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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
TIIi: 0:,;:GOir SUNDAY, 'JOURNAU'TOfcTL AND.' SUNDAY ' HORNING, SEPTEI.ISER, 2,' 1SC5. kTTAM astoria: As Usual This Store Vill Close All Day liber Day, Sept 3 THE STORE NOTED FOR , BEST GOODS ! AT iOWEST PRICES Pari.icdl3 patt j ,' FOR FALL now III ALL PATTEKNS ICc EACH - .v. IS CLOSED Aquatlo Ev.nta Wars Finest Evtr n ti : ' ; Witnessed In Northwest, Old Yichtsmert Sy. 'i. perfect Weather was : FEATURE QF THE MEET 4 (Bench Show' and Band Concert Yea- ' terday Afternoon and Evening -i.'- r- AUTUMN ' Were the Last .Attractions on the ''., . 'Official ttvxa. 7 r-r i '"'.- TWT7T 17TT.Y ATtfuTTT AT ri . MER THREE DAYS' SPORT i m i Mm Journal's Astoria Bureau, Sept ,Tbe equatla sports, ths land raoee and the dog show war1 the leading attrao- ,tlone t the tegattn today end their . close .marked the finish t ths twelfth annual regatta. After the Uat event .had been computed a band eonosrt wu given In the pavilion which waa the closing lneldeBt of the celebration. ' .. The day dawned cloudy, but before 'Moon the warm rays of aunahlna beat through the clouds. Barring the first day, which . waa cold and cloudy, weather condition for the event were aa good aa could have beea desired, 'and old yaehtamen who hare Tlalted the regattas for year aay that the aport waa the fittest they aver wlt- Astoria tracts' Orwerda. Slnoe the opchiar of the flrat day the atreeta of Astoria ' hare been crowded and the attendance eomparea faTOraWy with -eny-regatt ever- held 1 In tbla elty. The amall towns of the lower river have been almoat depopu lated during the three daya and there ' ha 'beea a large' attendance from Port- . land and the beachea. , i ' The bench Show which waa held thl 'afternoon -and evening waa one of the beat event ' of the . regatta. In the ' neighborhood at lo dogs were oa exhi- biOon. ,.,'. v., : ... - '- " In the alngle aoull today,. Olosa beat Patton over a two-tnlle coarse, overeom- . Ing a handicap of 1:S. Oloaa left the flagship one and a halt minutes- later ' than hi opponent and, crossed the line I aeoond In advance of im, - There waa 'a atrong tld running and a mod- erat breese. The time waa !:, -Frank Anderson of Cars on. Washing ton, turned the ".tablee on-Champion . Spencer, in the log-rolling -contest and auooeeded la leading the" latter.. In, the water twice. Thl event waa on of '.the feature ef -the morning event. ' The Band laland Indiana repeated the ' Interesting water, sports of the tribe, which were begum . yesterday "... Robb of the Oregon Tacht club, ia the eloop Zephyr, carried, off the flrat arise In tha Whitehall, sailing event The course- waa laid over six mile and waa triangular. .Weather condition .were . Ideal for the smaller boat and much ' interest waa " manifest In this event Morgan of Astoria . same in, aeoond la. END OF TIL feluevMountairrv. Resersve')Xand -Fraud : Case QnderfuTfoTimVJt Takes and ; Large Amount Testifriony ;Qathered : :V v1-. i After two weeks of trial, tha Blue mountain reserve, land fraud case has .at last reaqhedt ay stage, where the and a la sight. f Not aeasioa .of the federal court wUl be . held-tomorrow, but th " government' representatives, Bpeelal1 Assistant AttoTaeriOaneraiTHaisy and Vnlted States Attorney. Bristol, promts t eompleta their . movntaiar of evtdeiro -Tuesday, .i . ..,.:- -v. '.;'. ; , ? S, t.V'.' - I Night sessions ' are .' hereafter to be seld from T:tO to,:0 o'clock, and, aq less the defense' has an?. army of a aubpoenaed witnesses 'bidden away somewhere tha -testimony, 1nbehalf of - State Senator- Franklin:. Fierce . Maya, - Willard N. Jonee and.OeorgevSorenson will not take up more than a couple of daya ' Aooordlng to this acheduiev ar gument will bet!t' some time Friday, and aa Judge Huhfa suggestion that aeon aide be glvoa eight hours to re- - view, orate and plead baa been aoeepted. i the case ahould go to .tha Jury Beat Saturday night Still there la a ohanoe , that It will gw aver inta the following ; j Case teoaaonatr FNfM, '1 From tha moment that the ' trial Opened the case has been Vrennously fought Six attorneys, representing the three defendants, have kept busy mak- wig and arguing objections. Mays has three champions,' W.-D ronton, James fL Fenton and W. Lair Hill; Jones has two,- ex-Judge Pipes and a. P. Huston, clmencan e)oB.- nzBB coves orn XAT-A- incncT, aaday Blame from U a. aa, to S n, aa. i . ... , i . Xothoas aWttaoe 10. Tomatoes ... . . . ;.. ,j . . ... u.lOf '' Oreea Oaioas B, Watermelon a v ;Zoe.. ......... 4. . v.. . Bat (Waken Souf with 'sTobdlea Free with J . vv-;,.,,-,: if OhlokenCaickea Salad .arMfc atsyoav i i sales Pressing ......... , . .20 . , BolUd Mackerel with Brawn Butter ,...t....A.aaw am i Steejned ZJrtle Jfeck Olams OUm aaaXUoa with Toast........ 1B Boiled Ox Tomgue, Spanish Saoe.20 Ohloksn Pot FU with BamUage..3S taffed Ban Feppem SO Braised Ox VaOa, a Uraola... .,204 sort Bias Beef, wast Fetatoea. .20 Barsut of Ohlokea Oihleta wltk ."( ;ioa Timblea ,,....,....v....20 Xalf Sprlag Oaiekea ea Toast... 40 ktpagmetU wtth OaeeseJ XtalUeane.154 Beaama Fritters, With wise sause.lS ' Bids Order Baa ana Fritters ........ 5 Boaat Ohlchea with Breestag'.... .2Se) Boeat Teal 15, Beef 15e Fork. 15 Boaae Spring Xuuaa, BOat Sanaa and ; ttreen Pea 20 rY T-rr-g s 'rcair xzsTAmsAsrr , Zephyr Contsatants Name- and H. Bennetts Portland third. . .... Last evening the marina parade took place. The flagship Heather led the procession, followed by air the boats in the harbor, whloh were gaily decorated with colored lights and Japanese lan terns. Tha parade started at tha Union IS If and Sorenson baa &, ex-Judge Sweek. No technicality that might mean re versal tn ease'bf conviction has been overlooked, nd frequent argument over l points baa Caused much -delay, but ror all this, oaunsel for the government haw fourht tnMr way tbrougn tha run- gla .much, .aoeoer than they expected -when tha.-trlat-beganr -As an svldenoa or the magnitude of the oaea It needs only to'br mentioned' that the prosecu tion - baa already -called, half at hundred Witneseer ana ui in wxaeuy-'Ti iou mentary axhibtt. v Wkal xnamtntent TJaaxrea ; . The' , indictment charaei '-consDlracv to j defraud . the United Btatea out loft lOO.tOO. acres of public lands and Senator John H. Mitchell, Congressman Binger Hermann and Congressman J. N. Williamson aa eonsptratora awll as Maya, Jonea and Sorenson. - Mitch ell la dead, Hermann la to be tried alone, and Williamson will not be tried at all unless bis appeal in- a ease In which be was . convicted last year - shall prove vnceessxui. t nrs leaves only me trio now facing a Jury, In tha federal court but of course, all six1 figure tn ths tes timony. ; , ' . .. .... Jc' In -brief ths alleged conspiracy boa slated l fraudulently acquiring prae tlcally worthless school lands from the state and seeking to get these lands Included tn oj forest reserve In order that they might be used, as base In scrlpplng valuabiei tlrabr-Mands owned by tha federal government, outside the reserve. Exposure oavsed- tha conspiracy to fall, but' this, did not- 'save the alleged of fenders from Indictment . . .... ' Among-Jbe many things brought cut y , ertdtne thus , far Introduced . are the following: r That in 101 Binger Hermann 1 then t commissioner-of tha genera) land of flee, .Instructed Captain Salmon. B. Orrtisby, then forest super lntendenf. to Report on a proposed Bins mountain . forest reierve; - that State Senator .Mays and the late H. A. Smith furnished- Ormsby' with a map of tha proposed reserve ' which he took with him when-ha went into the Blue moun tain country to Investigate; that Mays, Smith and Willard N. Jones at that time hMd' school lands within the boua. darlea -aa - shown - by that map: that May. and Bmlta engaged County Clerk King of Malheur county to supervise the circulation ef petitions for ths cre ation of the reserve: that Ormsbv on, hU return reported to Mays: that Orrae- ay accepted a Drib of two sections of school Und from Maya; , that Oaorg Sorenson and otbfrs by ' the use of money furnished- by j- Jones Induoed many persons to make application to purchsee school lands and at the same time affix their signature to a blank as signment: that theee, fraudulent an. plications were used ta acquire more land within the proposed boundaries of the reserve;, that Daniel W. Tarpley and Horace O.- McKtnley. who learned ef the game and gathored-enougn ap plications and assignments to acquire iT.suo acres or school land In the chosen territory, were rebuked by: Mays for "butting in"; that Ormeby'e official report waa Influenced , by Mays' bribe; that Commit sloner Hermann s recom mendation for withdrawal of lands for the purpose of creating a reserve In cluded all the fraudulently acquired school sections: that Congressman Wil liamson, working with James A, Sogga, UIUII I Leading the Race. Photo by Woodfield; Astoria. Jockeying for a Start Photo by Woodfield, Aatoria. ' cannery dock and steamed past the grandstand. , where Queen Esther and suits reviewed . tha spectacle, . For the beet decorated steamer the flagship Heather, - Admiral ,, Hammerstram.. waa granted first prise. In the launch class. Pilot Captain Keating, waa awarded the winning prise. y. gathered "- applloatlona " to pa'ronaa school lands and when beaten ia a race for. the state land office by Sorenson shortly before tha withdrawal took land Just outside the boundaries and recommended an addition to tha reserve; that elUsena whs protested' agatnet the reserve were told by Senator Mitchell uiat- resident Hooeeven waa behina tha project; that written protesta signed by .numerous oltlsen of Baker and near-by counties .were presented to Congressman Williamson and that Wil liamson kept them In .his possession for nearly a year before tie forwarded them to the -.general land offloe. : ' ehreaa- Aaaeaat . ef Tasslaaasiiy . 4 Aad that is not all, for the tesU mony In the case la almost aa volumi nous aa tha Encyclopedia Brlttanlca. The government has gone Into every de tail or the. alleged, conspiracy and 'a column of typo would not suffice for even a brief summary of what each' wit ness torn under oath, r ' Much of the testimony yesterday ro tated 0 'Congressman Williamson's con nection with the conspiracy. State Land Agent Oswsld West waa recalled, to Identify; the slgnatura to letters written by James A. Boggs of Prlnevlll to M. t Chamberlain, while ' the latter was clerk of the state land board. These letters revealed that Bogga and-Will lam son were partners. In acquiring soheoi-lands. One communication closed as follows it "Hoping thf Republican ticket ' will win, I remain yours truly. jamas a. Boggs.-'.." ....: BvUsaoa That la Bxpectod. Froseoutor Heney announced that he expected to prove that Williamson bor rowed $1,000 from the PrlnevUle bank In order to take a flyer In school lands that ha believed would be Included In tha Blue mountain, reserve. . Evidence to thla effect la expected Tuesday. - Irvla lUttenhouse -of the 'general land offloe, at present private secretary to Bpeelal v Assiatant' -Attorney General Heney, testified that' tha petitions nro- teatlng -against .tha Blue mountain- re serve Introduced- In evidence by the gov ernment, were part of the records of the general land office. ' The protests had been forwarded with abetter from-Williamson, dated, early, in. November lfOt, which; ws about a year aftar ther were turned oyer! to him-. - When, the govern ment 'sosght to -prove the data at the receipt. or the protests by ths date stamp of: tha sonars! land offloe tha da ft nee ',ob)ectied,i declaring that under tha oppi siituuon may .must ce conrronteol oy thg nvMir.who-didrthe. stamping la" order that they might cross-examine him. As Rlttenhouee. did ' not - operate the data stamp,' Vie objection . raised a pretty question of law. and tha court decided to defer 'decision until Tuesday, thus glv-j ins m bcbdi a imnof iv uig up sutnor tuea . ..v ;' Other witnesses of the late afternoon were Edward Wv Mueller, a member of the protesting delegation of eltlsens that called on Senator Mitchell, and O. H. Cattenacb. a Canyon City attorney who took an active part in getting, up. pro tests against the reserve. . i ; T Four dead men figured Id yesterday testimony, Besides Senator Mitchell and H.' A. Smith. tha list ef the departed Inoluded F. F. Morey, who protested against the reserve, and M. I Chamber lain, who waa clerk of thestate land board at the time tha alleged conspira tor made their large purchases. Jams Boggs, whose letters to Chamberlain were put In evidence, may also be dead. When last heard of by the government. which waa a year ago, ne waa reported to be dying of consumption In Los An geles, ..' I . :- ' Chstp Rttss East. On September I and 11 the Caned Ian Faclflo will sell, rouad,' trip tickets to eastern , terminals-at very low rates. TlckeU good for stop-overs with privi lege of returning aasa Una or via any direct line. It will cost you no more to travel via "The Great Soenle Routs. " Double dally train service and tha best ef everything. For full particulare call en er addrees F. K. Johnson, F. A F.A, reruaaav Oregon c ft . At ths conclusion of ths marina dis play a reception waa held at the resi dence of Admiral Kuettner, on Bzchange street The admiral and Queen Eather received..-. Officers of the Italian cruiser Dogali ware In attendance, aa were also the officers of tha -regatta and prom inent citizens of Astoria, v .. - BAD MAN AT TENDER AGE (Coatinued from Fage One.) the lade were subjected to a severe examination, and -fjnally broke down and confeeied. ' Both wore new knickerbockers and admitted etealing the garments from in front of a. First tfeet'.clothinsT store yesterday after noon..,' They acknowledged beingthe boyi who atoie Mrs. fcvhelton a purer and admitted' being guilty of aix sim ilar Crimea, during the past teven day.' - ' f Study ;.ln Criminology. ' ; - Diminutive in stature, for, hie age, a face oft childish. -innocence and big bine lustrous iea that betoken any thing bat the 'criminal, little 'Alfred Hansen'-it indeed a ettidv.' Dcsnitr hie acknowledgement of wrong-doing,; coveting (cwuu ui avcr stx pionins, one. la attracted by iiis ncrtonalitv Vtnd the. impreasiomi conveyed that under tne eurtace there is an Immense amonnfof good in the' child. " Taughr to steal by an elder' brother when still. ra babyhood,. and, ' accord ing, tp Jiis statement, . brutally mal-. treated by - hie tire.' in tha natural! evolution of the boy his criminal ten dencies were developed far beyond hit immature yeare. "I know that I have been a very bad boy." he tearfully declares, "and there ia no punishment too great for me- 'l am sure if I am put in the Aid- eociety's home I will neter do wrong again." . y 1 ' l ' ( - ai. w vt'' ' '-1 , . . .Bra Awaj s-ioio nogiB, . ... i , " TfLlt 1 I.' . '..?.! j'uuuwiuk an assault on nun dv nis father with an ax handle last Octo ber!, the boy ran awav from his home on the Silverton road near Salem and went to Hamtburflr. Oregon. Thare a secured a position with Dr.' Dale, o took a great fancy to the child and tent him to school. For, six month i he led an exemplary, life un til he heard that hii pater intended to compel'-him to return home." Then he repaid the benevolence and' charity of hit employer by etealing $20 and disappearing. ,; ' .....Tr'-- From: Harriabutg h went; to Al bany and then to this city, arfivinor hefe' in April. He ttatei that he' sold papers and blackened rhoes untiHui arrival of Nome - St Rowe 'a circus, when he decided to follow the show. He got no farther than-PendlstonJ when he was arretted by the police, but subsequently turned loose. Walla Walla was his next -ttooDtnsr place. where he remained for two-months shining shoes and picking strawber ries,' but according to his declaration not engaging in any criminal opera tions. He returned to this city and struck ' up an acquaintance with Knapp. The two lads became fast friends and the only theft they will admit to.aa having been committed at that time the purloining of some clothing from a First street store. , Meets aa AooompUoe. , -While here Hansen feU In with Earl Hetgly.-wKo la wanted here by tha au thorities for-having eaoaped from the detention ' home Helgly .. and Hansen next went to Tscoma, and while ther robbed a bakery, till of 12.60. '.The olub-, house, in tha ball pern offered, great Inducement and Hanson stole a pair of trousers of oae of the ball playera from a looker, securing a considerable amount of money from the pookete, Seattle was the next city -In" their, itinerary, .and while in the sound city they, robbed a number of rooms. They followed the 1 .i r ' t . - ., i .: . :i T- Fall Dress Fabrics Special Price ; ? t 1 '. r New Scotch Fields for fall ' and winter wear, all. the standard color combinations, as., well . aa eeveral new, effects: choice. ... tj during Opening Sale at, per yard..... ePIeXCy 46-inch Panama Plaids -a promising fabric for stylish fall and winter gowns all the newest colorings; regular 1 1.50 value; 'Cf OS Opening Sale price, per yard ,PleXi7 45-inch Cheviot Plaids all clang represented in this line one of the leading weaves fqr fall and winter; regular S1.50 value; - .: tfl )C Opening Sale price, per yard. 56-inch Gray Plaids Some very pretty combma tions in this cloth light and dark shades, very stylish for coats and suits; - . i (lJn $1.25 value;. Opening Sale price.. ;w..yw 56-inch Mixed Twaeds Just the thing for suits" and coats a choice selection -of new standard effects; standard $1.50 value; our ; Cl fif Opening". Sale price, per yafd..."...aPlVr 44-inch Blue Black' Voile, an exceptionally fine fabric; guaranteed fast dye and easily worth $1.00 a yard; special for Opening c --. tljn gale,' at, per yard.. ..... J T W ' ,- ' ' '"" " '"" - ' M New Hannelettcs 28-lnch Flannelette Best grade new fall patterns, the regular I2ytc kind; epacial for,w Q Tuesday and' Wednesdsy.. . V 36-inch FlannelettesIn pretty floral and Oriental designs, the kind that sells regular- , ly at lie yard; special.,, a aVW 36-inch . Roxbora Flannels A fine heavy fabric for kimonos, iota natterna: res:- t lar 18c gfde;r special., .i Ily Extra Superfine Arnold Flannel ettes 36 inches' wide, exquisite - Visit Our Suit, Department " New Suit and Coats for fall and winter wear are now on display In odr Suitroom.' We dare say- no ether atore in town haa a better selected' stock. Come in any time and we will be more than glad to how what's new and stylish for the coming; season.- SUITS, f 15 to 35. COATS, r.50 to 50. THE ' BEST MAIL r bRDER " HOUSE; SEND FOR SAMPLES i rorepansh V Sells circus st this point, and visited Spokane, Belllnghatn, Cen tralis and Tacoma. At Taooma Htlsly and Hansen had a dlsaa-reement and the partnersnlp was dissolved.. ' ' Hansen finally landed again In Port land and sought to sain a livelihood by the sal of lemonade. ' This business was not lucrative, and last Thursday he unat. Knapp.- They .selected .the -syace under the .-Fine, streev aoca as meir headauartera.' i , v x .o.nandereaV tha afonsy. ?, Then commenced their thievery, and until tonlaht they escaped detection and arrest. - - The money secured from the twn purses stolen In the City park they squandered at the Oiks aad for confec tionery. . After stealln the trousers last nlsht rhsy went AO the dock and discarded their old apparel for tha new knickerbockers. Tha purs stolen from Mr. Sbelton contained a gold watcn ana, which waa found on the prison era, The satchel they dropped under tha wharf, and the policemen will search for thla today. ' . . Knapp senior visited police headquar ters last evening to notify, the authori ties that his son had been missing since last Thursday, and found his child al ready in custody. The father was great ly grieved ever the plight of his son and declared that this wss the flrat time he - had been In trouble. Toung Knapp claim to have been led lata evil ways by .his' ycinger cempsnlon, but this is not believed by, tha polios. He confessed to having participated In a burglary of a residence In the Nob Hill district ' two' montns sgo witn can Helghlr. At that time he acted, a the lookout but denies receiving any of tha plunder. .'-.. Jodre fvaser was Informed ef the arrests by Inspector Bruin, and In view of the character of the offenses ordered that the twa boys should be placed in the custody ef Matron Simmon at ths ' faur showing of Dress' Goods and Silks for Fall - snd Winter is now ' complets and ready for your 'inspecUot-Evcry . stylish weave snd ' ' color for Fall ia to be found In' this grand collection-e-Wc htvs s'rtpu ; tation that is state'-wids for carrying the Finest 'Dress 'Goods and ; Silks to be found anywhere Careful choosing and expert knowledge v of this branch of .the business gives you the best fabrics at the) lowest pogable prices -Read below for so me -Very special values-Opening ' Sale starts Tuesday morningOut-of-town orders;' will -receive our prompt nd careful attention and be filled at these prices for 2 days only.'. 'v .- - 7-Four Curtain Specials; French Madras Curtains 3 yda long, fringed ends, several dif ferent colored cross v QQ -stripes; $1.50 value; sale.. OC French Madras Curtains 3 yds. long.-extra heavy fringed ends; regular $175 value : d ')' for 2 days only i . . . .".V. ? I I Corded Arabian Curtains 3 yds. long, several different patterns; a regular $2.50 value C I 7 C special ............. I O Ruffled Swiss ,Curtalns-Fancy stripe patterns, 3 yards long; ex tra wide;, regular $1.50 . QCv value;- special, pair.i..,.. v j ...... CORNER THIRD AND. MORRISON STS. . :.. 1 ' . -,- - ' 'vtH ... '.' city prison, aa it was feared they might make their escape from the detention home. The cases will be heard in the Juvenile court on Tuesday. Soren Han sen, tha father of the child, will . no doubt be called to explain his alleged brutality. , . , . PAYS THOUSAND DOLLARS L . DUTIES ON NEW DRESSES (Special Dieeateh ty Leased Wire ta The learaal) Nsw Tork, Sept. 1. It waa learned today that Mrs.- Charles - W. Dodge Morse, wife ef the former loe king, who arrived yesterday on .ths French line steamer La Provence, caused the, cus toms Inspectors considerable trouble, and her baggage held for Inspection for her failure to declare a large quarttlty of dreea goods, gloves snd silk hosiery as dutiable. : v . . " v ' "; ' 1 . The material was released after a protest to her husband, and a sum said to be more than 11,000 had been paid the appraisers of the port Nona of the officials in charge of the Inspection of the baggage of Mrs. Morse would talk of tha matter today. ' It waa announced that perhaps a mistake had occurred and that the Incident waa closed. take TARiwrrs gsrmf theSsnmersMfithsteke tha n-ne-h .:. hynJ fare.- A tefrsefalng fferewes inmlnf m.' c Iinirr. PRiciCLV isav, ::r: sadetherarrWatlBSlatroiiM i. Tker teeMhnt 1 T t r S f -i t . j BTtce. !"'Tr''',''r"1, New Fall Sillcs Special Prices 19-Inch Black 'Taffeta Silk Warranted all pure ilk, guaranteed to give good wear;, regular 75c grade; special - ' ,: , tZfln Opening Sale price, per yard.. uUt Colored Taffeta Silks, inall the fashionable shades for fall. We have sold this, very ailk at 85c a yard: special for our ...-. Clr Opening Sale, per yard.................UUU 26-inch Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk A atan d- I ard $1.00 value all over the world. During our Opening sale we will sell this ; "JfZn silk at, per yard ..,...,'.....,UU 36-inch Imported Black Taffeta Silk Guaran teed to wear; all, pure silk a good $1.25 value; special during our Opening Qj;. Sale at, per yard.-.'. . ..... ........ ...Ouw 20-inch Black Taffeta Silk Warranted all pure silk1 a splendid wearing quality and worth 85c a yard; special for our VOr Opening Sale, per yard. f..?;. ....... ..UVC 20-inch Black Pe'au de Sole Guaranteed fast col or and all pure silk a regular $1.00 grade; spe cial daring our Opening . . . Sale, Pjtr yard.. ...... ..,.,,..... ... I i Vihite Wool Blankets , Fine White Wool Blankets Full 10-4 size: standard $4.50 value, special tor ' 2 ,5 C 2 days at, per pair..,:. i0.00 Extra Heavy White Wool Blan ketsFull 11-4 size, pink, red and blue borders; our. pQ QC reg. $5.50 grade; sale., ?0.yO White Wool ' Blankets Extra heavy grade wool, large and heavy; standard $8 . ' CC CA value;, special, pair.'i. PUeoU Cotton ' Sheet .Blankets Extra large, white and gray;, best 85c grade; special Tuesday : r aad iWednesday,- pair.-.;-. Uit V- THE BEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE . "My wife paid a certain amount to ti t customs officers after they had com municated with her," said Mr. Morse I i his offices 'at the National Bank of North America,'. It waa all a anlstalt . Some of the goods were seised. Ti trouble waa the result of a slight mis calculation liable to occur any day." WASCO COUNTY CROP EXCEED EXPECTATION , .. i i , , . . Tha Dalles, Or, Sept J. The bet report from the .present harvest i given by Mr. R. O. Brooks. wbi threshed 1,80 bushels ef grain front acres... Ills farm is located about seven miles south ef Ths Dalles. The fall-sown grain waa not dama""t by tha March frost, and thla is the re sult Reports from other portion of the county, where threehlng I com pleted, are not 'discouraging and Wi i county will still have costlier able wheat for the export trade. " , . , . Cannot Sell Bonds. Besttle, Sept 1. fWttle snn4 w not eell beraute of the mni -' ownership fight. Ther were do t... the psrk bonds. SELTZER vrif:::;.T, i 1 1 i i I