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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1906)
THE OREGO!! DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -XIONDAY EVEIilUG, SZPTIIMEER 10. 1C:J. i ' ' . : ' ' - ...... jJILY A FEW DAYS REMAIN OF CONTEST FOR VALUABLE SCHOLARSHIPS JOURNAL'S J-'flL; , a Ol I jUli V . - : innna ot oonnTiXTi nr totxs. , .... . Nellie My Shannon, til Tenloo. Portland, Or. ................ .101,880 e Malsie ODonnelt, Successful . Wash ihgton 'County Candidate. wxUi zn ' Tn Journal taotional ooatest Win ma at p. n September 19. To b onnt robsoriptlona momt o aaark aot la than that kr and date. Patrons of The Journal have only two moro days In which to maka their ub- acri pt ton -money- apply toward -h--odq-- ratlon ot tba deserving boys and girl Hated hi the a rao 'for cholnrhlp. -Those wno-wish to get 4h-STatt pur. chaelng power for food .out of .their money should decide between the can didate and- advance their eubacrlptlone In favor of the onea wbom the con alder the moat deserving; and thla muat be done, tf done at all. before AVedajrs day evening- at o'clock. . ; i . Teaterday twelve of th candidate were pictured and written about Thl la for the benefit of the people who have not had the chance to peraonally meet the young people who are seeking the auffrage , of the. public, r Today are publishes? sketches, aipna - betlc&lly arranged, of. the candldatea who were not. given publicity In yes terday' paper.- And Ukeneaaea are given of all the contestants whoae photo graph are on hand. Lillian McVlcker. "the paraon'a daugh ter," of 8t Johns, has merited a area deal of attention in the educational con test. She entered the contest lata but went right up near the lead and' she has maintained a conspicuous suprenv acy. The young lady had many friend and admirers before, but now her ac quaintance la much extended. ' She la the daughter of the Rev. Mr. McVlcker of the Evangelical church. " . Malsie O'Donnell of Buxton In a creditable manner ha a represented Wash ington county In. the acbolarshlp race. : She entered the contest late but haa . i.v4 . .. , Horace A. Wilson. 161 HaUey BU roruana. ur, Lillian MoVlcker., 8t Johns. Or ........... Mildred U. Clemens. University rark, Portland. Or....... 1 Ouy Graham, Troutdal. Or KQOda BtainaKer. Aioany, w.i. . ..... . Clay Jones. 40? East Twelfth Bt. Portland. Or. Edith M. Harris. 411 Oxford at -PartlandV'OrVt Bertie O. Chan, tit Clay St, Portland. Or...'.. Malsie O'Donnell, Buxton, Or.,.,,-.cmT-.T-t---rt.. ..t.',".....r Charles Gross, Y. M. C A.. Portland. Cfrrl BheUon.'Forty-elghth, 8U Mount Tabor. Or Mary E. Powell. 42? Kalraon BL. Portland. Or... Roy Johnson, ' 74 Division Bt, Portland. Or 107.00S ' 7J.M 7171 ...7t.4 14.810 80,I0 . 47.488' 41.(1$ SS.49 14.060 tri'.iui 10,801 . Ma Psndsrgraea, Ill North Seventeenth 8U, Portland, -Or 14, Si.tvO 15,350 22,665 19,190 18.036 11.180 7,58 ' 1.43V i.m 6.600 4.1(1 4.640. 4.015 4,020 : 1,018 i.7ii ; Lin ' 1.J0 .r.ioo. 41 tea ' rz John Benson, Chemawa. Or.....,.,..,.,,,..... Paul Nygren. J8I East Third 8t. Portland, Or, ;.. . .Louie Borra. Astoria. Or......M.u, Mabel Magnesa, Amity, Or. ... .......... . . . . . . ' Dorcas Vsn Bohoonhoven,' Cove.' Or. ...... . . .i . . . . .'. Dean Knot,. Corvallls, Or. i . ... i ...... . Ruth Tomer, 101 Kerby SW Portland. Or...... .... ..i. ". Harry' Brant,lThe Norton. Twelfth and Morrison,' Portland, Or.., 4enB raiuio, urania rasa, isr... . Llojrd Rlchea, . Bilverton, Or,....;....,.....,..., Clay Cary. 8glem, Or................. 4 , Aileeq Hackmao, Myrtl . Park, Portland. Or.. n. nr. vrrua, dcio, ur,,,,,,, ,.,,,i,,,,fl Louisa Scott. Central addition. Portland,' Or.... Ivy Owena, Cedar Mill. Or.. .............. .V., Edward L Klnaman, LJnntonl Or. Agnes Evans, Latourell. Or...... .... aVW. K.wrnn, JjjJtt.jrhliJrja3rntB.Bt.. Portland. Or 4 Richard. W..Gilvln, Roseburg, Ori,..... .; ,..,;.,,..',; '.. a ueorg u.-, Kingston, ur....... ...... Nellie May Shannon, Leader of the ; ' Educational ' Contest for Thirty Days, worked up to a high plaoe among the winners. - Bhe was nominated by Pro fessor M. C. Case, county school su perintendent of Washington eounty. Ivy Owena. Cedar Mills, Oregon, I recommended by R. I Wann, her teacher In the publio school at Cedar Mills, as -deserving the scholarship la Holme Business college, Portland. Bhe would now have to poll the equivalent f three yearly subscription to get Into th winning list - Paul Nygren. tl Kaat Third street. Portland. Is an ambitious Swedish boy who Is striving for a position ot honor ta th educational contest. , He wants a scholarship la th International Cor respondence school of Bcranton, so that h may tudy electricity. Paul' father, P Nygren, telephone Eaat tOlO, is much li. teres ted In hi boy success, " Glenn Patlllo, Grants Pass, Oregon, entered th contest on August 7 and has gone as high aa th twenty-first posi tion. He now oocuple rung 14 of tb contest ladder, bat may go higher befor th last count of votes, a hi friend ta Oranta Para are anxlou to have their representative make a good ahowlng. , Mae Pendergrass, til North Seven teenth treat, Portland, entered th eon test good and early and . began In twenty-tlrat place. She ha worked herJ way along up th line until now she haa the fifteenth call on echolsrshlpe, 8b member of th White Temple Bap- . J k,', Ruth - Turner, Youngest Graduate of . the Thompson SchooL - . t - . i- Mary E. Powell, Contesting for Schol- '' arthip in Advertising Writing. Is , tist church or ' Portland and baa celved considerable support front mem bers of that organisation. Her telephone la Main SSlt and she will call for th subscriptions of tbosa who , will help . her ' ; - r, - . Mary K.' Powell, 417 Salmon street, Portland, is striving for th scholarship la th Page-Davis Original Correspond ne School of Advertising Writing. Bhe graduated from th Portland High school last year and Bow h 1 ready to fit herself for. a career. She I ketch artist and likes the prospect of advertising work. She la- tb daughter of pioneer family well known In the Oreeham and Powell - valley neighbor hood a. . Lloyd Rlchea, Bilverton, bounded Into the contest with 1. 800 vote about th 4th of August He 1 on of th best known new agent la th Willamette valley. He haa aold newspaper In 811 vsr.ton for year while going to school. About two month ago he severed hi newspaper connection. o that he might prepare to go to eolleg thla winter. I.ln.vd R lories live with hi parent. who art much respected and who -own Lillian McVicker. . "The -DBttghter. Parson's on of th finest home In ' Bilverton. H-l ways-ha been Industrious and thrifty snd the- peoplr of, Bilverton are proud of him. ' -t Louie Berra,'. th , messenger-newsboy st Astoria,-entered th contest a late aa" August II. nd 1 well op among th prise winner. He want to go as high a he csn so aa to bm aur of get ting th scholarship of hi choice. Louie I giving Clatsop county very creditable representation In th contest' Louise Bcott, , Central addition, Port land, was m th winning Ut at th be ginning of th contest, but ha bean crowded down by contestants who have given more time to th work of can vaaalng. A few subscriptions added to th vote she haa already would Still Insure her a scholarship. Nellie May Shannon has', become ' a well known as leader of tbjs educational eon test for 10 day ,that an extended notice here would be only a repetition of what already ha been published. ' Carl Shelton, th Mount Tabor orphan boy In th educational contest, had never gone to school a day until he was 11 years old. II than entered th Mount Tabor school and went through It In four yea re. He I anxloua to continue hi education and that I tb reason he I in thla contest. Cart make hi horn with Y7 B. Potter, who realdene tel. ,'"" Y. I .-A j Horace Allen Wilson, Leader of the " Contest for Thirty-Three Days. . Louie Serra, ' Clatsop, County Candi date for- One of The Journal Schot- arahipa. :" ijS. .'. . . . t Louise Scott This" Young Lady Needs a Few Subscriptions to Pat Her in the Winning List. ' - phon 1 East S77. . H will b gUd to hear from people who will take an in tereat in htm and advanc their sub scriptions in his behalf. He will s wer and wait upon such prospect. - - Rboda . Lee . Btalnaker, 140 West Seventh street, Albany, .ha been, on of the surprises In the - contest race. She ha kept well .up among th cash niise and ha mad' a notable record In new subscription. Rev. W. P. Whit says that "Rhoda Is the only daughter of a widow who ha th priceless fortune of havfng four upright and industrious children." , c Ruth Turner, (Ot Kerby street: Upper Alblna. I up among the winner but not quit high enough to - secure th cholarahlp In Bt Mary' academy which he covet. Ruth la th youngeat graduat of th Thompson publio achooL Bh would do well In canvassing 'for contest vote If an older person would accompany her. " In th next three days h may secure enough, votes to win the Bt Mary's scholarship. Dorcaa Van Bohoonhoven of Cove, Oregon, I th only contestant from eastern Oregon to enter th educational contest . She has waged a good battle against contestants who have had fewer obstacles to overcome. Bhe has can vsssed Cove, North Powder, Elgin and th rural routes in - th rich arand Rond valley. Bh now atanda among th winner. She has aot yet expreeaed a preference as to scholarship. Horac Allan Wilson Is th Isst on of tht party of courageous young po- pl to b enumerated In an alpha betical arrangement of th name. But he I by no mean th last aa a producer of subscription. - Up to dat he ha turned In more money on subscriptions Ceme late - m. .i ff Wave Cirele ead eave If rwe-thirds yea behlag JJ sivdtf sseasy by astog II j N C:H'S Pcr;d:r . !f siee '-' ' V-Ti er Ae than any other conteatant. His ub- scrlptlon average for "a longer term, with more ntoiiey to the" subscription. than do the subscriptions of other con testants. Wilson ha applied business system to ' hi contest afforta and he haa mad . everymove count. Jtt 18 a young man who supports - hlmswi and must educate' himself. - Thla summer's experience-ha'' mad Mm a salesman f-no-wnall-abiHtyj '. - . 1 , rr ' Power - of nbaorlptlona. " " Persons who wish to help contestant' may want to know' the voting power of subscriptions. The following votes r allowed for advance paymenta for saw or old subscribers: n , , psilp aad Sonday JoarnaL ' A s - Prlc by' ; Tim. - " Carrier. MalU Vote. On Tear .......... $7.60 7.00 1.600 Six Month Three Months Two Month On Month ... 1.7S .. 15 ... 1.30. .. .11 Btiaday oanaL r .....v ti.vv a r Kiiin i ear . . , . Six Months r ....... . 1.16 Bally aToamal Without On Tear ... j ...... ,$5.0 BIX. Months.. ....... 'I. o Three Month ....... 130 Two Montba .i'.w... 100 ' On Month .... .". ... ' . Beml-Weekly Joarnal. - On Tear .......... . ., fl.50 101 Blx Month ........ ' -7f '. ' )lt Payment may be mad in favor of contestant, direct to Th Journal, through rout agent and Th Journal's collector or th money may be sent to th contestant whose addresses are printed in th score list vary . day. - : ; vris at Btaaa. Tultloa In bt Oregon school - and 1760 in gold and cash commissions. Following is tb list or scnoiaranipa. with approximate cash valu of each. offered aa prlata. Detailed information eonoarnlng them will be publlahad front tlm to time, or xurnlhd on applica tion to th contest department: Academy of th Holy Nam. Aa- toria. valu vi .ItSI Albany College. Albany vain..... IS Behnke-Walker - Buslne , Collg. Portland, valu 101 Capital Bualnea Colleg, Balam.' value . ..................... .. its Columbia - University. " Partlaad. valu ' ..SOS Dallas College. Dallaa, vain 100 QlUeapl School of - Exprraaloa, Portland, vain ' i .... Ill HIU MUltary Academy. Portland. valu Holmea Bualneaa College, Portland, .valu 110 Holm-Flander Private School. Portland, valu - 1ft International Correspondence Schools, Bcranton, Pa., vain.... IIS MeMlnnvIll Colleg. MoMlnnvlll. . valu 41 Oregon College of Optometry. ... n II Oregon-tat- normal, Aaniano. - Oregon, cash prises aad .. II Oregon - Stat - Normal, Monmouth, Oregon, cash prise and II Oregon- Conservatory ol Musle, Portland On Pianoforte Scholarship, valu lot ', On Violin Scholarship, valu.... lit ; On Ouitar and Mandolin Scholar ship, valu ................... Paeiflo College. Newberg, value..,.! 109 Pacific' Telegraph Institute, Port land, value ............. e Page-Davis Company Original Cor. - reapondeno School of Ad vert 1 . lng, 413 Commtrclal building. Portland . Lvlal h'Ji.- ';-V'u .'y-":-,-!'-!.'-:::; : ; ' -. In our new StJts foJ FaH All-"-J ' j ' " ; ' . -X - the latest and best weaves ; y::;.'t :mjJX- j ' 'I -- 'S ' : fabrics; r good tailoring ''-VV'-'v 'i v; ;- 'V,- 'V J . ' and the very best values in. I -. I ,M , ' " - I I I II I - n . - i .. .... -- ; ,v y s ,. School Suits )i.:jlijJJi! " - Good' substantial WcKolenJ ''hv'iffi ''K f " ii j - Suits,' STjedally adapted for ' t.-' vM C"' Z.: - ? I J school wear. In a large variety-1 3oo ' ' n i ' f . . of patterns and styles , 3.71 l.tO 1.10 .I 1.00 Bonday. 35.00- 1,000 , 176 460 1.40 800 1.00" 130 .10 l- It 136 0 10 111 10S I 101 Portland School of Domestio Bcl , ence. Portland (r, W. C. A.), valu Sacrad Heart Academy, -Salem, ' value , St Mary's. Academy, Portland, valu Whltworth College, Tacoma, Wash. ' ington, two,- year' scholarship, Ither . preparatory or colleglo. . valu J w .v. ,-..... . t ir,,, Whltman Colleg, Walla " Walla, Wash., scholarship in any depart- ment, value -rr. rn . i-rv--.-.-vT-ii-rv-loe ' Boaldes th cash Commission which th . student recehe when '.hey. secure new subscriptions, cash puree to tb total aunt ot 1760 will be awarded aa follow: 1. A purs of 1100 for th general ex pense of th winner while attending any publio or. private institution providing XT tuition. - - I. A purs of f 100 to b uaed in th erne manner aa the abov. . - 3. A purse of 3100 for Incidental x- penaea to supplant a acholarshlp ae- I acted rrom the roregomg list. 4. A purs of 376 In addition tr of th foregoing acholarahtp. - S. .A pur of 160 la addition to on f th foregoing scholarship i . . A purs of 16 in addition to ana Of th foregoing cholarahlp. EASTERN EXCURSION . RATE stoptamaOT 8 aa4 1ft. . V.: -On th above date th Oreet North, em railway will hav on sal ticket to Chicago and return at rat of 171.10, SC Louis and return 147.60, St Paul, Mtnneapoll and ' Duluth, - Superior or Sioux City, and 'i urn, t0. Ticket flrat-olaaa, good going via th Great Northern, returning nam or any direct rout, stopover allowed. For ticket. slep4ng-car reservation. or any addi tional information call-on or addreea H. Dickson, C. P. at T. A 111 Third tret, Portland. - .. ' j' . . . Heavy, Impure blood makes a muddy, lmplyComplxlona, headaches, nausea, ndlaeatlrm. Thin blood make you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit ter makes the blond rich, red. restore perfect health. -.- i .... pure THIRD AND OAK 3S o. SAIScpiW Agricultural JaW Grand Circuit Races and Live Stock Show FREE SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS MONDA V Opening . . TROT"Oregon Suke' ; ':7- Day Hm ' ': PACB-(2 X5) V;:;;., :,: RUNNING -Half Mil .... RUNNING Half Mile SEPTEMBER JO ' ' . ." . ' : ' " '. . . . mmm . . . ... ... ..... $ 400.00 ; 2,000,00 .150.00 200.00 TUESDAY Develop inent League Day SEPTEMBER 11; TROT (27) PACE-."Vlley Suke? . . ; : RUNNING Five Furlongs RUNNING Six Furlong. 4s 4 - w.nJaV 4 4.i(t,,a I ' - ' . '.'' ' ' A WEDNESDAY-Salem ..$1,000.00 600.00 m ' 150.00 150.00 Day. SEPTEMBER 12. THURSDAY PACEJ (2 ;15) .,..,.,,,..,. , .. .. ,. ,$2,000.00 TROT "Inland Stake" , , . r." . . . s . ; . 1 500.00 ..L RUNNfNG Four' and a Half Furlongs. C 150.00 .t RUNNING "Oregon Derby" . .n SOo'.OO' PARADE PREMIUM STOCK. - i " Port- land Day " SEPTEMBER 13 l. ............. a. . t . TROT (2:17)K PACEr-(2:20) RUNNING Half Mile RUNNING One Mile PARADE, PREMIUM STOCK. ............$2,000.00 300.00 C : . . . . .... r . ? ,150.00 200.00 FRIDAY; Fraternal ;-J .Day. ' .. SEPTEMBER 14 ' SATURDAY i Chlld ren DayJ V;..'. SEPTEMBER 13 TROT "Capital City, SukeV.. . ?. ; PACE "Greater Salem Stake" r....'......!.'... RUNNING Five and a, Half Furlongs. RUNNING Six Furlongs , .4 .,..... ..,.. . .' ..... .a ...... - TROT "Consolation"; pace (8:io)...;:i;; RUNNING Half Mile , RUNNlNO-r-dne Mfl ..... . . , . . '. ! s m m $400.00 500.00 150.00 '150.00 $500.00 -700.00. 100.00 ; 150.00 ' EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS H. W. DpWNINO, JPrelaen; ,; ,.'. ': ' ,'... F. W. DURBIN, SecrtUry.