The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1906, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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A f B ig J Special iTrai n
i Brothers
Independence. ;y
' V, ,
Nin Coaches .Crowded ; With
1 Jubilant PlckerWhV Hail the
- Opening of Season With Keen
DelightOthers to Leave Be
p ' fore End of Present Week.
- The largest hop-piekerr special train
th world ever uw loft Portland a raw
: mlnutee bfor noes today, bound for
..Independence, Oregon. .
Kraba Bros, of Salem arranged for
tha train and nearly aU of tha eo peo
; 1 pie on K will e to work this afternoon
In thalr mammoth bopyard near Indo
TV pendence.-.: x' !'
' ? v Nina care'eemposed the train and four
T englnee wtrHMdllff M it trnw
' I' top or the- fourth atreet'grede.
'"i. -..It wlil.'reaeh. Independencs; -l mile
r, from Portland, about .o'clock, and be
fora evening moat of tfi passengers
v.wlll ba at' work In tha yards '.'-
..' There. .are -42 -acree.., In ; Krsbs
Brothers'; yard and Jther expect to
apand $50,000 on tha picking of their
"'- hops this, year. This ia declared to be
v . tae largest bopyard tn4he world. There
, U -a' daaclng . pavilion. . bar bar, .shop,
" " bootblack, stand .and. every accessory
right on tk ground. .It will ba a email
' city during the brief picking season.
- ' AH around Independence are - other
-- ' yards, many of them almost ag large as
. ' ' tha Krebs Bros.' .Tha owners of these
yards made arrangements by- whloh sev- f
.. . erai score or pickers went out . on the
, Kreba train, but will work In tha other
' . yards. - Tha hopyard owners pay tha
- . transportation to tha yards, but tha coat
. " of tha ticket will' be deducted from tha
cheeks turned in by tha pickers. ; ;
' Children war much In evidence' at
the train this morning. Its departure
- - waa delayed several times, and Instead
" of o'clock It was, 11:11 when the ears
left the union depot. : A. crowd of It
people was on hand at Fourth and Stark
' streets, and these made a rapid seram
, bla for the remaining seats. When the
'train started up the hill every seat in
each car seemed to be full. '
v Patlefitly the hopplckers had awaited
.'the departure of.' the special. Long be
fore f ociock ar good-aised crowd gath
ered at tha Fourth street depot.
; There seemed to ba children, in every
'family.' Borne were mere babies, while
a good percentage were ld enongh to
pick bops themselves," perhaps Master
Laland Van Fleet, they occupant f tha
'baby carriage In the1 picture, was tha
youngest -passenger on- tha train.
it's mora of an outing than anything
else this annua season of hopplcklng.
. Hundreds of people who cannot afford
to out off their entire Income to take
' 'a vacation fkd "hopplcklng Somewhere
In the Willamette valley furnishes tha
KMot!on'Of the vacation problem.'' Hop-
plckere are -drawn from --every walk of
;llfe.' in the crowd at the depot today
, were laboring' men Wlth thelr wives and
children, waitresses, - steamboatmen.
clerks, stenographers and a little of
. . ' everything. To-the man or woman -out
, :of work hopplcklng la a Godsend.
V .' If one works industriously he may
earn 11 to 14 a. dar In the yard. It la
-Nan easy matter to pay all expenses and
have a, little left over. Tha work la In
tha 1 open air and there is always .a
spirit of good times about a bopyard,
: .so tha vacation ia really there aven If
: one la working a good part of tha
" ' time.
Mora pickers will be dispatched to
- marrow and at intervale- during tha
next week..'. --j.
, ,i. :.( ;; yerul ayeHel Berwee.t : '
. Man Pedro. Cal., Sopt, .e-aUlng yes.
sls ready to get' oat are still, held wo
'for crewa and the captains are very
anxious to get away. A meeting was
.held by, the sailors' union today to con-
'1 alder the matter or senOlng men aboard
. ..these vessels from hers at tha Increased
. - .wagev but no conclusion-was -arrived
at - Enough men have been, obtained to
' 'a work aU steam schooners which hava
.arrived, but inexperience makes it slow.
, An accident to tha steering apparatus
:i, "... of the ; CaUllna passenger- steamer
' " Cabrtllo occurred Saturday morning Just
j after the veasel rounded tha big break-
v- ., water. There wer about f09 pasaen-
. gers aboard. The tog warrior .waa aent
to tha scene and tha 'repairs made so
,-v, that tha steamer went en to tha island
. after a delsy of an hour, ' -, .
s- f -tn
, Doctrine Thai is Being Preached
r - By the Bftit People el; ' '
Portland, Ore.
There ars all kinds -ct ravivaia, ra
I llglouo, -moral and temperance, but to
; day tha chief interest seems to be In a
.revival for good health, and It seems
. to be the It i-o-na doctrine that has the
1 most adherents In - Portland. Orsgon.
'.Wipe out--Indigestion and stomach
- troubles by using 1 l-o-na tablets and
- most of -tha misery and ill nealUi would
be brbtted out of existence.
Indigestion and stomach weakness
. cause headache, back ache, nervousness,
d-hlllty, sleeplessness, pains in tha side
an-) limbs, poor-. appetite and a general
'unhealthy state. Take one little Ml-o-na
tablet before each meal for a few days
. and you will soon And that life is HI led
. .srtth- Joy and health, 'that aatlng Is a
pleasure and ood does not causa die
'trees, and that yttur digestive organs
have become so strengthened that yon
. :can almost be credited with tbs 41.
- geetlon of an ostrich..,
: j A Isrga boa of Ml-o-na Stomach tab
.lets la sold for lOo by Woodsrd, Clarke
, at Co., and It is so successful and re.
liable In curing indignation and all
stomach troubles, with tha exception of
'ranrer of the etomsrh.' that they sell if
under an absolute guarantee that tha
'winiiey wilt be refunded Unless it does
.aU that is claimed for It, . .
? J'-K : v'' " T
.. . .'7. '' .;'.
''- t '
' Sey. Edgar P. Hill, D. Dn Who Mad a Stirring! Addreta.
Continued from. Pago OnO
uauallv followed in Other cities. Except
for a bit of oratory tha whole day was
given oven to jollity and general picnic
etuntev At I o'clock, however the regu
lation literary exercises were held in tha
open air, tha orators speaking from a
platform specially aaranged for the pur-.
President C M. Bhulta of tha Port.
land Federated Trades and Lsvbor coun
cil acted aa chairman and tha Labor
day committee, - consisting of . W. H.
ntxgerald, T. M. Lebo, Harry Qurr, Carl
Frederiok, C V. 'WeHa,. JVed Kewbergen
1 liedwiage, ' ocorga Rodger, C. H.
Oram, Lucy White and - Miss ' Mary
Ksegan, ' occupied tha f platform, i Tha
speakers were Mayor Barry Lane.' who
mads a characteristic address; General
Orgsniser Toung of the A. P. of I and
' ' Organise Tomnf arpeaks.'
Organiser Toung delivered a etirring
address, his speech was ona of instruc
tion rather than of bombast -and ' vain
boasting of the accomplishments of
labor. He traced the labor movement
from lta naked beglnhlnga aU tha way
down tha centuries, and latterly, tha
aecaaea- ana years, 10 me present. nows
Ha pointed, out tha possibilities of the
labor movement, ' of . achievements yet
nborn, aa well as those past. - He
pointed a high Ideal for unionists, show
ing that 'tha labor movement ia in its
eseence a movement for.,. tha uplifting
of humanity. Through a bettering of
phyaloal conditions ths mental processes
are given an opportunity to 'unfold and
attain to fruition.'; 1
Organlssr Tour- . pointed out tha
things which organised -labor has to eon
tend-with and argued awsy tha specious
sentences with -whloh . lta enemies are
wont- to --diamma the subject. He re
ferred to the facHhat the eyes of ths
world are focusing on tha labor move
meat: that the magazines are taking up
tha labor questions; that' tha pulpits are
doing likewise. - This proved, said he
tha importance of unionism. Tha
preachers and editors ware thanked for
tha Interest they are taking, ss their
criticisms, favorable or . adverse, are
good in that they sre a part of tha gen
eral work of educating tha people to a
knowledge of the true purport of union
lam. - Tha interest that aU elements of
C . O. Youag, One ot tna Oratora,
society are 'taking In unionism Organiser
Toung characterised aa a -writing on
tha wall" which p res. res a magnificent
future tor tha organised workers of ths
world. ' 1 I
4r, - Ciopir a-.- nut, in m aiirripg Ad
dress on "The Rights of Labor," urged
the worklngmen to demand aU thalr
rights and included ths right to a happy
borne, the right to live in a decent city,
and the right to religious privileges gs
being sa important to tns laborer as
ths. right to fair hours and wages,
Xr. xui'a Address. ' , - " '.
. X HIU aald: . , . .
"A few months ago, while in the city
"of London, It was my privilege to meet
the well-known labor leader, Mr., W1U
Crooks. .Mr. , Crooka was born in-a
workshop and bla childhood wsa epeat
amidst the severest poverty.- . I. heard
him tall how, when his mother aent his
brother to tha etore to. buy cents'
worth of butter, tha lad waa so amr.
i '
' ' ; '
prised at- tha large amount of money to
be invested in ona article that na ex
claimed: - "Why, mother, are you going'
to start In tha grocery bualnessr -
- "Not many years ago such a man aa
Will, Crooks had no other place to air
hla viewa than tha public parka, and
when ha spoke of tha oppression of cap
ital ha was looked upon.aa an anarchist
and a disturber of the-peace, jsut to
day WU1 Crooka is a member of par
liament., along with (ft other labor
leaders, and at this very hour tha Eng
lish Labor party is dictating tha policies
or the nation,
"As I hava sat for mora than 'a year
In tha councils of tha labor men of
Portland I . have learned at least one
of your battle cries. - It is ths 'Rights
of Labor.' Ton contend Jhat there has
not been a square deal. Tou ere say
ing that tha man who employs labor la
getting . more than hta share of tha
profits. Tour position is that tha men
wno control tna railroads and tna van-
oua means - of - production . and ; tha
necessities of Ufa are by their un
scrupulous combinations and manipula
tions depriving tha common people ef
their rights. In ordar to gain your ftnda
yen . are asking that laws be pasaed
to restrain tha aggressions of capital
and to protect tha man who tolls with
C H. Orov One of the Committee.
hla hand a. Tou are asking for ahorter
hours of labor and for an increass la
your, wages. Tpu. hava obtained many
things " during tha past II years, and
you are - to be congratulated on- tha
pi end id . work that baa been accom
plished. . But my friends, t use the laj-ii
guage of .soberness when I say that
you are not asking half enough. . Ton
are too cheap. Too are asking for
wilderness when you should ba asking
for an empire. - . -
"Boms of you will turn away in im
patience when I explain my meaning,
for there are noma man so blind that
they can aea nothing worth'1 having in
this world except money, There art
thousanda of arorkingmsn Whoso only
Idsai of auceeas la tha captain of in
dustry whom they so roundly oondemn.
The greatest teacher this world ever
knew uttered a profound truth whan
he said . 'A man's Ufa oometh not in
tha abundance of things which he pos
sssssth.' He taught alao that Ufa Is
mora thaa meat Therefore, If tha labor
ing man should succeed In getting such
short hours that he waa obliged to work
only In tha forenoons and oould visit
the Oaks every afternoon; if ha could
push up ma - wages until hta part In
cluded all of the profits, aven then he
would ba In possession of only a amall
measure, ot nis rights. -
: , Soma BJgnts 0' Sabs.
"J same as one of the rights of Isbor
which every man , should demand tha
possession' of a good wife. Tou some
times call yourself poor, as you think of
soma man in New fork city who counts
his fortune by tha millions while rou
work or only f MO a day. But atop and
mink- a moment, too few Tork mil
lionaire with all his wealth cannot keep
tha aama wife more than a year or two
and aha la , not worth keeping longer
thaa that, while your little wife is sa
true sa steel end you would 'not part
witn net ror a- aossn ronunes.
"And your wife has a right ta a good
bosbaad just as much ss you hava a
right to highsr wsgss. Lsst week when
pay day came around, a worklngman of
this -city peeketed hla wages, went out
to his little home, where his wlfs met
him with a kiss and tha children threw
their arms about hla neck, and refused
t let ge- aatlUa told them what. he
had brought for them. When all were
seated at tha table tha husband and
father looked Into tha faess of his dear
ones and aald, There Is not a happier
homo on earth than oura.' But last week
three laboring men end this Is no story
of tna fancy -took tneir week's wagea
and on tha way boms stopped at a sa-
loon, where they preoeeded ta load up.
Popular Boy of The Dalles Starts
Phonograph and Makes Elab
orate Preparations Before Fir
Ing .Fatal Shot Which Ended
His Llfe;-V--
(Sseelal tManatcfe a The eerea!.
The Dalles, Or., gept 1. Quy Sexton,
son of P. C'8sxt6n formerly sheriff of
this eovnty. a member of the firm ot
exton, Walther Co committed sui
cide last night at T:l o'clock by shoot-
Ing himself over tha right ear. . us
lived ana hour, but navar. regained con
sciousness. .
Ha earn- home at f :1ft o'clock, went
upstairs and took a bath. He then laid
down on a bed, started av phonograph
and shot" himself. His mother beard
tha report of tha' pistol between the
atralna of tha music of tha phonograph,
hurried upstairs and found Ouy in tha
agonies of death. He lived an hour,
but never said ona word. . n .
Ouy -was aged to, - a very popular
young man, and had many frlenda. The
cause of his death la auppoeed to ba
disappointment in a love affair. He
had bean keeping company with a young
lady for soma time. Borne InUrefereifce
Koie . the curtahir Th. boV
It to heart and lately became morbid,
brooding over tha matter. He waa of
a poetical temperament and such a dis
appointment weighed heavily on htm. -
fasedat tMssstrh at The sMmaLl '
LltUe Falls. Wash.. Sept ft. Will
Hammer, a natlva of Germany, became
Intoxicated Friday and waa arrested
by Marshal Spang! er-for being drunk
and disorderly on tha street. Ha was
taken to the city jail, where ha suc
ceeded la a Short time la getting the
bed clothes - afire. ; Smoke was sees
Issuing from tha building and a general
alarm waa given. When tha men auo
oeeded In breaking ta tha door - and
getting tha . prisoner out, ha wna un
conscious. '
The cell was badly aoorehed. but not
muoh damage dona ta tha building. .The
prisoner - declared he had no matches
and It ia thought that ths fire must
hava originated from a lighted cigar.
aa a atub waa found in hla coat pocket
He has refused to eat a mouthful up
to the present and threatens the people
of LitUe Fails with Kaiser. Wllhelm's
wrath. . '
nwjeetal tMcsatea te Tee fesrsal
- John Day, Or.. Sept. 1 The oauae of
an epldemjo of typhoid fever at thia
place waa discovered Saturday- when a
member of the board of health climbed
to the top of the waterworks standplpe
and found the dead bodies of several
thousand sparrows in various stages of
decomposition covering the surface of
the wnter. - -.,.......
During the big freese in eastern Ore
gon late in the spring ' thousanda of
sparrows and birds wore killed by the
cold end round la puss ia . 'dirrerent
plsoes since,
; (Special Mn te The feersaL) - '
Spokane, Sept. I. A tight la on ever
the estate of Charles Danner, the postal
elerk who waa killed In the recent
Great - Northern railroad aoeldent at
Chain lake.-Danner'a family recovered
111,000 from the railroad and the postal
department gave 11,000.- Mra. Danner
had herself appointed guardian of her
husband'a minor children In the courts
of Indians. She told her brother-in-law
what aha had done, and the latter at
oaoa had himeeir - appointed admiaia
trator of the estate. . . ' , .
Aberdeen. Waah., Sept. 1 The Shaw
crucible steel plant at Damons point.
North Beach, burned to the ground
Saturday night and only the big smoke
stack rsmalns standing. - The loss will
probably be 1 10.00ft or more.
Their wives, knowing the habits of their
husbands, timidly - made thalr way to
that saloon, where they begged their
husbands to ssve their wages for food
and rent, pleading with them te come to
the children. But not until the money
was almost all gone did those three mea
struggle to thslr homes, to their broken
hearted wlvea end their frightened chil
dren. I tell yon, my friends, such mea
have no business oomplalnlng of the op
pressions of plutocracy and the perila of
the trusts. They . are cheating them
selves out of their own rlghtav There ie
no ene to- blame for their poverty but
them eel vea. u
"I name aa another of the sights of
labor that of having a deoent city in
which to live. The ordinary laboring
man has, a family . or children more
children, aa a rule, than hla employer.
He Is ambitious that hla boys shall
grow up Into a noble manhood,! and that
hla girls shall become Intelligent, pure-
minded women, it. ia hla right, there
fore, as he seeks thus to train . hla
children, that the city in which he Uvea
ehaQ be a law-abiding community, where
crime la held in restraint and the pro
tection of ths law ta thrown about the
young and the weak, Tou have invited
to apeak here today the mayor of our
city and you have honored. yourself bv
so doing. When the roll is made up ef
the real beneraetors of Portland there
will be found, high up in the list, the
nsms -of ths man who gave us our Ions-
deferred right of a elean city Mayor
Barry i ' -
1 (Continued from Page One) - f
tsr. and It was learned by Attorney
oisen tnat ne spent mucn money .and
lived among the rest set during his
stsy." . -
Living at conspicuous bote! in Ol-
braltar and frequenting the cafes.
Stensland waa not at all careful In con
cealing bis identity.
'Attorney Olson traced his quarry
through England and Spain and at lsst
found Dim In Tsnglere, where he wsa
living upon the fst ef the lend. It was
Stensland' evident belief, that he was
safe from all danger ef arrest and ha
flirt consequently, settled down la
te- eujor. hi Ill-gotten fortune.
Bloody Battle Between Troops
' . and Outlaws Results In the ,
. . Death of Seven.
Two Militiamen and Five Mtrnbcra of
Carig Are Killed in Bloody Pitched
Battle Which Raged Fiercely Last
Night . . . -":-:;':':r;--
fJoamal geeelal Servtee.) ,
Punkshtaevney. Pa., ' Sept. I. At i
O'clock this morning ths battle between
tha constabulary and tha "Black Hand"
Italians snded when the stronghold of
the latter was dynamited and burned
to tha ground. Tha Italians continued
to Are until tha house was chattered.
Tha troopers rushsd In and found only
two foreigners Isft and ona dead Italian
alao found, Aa the constabulary
left the burning bouse the noise waa
heard of an attack. Tha police tired
several shots and later, when tha house
waa burned to a shell two bodies were
seen to fall Into the mine. Five Ital
ians are dead., '.'-.;.'
The "Black Hand" band, which haa
I J? f'l?..,"1! !h"-i!
troops, and aa a result two militiaman
are dead, two are fatally Injured and
one la slightly hurt.
The list . of tasualtltee among the
troops as far as known.- Ths dead are:
Private Francis Sephrlnger. aged
Private. Frank . Hanr yv aged 4 1.- ...
Fatally wounded;
First; Sergeant Joseph Logan and
Private William A. Mullen of Harris-
burg. C - ' - V . "
George Felitsy, aged II. wag ehot but
win recover. -:
''";'.-,., -i;-
-- ;(sseeui Dfcnetea te The Jearaal)
,' St. Petersburg. Sent I. Jews in the
district of Blolsk are fleeing in terror
In fear ef another -program of murder.
Soheremetiaff, the notortoua organiser
of the Blalyatok Pogroms, after, his
guilt was established by the govern-
raent'a own inquiry, waa discharged and
went unpumsbsd. . ,
Instead he recently was appointed
euperintendent of police ot a neighbor
ing district, Blolsk. where- - there --are
0,000 Jews. The Jswe fear hla appoint
ment will be followed by a massacre,
hence the wealthy are fleeing, in the
district.- Scheremetleff was) recently
ordered nrbertrled for thg embesslement
ef government funds, but his influence
and powerful protectore and the advo-
cataa. of ths Pogroms aavecr him and
procured bla new appointment. -
' igpeeial Dlaseteb as Tas JanuL
Pendleton. Or. Seot. t. Martin Baker.
whe was held In ths eounty JalVat thia
plaoe for soma time,' was taken from
hare Friday eight by Sheriff William a
Copp ot Defiance. Ohio, where ho la
wsnted on a charge of grand larceny,
The Buckeye sheriff arrived in ths city
yesterday after receiving requisition
papers from Governor Chamberlain.
According to the sheriff the particu
lar crime withwhlch Baker la charged
la having stolon a large bunch of hogs.
He had left the state a month er more
before being Indtoted. '
' ' Meersal gpeetal Sevviee.) -
New Tork. Sept. ft. A cable to the
Herald from Valparaiso says: Foreign
and national fire Insurance com pan lee
here hava united In a declaration that
they will not pay damages caused by
the fire during and after the earthquake.
in an announcement maae a raw osya
ago several foreign companies made It
known that thalr policies contain - an
earthquake elauee," and that no dam
ages eauaed by shocks will be paid by
them. Tests will instantly be made Of
the companies' liability in both cases.
' (tneetel Dtepatea te Ths Jeeral.) '
La Grande, Or., Sept. I. The ' La
Grande Commercial club la taking up
the good roads movement... It is-plsnaed
to construct a mile of good road on one
of the highways leading to the elty. and
thia mile of good road is to be a work
ing mooei xor a gono roaas campaign.
The eounty conrt will elso take up ths
matter or better roada. Ths court
favors ths early purchase of a grading
machine and rock crusher.
Pelegates Oongrass. ' '
fgnedal Dlanareh te Tha learnal.t '
Eugene, Or,,' Sept' I. Ths following
members of ths Eugene Commercial
club have been appointed by Presldsnt
L. L. Whltson aa delegates to ths Ore
gon Development league - convention t
Salem - September II and II: L. T.
Harris, O. R. Chrlsman, rr M. Wllktns,
P. , U Campbell, . D. A. Paine, a . H.
Friendly, George M. Stiller and B.
Waahburne, - . . . : .,-;
'.' ' SnoeporsAlesufc ; . ;.--.'-
' ' ' (Raeeial InaiMtch to The earaal.i-i '
" Salem, Or., Sept. - I. Ineorporatloa
papers for the following companies
have been Sled In the ofllce ef -the
secretary of state: Joseph Mercantile
company: Incorporators, George Houser,
W. B. Leffal and Ed Eben: capital
stock, 110,009. - Roseburg Brewery a
lee eompeny of Roseburg; inoorporators.
Joseph MiUeHI. Max Weiss and Pstsr
Wlfck; cspital stock, 110,000. , '.
i i . i m i ii
: Sloaof to Staple &eef.
Niagara Falls, Ont, Sept I. The gen
eral council of Canadian clubs and so
cieties, which wsa orgsnlssd on - Do
minion day Of last yesr, held lta annual
conference today at tha New Clifton
House. Among othor things, the coun
cil discussed plans to perpetuate the
memory of the late Aisxanaer Mulr,
author of "The Maple Leaf," and other
famoua.hymna. t
-r - :,- .
..J Obie Aaanal Paly. ,
' (Jenrnal loecltl Servles.) ',
Columbus, Ohio, Sept I. Auspicious
conditions surrounded ths opening to
day of ths fifty-sixth annual Ohio state
fair and industrial exposition. All
competitive department are well filled
with hlgheclass exhibits snd the man
agement regards the exhibition as ,ihe
greatest ever held la the state. . ', .
3 msd suess Wiroilo oubj
Besides oxa-.resular courses of study in Shorthand,
Bookkeepifiir and allied subjects we will conduct special
classes in Penmanship each Tuesday and Thursday even
ing;, devoting the whole time to the subject. ,
v Wi have secured the services of a specialist, who gives
his exclusive attention to the subject of prsctical business
writing the kind worth money. . Call, write or telephone'
for information."'' - - - - -v.'-; .t :' .
is taught in our aciooL The style we have adopted f leasts
business men. It is medium in size, roundish in form,' on a
slant about half way between the - vertical and -the; Spen
cerian. 1 " All 'cur students acquire skill in vfriting hence
meeti expectations ; of, employers V in this respect.: Call,
phone or write . for copy of .new catalogue, state where
you saw this advertisement, and "8 beautijut specimens of
penmanship will be sent jyou, free of charge. Do it now.
Park aa Waablartofi Streets . -
Mtrt tails forlulp than we tan
Oregon State
. :Twenty-fifth scholastic year beeins. September 26. Over
u 80 graduates ' teaching1 in Portland and hundreds in other
? leading schools of the state. ' :.,"::Vm.:.
- If you intend to become a teacheryor if yon af a teacher
seeking promotion write for catalog. .
aJ. B; V. BUTLiER, Resistrnr.,-
Turn School fftxr Placci
tov m a coos Posmox.
Writs Direct to Principal Koona
Portland Oregon
v lata tmam wzu opur sarv. it,
Pita boys snd girls for aCaatera a
Wsstsrn colleges.
- Includes a primary , and grammar
Boarding hall for girls affording the
eom forts sad cars ef a refined homo.
A limited number of boys will bo re
ceived Into the home ef ene of the in
Office hours during the Sammsr from
s a. m, to is m.
Por catalogue write to. the - addi
given above,
' A Boarding and Day School for Bora
Manual Training. - Military Discipline,
uouege aepsrauon. stoya or any ags
sdmlttsd at any time.. . write for Illus
trated Catalogue, ,,vv . .
Dr. J. W. HULL, Prop, and Principal
rau term wui epen aept. i, its a,
' ' . POBTXiAPXS; OUwOST. -;
Columbia University
University Park. Poftlind, Oregron.
QatticaU scientific, , commercial and
grammar grade course.. Apply for
catalogue. ' " , v -,
SslemJ Sept I. A aoandal that has
been brewing all summer in the Salem
polios department reached a climax
Saturday afternoon when Chief of police
Cornelius suspended Patrolmen Long
cor. t'ndsr ths charter the members of
tha police foree . are appointed y the
council and the patrolman's suspension
cannot be made permanent until after
A, P. Armstrooe;, LL. B., PTtodoal
: v
meet. It pays te attend ear ttkort.
33t:i::ii,:;s;:s7i":s:sr?r,,T -1
Nirjht and Day
OoauBvardal and Bttenogrnpay.Ooe
lege Pray aeasery, Bnglnssrtsg B)ab-
arpeoiae rawriagw
"T-- i'K" ' Months'
'''?" ' ' ' : ; . ... ' Tsrm.
Algebra . ..-...... ... t oo
Arithmetic , 1.00
Architectural Drawing.....:
Assaying. '
Automobile (see special fold
er). --- - - ;' r
Bookkeeping .'......(.....
Commercial Law .t,
Commerolal Correspondence
Chemistry .
Civil Service, per month.-..
Carpentry .......... -
Eleotrlclty . J... 3
English Grammar
Poreatry and Lumbering...'
Freehand Drawing uiri '
Oasollna Engine
Geometry . ...,......'....
1 Maona P"if '
Manual Training ..........
Meohanioet Drawing
Mining. 4
wanmce ... .ee
Commerolal Sign , Card writ--
ing (see foldsr).
Shorthand . I.oe
Surveying . ... OS
Trigonometry , 104
Typewriting 1.04
vocal Musio . ,...,,.,.,,- 100
Wood Carving and Torn Ing. - 1.06 '
Career FczrQ 12 i 'Ysz!l
TTrtte or call for free illustrated,
eatalog. . ; . ... -.( ,. . ....... .
Phoae Private
Corner East Twelfth and Salmon streets,
Prepares pupils for solleges and technical
schools. Sixth year begins September.
.1. por eataiogues aaaresa , y
. poBTXJurn. omaoosr. -
the meeting of the council thia evening.
Insubordination Is one ef the;eaargee
against ths deposed erfleer.
Penraanahlp ,...., ; S O
Plan Reading and Eetlmat'g 1 1.00
Plumbing . , It 00
Reading and Spelling .... .00
Rhetorfo . LOS