM HIGH DOCK '" ;r-'-' . -""5- ' Seooad Officer oa Preach Bark tsamaeo Xas Barrow Bseape Prom Death, Joseph Courtell, second officer on the French bark Laenneo, fell from tha up- pr okhvi momgumery sock xno.- i last nlght .to the rocky shore below and was quite seriously Injured. He waa made as comfortable as possible tn the ship's cabin - during the night but Captala Quiiee bad- him removed to St Vin cent's hospital this morning. Courtell,' In company with a Bailor, was' starting for tha Seamen's mission when he missed his footing in the dark and fell off the dock, a distance of 14 feet His escape from a horrible death Is considered miraculous, for he landed on a number of boulders forming s foundation for the dock ptefe. CAITlTtSI. met! Stoh adaeheaad roUeoeall Uiesroablee hv sans a blUoaa state of the systass. saeh ss Plwtnua, Kiasia, Prowslnsss, Dwiraw arter aUn. Psln ta tba Side, as. Wklto taatr numt tesasiiilitesa noses ess beea ahewa la euto Bsadaaha, yM Osrtrs Little Liver POTS are equally valuable la Oonstlpatloa. curing sad r r VaoUng 4hlsansrlaceoBiplala.liila U-r eome all dlaoroara of t best oaik4 u m u it i . hnraadnaUteUeeewela, imUwq7 HEAE) Aohe ttisy won Id be timrmt prlaelMa tn eafferfromUkisdisinHMlnf oonipi&inii btt(-.r'-aatsly blritoodBelBM.l hr ... 1 BrheoBeetryUMOivUI nd Ibaasl'"" -abtelasaaisor wsratbatth.r wul I imalodowiiuooiti.-m. i-.ut .'-' .. !.. i - AOC3iv fcthebsaeef seany U th. b ( . w m ear rut aw fcur (iiusaut a eth io s"t. UiWi LiuJe Llv rl'l sr rv ' vary My One or two i . Jhy sraatrtetif vo.t'.ia an l .n t Bunr, rl by i.n. i ... ass IhTTTl Ciira tzz::rn :ur 7 : frin.fcir-. :