The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1906, Page 17, Image 17

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j. 11 :
Mrs. Halse? Corwin, Who Wu Married After a Supper at Coney. Island,
' - - - - '. . , . . i , . vt
v - ,oon
(Bant News 8err1ce.) "
Nw Tork, Sept . . Th solution ot
th matrimonial troubles of Mra Halsey
Corwin have taken th exact turn pr-
dlcted by oar confidants mora than a
month ago when aha had Alvle King and
Mra Elisabeth McVltty arraated on the
ohar( of having knowledge of the us
appaaranoa . hi her -160,000 -worth of
At that time It. was stated positively
by both Mra McVltty and King- that an
arrangement had bean made between
Mra. Corwin and her huaband to secure
n divorcer without oonteat. Teeterday
Jnetlee Oiagarlca, in' the supreme court
Pryor as referee to bear testimony-m
a suit brought by Mrs. Corwin against
her huaband, which means that the caae
will be heard behind elosed doors... . .
.,.. attajr Telia of OoUtrtom. '
' Angered at his arrest in connection
with Mrs. Corwln's jewels. King aald
that as goon aa ha was treed ha would
..make a statement that would Involve
persons In high places. Ha aeJdi
. "Halsey Corwin has begun suit lor
divorce against his Wife, - naming . a
prominent New Tork man as coreepond-
; ant. . She has told ma It la a collusive
. salt with an Idea of making the man
In the case settle for a large amount
. rather, than, have hla name .mentioned.
When a eaah settlement - is adjusted
Mrs. Corwin claims that her huaband
win dismiss the suit and wUl later allow
her to obtain a decree on statutory
grounds without any objections." v
. Recent events- make- it appear that
Xing knew what he was talking about.
The day before the mysterious disap
pearance of Mrs. Corwln's Jewels, the
divorce suit begun by Iter husband was
abandonded. The following week the
"prominent man" atarted 'on a trip 'to
v Europe. Within two. weeks Mra Corwin
also opk a at earner for Europe- and 1a
. now aald to be in Paris, where her name
' is linked with that of the corespondent
la question. ; . , .'.J';y--
' ; i-'' . erred With Complaint. V
"' Corwin la said to have been served
with. a complaint by a clerk from the
of flea Of Battle ac Marshall, Mrs. Cor
win's lawyers, at the Hotel Col ling-Wood
on West Thirty-fifth street, .although
he la not . a regular resident , ot that
Jilaee. . If it were not' for the advance
aformatlon the litigation would appear
perplexing. A referee In a suit for dl-
vcrce can only be appointed by the oon
sent of both parties. .While a general
j denial or tn allegations in xna com
a Xearty Meal Should Bare- Annoy at
; . . ; : & i i
' A hearty meat shoald give a sense of
gratification and comfort It should
never' annoy or distress. - If you have
- Indigestion- and disoomfort after eating,
It ahows that your digestive organa are
weakened and they cannot properly care
for the food which has been swallowed.
If you cannot eat and dlgeat with pleas
ra and oomfort each day, you need te
use Ml-o-na' stomach tablets, and you
' should go to Woodard, Clark A Co, for
: Ml-o-na is as unlike the ordinary pap
ain digestive tablet aa the electric light
la more valuable than a tallew dip.
' Ml-o-na cures Indigestion or stomach
-Ing the whole digestive system, thus
. enabling the organa to take ear of the
food you eat without ny distress or
: disoomfort. f -. -. " ' "
Use Ml-o-na for a few -days and the
nervousness, sleeplessness, general de
bility and weakness, backache, loss of
i appetite, headache and ether Ills . that
are earns sd by indigestion wUl be ban
ished and you will feel well all over. '
l Ml-o-na makes positive and lasting
Veres and la sold under an absolute
guarantee that the money wtll be re
Woodard. Clarke A Ce. to show you the
sruervntee they give with evsry 10 bos
9t iix-voinpirouer yorwin, lor vivorc., .
plaint, which is said to name a' woman
formerly connected - with the Pawnee
BUI wUd went show and another woman
now living at the Belmont .hotel In
Forty-second street, has been filed, it
la not . expected that Attorney Philip
Wohlatetter will make a very vigorous
Mrs. Corwin, who is not of legal ago.
has secured the .appointment of a
guardian - ad 1 UtenV In the person of
Russell H. Landale In order to prose
cute the suit. In the complaint on file
at the county clerk' office, Mra Corwin
Lis described as ja Infant over. the age
Btewapd for " Jewels.
L Coincident with the publlcaUon of the
divorce suit an advertisement appeared
in New Tork newspapers offering a re
ward of ll.SOO and no questions asked
(Beeret Ktws Service.)
Newport Sept a Mra wnilam O.
Roelker and Mra P. Mayer were the first
to Introduce the large pearl tarring at
the fete given at th VanderbUt panay
Polnt farm, on the third , of August
Since that time, one, by one. the-en tire
fashionable set has taken It up. .
At the challenge match in the tennis
champlonahlp today, . where beauty,
clothes and Jewels were flaunted, pearls
In th ears, -pendant pearls and pearls
In the were -everywhere to be seen.
Lady Mlchal H. Herbert came with her
mother, Mrs. Wilson, and was gowned
fat black Chantllly laoe. Her ear pearls
almost rivalled - Mra Roelker" s in else
and beauty, and her pearl necklace was
aa handsome as Mrs. Leeds' - -'
Mra Ogden MlUs had a watohohaln of
diamonds linked together and broken
here and ther with a tiny barosoe pearl.
Four beautiful huge pearls, side by side,
Lucky. Boy Company Demands
V Ten Thousand Dollars for
Road It Closed.
(flpedel Dlspeteh te The yearsall
Eugene, Or., Bept i. -Th matter of
establishing a publlo ' road ' from , Blue
River Cltr into the Blue river mines.
appropriating the old Lucky Boy road,
six mUes In length, waa brought up by
th county court yesterday for final
action. The report of th viewers, re
cently appointed to make survey of th
road and assess damages was read, and
Immediately the Lucky Boy Mining
company, through its attorney, Charles
A. Hardy, filed a claim tor f 10,0 dam
ages. The Lucky Boy people claim that the
road waa constructed by them at a coat
of more than $7,004 and that they hav
title to the entire right ot way. Inas
much as th viewers allowed them no
damages and the establishing ' of the
road would -be a confiscation of their
property they will fight the ras In the
courts If their claim is not allowed. The
Lucky Boy people are willing to com
promise the matter and accept a leas
sum than aaked for in their' olalm for
damages, but , if the claim Is rejected
they will fight for the 119,000 In. th
eourta " - ... : ,
The road In Question has been need
by the public for tbi "past many years
and is th only means of access to the
mines. A few months ago. the Luoky
Cop.l beesua (t$ ft - grievance
czco:r daily jouniiAi;
and Who Is Suing Her Husband,
-v-- 1 ' . ' " - -
for the return of the collection of jewel
lost by Mrs. Corwin In the now famous
robbery from Mrs. MoVitty's apart
ments In West Forty-f lftn. street. M.
Snowden Marshall, whose name is at
tached to the offer ot reward, said ?
leraayr - - - '
' "Wa hav no Idea whether th n
tire collection of gems is intact and the
reward is offered without a tnougnt
that It may reach th eye of some par
ttcular person suspected or tne crime.
The Plnkertons have failed to discover
that any of the gems hav been pawned
and have gotten no trace of th chief.
The reward 1 mentioned merely a a
very other expedient nas rsuea.. ii
wlU be paid4 without Question to th
person returning; th entire tot at say
formed Miss Gladys Mills' brooch to her
high-necked, ' handkerchlef-Unen, lingerie
dreaa. , - :
Mra"WTOlamH. Sands" sever navy
tailor-mad dress and walking hat to
match was in great contrast to th rest
of th elaborately gowned Four Hundred.
Th large pearls In her ears were th
only-jewels sh wore. -.
Th pendant drop baroque pearl, hung
on a dainty chain, must be of th same
else and exact shad of th ear pearla
Among those who affected pear were
Mra H. Caamir de Rham, Mrs, Klbridg
T. Gerry, and her daughters, Angelica
and Mabel, Mra Reginald DeKoven,
Mrs.' Delancey Kane, Mrs. - Victor
Sorohon, Mrs. L Burden, Mra James B.
Kernochan, Mra John Nicholas Browp
and lira Preaoott Lawrence.
The flower that goea with pearla la
the. gardenia, of which, hug corsage
bouquets are seen everywhere.
against on or two other , mlneowner
In th dlstrlot closed th road to publlo
travel and would let through only thoa
whom, they desired. -' Steps were at one
taken to open the road as a oounty road
and th required procedure gone through
With. " - -:. .. - .
Th Luoky Boy's claim ' haa ' been
taken under advisement for a few days,
but the matter wUl probably be settled
at this term of court. . .
' (8wlsl Dlspstth te Tee Jeereelr
The sOallea JBept Charles Bueey,
who waa found at th bottom of tha rail
road bridge' last Thursday, died Tues
day, 'and hla funeral ... took ' plaoe from
Oars That Aaroee Oaa V Wltheat
ef Xuae er DetesUea great
,, ..anisii
We west every sof ferer from aetbme te
write as todey tar a tree, trial ef ear weader
ful New Mettled for 'earing Aethas. We
eepeetallr desire tteee eaeee ef long euadlag
whlek keve tried ell tne verlaee kinds ef
inhelers, dearbes end ptteat esMkes wltkoet
snntaer sn wttaoet relief. We know we eaa
care then. We went to sad ere willing te
pro It seeolntely fre ef enst.- Mney tboe)
eode hav-eFnted tkle spportoalty end ere
now eared. Tnere Is as rsaeni why enyene,
eld er yeeng, rlrb er pw. sneald eentlnee te
eorfer from Aethsee arter reaaiag this sm
veloes offer.
Our BMtned Is aet BMreby meemry re.
Uet, bet a cere Oat Is foandod epoe the risk!
principles, core tktt earee by reswTlag ike
eeuee.- . '
Dnn't aet tble eff nII yee have seother
tnark, but elf.rliht eown bMity sed write
for tke aletbed. It Is free snd send It
I Ith all eharg prepaid. Adlriee, rreptlat I
rcinx'AiiD, tituiday
I- V
Remember This:
Consultation i Is
' ' On fee for any aaoompll
eatad as to ia.o. .
Xhenmatiam, both acute and chronio forma cured without using any poi
sonous drugs or in any way Injuring th systra. .. ;
. Aont and Chronio disoharg. via: woaorrhoea, lrotatto disease, cured
by th lis of th only sclentlflo methods known. lnjuriousto ths system in
no way. shape or form; but on the contrary, it builds' up th system and
the tleeesed part returns to a sound and. healthy condition. : ; '
Wa also. ours all forms of Skla diseases, Uleers, jrearvou Troables, Kidney
, and Bladder disss sen, tricars. Strict
W wish to lay apeciai sUiss upon our method of treating Blood Votooa
and Syphilis without using maroary. ;- " ; ; .
tt will mo ooet yom anything sJX a m ofllo, and by so doing H nuay
save yoasnnch time, worry and aaoavey, beoaua U w aaaot mr yoei jw
wUl hoaeetly and frankly tail yea so, and you will not be under any finan
cial obligation to ii , vv , ,.
Writ for Symptonsbblaak If yom amna g.
OTnaS-- a m. to I p. m. 7 Bveflnga, T:10 to" 1:10. " Sundays, a m. to
- It noon. y
SL Louis TSJ?B Dispensary
m SB0Oirsi) taxxxgxi
Y6u Are Invited
to Call
Every young.
old or middle aged
man who has Den guuiy oi vio
lating nature' lawa, eipoeure.
Falling Memory, Varicocele, Kup-m
ture, Pllea. Weak Back, .Poor
Stomach, ta v
Wa Mak No Chars for Privata
- .. . Counaal '
rttjr .flrat thouaht Is to
tain th real cause of your ail
ment; our aecond - thought Is to
ascertain if a cur is possible;
our third - thought Is to produce
speedy and lasting reeulta. Our
next thought Is . th quickest
method by which this ean b
don and then to figure the low
oat price for th treatment of
your easa - k - ; s . ... -,
Over 50 Per Cent of
iredorlO.OOnd-1 any-OnlyOCci
DnririS tha Paat
W Give the Best Treatment at tha Lowest Prices
ar always willing to arrange terms to suit - iou can pay or uw
Visit by ths week or by th month, and w give liberal discount for cash. ;
Ttamembar. our charges ar the low-st and most reasonable In the elty.
and you set th vary best treatment
at once; it will b th happiest day of
Yon Need Not Pay
Should you desire you may deposit th fee with any bank or business
house in Portland, to b paid to us after you ; hav been restored to
tiiiT--Toung and middle-aged men who "hav Injured them eel vee la.
body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken cheese, hollow .
eyea, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory, w our secretly and cneap-
WAXIOOSa Tgul Wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and oured with-1
"out cutting. No pain. " Ruptur,-Hydrocele and Plies cured. Consult us "
free and find out how w cur without knife. Our price tor a our 1 th
U''c'.0a a ira BrnUIl-Kom ulcere, . sore. plleaM
eonstlpaUon, Itching, heart kidney a Uver, stomach catarrh, rheumatism
,Bt. - -jr - OTT-OT-TOWaT XI aT TXmTTIjrCI TMM CtVt. '
' Consult us at ono upon arrival and maybe you oan be cured before
returning home. . Many caae cam be cured la on or two or more vlslta
Consultation and advice free. . A. ' .
- Write People who llv in acts Id towns and In th country who
cannot call ahould writ for consultation and advios free. Jtany oases
hav been cured by horn treatment . J..'m ' , .
Offlce-hours a m. to t p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. II m. ,
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offlc In. Tan Noy Hotel. ltk Third St. Corner Pin, Portland. Or. ,
aVaJaonrr a wo gioxiti xxdioaxi zststxtutsi
. MOatTaEWBSX., BstabUshed la ortlaad la 188.
th undertaking parlors ot C J. Crandall
this afternoon. ,
He was born In Davis eounty, Iowa,
on lr It, 4tSI, and cam to Oregon in
1174. His first residence in th state
was is th WUlamett valley, where he
remained eight years, and then earn to
eastern Oregon. About six years ago he
bought property In Hood Rivert wher
b had Uvd vr slnea . ' ' -
From th tlm ot th aoeldent until
his death he never regained conscious
ness. Those Who knw him spak very
highly at him aa a eltisen and neighbor.
(Speclai Dbipstoh te Tbe loematl '
ftoaabuie?. Or Sept d-At the regu
lar meeting of th elty council Tuesday
night tha mayor was autnonse t em
ploy attorneys to prepare an amendment
to tha, oltv aharter for the axpreas pur-
pos of giving th elty authority t float
bonds for tn estaoiisnmoni m us ww
water and light ayatema Ths amend-,
en-.,, win then be nreaanted to th peo
ple for their approval, and If th amafd-
meat Is approved a specisi oiecuon wui
The Breath ef Xafa
It's a significant: fact that th strong
est animal of Ita Bit, in goruis, aiao
haa the lsraest lunge. Powerful lung
mesne powerful creeturea. How to keep
the breathing organs right should be
man' ehUfest study. Like thousands,
of other, Mra Ora A. Stephen of Port
William e. O., has learned how to do thla
una wruee: , i nre oouin oi mjt.
King's New Dlaeevory stopped my
coush of two years and cured me of
what my frlenda thought eonauitiptlon.
Oh. it's grand for throat and lung trou-
P'ee othmwio w v cium.,.
evening, . September e,
S5 H-?"!-S?"
'Ve will treat &ny ilala cnconipli
cat t d ailment under alsclst. guarantee.
llo pay uzlzzi ccfed. ; .". .; ' ;
Doat wait until your whole system is polluted with
disease pr until your nervous system la tottering un
der th e train, and you become a physical and mental
. - wreck, unfit tor work, study or social duties and ob
' llaatlcns of life. Imrjrooer or half-way treatment can
only dn harm. The woret cases we have troated war'
those that had been Improperly treated before coming
to us, some having been maimed for Ufa by bungling.,
eurglcal procedures. We cur by restoring and pre
serving important organa Wa do not advocate their
mutilation or destruction In an effnrt to make a quick
cur.' All afflicted persons owe It to themselves to
get aared safely and thoroughly. . -
wj mitj iro KtauAsnra mn-
. MBaTTg or deceptive propositions to tha
afflicted, neither lo we promise to cure
them UT A riW DATA In order to
secure their patronage. An honest
' doctor of recognized ability does not
resort to such methods; we guarantee a
r aars -apto x.a0tt - ott in the
Quicxxs'r rotinu viva, without
" leaving Injurious sfter effects In the
system and at the lowest cost possible
for now , st, agrrttrtri, and awo-
, caiarvb TaxATauBJiT. .
ar v and Tarlooeelt r . ,
amuixTm, roBTZdun), ouaoir.
Our Patients Have Been
SavanUan Yoara
. .. w .
Call and And out about your c
your Ufa. Consultation fr. ,
Until Yoa Are Cared
b called for th purpose of deciding
whether or not th majority destr mu
nicipal ownerahip of th water and light
systema Th soUon by th counoU is
th result of th mas meeting held at
th courthouse last Saturday vntng
when th council was asked to take
som action In th msttsr. . ?:
(Jooraal Speelsl gerrlce.) 1
- Tonopah, Nov., Sept I. Th Repub
lican stat eonvetnion last night nom
inated the following ticket: Congress
man, O. J. Smith, Waaboe ocuntyi gov
ernor, John P. Mitchell. Bctaerelda;
llentenant-governor, Oeorg T.MIlla
Ormshy eounty i supreme judge, E. K
Dodge, Waa hoe; secretary of state, Wll
11am O. Douglas,-8torer -county j treas
urer, Edward Cutts, Lincoln oounty;
eontroIlr, JaoobVBgger Elko eounty;
attorney-general, George H- Sprtngmysr,
Douglas - eounty; superintendent of
schools, Orvld Ring, Ormnby eounty;
printer, 3. O. McCarthy; ' Ny county;
regents stat university, R 8. Sterrett
Lander eounty, H. C. Cutting, Nye coun
ty; short term. Dr. Homer J. Hanson,
Lincoln eounty, J. W. Phillips, Lincoln
oounty. -. , - ; . ; - , '
fSpoent IMspeteb f TVe Jjeraal.)
Roseburg, Or Bept i Th opening
of the Second Oregon district fair here
yeaterday saw th largeat erowd that
has attended th opening day for yeara
Th pavilion, exhibits ar th . largeat
and beat that hav ever been hown aad
i Uvesbpcbvitsaa see all ,wB Xiue4 and
Kzuhtcr Une Steamers
OATZtRT makes round trips to CAS
CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving
PORTLAND at t a aa. -returning, ar
rivee p. m.
Dally service between Portland and
The Dalles except Sunday, leaving Port
lend at 1 a m, arriving about If aa,
carrying freight and passengers. Splen
did accommodationa for outfits , and
tlveetock- . '
Dock foot or Alder street. Portland;
foot of Court street. Th Da) lea Pboa
Main lit, Portland , .
'- -.J raatast on the mtvew " . X
Ths only steamboat making a round trip
).;-;, .;;;.-PATJ.T :, - : yri-
-Except' Sunday Between '
amt wax w9Mmn'rrrp-
Leave Portland. ...V...........T:0 a aa.
Arrive Astoria. . ......... r...l:t p. m.
Leave Astoria. .............. .t:t p. m.
Arrlv Portland .:00 p. so,
Pcrtland aadlag. Aide Street Boon,
Astoria Leading, Callender Back,
at. B SCOTT, Agent Phone Mhln (la
Low Round Trip Rates
to New York and Boston
ana a avo lo. isjQvims or tiokbt
, B. SMZTX, T.P.
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
"x Wm Coos Bey. Brreka aad' Baa Ireacleie. '
Next esJIlag fmn Portland Tbarsday. Asgeat an
Mast asiUag from Baa rmadaee, lb are, Sep, g
" f OBtBHOOOH, Agest
Oroaawleh Desk Ma. g. Pheow blam lBk
. Widely Known
' ,
. and Successful
- MedlcimuV .
j "Root and -
Herb" Uoctof?
BJs. tsseoas rianllea, tap. lessiSlisbi et
wbteb we Import dlroet troai tbe Ortent la
lars gnaatinsa asd prepare aad .pet ep tat
aao la ale an-te-ate . labatory. Ho snaituiT,
talsone on-drags ef aay klad ased. rarely
friable. 9
Tbe Doctor treats seeeeeefally sad gaarsntaoa
eat en stotaaefc traoblaa, eetanbV asthana.
ran, throat rbaanatian, asrrsesasss. 11 tot.
blilney aad loot aanbood. -
- Ka -mlsa W-srisleadtng statements te tbe
afflicted. A eafe aad leering euro la tbe quick
eat pooatble time snd et tie lowest east pee,
Slble for benoat treatsjont. . . -
If y- eaaeet ealt. wrtu tar eyraetoai Hash
and slreBlar. Inclose 4 aeeta la stasias,
fas a See We,Chtoeoo Bodloiao Oo., ill
His St., we. amsn. xeruaee, as,
use uua
sas; ; aea ' ':
tverv vcn:an
ml stflOailrl Imw
Bbabtia fcaaeb an d ia tmt
MAKVTt Whlrting Spray
"rail omare, Jafea.
amd Aimrtvm. li-at i.J.
Moot (.OOVOnlOB.
tr ha Minol mmmiwi
HtStlL, eooepl no
sit her Itanft abeblbri sterna 4iy
llliiatrated boob mH ftftvet
nil imrtirai I n Md 1 1 .i 1 1 a.i. i-
valuable to mA
anica. niadt IOq
m. sa a'
ft. ftziDMoitx ft oo.f iii nmt tTUCR,
Aun tvAAiAAn ait Ai ir arvv.
PorTsasassstle erOatarrbof
the Bls4loraod Piaeaaed A14-
ire. OBoaaaaias. uaree
nlekly aad Bermanontir tbe
ad estae. no aetter of bow
fstaadins. Absolstely
nJeaa. Sold k Sruaiata.
Weedesd. Clarke k Oa.
ana wew ran.
TarraaVe aUwee o( Oeaeba aad
Oepatbabs '. I
TbaaailM.ilibeBil ! ssss fee
loo. whMas. see, g uar
eaa eo toot be eeerp. Ilif
laooaarai aao.
Buwe Msrta'a Wl Wsablssrtoa
ft., Portias. Oreroa; or by man rrea Tea
garraaa Co.. 44 Badaesj a. Vow Vara.
tha fair generally haa started exit- aa a
great sucoesa Th racing program this
year is batter than vr before, th oash
prises this year amounting to 15.000. A
large number of horses ar her from
all over th stata j .
Jefferson Myers of Portland vlelted
th fair today In th Interest of the Or
egon exhibit for th Jamestown expoet-
tlon.". iH expreesed himself as very
muoh pleased with the exhibits and parts
wlU be secured for th Oregon exhibit
1 Ameriean Kiaaioa to Pea.
tJearaal BpecUl SarrVe.)
""Paris. Sept .Commander John C
Fremont, th American naval attach.
left Paris today for Tangier, whanee
he wiU depart far Fe in company with
Minister Gummera Th American mis
sion expects to remain a week at tha
capital nf Mftiwc. - 4 ' :
.naiJOTis ooios.
Every part of th mncoua membrane.
the noaa throat, ears, heed and lunas.
etc., are eubjected to dleeose end blight
from neglected coma. Haiiard e llore
hound Syrup is a pleasant and effective
remedy. "
W. Akendrtok. ' Valley Mills, Tavaa.
Writes; "t hav need Baiiard s I ire-
hound Byrup lor coustie end throet
troubles; It Id s plcnt and meat ef
fective remedy.' Bold by oodard,
Clerks' Co.
V,- aft,.i u .
a ,'nav im - ii s
a has,. '
ivi sir,
Ver Bole by
iwtw- t So,,,
3 Trains to tlit Eaxt DaUy- J
muaa sveeaat aea iarwi
aleeeles-eate Sany s Cases C...
pefb rwiinlas ebalreese taaaie (ms be
cS - Uave, Aartve,
so-lertUn4 aelal tar
tlu. Walla Walls. ' " .f.
W sSL-f" d'Aloee oil 'mm
KX&Jtjl - -- --
en war potets. eneneettae? wW
SHT! ? "weee and North Beack. eea
sthjuaA " BBmifslw. IV Bbj m - w
8 p. - , tTrr9t a.-.- .....
TAirrrrtt. tvb rotjttl
" '" vresoo Cltr an Tawant nw
PJsta . steasurs Rata end Hxeoe, Aebt. ,
Stm.1 "a JfcL" ."'"? a-day Ltw
aesday.' " ''L
" glAltS RITM'ROtrrm V
.witoo. mane. an way petnts frees
sUamers gpebaa end lwa.
JJ? JT : a .. or apoa srri-nl Trw
ialiv-e.'Snt Vfd7?. -
Ti-aet Of re. Tblrd snd Wesbiagb-a Ma
SWi aTlNOBB. City Tteftst At.
MPHBAT. Boeral Paeaonso Aseot.
Ovorlaad Briaas Trams '
oaa naaoeerg, eh
Uad. aMraaaesta. Otdoa.
wmm araonaeo. Block ton
Loo AkmIm. an . t.-
New Orl-au mm k. OO.aS
-jurninV iraia coaajoeea at
Woodbora dally oseept ;
Basaay wttb trete for
noont angol, Blleertoe,
BrewiwHllo, tprlnsa.ld. , ..,
Weadllng and Ketroa.... :00SM !:
Basene . peenne . ane . ... .
eocta at WMih-n 4,a
Moaet Aaget and Bll-es
toe lnesl 04:1S pes oe.ojt ai
Oncvallo paaener.,-.i.r TOaas M pea
eh-rldan paaaeneer.,,.... 4:S0pa eg-SB p
ror-er ejrove aaoensor. . T'"e pa , llaio Pes
-uaiiy. tioaiiy osvoBv neoay.
Dslles snd IntenaedUts nalata eanV T P
s sa. and 4:1a a i-Axrtvo Portland 10OB
a. m. nnd g:B5 p. nu
For time lei car ef newer satigibes trarsa
apply at City Ticket Office, or statics).
Tickets to Beet-rs points snd Karopef assy
lacan. Cbfnr. Bnnnhile end AnetraUs.
City .Ticket OfSeo enrae Tbk-d -ad Wae
tngtoo strecta. pboae Main T1X
0, W. STTNOBTl. Ws: McVrrBBAT. ,;
: cny Tlckot Ajma . CXa. Paaa A seat.
Portion di
leaea."- Aartve
reHowetoao ParB-bTa
Cny-St. Lawn BpoeUl for
CkoksHa Contrail, Olrts
pla. 0raya Harbor, gooth
Roee, Tacome. Beattle, Bro
fcane. tewlatoa, Batte, BiV
Bnca, Piisetr. Omaba. Kan
sas City, St Louis sad
Boetbeoat. dally
Neth Coaet UmMed. el-o--
idiis dtaspa
. ...
trie nfbt4, ' ror Taeone
BMttlo, Bpobsas. Betta,
Mine n1'- wt Pitnl sna
the Bart, deny 8:0 psj TSBsa
Fere Boend Limited, for. .
trails, Ta'cesss aad 'Seattle ' ;
onir. ....-...-.,. m . f . w r
Tw( at? f luieas tor Tn-.
Ft.l-aa. Bstte. Bt. Pan!, v .;' t ' .. ;.'.-T
Ktnnoaporla. Unconv Bt. ..,
aTft. toaia. wtthaet r r ', 4
eases et ears.. Wrest oe ..i
see, luoa f i-uo
Rat etd -.-. deny.. tt:4B pa' to-tPI pas
sastsr Agent. SM Morrtaoa atiaet
JL, mft l.n n i . iirr.. m mwm i m m ,,i iu rwmm
Astoria Columbia' ' :
River -Railroad Co.
ror Btayt-ra, Kainier, nets- -
kanle. W-erport, CUrrita.
Aatarts, ' Wnrreatoa, He '
oL Haaaond. M ttw " 1
sna Oesrhart Park, Beaeldo. 8:0a U:8
Aatoria snd liaiba. ea
preaa delly Treopa aiee
Fertlaad-SMsldo Fly er"--4H tarda eaiy-o
Smtcs Portland 1:1 p. st .
AH trains Salrr. ,
1. O, MA TO. . r. and P. A, Aatoeta. Or.
' 0. A 8TBWABT, Coaaoretal AgoasV 88
aldsa aweot. faoae Maia sea ..
2 Overlaat! Tritss Daily 2
'Tbe Ottoabal Last lead, tho Peat bug"
Am re.
Te snd from Bpokaao,
Bt. Peal. bflsBaapolte,
fnlerh aad all notaaa
Seat ie aVoatUo. Siae f ea
! iAdpa
aad trees St Peet ; .
klnaaapolla. Dnlntb
and all points Beet
via Spokane
8:11 pa 84 sa
Vertber atesashrp On,
tmng troa Boorrto far Jaeaa aad
Cblaa parte and bUalle, eontag paa
ernsera sad frrlsht . -
. S. S. Mraeeeeta, Oeteto U ' '.
g. 8. Dakota, Xevoatker 8s. . - -,; .
(laoan Mafl
ihie Co.
B Tmm - Mara will a, 11
Boattlo anoat Sopteaner 18 for Iihi
sad Cblacee ports, carrying paaaasfer
and trelsht.
Far Or, rstee. barf iailo
etna .. eaB er addreee
K. PICK 0B. 0, P. I. A., 18 "''
sU Vertiaad. Oroaea rbea
ale ;
r-- . rron, K.ule al S p .
TclC CN. ' in, Ki-hiii,a. JuNcaa
'CV- xfA " r, e lle. !-
;w--VrA .u.l rar-nss
mT ' ! -n-mtM-f
a s. .
.... i..