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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
.a. ci.i'TEmdeu e, i:: t.....i( i.t J It.LLi Ft : EVEZ1.1 STATE FRICC0'CARSj;.3E a cr.Tiri ISTELLIOE.'lTV.CI.riFnZPARE - . - w Sangere and Pain of This Critical period voided by the Use of Lydla XV Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound. ' Portlartd'eb TO EXTRACT GOLD " .- Eastern Scientists Have Secret , Method by Which They Will V Mine on Snake. . v STATE THEY HAVE THE RICHEST CLAIMS KNOWN ' . . 1 1 1 . .,:..' No Other Property in Oregon or '.'.- Idaho,, Professors Say, Will Equal Values Discovered by Them Near River. ju ' V.'Ur ' fSnaaUl Manitek to Th ImraaL) ' Huntington. Or., Sept l-Two placer claims, maintained by expert Judgment to be. the scene of the richest fold and black sand deposits In the state of Ore- v eon or elsewhere, bave lust been staked out en tbe west side of the Snake river a few miles above Huntington by Dr. Oscar Eckstein and professor WUfrsd O. Frallck. the two notsd eastern sclen- : tists, who bare been working; alens the banks of the Snake river for the - last tnontb. X plant, la to be erected -on .these elalms on a scale sufficiently . large to permit of the treatment of all the . black eaad from the neighboring . etatee by tbe Ecksteln-Frallck method. The surrey which was mads marks .' a region of IWacres The two claims . are adjoining. -touching-two counties. Baker and Malheur, and cover a swath of about four miles along the Snake river, extending from the - water- to a . point about one eighth of a mile back. They are situated in the neighborhood of Farwell and Old's Ferry, on the west aide of the river. Just above Huntington. ....... Ninety-five per cent of the gold values can be -extracted by the Eckateln-Fra- 7 lick method, declare the scientists, and . that. In tfar more economical fashion than that employed by other method. , The mine will be w6rked by capital in Jtossesslon of the two men exclusively. There vUl be no selling of stock. When - asked as to - what- figure- they- would ' quote the valuation of thslr holdings, they would make no- statement, except . to . reiterate their oonvlctkm that no . richer mine exist In either Oregon or Idaho, v ' '"sv' V - -' ' -r ' ' ;,'-,. I " ;'' ratriok Oibeom Bead. ' 7''- .''' ..' (Special Dtepates e Tbe Jesfaet) Pendleton. Or., Sept. . Patrick Olb . bon. a Yesldent oT Umatilla for nearly years, - died, yesterday afternoon at the hospital as a result of - paralysis. ' The deceased was Tl ' years of ags last Maroh and was a native of Ireland. "When but'a youth he came to this ooun- try, and 4a- hla forty-alxth year he lo cated In this county. ,. He was a shoe ' make by trade and he was well known to all old-timers In this section. . Spelal Eastern Excursion Rates. : Oa September S and If the 'ft,'. H. s J, makes a special rate for tickets to - eastern points end return. -Full parti o ulara in regard to limit and stopover privileges by calling at the O. R. A N. ticket office. Third and Washington i streets, Portland.' i A Perfect Talking and '-','. v' The Most liberal Olfer Ever Made in the City- - A. Natural Tone Talking and Singing Machine without cost to youl ; ' , . , '' -CALL AT OUR STORE AND HEAR the specUUy prepared records of , bends, ana . Other instrumental music, songs, stories, recitations, etc., and assure yourseif that this is the best offered. You buy oly the records. This Graphophone represents one of the latest achievements of thg largest and best equipped Talking Machine industry, therefore its re- production. will surprise and delight the.most exacting listener. ,. -r x ' . , r .-7-..--. - v'7""' " v: r ' . -. - -, , r On Standard ITallcina Machine ; Free ia Every Cuslomer Whose f , . suMtjmm at aaa aaeak,M , luuvuill IV -ejtve v ' . Save all of our coupons issued from this date They have great values. See Talking , Machines in window... Come in and hear them andrlearn how easily you v can obtain one free..- - . " : .':''', ,'' . - ' .''.' '' ; ' - :'- . NEW FALL STOCK9 OP DRY OOODS, SHOES, '.CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC, ARE VERY, COMPLETE, , , -. - ' 'i;-,--- Superintendent Completes List ,',of Applicants Passing, the Examinations. ' (Special PUpitck to The JoarnaL) ' . Olyinpla, Wash.. Sept. . The state superintendent's office hae completed the August teachers' examination. The to tal number of applicants was 1,681. There, were tit applicants who had rtad no teaching, ' experience. - Certificate were issued to tbe following: Columbia Mary Ayrea, , Elsie Curl, Katie Frey, Myrtle Harlng, Amy Mo. Quary, Helen Nash. Elizabeth Patchtn, Clara- E. Philips, Daisy Rockblll. Mary Wallls, Clement B. Witt. Rose E. Leath erman, Bernioe L. Oroup. ...... - Cowllts Daley - Bennett, Joseph - M. Boyles, Kate Converse. - Martha Curtis, Anna B. Finney, Ethel Fouta. Margaet C . Hargrave, Gertrude Havard. Anna Leonard, William' H. Martin, Flora Mo Conaughy, Sadie C Nelson, Mrs. Emma R. Parker, Lona Patchen, Ethel M. Qual ley, Mabel Qulnn, Blanche Underbill, Mr. Bertha Shields, Oertruae perry, Alice Bush. Elisabeth Reed. W. O. Pow ell. - -v . r . Garfield -B. : B. Boyles, Eunloe Cnr now, Fannie Cumow, Jennie Dean, M. Avis Steele, Alice Weymouth. Mrs, Ada B. -Wilson, Ethel Wtlle. . Kitsap Alice Andereon, Emma Dennl eon, Madge Drlsooll, Emily Haus, Effls Hester, W. E. Heldlnger, Charlotte Mao Oregor, Jennie Peterson. Renata Shull, Dora Stires, Ada -Wilkin. Bertha Olbba . Vlttit.. 1TatllA Parnhpl Jeaala 11. Cobb. Alice M. Crimp, O. I H. Graves, J. f. Reomona. - Klickitat Anna Bowie, Oraoe Cum- ntwtm rmll. Jannha. T)lla ' Johnson. Ruby Lyle, Mary Mann. Mary McPher- son, Cecil Thomae, forena uieason, xiui da Rankin. '- . - i . Okanogan Mrs. H. O. Brown, John M. James. Alice MoComas, Mae MeCe- maa, 7. F. MoCarthy, C F. . Weather- etone. a-. . i - ...i-; Pacific A. 3. Brown, Effle . Carlson, Clare Murdock. : Nora McHugh. Qene-vleve- Mattrttr Pearl Rockey, Oraoe B. Beers. Lenpre F. Blnns, Catharine A. Murdoek. '' v. , Skamania Mrs. p. W. Catterlln. MUa Wahkiakum Dora-Haalam; Mlda Me. singer, Jennie XloDin. tnanoiie Anotr- son. - -L;' ' '" ;Vi ' . BMtnWH Pliunha. Kora. Crooks. vmmmi Ontt Mm M. Oraham. J. EL Marsh, Mrs. Bus McCoy; G. T, Mor gan. Gladys pope, to. A-ww: UNION PEDAGOGUES' -. INSTITUTE CLOSES . sji: ' i ?-z----rr;-J": - (Spectel Inmeteh to The Jewaal.) , La Grande. Or Sept. .. The Union county, teachers Institute, which has been la session lnXa Grande for three days, eame to . a eloee last evening. Leading -- pedagogues . . from . different porta of the state have been In attend ance, and took an active part In the In- stltute. W.-O. Hartranft of California addressed the teachers, about l strong, on the "Spirit of the Teacher." J. H. Ackerman. delivered a few Instructive end tnteresting-addreesee. Nearly -a hundred teachers were In attendance. Allen At Lwte Best Brand. Sinning Machine. Incased In a .:'' ;t ; y . . :'. ; ol Portland RUi:;;i;;G m After Ten Days of Strenuous Exercise Public Takes Its ' ; Ease on Wheels. r ARBITRATION COMMITTEE HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED No Promises Were Ma4 by Com pany When Men' Returned to Work Except That All Questions Would St Settled, - ' .- '.'v". (Jeersal tseatal Serrlee.). San Franolsoo, Sept. . For the first time In 10 deya fan Francisco rode to day.: Practically every streetcar was in operation and all were cheerfully pat ronised. - . -ij .. - The arbitration' committee hae not yet been selected, but It will probably be announced some time today, ; , . The carmen seturned to work without any promisee from the oompany except the arbitration of all questions in dis pute. - The company announced thaV It will find employment for all the men it Imported as strikebreakers. . - Many will remain la the company's employ as trackmen.' - ; r .- Tbe strike of the streetcar men on the - United railroads. Incidentally also that of - the linemen, electricians, fore men and construction workers, eame to an end last night whsn the etrlke oo no minee of (hese unions officially de clared the ' etrlke off. The carmen Im mediately reported for duty .at the var ious carbarns end soon oars began leav ing the barns. .. . .. As ths first ears proceeded on the va rious lines through the city tbey were greeted -with tumultuous - cheering - by thousands of people, who lined the Streets end to whom the appearance of the cars was the first notice that the strike was off. .-..,. .....,. , The calling eff f -the carmen's strike followed the ' action . of the union In mass meeting Taesdsy night, voting to return to work end arbitrate afterward. The carmen demanded It a day for sight hours, and their return to work upon the oonditlons laid down by the United railroads Is practically a defeat for the union. ' Mueh feeling, it la said, waa manifested by members because of the way In which the etrlke was eon ducted and, according to the report, 10 motormen and conduotore gave up their union cards yesterday. : , ; Fourth Louisiana Biatrial. -4Jeataal SpeeUl lrlee. Shreveport, La Sept.. I. A Demo cratic - primary la being- held la the Fourth congressional district today. Congreseman J. T. WatklnS la without opposition. , jL-ri-u-.'! arlaoma (Jeareal tpeelal Serrlee.) Blsbee, Aria.. Sept. a. A territorial oonveatlon with' 100 delegate In attend ance assembled here today for the nomi nation of ..ay .:. Demooratlq . candidate' for delegate to eongrees from Arlsona. Handsome Oak Cabinet '',;'. - '':'.;'; '.-"V '-..'" ' How many wo men realise that the most critical period in a wo man's " exlstenoe le the change of Ile, and that the anxiety, felt by women aa this time drawn near la not without reaeonf - tt her system Is In a deranged oondl tlon, or she ie predisposed to apoplexy or oonarestion of anv erran. it la at this Ltim likely to become active and, with . . . i . . i . i t. am vx Dnrrouf unHuoui xneute uie e burden; .... At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to beg-in their destruc tive work. Such warning- symptoms as a sense of Suffocation, hot flashes, dla Bineaa, headache, dread of tmpendlsf evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, pal pitation of the heart, sparks before the ere, irrearnlaritlsa, oonstipatlon, varia ble appetite, weakness and inquietude are promptly heeded by iutelllg-ent women who are approaching' the period of life when woman's .great change may be expected. " We believe Lydiav B. Pinkham'a Vegv etable Compound is the world's great, eat remedy for women it. this trying' period, i-".--. , Lydin B. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female, organism, and builds up the weakened nervous system as no other medicine ean. ..." r Mrs. A. B. O. Hyland, of Chester town, Md., in a latter to Mrs. Pink ham, says i -. Dear Mrs. Plnkbamr ' ' ' . ,- : I had been suffering with a displaesment for years and was pasnjig through ue change of life. 1 had a good deal of soreness, diaiir spalls, headaches, and wes very nervous. 1 wrote yon for advice and oommenosd nreat ment with Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound ea you directed, and I am happy to say that all those dlstreailnr symptoms left me, and Z have peased safely through the change of life a well woman." . s k For special advice regarding this im portant penoa women are invited, to write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Masa She la daughter-in-law of Lydia B. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising sick women free of charge. Her advice is free and always neapxiu to aumgr IS SUCCESS, HE. SAYS Tom n Richardson Writes .That , Delegates Show M uch Inter ' est In Their Work, , ' Tom RIohardeon, manager of - the Portland Commercial olub and aeore tafy of the Osegen Development league, writes that the congress le decided success. Mr. Richardson's letter says: 1 am more than pleased to say that the national irrigation congress Is a decided suocess. '1 rind among the delegates an ex traordinary " Interest In the. Oregon De velopment league convention, to be held at Balem, September 11. 1. and II. large number of those from Oregon and from other state who are la - at tendance upon this congress azpeot to be present at the league meeting next week. :.'-.- ' ( : ' - "Of oourse you ' are wall posted through the newspapers as to what la taking plaoe-here, and appreciate that Irrigation In the Paotflo northwest is gaining an -enormous amount -, of the hlgheet-class advertising . through re ports of the eongrees. "The Oregon state fair, to be held at flalem September 10 to II le reoelvlng many oompllments, and I find that ex hibitors In many departments .especially livestock, will not only make a dis play,-; but be present personally at . the fair. "Salem, ae you know, through It of her leading cltlxens. Is making a great effort to have the Oregon Development league convention at the capital city the best seeslon yet held of that or ganisation, . and ths program la one. of extraordinary Interest. ' Do your utmost to secure a big dele gation, for many, subjects of vital im portance to , Oregon "will be dlooussed. Truly yours, - V T6M RICHARDSOM. "f.' ''' 'BecreUry. MAYSUSPEHO STMOU FOR CLASS FIGHT I.'.' Berkeley Sprinter Is Caught by Faculty While Indulging In v ; Gentle Sport. ' - " (Sperlat Dlnaten to The 7wrnal.) ' University of California. Sept. .Al though the hasinc of freshmen Is pro hibited by tbe State . university at Berffeley, nevertheless members ef the sophomore . class 'play . pranks on . the babies frequently. Late yesterday-two classes clashed in one of the biggest fights which hae .occurred on the cam pus since last fall. ; " . Ths day was . freshmen election day and the trouble started when the soph omores succeeded In steeling a ballot box. Aa soon as they discovered the theft the freahles started fighting end soon the campus around North I all was ons seething mass of fighting classmen. During ths fight several members of both classes were hurt, windows were smashed and trees broken. The sophomores eame out victorious after one hour's fighting, but the vic tors were a sorry looking ontflt. One member went eway with nothing on but a pair ef rorn trousere and one ehoe. - - Forrest Stanton, one of Berkeley s best ejhleteo wes emong the men caught by the faculty. ' Tbe etudente are scared over the outcome, ae It may cause the fast sprlntsr to leave college or eome time. . ,.'',. v - Reunion of Chase Tastily. (Jonraal Special Service.) . ' Boston. Mesa. Sept.,.. The Chase Family assootstion of America gathered In annual reunion today at the Hotel Vsndome in thle lty. t Several hundred members were in attendance, eome of there coming from South Carolina, Illi nois, Colorado and other distant states. and also from various parte of Canada, THIRD AND YAMHILL STREETS THEOOUDEN FKIDAY 36-Inch Shadow Plaids ; 16c a Yard A large selection of patterns, in goods that sell regularly, for 25c and 80c the yard. A new lot just in, and mind you, thejr are a full -yard wide. Selling Fridajronly At-t--T-7,m-: 'the ; yard . .'. . .V. , . . . . . .". : .;. .' Kl. . . . . .". , . .V. . .... . . : . . . . ..... O L SILKS, for dresses and waists, in light effects, neat . designs in small stripes ; reg-, ular value 75c yard A (1, Fridays' price. ...... 4Uw "In the Pit" PEARL TOOTH POW- " DER.'in metal-capped bot- ties; regularly 15c the bot- .w..........9c ; FAULTLESS ? , TALCUM POWDER, in nietal boxes, a grade that sells regularly for 25c.: Friday price, Ov botfrr.... , 'iVrrrr.-. ... v v CHILDREN'S CAPS; the 'r neat little "Jockey" style, in white, red or blue; 'IQ-, worth 60c; for;. ... . t awu y WOMEN'S: TURNOVER COLLARS, in embroidered designs, very, dainty styles; regularly 15c each... 4 Friday............ ....OC WOMEN'S CHEMISE 33c lade of fofed muslin and nice . ly trimmed in embroidery and J lacs edge,' an exceptionally -?f good 50c value, selling Friday- for ..t..;........;.S3e) : WOMEN'S - 18c HOSE 12c . They are fast black, .with dou ' ' ble soles and heels, bought to sell for" 18c tbs pairi Tridsy only .... .......laal Children's Tan Host, in sixes 6 ' , to 8 only, splendid values that .f sell for 18c pair; Fridsy.lla s We iare selling I MENTS We are In it position that all oar Diamonds Marx . i . , , m EASY -PAY-P- ..... jy ! m I f! f';:' .k IDE J.'TiI. ACIIESOn CO. - C - iSAKGAiM DAY 88-INCH PERCALES, in light and medium colors, new fall pat terns; excellent values at 124c the yard., Friday ; ,; Ol only.......,.,....;.....(.OL Men's Shirts 98 The new Golf Shirts for fall, in' the best colorings ana, fabrics. lAnywhere-butJiere you'd , pay. $1.50 for them. Friday yQQ MEN'S HOSE, fast color, black or tan ; regular 15c graded H ' Selling Friday for, pair. ; . . . I C MEN'S NECKWEAR, - In - all styles, 'splendid silks flat A sell . regularly for 50c and 75c 1 -Friday... . 4. .....:..;....a.IC i $1,23 Each BESTassortment and best values for this price ever of fered.. They're Sample Waists, that's the reason. Made of lawn, linen and mercerized poplin and nicely trimmed; worth from $2.00 Limit two to m customer. DOYG UK. N O W more .diamonds tHan any Jeweler in the dty? It's because our prices are lower and we have ' a larger assortment to select lrorn. ;: DIAMONDS ii.' , i ARE OUR ORE AT SPECIALTY to seenre fine Diamonds for less than jewelers. The fact consist of on redeemed pledges ghrea ns the sd-rantage, and yon art ths gainer if yon bny from ns. T, & l31och 74 THIRD 8TRBBT, NBAR il ; Tomorrow We Will : Including the .-length Tourist Coat, ; , the semi-fitted black Kersey Coat, the popular Covert' Jacket; values up to; ' $16.50. Friday only " . ' f 1 ; ii m . - ON DISPLAY Rl OUR Cetwe en Al '-rsri -J f P" Wst mail cDr::.J FILLZD eBagaVgsl sagsv Ssaffsllafjf gaVSaSIs DRESS GINGHAMS, in medium and dark colors, all styles and patterns ; regular 10c and 12J$c goods. Sell ing Friday only at, r " the yard ..... ... ...... 1 1 Pearl Outtons 4c Dozen One dozen on '4 card, and we have-themwith: either two or four holes ; regularly 8c the dozen. . Friday , special ......... . . ,m l iy NEEDLE BOOKS, with a paper of best pins and an as sortment of needles ; regu larly sold at 15c each. , fi-i Friday. . . ... . . .'. . . . ; COTTON THREAD, .standard makes of thread in white or black; regularly 6c spool. Friday, 8 ? FOLDING CURLING IRONS, regularly 15c Q each. , Friday onIy....yw WOMEN'S KERCHIEFS, jri many styles, embroidered, scalloped edges, etc. Friday, special, each. BASEMENT BARGAINS Granite) Sauce Pans, 4-qt sice, that sell regularly for 40c ea.: ..special for Friday only..9SOe Gray Enameled Tea Kettles, No. 80 eise, reg. price 75c ea.; Fri 0 day's spcjva price only..Tst Wash Bowl end Pitcher, white it one -china, good' site, res;. $1.25 es. j Friday . . .-, . . Mrs. Potts' Sad Iron Handleay - reg. 10c es. Friday ...4.6f Laundry 8oap, great4i'rl)irs: vfpecial Friday 7 lbs for..25f Wooden Clothes Pins," dox. If Larireait Diamond Dealera In Oregon i w OAK Place on Sale - i ITCHTII WINDOV m hi.