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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
THE Olw.COIJ SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTL'AND, SUNDAY MOIwIH.G, SEPTEIIDZH 2, lcbi oiOCIIOOliERS DIG EIDERS Portland Capitalists Are Clow In vesting in Vessels, and Out--elders Reap Harvest. . V '"V CARRIERS PAY THEIR . COST WITHIN A , YEAR hipping Janr Sayg etfih Spirit Huopers Efforts to Organi Stock Companies for Purpose of Bull ding Steamship JLinea. " v , i-. , 1 . Portland apltallaU having, money In. 'vested lumber droghers and other . . coasting tMuli ply In out or this port ; - are said to bo realism as much aa 0 ' oar cent on their investments. ' TbU ' " has cmtad some talk of placing mora money Into boats and ths probabilities 'are tnai oerore long wm new m pi ' ' achoonara plying out of this port will : Include a number of craft bearing toa vord -Portland" on the atern plate. San Francisco capitalists have long . aeea the opportunity of advantageous ' , Investments In . steam ' and sailing schooners and they are atlll building Uiem about aa laat aa they can be ' rushed out of the Tarda along; the coast. but few Portland men have aa ret ba- ..eome extensively Interested in ships. chiefly. It la said,, because tho have not looked Into the possibilities. Now that lumber carriers are bringing better ' returns than very well developed mines. ; the msa are beginning to take the mat--' ter Mrtouily and there la a good deal of talk of organising stock .companies ' for the purpose of building one- or mora large- steam schooners. ; ' "The only trouble in getting up stock company here for the purpose of building and operating vessels seems ' to be the. fact that everybody willing to take stock wants to be one of the mana agera," said a shipping man who baa been contemplating organising a com' . pany. - -They are afraid that unless they are at the helm they will not get , 100 per cent on their money or they r seem to fear that some one else will t derive a little more benefit from the project than themselves. - ,, ; -Down In San Francisco there la no trouble to organise a stock company to ' engage In shipping, for tha people know the Importance of tha traffic and have ' faith in the earning capacity of tha vessels. There la no reason why Port land, the greatest lumber shipping port In tha world, should not own at least a few of the many vessels engaged steadily in carrying the Immense prod uct of tha mills. Under existing oondi- ' tlons the big earnings of tha lumber carriers ga.-entlrely - to- outsiders -and. ' furthermore, they are . supplied with storks and equipment In their homo ports. -TV crews are paid off la 'the . homo port 'and this Itself Is quite an .item that should be taken Into -consideration. Portland should' own a mer chant marine, is entitled to It and I nope some day to see at least score of good steam schooners enrolled at tha customs house, here." ( j ,i . . TOW SAILING VESSELS A Steam Schooners May Ba Pat te aaora r .'. . Work Shortly. A ay stem of towing' lumber-laden i schooners has been inaugurated on the coast and it la said that before long . ., tugboata will be employed on extan . alve scale In transporting tha, lumber of the mills from one port on tha coast to another. Wlto freights at from If to 17 a thousand for lumber from north r rn ports to Ban JTraneisoo, enormous ;' profits can ba made on the nailing ' schooners when hooked onto tags In stead f having them .depend on the ' .winds. , s,uuv to suv.eov reel or lumoer ana - consequently earn tnonsanoa-oc aouar V each trip. . Depending. Upon tha breese . , (or motive . power It sometimes takes ''e. schooner six weeks to make tha run - that a ateam craft of ordinary speed ' can cover In leas than a . week's time, ' and hence the possible earning capacity ,1s greatly reduced. Marina men assert ;. that the tugs can take two or three -. - schooners la. tow . sad- maka almost as , good time aa tha average ateam achoon- er and fully as good in- favorable weather with sails crowded on ' the : sjchoonei. ',. j. A tugboat with -two - lumber-laden achoonara In tow left one of tha lumber distributing ports on the Wsshlngton coast a few days ago for a California ) port and tha experiment is said te be proving highly satisfactory.- There Is I some talk among lumber exporters here I mm We arc positively going out of the Boys and Children's Clothing business. Our entire stock of School and Dress Suits-will be sold AT A SACRIFICE. This include our Fall 1906 Suite Ml U . v PATROLMAN MURPHY APPLIES . SALVE TO WOUNDED HEARTS la addlUon to hla other, multifarious duUes Patrolman. 3. J. Murphy,' has become the arbiter of those petty do mestic infelicities that are-a natural concomitant of tha marital relation. Murphy has dispelled tha clouds that marred tha conjugal happiness of J. C Schreidsr, a sajoonman of IS Russell street, and big helpmeet, and bow Joy supreme reigns In that household. It all happened In this manner. Mur phy, while patrolling hla beat Thursday evening and cogitating over the unhap py lot of a peace guardian, was aroused from his deep reverie by tha unmistak able signal of feminine distress a woman's sob. In tha ah ado w of a building at Gold CHONG MING READY TO RETURN Zk QUICKLY TO THAT DEAR CANTON Chona Ming, the Happy Hooligan of Chinatown, la going back to that tJeer Canton, the land of hla birth, where the cherry blossom wafts Ita aweetness serosa the placid waters of the Tang Tat Klang. Ha cams to the polios station yea tarda y to bid a fond adieu to his bosom friend. Patrol Driver Price. In company with li others, Ming is to be deported) by the 8 be Companies this morning. It hss always been the policy of the Chinese associations that whsn any of their members be come decrepit through age or by their refusal to labor eome to be regarded aa drones, to send them back to China." Ming baa been arrested several times of having the steam schooners now car rying lumber cargoes Between this port and San Francisco, take two or three sailing- achoonara in tow each trip. It la said that lbs flraj( onms stam schooner would not Interfere much with her SDoed. because moat of them are equipped with extraordinarily powerful machinery. The practice has been In vosua for many years on the Atlantis coast with satisfactory results, but ad far has been Introduced on tha Paciflo coast only by tha oil shippers, who adopted tha echeroe a few. years ago with annarent .success.' ' . The operating expense would not ba lessened, because fun craws would have to be carried by tha sahoonsrs, but this would Insure them against disaster la rough weather whan a tow Una might part any time. - By setting sail tha schooners could saally take care ... of themselves until picked up again, or they could make port , themselves, la tielr original way, , '.. TOO FAST FOR WHEEL' Usae Chans Vase ae stay ......j . .-Mly That Propeller Breaks. r ; Joseph Supple received, word yester day from Seattle to the effect that tha steamer Kitsap, which ha buUt for the Kltsao Navigation company a short time s go," turned up such great speed that the flukes of the csstlron pro peller snapped off without striking any thine but tha. water and that a now wheel Is being made of brqnse. This it Is expected will be able to stand the racket and Increase her speed. . . .The final trial trip of the steamer would have ..been, held ta a. coupla. Of dsvs but for tha breaking of the pro peller, but the nsw wheel will be ready aooa and then Mr. guppie wui leave ror Seattle to see the boat ha built "make everything atand atlll" on the waters of Puget sound. He feels confident of oapturlng a bonus of about 11,900 for speed above tha lS-knot mark. - ., FREIGHTS PROHIBITIVE . Importer Says " shipownara ofwrope . BemsfU AJuarUaa Masnfaotora. . , Importers of fire brick, coke and gen eral merchandise from Europe declare the unprecedented demand for cement on the Pacific coast Is responsible for pro hibitive freight, rats asked by European shipownara, and they say comparatively little ' freight of . that class can be brought out while ships are In demand for carrying cement. - Tha San eTtaa clseo disaster created a big demand for cement carriers and ' the demand from tha Paciflo northwest ' porta hss been and la heavy because of tha remarkable building activity. It Is now feared that tha Valparaiso disaster will sand freights from Kurope soaring akyward because ooment and structural iron win also do in great ae mend la the Chilean port. An Idea of the Increase In freight from Kurope may ba gained from the fact that a few years ago Bailing vessels wsnt begging ror TS d a ton, whereas today sailing veesels ask SOa The eemsnt lm sorters are able to tav better prices than we can for general MM Every 7S)y of IVQdosil $2.50 Suits now , .- $3.00 Suits now . . j k $3.50 Suits now . $2,3Q;f $400 Suits now . r $2,6Q l:$5.0qSuits now v : . S3.4Q Suits are the newest styies and smith and Mississippi avenues the po liceman found Mrs. Schrelder sobbing bitterly. She was accompanied by Mrs. W'ellby, a neighbor, and upon Interroga tion confided to the patrolman that her husband had threatened- her life. Fur ther questioning Allotted tha informa tion that she attributed the difficulty to the Insane jealousy of her spouse. Murphy lost no time in hunting up the saloon proprietor and brought the couple together. He pleaded with them that for the sake of their four children they should become reconciled and flnaaly aftsr much exhortation lnduoed Bchrelder and his wife to return home. With his heart filled with gladness Murphy agsln took us his- tour of duty aiong tne Willamette. an vagrancy charges, and during his Incarceration In the city prison become a fast mend of Price. It waa only about a month ago that Ming waa hired by one of the detect! vea to out tha weeda on bta property and so conscien tiously did he labor that ba dug up all of tha roae bushes In tha garden, - Re cently ha has been working on one of tha river steamers, but work and Ming do not agree and It has been decided that ha must leave the country, Oreatly elated, Ming eagerly awaits the time whsn tha vessel on which ha is to sail pokes her nose Into the broad Paciflo and the Journey to tha scenes of his boyhood days begins. merchandise,' said one of tha Importers yesterday, in speaking of the situation, "because they are getting fancy prices for their cement . With freights at SO shillings.-we are unahla to oompele with tha American manufacturers, and about the only thing for ua to do Is to -remain out of the market until matters become sdjusted. We almply can't afford ta pay the rates asked and tha prospects of cheaper vessels are poor because the shipowners are not overlooking the 'op portunity to get ail mere is to ba had.1 Of all tha half hundred saUlng ves sels now an route to Portland, about To percent are bringing cement. , HAVE MONEY COMING nahlnf alad Cash, Waiting1. - On the blackboard at the headquartara of longshoremen's onion No. 1(4 Is posted a list containing 100 names of longshoremen who have various amounts of money coming from tha Harrlmaa steamers for whloh they for soma rea son failed ta call. Soma of the money waa earned many. .weeks -agor-and the paymaster, tiring of holding the money for. all eternity, posted the list in hopes of having the matter oil hla hands soon. . Secretary Fitch explains the matter by aaying that a large number of long shoremen went to Astoria for tha fish ing season, and leaving hurriedly, forgot to collect the wages due them, knowing that tha money would be good any tune and probably more welcome upon their return from their summer's outing, sines a nshsrmaa'a good luck cannot al ways ba depended upon. ..., ,,v , ALONG' THE WATERFRONT. Tha Norwegian steamer Thyrs, Cap tain Berger, la booked to leave down tha river this morning.! She finished load lag at tha Victoria dolphins laat night - Tha Standard Oil steamer Asuncion. Captain Bridgett la due to 'arrive at tha tanks this afternoon with a cargo of oil from Richmond, Baa. Francisco bay. . .:.,-;...... ..... Tha Harrlman' liner Asteo Is dua ta arrive thla evening from Ban Francisco with noma S.000 tona of general cargo. She wlU discharge at Alnsworth' dock. I : MARINE NOTES. : Astoria JBept . 1 Condition of ' tha bar at I p. m, smooth; wind, north west, II miles; weather, clear. Left up at S:0 a. nt Italian cruiser - DogulL Sailed at 11 a. m., schooner ' Bender Brothers, for San Francisco. .- Arrived at 1:10 p. m., steamer Wellington, from Oyster harbor. , - San, Francisco, Sept li Sailed at t p. m-, steamer Tiverton,' for Port hi ad. Arrived schooner alumna, from Colum bia river. Sailed, steamer Noyo, for Portland. . ' , : , San Pedro, Sept 1 Arrived, ateamer Tosemita, from Portland. Point Lobos, Bept 1 Passed- this morning, tug Dauntless and raft , All kinds of crops above average In Josephlas county. ; ... , gl.6Q S1.90 . - z S)fA it will pay you to buy whether your boy needs a suit or CORNED J10RCIS0N AND SECOND Mildred I. io Please AlltheUtestHonltlts toKeir' ' FULL WHITER WOOLENS ', . 'V'--';"i 1', ; ' C-v Satlsfeetlea gaarasteed Is all eases. armDt. te wser Is B day If nqalred. rmll drees ss4 Xusede saiu s special. . 108 THIRD STREET. STORB CLOSED LABOR TT. RECORD BElaG SURPASSED AT THE OAKS LThousandaVIsitlResort---Great Preparations for Tomorrow's Celebration. . V-;-V Tha record of tha Oaka la being sur issed thla season. By day and by night tha crowds have awarmed Into thia wonderful playground. Ita shaded nooks and cooling breesea are a grateful 're lief ' to tha heat-oppressed city- dweller. That ' such attractions aa tha mass, bumps, chutes, laughing gallery,: whirl, rink, dancing pavilion, HaJe'a tour oars. old mill, figure eight and carousal have loat none of their fascination la evi denced by tha, fact that from 1,000 to 10,000 women and children alone enjoy these . sports dally alnoa tha admission la free to them, all but Saturday, Sun day and holidays. No sxpense la being spared to make tha free attractions the best and most diversified aver presented at any. jitmJlarjraaorCt.Foc tha rsst of this week, commencing with Monday, there are Innumerable features offered. The beautiful production of "Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp," given on tha unique open-air stage on tha lawn ad Joining tha bandstand, .made, such a tre mendous hit that It haa beea-decided to repeat thla perform an o free ta all every afternoon at . o'clock. Monday- will be monster Labor day celebration under the aueploes of tha Federated Trades Council of this city. Tha day will un quesuonsoiy prove one or tne events in the history of celebrations on tha eoaat All tha railroads and steamship lines have arranged for - special excursion rates,-making the tickets good from Sat. urday to tha next Tuesday. ' Innumer able attractive features will be offered at tha Oaka for Labor day, including the- ''Aladdin performance. A - grand Cakewalk will occur, ln whleh IS colt ored oouplea will contest for a prise and tha championship of tha Paciflo soaat Mr. Blng Henderson of Omaha, ' tha noted eakewalker, haa been specially en gaged to lead in tha contest and will ba assisted by Charles Fair of thla city. Each couple will represent one of the cities of Oregon, and there la much In terest, centered In the result At. the skating rink a thrilling leap-the-gap by a noted roller-skat! sg arttst-wlU-taka piaov. xi. wiu. inajLS) a a .ring aewuent on a high loop. . There will ba a special free concert on tha open-air stage, and arrangements have been made for a di rect wire to the Oaka so that tha rounds of tha Nelson-Qans fight will ba posted on special bulletins. - - Tha park will ba open at t o'clock In tha morning And dancing will begin In tha pavilion -at 10 o'clock and ba con tinued until 11 o'clock at night All of the concessions will ba open from early morning and everything will ba In full blast until the laat car leaves at mid night . - ' v. . : .'4:a.' . ' , - -" rina Vensda Tomorrow, -'- - Final matcnea la Irvlngton tourna-- ment Monday, 1 p. m corner Twenty- rirst and Thompaon ' streets. - Take Irvlngton car. . Admission. 80 .cents. , a, O (''.' " 1 $6.00 Suits now ' ; Q4.10 $6.50 Suits now ". . $44 $7.00 Suits now .1 : ISa4.Qi : $7.50 Suits ; now, ; r 4Q.OU t m $8.00 Suits now . ' $5.7Q o OT'CEETO iliTTTTn ill ROMAN SEAT, in goM. en and weathered oak and ma hogany finish...., ...... fT.60 Termi $1,00 down, ; 50c week. n AJAX 8TEEL RANQBlOryear S": guarantee. " A 6-hole ' . range ,. ............ ..f32.B0 , . $1X0 down, $1.00 week.,'.;. : n,- - . ,A : :. '. I y - . u t inrva . twbv j j .numg m uarierca - or out to snow mem to yon. gnq weathered oUc. witn orettr oak or birdaeya maple, polish ' .v.,. . . enmm, ," v Velour enhiona, ' print i f ' f finiah ..fi3.gQ.-rjn welcoma to look ;,t( ,..V..,.. "If !. . $1.00 down, SOc weelr;;:; ..y;;; to by. ::'yvMA $l.o6 wekr iJ.j :Vr"'C'' :'X ' :? i''."' '''XA'-' yw-;:K,'y t vy .. '-3 notf SS5J t. Si ' m a - i ilTi -U-.i- r ' Li We wizh - to make It clear to thoss who have never - traded with U3 that the credit we ofTer ; is credit on good, sub stantial, well-made, h??h- v ( grade, reliable Furniture, -, and the credit is free to . : ' ell n1l ail well-meaning , men t .. and wpmen. ;;- ".' CHIFFONIER. .In white maple, mahogany or Pacific oak Cniih .. ...... .lS.OO $1.00 down. 75c wttk. . - ' K. -n ' .V, - . Pood Carpeta, weH laid, ; v dlwaya give- aatlafacrlon. .Carpet quality and neat , ','", ; worfanatiahlp go "with every ", .' s Carpet" .'7, that '' wg lay " : Vithont a wrinkle" It onf - '' '" motto 1 w "7 110 '" t- y'-iltha gacond floor. Remember.- i . to alwaya glad to pull down 1 WW J t . . : . .. EVEf;i;;s star grange has aw SESSIOn Interesting Short Talks : cVeri .1 and Excellent Program ;Vi - Rendered. :: " K .-.',--- ,.- The regular monthly all-day session of the Evening 8 tar grange, No. ST, waa held yesterday at . Orange hall, aouth of . Montavllla, , Over 100 mem bers -and a number of visitors' front other granges filled the hall. Dinner waa served at noon. The forenoon waa devoted to the. Initiation of a elaas of new mem bare, and after -dinner and a social hour, tha program waa rendered. Mrs, H. u valL worthy lecturer, cre- slded. The discussion turned on tha educational side of granra work, and there were Interesting abort talks from A. B. Woods of Multnomhh grange, N. W. QUI of Russellvllle granger J. W. Miner, or lents grange. . J. Miller worthy master, and a number of the women. - Mis Anne ' Shannon Monroe of Chios so talked on "The Modern Ten dency Toward Bpeolallsatlon In Edu cational Work.' t - ' r i Ths questions decided noon for dia- euaalon at tha next regular meeting are: "Should a Cold Storage Plant be Established In This Localltyr and "How Can the Farm loe Snnnl Seat bo Provided ff The Qaeatlon ef ToaUl Savings Banks" waa touched upon, and a fuller dlsousstan will follow later. SHIP BAKER CATTLE ,T0 SOUND BUYERS fgpeHal SiepeMl at Tao Meraal.) Baker City. Or. Sent. 1. Orders hare been placed with the O, R. ak N. aggre gating lso cars for. stock for shipment from Baker between thla date and the drat of Ootober. Tha Baker City Pack ing, oomganr, haa Just anJpped U carj ( r ?.r.t----- 7 nnroi I III.. - 111 1 1 n Vj' J ' ' ' I " ' 1 ' J ' Thia Iron Bed is made with , y? n.16.inch p04ti Md 5.16.I ' ?n"'tihA& i prices... v f 12.50 v Terma 11X0 down, 7Sc week.': in caafter-sawed oak,' - wnUeya. maple) , or jrenuina . mahogany .... .,,..$23.00 -Tennt ixo Cown, ii.qo week ., - Z i ;f"w ' r I .... . ' , ' ? A - MORRIS CHAIR In golden vB ic ; r r.'S -I' ' ( HOTHL, i JEFFERSOK :,' San Franolaoo'as ' ' lsaadlna Hotal ; ' Situated comer Qrtough' and Turk streets, ; facing Jefferson park, 'Two; blocks from Van Ness ave., , the 4 present - shopping district. Car Unas. ' trsnsfsrring to any part of tha city, pass the door Largest and neweet -hotel In San Francisco, having been construct-, sd Isss than two ysars ago. Has every modern convenience; JSO ' outslds rooms, single or en suite 100 private baths. Newly fur nished and reopened August 1.' Amsrlcsa plan IS a day and upv Kuropean plan tl.CO a day and up. Hotel - automobile or omnibus meets all trains and steamers. Wire or writs for reservation a. , fit wart-Barfcr Co. prt'torefe Of Una beeves 'to Carateln Bros., Seat tle, and three eara were shipped from Baker to tha Union Meat company at Troutdala, , - ' ... . . ' - FOUNDRY IS BEING. ' " ; ERECTED AT BANDON ' Bandon. Or., Sept 1Ths ' Bsndon foundry and machina ahopa havs oom- tnanosd ths erection .of a new 'two story building on the' waterfront which win be need ror roundry purposes. A 110,000 plant will be Installed, making It one of the best eaulpped . clant. u. tweea Portland and San Franclsoo. . . .- WeO Woata Trylnf. ; i . ;' V TT HMWH.. tllA IMfiMlas) Jw a to m pni.ton( tht bt thing to) ft 1 fJi'w11'1 'i riim ; - Thsv ksMiVk m -ar laml w I. i. 1 health." tiutck Surs fOr'HesdMhi, cSn- ' stlpatlon and JPIMouaneas. 26c Oun aalaeA at S. Q. fialuoofa Co. drug a tore, ' ' 0m 0 7f ( iiiai 1 i at.' it srvl'yj vJ7 , r ' i