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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1906)
JOUrJ.Y.LIIAS A FHO ViiD CIRCULATION III FCIITLAND AIJD III OREGON THAN AUYOTilZP.DLYJ. y i. PV. ft 1U1 : VOL. V. EVENING, SEPTEMBER 3, . 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. CENTS. Slakb. IIVC Ctklt . r 1 T71TTT1 TTTTITTl llll 9 i Ji-lsliilJl 111 NO. 153. "- ' r v . . . PORTLAND, ;, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER . 3, .'1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. , " . PRICE TWO (SMS inn Ms mwm mm. Illfiiil ' I! A FOUL Dirty Work 'of Nelson -Reproved -by-:Stilerf Who Gives Gahs the Crowd Howls and. Threat ; Are Made Against ;vth - Umpire, Who Refuses to Heerfrthe Cries of Spectators, to Let the Arena, Goldficld, Hcv., 3. Gansot the decision over Nelson in round 43. tloereat Ipectet " Th ' Ooldneld. Nev., Sept. 1. The contest . bet m mm- 'Otwiiid . Nelse -ta for-") lightweight championship- of tas world. Nelson-will receive f 21.S00, In r lose, and Gana will set tll.oeo aa hla share, win r loan. .'. .-..'.. f n-'; 1 Thar havs baaa a number of fights pulled eft la the last faw yeare called lightweight champlonshlpa, - bat this contest la at the -regulation weight. . Ill pounde ringside, to a Salsh light mak- ing It a bona; Ada championship go. : Oana waa a hot favorite at 10 to.-. Tha crowd la a raoord breaking ona and contalna 30 etyllstijy atttrnd womaa. -who ara- display tnr irreat-rntareat In ' tha battla. , Tha California delegation. 'raaded by Eddla Graaey and Jtroray . Coffrorh. ta aantad- oa -tha aoutb atda , of tha rlngaida,.. Jmmy Brltt.. Tin -McOrath. W11U Brltt and acoraa of t other wall-known follower of the rlac ': ara backing Nelaoo to win. While tha J Qotdfteld aporta appMr to Ilka tha ' Dana, their mqney. aeon to b going oa the colored man. " . The timekeeper selected by tha club failed to respond and! another man j naa W W rnrnairnvn was hiivliitt - ehance for BUly Nolan to get In aa ob ? Jectlon, and ha protested again any . California man being chosen. Hnwrret ' Bert UUner of Qoldfleld waa finally aa- looted. - f - Tha crowd la very orderly and people here, night aara assembled from aay j point In the east. - Tha deputy sheriffs, about a score, I lent a plctureaque western tinge to ,tbe i acene. . v. , - They stood In slouch bats, unbuttoned " vests and corduroy trounera. ... Oocaalon- - ally tha breeaa lifted a vest and ahowad -' an ablebodlad 45-caJlbre pistol protrud ing from a holster. ' i Gens' timekeeper la Jack Welch of Sa Francisco and CharMe Welch of the ' aeme plaoa la acting for Nelson. ' ' . Tha batting la now 100 to 0 on Gana, , bat there are no takera at thla figure.' They weighed In promptly at noon In - full ring costume. Neither -tipped the v beam, which waa aat et 13 pounds. : Oans aelacted Jack Walsh aa tlme- keeper ' The' othero In hla corner ara Prank McDonald, Jim Griffin, Bob Tur- ? ner. Kid Blma. ' ' . Behind Nelson 'will be Nolan, Bob 3 Lundle, Johnny Said, Young KIT Mc , Coy and Tim McGrath, . . . ' " 'Rafereav Bller la In good condition. I , 4 Nelson will go Into tha rmg Weighing . Ill pounds. -i , A tip coma from Nelson's camp' that . kaobody Inere believes ha will wln."- $ . M tha final moment the club had to 'fr1v aa, additional S&I00.. making the 'total purse . f 13,(00. . Both, fighter worked -an tha holdup, declaring they t would not light if tha demand waa not ), granted. - t . . BJckard. balked,: a little., but oanle . through a . soon aa It waa convinced 'they meant business. Under the neaw . ; deal Nelson seta lia.604 and Gana 111.. 000. i Bettora and taoa-bettora ara prao ' tlcally unonhnou m picking Gana to win. -' ' ' ' J Jimmy Brltt,' Wlllua Brltt, Harry Cor- bett. Jimmy Cof froth. Eddie Hanlon. Tim McOrath, .Jack Grant - and hla brother , Feter, Jack Welch, ttddie Graney, Colonel Martin Brady and many prominent la banking and aoolal circles la SaB Francisco were present. i rnaajr . Telegram Believe Tedltuau Tha following telegrama, soma of them replea' with htimort war read, by Announcer Larry Sullivan: , "Joe, the eyea of tha world are- on you. Everybody eaya you ought to win. , Peter Jackson will tell me the newa and you bring back the hacon. ' -, "(oiltned) TOUR MOTHER." ! Another from John L. Sullivan aaya: ' "Resret cannot see fight It ought to be a a oorkor. Regarda to all my frianda at tha rlnaslde." Another front Sullivan aald: ' "Pleaaa announce tht I will match Nesry wltn the winrer for 110 000 a side,' the men to f)ht In Ool.lfloM." i Tnn ' - r. i ... n a tblnt ir ilih wlrM from J . '. .i.:, ; :, offering ai tit, 000 puree for a fight between Jimmy Brltt "and Jack Clifford. ' . The club will pay tha training expenses of the men. duos' seconds ara Frank McDonald, Bob Turner. Kid ' Slma and Eddie Hanlon. Nelson la looked after by BUly Nolan,-, Johnny Reid, Jim-Griffin end young Kid McCoy and Tim McGrath. - t:M p. inf. Battling : Nelson - entered tha ring first: was closely followed by Joe- Gana.-, Both were clad-in heavy DamroDes, Tha Gana people object to Ulmer a oniciai umeKeeper. Gana addressed tha newapaperraen. saying that he wanted them to under stand, that he did not want any of his man to enter, the ring or throw up the sponge for him. The only thing that would "go' would he if Bller aaked him If be had enough or waa counted out. He did not want to take chance on a foul because of the' foolishness of tbo men In hla .corner, or any one else. ' - Gana won .the tosa for corners and selected - the southweat corner,' where the aua will be at hla back. , ' j. Gaaa wore .short blu trousers . and hoea and iie wore no aocka. , Nelson waa clad In light "green trousers en twined with red and. blue rlbbona. The men weighed In again. at I o'clock. and cam within -tha required weight. Bulll van announced that the men weighed 11144 pound each; but Nolan contradicted thla. aaylng that the Weight wag not made public' . " V . ' Oaaa seaaaaa gaoatlaae.-"- . Gana haa ll.OOe In bill la hi hands. which he aaya tie la willing V bet Nel son at any odd h chopees. Nelson ha nothing to aay.r..,,;:. .5 ,-ft;,s Aa uauaL Nolan wa there with mora objection a. He aald Gana should have weighed In .with' bandage. ,,,4; . Gana then aald: " "I don't want any tap anyway.", and the crowd' cheered. . Nelson's arma are bound - with - whit tape, " . '; : - I. 'T Announcer Lawrence M. ' Sullivan . of Portland addreesed the crowd. Lad lee and -Gentlemen." ha- said. and there wa a cheer at the "ladles," -tkl cattle will be Tot tbeHrhtwetgbt championship of tha world. There ara about -tOa.deputy.ahartffa la thla town t preserve' order and be on ' the look- ut for trouble. I warn you. all against uufplng into ' the ring during or after th fight." . , , (. Teaaa; oaal Beea tha Jig. : The club haa sent a telegram to Pres ident Roosevelt, but haa received' ho reply, although, the .president' aoa la now at th rtngHlda, ' Tba aahouncemeat ibet-roong Ttocee Te wai it tne nngstda wa racervad with cheer.. an4 aom one yelled oat "Show youreelf and turn your face toward m movtng- ptcmrea. Sullivan then- Introduced President Tag Rtckard of the club t .the crowd. told In. a humorous manner how the great lightweight battla had. been Anally brought to Qoldfleld, and reviewed the elub prwUd.nt.. ,t He. aaked for thre cheers for Rlckard, and tha erewd gav them In a vigorous manner. . It la announced that.. Jack Welch of Saa Franciwso will be tha ofBclal time keeper. ,.. . ""-:r- t Jimmy . Brltt waa dragged "Into"" tha ring and presented to th spectators. He aid be wanted another chance at tha winner. ' , : Eddla Hanlon and Eddie Graney were Introduced In order. Graaaw- abook hand- with' Gana' and Nelaoo and wished both luck. - FrankJe. Nell, the bantamweight fight er, waa next In order,', and after htm George t filler, the t referee, waa pre sented. . ' S( ' ; ,. . ' . sra Bpeng for STalaaa. ' - -Nelson aaked - SulTlvan to announce that be shared Gana' jrlew In reapect to throwing op th sponge and other asat tere, aa per Gans announcement a he entered the' ring to weigh, and stated that th same thing would annlv to him. ' Both men were sheered and th cheer ing waa pretty evenly divided. . - Tbo ring -waa then cleared aa Gans and Nemon posed for th moving plc turea. .- .I: t , , ... .. .Sullivan then, aanouaoad that tkanght wouia be a finish contest for tha light weight, championship of tha world. 1:12 p. m. Slier ha oatled th men to the center ef th ring to grv them their Instruction. - , ., - , . Nolan . would not tak Gana' bet of 12,000. - . ,, . ..... . 'Gana offered Nolan t2.o to $1,100. , : '"Then tha men we n't to tha center. : ' . ' srow for tha sign. -7 : Round lGan led off with two light left for th fac and th men clinched Nelaon received a right on the body and Gana quickly shot right and left to th fee. He followed It with a right to the fac and Nelaon infused three left and right awing for tha jaw. Gana In a mix shot hla right twice to th face and Qutboxed hla man at every point of tha fame. r-- . . - - - Gan jarted Nelaon, wlth'twoi-lght to th Jaw and followed It with left ta thw face, after breaking from a cllnch. Nelaon walloped hla Tight hard to th mar tnd followed It with 4 left to th same place-. Gana then peppered Nel son with triphammer rights and left to th face and. Jaw and kept thla ap until the bell rang. : , Gan went to hi corner with a Wg lead. . Blood flowed- from Nelaon' ears a- ha went to hi seat .-. N .- ' paeoad Za SMa' Beosd.'.'? .. Round S Both were up aulokly; with Nelson the aggrernnr. , Gana upperout twice with Hht and then jarred Nelaon wnn rwo t err in 5 punches to th Jaw. He. followed. It with a atralght to the Jaw. " ' Nelaon aeeomed 'Impervtoua to punishment and cam Hi all tha time. Uan measured his distance and ttm end a a In shot his short-arm right to the Battler' face. , . They went to ' close quart era and Gan upperout Nelaon twice, to the Jaw t close quarter. . He chODned Nelson on th Jaw again with a attff right. Nelaon . fought him to a clinch and landed a terrlflo right tq the faee. - In a mlx-up Osns rocked Nelson' head with two- Irked right punohea to the fac and followed it with short-arm Jolt to the ear. Aa tha gong rang Gan worked a hard lefe to the jaw. Gana had a good lead and outboxed add outgenereled hi man throughout. - . Sfelaow Doe Wet GHve rewadV ' Round I Nelson tried to aet In clnee and nna whipped hi right tq the ear. m n querier (inn uppercut (wire with .his rieht to the chin., yA thef lought at cii.e rng Oana swung rlgot 1 m iati -.jhj . Joe Cana,: o Defended Lightweight Cbampioiuhip of tha. World. T" and left to the heed Nelaon" got fp k nigh right over th eyea. 1 , :.i Oana hooked a wicked right to the atomaeb and "Nelaon ahot a straight left to tha face; Several af Netson'q swings want .wild. -.They went to a furfnu mix In the center of the ring, In .wlrloh Oana drew blood from Nelaon no with a straight left.' Nelaon got 'In a good right to th fac a th boll tolled. NeIcon ' Ja ' being' outpointed, 1 but he never give -ground and seems to thrive on Gana' punch. It waa Gan round. -f'"'.'i. ,'", latfc Za aTelaoa'a, ..... t Round Neleon' relaeed lsft for' tli body... Nelson , c baaed , Oana about, th ring, but hla Mews Invariably fall snort. In w ollnokr Gan worked hi right and left .tha. face, Nelaon -went after Gana' body and bored In,-with hla -bead. tna piaca nan nacKinau ateadiiy. away. but at th aama ttma peppering hla maa with right and left ataba to the face. Nelson caught -Gan a terrlflo right wing to-the Jaw and-Nelaon, euttlng loose, drove Gana , against the rope, landing both band- to th aid of th bead. Nelaon, -bleeding from th kept after Gana, .but thla tuna Oana shot a atralght right tq tba faee, which he duplicated a moment later.- .Oana. then put a right to the stomach and th bell rang.-. .- - v i v , r ;, , v .. , . Nelaon, brought th great'erowd t lta feet. ' He went to - hi corner' with-- a faint smile -ea hla face. Nelaon bad a hada tha beat af tha round. , ., J" .: . .fta Xa OaaaV. " ''.' . Hound Gans quickly shot g left fe tha noae a Nelaon rushed In, and they .went to close .quarter. Nelaon swung hla right to th ear, forcing Gana about tha ring. Nelaon drove hla tight to the kidney, but th black man rocked Nel aon' head with ' er aerie 'af left , and right punchea , ...''" t Nelson swun'd back wildly and Gan smashed Nelson' sore no with a ter rlflo right drive. Gang brought tha blood afresh from Nelaon nose with stinging left punches to that organ. In 1 mil Oana uppercut with, right ta tha Jaw..-; ' Not for A moment did; Nelson break ground.- He,wang heavily -to Gana fac with left, for be was rebuked by a tiff .right ', to the .. face.. . Th ;- gong olanged and " Nelson,,' want to hla seat pitting blood.. Nelaon waa badly pun ished In this round. . ., Betting., now -1 to t In favor of, Gan. - f . .... . S Oaoa Zoka X4ka Winner 5' Round (Nelaon rushed Gana' but the colored lad - smashed - him on th face three time with ' tight .-. and - easily avoided Nelson's attempt to land.- Nel son bored in, forcing Gan to th rope Th crowd objected to Nelaon' boring tactic and" putting . hla bead against cheat.. . - "'r - ... -. . After, breaking from a elinch Gans planted a right to th jaw and followed It with aeveral terrlflo right drive to th fac, sending th blood from Nel aon' mouth hr-w-wtream. -Gana eent Nelson head back, hammering hla man almost at will. , .... . ... . Nelson" fought back ' desperately,' but could p.ot' locate hla shiny . antagonist. Nelson waa In bed shspe when h took hla. ohair. ..Hla face, waa. aut Into rib bon, f. . --.-1,; " ; J ','; ' Gana has a big lead and. look Ilka a sure winner, unless Nelaon should get In a chano blow. . .. ,' ...'., . ;. ' ,; . ".' ITalaoA fiUI taJlW l.'":. ". '.' Round. T Aa-. usual. Nelson forced Gan about th ring. Gan contenting himself t watch or an. opening. Gaaa peeked awny at tha faoa with left aad right blow. Nelson mlseed two right wing and mat Neleon with- m fualllad of right 'and lett punohea to the face that staggered Nelaon. -,.,,; . . , , , rlan received a rlghk punoh In the body as the men worked into a corner, Gans swung his right. twice to tha fao nd Nelson swung back Wildly. . Gans neatly ducked two rignt swings again and kept up a merolleas hammering on Nelson's far. 1 The bell rang and' Nelaon again want to his corner with blood streamlngTrorq hla mouth' and noae. .-', 1 . .. In spit of all .th punishment Nelson did net break ground at as time,. ; 1 rww wfwit ;ww we" -J ' sralaom Seema Orogry ia zigaaa. .Hound Gans had no trouble In avoiding Nelson's onslaught,, and met Nelaon with a right awing over th kid neys. Ha then swung right and left t Nelaon a zaea and found no trouble in keeping away from. Nelson's, swings, Gans played with th Dane, leading a raking right to th Jaw and than worked a left shift, to the. face. . , , Neison swung .desperately for Gans face, but seldom. If at all, ' found th black .man,'. anatomy. .They closed In, roughly,; Gans swung hla right and left with fearful fore and ' Nelson slipped to a la knees.--H. got -up -In a jrfijeand Gana-went at him Ilk a demon and landed almoet at will.. Tba -gong waa, a great relief, ta Nelaon and he ap peared groggy when be fell Into hla asst. .-T , Owns BtUI Tiaada, -it Round They ' stood shoulder to shoulder In th center of th ring.' Gaaa walloped th Dan with right and left to th face. Nelaon tried deeper el y to work In two hard right swing t the body and for hla pain raosivad two wicked short- rra rlghta to th Jaw. At close qurter Nelson swung his left twice to' Gan'. Jaw and a moment later swung Tight to 'the -sm place. They mixed it furiously, Gana landing four punches to- Nelson ana. Nelaon swung' right' and. left hard to Gens' Jaw, but Gana mora than evened matters, sending,' tha Dana' back with rapid-fire' rlghta and1 lefts to tha Jaw. Gana bled slightly from the mouth aa the bell rang. ' It was Oana' round; ;' aTelaoSi ovr la Taatav"'-' Oana , .met - Nelaon -. tush with a stralghC lft to th fac. "SUy with him don't' let. him get away," wa th Injunction, from 'Battler' corner. They- went info- a clinch and Gana smothered Nelson with two rlghta and a succession of lefts to th fac. - Nelson- bored In and whipped hi right and 'left to the hegro'a Jaw.- -Nelson then brought .blood from: Gana' mouth In a stream with a succession of toft and rlghta to thataember. - A tar rifle mix resulted at close; -quarters. - Th arans rsmbld a ahambla Both men fought; with an awful pao,-i Nel aon having th beat of it, moat heart breaking rally. " They bled -copiously. The ball rang with Nelson having th had of a most vicious round. 'Oana' looked a bit worried as -he was Ktwaaa WfArVal tha fla haillr11a)Pl ITelaoa Tbeada la Slsrsat. . , IV .Round 11 Gana, fighting hard, asks Referee Slier that Nelson atop butting with hla "head., , Nelson . apparently realised ' that . his only - chano ' was- to fight ' breast . to- -breast, and -: Judging from t preceding round be ; Is the batter man at thla game. Nelson atarted a - at ream of blood from Gans mouth by. two wicked Mght uppercut:' . They broke from clinch and Gana'lmmm. dlately whipped In two rights to Nel son's jaw ' Gans waa cautioned to keep away"by"ltli " seconds: NeHotf-nnany swung-a light lef r. to th mouth a th bell 'rang. ". . .-' .'- ' If anything. Nelaon had a alight lead in this round. . - ' v ' , ' ' , Sever Jolts Followed If Cllaok, ' 'Round 11 Gsns rushed Nelson, who appeared to be tired., and landed on hla jaw with a stinging nppersut.. Nelson responded with a jolt on th rib and then th men clinched to a tarn ending. '" Thtrteeatk Kooad. ." ' Round 11 Nelson rushed In and asnt Gana back with two. left and two right wings: to .the face.: Nelson upperout with left and - right - to the- mouth end 1 swung hla -left to the -mouth., bringing th bloodS , Both men resorted t wrest ling, Gana being th chief offender. I They exchanger right - swings . to th fac In. tha eanter of th ring and want to. ar-clinch. Tha man again fought breast ta breast, and Gan . worked hla right and lsft- several time ta th jaw: They went -to -alosa, quartere and Net I son . worked . la two- left upperouts to tha Jaw that made' the negro wince. The negro, however, had a .shade the bet tax of ..tba .round when, th bell clanged. ".,'' ' Figktdair. zlk atuuooga, , . , Sound 1 Beta men ar figbtrng at, close quarters, but very few " blow were landed In a long ahouldnr to shoul der contest. Nelaon tried to find Gana body with left and right hooks and In cidentally butted the negro -with . hi head., Oans sent Nelson - against the ropes 'by sheer force of ' his weight. Nelson fell back through the ropes and Gans chivalrously pulled him back to the ring. - As a reward .for this act of courtesy the Dana smashed Gans on th body and the crowd yelled Its dis approval, v . At . the close of th round Nelson hit Gan and th latter promptly retaliated in the kind. The belligerent had to be separated by their handler, wans Bests U Fifteenth. Round IS Nelaon rushed In and ihey fought shoulder to shoulder for an ad vantage, Gans getting Nelson away from him whipped a atlff right to tha face. - Nelson . forced Oans against the ropes and slipped to the floor. Gans held out his hand and assisted him to his feet and they Immediately renewed hos tilities. Oans rested himself and seemed content to permit Nelson to do the lead- Ing. They fougmt breast to breast Ilk two- bulls, and - Netoon- butted- Gaes eo the Jaw with bl head.1 Tha .bell rang. ' Oans had a alight lead of a tarn round. Slier said he believed Oana was reatlng up. . ': :-t. '. , -'-' Crowd Cheering' fog Oaas.' Round Opened with a clinch and Nelson butted and elbowed Gene plainly, He wa warned to desist by Referee Slier -and tha seconds Felled foul in unison, ' Th men roughed It at close quarter, Nelaon . forcing Gana against tha rope. : Nelson, in a break away, was sent to the floor with a right straight to the fac. Nelson looked a bit shaky. " Th crowd cheered - Gana lustily as he went to hi corner. . Tlao Get stronger. -v ;--Round 17 Nelson missed a left and right . swing, . Gana . whipped hi right to th Jaw and Nelaon wrestled Gans about tha ring,. Gan holding on. . Nel son scored with a stiff right to tha faoa, Gan wrestled Nelson clear through th rope -and Netoon polled the negro after him. . They were pushed back Into th ring. Nelson put a right, to-th mouth and sent, Joe to his corner with blood streaming from hi month. Nelson bsd tha-better - of , a--round replete with wrestling..... ,..-;-,'. -v .'.',.",, -.:'.; Xonora lm aTelaon's Far. - Round 18 Nelson landed hla left on tha mouth. Slier cautioned ; Nelson against hitting low. c Nelson swung to the kidneys and Gaaa worked tn a left uppercut ta th moutfc and a moment later applied a similar - punch.- Gan sent th battler baok with two bard fshorb-arm right chop to- th face and a right fo th wind. Honors a bit In Nelson's 'favor.,' , ' . -'- aajrtag- ta b TTUfe atfa.- Round 1 rGans malted In with straight right to th fao and Nelaon swung two left to th negro' fao. filler -- again warned . Nelaon; ' Gans blocked Nelson's lead and they again bent down, fighting ahoulder to shoul der. Nelson sent in two left awing to th face. Qansa retaliated. - Gan drove Nelson agalnat th rope with two right maahe to-, the fac.- - Gan got tn - a good right punoh to th Dna fac " Feopl Ten Them b Flgnt. ': Round -10 Bller waraed Nelson one more for butting, but Nelson continued It, and Bller atepped In and pulled Nel son, from hla reclining positon. FnaUy Gsns sent Nelson back with right and left Jolta to tba Jaw. Gn sent in. a left and two stiff rlghta to the jaw and Nelspn put ta a right on the head. . . ',, STalaaa tared by oar. '' Round 11 Slier grabbed Nelson - by th head, indicating that ' tha Dan should cease- boring in. Oana straight ened Nelson with two lefts to the Jaw and Nelson landed several left to th body. Both landed lefta to th chin, la a clinch Nelson landed a aver left uppercut to th Jaw and they mixed it, Gana putting right and left to th Jaw. He sent tn right and left awinga to th Jaw aa the round ended, . - Tn gong apparently saved Nelson. : ,ou sttOl Aftat ntm. Round 12 Nelson 'appeared strong: his left eye waa. badly swollen and his right discolored. Gana poked right and I left to tha face and sent a stiff upper-1 out ever th eye. Nelaon get la two body punches and Gana hooked hi left to the mouth and put - two straight rights to tha fac and a left to th Jaw. Gan shot in a atralght. toft to th fac th gong rang. Gana bad a shad th batter of it., ,'.-. ' s :, - A'WtaetUar Statea, -.. Round IS Nelson drove a straight right - punch V agalnat the- ' ribs and wrestled Oana - Gana worked in ' tw right uppercut. ' Osn pushed Nelaon away and smashed htm' twlo with hi right to the jaw and followed with twe toft Jolta to th Dan' head. . Gana had th advantager . , , sTalaoa Slug aaav ':".. ! "" Round 24 Gana crossed bl right te tha Jaw aad Nelson drove bl left twice to the eyes. Nelson put . two good rights over th negro' heart. Nelson staggered Gsns with a succession of hard left and right swing '.Oana did not respond and Nelson droVe him to his corner with a right hoAk to the body. Th crowd i yelling, "Nelson." -JWelwrn.--. . J :-' . . Round IS Nelson went right after Oana. swung his left and right to .th fsce and gave him ao ehano to rest Nelson swung to the.. Jaw, but Joe re taliated with wicked ' right upperout Nelson put In two lefta- to th body be fore Gana clinched.. Nelson had a shad th beat of H. . v , ,' 1 Anybody'a Stoaad, , .... Round 20 Nelson swung right to th ear? sent left to th stomach, and drove right to the Jaw,, and sent two short- arm toft Jolts to- the face; a moment later whipped left to- th fac. He fol lowed with two right an a toft to th jaw. Joe mora than evened up matters by hammering Nelson's fac with right and toft punch, -Gana had tha batter of th closing rally. ' . - oaa, Predlc Outooaa. Round IT Nelaon fbroed Oan to tb rope. ' Oamr Is resting. Nelson landed a hard right swing to the head. Then Sana landed fc left swing over the mouth and three stratght lefts to- th fac. Nelson uppercut Oana on th Jaw. It Is hard to- predict the winner. Xoaer Ar arva, , Round 2 Gans sent his left tn Nel son's mouth. In a mix Jo put In two light light to toe . laoe, ftelaoa re- tallatd with two tralght lefts to th fac... Gan whipped hla left to; th stomach and drove right and left to the Jaw. Nelson gave th negro more than be had received.:',. , . . ',' . ; ','' - -BeU A rain Sara Velaoa. .- .' Round 21 Oans jabbed Nelson on the mouth with left and Nelson butted tha colored man. Nelson put left and right to th Jaw and swung th left to th tomacb and fright to th jaw., uans. Ilk a rejuvenated man, . drove . Nelson back with several fearful clout to the Jaw. The bell aaves Nelson.. -. .. ' y ; Oaas Still la th fcead. . Round 19 Nelaon' recuperative powers ar almost superhuman. Gans cut loose and peppered ' Nelson, wh shook' hi head and wrestled Gana. - But It wa Gana' round." :. . -,, "'--,:'.'. ', Tlaoa Fouls. .''.' fj Round. 11 They locked . head and fought .at doe quarters, Nelaon doing all tha work, but not landing. . Gan than put In two right uppercut. . Gana put in a right urpercut , tq Nelson' mouth. Nelson deliberately fouled Gana andUi crowd.. wenttoJtt feet ina torm of proteaU. - V? . Oana Zrfuid TJpperoata. . . -. Round 12 Oans cleverly blocked Nel son.:. Th men wrestled for fully a min ute. In th mix. Gan landed several uppercut. v .: ' ' - Vels Tnaabtad- to Ooag. . i - Romtd-M Gana-daneed - awap -f ront tha Dana's leads. Finally Nelson. swung a hard right to tba Jaw and-quickly followed it ' with a left .awing to tb same plaoe, "Nelson's left eye 1 almost Closed., Again tba gong saved Nelson. ;' .'. Helsoa Oettlsg , Tired. Round 14 Oand . peppered Nelson's face. , Nelson punched v Oan ,- to th ropea Oana sent Nelson back against the referee with a toft clip to th Jaw. Both man war very weak, Nelson for th first tlm showing grtjat weaf tnesa Oana round. . . : - , L. A WwaUbja; TKatca. Round IS It waa aald Oana - had turned hla foot It waa "wreatl,-stall, wrestle, and stall again, " Nelson forced Gan to the' ropes andT received right and left swings 00 tha head. . Jo waa th fresher. -'-j ---"'---v 1 -..-x 'Tortoria About th Ring. .. - Round IS Oans ripped a atralght left to th Jaw and put in a right uppercut. Both - ar tottering. Nelson, ' at eloae quarters, worked two '. left , short-arm blew to tb f aoe. - . :'''.....'..' .' ' JTelaoa Coats) to Ufa. ' Round 17 Oan " started with straight right to th face. Oan duoked a right swing and ran into a tight book aver tha heart, Nelaon hooked a left to th stomach and got hi right lightly i to th Jaw. Oaaa SUpa Oat On. . ' Rouad 11 They went to wrestling, bnt Oana whipped a' powerful left to th wlad. Oana woka up th crowd by put ting la aeveral straight lefta to the face. . - 7 ' ' -':-v:t: Botb Mea Tory Weary. '. Round Is Nelson rushed, and Gans complained - about, .Nelson . casting bl bead on his (Gan) shoulder. 1 Nelaon swung a left to th Jaw.. Gana put in two rlghta to th Dane' face., - , . aTaisea ia tba'Bark. . - ., Round 40 Gan pat bl left twlo to tha fac before Nelson . could get to close quarter. Oaaa punched Nelson viciously over tb heart with right and followed thla with two atralght rights to th fao. Nelaon nt a bard left to th4 Jaw and Gana came back with two left to tha Jaw. - Nelson's toft eye 1 closed . entirely. i , :;-; FIgbt . Wak TJa. ' Round 41 They atarted In at a irvety pac, Gana landing hla toft to th ear. Gaaa drove a left ta tha Jaw and Nel son retaliated with left uppercut. Gana sent bis left twice to th Dana' faoa and sent hla bead back with a left uppercut. " :-r -':. ' '. , '.What Tlan Za Ztf ":" :.'.',.: ' ' Rouad 42 They came up alowly and clinched. Gan asked BUly Nolan, fa cetiously, "What time, la , Itrr Gans, hot a right, to th mouth and .Nelson rebuked him- with two lefts v to th stomach. v Nelson, whipped hi left to th face. -Neleon- landed a bard toft hook to th Jaw-and Gaaa fought blm away, y CLIFFORD BEATS LUN DIE , atoataaa Bob Win Frellmlsary ba ta Ooldf laid, Nov., Sept. 1. Th prelim inary between Jack Clifford and Bobble Luadi cam off at I o'clock sharp. Clif ford winning In the seeond round ea a knockout.- This contest wss for 10 rounds aad a f 10.000 purse. Oeorge Slier refereed th bout, . v '' ' ' -,- .;;-,': aeeJ Beat Olants.. ;'',', In the first game, thla afternoon San Francisco defeated th Giant 1 to 1. Williams' work In th box wa "first lass. Boor by innings. , - , . ','.'': , R, H. Bl Portland ..1 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 t S I San Fran . . 0 0 I ( I I I Batteries .Portland, Gum and Dona hue: San Francisco. Williams and Spies. i , 1 , , , " 1 , . , 1 3 THOUSANDS CELEE3ATE: ' Tb Oak la a seething ataaa. of hu manity this afternoon. The special La bor day program draw great crowd of people and by tha end of the day It la thought that" tha, total admission will mount up to nearly S0.000. The day - waa more generally ebaerved In Portland than ever before. The 1.000 unioniati of Portland turned out early and nearly all of them were there, with their wives and children. Though the " day wa not Warm, eool drink flowed freely and sticky popcorn brtcka war much In evidence. At 10 o'clock dancing began In the pavilion, continuing all day. At 1 o'clivk a spe cial open-air vaudeville performance be gan; at I the program presents "Loop ing tb Gap"; st 1:10 the high fir dive. st 4 a oaxewailr, at looping the gap again and at : and 10 a repetition or the high fire dive and the prlie mntiU for the frosted hun. The prorram wss little Iltie t'i- rir-i-Istlnn I "t -r iliy pros' m,. ,.f a, t-:4 ,. rede I'H af'r ir-l. 1 i- 1 i IRRIGATION v Great Gatheringof Men- Who Are MakingJwo: -Blades of Grass Grow- Where One Was. (SseHal Dlepateb to Tee Jesreair Boise, Ida., Sept Boise today tea)' city of 10,00 people, en third of whom ' are delegate, or . visitors ' to th four - teenth annual Irrigation eongres. ; , Th arrivala began Saturday and con t ttauad yeaterday and todgy. . All tb I regular tralaa ar crowded, and special 1 . from avery dlreoUon - brought rlsl tor' representing 41 state. .'. "' j, ..The. city la handling' th lmmensg' crowd, admirably Resident opened their homo ta th strangers, and tern-1 porary restaurant hav - been tab llahed. While Boise Is Jammed wltlk' people, there I no confusion aad all ara) provided for la comfort. . . Tb Oregon special brought ISO dele gates, lnclndlng Governor Chamberlain and many of tha most prominent itW asns. , v - : Utah sent a special train with two i -.nds. -- Nevada baa a tralnload and California baa 100 delegate and a many booster. New Mexico, Washing ton, Montana, Colorado and Texas sent big delegation. ' , ' V Th city ia profusely decorated In green and whit. The reception 00m mit ts ef lit furnished entertainment for ell. . : ;).f "J'- -' Weleomed y Ooreraer. . Vice-President Falrbanka wa th cen tral figure at tha formal epenlag, which took place in th Riverside Park theatre. Governor Gooding welcomed th dele- , gates on behalf of th atat. Th roll call by th secretary showed an attendance of nearly 1.00 delegntee. The meeting, which - will continue through th week, promises to b very . important. The Jdrease and discus ion will revolve around tha four great object that th 'congress alms to do eompllan, namely:- "gav th Forests,' "Btor the Floods," "Reclaim tba Dm- ' ert," and "Iloraea on th Land." - Th queatloa of national foreat re serves, the policy of th general govern ment in relation thereto, graxlng snd th preservation of the publlo ranges, and tba correlated subjects will b ably dlacuaaed by eminent men.. In spacloua quarters adjoining th (Continued on Page Three.) T03II FRC7.1 EASY LIFE I (JesmaT sreetal ln-rU.) - , 1 Taagtora Moroooo, Sept I. Sur rounded by every luxury of Ufa, happy midst of th revels- of danoing glrla and the fast set ef thla country, little dreaming that a woman h had' scorned In daya gone by waa about to gain her reveago, Paul O. , StenalndT tb defaulting president of tha MU waukes Avenue bank of Chicago, waa' found her this morning and placed uol der arrest. He waa taken into custodr npon th complaint of Assistant United Statea Attorney Oleen. who has doggedly1 followed Stenoland, step by step Jpor than half way around th world. . Because he had -scorned her,. eaeMnar! her aald for some mar recent whim.; a woman of Chicago gave the authori-H tiea their' first hint as to the .Where- bout of Stenaland. " Sh Imparted In-, formation to Aaalstant . United Stat' Attorney Olaen whloh plaoed him en tht right track and he immediately set out after th defaulter. . ' . gtansland selected Moroeoo a hi per; manent residence because of th fact that there 1 no extradition treaty be tween this country- and the Unlte-t States. "V Tba sultan' government, how--ever. Ir on friendly terms wit if th United Statea and it is stated en hlH authority that there' will be no trouhie In extraditing 8tens4arid' and effecting hla return to Chicago to fac th charges against him. - Th banker left Chicago. July 12 f r New fork, where he took a steamer fop Liverpool. ' Arriving ar IJverpool be spent twe day there before he boarded a steamer for Gibraltar. He had adopted th alias of Mr. Pol sen from Norway, and under thla nam he' remained at Gibraltar for aome time, opening a banu aocount of .i,00fi. Definite cl-e ef hi whereabout were found in Gtbrt.1- (Continued on Peg Two.) R E VI E 17 E 1 2 G E ST I."! III 3TC 7. f Jeernel peell Stt. I 'Nw Tor. Sept. I. At 1 o'clK-k ? morning It looked ss if the g-t- (fonflnMed on Pe Nl,i cnEEr:ouc!iocc:;Tr ccrr:-;:"" p-r:lfS."-V I I O M 1 " f . ' . I . ' t t ( x