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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
:i guiiday jour.riAL, . rc-TLA::p. Sunday i:c::::i:io, septlmlzr 2, 10 lL.wJ j BUMMER RESORTS. Miwl subaortlere M Bad Hm1 ea Mi fti la. alia. la kuk ea4 a. part. A lHlf rir eelleery will fee mUsUIj4. Omar aireet tram ear tnaae euis' u4 he will ettaaa aroaajru W e -llrarv. LCkO SlaCH tenia Cokes, aeenti taeeeuaxvara at Iiwaee, Vea. TVI W 11 HllH fceatee. JAoibK SbD UkAKHAII AMlt W. aWhitmae. .ut keevdauarters ' ft Lewis Ce.'e erne state, t. ell M ee SZwrda AMD TA0.Tm- Kaxrv ptveikiea, sawe Seat OerveWa . limn raurae4, eeat, .. atae- fauwi el Hnxrt, Or, Delivery e ' 1 points ee the a.ioa 0T LaAE Hot teka lultoUa Oa scant. Hot Lake, Or. J CAaaoM, , WA8ij e.iaeral Syria Be tat Co.. era"1, QASOASS, VA8JL-4kWM aUffeta, aWviit. ' ootiiirt MnrxEAx aysnroa. will 0. C. Seieeet, aal. Oeiuae. I W. 1 conaHT't Airuirmarr. ....'Tfc Crisis" Lights of. TrlK" 'Tue IrUh Widow" Great Tamntalloe" NUw . "i! i grand .,.tjt,,,,,, ...... VesfleTma laker ....... Knplr.. .................. 1 L.Tiic.. ....... Iter ...."A ( H. yousrs unemployed look oner the Help Wanted sds Ja lis journal X. Moore, Prealden., Lytic, Tloe-Presiaea, - VT. Coopes Uorrta, Ceahiar. X. A. OnTM, AaaUWn Caahlet. CI iECTiXl JT. K. l'ooa, Tried, . B. X.ytl. K. A. - Bfeore, W. Ooorwr-MwnrU. County Clerk Frank 8. Field yeeter- day aubraltted a report to th county oourt contalnnlg comparative tate ment of the reoelpta and eapendlturee of :.' bla office for tha month of August for the lat six years. . The-report shows that tha elerk'a offlca nattaa tha county a profit of $1,114.41 laat month, aa In- cmw el naarly- l,06-ovr-pr(H aarnad In Aufuat last year. . Stnoa 1(01. the proflta from' tha olark'e off loa hava ahown a ttaady lncraaaa.. la Auguat, 101, tha oxpansca of tha elerk'a offloa xedd tha rocalpta by $I,IJ7.0. Tha toini rcainta hara Incraaaad from tl.m In August.. 1(01. to, tt.TSt.Uat months whiU tha aspenaea hara de- created from tJ.IOl la Autruat of 191 to ItlH laat month. . t-Lj t Ona of tha aootal areata; of the araah . kih trnil rlda and danoa alvan ' under tha auaploea of tha local oampa of ' tha woodmen of tha World on Friday. Arrangementa hara bean made for 10 .. atreetoara. which will aUrt from Seo- . nd and Morrison at p. m. sharp. o Ing up Washington to Sixteenth, north n Sixteenth to Thunnan, south, to Twenty-fourth, return to Twenty-third, South to .Waahinaton.- east to Third. south la SiorrUoa. to Nineteenth, return ---n Morrlsoa to .Third, north to steel Mdu and . -to St. Johns, wbera tha Tlanca will takepleea, AU be. eara-will , be decorated in tna Colors oi mo oraer , and tha outing will be tree to tna mam. . bershlp and Invited guaata. .,s Perfectly made, there's fashion and " ''etyle In our aulta. "We make any suit In " the atore to order for tie. No wore no leaa This la something no other firm In tha city will do. Xook our otock over before placing your order, uninga ana trimmlnri In all our garments are guar " antaed to gtvo enttra satisfaction.' Wa ahrtnk alt our woolens and soak our can- was and haircloth la water for 14 hours ' beforw they era put mto-onr garment which Wot only Ineurea long wear and -" durability.' but la a guarantee that eoata - will hoM their ahaoo. ' If TOu hava bees paying til for your suit, glva us a trial and aava lie- Unique Tailoring Co, lot : Stark near Sixth at. . Solemn aervlcea la honor of tha Knlahta of Columbus will be hold at St lawnnoi church this morning, r Aa ale bora to program of muslo has been arranged bv tha choir under -tna aireo . tton of Miss Kelly. A notable feature - will be tha orahaatral work of members of D'Urbano's Royal Italian band, who .will assist In tha rendition or cimaroaa s grand military masa. A march com- ajoaed hv Sianor DUrbano dedicated to tha Knights of Columbus will be siren at tha and of tha setrrcee. . Right Rev. P. J. Carroll, tha eloquent a. bishop of Montana, who la aa enthusiastic Knight, -; will deliver the sermon. . ' Tha Museum of Art will be open to tha nubllo on Monday from I o'clock un kit so that everyone may aaa tha prea ant collection. An exhibition of orig inal drawlna-s from tha Century Mmat sine company and the Arundel prints are still In the upper galleries. In gallery - A on the lower floor la a collection Of photographs of Rembrandt'a paintings and drawings. Tha museum Is open ; averv day from f until with a free ad , . mission Thursday and Saturday after- .', , poena. ., . . ..-. - a,. - , ' Todav closes tha work of Rev. O. B. Hwea at tha Ftrat United Fraabytarlan church. Sixth and Montgomery streets. Jla and hta family were at Sea view laat , - week the guests or Mr. w. i, msaasni . ramllT. at the Aioee eoiiaga. Anar " trln un tha Columbia they leae'for the nund. -where the will spend a few : cays, and then they will turn their faces i homeward. ,, . A attachment suit to recover till . from the Paeteurtsed Dairy - company was filed In tha circuit court yesterday afternoon by the Pelawal relry Bupply company. It is alleged mat mercnan- diss valued at m waa aoid wa oairy company by tha supply company, and that only 14 waa paid on the account, leaving ISJI unpaid. Attorneya Piatt A Piatt appeared for the DeLavaloom- Effective Sentember 1. atonoVera Will be allowed at ail polnta oa all elasses of tickets, oa roads eaat of Denver. The stopover will bo eubjeot to tna usual transit limit, if a. holder or a io-aay limited ticket : can make tha trip. In nine days ha will have tha option or atopplng 4ver. at any .point cat w, Any ticket, it la said, has a natural limit of 14 hours in exoeas oi ma run nina. time.. Weat of Denver the rail road a aa a whole hava not yet taken ac tion favorable to stopovers. : The Dank -Mrer at Rio Grande haa always granted alien stopover prlvllegea as those now granted by. the roads eaat or uenver. Sticklers for Quality" , INTEREST UOTICE If you are a depositor In the tavingi department of this, bank, we ahall credit interest, on your, account September L It will be your privilege to draw this interest on that date, or at any time after. that date, ;. But if you prefer to let the interest remain, you may do to, and it will bear interest the aame aa .your other deposits. ' ' X - -.. v - This is our fifth semi-annual payment of interest. . The bank will' be doatd on Monday for Labor Day. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank rr - PORTLAND, OR. T c i::lc:e;i e;:aci -aud:::,- j UUilliEUS" FILED LirL.aL U...0-L:aU.aU Tiny Tots Maks Crsst Hit by Produclns Fairy Play In . . . Opsn Air. . , . : - F RAUD CASES - Sellwood Election Defendants Ask Circuit Court to Dl- charge Them. Yesterday at tha Oaks tha fairy play of "Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp,' waa performed by children, under the rilraftlnai f Miaa Ada. Dow Curler. It cams near being like the plajrof "Ham- SAY ACTS CONSTITUTED let W1U1 uamiei Mil ouw as oaiav Owena. who was to take the part of Aladdin, was lata in arriving. .The ataao was set . la one of the SanTkep Will B. Heard by. Jud,. NO CRIME AGAINST LAW Sears aa . Prealdlna; . Judf a of the I .Circuit Court, Who May Follow His Previous Ruling. coming restive while waiting for the arrival of the juvenile leading jadyt The cast was as follows:, , . Aladdin, "Babe", Owens from tha Pan- tares: Sultan, Ernest Lyle; Princess, Baby Adele Banks of tha Baker atock comDanr : Widow, i Genevieve . Layna; Minister of State, Bonny Ownbay; Mus-I . yn.- Dt tha men Indicted for eon- tinha. Sam Ooldsteln; Maglolan, Flor-I aDira in tha aliased election frauds In snoa Parker; Oeni. Olga Johnson; Fao-1 Bellwood precinct hava asksd the clr- totum. isaaa uuui. cwrao . uisrv i nUlt court to declare mac me minn were malda In waiting to tha Princess, I they are accused of doing to tha eleo lords and attendants on tha Sultan, fan I tion were not enough to constitute a bearere, and coojiea "BaDe'- uwens orime. Tha attornsys for these 11 men made Aladdin a typical Chinese "Rip" declare that thev hava excellent legal and carrlod off tha laurels by her de- authority oa which to base this request, lightful acting. Baby Adele Banks was M4 My they are confidant their clients a charming diminutive golden haired, will be dlecharged by the court when it brown-eyed prlnoess. After tha play na thoroughly Investlgatedtha mat- Plorence Parker sangXlttla Boy Blua,' er , and Bella - Brandon, carrying a huge : The request waa mada formally yes pie, aang "Slug a Song of Sixpence." terday afternoon In the ahape of de- ana at me woros -wnen ma pia waa murrero to tha Indictments and by fil- opeaed tha Wrda hegaa f sing." a .eou- I in. theaa damurrera thev hava araln pla of live birds Ilew upward, to tha avoided the unplaaaaat task of Stating oeugni oi every ontia in mw auaienoe. 1 1. open eourt whether they are guilty i O. H. tamberson, secretary Of , the state board of . horticulture haa : writ- tan a letter to Richard Delch, county fruit Inspector, asking for contributes of fruit for tha display kept up oy cao Chamber of oommeroa. Mr. Lambaraon wrltea that very ilttle haa been dona In tha past two yaara to kaep up tha ex hibit and that It neede contributions bdly- Fruit li -a too -wan ted -for -the- Oladya . O'Connor sang "My Pretty Maid" and carried a reallstle looking milk pall' oa her head. One of the' bast numhera of the aft ernoon were the aongs by the Nord- atrom brothers. Youthful Bam Qold- ateln recited "If I Dared but I Daren't" and the whole company aang "Rock-a- Bya Baby" aa a finale. There will be or not guilty of doing the things charged agalnat " them. . No pleaa will be entered .until after tha damurrera hava bean saased upon by. tha court. Tha damurrera are baaed on the al legation that tha facta stated la the lndlctmenta arenot sufficient, to .con stitute a crime. They also object to the form of tha Indictments and allege a special performance of tha fairy play that they do not "substantially eoaform this afternoon and every , other after noon this week. filed In the circuit eourt yesterday aft ernoon by the district attorney. . They are . accused of advising and ertcour- visit disorderly houses In tha north and Qeprse JlMarUn, W .-tt 4lilHM Unlh admitted tn hall I aa to the reaulreraeats of chapter of title II of Bellinger Cotton's Anno tated Coda of the Oregoa Statutes. This chapter embraces all the atatutaa regarding the form of aa Indictment. Tea of the indicted men are repre sented by attorneya William T. Mulr murrera will bo anetalned oy tha court. thua having tha affect of declaring the indictmenta Invalid. , Wfll Argue Before Seara, Theaa demurrers will be argued ba in the aum of $100. ftraarnn Cltv Boata. Sunday trtna from Taylor street 1L:S0 a. m.. 1:1. p. Coma and. sea tha Clackamas rap- Ids. Tha trip la not excelled anywhere. I f ore Judge Bears aa presiding Judge of Round trip 5e.. . .. . , the circuit oourt , Wbea tha grand " ' - ; "., 1 ' I Jury had heard teatlmoay for soma Utue a. L. Oreag. tha senior member of I time the asked Judze Baara whether Gregg Broa.' real estate firm, haa gone crtalii acta conaUtuted violatlona of to Pecoo- Valley, New- Mealoorto-aloaaa the Uw. After considering the quea large irrigated . laad deal containing tlona Judge Sears, pronounced it his 1,000 acres. ' . : I opinion that they did, and, tna taaiot- WSTn.. ' Thla la one of the beat tlrrters aver aold. One might say It Is absolute perfection, and for a few i days we will make It an oblect for bwyere to carry ona In their pocket It la a pretty neat piece of workmanship. If anybody aake you. , . " The J. Hcltktmper Co. sse KoxmtsOaT r' ' Xewea-t . Prloed Jewelry Xoaso Oregon exhibit ; at tha Jaraee town expo altlon. Contributors ahould aend their hamea and addresses aa wall as the va riety of fruit You can have a altttng at our atudlo today at any time between the houre of 10 and I. Thla Is dona to please the busy ones of whom we find there are many and we pieaaa em so mat may are clad they hadn't tlma durina the busy hours of the week. Coma In today and let aa make you one of tha finest photoa you aver aaw. K. W. Moore, sikr build' Ing, Seventh gnd Stark. The Northern - Pacific Rail way com' pany will - hava Special . round trip ex eursloa tickets from Portland to points eaat oa sale Beptember a, 9 and 10. Call at the ticket office, 1(1 Morrison atreet corner Third. Portland, Oregon, for full particulars, or address A. D Charlton, assistant general paasenger agent above address, and detailed Information will be glvea you. -- . , Artlclea of Incorporation i . of thai Oregon Spray A Oaa company were filed in tha office of tha county clerk! yesterday afternoon by P. A. Fraaler, J R. A. Xambersoa and Miller Murdoch. They will manufacture and aell apraya, apray pumps, fertilisers, carbonic acid gaa. stock and poultry foods. Capital, atock, Ili.OOa. ,., .-. . ,. , . . The United Statee civil service com mlsslon announces that tha regular an- j nual examlnatlona for the positions of clerk and carrier la tha Portland post off lea will bo held ' on November 11. Persona who . desire to compete ahould at enoe apply to Z. A. Leigh,, local secretary at tha poatof noa. . Water through' aoaa for sprinkling yards or aldewalka, or washing porches or windows, must bo paid for la advance and used only between the hours of and I a. m. and I and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully, it will be shut iff, ( ; Boata to TbeOaka oa lhor Day. Tha Favorite Boating company'a-fine launehea will leave Its boat house.' foot of Morrison atreet up-river aide, begin ning at 10 a. m., every 10 mtnutea, for The Oaks and retura, laat night boat at 11:80 o'clock. A delightful river rlda a thla great holiday. '.:) .; ; laoorporatlon" artlclea of tha Barrett Manufacturera' agency were filed in the offlca of tha county clerk yesterday afternoon . by Edna ' O'Connor, J. P. Barrett - and R. W. Wilbur. They will conduct a general business aa manufac turera' agents. , Capital atock, M,oo. September I, t and 10, special round trip excursion tlcketa will be aold by the Northern PacIRo railway to polnta eaat- Particulars can-be had at ticket offlca, ISIJiorrleon street, corner Third, or by letetr to A..D. Charlton, A. O. P. A., Portland. Oregoa. t ' ; Trolley Outings on O. W. P. Today To Oregon City, Canemah Park, II cents; Qrwshara -and all points to and in eluding Estacada, CO cents round trip. All care leave from First and Alder sta. Tickets must be -purchased, en sale la waiting room. Dtamondev watches and Jewelry on eaay payment at lees than elsewhere for cash. We glva you posaeealon when making first payment demand no se curity, charge no Interest . Marx A Blooh, 74 Third atreet- . ; , .. Tha recorda of the Travelers "Aid de partment of tha T. W. C. A. for the pact five months show Ml per sons were ssslsted at tha depot and that 'III girls hava been, given em ployment, , - ;. j The Portland Wlra ft Iron Worka haa been Incorporated by C. W. Boost, Eu sane C. Comstock and Richard W. Mon tague, to manufacture products of wire and tron. Capital atock, HMOQ, i "This will remind yov that no is the time to bars your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the aame day. Phone Main 474. Tha Portland Curled Hair Factory, tt Metsger, proprietor. An Information charging 'A. A. Oiler and N. T. Borland with contributing to the delinquency, of a minor ahlld Jra menta war then returned. It la believed that tha same questions Artlstlo tailoring, perfect fit and ran aonable pricea; new fall goods BOW In. I inl,rad In the dealalona rendered Armstrong tha Tailor; Raleigh build Ing. J by Judg4) gMirfJ ftt that Un that are Washington and Sixth ata. Pactflo llll.l -J b, th attorneya for the T' ' . . ,' I accused msn la their demurrers. If - Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are I thla bJ true. Judge Seara will follow hla atlU selling ayeglaaaea at 11.00.. per-1 ruiina-. unless the attorneya KV11?Z?:: XVVZlZJ?: can demonstrate. to the" Judge that he jewelers mpa ovueun, m mNj arTOr "'mZ-L ' "a. Tha. men for whom demurrers were Sherrett ; Bird ft Co., suooessori to ... T..f,rdav are: 3. W. Reed. O. Brady ft the w.U-known Yir. 'c. HoUM. Si: - .i. , " I ton Ball. Herman P. LaBreoque, a. BL . Launches to the Oaks every few mtn utea every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south aid bridge, foot Morrlsoa street Tomorrow, Xabor dap: celebration at The Oaks." Nelson-Gens fight rounds will be received by direct wire and post ad oa bullstlne. i- '(-' Special Excursion East Full partto. ulars at Northern Paclflo ticket ofloa, 111 Morrlsoa street corner Third, Part land, Oregon.' '. . . Dine today at tha Scott Restaurant Seventh and Ankeny streets. . Special dinnea In courses, 10 cents. New man agement '- " ,,4.V- B. a. Rose, California evangelist will preach in - Penlel . Mission, . J44 First street at i:iq p. m. tooay. , -. --j Keep data open for "Scotland In Song and Story." Arlon hall, September 1. auaploea Of Clan Macbsay. . . Acme Oil Co. sells tha best safsty coal oil and Una gasollnea . Phono Bast Tie. Launches for warships at Merrill's bnathouse. north side Morrison bridge. Trr. P". S. Skiff, dentist has returned. Rusael bldg, 4th and Morrison ata. . For Quality. Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant Dr. W. C. Shearer haa returhed. 101 Dekum Bldg. , ..-j Wooater aella everything 401 Wash. , Rental 81 gna. Analey Printing Cew ' Dr. Ball, dentist haa returned, f Schedule of T. J. Potter. ' The T. 3. Potter lea vaa -Aah atreet dock for North Beach, touching at As toria, aa followa: September f, l it t m.; aeptemoer 820 tv tn '" ' 'From Ilwaco, . September t. t p. ra.: September i, 11:10 a. m.; September 1, 11:11 p. m.i September 0, p. m. , Tlcketa at Third and Washington streets and at Aah street dock, Meals msy be secured on tha boat , You Look Uke a Slouch ta that Suit rou wear. Tott would ap nea Ilka a aenUeman If your clothes fit yOU. . nl. nave a iriuimi jrnuar iu. appearanea of our patrons. Tou ought to be smong them. ARMSTRONG THE TAILOR.' Ralelgl Building, Jl Waah Ing ton. -.-'..','',.' Taylor Street Hetho dist Churclii. FRANCIS BURQETTB SHORT. Pieaohlag v.....'......i...l0aje ; - aTOB0 i " - "WHAT 1 1 GOD TO YOU " Solo by Miss Munger. Wremlaa' Bel i Us .... i. I . TiM XUVSTBATBS XJOTTTytB. ' tISSOrS UEE OF CHRIST o PAKovB rrsws 40 . ' 'Also ' : The Holy Gty Will be sung and Illustrated with beautiful ploturee. Only those coming early have been able to eecure seats during the summer. oosrsia arms, coxa bajbxt French, Alfred Drill. T. B, Baldwin, A. R, Dlmlck and B. r, Boynton. ; ITALIAN CRUISER 106JIII IH THE HARBOR Foreign Warship Will Be Open to All Visitors Thlt ;J Afternoon. At I o'olock yesterday afternoon the Italian cruiser Dogali dropped anchor, In the harbor, going to the usual war ship berth Juat above tha steel bridge. She will be open to visitors thla After noon after o'olock. Tha Do call haa been tn center or at traction at the Astoria regatta. She left Astoria yesterday, morning and came up la good time. : For the past two years the eru leer's men have been away from home.- One of their notable feata waa a voyage of several hundred mllee up tha A ma son Ht. " , A party of prominent Portland Ital ians, composed oi inaui v. . in dlani, John Cordano, K. B. 8ero and Frank Beoggl. went down me nver 10 areet the commander. Marauta Cabon- asso, and cama up tha river with him, - The Dogali is the second Italian war reeael te visit Portland, the first being the cruiser Umbria, whoso presence ae Ughted the - Italian realdeata laat spring. Tha Dogali carrlea a crew of tto men. After lying here a few daya ah will proceed to Paget sound. .... ' , A Unique Entertainment. The cltttsens of Portland are to have the pleaeuro- of listening to a very unique . entertainment next Tuesday evening at the Taylor Street M. B. church, comer Third and Taylor streets. The entertainment In question will con slst of a recital by Mr. C Arthur tong well of New Tork. assisted by Mr. Dom Zan, so well known to all Portlandera. Mr. Lbnawell will Play several num bers on a new and marvelous player piano and will also play the accompani ments, for Mr. Zan oa the same Instru ment. This recital la to be glvea under I the f auspices of Sherman, Clay m successor to tn . Alien at uudsti Dimiktr comnanr. and tha Instrument in question will be the A. B. Chase Plsyer Piano. . . - Th foUowing press notice will be of Interesti . The A. B. Chas Player ia a marvel of Inaenlous slmpllolty and tha term artlatlo' naturally la applied to it after listening to Its wonderful capabilities as demonstratsd by tna exiremeiy ai ented Mr. Longwell, whose Interpreta tions are masterly and delightful. The mmni was a beautltful arrangement and weU designed to test tha powera of tha aelf-PUyer. under Mr. iAngweu s artlatla handllna It was made a veri table musical treat as well aj an ex ploitation of a wonderful piece of mechanism. The airfflenc was highly nthuaiaatla." From Chicago Musical Times. . " - namember the date. Tueaday evening, September '4. First Methodist ehorch. corner Third and Taylor atreeta. , No Matter What We Charge, For our new fall aulta. tha figure, will ha, ramaonabla Another thing, our suit ings are th fashionable fall weavea. aa wa have been out or oumnoae on a aar-. vacation and every yard of cloth In our sstaoiienmei ouwi wai faotoriea and neweet In effecte. Suits from tit to. 150, ARMSTRONG THK TAILOR. Raleigh Building III Wash ington. Tel. PeoiflO Jll. Oriental Rug Removal C a D J Z o It's Off in a Weelc, People W hare desired to diapoied of ourpreienrotock ol Oriental Rugo before moving, and. . We Have Been Butchering Prlcca For-aearly two wceka. but the Joke will not er in the heart of Feraia, and not aecond hand former pncea will be reatored. Therafore thia wiU be your laat ppportunlty, Udieo and gentlemen, to procure th finest Oriental Ruga ever shown in Portland at s pries leaa than any other Portland dealer ia theas Ruga can buy them for. : - ,1. . . . Our atock waa procured by our own buyer in the heart of Persia, andnot yecond hand in New York. They are the cream of ths product, and at our present removal aale .P"cee may be had at exactly- the coat in Per.ia, plua the coat of transportation. But we will not keen thia gait up any longer than Saturday evening, September 8, ao' those deainng these rich and luxurious floor covering! at little more than the coat of Bruaaela carpet, ahould - Be Quick Prieeo plainly tagged on every Rug. Each, piece guaranteed as repreeented. Remember, we srs not sfter profits now, but wa do want to go into our new stors with an entirely new stock of everything ws sell. . .- ' r v."",;;,; ': .'Vx',',' ; i- ATIYEH TEL. MAIN J050. 311 WASHINGTON 8T, NEAR TENTIL o I 4 LiJ r. c 0 Oriental Rug I' ; - Stands for Best ta Education Paclflo TJnlverelty ia ona of th oldest schoola of HIghsr Kdueatlon on tha Paclflo Coast., with soma of tha most distinguished mea la let ter and law aa Its alumni. . It la a Private, Co-Educational and Non I Sectarian taueg oi in nigoea. siana era. . 4. - V.OOATIO. Paclflo "University Is located aJ ITnreat Arava. one of the moot beautl ful residential towns In Oregon and oniy 10 mllee from Portland on tha Houtharn Paoifle West Side Division. Forest Grove haa eleotrlo street-car and light service. The drinking wa ter ta chemically pur. ' The college campus is,. ths most plotureecue of any ia uie atat. ' aiuoHm, ""PaolfldUnlveraity Is thlargst endowed private - college In the an. tire paoine wonnweec sot un, reav nirtha beat instructor can be em ployed. The Institution does not de pend an student fees for He Income. , i avaMxavxiUmm Highest . scholarship la olssslosl. sclen tlflo, literary and. musical .eOUr"...:, .QTTtTlCn. Padflo 'Vnlveraltv la the best equipped private college In buildings, laboratories, library, maslo and. art rooms in Oregon. , - . . VKUAJSATOBT TJATCnTri, nia-h school araduatea and others having credits to make up for regu lar n lie are courses caa do so la Tua latin Academy. The academy stu dents are extended tha advantage of oollege activities ana asaooiauoa.- xvo academy or nign wnooi uaimni u rnnn .vr.l, that offered In Tuala tin Academy. Upon presentation of certificates Its students are aamijiea to the best Eastern and Western- col-" Isgea , v n.u& awamwa .aauarf evneaiaiia for a school year range from a mini mum OT live w a nuuuuiii gi eavw, urnf 1100 te a Vrltt for Catalegao asd msttrated UtrfMsre Fsll Term Opens Sept More Reasons IhcVMcisKinfl of Sewing Machines The White, has two spool pins, making it unnecessary to unthread machine in order to wind the bobbin. - The White has an oil cup at lower end of needle bar, so constructed as ' to prevent : oiling; of goods as with other machines. The White may be run from heavy to fine goods without drawing or puckering. The White has an unusually large bobbin, holding a half spool of cptton. - . ; . If you want other reasons why the WHITE la called KINO of Sewing Machines, phone Main 6102 a salesman will call or write for booklet. Sewintr Machines rented Used Machines, ' all makes, cheap. D. D.JONES 80 Yamhlil St,' Cor. Fourth. SEASIDEHOUSE ; .. . SKASIDK. ORECON Oader sew BMBWMDaal, reaMaelae aod sewty faralahea. elaetrat llr.ta.-Jraaa ae slt Water eathM, kaalhaf. ttMmm. Preek all sad ereaal , . l.i... rraah vaMlablae treat eat are tardea. Sates! 1 0 te M M pat Oar. Special rata bv the wee er snath. Free VaesoeUed ta amtpmeaa, PieaentUg AbeolnOelp g COaaa aVstta. .... atoaa. . ...... ... .. . 4 ; .- F R E E 0 r iVofe';f6e Innovations V Tremendous Success of ths Magnlflcent Spec taenia Fairy Flay, ; 'Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp ' In deference of general demand the play will be presented every afternoon this week at I o'clock. r ' ; : ' New Innovations for this Week .Tomorrow, Monday. Commencing at t o'clock a, m fonster labor Day Celebration Caderthe Auspices of. the Federated. Trades .TJnlon,.-. A aoor of extraordinary attractions. Many entertainment fea tures on the larg and bountiful open-air stag. . -"Jubilee Cake. Walk - FRIZB DANCS1 by II colored eouples. led by the famoue BINQ ' HENPERSON of Omaha,- assisted by Charts Fair, th PocV -.laad.champloa.,.-!--,:,,: . .,..J.JL,rj'I'.--;VyA.".- - :- Miss Sadie Hfe :-vy-Zlyh' " portrivAS BMOBXPTxra tocai-tst. it..:-.. .r:r"" , 5 x Qsn Devil Newman ;i : -C- L SAJU0SCI T.SAP TKBOTJOX SPAOal Oaf A aUUIUJaX. Returns of the Nelson-Gans Fight, by Direct Wire or gun nn oobtom t imihi aoLonTt, , acAOBTrnonBTT o sfbotax. rraiwomri. raOTZSZOBTS ISADS TO ApOOlfaeODATS T&VWO WMOTZM. Excursion ratea oa an line entering Portland, good from Bat urday, September. 1, t Tueaday, September 4. , J 1 aw raw. moingZ AJWVurarur a-aua saanaw aaua. Deadwood Mac's Caynse Playeri and EacRIng Bronco Citrs OBJLAX OF WILD wjbvx mmvmvmv TAKE A FINAL BATH Tou will need It before the cold weather acta In. Reduced ratea. Including free swimming lessons Most timid persona, ehUdren, ladlea ' and gentlemen leant to awlra In from three to eight les sons. . . . I : '.. ' In the Future wnnniT sw Grand Mask Ball h the ' Dancing Pavilion : Fifty beautiful and costly prtas. Admission 25c t inmi ito tranamwr asbitttwo to "lats oaks' ravm xtiss xo s p. Mi. daut axoxrs satuswdat, sobtoat ajtd mousats.- 373 Woshisstoa Street THE SHOP FOR LADIES' SUITS, HATS, COATS, ETC. -TWa glvs you mors style," mors quality, mors vslns In oar TRIMMED MODEL HATS than can be found In any shop In this city. Ws make s snappy, seasonable, styliah kind, that sells st sight, Tt wlllpay'you tpaes thern.''.;- . .,,;;;; ;. .V".'' j Buyers of Suits, Coats r ' ; ikM and Skirts Will find It to their interest to Inspect our stock before making their Soliciting sn esrly call, snd wtahing to aerve you better and save 'you money, ws srs fery truly yours. I ' " ; ' " 7'".' ;'; - , ; M. E.' BECKER CLGSUtG-CUT lar-rva- vt) r-v-f T' OuoU ef 1 ' " ' Cune 1a "Ml k-a ' 1 ' tMfhra !,! f t-a' a ire I - ' ' I