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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
THI2 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 1 (JUTLAND, THUKSUAY l,Vi;;ni.u-, -nLMtm:, it ul'iu'GES 10 SCORE LIST TELL OF HARD WORK DF "CpnTESTAnTS Closing Day of Educational Contest Marked by Renewed Zeal on fart of Ambitious Young Men and Women Trying : - '' ''V'i for Scholarships. O" '. V.: Niii Mar Shannon, III Tsnlno, PortlsncVjOr..... ;..,. 1,170'' Horace JUWllwa. Ml Halsey St. PortlnI,j;Or..............;..T.IJ : liUlaa HeVlcker, Bt John, Or. ...... .i ... .. ;.. !' ...... TO.TIO Mildred I Clemena University Irk.' Portland. Or,,.......,....0,l40 Guy O rah am. Troutdale. Op.. ........... ......II.T2I Rhode I Stalnaker, Albeny, Or. ...... . ..,,. 04,110 Clay Jonea, 40 East Twelfth BU f ortltnd. Of .X . . . . . i .41.111 Edith m. Harris, 411 Oxford Bt, Portland. Or...;, ..,.44.111 Bertls Ck Chan. 141 Clay 8t Portland, Or..-., i..;.w.,(..M Charles Gross, Y. M. G A. Portland... ............ .14.040 Cart Shelton, Forty-eighth BtJ Mount Tabor.' Or. 10,101 Mary ft-Powr4IT BaUaoifUt, Portland.Or7..r,..".... ...I0.TM Malsl O'Donnell, Buxton, Or,, ,..,.......... . ...,..,.f .,.... 11,145 Roy Johnson, T4 Division Bt, Portland, Or,..."...'.............:iT.4l Use Pendergress, III Worth Seventeenth Bt, Portland, Or .tt..V..I4.I ) 'John Benson, Chemawa. Or, ............... ... ,'.....H,IM Paul Nygren. ISO East Third Bt, Portland, Or...... .....11,710 Dorcas Van Bchoonhoven. Cova. Or.....,...,,.. ...... ...,,,.,..1T,1S( JX Vaha Mipitu Aailty, "r , , , . ,i i , i iTT"y-- -t i'--t1--'ht -.iitssa Loula Berra Aatorla, Or...,. .... .. '...,........... 07SI Dean Knox. Corvallta Or;..;.. ................. Mil Ruth Turner. 101 Karby Bt. Portland. Or..... ,i..V.. ........... T.lll Barry' Brant. .Th Norton, Twelfth and Morrison, Portland, Or.... 1,411 31an PatUla, Qrants Paaa,' Or. 0,141 Lloyd Rlchss, SUverton, Or..................... ................ MOO Clay Cary, Salem, Or.................... .............. 4.011 Aileen Hackmen, Myrtle Park. Portland. 'Or..;. .................. 4,140: Louise BeottJCefctral addition. Portland. Or......... .....1,570 Guy Johnaon, 101 Grant St, Portland. Or. .............. ........ 1,014 R. W. Cyrus, Solo, Or,,,.,M,A,.,.,MM,, wn,',...,, 1.144 4 Iry Owena, Cedar Mills. 6r.. ,......., ......... ................ 1.T14 ) Edward L."Klnaman, Iinnton. Or., .7,,',..r.;.. ...... 1.414 Agnea Evana. Latourell. Or.................... ,.,.........,.... 1,100 W. H. Owynn. 144 L It Thirty-seventh. Bt Portland, Or.. ....... too ' Richard W. Gilvln. Roseburg. Or.. i,. ...... ........... 441 George IX King, Kingston, Or................. 100 4 S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Nellie May Shannon, the cripple eon teatant. had to aend her Invalid ehalr to the hoepltal on Wednaday, and wu sot able, on that day, to get out to irather yotea. TKIa la .the third time atnce-ahe entered the educational eon teat that "the vehicle haa given out un der her. ' fine felt very much dlaoontent ed and very uneaay V be compelled to remain at home all day, , knowing, that ao valiant a hustler aa Horaoe Allen WHaon would- bo gathering votea all day long. And IB dlatanoo between theee two leadera la hot very greet Mrs. R. B. Shannon, Nellie's mother, waa In the field ail day, but the oalls which she had to make were ao aoat tered out over the city that she did not expect to make av very large harveet of votea. Nellie eppreciatee Invitations Nellio May Shannon, On of the Pair Striving, for Leadership pi Contest. by telephone or by postal card to call for subscriptions. Her telephone num ber Is Union ltl. A voluntary mbeorlntion from A. W, Scott, Yaeolt, Waahlngton, for a year's subscription to The Dally Journal, sent direct to Miss Shannon, pleased her very much and flooded her with rays of hope. It came at the' time she was having trouble with, her wheel, and when aha feared ah was to get behind her running mates. Other pleasant eurprlaea In this same line came from D. S Young, a proml nent . cltlsen of Waaco county, and from Jennie Bobleakl of Cankton, Ore gon. The 'votes rrora emtsioe points came without personal solicitation and from - people who became rnterested through reading the contest columns of The Journal. f - - BaUoe Box Votes. Mildred l Clemens Is remembered In every locality she visits. While In Monmouth she did not get the subscrip tion of Rev. C w. Stengel, but be sent It to The Journal In her favor a few days after, her departure. Ouy Graham U another Illustration of the Scriptural proverb. To . him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath shall not bo taken away, even that which he. hath." lie has a great many votea and a wood lead In the eontest and champions, having faith In him, liae In averjt o uartera. Rev. Georgo F. Houghton, R. F D. No. t, Troutdalo, is one of the friends who appears with subscriptions for "the widow's son." Malsle O'DonneU of Buxton, not Hav ing a large dally: reading clientage, to rely upon,' Is diligent to do the best aha can for contest votes and ao makes an unueuel reoord in gathering' subscrip- I Have Made Millions of Dollars for Thousands of People by My Patents I expect to make millions mora, ' This stock has increased in value more than 100 per cent since September l,l05r This stock should make you a life Income.- The natural Increase of business and Inquiries, for motors baa forced the price up several times It will soon go higher. . , : ' ' . .'. . ; . ; .. 4 .,; .. , The Bidwell Cold Motor Will Double the Capacity of Any Motor . . v il never made an vneuooessful invention. ' My first' Invention wsa the electric f ran, just as tt is run ail over this country in hot weather. I didn't get a patent vn i, out wam.1 m iremenaoua success it is; - - A -. - - jvll next Invented the Trolley Car System,' Just s "Ht" is run today. I mads It perfect and suooessful right from the start . It has never been Imp raved slnoo , I invented it ' Look at the mUllons of money it hss mads for the stockholders. Tb stock in the trolley manufacturing companies sold below It oente a share In 1101 aadlSt4. Poor men could buy that atock then. Thousands of them did buy It, and ovary one who held on to It Is a rich man today, v ; No Man on Earth Ever Lost a Penny He Invested With Me tiona to The Semi-Weekly- Journal, f TZZZ.Z.Z1 Every semi-weekly SMbeorlptlon t ber 100 votea And thus she mounts ids score ladder rung by rung. Edith M. Harrla the refugee of the San Franciaco earthquake, haa been euoeeaeful la taking aubacrlptlons from old soldiers. ' A story of great disaster and destruction appeal a to the elvll war veteran, whoee mind is keen to appre ciate the narrative of unueuel activi ties. Miss Harris finds that The Jour nal Is popular with the veterana A great bundle of them go to the Soldiers' and Sailors' home . at Roseburg. Bertie Chan, the Chinese girl contest Ing for a acholarahlp in a buslsees col lege, is a great success aa a subscrip tion agent among the. mlnlstera of the different ehurchea It It were not for Lillian McVlcker. "the parson's daugh. tsr," In.-the contest the Chan girl might be dubbed the preachers' candi date. She has brought at least one -Rev." Into The . Journal's . fold for ovary week of the contest. The Johnson boy. at 101 Grant street, is not getting along so well In collect ing for subscriptions as the Johnson boy at 74 Plvlalon street Both boys ought to do well en the other Johnsons and the other Browns and Smiths In Portland. --If the Johnsons snd the Browns and tbs Smiths la Portland should all 'give their subscriptions to these two contsstants the tribe of John son anight rule-the contest, snd this would bo a great triumph for the sons of John. Horace Wilson and Nellio May Shan non are gathering votea so rapidly that thsy have been compelled to add labor- I ' 1 ... I 1 TIIE STORE NOTED FOR - . MQDES PARIS PATTERNS BEST OOODS - 'FOR FALL NOW IN. " AT LOWEST PRICES. ALL PATTERNS 10c EACH. ssBnnBjBBsBnnnBswnnanaBBBBsBa '''' , wsnnnnwanBnwBnntnnn-awannjBB- .11 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Make this store a profitable place to do your buying. Values such at these are rarely met with even here where BEST, VAXUES are always to be found. . Extraordinary reductions on seasonable goods for Friday and Saturday. Every article quoted below is of standard grade ' and manufacture and guaranteed exactly as represented. Bear in mind these prices art for two days only: , . ; . . .;. . . :. . '.' t. . : : Horace AHea Wilson Thia Toosf Maa Feels That Hi EducationDo penda Upon His Success is The Journal Contest, ti V tV .. " Tf an, T will sasho It good. Next I Invented Ih Hallway Car Telephone System. It la a system by which passengers or train crews can telephone front still or . moving cars anywhero the same as If seated In an of flea It Is a more perfect system In operation than any other telephone you over aaw. This la on the road toward millions for the stockholder. . - i , This Is fly Greatest Invention "Now. I have, invented something bigger and greater than elthsr of the above. It Is sailed, the Bidwell Cold Motor. It la guaranteed not to burn out and la exastly the kind of a motor the steam railroad people have been looking for. It will chance all the steam railroad systems over to elsotrlo roads, because It , will be cheeper to run than steam and can be ran faster and more safely than any present method. .. ,. . Iht ms drawback - th 'railroads hive cad In changing over to electricity haa been that no motor aa at present made can be run 140 miles at 40 miles aa hour without burning out It would melt the very wires. " - By using th Bidwell -Cold Motor a train 'Of cars could be run from New Tork to San Frenelseo without a atop at the rate of 49 or 10 miles an hour and not even warm up and without a hitch. . 1 , - . Bealdes running faster, they would ho more aafe and sure than steam, cost less to operate, and would last longer than any other motor now known. The Bidwell Cold Motor Is the greatest invention out since I Invented the trolley car. . .;,'.,.;. . ,;. . ' The Opportunity of a Lifetime I want to glye every man and woman a ehanee to come in with me on thia for I expect to mske millions for the stockholders out of this new patent ' The stock will be sold on the square. There will be no hocus pocus about preferred or common stock, nor any other sesame, trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be frosen out '' . very dollar inveated will represent on hundred cents of the best stock. Bvrv ehur will da .vaprlw lib awam, nfk.. .i,.M Th. t . w - wm be the earns as ths profit on every other shirs. In short there will be nothing but a square deal all round. Thia , atock Is funy paid and non-asseeaable. , . Veai onhla . ,onK "Putatlon for square dealing. I will personally eee to It that every stockholder gets a square These Are Cold Facts You Must Act Quickly ' X nor. unos BDiriu Investor of the TroUey Car System. Xaventoi of the kallway Car Tele t phone System. znvsator of ths Bidwell Oold Motor. ' Xsveator of the Water aieotrie Oen orator.. .. . - - li " you some of this stock at the present low price you must come In now. There is, only a small amount to - - - a irrniy orueve mat wimin a snort tims ths stock will be selling at $1 a share. This la your opportunity. . It Is a ease'of come quick or not at alL . As to our reliability and financial standing we refer you to any eoramerolal agency, . In order to make if potbie for every man and woman to get in with me on thia Dig deal I have decided to seU tho stock for a ehnrt time only st ths following prlcesi i nu J ' SO shares, $33 60; 100 sharss, S884I0I 150 sharea, SOTOl a 00 shares, S13O00: SSO aharea. SlSaJIOl SOO shares. SlB 00 1 BOO snares, $333.00; ,000 sharea OWO-OO, tfiOO saso'oo, STot oVsr S'ahaiwS hi stony .ric L ' ',... ' . . w. , r n . Our Monthly Payment Plan tlBM saeht SOO shares, $3S.0 cask, sevea moathly paymsnts of SIOJO saokTaooahaW KO30 TSJZTTZSmZt payments of " m aoo shares, sso.oo osshT elgtnly Vr $.oahl lahasta! BaTE eaVn! moathly payments fsso sachei tfiOO shares, $aoo aask, ten moathly payments M$waoOMkv77 - "T 'SenJ U money by bank draft, express money order, postoffice order or registered letter. ' Special ta Electric Light Men and Manufacturers . :e.7n"1n0 rVAbyJr Mt hW "V,0r V-' A" nnd,eratogra:r! Bid vyell Electric Company, Chicago ' vTho undersigned Is an authorised broker for the sale ef our stock In the West' ; tt yea eaaaot eaU, wrtte and ask for ear free booklet, it gives fall Information. Address an orders sad laaalrtea to JOHNSTON Broker 410 Eltcl Building Seattle, Wash. saving devloea to their eontest equip ment'- They use rubber stamps Instead of pencils to place their names on their ballota 'A . 4 ., . Vows of flubocriptloiis. Peraona who wish to help contestants may want -to know tha voting power of subsciiptlona The following votes are allowed for advance payments for- new or old subscribers: ' Daily and Bandar aonraaL ' ' i'- ' Price by Time. . Carrirr.' Vntu One Tear .,., 17.40 -f 7.00 -1,800 Bix Months ....... 1.T4 ;.7I TOO Three. Month 1.08 1.00 Two Months ... 1.10 ,1.10 One Month .48 ' .41 Sunday 9oaraaL V'. Price by Tlma : - ,; .Carriea Mail. Votes. One Tear ..........11.80 $1.00 180 Six-Monthe- .iriTi 1.U ; 1.00 UO 8aUr. Yoaraal Witaoat Sunday. V '-, ' Prloe by , Tlma. . .Carrier. MalL Totea One Tear .......... .18.00 15.001,000 Six ' Months......... .(0 1.78 - 480 Three Months , ... . 1.10 - , 1.40 - 100 Two Months ........ 1.00 , 1.00 110 One Month ..m..... .80 - .40 -' 80 ' i aenl-Wssklv aonraal. ' ;i . . Fric by Time, i Carrtar. Mall. Votsa, 8 N ii 100 110 If One Tear .Ma... ... ... 11.40 100 Six Months ... .78 100 Payments may be made In favor of contestants, direct to The Journal, through route agents and Tha Journal's collectors or the money may be sent to tne contestants whose addresses are printed In the score list every day.' ' .. School ef Oregon. k. Hat of th excellent schools and colleges participating in The Journal's educational contest Is printed In these columns xor tbs convenience of alL for th benefit of the contestant an outline I given of th character of every scholarship offered a a prise. turners wno read this list should re member that the scholarships described as being suitable to Th Journal' con testants are not the only one which th Institutions offer. The . private schools and colleges ongagsd with Th Journal in this contest are the leading institutions of Oregon, Including ths great state schools, and thsy offer varied and extensivs courses of stndy. The schools her enumerated. In their respective lines, meet every require ment of modern education. The new comers In ths Pacific northwest who have growing families will do -well to send to the schools for their catalogues and descriptive llteretura A famous man ones said I - Tt Is a poor cltlsen who doe not post himself bn th ohurehs and schools of his own state. A man - cannot know his country until ho knows what the churches and the schools ar teaching. " ' ' , - Tha itlH Soholarsaipe. Aeademy of th Holy Names, AstorPt, ens scholarship good for ths full academic eouroe and valued at I2S0. Albany college, Albany, a sohslarshln good for two years' tuition In the classi cal, scientific aeademlo or commercial ooursea valued at 1100. f . , Behnks-walker Business college, Portland, one or more scholarships pro viding for a ono year's course in busi ness, shorthand, or dthsr departmsnta, valued at 1100. , x - Capital Buslnek college. Salem, a scholarship good for 10 months' tuition in the business or shorthand - depart menta 'valued at 1100. , , v Columbia university, - Portland, a scholarship providing for tuition - and dinner on school dsys . during ... the school year commencing September 8, valued at 1100. . v ' Dallas college, Dallaa - Oregon, a scholarship providing for tuition In any department valued at 1100. - Oluespts school or Expression, Fort- land, a scholarship good for two privat and on class leesoa per week and us of th sohool library for ' one school rsar, valued at 1120. .Hill Military, acsaemy, roruana. a .AS BOB SB. ABSCESSES, with few exceptions, are Indicative of constipation or debility.- W. H. Harrleon, Cleveland. Mlsa, wrltea Aug. 14, 101: 'I want to say Lword- o pralae for Ballard S Snow Inlraent. J stepped on a nail, which caused the cords In my leg to con tract and an abscess to rise In my knee, and the doctor told me thet I wn,iM have a - stiff Is, so one day I went te J. FT Lord's drug store (who Is now In Denver, uoi. . tie recom mended a bottle of Snow I.lnlment; I Iot a SOo else, and it cured by leg. t Is the beat liniment In the world, old by Wdard, Clark e C. - ' M $4.50 UMBRELLAS $2,97 Each Ladies' 26-inchJLJmbrella, best Gloria sillt .top, wide aelvag edge: . large selection of new handles in gold, silver , and pearl; best paragon ateel frame. W consider thia a good value at $4.50. For-Friday and Sat urday take your pick of ths lot at $2.97 each. .. $1.50 KID QLOVES 95c Pair . . . . ' - Our regular fall shipment of Kid,:Glovet arrived yeiterday. For, Friday and Sairday only we offer our regular $1.50 kid in all the latest shadea at 95c a pair. Anticipate future needs and lay in a supply now. All gloves fitted and warranted. v MEN'S $1.25 SHIRTS 50c Each 30 dozen of the famoua Mount Hood Shirts to go at lets than coat of .making. The lot in cludes fine French Percalea and Madraa Shirts, in soft and stiff fronts, in pretty stripes and dota and figures. Remember, these are standard $1.25 and $1.50 val ues. . .. . .i . : 75c UNDERWEAR 50c Garment :i Ladiea '"' extra " fine 1 Fleeced Ribbed Underwear vet, panta and . tightsa , garment other, stores would sell for 75c. For Friday and Saturdaypnly - at the-rery -a pectal price of 50c -a garment. Perfect fitting and neatly trimmed with silk tape. BEST $1.25 CORSETS 95c Each Jpp Warner's ' Rust-Proof snd Thomson's Clove-Fitting Cor sets, in new 1906 fall models, long-skirted hips, medium . and high bust, "Security': hose sup porters front and sides, made of best ' grade ' French sateen. Standard $1.25 values Friday and Saturday 95c. , ; .. HOSE SUPPORTERS 8c Pair Children's extra - heavy Lisle Hose Supporters; good, atrong grip; juat what you want for school wear. r For Friday : and Saturday - only we - make thia extr special price 8c pair. Come early, aa lot is limited. . . Long; Silk Gloves, in black and white; special . . . 'at, pair.... ...f 1.28 and fl.49 Children's School 1 Hoae. extra. , i atrong, fast black; special, pair ......lZf Boya and Girls Union Suita, our -Tegular35c grade; apecial, 1 suit , . k ............. ....... Men'a $1.50 Flannelette -z Night . Shirts, betf quality; apev - , ciaL each 7.'". 974 Children'a School Handker " chiefs; apecial at each la) 8a Men'a English Cashmere Sox, gray and black, 25c grade; ape- - cial, pair ..lf Ladies' Whit French Ribbed ; Veati .r and Panta, - 35c . ' grade: special ...... .......25 Men'a Sanitary Fleece Ribbed Un . derwear, 75e grade; gar- . ment "we- . SOe) Children'a Fleece Lined . Under . wear, fall weight, nicely triramedV st these special price Sire 20 lZ4f 22 16, 24 26 24, 28 5f) s garment retta snd Btats.' .Z boys' 75 c waists ;. ; 47c Each-f- Boys School- Waists, in , best grade Madras and Cheviots, in pretty stripes and figures, every waist extra well made and worth all of 75c. For Friday snd Sat urday take -your pick at 47c each. AH aixeo, - ; M FLANNELETTE GOWNS 97c Each Ladies' $1.50 Flannelette Gowns, very best grade material, new atylea juat in, nicely trimmed, several different- designs to choose from. For Friday 'and Saturday only 97c each. Bring thia ad wigh you. .. . v ii M II (1 35c WOOL HOSE 25c Pair Ladlesr fine Cashmere Hose, ribbed, best elastic top, s atand ard 3ic value. For Friday and Saturny only" at '25c s pair, WarrMted fast black. All sizesL $L50 UMBREUlAS -"97c:Each;-. For Friday ; and Saturday we offer. outregular:vline of $L50 Umbrellas at 97c each. v They are covered with good material, good atrong frame, and a fine seJection of - handles. Man's slao included in thia lot Ladles Nevv Fall Suits, $20 Values:;; . $16s,85 THE : :y - ..: . BEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE : WRITS FOR SAMPLES saxBsxxsxxssss. : !-..- 3h-v :-.:r i B: .- - irfi m m m ... nn , . as ta mm bl. a .-. . mimw . - u . " er mm J; mrM MM MM 1S .v.; - - VII r! s.tJMM -r i Mr M-r m m m mm mmmmk ar mm . rist - n mm v Cor. Third sand Morrlsson Sta. azzxasigaaaaasaaasraicrassasaasisars: WRITE FOR 8AMPLR9L arz VV4MaTC asjSBiaBli Xm scholarship good for on year's tuition, valued at 1100. Holmes Business college, roraaad, one or more scholarships providing (or one year' tuition in th buslneea, short hand or other departments, valued st ties. - : . Holmes-FIander Privat achool. Port land, - on acholarahlp good for -on rear special university preparation. on . year's normal eeure,-or- praetloal English oourse Xor one . anoj. on hall yeara, valuad at Ills. International Correspondeno Schools of Bcraaton, Pennsylvania, on scholar ship good for any of th regular horn study ooursea covering a period of five year-and valued at til. McMinnviiie college, MCMianvuie, acholarahlp in any department to the value of 40. Oregon College of optometry. Fort- land, Oregon, Dr. B. J. MUla prlnolpal, a acholarahlp providing for instruction In ths measurement of vision and tbs fitting of glassea valued at 110.. Oregon Stats Normal, Ashland, Ore gon, a scholarship providing for matric ulation and incidental fees to - ths amount of 125, and a chance at the first thro caab prises, ranging f ram 100 to 1100.,, - v...,,. Oregon Conservatory of Musio. Port land, pianoforte scholarship good for ons year tuition and th us of muslo for ths oourse, valaed at 1 100; on vio lin scholarship (Sevolk semitone sys tem), same conditions as the foregoing, valued at 1114; on guitar and mando lin acholarahlp, same conditions as th foregoing, valued at 1100. Pacific college, Newberg. ons scholar ship good for two yeara' tuition in reg ular college course, valurfd at 1)00. Pacific Telegraph Institute. Portland, on life oourse ia commercial and rail way telegraphy, , railroad acoountlng, typewriting, etc., valued at 1121. Page-Davis Original Correspondent Sohool of. Advertising, instruction by malor at the western headquarters at 411 Commercial building, - Portland studies and direction la. advertisement writing, making and displaying, print ing, lithography, advertising manage ment.)' mall - order advertising, genenal advertising in magastnsa Illustrating and engraving, follow-up letters, out door publicity,, special sals and special openings, eta ' , i Portland School of Domeetlo Selene, Portland, general training la domestic sclenee for one school year, or ths equivalent In apeelal classes, valued at 110. . . Baersd Heart academy, Salem) on acholarahlp good for board and tuition for on sCMol year, valued at $149. St Mary's academy, Portland, ons scholarship gooafor tuition for th en tire academic course (four years), or board and tuition for ons school year, valued at 200. . . Whiter otth eoUaga, Taooma, Washing ton,' two year scholarship. Is for any contestant in the state of Waehlagtoa If more than on studeat is striving for this- scholarship, Ore gon contestants will . be ( ex cluded from competition in the 'stats of Washington scholarship and selec- ".. . Every Day but Sunday From v'"Cv.':--.r -.l-' -v PORTLAND" to ASTORIA ". t Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 7. A. M. V " ; And Every Night But Sunday Night From - - - ASTORIA to PORTLAND V; V - ; " Leaving Astoria t 7 P. M. r :-' v' V.- y:'X THE - , . THE PALATIAL A. SteainLuHiite LINE The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line, Passengers and Freight for All Landings on the River at ,.v ,..:'., ..-.'y Lowest Rates. - - . . tlons will be made by the Washington contestant, If only one student In Wash ington strives for this scholarship, th Washington scholarship will be added to the other prisea to be chosen by all contestants in the order In which they finish the contest. ' . - Whitman college. Walla Walla, Waen lngton, a scholarship in any department. This Is one of the. leading institutions of ths Paclflo northwest and la par ticularly attractive to atudent deelr ing dry-winUr ellmata - ' FiefeiTed sneeS Oaamed ds ' . Allea A Lewis' Beat Brand, i . Qchsduls of T. J. Potter. ' ;: The.T. J. Potter leave Ash street dock for Korth Beach, touching at As- ' torla, as foUowsi . 7 ' September I, 1:10 a. m.; September , (, 1:10 a. m.i September 11, I a,' m.l -September II, 0:10 a. m. September II, - .. 11:01 p. m. . .. ' .t.-Iv- Prom Ilwaoo, September 7, 11:11 p. -m.i September I. I p. m. ; September II, . s a. m.i KpDnr , m a, uj.t iiwii. bsr IS, T:I0 p. m. . Tickets at Third and - Washington streets and at Ash street dock, ? Meal . may be secured on the boat . ' lagsiaaaxsi -;,-".-r?z ' Educational Contest, 1906 OTon! yoEiuun), . oazoov. ; SUBSCRIBER'S VOTING CERTIFICATE Nam ef Subscriber, ........ ....... -Address .......,4 Amount, Paid $...... ..For... ... ,;. J For , . . u . . s s . Month Beginning , t-Trv ........1006. ' - ;. . - V,' - New or Old?...,., ....... .....Good for.... .............. .-.Vota. ravos or OAjy xm ' Oeatastaat, morts bt Saparurteedrat ef Otiealatlaa, I.