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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
15 V : v - - " J - THE ORECOII . SUNDAY JOUn!!AU PORTLAND". CUrnUY 7 CORNING, SCPTEMCZR 2. ICC; :-::-:"! 4:XXX . w, r ..I i 1 t U ' ' ' y . ". : . ' ' m ' " ; . . ' ' - . ' ' . - H i '-- - -II I I ' ' ' I I i . . . V . " r. - !0 .. ; ! ' .. t - : . " r. v x v - w .annnnnnw v a. a- ' pw a - m . mm k r i r .mmmimmM ym, &y. IHOXiOH the hems svsnts of the pMt Mk hsvs not greatly ia- avkABOt In ttumher rrver thOSS ' r -. .- m . - . - . a mff eh. feum'nct 'o thr kM ben renewij wnM in the 1r at "pli?kln op" th broken tlu-oad octy llf-. - Pol r rvturiUQC In Jr numbr ffm tti umnet nacrtl eil .thoujb tb Ml romara will ot b In till the mlddla or end Of 8ptembr and many of tboee In clude t be most prominent octl t- upro. yet eoctetjr la befflnnlnff to look forward t the omln event rather than back ' at the dullneea et " the aummer. Luooubledly there wilt .be no noticeably Uf a f ft Ira for any other month, but people are already bee-Inning- to feel the fall enerfT Plan- - pine; to ct eut mora. i Wardrobes for the winter aesjMii are riow the aaramoant queatien and many re already rin vt'it to their oeteaaea. A few .early wedding and. the departure of tome of the younfer Mn. EL DeWkt Connell, set for their eolleges has hastened this - ana iter. For eome time things, to wear will be toe ell-engroesing topic. , ' The srrlval of Douglas Crane, the dis tinguished nrtlst from Nrw Tork. has been ths signal for some pretty enter-. Ulnlng whlrft win grow ss his visit lengthens. He 1s planning to do a num- , her of prominent sooiety folk before his letura and one of the questions of the day Is. "Ars you going to have your - portrait doner' Portland setms to rs . llse the honor of this visit from their 4tstlngulhed guest - ' ;. . -,- - - The- Irvlngton Tennis club has been - the prominent center of interest' ths toast week. . The tournament Opened teat Saturday and since that time the grandstand has been filled slmost all the. time with devotees of ths sport. - Irvlngton has shown ttg enthusiasm and loyalty by turning out rn masie every day to" see the . contests. Even lira Walter Cook, though' handicapped with ' fractured ankle and a wheeled ehatr, ' tas been out several times In her en ' thuslasm, for ths grounds are not far ' from her home.. One of the festures of the week out there have been the-dln-wr parties svery evening at the Club house. -' Proaalneat people from both the east and the west side havs formed parties of eight or ten and lingered an ths eAibhouse vsrsndss 1st the even ing. . , v " " The courts present a pretty appear- nee, being cleaned every night for the rames of the following day. Ths crowd that has attended has made a pretty picture gowned In light eummer frocks. . Thoes wha have put op cups for the Tournament in addition" to the club trophies -watch - the progreaa of the pain with interest. Wesley I-e4d, J'.iilph Wilbur,.. M. fvockwood and the Irvlngton Improvement eeeoctatlen, rep. reaented by the most prominent men of the suburb, have given additional cups. Ths governor's family waa well rep resented st the grounds eves day. Ex.. Hwiator J. H. McClunj cams out sees, tonally aid enjoyed ths ' sport 1m tnenaely. Ths - William Kerr pVotts were of course out svery day. and Wes ley trSdd wstched with Interest ths port of which he is a devotee. Among ethers seen there regularly were Mr. nd Mrs. C, H. Fox. Miss Tox. Dr. Her bert Kegele of Chicago, who le here on vlalt, end Miss Scott, Will mm Caa tleman. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wllhur. H. Ti Judge, Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Stubrta. Mies Ileltahu, Vilas Josephl. Miss iissel Wsidler, Miss T" i Dorothy tforrlaon Mr a, doee and her daaabtera, -Mlae1 Mabel uoas aixl Mre. Crl WUliama of Thei.Dalle. who re turned home laet week, Dr. end Mr J. U-.Fax. Mr. 1. -N, LI omen and bar ! tr, Mlfa'Roeenfeldt, waiter Roaenfeld; Dr. .Karlxr, , C. P. 8erry.r Pft A, - T, . Teatarday waa tht felt dayf the tour nament and . the Urgeet crowd of the week w out even theugh the finale had to- be peetponed till Monday. Many did not know of the change which wee neceaaltaJrd by : the large number of entries.' The tournament Is the largeat evr held on the Paoiflo eoaat in that reepeot.. The social ' of-(he meet will be ' emphaelaed ' Monday and re freshments served, rromlaent women of the club will be he hostesses for lha dar ' ' ' ' . ' . . E." Douglas Crane hag seen the; -en ter of entertaining the past weeic, ana gll who have met UJm profess them- MrACrane't Hottett, selves charmed with ths talented yoang artist, who is -a guest at the beautiful DfWItt Connell home on King's Heights. A number of friends havs been In to meet him informally, spending de lightful evening. Monday Mrs. Connell gsvs her first formal affair -sines her return from Europe In a dinner of eight for Mr. Crane. The table decorations wsreislmple and created much comment by their extreme beauty. A Tiffany vass broad at ths base and tapering to point two feet high wss filled with feathery asparagua fern In lent strands, trailing over ths entire cloth. The foun tain effect wss entirely satisfactory and the whole waa so light and airy that ths uaual objection of an Interrupted view wss not present. Ths hostess made a charming plcturs in an exquisite princess gown of - hand-woven lace brought from Paris. Besides Dr.' Con nell snd Mr. rsn there were present Dr. snd Mrs. A. B. Hockey, Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, Mrs. Augusta Dolph and Psul Rockey. WW Mrs. Walter Cook, who la exceedingly popular with the. Irvlngton set. Is re ceiving many Uers these daya Though confined to her. home with a fractured ankle, a he received the bener fit of most of those who attended the tournament laat week, as sll would stop for a short visit before going to their homes. She will probably be unable ts wslk for two months. .WW Mrs. David S. Stearns gave oharm Ing lawn party to a number of her friend test Saturday evening- at ber residence, iii . Betaioiri street. The handsome grounds surrounding her home were Illuminated with Chines lanterns, presenting a beautiful effect. Stories and games were ths evening's entertainment. Mrs. Stearns-waa as sisted by her niece. Mies Louise Stearns of Seattle, In ths serving - of , refresh ments. ----- -" ; '. Many Portland friends will he Inter- ested in -the Informal announcement of the engagement of 'Mlaa Edna JefforV. which was madi tbrouch a. dinner and beach souvenir shower given by -her xriends at seaview laat week, a um her of her friends hsvs known of her engagement to Dr. Millard Holbrook, but it had not been made publlo before. . The marrlase of Mlaa Nina Lane and A. L Finch will take place this after noon at ths horns of ths brlds's parents. Mayor and Mrs. Harry Lans. on Kelly -; - , I I rest on -the east side, : Ths ceremony will be very simple and) only the imme diate family will be prwent. The hiMe and groom will leave Immediately fer. Salt lake City, where they , will make jjieir noma. , . t Dr. and . Mr. Henry IWaMw- Cm ssd ths younger boys of ths family mads a delightful trip to Astoria on their launoh. -the Ansa' Bells. t snJoy the festivities of the week.; As the launch la fitted ' up . with : beautiful, roomy berths, tbeytdld. not.experiemoe the hotel dlff lenities of most of itha, regtvtta v ta rt ora, j i -,i - .i j .. . , - 4 . Dr. and Mrs, J. W.. Hill havs returned to Hill Military academy from visit In British Colambhu Mr. Hill's dsugh- r. Miss Clara MaoEwan. has besa the guest of Miss WiUs.ln California, whose father wa eommlealoner to ths Lewis snd : Clark exposition last year. Shs hs nowy Joined thai HUls it hesis. Mrs.' Thomas 'O'bay; gav' launch party Thursday- etenlsg tn honor ol Donald Bowlss. who has returned for his -winter engagement at the- Baker theatre. There wars 4 tn ths party. Miss Josephine Yfttfa will be ths guest of Mrs, O'Day anothar 'week or twe. Mr. and Mrs, It h. Durham of River- dale havs the sympathy) of vary large circle of friends in th death of their eon. Roy Oault Durham, ' laat weak. The Durhama had punBJ to - take trip to. Boston soon, but ths death of tbelf son altered their, plana. If lu EtU A. Morris, who "has been III with nervous prostration for a even weeha. Is slightly better, snd Mrs.: M. Morris has now. taken her out In their beautiful houseboat up the river, where Itxls hoped shs may havs ahsoluts quiet. Mrs. W. X Hssieymsn and hsr daugh ter Ruth left Friday for Oearhart Park. They will remain -through ths"T. W. C A, , conference which..;. opened Friday evening. MrsTHoneynian is president Of theortlandaaSocla,tlon. , ' . , s-. Mrs. W. B. Cook Mae Batehelor) of Cody. Wyoming, Is visiting. hsr friends,- Mr. and Mrs. r. M. satcnsior, at ill North Twenty-fourth atreet. She e. pacts to remain Into ths fa)l and Mr. Cooks will Join her later. . ,. - t Ths'" governor's fantllyls reoeivtng congratulation on ths arrival of a nsw member tn -their household. A Uttls fvocis Chamberlain Blair arrived about fortnight SCO and beers ths nam of hot mother. - , i ' , Mrs. Borah, wife of Sena tor -elect. W. E. Borah of Idaho, la HI at St. Vinoent'a hospital. - Mrs.' Borah has a number of frisnda In ths city "whs 4ffr tbslr eon dolsncs, fc. ,., .., , , u- . Mr.'' snd Mrs. Edward Ehrman and their children. Mason- and , Emily, havs spent a delightful month at ths Hotel Breakers, Ing Beach, JSnd. expect to return this week, . . I - - i - ; - Ths M'lsses Do sen srs sntsrtslnlng this afternoon In honor I of . Douglas Crane with ons of their Informal aftsr- noons at their Hiusdaia country pises. tTTis Iaaa White cottage at North Beach WU1 remain epenv till the middle of September. Mr. aad Mrs. Whits hsvs entertained number of friends this summer.. "-'. .'-'." -:"-'' i - Miss Delta Watson is a guest at ths Lengdon cottage at Newport where H. A. Nelson and Mrs. P. A. Toang aro en tertaining a houas party. Ths Jerry Bronnughs closed . their cottage at North Beach last Wednes dsy and returned to Portland after a pleasant summsr. - - . - Mrs. E. DsWltt Conner! and her gueet, Mrs. Crans. spent Friday at the Biddies', country boms dbovs Vanoou- vsr, Washington. , . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ksdderly snd Mrs.; J. C. Van Ransselaar havs re turned from a sesson'a Outing at North Beach. .: h: Mrs, B. E. Courssn snd hsr daughter Q raid In havs returned front ths Hotel Breakers at Long Beach. ' - '-.1 ' - ' . ' Mrs. I. Weeley Ladd and Mrs. John Kollock. her guest, will return this week from Sesvlew, ' .Mrs. Hugh Laldlaw apent ths week as ths guest of Mrs. John Peters at 811- wood. i : -f i: .- y 1 EVENTS OF THE WEEK. One of the most enjoysbls parties of ths season 'Was given Isst Satusdsy evening at 'the Haselwood cottage- at Seaside In honor of Miss Haiel Rich ards' birthday. Ths cottage wss. beau tifully deeereteg with ferns, carnations and roses. Ths svsnlng wss spent with games, musio and dancing. At a lats hour luncheon wss served on the ve randa, which wag lighted up with Chi nees lanterne. Thoae present were Mr. snd Mrs. Rlohard. Mr and Mrs,- Me Devttt, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmuaeen. Mr. and Mrs. Oonaberg, the Mlssss Qlaudlhe Rasmuaeen, - Helen Din nee n", Alice Dougherty. .' Bess Snyder, Beatrice Wright. LAura Hansen, Nellie Flanders, Ida Dougherty. Lillian Juehl, Vera Chamberlain, Nettle Smith, Hasel Rich ards, Chants Gorman, " Frank - Terry, Jack Lewis, George Thoma. Dlek Davis, Hsrold Scott, M. McVoy, Will Rsmsdel. Charles Hardle. Ed Mstthews, Ralph Stewart and Jack McDevltt. Many gifts were reoelved by Miss Richards. Most of ths jolly erowd Isft ths next svsnlng for Portland. . -, ' ' Miss Hilda Brown sntertained V few friends Informsily . at carda Tuesday evening at her horns oif ths east aids. The honors gueet wss Miss Msrtls Robinson, who Is shout to leave for Chicago - te visit friends for several nvostha. . Five hundred wss played st four tahlee snd Miss Winnie Merger end Frank 'Tyler won ths first prlsss snd Miss Jennie Wilson snd ' Arthur Hale ths consolations. Miss Jtoblnson was XXXU ' tCY,U . ,r".. A-.'-JkHN'" .'''''' ' V B t i-V-J.'j.'f jW-J. :." --.r"" .!V'.; V'''?. ..:'.'. ."TVJV iVf .'.'i '-'. " 'V r.-.J 't . V :"j , l. --'' 1 4 n---. We Kave SITES FOR i. ' ttt-dct .character. , , ,naracxer. f iiu m p anrt children. i ildren... ..-I - - THEN IN f . W ST-S V which ' We would and priees OUR FALL - ".I presented with one of ths recent books by hsr young friends. Rsfrsshmsnts were ssrvsd at tb cardtnblea by two of the hoateesss' young girl Irisnas, Alice Wflson and Ruth ' Moors. ' Tht guests were;' Miss. MsrtU Robinson, uiaa Winnie Mercer. Miss Jennie W1U son. Miss Emma Morton, Miss Dorothy raih. Mlaa Clara Uale. Miss Margaret Smith. Frank Tylar. Arthur Hals. James tr.nuiii: William Johnson. Oscar Korton, Howard Douglass, Marshall Crsns and Carl Dugsn. . : : - --, '. v. - ' ': . ' t Mrs. Bdgs Norton" sva pink luncheon -Wednesday tn honor of ths btrthdsy of hsr sister. Miss Mildred Ward, Covers were laid for 1. s A large china, bowl with hsnd decoratlona of pink sweetpsas waa filled with sweet pea blossoms in ths earns pals shsdss to form ths centerpiece. The placs oards were In water colors In the snaps of the sweetpes blossom.- Ths service waa all tn pink aad whits. Mrs. Norton wore flowered net Of srhlte with pink rosea, mads ovar pink silk, and Mies Ward wore pink chiffon ovsr silk. Ths guests -were:- Mrs. B. B. Sutton, Mrs. Csrl Hard. Mis O. F. Stusrt. Mrs. U A. Llndsey. ' Miss EtU Stuart. Miss Florence Morss and Miss Ad Wilson. , ' ' " Miss Msrgusrlts V. tf,hr. Jill U Heaman, wboos wedding Is to take plaoo next Wedneeday, entertained the bridal party at Miss Stoshis horns on Ovsrton strset. Frldsy svsnlng. Ths Issm snd front porches -wers dsoorated with Jspaneea lanterns and ith cuah lons and rugs hsrs snd there, made a most Inviting scene. Music snd dancing wars indulged in until a lats hour, aftsr which rsfrsshmsnts were served The bridesmaids snd ushsrs were preaented with their fitts, dainty pearl rlngg for ths former snd ecarfplne for ths men. Those prsssnt wwrs Mlssss Myrtls B. Longv Nsttis Hogeett. 1-eorsh Jensen. Ethel Orsves snd Sadls Ocman and Charles Wlntsrmute, Harry JS. Wllllsms. Earl CoUlns, tn' fodro and Charlss Woodman, y, j,.; XyXX'Xt: Mrs H- B." tawso gave . dlnnsr Tussday evening In honor sf ths birth day of Mr. Dswson. Covsrs wsrs laid for sight. A largs howl of nstsrs In mixed colors formed ths. tabls decors tion. The guests were: Mrs. - p. I Tarter, Mr. nnd JHtm. T. IX 7 Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Morss and David I WlUlama. ,. , ; ! . ' ,:'. , , ,- - .'' ---.f .- i - ' ' ' . Mrs tllHnn MeMorrls gtvs h bifth dsy party at the Oaks on Monday nr Master Chsrlss Purdr. only non of Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Purdy of -Walla Walla. Ths tsbis wss decorated In nnioue atyle befitting the character of ?h. c.lon. ! Msstsr Pordr Is S yearn et age.',' .' ' .:".,-,'....'.. WEDDINGS.' Ths first of S. serlss of Important weddings scheduled for this fall took placs Wednesday evening when Miss Marls Cecelia Neuhausen and Horses Tillard Jonas were marrlad at ths homo of ths bride's mother. Thomss Bruce X- ''': . - Devncing. . ;' :;.! V' ' . Mrs. Nina tArows Is ready to ar rangs time for class a. private lessons snd to rent hsll for psrtles. By rsque.t will organise ons beginners' clsss for married people only. htsJn lll. At homo l to 1 and T to S p. m. ,; , Ma'ry Dsvls Msglnnls. ' .. ' Teeeher of ' i ' . Conventionsl and-nsturallstl china. - Stndio 111 East Ninth strset, north. . Water color heads a .specialty. ; VfcHe : Siberian , FpxSe! , E!rff and $15.09 $995 t r r NpvelSes la Crock SEASON 4r SALE PRICE.: OUPKICE centered our etrenrth noon soeciaftYGARtyENTS And 'PERSONAL BEQUi fWOMEX nd-,gsilsNv livors'irv. and .vtnt .of no Tbi is tte not cerUui l:. ' a - , aI : . '. . . ( rr-;A ; , v.- . - t -f ' '- PRICES This specialuatl makcpossible prices jihat ate exceptionally taeesV count IT. in uoiwr to nave jwu thenj come to wCX-", elsewhere, thei FASHION CATALOGUE ' Store Cloised air Day; 4- See Cur TIs3ow Display - ', Neuhausen, at 401 Bast Fifteenth strset north. Rev. Frederick C. Williams, ss slstsnt pastor , of Trinity church, read the ceremony. , Ths-decorations of ths hous wsrs baautlful aad all carried out in ths color schsms f eras n.. and -wMtsv ' AU ths rooms on ths lower floor were-thrown open. Into- ons and ths srohwsys, and connecting pillars wsrs wound with Or egon, grape, fern and whit astsrs. Banked la ths corners of ths room were msssss of palma, f erne and vsrlegated maplo follsgs. t The stair railings wsrs hidden with the maple leaves - ana sorsens of palms. 'A dainty garland odt- llns of Oregon grape and- avsrlsstlng flowers in whits outlined tn plats racs all s round ths dining room. Ths bridal party atood In a litus aleovs nook lead' lag Into the library. - Overhead was s csoopy of whlts snd green from which swung: & hell of green and whit woven over a canopy globe. Whlts and green ribbons interlaced across ths bell and ssparagua fsrn and sverlaatlng fiqwsrs trailed over thsm, . . . Ths color plan was austainsd In the gowning of the bridal party. ' Ths bride cams ' down ' ths ' stairs and passsd through an alsla of whits ribbon before the seats of ths company arranged In a semicircle. Her brother,-Thomas Bruos Neuhaueen, brought her in and gave her in marriage, and Mrs. T. B. Neuhausen attended her as matron of honor; . Ths brlds's town wss of whlts point ds gsuA over whlts satin. Ths garnitures of old ross point - from . hsr . grandmotbsr's gown wsrs rich and hsr vsll was secured with a butterfly of point lacs.. Another quaint feature of her toilet wss ths whlts kid high shoes worn by hsr mother at her wedding. Ths bride's bouquet wss a shower of whits sweet pees. Het attendant matron wore pals green louls lns silk trimmed with green chiffon aad white antique lacs and carried pins asters. Forrest Starksy Fisher attend ed the bridegroom. There were shout 10 guests in attend ahes and a delightful reception followed ths ceremony. Mrs. Elisabeth Neuhau sen, the 'bride's mother snd Mr a E. M. Flood of Spokane, the matron -of -honor" mother, asaleted in "receiving. Mrs. Nett haussn, Bsniof, . wore black embroidered chiffon trimmed with point sppliqu and Mrs, Flood wors gray crepe de chins with point lace - Assisting fa serving refreshment were Mrs. W. C Bristol, Mrs. P. Hunt. Mrs. Charles Crogsler, Miss Palsy Bradford. Miss Mabsl French snd Miss Blsnsb Watts. Mel ville Ogden presided at the piano, play ing the TxJhengrln" Bridal Hyhn lor ths ,; processional, . Traumerel" during the ceremony, and ths -Msndslssoha "Wedding March" after ' ths ceremony. Mr. sndfrs. Jones have g6ne to the sound for their wedding trip -snd are making short trips -to point of Intsrsst The bride's going-sway' gown was a plea-colored broadcloth suit with a lacs waist and a. hat In ths plum tones with tulls and feathers. Aftsr September It they will be at home at Wellington oourt till ths completion of their own horns on ths ssst side. ".'.",'.'.' ' Among the out-of-town gueats wsrs Mr. Jen' cousin,-J. W.-Rawllngs of Washington, D. Cj '.Mrs. ' Lawrence of Rossburg, Miss Lang and Mr. Moody Of The Dalles. .... . The brids has recently come her with ber mother from St TauJ to llvs with hsr brothsr. T B, - Neuhausen,- prom inently known ss special Inspector of ths Interior department. Mr. Jones- ts ons of the special sgents of the govern ment In -ths land, fraud eases. - - , - -' W- ' - A pretty home wedding took placs at loll Hawthorn -avenue Isst Wednes day evening, when Ben C Maaaay and Bertha May Pchofleld wars united In marriage by tee Rev. J. J. Staub of ths Sunnyslds Congregational church. , ; l ' ' Miss Onda Hslen Harris and Thomas Jsantngs Myers, both of Portland, wsrs '-This J"fin:f'x?mpie pot' only '.of .'the rare , x our Alvnc 5alc. pf;FPf bu also of the yxqulsHevUite;.;. ; in electinff;thf Fpr .-rnpat wantfd this season -'to sell at "t.rv' V nprece4ente4 eiirly season pfjees,- :..:.r : j.'V' v 'U You need not pay for ywrFitywtlect them. ) hin- X ? dreds did last week and forsT maU deposit we'U .stgre ';'.-" " them tlU you're readyv- Early ?ecton rf vvy the v " best, and in this case py far the cheapest. -' .--A, "' - i X ': - i NAny -good judge, of Furs, would; pepnounce this Fox Set,1- ; , ..a-good value for double its price. K!l2b b: f 5 Cray tzi 5?clrrcl $3.25 I . 4- SEASON price, .50pwqe$5.25 iey, ail nave rnficrw Deneijis, r - ttockr-the Itrrest in the state, arvj.-.fir tVimire 'Kill l v rv tmi specific.tpings.ibiitLevery tmngor womcn .; (V;,' , .... - rt - ', . . ' ssoj.-jrwa,v , " .wv-v :X.i X V X-'' X'X-XXi OF" FURS 'IS READY AND Mondayi Ilabbr Day married last Sunday aftsraooW at 171 college strset by Rev. Henry A. Bard en. Miss Hslsn Carolina Ordamann and Miss Gertrude Forney attended thsm. . , Mr- and Mr. Mysra wil mans their horn la ths etty." - ' -' "Mlsa Ruth Brum and Josepa C Qrses wers married with a horn ceremony st 111 Tenth street Wednesday svsnlng. Dr. Clsrenoe True Wilson officiating. A number of friends were present- with thelr congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Green will reslds at 110 East Fourteenth strsst - '.'. - . .. - v ' ; . -' I ENGAGEMENTS. Vss"aaaaw'j Mt1. aad Mrs. J, Ooldstsln - announce ths engagement of their daughter Annie to John Gilbert. They will b at horns to friends this aftsmon from I to i at 40 First street : j..-. v . .. ' Mr' and Mrs. F. W ' Reynolds an nouno the engagement of their daugh ter MoUie to J. B. C Lockwood. ' . The wedding; will tak plao Wsdnssdsy. No aaras. v .i. j ,...8,:.i 1 MUSICAL NOTES. Orae Methodist church is vefy for tunate la Its musical srrsngsment' this year. Professor William M. Wilder Is to bs ths organist and choir, director. Hs filled this position for 11 years at ths First Baptist church In this city and la now engaged for ths third rear at Orecs. Miss Ethsl M. Lytic, the popular soprano of ths Whlts -Tsmpls for thro yssrs pas V is to begin her work for ths arses churah today,- and Miss Ethel Shea, also of ths Baptist choir. Is to sing with ber. Both will render SpeolM - solos at both servlcea There has been no change In ths tenor or baa so;. Walter J. Gill' and George H Strsst will remain ' . In -the quartet during ' ths coming year. - Dr. Wilaon has . arranged for - a . special musical service at 7;l this "evening. - ( . ' Wsldemsr Llnd, who has but recently corns Up from Ban Frandsco, has de cided to make Portland his residence. Mr. -Llnd studied abroad -with Caesar Thomson of Brusssls, Belgium. . It wss her that such violinists as Vlsu stamps, Leonard and Wlanfawski taught Before leaving Europe opportunity was pre sented Mr. Llnd to. serve ss assistant teacher to the . Mastsr "Thomson, - an honor accorded only to thoss wh havs thoroughly studied a - systsm of violin technics. Mr. Llnd will hs heard In vio lin recital asslatsd by prominent local artists st ths Helllg theatre, September IS. ' ? 1 ' '. .. --. v ;.' : V yr':.:yX ' 'Clan ' Macleay wni bring Nannie Strachsn, soprano, of Oalashlsls. aad Gavin S pence, tenor and entertainer, of Edinnurgn, to rortiand September Zi. The concert will be given at Arlon hall and will dsnbtlee h largely patronised. Thess entertainers wsrs bsrs In Juns, 101, and pronounced --an - unqualified success. Ths programme ' Is chiefly Scotch bseauss of ths nationality of ths two artists, who ars now In thslr eighth ssasoa. Exchanges speak very highly of Miss Strschsn, who wss a pupil of Herr Albert B. Bach of Edinburgh. Shs hss bees trained for grand opera and sings it very satisfactorily. , -.''-.-" w '- -. - -Miss Jooolyn Foulkes, formerly Of Baker City, will bs ons of this winter's addition to musical circles. Miss Foulkes. ; hss 'Just returned from a year' . study In Vienna, where shs fol lowed ths Leachltltssy method.- .She le now her with her mother, Mrs. A. B. valueigivlne' niJ f . , 11. . - I X -, i ."' . i s , " ',T . -'f "t'yi Erowa Jlqs .v .V V f 1 i and Inch 'in " i : " flr ' fn nmmr ' -".".- '-''. -.".v . . vvs v " , i 'ii'U X:;Xi.:X?.y WILL' VBtt" --Xr-fXX na. Wit.,' W. RJirBXAW, President. Ciiiccgo Aaalteri'asiBldg" The V,ost Complete Consertatdry, of Music ind Dramatic Art fa Americt Ths faculty ef 09 esiher abrce soaw ef , the srat aale aad easecleBtlea traetor la tht eoaatrr and Kurope. Applleatloea. sis aow . belag reeelved - fsi at rm. awp ivr paatiai. KKQilWOg. - , . Sis Season Begins sf. St . H peril! tBdeeeawoM to talented soplsJ with limited mean. Our tatereatlag bdbklet Ke. will be seat free ee trrllretlee. Call e er addrea J. A. KTXaXAW, Kaaaser. WEDDING AND . VI3IT1NQ CARDS W. G. SMITH & Co. W a s h 1 a 1 1 o a 'f- B 1 1 d I a g Elmsr, and has opened A studio at Til jonnson street MiS Foulkss will bs remembered , as - a gradual of St. Helen's hall who tausht musio there two and a half, years after (graduation. . Mr. ' and Mrs.' Frsdsrlck W. Goodrich and their little daughter have returned from Newport During his stay at . Newport Mr. Goodrich played an Sun days at ths Episcopal church ofSt Stephen. He win resums his work as orgsnlst of St David's churoh oa ths . east. sld. - . ,' i .. , j , . - r , : " - v, yyy -.y; Miss Jsnnl Russell -will go to Nsw Tork to continue, her study of vocal musio under the car of PudsrinskL who conducts a select school of musio in that city. Miss Russsll not only possessss-a fins contralto voice, but also has a very pleaalng personality. At ons tiras shs was a member of the First Presbyterian church choir. She expects to leave about October 1. .'-,.-) !u. . . , 't j '.,'.'- ' - -Wj ' i'-., " Miss Kathleen Lawler, formerly solo soprano at the cathedral, will this year hold ths sams position at ths First Bap tist church. - Mis Msry B. OUl. a re cent arrival from Phllsdslphl. will b ths contralto. . J. W. Belcher will con tinue ss tenor, snd Oholr director snd - Carl Robinson will bs ths basso. - Miss ' Grsos Kstnp will again preslds st ths Organ..;; . .- -.. " - i . - Mrs. Anne Beatrice Sheldon and hsr Uttls daughter. Margaret arrived horns Friday from Victoria. British Columbia. " Mrs. Sheldon will return to open ths nsw opera houas at Duncan! oa September II. . She hss sccspted ths poeltlon of soprano and choir director 6 the First Unitarian church. ' -- ;. : ' . . . . . W" . W '. Mra Ros Bloeh-Bauor hss been a' SUSSt at ths beautiful L N. Flelanttnar ' y V ;'--'4-' v.-.V' 1 ' '...-! - XV' X;X' 1 ry Cohscrvatdpy home at Seaslds sines hsr rsturn fromV an ihu wim vr, muer. ' BhS ha returned to reeura her work today In ths . First Congregational, church choir. . , .4 . .., . . ,( -i.!,c.' 'W --.,,, Miss Grscs Ksmp returned ' recently (Continued on Pag Twenty.) X ZXXX: 1