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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
:? t ope;.i;;g day .fit JE DICGESf Contrary to Usual Custom Every thing Will Be Ready for State Fair When Opened. LOS auGELES Ti: DIG 05IEML h PARTY SEES P0nTLAnD: rT-- COM PLT3TE v "r" ASSORTMENT OF J1C WISH NEW YICAR CARDS JUST RECEIVED ' . i r v c i r r. to . ... - AT Good Merchandlaa Only Quality Conaidered. Our Prices Arc Always ths Lowest : A UUle TcUc en the Fall Fcsliicns Frcn l!:e : One Hundred Forty People oh " Way to Spend Eight Days . in Oriental Trip. V . 55 Tiis-onncGii cui.'day jour.riAi; rc::TLAi;D.- cunday fit PARTY CONDUCTED BY GENERAL OT13 ... Will Sail From Seattle Today and VUit Yokohama, Kobe.' Nagasaki, .6hanghal,ilongkong5'rid Manila Before Return Trip Begins, . Under - the personal supervision of General Harrison Qry Otis, editor and publisher of tha Los Angeles Tlme, tha Tlmaa Oriental party, constating of .140 persona, reached Portland ln 'a special train at o'clock yesterday afteraoon, and departed . at 10:44 last nlht for Besttle, whence they trill aall for tha orient this afternoon on tha steamship Dakota. -- . . -,- Tha purposa of tha trip, according to H. F. Plshman. night editor of the Times, Is "to apread tba gospel of southern California. A personally con ducted excursion Is an annual event with tha Loa Angeles paper, though It has never before attempted a trip of such elaborate plana. Ad Interesting feature In connection with tha trip la tha publication af a daily paper on tha train. It la a email sheet of two pages, entitled Tha Times Special." Two hundred copies are printed and distributed at least ones each day. The printing Is done by mimeograph. -Iha partj whlch.lhcludi Jive south ern California millionaires, will visit, In addition to' the 'American oltlea on .the Pacific ' coast, Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki,, Shanghai, Hongkong and Ma nila, Eighty day wlU ba required for .the completion of the trip. TILLAMOOK CHORU3 TO .' SING EVERY EVENING Shady Pavilion Erected for Pi on cert to SivWhert Tired.' and Talk Over . Old Day. When the Plains Were '.Crossed..' r . , -"( . ' General Harrison Gray Otis. The. special train on which tha ea eursloaista arrived in Portland consisted of five sleepers, a dining-car and a com blnation observation and buffet-car. It left Las Angelaa on Wednesday after- neon and brief stops were made ai Baa Franoisco and at Shasta Springe-- Reaching this city at o'olook yester day afternoon, the excursionists wars met by railway officials and represen tatives or various commercial organii tiona. They were entertained at , the LetUsRlake mi immmti Measure For f We have something like six- hundred ' patterns , of , early fall goods, just ar- rived, which wecan. make " ' ; to your order for $25.00. J Many 'are in the fashion-' V able gray, effects- ranging... ' from almost a, summer-hue."-jo solid blacks" and browns. v The linings, of course, are determined largely by . the fabric you select; but ;. . you may be assured they are of the best quality, " serge, Venetian cloth and To Your Measure - ... t mm To Your Measure 20 (o $40 , ELKS' BUILDINO Comer Seventh and Stark , Commercial cjub, and later made special and individual trip, about the city. . In tha .party! .besides - General Otis, who Is president of .tha .Times Publish ing company, are five members of -tha paper's staff.. Tbey are E. F. Dlshmsn, night, editor- L B, Smith, advertising managers Jk a. .WCarltoa, .paymaster; J. Baum, assistant advertising manager. and Jdiss . Frances Richards, secretary to General. Otis.. Other members of ths Fty-Include -some of tha moat promt nent . and , Influential , residents or tna southern part of the state. -l'hey.ajre.copouly...Bulpped with ad vertising matter pertaining to tha south era California metropolis, and Its terri tory. Each, wears ay pretty blue badge on which is aa . Imitation . poppy. the state- flowjr. Each of the party la also adorned with a tiny American flag. Tha excursionists will reach Beat tie on Jheir return November 14, arriving at Los Angeles November 17. Tha jour ney of the Callfornlans will approxi mate 17,000 miles And will allow ample tlma In which to visit tha various ports that will ba touched. . . PROLIANT DEMOCRATS ' (Continued from Page One.) should express to his countrymen tha results of his investigations and obser vations. Ha hs dona so, -and baa told us that in his opinion tha tlma has coma for tha government to control the rail roads. - This ia an expression of bis personal views, which by no .. means binds any other Demeerat. Mr.: Bryan would ba tha last man to Insist that his party or any follower thereof should adopt his views unless In- accord there with. . Probably millions of American oltlssns had already reached soma such conclusion respecting state or govern ment control of railroads, aa wall as of other publle utilities. . People hava been aaklng If It la not better for ths gov. eminent to 1 control railroads than for tha. railroads and alliedi Interests 'to control tna government. . . "Personally I have always believed in the doctrine of Individualism.' Jefferson- Ian Individualism, and am not prepared yet to -adopt atato socialism; out it must ba confessed that tariff laws, le galised . privileges, centralisation and tha Ilka., hava brought on economio con ditions which apparently admit Of no other remedy. Thoaa who moot bitterly oppose government control are most re sponsible for tha conditions which make it at least a puono question. ' Mr. Bry an s advocacy of It will doubtless make It a national Issue,' and perhapa it had Juat aa well te' threshed oat now aa later." ' . t H. B. Nicholas believes that Bryan is all. right and. moreover, that ha always was all rignu uaia Mr. ruicnoiaa: -. "Bryan la great.. , I ' Indorse ovary word that' ha said." Ills speech looked all right to me from beginning to and. I don t believe Bryan, over did say any- thin that wasn't all rlsht"' Councilman W. 1 T. Vaughn believes that. In sounding a note for government ownership of railroads, Bryan bit upon tha future leading plank In the platform of tha Denfocratio party.-' Mr. Vaughn believes that government ownership will be the paramount issue in tha campaign of let and that it wlU win. - " "Bryan's speech was all right," said Mr,-Vaughn. It brings out the man Just as wa hava aeen him In the past. He has not changed. I bellsve the 'Bryan Matform' will ba accepted In tha main by the great mass of tha Democrats, both la ; Oregon and throughout the country. . I believe that government ownership will ba tha paramount Issue, and with .Bryan advocating it It will win. I think that no man on earth would make, a more successful president than Bryan. Z believe that- this time be-wlU ba nominated and elected. I do not believe that Roosevelt will run In 10! because he la not wanted by the money power, though tha people of tha weat want mm. I indorse all - that Bryan said, especially his government ownership' program. :' : i ii 'i' A "-'WONDERFUL INVENTION '. A - ValQAU Oonoerl There bava been piano recitals given In, this city that hava been delightful affairs, but ws believe tha recital to be given next Tuesday evening at the First Methodist church, corner of Third and Taylor streets, by Mr. C Arthur Long well of New York will ha wntiBtiallv Interesting. . Mr. ' LongweU will ae the a. a. i;nasa pisyer pisno and will ran der tha following program.' A unique feature of the. evenlna will ba tha ao. companlment played b Mr. Long well on this player piano, when Mr. Zan, tha weu-anown vocalist, appeara: , , . " ' . PROORAM. ..i' - Arabesques ............. .Bohuls Eldaf "An der schoenen blauan Donal" Minuet pp. 14, No 1... Paderewski (a) pas pes Amphorea (Air da Bal let No. S). - , (b) La Usonjera .'. . I'. '. .Chlmlnade (Tba Flatterer.) ' Sunset',.;.. .'.,"..; Buck ' Mr. Ian.. Ramennol-Ostrow No, lT....Ruonateln Impromptu Op. tt .Chopin Romance Op. IS. No. 1. ......... .Bchoett A May Morning... ,.... Uenas ,- ' . VP. - tin . " Badinage . j...,. i .... i ...... Herbert Grand Polanalso la TO Fist Chopin The appearance of Mr. Longwell and Mr. Zan la under tha auspices of Sher man. Clay At Co.i aaocessora to Allen ft Ollbert-Ramaker company, wratom rep rwntsilves A. B. Chase -H'Unos and risyr runoa, - ifal tMamitea te The fantl 8aiema or., Sept. 1. Only one week Intervenes between this and ths opening day of the greatest state fair aver held In the northwest.. The management and the' people of the Capital City are sanguine of suc cess and there ia undoubtedly more In terest being shown In - this than was ever before manifested in a state fair In Oregon. . Tha management la work ing bard to procure exhibits and amuse ments that . will Instruct aa well as please tha large number of people wbo are expected to ba bare. . . Tha fair, grounds snd buildings pre. sent a busy scene. . Scores of men are at work there, and wagona by tha dosen are -hauling building material to tha spot. ,.' - . ; ' i- , - Opening Day. ;;-.'"'; Contrary to the. usual custom, open lng day will bo one of tha biggest and best days of tha fair. This will be one of tha few fairs that will ba ready on time perhapa the only one. that was ever known is the Pacific northwests and on that 4a aU the axhiblta will be ready and tha opening oeremonlea will ba imposing. 'Addresses will ba made by Governor Chamberlain, United Statea Senator : Qearln and Hon. , Harvey r W. Soott. -.-.. . ' I..--' Musle will be made by the Salem Mill tars" band, assisted by some of tha bast soloists In ths weat. . Conoerts will ba given every evening in the pavilion and every afternoon on tha racetrack. ' '' Sxooptloaal Vregram. Among the soloists are I. H. Hughes, Slgnor DeCaprio, Blgnor Bchratota and B. A. Hettkemper. -.' f- Hallle Psrrlsh Hinges, Salem's sweet est singer, who has more of tho divine aplrtt of harmony In her volco than any other singer In tha state, will gtve se lections every evening. " . - Emily Squire. 'the child reader, will care for the dramatlo part of each even ing's entertainment. - -.o. Tha music-room la tha pavilion has been -enlarged, and new dressing-rooms sddsd. ,.' ''".-. J-."v-r-'.r - - v ' A , chorus of - young - woman from Tillamook county will probably be en gaged, and -choral singing ovary evening will be on "tha jprogram. This la tha same chorus that sang at tho Tillamook falr'and-aromoo canny laurela. . . . Tba Oregon Development league will be given thoi una of - tha mualo-room Tussday, Wednesday and Thursday and will hold special meetings which prom ise to be instructive. - r " ravUloa for Ptosasrs. t- - v One of tho most novel and at fha same time moat useful of the' entirely new features of tha grounds Is tha "pio neers resting-place." It must not ba Inferred that this Is a graveyard for dead ones. It Is simply a god pavilion, In the "shade, with, comfortable seats, where tired people may alt down-and rest. It was so named because at all state fairs the want of a place where tha pioneers of ' could sit and talk over tha old days has been, felt, ''and this pavilion was constructed with this and in view. - v - It baa bean definitely given ant that there will ba no gambling In any form or manner on tha grounds during the week. All wheels of fortune and simi lar devices to separate tha unwary from his coin will be forbidden. - One Of the moar attractive restores about tha whole fair la tho campground. This is In charge of Albert Tosier, who la dubbed "the mayor of tha fair." Tho camos are in a beautiful grove, . and plenty of - water and stable-room for tho eampera- corses naa ooen proviaea for. . -; ''.' " ' T ',; r COURT' SAYS SWANS0N ' : r:MUST STANP TRIAL Spokane, Wash- Sept-1 LrV-Prasldent S. W. Swanson of tho Washington 8 tats bank, charged with defrauding tho do-1 posttors, pleaded not guilty and his trial will commence -September an ine court denied a motion to quash tha In formation and overruled tha demurrer to the Information. - Carusb, Sembrich, and other great artists will sing in vour own home ' at any time you choose, it you own a modern Talking - Machine---- - Special Offer; We will sellyou a fine new Talking Machine . and six records, ,. . , , your choice for .m . . , $16.65 We carrv th larrest ' . and most complete Stock of Talking Machines and Records in the Northwest, Victors" Columbias, etc . .. ' t r Free Recitals daily ' - ; Come in. . Piano House . Biggest, Busiest, Best. . :5W5.-WASiUNQTON ST. ' From cow until Fall fashions have ceased to be a matter of feminine interest, women will (ind our Second Floor an authoritative and leading school of style. .. '.. .:'.JJ Its lessons in art .in dress will be given by practical illustration, guided by the most exoert taste to be found in New York. It will have little to do with fads, and nothing at all to do with foolishness in dress, but it will have EVERYTHING to do with novelty, : Originality, good taste, good judgment and; all the factors-that gdT to make up "that ex . quisite thing called style.w ,v ' ;V ; Vt ,; ', Its lessons, besides being interesting, and enjoyable, are free. It costs you nothing toJook and learn, and if you buy you save m oney. . , . The Lipman-Wolfe School of Style, Store aids you to style decisions by the elaborate displays of ready-made" costumes, produced by the best skill and genius of this conti nent. They , not alone tempt you to put an end to all worry by securing the finished garment, but they are beautiful in ideas for the making up of your own goods. V C. This season is going to be a season pf INDIVIDUALITY. . All lengths of coats are going to be fashionable from the jaunty Eton to-the sweeping 38-inch models. In this showing we are displaying hundreds of exquisite new models not dozens of 1 a style, but scores of styles, thus broadening the scope of selection for the most critical and stylish dresser. V:"Vl '":-', '"'''' The prices range from $18.00 to $75.00. The Individual pricings are very attractive.- :J Deauliful Styles in New Fall Waists "This is the firsfshowing of advanced Autumn styles ' In , Waista! There is a subtle charm, a tonic freshness about the sheer, soft, white and daintijy colored Silk -Waists that will appeal" to" every woman who.. loves dainty blouses what woman ( does not? jjieiremariaDieu-Deattry jiesjp oi-wmcn iney- are maae y n - ine various laces, filmy, fine, heavy, that trim them the latter arranged Tn new and effective combinations as well as In the cut They all radiate beauty and newness-the messaline, chiffon taffeta, the-nets, plaids and silk-dot chiffon waists. Both elbow and three-quarter sleeves. Prices . f 10.00 to $25.C 0 tki j'tj'siij'tt't " wpw.a i lTirec-J)ay Advance Sale of Csftlch F . - Ostrich feathers will be the most favored trimming for Fall and Winter hats o the milllneri of the Old and the New World decree. So, at an opportune time comes this startling three-day sale of high-class Ostrich Feathers an event that few women can afford to miss. Every feather is of tha ta best selected male stock and each fibre long and fluffy. , The black is rich and glossy easy to match cJ wrifVl rthhnni mnA w1wtfs . ' . 1 These art wonderful special values and win obtain for THREB DAYS ONLY. , . ' Lot 1 12-inch, black arid white". .7.77. V. $2.25 Lot 5-1 8-inch, extra hearr-'tinr.r;vXSI3 "i i ' - - 1 Ltr 6---20-inch7 extra; heavy tip r.;-. Lbt"2 lg-inch, blackah J whit T.f 2.7S- Lot 3-7-15-inch, black and white. .".$35 v V Lot 7 21-inch, extra heavy tip. , CT.25 Lot 4 -l 8-inch.-black and white, fm.n ..$4.25 Lot 8 21-inch, -extra heavy tip. .. ....... $3.50 i:i2:::--4 -U--;' - -li Lot , 22-inch, extra heavy, tip. . . . . .$10.00-X;fJ.I......J -.1 J ftQTPirn TnSx m mUVni Lot lO'Rlack anrl white S1.35 -Tyit Ift'Rlarlr arl ,; M Kt Vl-fT 1 m S)asSsi ' sUsSt asT W a W sTsr w a w -vsass ' ,imm r.-n r i i 7 , ' , I ' .. ' s e) e yas-ev " : V VsTnT Siwrfal Lot ll--Black and white.... 82.00 Lot IS Black and whitV. . T(I C.C . Little Rents - Little Expense ' ' Little Prices ' ' Little Down "I ' a ' Little Monthly 364-6-8-70 EAST MORRISON STREET Three Clocks East of the Morrison Bridge . . i i j Consider Our Position and.. Advantagea . Over Our Competitors Toledo We day ; at remarkably low priceso Our house-furnishing business has doubled and trebled since our move to the low rent aismct wnere our running ex- - pehses are so light that we can and do M sell at prices far below Iwhat other $oZ dealers an afford to'seU Prices Steel 17V I yt -a.' 11 : ' s - ' .. I fAH 11 III ISNI l I' i, .-: I . . ..-, II S --mtil Jsr Ai-m 1i , JVA h A fl. I IV i-cixv -vc. ' . K4, ii vm r iom iv "r""'j Snnrinl ?n) I I il w - - Bill S9 a-' ... . ,. - '- ,' "' , - W KJ S 1 ':..'-.. . -. ' . ' . . It v': n -n ' I XI' JIM- Absolutely , the best High-., Grade Rajige on the market 1 REGULAR SELLING PRICE $37.C0. " -.rr-Tscfr We are in a ; care cf t' ': t t' ? f ' Hit , r second to none in quality or ; A beautiful Table in Weathsr' " ; construction, yet the lowest in ,' lected quarter-sawed white c price and guaranteed the best. feet long when extend? J, r.' . ' ! I