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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
THE OliEGOI! CUNDAY . JOURNAL', PORTLAND.. SUNDAY" MOSNIITO. EIMi: 1 ere- : CATCH OFF SARTA CA7AUNA Howard Charlton, Ura, Charlton, the Fisherman, Mr. Charhon, and tha Catch. When It comes to telling fish storle. A. D. Charlton, general passenger agent -f m KorthertTincanroadTIs' en titled to enter the chsmplonshlp olass, not only, en hit own effort In the pisca torial line, but because of the Charlton family big catch off Santa Catallna Island. . .., . Mr. and Mrs. Charlton, accompanied by their son, Howard C. Charlton, pulled out 14 fish of the albacor and sktpjsck famUiea In one day's sport, ' Mr. Chart- HOT LAKE RESORT TO BE GREATLY IMPROVED (Bseefcl Masetek ts The Joereal) -; Rot Lake, Or, Bept- 1. Tho new big addition to the sanatorium at this place la being constructed at a rapid rati, 1,000,000 bricks having- already been plaoed la the walls and this only half the amount required. . Oeorge . Krelger of La Orande supplied the first .million. The remainder of the brick will be shipped from Weston. ' - The Sanatorium company has ''de veloped a fine spring of cold water a short distance west of the lake end the rresent flow Is C0.00Q gallons per dan which Is sufficient for all purposes.--As electric motor will be Installed to force water from the spring throughout the nanatorlum snd It Is th Intention to have every room supplied with bot snd cold water, snd lights snd telephones as well. - -...-''.:.;....,.:;. ton- esught six, Howard seven and Mr. Charlton one. -' - ' Tha party .has Just-returned--from-a two-weeks' vialt in California and while in Lok -Angeles could not resist the pleasure of fishing in the most-famous fishing grounds in the world Santa Catallna inland, where tho big tunas sre esught. They were accompanied by M Walker, a famous deep-sea fisherman. An entire day was . devoted to the sport.. -X small boat conveyed the party to s place shout 11 miles from the island. I ', , . - ;., -' i i Howard caught the big fellow hang ing third from the lert la the 'top-row. The fish weighed Jihi pounds and meas ured more than three feet long. Hs was fought gamely for II minute end in that time pulled out the young fisher man" lln seven times. Seven of th fish weigh more than 10 pounds eaoh snd required from to to II minute to land. The smaller fish weighed front to IH pound and require from 10. to It minutes in ths landing. v" J ARTICLES. Fl LED WITH - SECRETARY DUNBAR - fSpeeUI Dweete Ike JearsaLt . Salem, Or.,. Sept. 1. Articles of in corporation for th following companies were filed today in the office of th secretary of state: - Oregon Spray aVOaa company of Port land; incorporators, F. A. Piaster, R. A. Lambarson and M.UlrMurdook; capital stock. 131,000. . , Beaver Stat Hotel Supply company of Portland; incorporators.. J. W. Thompson, XL. E. Aldrtch ' snd lY If. Henderson; capital stock, tlO.000. - Portland Paint dt Paper cotnpanyr in corporators,-T. El. Brags, O. C. Hugh eon snd Frank 8. Bennett .""eapttan tOck, . : .. Barrett Manufacturers Agency., of Portland; Incorporators, Edna O'Connor, J. F. Barrett and R. W. Wilbur; capital stock, $5,000. BAKER MEN TO ATTEND ! 'y, BIG MINING CONGRESS ' - ("ptcUI Dlapateh te Tee JoonaU I .'. ": ' Baker City, Or.. Sept; X Oovernor Chamberlain ha appointed the. follow ing Baker mining men as delegate to h American Mining '. congress, which will meet 4a Denver. October-lt6"lt: Orst Thornburg. Granite; Colonel James H. Panting. S. H. Hendrix, Al Oelser, F. S. Bailie, Arthur Buokbee, Baker City; F. T. Fuller, Bumpter; - Emll .. Melser, Bourn. . - : - .'. -, X Brand Delegate. "fBpeeial tnspeteh te The Journal.) ' La Grande, Or., Sept. J.-T.he follow?, lng persons havs been appointed by the La Qrand , Commercial club a dels gates to th national irrigation conven tion, whioh convenes in Botee, Monday: L. Oldenberg. J. R. Price. William Hall, E. Z.. Carbine and Al Good. - E3IEE5 ACCEPT 'SHOT ty::xEr.Ys ticket - p. U-r--- . - :;'"' 'V Thar WI!f Bs'Harmony In Re- "publlcan Ranks t Coming i - . Primary EUctiQnV Walla Walls WashV Pt'T Unless ths Boxer show mort activity the nest two weeks than i-oy have the past, two there will not be much of a flght in the DMiiitiliA.,' Mmnltf rnnventloa Seotem- ber I. The Bosers say. they are not going to. fifni- senaior unjr latlv ticket and It begin to look a If they are gotng to make their word good. . xn.r sin anduvor to bumn Representative Rudlo of th Thirteenth district orf tae-KepuDuoan. ucavi ,uui .n 4,k it r ' Rrvann. a nromlnent Walla .Walla attorney, .who candidacy Kaa hM, inlulllllMi but BS Mr. BlTSOn Is a staunch Ankeny men the- aenster s legislative ticket will oe ssre even it Rudlo should happen to lose out la the convention.. -. i ,. '" s -' -' . Tk. ..I. kMmi th Ankanv wins' snd th Bosers will clash over will probably be the auaitorsnip ana pramoum vt torney's ofAca" Otto B.. Ropp, one or the leaders of the Bojter crowd "and a well-known .attorney,, is tne uoxer can AiAmtM nt nwirn T Thomoson will probably be the Ankeny candidate. Alvah Brown, present chief of polloe, m k, th.' Amndldate for audi tor against R. J. Berrymen, present county assessor . tesuer. or. me Ankeny forces,,.,.. i,- A nasty fight ha developed fnth ASasa.a vnvj w ------- - - . - - sheriff and considerable lilt eellng is being cngenaerea. Jim xiaviwna. present chief deputy under Sheriff Painter. is a Candidate. , and - County rnmnininiiH UrTHi is i also belns pushed forward as a candidate by th cornweit racuon. - ! So-far- - bo - oppeoitlon has developed against Treasurer Hawley, Clerk Etorsey xiiii : iinpntanitiint Hond. ' Walter Cadman for assessor,' O. A. Winkle for urvyor.-Nels-Psteisofi for constsoie, or J. jr. Huffman for Justlc of the mmaa HM.Rmliri Mvlns thtV.dll Mt ear to oppose the present. Incumbent a RETURNS FROM EUROPE I sop artadia oa B. OanoD, f Stoat. - Will 'A Jetter" baa just bee received dated from Pari from Mrs Emma B. Carroll, th paoralnent muslo teacher rof . this city, stating that she will return to ber home in thl city to commence her win ter's work about October, t. - This will be welcome new te her many friends and pupil throughout the northwest. Mrs. Carroll ' stands pre eminently beforethe musical public and la - recognised a on or tn roremost teaebers la th northweet, a feature or her work being the various recitals siren fTom trme "to time by her pupils la order to overcome nervousness, -a. Mrs. Carroll employs ' th - modern Leschetlsky method and pupil ' antici pating th study of muslo can arrange for classes th Srt of next month. Card f haJta.-:v''';'', tI desire to sincerely thank my friends," including' member -of --the r order of Artisans and Foresters, for their sym pathy, and kindness - to 'm' in my be reavement a the result of the death of my husband. . v J . (Signed) - MRS. M. J. BARBER. i rREacxxTTTOsTS uun fob Am Mimim WXTROV BXTBA CMABOa. .. H moil Totm nwo'wAiTi to nmri bx CUkua li. wiu bo tii ajcax. 3 Are your veins swollen? Do you have weakness of th Joint t 1 :.. .x ,JLjl ill-A ' :ti. 1 uur Dun Elastic Hose I . X ' j 1 ts. a. certain and . easy cui. 'Overcomes ' strains, : sprains and weakness, ' ' '' Knit in F i On 'our own looms and every thread guaranteed' to fit, Send for measurement blank and prlc list. , ' Trusses That BO Style to Select from,' fcsdy Atteadaata. . . -v . Absolut Satlsf aotloa .V-r v ' .- Baaraatsed. ' - . Come in and' Ulk It over with on af our pclalit they will tel) you axactly what you need. ' ' ' - Wl nu OB BRVT OXVTCXSS AJrP SBTAXOS Stationery. Savings Keg. Special. Eaton-Hurlbut Old Madrid Box Paper.... 60c 39a Hurd's Soils Da mssse Box Paper. ..... i, ' 40o " 31f -Scotch Raglan Eaton-HnrtOut 3ox-paperreoo 88 Dennlson'sCrep Shelf Papef, all color,-.- " Toll . ; , .V-.'.-.v.c i;v. ...... .'i. V i. . 10 -" ; '8 Dennleon's Paper Napkins, decorated. Pr'i' ' ' ,'' 100 . .....'.i.'v... lOo . - 19 f End Una Crop Paper. -assorted color. . loo- '" Tf . Competitor , Fountain Pen . y. , . J . r.TTtl.00" ;i-" TOf Rubber Department ' . Our Rubber Department Is ' very complet xpri-; enced salesladies who know how. to wait-on: you. In attendance. All rubber purchase guaranteed' for -one .year...,." "'.";. . , .r,j, , Reg. Special. Woodlark Cloth-Isjerted Foantala Syrlag, , - 1 quart. ...s...,....,".:...-....i.ij.,,.f'' f 1.T3 Hot-Water Bottle, white rubber,, a q. t o B3 Fountain Syringe, white rubber. I V. Iv.ll.zl --ii S4 Finger Cots, robber, for hopplckers. .efca.'. ..f 3f Jer Rubbers, white, dosen, . .. . .,.4 j-jkv: Cut Glass Specials Reg. Special. Nappies. Trojan cut i ......... . .$8.oo. S2.40 Sugar snd. Creamer, Csnton cut ..,.l.7i S3.00 Spoon. Trays, Regent cut ; ... ........ 11. t 111.80 Celery Trays, Stanford cut ....... ..t...t J US.20 Trojan Bowls . ,."..'.i..e'T.M '116.00 Waldorf Vases. 11-lnch ...... .......$ U6.80 Watsr Jugs-.'Buss cut v$t-ll II5.20 Cplonial. Whlakey Glasses, set of .t....$I.tS $2.13 . ; . a&OSST OTXO POST AX 8. Something New, dosen : ..;;.;. 4f..rrm Prescriptions ,. . -r ' ' 1 f I . . ' '"We devote -extreme care, snd use the knowledge gained in 50 years experience, in aelectlng our stock of drug and chemlcale. When life and health are at atake no. chances can be taken on having Inferior drugs enter Into th composition of your medicines Orad- ' uates and licentiates in 'Pharmacy give their time and attention exclusively to this work. . .... . " W4 pffer no bargains at our Prescription Counter, -but make our prices as low as ts consistent with excel lent servloe and lower than most stores, because w have, greater facilities and 'buy, our supplies In enor mous quantities. j ,. . . . "Voodhrk" Olive Oil. ' " ' Expressed from selected olive from - th great orchard of California Delicious snd healthful. Olive Oil Is rapidly becoming a prim article of food, and when used as such, proves a corrective for many all -meats, v.- r.....'1 f - ..... .. , ... : A thousand dollar guarantee Insures our oil to be 100 per cent pure.' w-'. . ,. , ; - . ' Pints I....,.....:....,..,......... . . .50 Quarts. 8S Gallon .. ....i... 3.60 Hilton's Halt Extract Will be found en InrVeluabl remedy for ailment of th chest and lungs, Dyspepsia and all wasting and debilitating diseases. It IS especially indicated in con valescence, general debility of nursing mothers, loss of appetite and in insomnia. . . , . - . , . . tto bottle, dosea .f 3.50 . With. Ppto-MDganate of Iron. , I5o. bottle, dosen ............................. .$3.60 Sihipilex Typewriter Oct your child a Simplex Typewriter; a perfect writing - machine, does as - good- worka a - more expensive ; on. . 3 8TTLES. ALL GOOD. . . . .Wi-OO, BOaO, &N :!i PyrograiphicVuififrS ; With- all th latest, improv. . " '' ' ' 1 ; ' v . ' mnt. .. . . . .$1.50 $3.25, $2.50, - $4.50 i Photo Department Everything pho- togrsphto w 11 U be found in this ' Sepertmenf AH ' th latest chera-. leal and ap pliance used developing : and printing .always In atochv---Wa are exclusive agents for the celebrated Aneco -Cameras and An sco Non-Curling Films,' Seneca Cameras and sundries, Lumler Plate and Cook. Lenses. A large stock of Bausch Lomb, Dallmeyer'g and Goers Lenses always' on band. ,'- -' -s ' ' . v : ' ,': ' - .'f-.. --: - ' " mOSOL' -i-;',-'u.--:- A single Solution Developer, for Plates, Film and Paper,, bottle . .250s " "Woodlark" Ooatklaed Toning aa4 Fixing Bath. For 40 year tha standard of exceUence, eUll In the , lead v ..i.iT7.-.,.i...i ...25 and SO) "."' .- . W Bwralop atU Frfort . . And' 'do It right only kjlled workmen employed who thorouxhly understand, all branches of this work. Bring Jdvss your films and plates-r-perfect work guaranteed. , ' v . . . . i j ' ', f ,.; i ... .,. , ' . ... i -i.;i.,:.:-;. Vy "'r-:;X7-'-r-:: r y ? --..;''.'' ' '. J,::.--'.'- :u.i-: i-r r " I - v ' .' s .:'''; ' '.,1 i;- ' J '. . . : mm mm mm m ' - m s a TTic Final Days y w w ; Great Removal Sale This money sa ving event I will cloaV in' U about a weelcIt has been most succesa-l' ful furniture sale. "We have reduced hun- , dreda of pieces from. 10 to 60 per cent We . still have thousands of dollars worth of ;44atnfigt artistic Furniture' c ; every?room In the house in amply wide, riwtsal f V rrvsa V .!-.. TH.I. t a. ' varieties at great savings. This Uit week of this Removal Sale should be turned to the fullest advaffliges. Heire la Furniture for all living-rooms " of home, hotel club or apartment house, '- If you see - what you want here, buy it promptly. . It's money saving." By all means buy it this week.' Here are three representative items: : ; " -1 ::'.. V-V. v r'--r ,.This fine Bed with brass knobs, our best style bed made; v,. . -This Beautiful and Artistic Designed Bed; worth. $9.50.' ., worth $7.00. . This week. ..... ..3.7S - -This week 1 - reek .v.;. 4;:;.v, ;vi;..;.;;;;.f4.75 '"' K . w :s v"1.-' ' rr "t - ir -v -- All goods will be Greatly Re'dubed' oh account of not wahtiri? to move them to oiir neW A V queers. Gom 1 -'S-1 - i! - - " ? ' ''. , ':- i y Our Famous -New Rival 6-hole Range, i . ' fully guaranteed or ; money, refunded ; . J i ' 1 worth $i0.00. This week. . . . . ,fS9.00 ; o CdJ inrxiKi LLrxJINJ