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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
13 Tiis - cmrcofi :daily journAi; .portiid. v Thursday, nvniiino. scPTEMrr.n c, : The Final J)ays ;o!enntafl's Great Removal Sale ciirThto.mony..ayIng:''tyrit -will clot In about a week. It has been a most sue . ' cessful furnitura sale. Ws have reduced ' f hundreds of, places from 10 to 60 par cant. i We t still, have, thousands, of dollars' worth , . ? of well-bulli Well-flnlshed;? artistic' FurnkX't' : -; tura for every room In the house In amply Wide varieties at great sayings. - This. Iasf: week of this Removal Sale should be turn- ;" ed to the fullest advantage. Here la Pur-v. :' niture for all living-rooms of home, hotel, : club or apartment house.' If you see what . ' you want here, buy K promptly, rtfa money u j saving. Byr ail means buy . It this week... Hera are three representative hems: i - This fine Bed with brass knobs, our best style . Q9 7C bed made; worth $7. , This week. . . , . ;. y v I ft This Beautiful ; and 'Artistic Designed Bed; worth $9.60. .This week..... . . .'. ...... $4.75 .! i : AH goods yill be greatly reduced on account -of not Wanting to move them to our new 0quatitt Our j Famous New Rival 6-Hole Ranged, fully guaranteed or" money refunded;,' Q (( worth $W.iThU wee 174 Firs! Street j i;ggfiiii:iin o QJ H TO ILLIOOS C G. James; Portland Egg Candler, to Receive harjoLEstatoJSirJiW ". V Valued at Two -Hundred Millions. : -r ' U f u41r la th drk IUr C rholaKia ahoy and u blr t million 1 Booh U C O. Jamsa, cpUnt of Sir William Whlttakar, m. bold knlcht of ' Britala.' urt at mbm yrm a-a. Tor hNTn'i Hki don't . tell than waara J an,- vrvad tba ace oandltr. "If you d tbayMl botbar ma to death. Aftar tha atorr drat eama oat Uat yaar I ' laarnaA. that I bad mora ralatlrea than mar Bmltb, Brown, or Joaaa au caa And tbay all wan tad a alica of tba aatata. I rot ail.klnda of lattara, huadrada of tbom, from all parti of tha ooantrj, making all klnda of clalma and aakln all klnda of quoatlona. A atiing of paopla oama to aaa ma. No. they would bothar ma to daata." Bo oaytn, tha belr to tha groat aatata of an Bngllab (cntlaman aelsed an act ' , ,.. , .- J . . ' The Kind Ton Have Jwaya Botight. and which has beea 7 UZJ 'can Dorne.tne aignanrre or una nas pen made nnder his po aonal superrlaloit since Its !nucy , . AllinnnnntA4A(aMntii All Ooonterfelts, Imitations and M Jost-as-rood" are boa ' 1 t Ezperimento Ubat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and- Qilldr:nIperlence against Experiment IWhatJlp iCASTORIA fCtaatsria. Is a liarmless anbstita'A fbv CkMtor ok' pm. 'sToric, Drops and Soothing1 Bjrnps. , It Is Pleaaant. It" ! contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarootto abstance. Ito age Is Its guarantee. It de troys Worms and aUars, Foverl&hncss. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind i .Cbllo. 'It reUevee Teething Tronbles, cores Constipation ; ; and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates tha " : Stomach and Bowels, fjrrlns; healthy and natajralaleep. - The Children 3 raaaceav-The Mother's Friend. CBnuiriE GASTGRI A aLvavo Bean the Signature of TIio Kind You Haye Always Bought In Ucd For Over 30 Years.1 .v In oaoh band.'poppad aaoh ona bafora a llttla roand paapholo bahlnd which film- msrod a candla, than allppad -tha good ona Into a eaaa and ohnokad tha otbar Into a waata oan and eontlnnad: "It laland and monay and la aitnatad In Lannaatarahlra. I don't know what It la worth, for - aotlmataa hara varlad wldalr. but tha ammllaat oadmata I bara raoatTod baa baan I09.000,00. It orlg- tnaur-waa owned - try- sir- William and ThomaaWlilttakar, who llvad In 1(11. I am a direct daaoendant ' of ona of tham aadritndoir grbftfwniilt Sothora, graat-graat-grandohlldran. . My aharo of tha aaUta will -bo oomnhtng Ilka $1,- M0.I00." Tha flrat that C O. Jamea know of Ma balng an heir waa about It month! ago. whan Tha Journal published a die patch referring to the eaaa. - At that Una Jamea - waa at work ahorellng eeeda for tha Portland Seed Co.- He had been In tbla part of the country for 14 yeare and had a wife and four children. Immediately after learning of hie oom lng fortune ha and a alater llTlng In Idaho employed an .. attorney , to. look after their Interests la tha matter. Blnoe Riet time the court of chancery has or dered tha property distributed, but It la still held np by litigation. llriea In Vain, to SecuraJteportl .b'n Ordinance Revoking the ; r Fourth Street Franchise. : Tn not losing any aleep oyer it," de clared Jamea,' lrat of eouraa I don't like the delay. I're already got a llttla out of It, cash that mounta up to four fig area, so lt'a no dream. I don't have to work at this business any longer and am thinking of going Into business for myself on a small scale while I wait What will I da with ao much money when I get ttt That's too hard a ques tion, but ona thing Is certain, I won't candle eggs" , , ; . - ; - V - r And tha hair to a mnllon flipped twa mora white orals before the little round peephoiea. , , : SOCIALISTS ASK WILSON TO DELIVER AN ADDRESS Tha local . branch of tha Socialist party baa laritod 'Dr. ' Clarence True Wilson to addresa It la -the near future. short ' time . ago Rev. Dr. - Wilson fa ye Socialists and. socialism a grilling In a' Sunday evening 'sermon.,. Brer alnca that, time tha Portland Socialists have bean aching to "get back at"; the minister.- r Whan ' Thomaa v McOrady', a Socialist lecturer and a former Cat hollo priest waa here - last week .the party member ' thought - of challenging Dr. Wllsoa to debate, . but MoOrady waa dated to speak farther, down the line and it eould not be arranged. i The party now offers the minuter Us platform, with - the; understanding that If . he aocepta ' ha may ' be' subjected to Questions from the. floor after- bis speech, and that following the questions prominent' party- members may bo al lowed to make short replies to the mln- isier a -argument, in tnis -way, tne Bo eialista hope to point' to Rev. Wilson the error of bla ways. . - , MASQUERADE BALL TO BE HELD AT THE OAKS The management oC tha Oeka la mak ing axienaive preparations xor a grand prise maaquerada ball, to bo given fa the dancing pavilion on Wednesday orenlng, September It. Prises will be given for all kinds of costumes, aa well aa crouoe and special featuree, Tha orcheotra wllf be augmented eo aa to make the muelo equally attractive. As tha aaeaoity of the pavllloh la limited, only 10 tlokete wui be sold. - . Rnt If ha Inrv ahnuM ' t would all hava'te be aone ever aaaint VAUGIffl SAT UPON BV: council la ; bold, plain : words Councilman aaghn yaaterday afternoon charged W. T. - Masters, chairman of tha Judiciary oommtttee, with' holding back tha ordi nance revoking the "perpetual" fran. ehlao of the Southern Pacific oa Fourth etreet declaring at the same time that whoa one of too - railway companies wanted a street aoated for ita benefit tha oouncll oould not aot too quickly.' ,.- It waa an outspoken charge of neglect of - the - public -weal wliuee - Ilka faasnt bean heard for a long tme la tha ooun cll ohamber. . i- Vaughn mored that tha ordlnaaoe bo aea from tha Judiciary bommlttos. Then letting oat bla big voloe to lta full- t extent for a full it mlnutea ha poured tha hottest kind of shot into the ranks or those eounenmen Who appar ently are friends of the '"system'' at all ttmea. , 'v , . t - . ' i Three weeks ago I waa turned down when I tried to have this measure taken 1 'I o it HO 5 j , ' i - . , v ... ,-:i...::r , i A VVonderful Compound Cures Plies, Eczema, t Skin Itchltis: Skin -Bruptlont.- Cuts, '2 and BfuIseSaL. Doaa'a Ointment la the best ' skin treatment, and tha cheapest, because so little la required ti cure,' It cures pllea after yeara of torture. It euree obatl hate cases of ecsema, ; ' It ' cures an skin .ltohlng. It euree skin eruptions. . It , Koala , euts, ' bruises, soratohes and abrasions without a soar. It 'oures permanently. - Portland testl mony proresit - ; " - Mra I C. Heidi ebaek of lit' Kaat Tenth street," Portland, Oregon, aaya: "In my experlenoe Doan'a Ointment is the best remedy I ever need for- the complaints it is guaranteed to cure, itaroughf me almost immediate relief mnre than I ever expected for I hl been annoyed for a year or more with itching hemormoins, wnion, although not serious, were very annoying. I heard about voan s mnimeni ana got a box at a drug store. Its use gave .me the hi chest opinion of such aa effective remedy." . Far sate b all dealers. Prloe It cents. Fester-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Kaw York,,sole agents for tne united ate tea Remember the name DOAN'S ad take no other. - c from tha Judiciary oommlttee," ha aried. "I wUl aak Mr. Maatera why it hasn't been, reported .on. . It. baa beea- before the committee for Bins months. . This proposition of Bitting quiet and voting something down Just because you don t happen, to like it sssms to, have become the habit of the roOunclL" .. . , .- .Tangba Vaas Saraigkt Talk. - At this Junoture a representstlT of the Southern Pacific whispered io Mr. Masters, and that councilman arose and said, he was not present at the last meeting. : "Well, rve been trying to. Jar looee a report of some kind from that oommlt tee for a good many months," retorted Vaughn. "The committee sometimes acta quickly oa matters like vacating a street that has beea asked for by a rail road; at those times nothing can bo dona too expeditiously. . . There - ie no use denying this it la a matter of common report.;-'." .. .---'.-.",.' ' "Mr. Maatera, you are ona of thoee who helped paaa a gag rule at tha meet ing when this matter waa eoheduled to coma up. Toa-oaa't excuse youraelvee to tha publlo in any way for the man ner-In which this thing nas.neen nan- died"; you-'" ; ' ' . , "Better give your apeecn t tb nowa- WO.M.lAae Paaa. -iikaU Umscn Cavtesjsktrl DUILDtNS Aa Oisgoa aorperatloa wbohUgbsaa tha polley-koUer'a bardeo. ataa Iowa gaaranteed level premium raaea tbaa any other aompaajr. -'.' . ' asllsbls ansa' deelred aa rspissaatatl'ves. . , : papere," Interrapted sThophara, " "There caa bo no excuse - whatever, and I mean to argue It outfight here," shouted Vaughn, who by this time oould not- fee-stepped by fauotlouaaeaa. rl haven't kept this thing- back for nine montha to aak for further time to look over a brief prepared by the railway," he continued, looking at Masters.-' The chairman rof ' the Judiciary oommtttee aald nothing. - i . ,,. , . Of eouraa the "safs and Bane' maior. lty of the oounoll couldn't beer to hear such talk' much longer, ao Oray moved that tha committee bo given until the next mooting te make a report upon tha Fourth-street - ordinance. .Vaugha ob jected, bur was overruled. ..." , . i 1 - . . 1 I.. ':- ,- V -'" -''.' t ; '. ; ' ',:'"; - " -t. : i-'.r; . fvU'lllUi" 'V'-:.'' ! STRONGEST BOYS' SUIT KVlr f.lAD3L V GUARANTEED AGAINST MOST SEVERE. WEAR I -1 1 1 1 ATM I LI! I V .V ''" r THE asV esst at ' ; KTrwi ' xr?r 1?m4': avl i tmrn ' VrvrttiorVi1i aVireenl . WATERPROOFED by - latest V improved :i method. T " O f A ' : Strength tned by "patent triple-taped :, seams ; inter-e&atltei-av' .'wW efJl lined with canvas "and non-breakable hWctotb fronts . " ' ' " ;?y vil:"-' tAtfaCbottoiiai -jedso -'suppHed.:!! IT - PNA T Q Strengthened . by patent double-taped . seams ; " fronts Ls ITefTalN 'I O ; lined with linen'canvas to :protect knees reinforced i ' : '--'' - : W.. loiuu. rluiVtla . ' ktiMMa n.Ul.nH'i4h .,..1 uy hu kc . uuuiuc . scaia. . uuviuua iiveiuiwu wiui eit - You never had a beller '$5 Siiil lhan the ' : :. -f. . .,f ,U'...... .: $4.50 JIU-JITSU SUITS tliat : tVdcli sells VAVMv wyava, i IF " NOT RIOIXT WELCli ' MAKES . IT: RIOHT, I , , V vC' r Wbewt - f ' '