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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
... - ..... . - . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUIAE n rORTtAWD." SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTCMSn: UIPPLE TJAY HAVE a r ' 7 FLED ABROAD $1X0 Yon Are a Veti . tuye Any Artici ia the Store ' Senaetional Story , Tht . Bank ' Wrecker Feigned Death to i ? " Make' His Escape:?'' f .:vtvr?, - - - i to Credit RELIABLE f J: Gracilis I f I t CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS i I ? , ,' Wf IVIiX I lllkb w--w Deeor Affairs of Ruined Institution An Probed. th Worse Becomes ... . i - ..' the Conditions "'' Exposed Trust Funds Tampered With.; r Phiiiinhi Kent, l. A storr spread throughout the nnanclal district -thie ; afternoon that- Banker Prank Hippie t flclals rcfua to discuss th rumor, but admit that they had 'not viewed lie Mif. ' Tne ammr cvuh end tha coroner physician refuse to -! disc us the matter and told eueertloner Broken lenses duolicated. 1 Ocu lists' prescriptions filled. - Classes ground to oraer. x-v . Oregon Optical Co. Itt Fourth St, Y, M,' C A. Bid. The Leading Opticians ' of: the Pacific Northwest t- S-"- Sj.' .iam -' Y I M I X -' 4 :L Banker Fran H. Hippie. ta "wm tha coroner." Th story says that a body ares obtained at th morriM aad substituted for Hlpple'e and that ta why. It ta aaid, that tha funeral was M prtvstev. , Arreets. tt la. predicts today, of e er snore, promlaeat unsaclers aad bk ora will follow tha crash of the looted Real EaUte Trust company. Depositors era euro that tha' suicld pisskleut. rranr-H. Htppla,'hd an ao ompitc or accomplice la tha dirwetoe eta of the closed Institution and demand that too guilty- ha punished - District ttornsy Boll will from wr m keep close watch - every-development of tha failure. Ha ha premised that la tha event of certain evldasoe develop ing ha wCl placa tha eattre matter be- torw the grand Jura,",; , .' w . ;'";! .," r Yromptsd hy thar disoorerta he has mad lit the inveettraUoB) ha haa made far. Osom K. Karla. .the rsoslrar. ' haa engagtd Attorrjey-Qsneral Johns oa to render a lsAl opinion as to wis re-. aponaiblliu- Tor ths . collapse or IM !kulr ' ; .. "The deeper 1 prohe la the affaire ef tthe eosnpaayrv added Mr. Eerie, -."the .worae I Snd ' them. Corxlltiooa are 'atmplr in a chsatlc state. I cannot 'area make a roeaa at the exact state ' ef affairs. - The banktns; department le VwheJly entanaied. The trust fuads. which 1 heretofore thourht were Intact, hsvs : beea ' tamperod- with and f tO.oee taken.. This eusa-ts distributed among iiu ate asa sa tha' rMmttaav. t : trust aad tha loss will sot he heavy to mt tas tncats lawnlvsA. That ta tha sniy trregularltr I have fouad in that , department w , -. ;.: :' Mr. Earls today 'opened the Htppls - aafety deposit box but nothing was found that wottld aid in clearing op the I Hippie-Segal traaaactlone. ' TnnV WTTisilstr ti statmt . ' On of the amaalng features ef the r w-hole affair I that ma In v as tl cation ef the baafc had been - mad by the . a tat . banking dapsj-tmsat wUhta the tost three years. Why this Isse no out - SNai to know. There are dark hints ; ef cerrepttoa la this rerelatlon and it ' ss Intimated ' that Hlepse and hla as. aiatanta asjceeeded ta Infleeaclag amt i ewe ta the soil ileal ring to see that the , atata basking department kept ita heads eft aad allowed the looters to proceed ea their nr uatrammeled. TREPOFF POISOHED "ATPETERIIOF Rumorsd That Tyrant la Dying; Has Not Bn Sen About for WeeXa, v v"--; THOUSANDS ARRESTED ' BY TROOPS AYeWARSAW Ererw "XJb Saipected of Sympathy With Rawolarkm Is Drscctd From Horns . FlghiBetwn,yoh:. and ArmfSt Lrban.'.. j . i 1,. ;r; . Portlands ' Cjty of Prosperity. ! -' Sliteea.' years' Ago. whea. we - first . opened business In this city, Ita auooees was a. aahject ef oeajectwre by ail wha r awe not fsatUlar with our method of doing business. However. It Is said that the growth of, our estahUanment nas , ewmonatrated the fact that a med srn method of doing business, coupled with liberality end eesy terms, has an. peeled ta tha public at large, to whom wa ewe our gratitude. Our new. magaloeent home, northwest .eoraer WaehJngten and Tenth streets. wnsc ww wui occupy Tuaaday, Septem ' ccr , affords sreater facilities for earrylna; and displaying better grades ef awods tn men'a, women's, boys' and . glrte wearing apparel than heretofore. ,io aew eciarpment of U store, the light, the merchandise, the system the i salespeople, ail carry with them the as ' auranoe of courteous and satisfactory ' eat i its to ear old end aew patrons Ne effort will be spersd oa our part ' to make oer new store the meat piece ' ant end convenient trading center in tht ciiy oi rorriafMi. f ... ; EABTEKIT OCTFITTINO CO. An enormous watermelon crop was .umj arvuuu nermunon. (Caen st. Basic trews Serrlea. by Ware ta The Jearaal.) : ' St. Petersburg, Sept. t. There Is an Inalsteat remer here that General Tre peff la dying at the palaoa at peterhof. While this haa been denied sevsral times la a half-hearted way. there ia grwund for the belief that the military tyrant is la precarious, condition and that his physician fear he will wot bra. The nature of hla Illness la a mystery, but a connect lost haa been traced be tween the re porta of hla Ulnae and the statement that ha waa poisoaed recently by tee stents of the revolution. Ne one ea be found wh haa seen blot fee a, era! weeks snd tha greatest secrecy la pre erred at the caar'e palace coacerw tnsj Bias. . .... ' CB be atyetery. A clew to the affair may b found la tha fact that a maaj who wa recently srreeted at Peterhea. was Sebit t awsH low a piece of paper which; m believed t have contained w list of the name ef tbooc at ta psisce whe had beest ooa demaed to death. -Every attempt to force eMfeaalo from him haa failed thus far. ; ... , . , . ;xi War saw be prisons are coagestsd a result of .the wholesals arrests made there last night. More tha S.ees person were dragged front their home by th polloe. It t reported- the notice acted with the greatest brutality. Women a well as men were eat pon and- many were injured. Even children were alaahed with whip. There la a great deal of nubile Indignation. ' l the wide swee of the aorernraaat dragnet every person in th city sus pect or in Slightest sympathy with th revolution waa harried away to JalH mpi of Oartrtdge. " A revolutionist was arreatad at Mo- eow today ndr pcllr clrcuraataseee. He was carrying . hug pumpkla through th atrecta when a policeman noticed him aad ordered Mm t halt He tried to run away but was overtaken. The . pumpkin -watr 'found to be filled with cartridges. They were confiscated and the man sent'ta Jail., He was Iden tified by the secret, police as danger ous revolutionist. . . From Llbsu eomea word that a severs ngrtt-toolf piso there last night tween an armed mob and detachment of troops who were escorting a number of prisoner, Th soldier were attacked with great ferocity aad many . shots wsr fired. So desperate did tha fight. ing Become mat ine troops nred into a large crowd of women and children killing elghtand wounding more than 10. One ' woman with a babe at her breast Mras round among th dead.- The effort to rescue .tha prisoners failed. Kovoe Trcmva today clalma to have direct evidence that one man concerned In the bomb throwing et the Stolypln .viiia was aew.. . j FIVE MILLION POUNDS OF WOOL IS BALED (Stwrlat tMopaUk The itmuLl Pendleton. Or Sept. LOf the UM crop of wool there are already baled. In Pendleton 6.000,009 pound, or Us car. loads, cstlmatig 70 bales of an average of EDO pounds to ' th average car. - Of this amount Che Judd at Root company has baled ISoO.OOa pounds and has. at this time not-lcsatban 850.000 pounds ea hand unbaled. ' The Furnish company has baled LBMlOOA, most of which ha been shipped sod 'gone o Boston end Hartford, Connecticut. .'One hundred and sixty tons, of this' amount wss raised In Umatilla county. ''.the balance being shipped from eastern Oregon counties. In representing to the pubHcthe offerings4 of a1 firm, the advertising man when he offer goods at less than regular prices advances some real or imagi nary reason why he ia cutting the prices. As'a rule it is a Fire '.Sale; Removal1 Sale, Alteration Sale, etc.. In fact, any old sale.will do as long as a.plausible rea son is offered. , Our reason .for making the prices we advertise U simply this: We want you to get acquainted with usto know what it-mean's a to ' find "A . GOOD PLACBl.TO TRADE. ;We,know that if we can induce you to respond " ( to our advertisements that you 'will "get the habit of coming again.. . Our advertised articles are always as represented, and like our regular stock, are the best in the market, .If you ar4ooking for anything in : he house fur- - - . . as t 1 .. a., 1a,) 4 Vt AS A aShV V J. - nishing line you win iina our regular price a ww,ui v. ', many alleged aale contmuaUygoing. oxt .. Comeia-and. look- around, compare pricea and valuojr--we are only too glad . to show you through, and you will . al-i-V - wav receive courteous ireauncnt, wncmcr yuu-wi w vu v V Roll Top Dealt Mad t goldetroah-.- with quartered oak front and panel. On of th many good points, about thee le the durable finish. - hard. - tough-dryinr-varnish rt used, which doe not mar or cratch ao easily a th averts. ' Movable partitions In all drawer. Three-ply. sliding leaf over each pedestal and an au tomatic lock on th curtain t, . . IS-lach length f 2T.OO SS-lnch length ., ...i. (30.OO SO-lncm length ..,,..4.,..,.................. $33.00 vi. i. - ..i - r J: Rbll 'Top Dcoli :. V: olid ak.t with cusxtered eak front.' golden finish. ' A hand- oiso'desX In, new deaigsi that's worth Just a little more than 'the price we ash..' Drawera are 11 Inchee wide with adjustable . V partition. Threcply alldsng laf over each pedestal. Letter ' . file, at emp 'drawer and, private locker in plahole cseej Siao book drawer in right pedttl. Come la tw eus- , .. . BO-Inch length ....'.,', S3 A.00 ll-lnch length '..........,,,.,,.,...... f-iXOO : ft' " ' :Nrf-"Wi"":-' Z.ZZ ' T. fl .' :'' " ' f ' ... j j :.'. ."tltc;mtw.;ivev.i. " r '' T '','' CarVintt Set 01.35 .:-;V Wegantly finished Carvers, f . superior quality. Made from th " beat ground and tempered cut- - lery steel, with genuine buokhor handles. Knife measures- lt Inches long, Th set usually sells for It-OS and la very good value at that. Whtl they laat, a set 11.35 'j . .':''.,'. .." Hall Stando ' Are th Indicator t th ton t your home. To i wiu be.- rr - to strtk f H rtght If you get on of these, 4.., ...... .... roliahed rter-eawed eak, French; plate----- mirror , ...... -919.00 olid oak and wH finished; - on you would apct to .'- pay 1 for ....-9T.1B L(S Halt ' SUnd. ' atreng "' and well mad; thl week only ........... . 90-39 1 . v.- &Sty r 4 p SSvwMdul Teii Pot: r33c c Th" kind that' ells regularly.' Tor IX. Nickel plated on a embossed' body . " of heavy oop- . - pert rl vt ' sold handle and - hinge, with. .. a non corroalv Silvertn lining.'' Carpet. Rurjs Made from carpet rem-. naots. aad vary la length from 1 yard, t 1H yards. . The cheapest carpet In the lot would cost 1.M if ought by th yard, and some oft than run a high as 11.11 a yard. They are good, eervloeabl ruga, with leather binding oo th and. rrrr 41 'Game. Picture: V 39c ; : ' 0r fletas gaV larr lays am as- teaaive atoefe ef picture' eoverlag . ': AJtminster Bugs. ..'.91.20 Lace Curtains 74c a Pair ' . 1 Mads from' " " good cjuaUty of 'Nottingham Lace,, I yards long "and 49 inches wide. In a pleasing pattern that ta good value at th regular price of It 11, 01.00 Down, 01.00 aWeelL . T'-;:-'. '.:.; -: BUYS THIS . - . . . . V SIDEBOARD hed quarter-sawed eak. golden flnleh. 'HA-.r e wide and feet In height. Th ' '. . ,' t,,--, plat mirror 1 quarter t an inch l; JsvS ' : v . - ' '.-: t ' ' ( Mad from polished It la it loohe i - )rt rreaoh plat mirror 1 Tapestry Brussels ; . T . ' a - wide rear Body Brussels . , y. ' suojeais. in paa. . . ' est tela, earbeae and "I'M .,i.we- uouennm. Wa .' w eel d like- e ' shew tsea ymv an ine picnres . w efrer this wek asoald be aa extra Indue meat, the sabjeets am.. well u -la aslaes tiee--te life. The tress Is Uua tnekes. Bsde ef waatlMred eaki So I th reralar prla ef tbeae . ptcnes si say art stem I teem. : 7Writl23 Desla Th peak,, pictured . ber. with chair t - match, la , rich wethred oak., gen-.. Uln. Inl. M Avk An AmmW y "'. Pd .Chair t 'a- unique . d sign you'll not find els-,, 930UO ", thick. Swell front, - With pluh-linod rwr ror . ,lssk ana t,-nair to roetoca, mrmm w ivwrei wava n silverware. A sideboard that will appesj t con- ana ana naur cnair. cfew mwmm. .......... .ea.o.w servaUv purchaser who jook for quality at v roaaonable price.. which ia only..-., ..... .936.00- Bnrllsh Writing Desk. to covered with, Spanish leather. iai.BO.3 , Uaodaom English Writing. Desk. -Speelsf this wek. .. .915,0Q , .477.5 t ;.s II II i . :' mmmmmmK .1 .... - .. - .. . .-. - ...... T... ttw. jj . ' ' 1 ' ' ..' , I1mBsawgsmwsjawsssM I i- .a . "mm a. . y ' J - ; . ." . ASSISTANT BEGINS ' v v r ' HIS SCHOOL WORK . t). A., Grout, aaslstsnt city superln tsdnt of schools began hie work for the year yesterday; He Is the first man v ....... j .. . -, 5. . -1, i. ) - 't i i ''' ' ' ' ' i, f):'x :. d. a. Grout ; . tares. Some t additional ejtjipmcnt has been bought, but the lines are atiU far from being adequately sup plied with motive power ana cars to handle the rapidly increasing tonnage. EARL OF CARLISLE 111 COKE TO PORTLAND V.-.. -, " : " " ' - .". v, '' " .... : " . .... ' : r . .' i British Peer and Daughter Plan 7;. Trip to Coast While in the United States. '1; ; KANTSEU.M Invisible Bifocal Lenses Perforui the' two functions of distance and reading so thor- . , oughly and without any eye strain, thtt they at once' come ' into popular favor' and recommend themselves.. Certainly a good investment at the same time costing less than' others ,-! to called. ;'r::".,.' : : . ' r:-'-'l. "Diamond Leaders of the Northwest" Manufacturing Jewelers , . Corner Third and Washington Sts. . t held this position la Portland. It le probabja that Mr. Grout will do most of th visiting of schools, aa ther I eonatant demand for Mr. Rlgler time In the effloei There r now 4 aohooia In Portland land visiting tw oh dy it will require a month te.mak th circuit.' - - - - rJ -' - GOVERNOR WILL;. COMPEL (Continued front rage One.) nine years. During the same period, it is said, these lines accumulated a surplus of about $24,000,000. . Subeaunt!y.' from enormous In Cresae of business, it is said tha rstio of profits increased steadily, The company has, in the last few years, expended considerable amounts'- for the betterments of the main line. Under General - Managers-.. Calvin, Worthington and O'Brien successive ly, the roadbed , ha been ballasted, tracks' straightened in- many pieces, turves-reduced, and steel. bridges ara aunarsedioc the old , WQOdea struc :. . (Sseetsl Phseteh w Th lesraeLp . Boaton, Sept. 1 That the Karl ef Carlisle and is daoghtar, head t th British societies, are to attend toe ses sion ef the world's convention of th Women' Christian Temperas c Union, to be held ta this city, was announced today. After ,th close of the Boaton convention tha earl and hi daughter will make a trfur of the country, going west to th Psclflo coast and a pending several days In Portland, Oregon. . ' George James Howard. srt of Car lisle. Is the ninth of bis line and Is one of the foremost peers of England. He also bears th titles of Viscount How ard of Morpeth and Baron Dacre of OU Iceland. . Hie residences are: 1 Palace Oreen, Kensington. W.; Castle Howard, Tork, and Ns worth Caatle. Carlisle. Be la a member of crooks' club. The executives tn charge of the W. (X T, U. convention extended the-earl and hie daughter cordial Invitation to at tend the Boston - convention and are highly pleased at their acceptance. It la now planned by the carl, unless something unforeseen' arises, to tour America for several months and . to make an extended atsy In the west.. He la deeply Interested In America, and th work of the W. C T. U. In this country snd Intends to examine into actual ex LsUng conditions for himself while hare. WILL BUILD BIG BEND RAILWAY IMMEDIATELY fftaeelat Manatee t The Joernal.)' i . Jpehane, Wash., Sepl L An electric railway from Spoken to th BTg Bend country I assured.- Clarence Ward, prominent attorney Of St. ' Louis, who was In the city today, announced' that capitalists of London snd ' St Louie, Whom, he represents, win buy the bonds snd stock of the Spokan Big Bend Electric Railway company. ... PreeMent Plummer eayc th derlsfott et Mr. Ward's clients setUes the aues- eeees eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwwcyqewwwwe w f tt f i tt ............iTfTUfffiTT. Our Denial Work Is Perfect , ....... ...... . . . . 4 ,-. .. . .' . . ., - ' ....,-'' ef Beatistry Ota Be auss eWea Xxaet Blsstsaalag That the Pneclse OAIX TOBATMeflept f teeth ess cenatlea tseusaads -el V eataM pais. There, weald se Sew toethsees thr yoa discovered a (malt cavity pee vleited a eVetlst aad sad SlUe IsserUd. Healset thle laiswisnt datr sad ia a sheet Uaae the tooth eeeosw werthlesa. Ceauaea seas ought to eletaas tha praper eeene t paras. 1TO.O A SaXOOS. If yes have neglected year teeb esd BMst ef tbeai have setshWA werthlesa, then la atlll a restedy m aetvetiac erewa sad bride werk. It rea have s amps, ef eaead teeth ws as belld a brldre that win perform all et the renettoe ef . seeeral teetb wlthewt say ad the eiaeoafort esuslly apriMad by pereoas eeiBlkd ' V weat platas.,-..; , ,- .y. -r k .; a ... we it naarfll thai Mea all werk k aHesded t ereBMIr; TS htdln da- ' lay eTperieseed m oftea at ether ef Se where pa are eoaipelled te call day attar ' day and week after week are eseeperatlns aad aeaoytng. We d ear work thereaehly, 1 A stentlOeally, palnleaely. promptly aad asusrsetorUy, always with gaaa sad ceasldera- ties tor ttSipstlest's filns. - ... ; , , - . ' ., . .. e ! OOKXOff SXJfSr. lUmemh, that the a -celled cheap esns ss atnally Ike meet ex. . ( eenslve. Voer work Is wore thee sees at all. la a aavert In It wlU save t he dene ' . ever asals. Our rharres ere ery waerts whe y nlder thai we provM the h1h-- eet (rsUs f HI that If to seetlbH) 1 ebtata her er elesweer.. Ixamuistloa U tree. DREOTGIIiV . 1 - rMsu waawjrjreToai ermasr. oom THE PAINLESS' ; DENTIST . - ', cwmanni nrmwrm. ;j !- -' awadfen' Wawaskas a. a: ema.'eus. ... 'sTss. 4. tsWi eja.. ' fteSlea rlsawfe. A whSh TsnMa ' ... . . . . .. . h lea - ,, -'evkt ;"' T,'w,'xt .wntioil'P r- '-r -r-r v-i-i ,.-. . - SCal. Slip. eeeeeeeee Mew4eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE WHEN v; YOU ASlt FOR ' y -''-;.'.- ,' V ' ' r , i- t"V .. Vi 0. Vf'Ji .... v-, - la fact yon make cistc!: whcavcirDOrrT fcr it. -Better than other breads, but lane price 5c loaf. .; - , tion of building th railway and that th lln will b constructed aa fast ae men and teams ean build It. President Plummer, also . received a telegram thle afternoon from the Interior department at.WashjAgten, D C, that the lln may be built across the Ppokan Indian ,res srvstton et the confluence of th Spo kane and Columbia river. Thle riecle fon Is of great Importance for unless the VhUway. can lie built acroee the rs- . ' ,' i V,-: " ''.'".. .1 ' ervatlon the rich country beyond cannot b reached. Work on th sew line will be started at one.. .. Xnglaeers errwarkd. .' : (Special Mapetsk te Tb foereal.) ' Seattl. Sept. 1. The railroad loromo tlve engineers til ask th next iegis laturs to timlt th hours pf their em ployment. - They declere overwork is responsible for collision. 1 - . . " ' .rlllhrO V mm : Oil ''V