The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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    i;:v TODAY.
Local Investors ;
And Savings
Dank Depositors ' -
' vr offer' subject to prior Ale, tba
following BlU-edae bonds: '
810,000 County Ponds, Interest
' per annum, ibterest payable
..mKnnuYllr.. principal 10 to 20
years. . .- ' '
15,000 first Mortgage Gold Bonds. In
tercet at 6 per cent pr annum, inter
est ryW netrii-nnnuaUy. Prlncl
, pal ona to three year.
30,000 First Mortsrage Gold Bonds. In
t.reet at par cut per ""Jn
est payable eerol-annually. Prlncl
pal one to Ave yearn. .
$50,000 Gilt Kd Farm Mortgages, In
terest per cent per annum. AU or
any part of the above Is ottered at par.
Wc Invite c
Subscriptions r;
lows: ' ' : " ' .
700,000 Klectrle . Railway Company s
per cent ten-year bonds.
$20,000 Electric Ught Powr Com
pany per cent ten-year bonds.
25 OOO Water Works Company 'pr
cant-IO-ysar bonds. -
10.000 Electric Light' and Power Com
pany per cent ten-year bonds. .
All of the above ' bonds ate Issued
against Income-paying companies, in
terest and principal guaranteed and
payable at the option of the holder
In Portland. Or., or New V or City.
Full Information to Interested parties.
:crthvestern Guarantee
and Trust Company
3.Mi3l.XxaM '... CeooB4 foor,
a Co. 8 . '
Many of the ladle of Portland sad vicinity
so sot know that the ,
Oddest Trust Company In Oregon"
Desires their eoesanta. Serea of them
know It. howerer, ana aeeke ua of Ita atroog
rati Its aa a repository for their ear Inge.
We eolirlt the accounts of women and neomles
careful atteutloa to their hitereeia. .-;-.
Harriet E. Hoorehousc
Superintendent of Wnnil'l Department. Will
explain hew money deposited la thle hut
hueclel Oertlftcatee of Deposit earao a goo
rate of latereet whUe sera, aad It ta alao ;
aad la her wliea yea wast it. Iatereat eeea
MtMi a au. t a m, rent nee anasm according
to the length, of time the aioaey la oa deposit.
Aak ae store tbere'a a tot that Is tatereetlog
about theaa Special Certificates. -,
Md M icm it Orejca
. . .'. M and Oak sts, Phone Eg. XX
HEVJ. I. COHEN....... .Presldest
H. L. PITTtH'K.., jriea-President
B. LEE PAGET Beeretery
J. O. UOLTRA..,. ..Aseistast secretary
. A corner oa First street with sub
stantial brick building, leased and pay
On $45,000.00
This quarter block Is A good lnrest
roent and It can be handled with 110,-
' 000 cash.' " ..... - .
. . a. Oor. Thdrtl aad OaJt trseta.
Lot 50x100 fect, with 9-
room house, Fourth and
Harrison streets
Parrisfi, Walkins & Co.
" 250 aAlder Street
11.000. - CAN OIVE TERMS. , . " . :'
- 5ta SOklOO feet, aldewalks, graded streets,
city water (Bull Baa) Blued to each Int. -en
the earllna. with as anobetraeted view at tha
rleer: erery lot eleered la graas plot aad
eontalne the ru-neet kind ef eotL Is walking
l lata me of eeetter of the dty; title perfect,
an abatract frrnlabed with erery Vat, aad the
(I rice only fiao per lot.
A few ef these lots will be eold for 1S0
ft dowa. balance moarhly Inatallmenta, ...
The Sret come the Srat OrrTd.
M. J. CLOlliWST. ivT McKay Bolldlngi
, r
'And keep your eye oa WIL.KY ALX.EN
A C'O.8 ads for Una bargains In real
New stores snd afflce rooms, with steam
r-at and elm trie lights. N. E. corner
1 tard and Madison streets. Apply room s,
Ur.3 STtriD-LCl'IS D. CCIX
I A alone AMO 10. Uj WASHIrtflTOM
""i U sew asea lot receoUoa of uvlia.
Grand Avenue
A 5-Robni
Cottage 7
New and modern, tha 8. W. corner ITth
and Clinton ,8ts.. east side. T-tnlnute
car Berries" 'Them Is no better house
in ins city Tor tne money.
Price $2,250
. sok?xastd XSXOHTS --
Lots 3 and 4 blocks from car Una.
graded streets and water, beautiful
trees, elegant altea for homes, at the
rate of ll'&O and $300 per lot. GEO. Jh.
WAGGON Kit. Phone Main 8ST.
Except a asoderately beeey ahowet which fell
last night In the sound enontry. fair sod eon,
weather preralle erer.Twbere on. the Paelfle
alone In Conner tine with a lerge high preesure
stve that waa eentral tale morning oeer weaiera
waahlocton, Xlbt rroaia orearreo mia aoorn
Ina In, extreme eulera Orecoa ana la tha Bolae
h.iH Th iMBMntute wna alao daueroualy
oeer the fpoet mark at Boeebure:. Orecoa. and
Spokane. Waahlnfton. A shallow rronsb of low
DreMiirt extends from Arlnona eeat to n
hexleo and thaaraaortheat to Mlnneoota. hat
vet it hee eentM no rata or oonoeiitienee.
The barometer la the Atlantic atatea la aUfbtlv
below. sormaL aa! itir temperaiarea are fen
mt.iIv fmm fi to IS jlerfreee eboro normal.
The lodloanona are lor rair weainer is mm
dtetiirt lootdit aad Tneeday. with light frosta
ton I. tit eeet or tna ataeruo uonntaina. ana
with rleln temperataree Tnoaday, except along
the Immediate eoeat ana la eoatnern loaa
where Ihey will renin In nearly atatlonary.
UbaerrallODa taken at a. aa., I'acuio time:
. Temp.
Statlona .' Max. Mia. Pieeti
Beker City. Oregon. ...... as. "84
Koetoa. M aaaaehuaatta. ..... aa . a.- aa
Chicego, lllionla f4 TX
Ieneer, Okaraao wi tui
Kanaaa City, Mmenarl...,,, M . 11
lxm Aegelea, California..,. SO 60
New Orleans, Louiatana..., S , '.
New Vork. New York . 82 r TO
Portland, Oregon. aa ' ' 47,
Roaebarc. ureaon. ......... tu ' - t
Ht. Louie. Mtiwourt M ', , TO
Kelt lke. Ivt.h ......... . M M
8an rcaadaco. CaUfomla-a a -
fpnkane, Wihlniion..,.., tm ( - 0
Taeonia. Waahlngtoa'. 64 80
Walla Walla. Waahs(toa.. TO " T 60 .
waehingtea. n. r ss na
X.m rvmltM 1H&U. Twelfttt iIimL 4S,. fktth-
eruie T. Dobarty. II.'
Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith d Oe.. Waak-
Ington Mdg., ear. roartb aad Waahlngtoa eta.
Wedding sad calling cards eagTaeed or
selnted. I. T. Raahtos, (22U Waahlngtoa St.
Vtlaa BCTtka Marrla. room tit Alleky bids.
tamping and Baa needlework; limine ateaa.
rail draee salts for rent, all alaae. , Cakjae
Tallorhig Co., 8( Stark at. - -
ARANDT Hep tent her T. to Mr. and .Mrs.
Ml-hnel Areiult. lloB Bnnt Mnln. s boy.
JOHNSON September 6, to Mr. and Mrs,
I harlee Johtiana, l-enretwooo. n gxri.
MK1NN0N September t. to Mr. and Mrs.
flnneld J. MrKtnnoa. tes Kaat Tamhlll. a girl.
rrv'EKR September T, to Mr. and Mm. Gay
B. DeTsra, Kaat rarty-Qfth sad Park arenne,
a boT.
MATHteWg fteptesiber T, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jamea Marhewa. M0 Corbet t. a bar.
HOV'T September 4, to Mr. sad Mrs. 0, Ehvs
ll'.Tt. U Waeeo, s boe.
PAYNBSeptemher T. ta. Mr. aad Mrs. retry
J. Payne. Portland Maternity boepltat, gtrL
LTTLK eteptember T, to Mr. and Mrs. Btark
t.rtle. 4M8 Nehalem seenne, a girl.
DItl.'BY . Keptember T, to Mr. and Mrs.' I H.
Drnbr. 40 Miller aeeaaa, a glrk
CA RPKNTKE fleptember 1. to Mr. and Mrs.
TCIllta-a B. Carpenter, 41 Sixth, a girl.
DA If September T, ta Mr. sad Mrs. Robert
C. Daete, 61 Starr, s glrL
CARL 0. CURBAN. aged IT. died September
T at Plttabnrg. remurlTania.
JACOBS E.N Heptembar X Albert J. Jaceheen,
4 monthe. KM Eaat Tarairtn, aorta, maraamna.
LEWIS Keptember S. 1 anny A. Lew la. 44
Tram. Til Eaat Conch, mitral lnrafftelency..
WHIThV September . Tbomea W. White. TV
Xeara. iss Baat Sixth, carcinoma ef llrer.
PAYNE Jteptember S. Mary S. Payaa, SO years,
4l Mianer, paunonary caoeeeaioaai..
nan I m MeEntea A Ollbanrk. andertakera
and am balm era: awl em Is erery detail. Sereatk
I Pine. Maui dSu, Lady aaalataat. - i
A. R- nanaaterk. asdertakar aad embalmer.
Kaat Thirteen Ih aad VasatlUa are. . Pbena SeU-
wood Ta.
mu. r.,..,..u. n. e MkahaiM era
Alder at. Those Mala Sl'sS. Lady aeaTaUaC
J. P. Plnler A Soao. Third aad Madlaaa sta,
OfSce et eoonty eeroaa. Phone Mala A
CLARK B BROS-. Plmiare Phm. fio
oorai ticsigna. xaa Hornaoa sr.
Edward Belmaav- aadartaker. s Thh-d at.
RivrmTirw CEKmtlT..
SmU mmm sta r.nti lAee rra a si arm
Tbe only eemrtery ta Portland which 'per-
petnaiiy aaaiataina ass cares roe was. rar ran
information apply ta W. B. Mackeaale, Woo
eeeter block, city. W, M. Ledd. prealsaat.
Cbarlee A Wsddell and Nellie M. Wad- .
Oell ta Thomaa B. Roberta, tot 10,
blork A Albtoa addition to Alblaa t
Meridian Inreetaaent A Truat company
to reoenc a. vrooaian, pari et
LIm, 1 A M V l ' . I .(.
Itederirk at. Vroomas to Elisabeth Bay-
barat, aame prvperty- aa aboee
Portland Treat Company ef Oregon ta
aietta n. ETana, o i. diock si,
Jamea N. and Edna C. Bora te Clark M.
rieraoa, lot s, block z. Si array BUI '
addltloa to East Port hind
Emma S. sod Horace W. Thielaea to Vir
ginia A. Grant, lot 1. block 8. Monl
ton A Scorey's eubtllTtatoa ef blork B,.
Tlbbett's addition to Eaat Portland...
Same te same, aame property... ........
Same to aame. earns property..;.,...... .
Snnnyalde dand A Improrement compasy
, ta u. a. Moore, mi s. btocs eo, sunny-,,
elds .
Richard Williams to C. Cslpan, lot ,.
clock Lt Williams' addition Ko. 2..
Hennle P, Hansen and wife ta A. J.
Murphy, sontliweet V, ef lots S and a, .
Mock 68. Original Townalts of Alblna...
Peter Jobnenn and wife to A. J. Mnrphy,
west H of sonthweat A of lots S and
4, block M, Original Townalte ef Al
blna .1.. ......
A. J. Mnrphy and wife te Peter Kerr
et el, aame property aa shore, ...... ,
J. O. and B. U McOrew to Virginia
PenweU, lot 10 and east H of lot 9,
brack 10, Kern Park......,..., :
Oregoa ileal Estate eompany ta Maria
Nllaaoo. part of lot 4. blork 203, tlolia
dey's addition to East Portland.......
Julius aad lasra C. Stark to Ida B. .
Harkleroad, lets 1ST sad ISA Arista
Park ......f
Elate P. and A. P. Chrletenaea et si. ta
. Jobs Dal ton. east ft of lot T, block TS,
Ooochs addlltna
L. A. aad . Louies Patterson - to Kate
Ward, parcel of lots la Maplewood ad
dition ........ ,
Tbotnaa McNamee to James Perry Mot-
. 10
rett. lot ii, blork 14, Ooldemltk's ad-
at two
Sycamore Beat Eatats eompany te L. j".
,,aruotr. mo) -x and
blork 10,
Kern Park
Margaret Lewis to Abigail .Wright, lot
24. block S. Lenrelwood... ,
Cbarlee W. Corneltna to Jobs WrOeckm.
Iota I snd S, blortr 124, Coach's sddl-
ttoa iTJ.v
Ida E. and P. W. Toralee to grank fi.
and KeUle B. 0 rah am. west ed feet ef
W 4 and aaat 20 feet ef lot S. block
. 10, Ttlton's addition
Prank-T. and We tilde J. Ollpetrick ta
Uwla 0. (V111ngwnad. lots IS and 14,
block . Willamette ..7.
Jamee and Emily Cnrran to Stewart
. Crelghton. lot 1. bbvk A. snbdlTtaloa
SO, Kiathera Portland, .ft ..V...
L, J. (larbntt te P. W. Hashes, lots 2
snd So. Mock 10. Kent Park
Amanda MeHolMnd to J. W. MrHollasd.
lot A blork A Engleweod Park...
Otietare B. and Delay 0. Bruere te Port-v
lend Treat Company of Oregon, snath
ft fet of lot S. block 12, Ooldsmlth's
addltloa 4
Rudolph B. and Margie A. Sunb to Bea
ale Werner. mMdle 23 l- feet ef lota
and A black SO, Bansside.,.,
W. J. I'artna at !. to Mary W. Pat too,
T.400 mjurj rt, eumnieu-ing aa south
buunaarr of 1aiin,t rued at stoat weet
erljr ourner of iot 11. tract I. Oreaa
war ,.'
laeiula A. att K. p. Watklna to
(barles U. VtuntlwaH. kit It block 44,
Portland flty ItumeeuTad. v"
Robert i. b i flier to Wlllnnattta Dock
ouopeny, fractional blork. 1, and lota '
1. St. 8, , T end . blwk X. Kaat Port- 1
land '
Auguet .and Rmeattne llrwrler to Victor
Load cuunn.r. lot 2S. block X Bmlth
eon land Company addition ts fclaat
Portlaud r ,
J. K. end Km tna Mrott to Victor Land
eoenttanr. kta M. ST. M. S aad 40, -bkxk
18, Willamette addition to Eaat .
PortUnd: and lot 4.1. blw-k X Mnltno-..
mah Park; and lot ). biork S. Smith
e,m Land Oinipnuy addition. .. ;
Enuowmeut troateea of Willamette ant-
remit t to Mra. N. C. Doty, lot ,
blork 10. Strawberry Dale.... ',
Moora laeeatinettt company to William
W. Pearaoa, kt 1. bl'k SS. Vernon...
Earl C. tironangb to Hu.le Hlx. .SMS 1,
1 and S, block 0. Arbor Uxlge
Title tluaranteo A Tniet eompany te John
M. DUuo, lot , block 7. TUtoa's addl- "
tloa "
Jamea 0. and Wattle JStuert to Rail ton
ttorntam, :-BH -aA . In sectlOB.'.ati,-..
tow nan I p 1 north, range 2 eaat........ -
. I
For nbatraeta title, Inaarance or awrtgaga
Inane, call on Paelfle Title A Traet eompany.
formerly Paetoo Ceeet Aba tract Onaranty A
Truat eoeapany. xwe-a-i raiting rnuumi.
Oe4 year Inaarasra and abatracra te real aetata
rrnm the xitia unaraatee at j rmw wptwwi
t40 Waahlngtoa atreet.
A A. M. Htated eommunlcetlfle
thle (Mondaet are.. T:UO a clock.
Maaoule tentpm. Third and Alder
- ete. Work la M. M. degree. All
M. M. welcome. Br order of W. M
BUrus K. BALL. Secretary.
flrea mat tue annual nieeimg oi ni
oldere of tbe Midway Ioiprorement aeeocia
tlon will be held at the fire ball. Midway.
Mllwankkt are.. Portland. , Or Sept em bee
si ihuS, St T.80 p. m.
If. W. A,. Oregon Grape Cams, Its. s,Te Moa.
anyn. itu
M. W. A, BVEROREEM CAMP. Mod, ateeta
WedtMaday erasing.. Allaky hidg. Third aad
Morrlaoa ats.
' Notice la hereby gleea that the county eoort
' ef Crook coanty. Oregon, will racelee aeahxl
blda lor the bonding of a new coax thou aa
an to Koeeenbee T, ltfOB, at 10 o'clock a. aa..
at tha coarthoaae at PruMTllle, Oragoa. aa
'Flret A hid for tbe eoaarraetloa sad build
ing of tbe fooodatloa ent of atona aa erlgln
al'y Bhuwed by W. D. Pagh, archltact, Salem,
Oregua. Second A bid roc oooatrnrtton
and bonding of the foundation eat of brick,
according to amended plas by earoe architect.
Third A bid for tha eonatrocttoa and eom
pletloa et the eaperatntctnre aa orlglsal y
piaaned. omitting the dome. Foarth A bid
. for tbe eoaetraetloa and completion of the
balMlttg complete aa originally piaaned. Fifth
A bid for the eoriatrartloa and eompletloo
' of the building complete according to -the
- amended plane. - - . '
That all blda meat be sabmltred opoa tbe
plans and apeel fleet Ions ef W. D. Pugh. ar
chitect. Salem. Oregon, and sealed sad marked
'Blda for Court boose," eddreeeed to . the
, count clerk. .PrtseTlUev Oregoa.
The eoonty will pay eaah apon any, contract
entered Into for the boildlng and cone tract lua
ef any part or wbnle of aald boildlng. Cer
tified check aa mentioned In the epeclficatletjs
moat accompany each bid. The plana and
epeclftcatloaa can be examined at tbe office
' of W. D. Pngb. Salem, Oregon, The Oregoa
Dally Journal office, PortUnd, Oregoa. and
" at tha office of the eoonty clerk, Prtoeellie,
Oregoa. The eoort leearraa The right te reject
say and all blda. . ' ,
. fa jimIm rt the eoort. ' - "
fSeal.) WARRBIf BROW",
- Clerk af Crook Caoaty. Oregon. '
TO Trig taxpayer of Mnltaomah Coaatj, Ora-
gea: notice m oereoy givvai ma. n
October I, 1908, tbe board ef qaallxatlon of
Moltnomah coanty will attend at tha office
of tbe coanty clerk of aald coanty sod pub
lic It axsmlna tbe amimeet rolls for tbe
J ear 1106, and correct all errors la Talnatlon.
eecrlptloa or qualities ef land, lots or other
property, and It m tbe doty of all aereooe an an near nt tha time aad Dlaca
' appointed, and if It shall appear te sack
lasds, lots or other property aaaimf twlre
or la the earns of s sereoo or peraona not
the owner ef aame, or aaaeeaad ander or be
yond Its ealae. or any lands. Iota or other
property set saaeeeed, aald board of eaaallaa
tloa shall make the proper corrections.
n. n. aiOLER. Ooonte Aaaasaer.
Portland. Oregon, September S, 1S0S.
LOST Eyeglaases' ta ease,
phone Eaat 4A
nsder plaasa tele-
ierrwxaatereea ltb aad Waahlngtoa and anion
Seoot. a a. er r. watca enaxm. netors xe
Jooraal off lea; reward.
LOST Black feather boa ea Sellwood at. or
Williams sea., nerwaea wanreaoaui ana sw
roe ets.. oa Bomlay srternaoa. rmaer win
please ratnra to T2 Cleralasd are. I reward.
BTRATBD Satarday night Scotch collie dog.
block body, white nag arouna awes, oreeei
and front feet white snd white e tripe doers
face snd white tip sa tall, tea epot ores each
oral reward, addreae J. Marrow, box uou,
Mllwankle at., PartlasA t
LOrr Oni pair ad glamis, week age. at
Oanana see., aat.-1 aoor.
WANTED Bobcootractflre la CsUforsUt moat
hare 10 teams er mars; Bret-cuss aeraper
work from 10c to 18e per cable yard; alao
anhcontrsetors for stone work at Sue ts SOe
v per cable yard; free transportation rot onr-
B ana men la vauiornts enei vnxw.
dreee K 11, ears Journal. 6
Union Hotel
Pree employment te ear patrons.
Weekly rates: Boom, f 1.28 ap; reel
beard. 14 AO sa. Aadersna. proprietor.
BOUND yotmg men, ags IS te SO, f or SreaBea
rnsb; experience nhneceeaary: gramas $100
. L. kub.hus ,7,. ...a, n.T MIMI.
prr awnta, maw. e'v. , w- wr- .
National Railway Training saaoctatlon, 730
Paitoa blk., Omaha. Nebresks; or 3l Ridge
bios-, aasaas Jity. mianoarb ,
ANSWER THIS AD1 It's mosey ta year pork
areoocd SS to 100 per test na matter where
a ... . . n fi .... ..ImI,
ocnteo, weet your warn. iwi
CeU or write. Page-DeTla Co., Dept. 21, 41S
AN epportanlty to learn aborthand at year own
negin I ir u. now. w pu. '-- " -''.
abort bend easy and tha accomplishment la of
benefit te erery one; 2 page booklet free.
Address P octet flee Bos Sod, Portland, Oregon.
WANTTO Special aaleemea te Introduce ear
Hill line St epecismee, iDrtaoini nuwiiw
sew steoelesa pinio-mlracle. Reply with
reference, te tbe Oregon Nursery Co., Salem,
Oregon. j - ;
MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la
algbt weeks) gradaates earn from (is to w
weekly; expert Instructors; eatelogne free.
Moler Byetaia ef Colleges, SS North ifeurth st,
PortlaaA '
AGENTS wanted to sell semerlor. higb-grads
. . - . n eMal.luil f i I I I
BIIHIf ,1Tlf CUUItH.1. WH,U. . 1 ' - ' ,
reeh weekly; write today for choice ef ter
ritory. Capital City Barsary Compasy, Salem,
Oregoa. .
WANTED Yoong shea Ss leers telegraphy and
railroad accuanting; salaries S7B.uu to uo.w.
For free eatlVree address Moras Collegs af
Telegraphy. Sod 12th St., Oakland. Cat
WANTED 20 swampers at good wageei 2S
mllea from Portland as a one mile rrom rstt
med. Apply Wee tern Cpg. Co., 606 Steams
bldg., Portland.'
KTrn Twe er three first-class, aU-sroaad
machine men; permanent poeltloa. geod wegea,
Oregon furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam rood.
WANTKDLewng makers; steady worki kg
North Prost, oorsar of Darla. ,
WANTED Meetng-plrtnrs machine cparahme;
will teach yon the pnetnees; terms reaeoneble;
roeltlona mured; Seed salary. - Newman,
iS Sixth. -
WB get work for ear sserahera; spedel mere.,
bare, SA T M. 0. A, Ponrtb and XamhlU.
WANTED Manager and make-ap for morning
Sally; ales lob printer, uua w. aramar,
MarshSeld, Oregon.
PIROT CLASS pants makers. Nlcoll, The Tailor,
jus iniro at.
WANTED Boyj stead WorA 66 M, rroat,
- sersef Darla, - , ,
WANTTO PlratH;laaa' canJnter. PPly T""'
era Oueparaga Co., Sud Steams bulg Pott
land. '
WANTCI Brurht boy for news bualnea; warea
- J0 per month. Waller Avaad. ? Waeb
liigtun, corner IToorta.
WANTfct At on re, S Jboya "V JZI.Z?
... titi Una.. Tltlrd and Morrlaoa eta.
tM PKB WEEK gttaranteed te geod gaen: on Irk
. eerier, big profile, M lareatuiaut. Tuo Mar
quaai. - '
XOHNO dratightaman; yonn man preferred.
W. J. McPneraun. 18th and Wlleoa. -
AUKN'ra to aeU preparatlos to keen froat off
-ehnw window.: 1 per cent profit. P. It.
Utility Co., lid Naaaas at.. New Xork. .
WANTED Mas with wife for work ca farm!
chance for early adranceuient ta the foreman.
ati Ip. Addreea, glrlng experience, referencea
. and age, X 61, cars Journal. ' .. ' ,-
WANTED A steady yoong man, IS or 20 years
old. to rus s dellrery wagoa fur oieat jnar-
keti one accaatomed to caring for horses.
McOnlre Proa., Hood Blrer, Or.
WANTED Office boy-la Wboleeala- snaintag.
68.-cars Journal. - : -vr
WANTED Two good en roe n tars... APPlf. to
night, A ' 2T1 NorU 16th at.
WANTED Cood responsible boy to dries batcher
wagoa. Apply In person 1006 Unkxa sra
sortn, rilgniana aaeraa,.
AN apportanlly to learn shorthand at year owe
horns for only 64 and pay aa yon wars If yoa
' begin right now. Our plas makea learning
aborthand easy and the accomplishment la ef
benefit to erery one; 2S pajre booklet free.
Addreea Poatofftea Box 63d. Portland. Oregon.
16614 Poartb St., cor. Morrison, spatatre.
' Phone Main BHM. . .
Aloaralde the 1. M. C. A. bid. ,
SIBLS WANTED Operators to work oa shirts
snd oreralla. Leeaona glean to lnexpeeiesceA
.Apply St Standard factory No. X Or and. are.
. aad Eaat Taylor at. J
WANTED Olrla to make
alia at TS first at.
'Boas ef All" eree-
tos St., eor. Be Tenth, onetalrs. 11
sell 2. Pemals help wanted..
rboae Maui
OIRLB wanted for general hoaeearork cooks
. and waitress. City Employment Of See,
' suite 1, 2H Waahlngtoa at. Mala 2410.
WAITTsTD-Competent , glrF for general house
work. Apply 166 Eaat 16th at
WANTED Olrt, steady work, at 66 N. front,
corner Darla. -. ' - -.
WANTED Lady; easy, profitable position;
ealary and eommlaates.
11th St.
WANTED Maagle hands sad Ironers St Orsnd
Lsasdry Co., ntn ana (gainiDy ats.
NTJRRB OIBU- SS Tills nsooAr at., eor. 18th,
fEW ladles wsated ta saatat maktng eaey
fancy work spare time at some; gooa ereeay
pay; no experience reonlred. S2d rialdnar
bldg.. 40T Washington at.
WANTED Aa all around aromas Par restam
for rests ui sat
work. Apply SIS ronrth at. oeoa wegee.
TEACHERS for Chi seas mission, 286 Second
u, t:5u ae :so p.- aa. -
1 HAVB a good horns for a girl te work while
attending ecnooi. apply woe aaai buts, ee-
THORODOHLT experienced cloak and soit as fee-
la i lee wanteo. appiy at on re, manager
Golden Kagle, Third and TsmhlU.
WANTED Hoasekeepere. docaestlce, bookkeep
ers, e terse, etc. tall ana.regiator xrea or
charge. Oregoa Iadlee Employment Agency,
212 Ablngton bldg. Pbena Pacific 2261. .
IMMEDIATELT, flrat-elaas family Cook, wages
6eo: noraegiri, cnamoermara. norei opoe, eoo;
booses eeper. 330 Yamhill. Mala Ml.
WAITTBD Toaag people prepare for railway,
commercial ana. wireless xewgrapa. eat nee;
wagea TS to S0 peg aaoalh; . sdeasaed
atudenta perfected sod positions seeorad; day
and ersalng claaaea. Pari do Telegraph Ia
atltata. Commonwealth -bldg, ,
W ANTED Good lire agents ts repreeent as la
different sections ef city, ooantry ssd la
small teems. . Write a csU E. M. PhiBimar,
260 Third et. '
BBLP wasted ssd eanpiied. ssnle ee female. B.
fl. Drake. 208 Waablsgtoa nt. PaclSs 1STA
A GOOD helper ea coats. Apply st the Boa
Ton '.tailoring ue., iuih bhiu ex., room a.
STENOOBAPHEBS farntehed- wttheat charge.
Stearns visible Typewriting Agency, av rmn
at. rnone staia vein.
POSITION as housekeeper; aged SO. with little
StrU permanent place,-good - wages. - T Stt,
, cars JoornsL - . , ' - -
COMPBTENT stenographer dealras keif -day
poeltloa. Address Bog 488. cdty. y
AGENTS wanted, eosld make 4 to $S a gay.
- T8li M. Third. " '
FINB propositloa epaa for soap eaaeamira.
. eeentn or neddlers: a few dsrs only. - -Call
at once. K. m. r rammer, xew 'intra er.
2d North Secoad st. Phona Mala 188.
Su6Vk Morrleoa Bt. Pbooe Pacific 236.
To The Portland Catltallst
FIRB INSDRANCB. payment of TAXES and
the beat ef faclltttee for carrying oat yoar
,. wishes as aa agent. We solicit your
patronage. Oar references: Ladd m Ttiton,
: bankers, sad Merchanta National ban.
. list yonr property with as: are hare buy.
ers lot socoee, a eeo i -ivna
booaea no charge made aalaas sslo Is eA
JOelDAN A BAEBADB, 282 Waahlngtoa St.
1 WANT a S or T-room bonaa ea east aide) gtee
orlce snV leestloa la . first latter. D SO,
ears Jeorrl
GOOD Income and reeldets property, lots,
farming and timber landa. Phone Mala 1171,
H. W. LindharA McKay bldg.
aboat 20 acres In caltleatloa, M 26i Joarnal.
a m w.wii"-'""''-'eeeei
WXNTED TO RS NT Hoe sea, eottagaa, nets.
storee, ef fleas, roomlng-hoasas, . sts. , Lead-
lot da will de well to cell on
Phone Is. TA A A Cor. 2d aad Oak.
HOUSES, flats, rooming booses, stores, offices.
ate. I prompt, itwtttwq
11TL H. W. Llndberd. McKay bldg.
WANTED TO RENT Hosae (enhorhen) of g
roorna, with email barn, conranlent to earllna;
will pay rent Jt monlha In adrancs; enswsr,
stating . rent Wanted. Phone Eaat 276, Of
addreea P T. care Journal.
WANTED A ' bright, cheerful room, modern
cnnrenlencea. la priests family, with break
faat and dinner, by young lady teacher, away
all day. Address 0. S T 22. cers JonrngL
THB GRAND, 46 North Third St. 1
geuUemea $1.26 per week asd ap.
THE RICHELIEU, S8V, North Sixth et-El
gently faratahed; ateam beat snd baths. .
KIiONDYKB rnrnlabed boneekeeplng room a,
elngle of sn salts. 60 Alder, cor. Lownsdale.
ELEOANTl.T'-furnlehed rooma; tha trarsllng
nnblln l Idled. 2IU14 Morrison et. n .
LINDA VISTA? 24TH Plf th Hoaaekeeplag
Suites, Sleeping rooms, (heap. , .
Mala toco Mala 60oe
spot t'Anr
111 rtrst at. -Mala 66BS
PAINTINO, spraying and wbltewaeblng treea, ta. barue. Arke, ete; largeat gaaollne
apraylug outfit oa the eoeat. M. U. Morgaa
A Co.. S22 Lnloa ere. fbone Eaat all.
CRANB BOTTLE CO. bnya all klnda ef leak,
rage, lee, eacka, Iron and Baalsla. Pbena
Mala luna. 14th and Couch.
WB WILL BUT year furniture any eld tinea.
weetern Baieagcr VO.. al naaniogton ei.
HIOHKMT price peld fog men'a eaat off cloth
ing. I'hone Pacinc 44. Uncle Joe, M Third.
HIGHEST each price paid for second-hand
goods. Pbooe Beet 07T. 126 Csloa are.
WANTED To ny second hand typewriter seek
with 4 er S drawers. P 14, care Jooraal. .
THE MITCHELU rusders ' and SeTeatb
Boema, honaekeeplng aad . transient eaex
eenleai: prices reaaosabla. . '
LABOR elegantly - furnished booeekeeptng.
, rooms; gss renge. rnnnlng water. The Lews.
dale. 600 Vk Aider at. '
$1.28' PER WEEK targe, eleaa foraUhed
koaaekeeplng-rooniai laundry sad bath. 164
' Bharmso, Sooth PortlaaA
SATB half hotel axpeneee; SI week up. cleas.
rnralahed aoaeekeeping-rooma, anitaois ier
two; parlor, laandry. bath, yard. Sua Mi S tan
too. U ear.
S NIC! heoaekeeping-rooma; alao 1 SleeplBg-
room; ckhsb in. rnone e,ana en. .
8-BOOM Sat with hath, completely, furnished.
cloee In. Inquire 168 West fark at.
14614 SIXTH. COR. ALDER A few nice hoaae-
aeeping ena aieepmg rooaue, irwuus "'lui
roost centrally located. X 6T, cars JournaL
THB WOODLAND, .the cholceet prlTate boerd.
... i . -t ,v - tM nllvlnel
un V am sw w , "a - m
come and aes. 2rh Sixth at., cloee In.
PART of shop te- rent, eel table Sag pain tee or
plumber. - xus roarts et.
OrriCE-RQOMB. anfartilahed rooms ssd sample
rooms for real, v leeaaanuga nog. appiy ear,
ros RENT Part ef fnrnlahed efSca. Inqatrs
of Janitor, room gzs, Lamner axensnga oiag.
-ROOM modern fewer flat Tersndas snd yard.
tip-ton au toe way wrong n, lo soo. , see
15 BkOBth. , " ' , '
6-room lower and anodagaa soa arant sc.,
f26 mouth. '
j - ' -Phone ax. tx. -
5-ROOM boose. Sherman St.; a rood little some;
bath, toilet, not water, eta ; sv montn. rorr
land Traat Company ef Oregoa. Pbooe Br. IX
KADDBBLT TBANSEBR CO., prompt ssd re
liable piano and furniture-mo regal alee star-
ags. Phone Mete 1666. Otgee 110 N. ThtrA
POB RENT Two S-ronm cottages ea Grand
are. i. B. roes, euo iiawuaarns are.
POB RENT S haudeome modern T-eeoas hoaeea.
conveniently located sa TBiraai. eenine; siu,
S12 and 814 Corbett at.; rant reaaosabla ta
d-elrahle' tenants., Darid A Stasma, S4S
Waablsgtoa at.
FINB slightly seed high -are do plans far sale
st s bargaia price, ixu to eee is. euesa m
Gilbert Co., Sixth ssd Morrlaoa sta.
POB RENT S ream anodecm ' cottage. A anil-
worth. Phone Best 780.
FOR RENT Two 6-room ssttsgss and ess
6 story banaa ea wui sea. e. m. soaa, oug
Hawtberne aaav" ---
MODERN 6-reom heesa st Midway.. SOS Bllle.
k.. mm B. ... IIL-r-- - .
MODERN hooaa, rooms, East 10th sad Oa-
rathera, 20 peg anoats. uau m aouns ax.,
oor. Salmon- .- .
$18 MODERN henas. newly flntahed. Sixth aad
Ceru there sta. -Tel. Mala 462A
TOR BENT 6-room honse) ssodera. 60S Mala
it, Fbona raeue win. . ' -
A BOOM oottage, $12 ssea reat htssrfars stg
blocks, six serenta ax.
$ IS MODERN hooee newly flnlebed. Sixth aad
u am mere, rnone sasna eosv.
HOrsa at S rooaaa, good locatloa. lagakr
Serenth st. - , .
VERY dee treble, centrally located, T-room boas
for rent, isqnlra gaa Aetngton ""g
THREE S-eooxe fnrnlshad Sets: telephone and
hath. - 084 peeeatn. noes Man eova.
HALL and ballroom, separate or together; new
and with all eoneeniencee. rases aiaia awe.
$40,000 worth of property at SOe on-the
, dollar; centrally located oa the Nehalem
rleer, at the month of eeat fork, where the
"Scappooss A Hlllsboro-railroads win form s
' Junction; bast townalte and beat waterpewer
andmlllelt In the whole Nehalem; a dam
SO feet high can easily be ballt at area II ex
penae, prodadng 1,000 boree power, snd not
Bond oeer 100 seres of land; key te the
railroad eltuatloa In the Nehalem. Can ea
or write to . S. Ijuicx, at. nemos, uragon,
- for psrtlcnlars. - " -
For Lease
A ealehrated betel and rosdboaes at 1S2S
Macadam at.. 28 rooms furnlahed, . for a
term ot -yeara. Apply 'te owner, O. H,
' Plggott, st his Isw offlea, room 4, Mnlkey
. bldg. -
BEST offer thla week bays the only drag store
la good valley town; seerythlng ap to date,
good corner locatloa; tie reasonable offer re
fused. Write or call Drugstore, Meant Angel,
Oregoa. -
snianifEgiTi cioa In mice ef Hnrst Bwlteh
expected any-day; thla mar be year laet
epnortnnlty te bar before anbeeription book a
ers closed. 1. t. Burst A Co.. 206 Mo-
Kay bldg.
WANTED Partner with $600 te help ma a
flret-claas pnainees; prone aw nar wees eeen
- Address . 0 68, cars JoeraaL , .
FOR SALS Store and atore balldlng) a boel
neas that will keep two men busy. Address
owner, K 27, care Joornal.
FOB BALB Old aetabllahed eosfectlonery, cigar
snd fruit store S large Bring reams la eoa-
section. SOT rust St. . .
POB BALD A 80-barrel grist mill; water sowar
at half Ita rains. J. A. B., 600 Waahlngtoa
POR RALE Wood snd ensl buetneesi alee re $16
. dally. Apply 416 , Baat Morrlaoa. Phone
Eaat eros.
S8-BOOM bonaa on Third St., clearing sear $260
, month: beet booss la tows; a bargain. Call
242 Madlaon St. . .'.
POR SA.LB or trade for rest . aetata, ' tnneh-
M.t.nrane. flail IUA Wllllaaaa seek
ytt A BA1B uiousi eenrs wito e iitiuk-iwbw.
In "a erowlnc aabarb. end of cerllnet tir
health compela toe to sell;. will sacrlnes slL
CBeep ror ssea. w sa, ewn ww-t,
0OOD 0PP0RTI1NITY Largs ators with baae
ssent ; alao zo rooms, rurnisneo, ia res
- cnoTer, Washington; will Sell er reat. Apply
' 18T Front at., loruano.
CIGAR snd grocery atore an Waahlngtoa at
$U6 sterk,- $100 Sxtarea; lone leeae; thl
le s bargain at $600. Call 242 Madlaaa al
A BARGAIN Confectionery stare and reetaar
, ant aad poolroom lo connection, will sell lees
. wtas soaf of fixtures; moat be sold la 10
daya. Address O 4dj cere Joarnal.
AN ex per le need men In stockrslalng wlabea
. lady or geatleenan with' mesne that will
Invrot In hogralatng. O 46, aara Journal.
28 ACRES en ttte Oregon City earllae for $100
pes acre, tail biviim xnua sn.
HERB'S a chance to get work In a cash business
ss partner; will pay yt S s day; re
quired.. Cell io?h Stark at. .
If yos are l'klng for e roonilnr-beose go to
. TS N. Sixth at.. Purtlaud, Oregoa.
FOB SALE Apartment house of 22 rooms; ele
gantly furnished; lbth and Ollasn ete.j Vw
' price and hw rent. Gerurta A Sons. IT8A
,1 list St.
GOOD-PAYING lunch counter; a mint for man
aad wife or two partners; must aell on to
count, of oleknesa at your own price, 80 Vi
North Third at.
U BLOCK In St. Johns, cloee In, price 12,000.
Cell at 107 H Third at.
INVERTMBNT In aabarha of PortUnd; fine
business opportunity; will bear closest Ineev
tlgatlua; 7.noO required. Tjeon KlnaelL,
Commercial blk.
CREAMERY STORaV-Partner wanted; 860 re
quired, fully secured; experience not neceaaary
to make li5 a mouth. Call 246 Stark at.
-aell -year bualnees emlrk for caeh, er If yoa
- want s partner, call keSVk Stark at.
CASH STOBE Active men without prerlont
. experience ena make II HO clear orer all ex
peueee erery moo to; pries 11.000. CaU 240 k
Stark at. 1 -
Here Ait a Fewcf Wiley
Allen & Co's. Fine Bar?alns
SSVj acres Pair S-room boose. S acres
ef good orchard. 12 aerea ander eultleatlon.
8 aerea ef good timber, near car Una ssd
,' ea good road: only 636 per acre.
Several Sns pieces of beaeerdam land ea
' Johnson creek, near Lenta; Brat class for
' garden pur poses. , -'''",'
Also b aad acre tracts with realdencssi
heueea to rent, fur til abed and unfurnished, at
reasonable rants.
4 6-acre tracts. all !m peered with
bnlldlnge, 6 mlnatea' watt from aehool and
car atatloa, 6e fares ts sny part at Pert
lead, end the cheapest lots ea the ilouat
. Soatt line. -
Wiley Allen&Co. ; "
-: LENTA OREGON. s - '
A NEW T-rnara hooaa, east ftnlahed. and 66-foot
loe, aa Waat are., near Hawthorne sea.. Bnll
; Bun water, beautiful rlew; - price 82,600:
terms. A. E. Jackeos, . room 8. Hamlltoa
bldg. rhons Mala 1632.
BEAUTirUL resldencs property, 100x100. splen
did view, sarroonded by elegant homes, most
be eold thla Weak. -
$1,600 Modern 6-room cot tegs at Crsstea.
This mast be seen to be appreciated.
6o,600 Xo. S01, Beat Mais, cornet lntb,
rooma. all modern ooneenleneaa. alee terraced
lot. Thla Is worth mors money. -
- W. H. BCOY. . "'i,'
.. . . 601-2 Lam bee Bxcbaage bldg.
S-ROOM FOfSE Hot and cold water, porcelain
bath, cement laandry trsya, cement baaessent,
. piped for furnace, . S nreplaees, frost ' and
back stairs, corner, aser perk, on oar line;
fruit, , Sowers, la era, ekrnbbery, beeutlfnl
ahade; as elegant anbarbaa home cheap; half
' cash. Address P 10, care JoamaL
-ROOM POCSB tall plamblng, pereelata tab.
electric light snd gas. toll cement basement,
corner. I blocks from aehool, 1 block from
car, IS minutes sot from center ef city;
reeeooable terms. Address X 27. Journal.
CORNER ea Third at. , ...,IT.o00
, Corner ea Madison...., .....,.. 88.000
' block, cloee In.......... , 12.6U0
$1.800 S ACRES near 0. W. P. earllna, d acres
. Cleared; good 4 room boose, bars, ehlckan
bouee, yoong fralt trees. Tbm Is sn elegant
homo for the price. CsU st 10TU Third at.
S NEW 6-reom atodeta bosses and B-room aesd
o era hooaa, by owner; small payments down,
balance nsoathly.- Phone East 78. :
4-ROOM boose, frsctianal lot, fenced; $600 eaah.
, balance tarcaa. Moaal Tabor cars.-- 10T East
"46th st.
yiVB ftne resldenes lots, sear Unloa sea. 00
tjamDTiagw sr.; xnsss lore nare a sorts rroni
and are aboat 2 feet higher then the strsot
grade; only (300 par lot, 60x100. Call st
iui Taira at. . .1 t
' Send One Dollar
Aad wa will flat yonr property with 1,008
"real estate dealers who are ss anxiooe to sera
a cornmlaaloa as yoa ers to sell; ear plan
seldom fa lie; send desert ptlos; ws are helping
many otbera. why not yea I Address The la
Tee tor's Gaids. 211 Marqsam bldg Portland,
500 Homes For Sale.
-T- Farms aad City Property.
til Harauaas bldg.. PortUnd, Oregoa.'
ri T m acres ssrer eairiiHe on lee s wue rma.
untmprorea, gus par sera, vsu at IVIM
Third St.-
$2,850 GOOD 6-reom bones, brick snd cement
. basement, ea Beat Waahlngtoa st. Call at
10TH Thirg st. - . ,
CHEAP A Choirs lot In Holla day Park addl
tloa. rnone East sssz.
GET BUSY oOzlOO oa Northrap, hear SSd;
net go boob 1 hurry, owner, 63 Unloa blk,
$1.660 -4-ROOM new plastered boose, cement
Deeement; sear union an, vau sx avig
antra sc.
FOR BALB 640-SB- sera, 40 e creel tanning
wnirr, ,u,w,, . - w. ,
would trsds. Phone TJnton 414A
FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE Ranch go seres,
16 mllea from Portland, and balance eaebi
want S-room modern house with S lots. , Ad
dress M 67, cars Journal.
TWO fine Into oa Eaat Portland Heights, be
tween Dlrteton snd Clinton sts.. sn Slet,
. SH60 each, oa terms; thess are the eheapeot
, lots te Baat Portland) locatloa cenel acred.
O 84, care Joaraai.
FOB BALE Small noose ssd half a lot. In-
1 quire ass niiutsa are., upper sitoiner
$400 S-room bonne, fall lot. fenced, on Mt.
Bcott canine! terms, isu, iui auira sr.
TAKE a 20-mtnnta ride oa tha 0. W. P.
and see frost's new aerd tracts at Stanley)
saw em, sow ymw mvrm. - -
AT A BACRiriCB, by ewserr Aroem boeea on
. tha east aide; owner leering the dty. Call
ens Chamber er commerce.
FOR SALB Corner lot 60x100, tnth ssd Hal-
aey, aaat aide, inquire earner, sat seat nia,
north, ear. Waidler. . ' ' - "" . .,
I, HAVB Id 6-sers tracts one mile wast, of
Clackamas station lust nlattedl there la water
- pined tsoacb tract from s large spring, sa
' wen pipe tor sues o acree onnrr eu-ioox pres
sure; price front $100 to $1,000 per tract;
will aell ea easy teraea or exchange for Port-
land property, u no, care journal.
NEW boose for sals, Mtely built. Addrees
. oerasr, care journal. -
SOO PA SMS, small tracts end lota; bargains so
, 0. W. P. electric Use. O. R, Addl too. Lasts,
Oregon, lake Mount Boott eer, ae. .
$AT60 AROOM modera new hones, S lots, fralt
. ssa I lowers; m xaignwna. veusi iui tg sa sc.
$1,800 g-ROOM new boose, aasnern -eon res.
lencss. iwiv bxaier at , renananuin.
FOR SALB New modern no-to-date a room ant.
tags oa Mason at. and .Vsneoarer are. Bet
. owner st 200 Maaen at
FINB TXKT sa Kaat Gllean, en carlrne,-$800
parb'aaaA Address 11 100, ssrs Joarnal.
I HAVB S seres of fins Isnd, esay to elesr, one
. mile soutn ot ueaarrtiie ststion on tits u. w.
P. electric Una; price $76 pet acre! eery easy
eerma. x so, ears journal. k
GO snd look st that sew S-room bones, corner
Slat snd Mels sts., snd then phone me for
'price; key erer front door. I hooe Shay, $
L. 10 a n. Li t, eaftj ,
$278 FOB 60x120 lot, 22d snd Powell sts., one
block to earl city water and gas. Fbose
owner. Mala 616; no trlflere. ,
-4.000 acres af choice rlmhee landa and
eeeerel hundred acree ot coal landa; alee sstck
ranchee aud email tracts In tha Coos bay
BOI'SrS bnllt en installments, lota U desireA
SIS csmmarcui'.bidg Mala 1S40,
C o11-""
kbUtf J ' ,
Morehouse A rrn. h. 1H70 E. 18th.
I'tml.rt .llw,''1 T4.
City View lark l-.ta, rs and p!
Adiiitlua lute, hki ai d tt; If fl -en snd
BHtnth. llomee from s." to 41.0,1. Iote
and ap. In all parta of Krllwood. Llet
property with ae; we will eell It.
Boss '
Sa.lSO 8 BOOMS, new, modera; part
Call 666 ksat Aladieou at.
DON'T forget the place The New Era Paint
A Varnl.h Co., now at 112 rtrst, bet. Mor
rison aud Yauihlll.
ARE yoa looking for s home or aa Inreetmentl
Good real eauite it aafe. We hare aooie that
. la good. Befors yoa buy see what wa hare
to offer, ,
84S Miaalaalppl are. Pbooe Woodlawa SoA
FOB SALB Improrad and en I m peered farma.
wheel aad atock ranchee, timber lenda and
saw mil la, city end auburhen pmpertyi sa
chanters a specialty. Turner A Walker, rooth
A 8U314 Washington at. .-
BUY s lot oa tha eaat aide; 6-mtnate ear aere.
Ire. within walking dietanee: Bns hosaas
goUg np; )wleeeaatvi J'JO te $6601 terasa it
64S Miaalaalppl aes. Pbone Woodlawa SOS.
er . branch office on tha groand. Twenty
second ssd Morrleoa. . Open dally S a. m. '
to 12 m. Mouat Tabor aad Bunny aide sere.
Five Acres ;
' Ws will seO yoa S acres for the pries at
a single lot. Do yoa reellas what It means
to your family to raise ererythtng the market
offers on your own groand For the west side
oaale aee 244 Stark at. Easy terms.
WB hare buyers for year property ee your
o names, spuing agency, iouo Btara sr. ,
A BARGAIN a-scra tract, closs In; sbm1
souse, cnirsen-pene, gxe.i si, sou; sjoo saaa,
beiancs 620 per month si 1 per cant. Su6rk
Morrlaoa at, room A
0WNBR ot s handsome boms In IrVtsgtoa, $
rooms sna netn, w ui sen reseonante u eotq
thla week: groanda lOUilOO; cement cellar,
furnace; fins location; wall bnllt: erery son
Tenlence. Addreea M 28, care Journal. -
100-A0RB RANCH 66 scree cleared, bslaaee .
gooa limner; ueuee. orcoam una epring; gong .
kr hops, fralt or dairy; 20 mllea from Per. "
land; cloee to t condensed -milk factories,
close to sawmill: wtll eell. all or part cheep
for cash, or will take city pro per ti for pert, .
Phone Bcott. S30T, er call st dug Commercial
bldg. " ,
FOB BALE. 68.600 18V aerea. all lm
except er sa sera, am west er llacsa
railroad atatloa; new barn, 4-reora
bouse, good well et- water; SO chtcksas. f
stands bene; 2 acres potstoss; a sows, g teas
hay; fralt ea place. Jobs Mobr, Milwaukee, '
Oregoa, B. F. D. SA . -
!y,: Only $25 aPcr Acre
For 40 acres of choice apple snd strawberry
lsnd In the Whits Salmon Valley, opposite
Hood Rleer; eaey terms, For a full daecr lo
tion of thla- bar gam addreea J. C. Maa laaee,
' Whits Baknoa, Waahlngtoa, - , ,
FOR SALE Sk aerea, sear half ta'caltfeatlsBl -
booss, oars, xarcnaro; sw muaa xrom tsrsgoa
(2ty. Inqalra 601V. First st, , ..
S26H ACRES, eevttir snd pins, lerel land, oaj
Tualatin rleer, Waahlngtoa coanty, 6 te 16
mues irom- nrtsH, sou per erre; bjso eoo
, seres fruit snd graalng land, $10 her aere;
' taarlng atsts. a ,. ,
227 Poctec et Peetlsad. ' . - -
FARK FOB SALB 850 seres of grata farm
- tor eele; xoo seres ia eaitiTarssa, rest ta
paature; all fenced snd cross-fenced, 1 sere
' orchard, S " aerea-ta alfalfa, good hosae.
granary and bars, an new; plenty wsteg
oa piece; thte place le la Whltmaa Bounty,
Waahlngtoa. S miles Berth ef Snake rlrsg
and O. B. A N.'a new railroad will aell as
' trade for Willamette velley email farm; price
$10,000. Addreea F. Ehrllch, Wilcox,, Wssa
14 ACRES, eleered ssd la rul Mra Moat. W0 beer- .
tag fruit trees; s-room eonse, oara. a aarmgai
en good rood. Beer earllna; with tbla home,
go i yooeg boreee. S heifers. SB toaa bay, '
wagoa. baggy, sseerer and rake, land-roller,
picwe, sts.1 for only $A000. CaU at 107V,
Third at. -sj
100 ACRES antaproTed land.
M miles from
Portland; about soo acree Jeroi graaiai
rest, rolling; plenty water ea the lead
per aere. ' - .,: -s ...
- SO seres ef alee lerel land: aboat SS aerea
la enltlTstk-n, shoot t scree orchard, good
T-room honas, bara snd sthsr satrmlldfnge,
cloee to school. 8 miles te tews; lor 2.S0O.
100-eere fann.1S miles sooth of Portland; '
to aerea under enltlvattoa, ltt seres of aeeh-'
ard, good 6-room hones, t barns, well and '
running watsr; for $7,600; SAoOO down, real
m Morrlaoa st. , U
FOR SALB A good dairy taneb, MS a erect
SB head ef cattle,, horses, wagms. aaewee,
" rake, furniture; eeerythlng goee; 100 scred .
. bottom tend; 83,000; $2,604 dowa. Write Wa
H. Hard arm, Ons. Oregoa.
We can handle a quarter eectloa er morg
' In rrrank Klsmath snd LskS SOUBtteSI fog
quirk retarns send as -the fill Anarlpttaaa.
Including tha estimate af yoar claims sad .
your slowest net eaah price.
Sixth at. 81T-618 Fen ton bid., PortUnd. Or,
WANTED Timber lands In Crook. Lake snd,
Klsmstb counties: elngle rUlma er Isrgs
tracta. Ws are baying; If yoa bare any
thing come and ssd as or write as particulars.
Lafayette Realty Co.. 21SV4 Waahlagtea sa.
CERTIFIED serin, snr else pieces; Jus let
prtcee. W. G. Howell, asa taa Baser aa sjaas.
WANTED Tun bar tn Oregoa sad Wssfctagtea.
Sphinx Agency, 806 V, Stark St. .
ONE section sebool lssA KMmsth eoaaty, psrtlf
. timbered; good aoll; great bargain. By Owner,
T 26, cars Joarnal.
. Ws are alwaya Is the market either ta hey
- or sell any act Ire mining er Indue trial stsaks.
, It will pay yoa to gst eat slices,
H, W. DONAHUE. Mgr. Brokerage Bent, '
16-20 Lsfsystte Bldg.
MEMBER Portland Stock Exchange! orders exe
- cored ea all Indoatrlal and mining atocka. W. J. i
Cnrtla. 218 Commercial blk. Phone Mala SS64.
rtfRNITTJRB and traatneea of the wan-hnowg
Unloa Hooaa for sale or will exchange partly
, for real aetata; parties meaning bualnees
will be sllowad s trie!; eleers poelUeelyr
.$250 monthly. (. Apply SI North Sixth St.
TO BXCHANGB for wallpapering ssd 6 replace,
a milch cow, Incnbator sf 240 eggs sad. I
brooders snd part eaah la psymssA , Ad
dreas P 1 A Care JourseL
WHAT hare yoa to exchange for good peg
cent bonds 1 fntereat payable Beml-eanually.
' 84, aere JoamaL . '
EXCHANGE ranch SO acres, IS miles from
Portland asd balance ceeh. for .6-room modern
bouse with S tote. Address M ST. JournaL
TO EXCHANGE One open baggy, s tnllch cow.
240-egg Incubator, Ohalam, for building fire
place and papering nones. P 61. Joarnal.
TIRICLES sf stl kinds, new ssd swaond-hssdj ,
. largeet atoot. lowest prices; norr. .m oe
rented by day oe montA Tomllneoa A Css.
alday, 211 Waahlngtoa. Pa el Be OUT. ,
FOR SALB A team sf heaey draught korees,
weight 2,ano, age T end . aonnd and gentle!
Wagoa alao. Addreea S. H. Elmmermaa,
. B.arertoa FIoot Mllla. Beerertoa. Oregoa.
HORSES and buggiee for rent by day. week;
and month: aneolal ratee to baalaeas-soasas.
Slxlb and Hawthorne. Eaat TA
YOTT CAN aere airmey la wagons snd boggles. l
JUS rOTTIBOSI , I u- ves
s ths plsce. setwta naex easningtos sx.
PIANOS for sale ay rent, alas Victor talking
, machines and records. Allaa A Gilbert (fe
uih and alorrlsoa, . ... - X