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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
SECTI02J BVO PAGES 15 vo : : 1 ; av - . . . t. ..." 1 , - ' - . : .. . ' ' . ' . ...J .. .." ' . PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY w MORNING. SEPTEMBER 2, 18C3. . ' - r : -r ' ' . . lite Olds, Uorlmnti - - ,MMM.....M...wnwssawn , I Peep Through the Keyhole at Autumn's Initial Exhibit of the Mode . 1 Slii .rv i. i , v mmmmmmm . : .... .... vr- - . s-.- - I I iji. ...... ... r-Trr-'-tt Sforc Closed Ml Day Monday anORUAY stands as a ) 3 monument to the untir ing and never ending tmggfle i of organized i j laoor to Dcner us jLLd ditiont of working men V- and women. It is . proof of the glorious' achievement which even ; the ' most caustic critics ;, and the enemies . of : unionism, both openly declared . and v disguised, cannot - tear a'.-dowxu i The noble efforts, aac : ; . riflces and accomplishments of r ' r thousands , of brave men and ; i women now dead, "; and. the work of thousands more living ? r - and carrying onwara tne cause," X '' ". are all remembered on LABOR . hDAYijymeTnillionaiof benefl-; claries. . ::: .;; : ; I-.-.- 'j'j, . That all : our store-workers r -j mav eniov to tne xuu tne reiax- - "Nations and pleasures attendant nrpon Labor's Holiday, r the store will remain closed 4 unul Tuesday morning at o a. m. ; - v MONDAY"EVENING AND TUESDAY MORNINO PAPERS WILL CON t TAIN IMPORTANT NEWS OF MATCHLESS SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR i TUESDAY. -7 DONT.MISS IT -r t ?S rr--- ; r r--r .Today's story is of the new In' Fashion's Realm, 'y Every Une full of interest tQ attendants' upon her court., j U;s ;v i I iJX i--y. , -;V . .! ; '.."'.'''.J f!'.' C-. K-flBOR DAY Wsifos 1 ' will do well to stop over and visit the OMs, Wortman & King T. store on Tuesday. f Stay and stroll ' thru the- spacious:, store ; avenues' that thread the great triurn-. , virate of buildings which go to make: up PORTLAND'S GREATEST RE-' TAIL ESTABLISHMENT.: See the newness that permeates every aisle and .j, makes each counter a magnetic fashion exhibit -.;.!' ;,-.rrr3 k s VI Cordial; Welcome So Ml ' Check ypuf traps at' the accommbda : rtion desk 1st floor.' Enjoy the restful " lounging ;roonv on. 2d floor, of a deli-', cious. luncb int the k cozy Tea Room. Write' letters on sutionery provided at. the little individual writing desks (2d - floor),' use any of the'numerous FREE Public- Telephones ' scattered about thruout the 'store.' f Look at the new ' goods? that surround "the " visitor on . every, side hete.V Every floor, is like a r vast and fascinating -World's Fair Ex-. ; position. v Do not feel obliged to spend , : a pnny. - Ask'. all ithe- questions you r like; The store, offers, you its best and , . most cordial hospitality. , , .. ?' Mil i mF!?v UllkblJIbiyi f PARIS MODELS 5 r U -AMERICAN PRICES ; : r The lines- of the exceedingly beautiful ' ' Autumn Millinery contain most pleas ing ideas, tho' no- startling departures ; I are embodied in the new styles. There r arejwo very distinct types, however ?:tht very large and the very small hats.;7 In the gTeat number of models shown T in the store's splendid " millinery - store -it's safe to assume that the most exact- -f ing woman will find something suited -to her particular requirements, and also of nature that 'will harmonize per-, fectly with the - costume she adopts. : "This season no woman need wear an unbecoming ..hat merely because 'tis fashionable for variety of correct ' models is infinite.? Tuesday we make?!; special showing of several models built ftom Velour and French Felts, prettily : trimmed with wines and roses. These ' . are mostly in the attractive light color- , ings; Also chic White Sailors with V. broad brims trimmed in dainty chiffon and wings. VA' wide price range ; $lJ5io$iO EADY JUESDAYwFNEW CORSETS " h ?74.'w. -n16 .Fkxw' Annex. i''';';V''::;- 1 I W v'-;'v W yu had ' doctor who was so prejudiced that he'd not allow yon to Jl se a physic which a rival physician had proven efficacious your confidence ;A ( an nvmu , .ou .uu. jvui uvoiui Illicit k fpj llIC BftUIC WJf, UUU V JTUU . think? The corsetiere. is a beauty doctor ; if she runs to hobbies she'll fail to help her "patients." We've seen "hobby stores" haven't vou Here : is a ' store broader than prejudice-i-we tell the feood points of ' every ; model in Corsets ; we suit xuu ; not merely ourselves. ine. KUYAL WORCESTER CORSETS em-T 'brace EVERY, correct model. , They're the best possible Corsets for American ' women,, Each model is perfect in its lines,. and we've a model for everyform! Choosing is easy. -Suit yourself, vine "Bon;Ton. and Sapphire are , favorites. ou.i mere arc pieniy oincrs u you uoni uKe mem. ; nave tne new gowns correctly fitted over a pair of Royal Worcester Corsets. .. . . 60 to. f 20.00 .' rjtperi iuiers in attendance. t i HILDREN'S Dresses &. Pretty Frocks In " the Store's' "Initial" ShowingsSecond Floor, - Thoroughfare .'Able. ;J No other Portland -store. caters so earnestly anil so Avell to the wants of.the jrtvenilcs-as OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. We specialize along' the line of, chiWren's wearr Among the new arrivals in this section are woolen swell lines of Peter Thompson and Buster Brown models in all the new materials, ages 4 to 14 years,: plain and. fancy effects. ' ' ' ,T" i--Flannelette (..owns for wear f women and children the near-by cool nSght$ 1 5 UlTinL SH0V1UGS A UTUUU DRESS FABRICS .; ' '-'.Fifth Street' Annex First Floor. . Never in the itore'i history hve we ever shown o large . . ; " or.eomprehenslje exhibit of the authoritatively fashion- able in fabrics for dretsy vomes'i smart suits, frocks. - (owns, coats and othefouter apparel., Your most random choice could not g wrong." We mention, however, some of the most' 1 prominent leaders whose presence, you'll note here stuffs that ' Paris has: decreed correct,--and. America's -fashion authorities ' have agreed to obey the mandate. Initial opening showings '. ready Tuesday morning. . . . ':. v ,. "'-' ." New French serges this well-known fabric is spoken of as being the leader in plain dress fabrics for shirt waist suits, and : 'tis sure no fabric gives better service. ' Every wanted shade is ,htre, priced at, yard, fl.OO, f 1.2S and.. .......... ..i.fl.SO New Broadcloths Youll find best values in our . stock we've ever offered.. We call special-attention to our Leaders at fS.OO -and f3.00 per yarL All evening and street shades to" choose- - from. r- - - r-. -r--; " New Plaid .Suitings, in all wool Foules, Panamas, Worsteds, Cheviots, Ombre Foules, all the Scotch tartan plaids are repre sented, also a tremendous assortment of novelty patterna. - - New French Voiles, again in strong demand. "Our assortment is complete, w.ith all the new shades, at, yard, fl.OO, f 1.25, fi.50 and: fv..1;.! vrfrrnv: ; ... I, "it" . . .tk , Mannish, Tailor Suitings are here in a large assortment! and in t all the new, grays and mixed . mannish effects. No old goods ' carried from last season, but everything new and down to date; fabrics ranging in price from, per yard, 50 to....:...2f 3.0O -. See windows on Washington and Fifth street for a partial , display of the latest wool suitings shown in the openings.. r- ILKS STROUGLY'LFORE 'Annex, Fifth Street First. Floor. In truth we have surpassed all previous 'standards in the ' extent tan. variety. ot beautiful silks for utumnal and ' winter wearing.. And silks are atanding out boldly like -t-eameo"' in-fashion's setting Perhaps-THis because of T their revival that they come almost in the guise of novelties. ... That there is to be a decided vogue for' silk during the coming V season Is. established without peradventure. Women of - refined taste have always been fond of Silks;' 'tis the most feminine of fall fabrics. -"She walks in silk" has long been a Synonym for . elegance in dress. , Not only do silks express art in dressing, , but luxury as welL The fashionable woman this seasqnwill . find every opportunity to gratify her taste for silks from our surpassing stocks of the new ultra-fashionable weaves;: 'twould , be futile indeed to attempt to cover a description in- limited space, so, content ourselves with urging your attendance here at the "Silk Store on Tuesday at the 'Initial Showings." Just a : word of the-. rf.;.(.v;;f. ci:--.'-,';'y ..i-..',!.,-.-.!. New Plain Silks In imported and domestic makes are here in profusion; every' color . combination can be- found in , our .collection "v'.iiV:"--:..! " :.-.':"''" '': - DvmiCE OPEtunG Expositions of VJOMEU'S AUTUMN SUITS & COATS in Authoritative Styles ' Portland's Greatest Garment Store Second . -Floor Salons. . ,'Even if you do not desire to purchase at.this., tinier it will be well worth your while to visit; the Garment Salons this week to see the profu-. sion of styles and the marvelously original way 1 "In which these are carried out in all the be ': witching fashion touches that master minds ' have evolved in accordance with authoritative ' dictates of creat stvle leaders in the world's' foremost fashion centers.--To visit this exhibit these days will be, from a dress point of view.. i: .l. i . r.'' t American-societyInT thechanningr: tailored" xT one sees reflected; with brilliancy the very essence of dress elegancy. , You catch the flash - ing' gayety of - New; York and Paris at" their " Tbest. 1 Fashion , has., indeed achieved a new series of insoiriner tri unions. We have worked 1 :. along the lines of least resistance. , Every gar ment that has found its way into our stock has i sanction of the authoritative master designers. - And yet. the new models 'are not lacking in diversity far from it - It is a most representa-: . ' tive collection. But all that would lose force ,,! were it not fot the modest prices. ' Is it not logical to suppose that the largest store which J devotes', its , greater j effort to ready-to-wear garments for the new season's service is in a position -lb-iresenra- mgger serieyirsfyrish models and at prices lower than those which - jiJtsJesser. con temporaries of fer l Yc8r and our- convention ot , garments tor tne coming sea- son's service demonstrateatheforce of that logic The best values this or any other storey' j'has ever offered at the opening of a new season . ' v.;.:j v. ' i. ' '..,;"- ' -. . . ' .T.:'. ,'1 'New Tailored Suits as Low as $12.50 as Good as $125 New Fall and Winter Coats at $6.50 and Up to $85 New Evening Gowns $50 fa J450 ! Priced at 85, fl.OO, f 1.25, fl.BO and fa.oo EllGERSOLL WATCHES, on Time V7 , .:.,.',. For .Autumn's . Initial .Showings.-- Tuesdsy, in the Jewelry Store, Sixth Street Annex; First Floor. A useful little timekeeper for a, trifle Jit price..?; A,', new lot just in. The Incersoll "Yankee" Dollar Watch is now made stem "wind and stem 'set. It's a. marvel, in watch construction and the best on the market at the price.......... ...... ..fl.OO . Other IngersoU Watches priced at, each, fl.BO, f 1.75, f 2.00 , The Ingersoll "Midget" is a ladies nickel watch, stem wind stem set; price, each ........,...........;.............f 2 and OO f EN'S MODES for FALL A Feature of Tuesday's "Initial" Openings. . ' The styles of the fall for men's wear present many features of a new and different nature, this being 1 practically true of every item in masculine dress. ' i. .! - Novelty reigns everywhere. We know few men will wade, through any long article on "Fashions.",-, They prefer to come and meet the new things face to face. Come Tuesday. . A few things' youll meet: . - rr V.-V1' -- ' A line of Men's New Falf Neckwear at BOe to. ...... ...fl.OO "Men's New Fall Shirts, stiff and soft bosom;" a large variety of new patterns at fl.OO, fl.BO and ............ . . . . .. . , .f 2.00 "Men's New Fall hosIery,'stsple and fancies, at, pair, 25f, 35 and ..V. .,.1 i,... -'.'.IV. ;..'' :y ..i.tOj Men's Silk-Hosiery, in plain and fancy effects, at, pair, fl.OO,' f 1.80 and fl.psf'' t ..7j.t.,.92M r Plain and Fancy Cashmere Hose, in slate, brown and black, at, pair, 2Be and .... .... ................................ .50V A new and cbmplete line of Men's Fall and Winter Weight Underwear, our celebrated Stuttgarter single and double breasted, in five different weights. , ; . . ; Stately underwear in 20 different weights and styles,. ribbed and" flat effects and combination suits at fl.OO to w.........f 4.BO OMEN'S Uew Neckiixings v- Mong the Initial Showing's First Floor. : Your flower garden has scarce more blooms than these neckweae shops of ours shpw. New styles ;. in dainty finishings foe the neck. "Newer treads on the skirts of new," and "newest" doesn't wait ' foe. "newer" to make way for it. No wonder this favorite'store for autumn neckwear for Portland women Lots el. (retries at Ij.ttle prices ; ( . . TORY of a Famous Family of SHOES : ; -: f IN THE INITIAL SHOMNGS OF FALL FOOTYEAR - ' The "Fair-Way Shoe Store; Annex, first floor, ". ', To the woman who would be absolutely graceful we .would say: You must V"V be unconscious of your clothes. An-ill fitting or badly made Shoe is the... greatest drawback to ease of deportment and demeanor. r . : - ; ! V ; "GLORIA" SHOES FIT PERFECTLY : j; : There's One quality, in, a shoe that's hard to describe, for one ; can't define or locate it. -It's not beauty, or cut, or 'fit, or wear; it's- STYLE. Some shoes have it; many shoes ha vent It,. All women want it.. It has no relation to cost, A $10 ? custom-made shoe often can't supply it, but the ; V ' "Gloria Shoes at $5.50 Have Style i " No matter how ugly a woman's feet may be, they can be made to look smart and stylish in a pair of ., : "Glorias.''- ,. Every woman can't be beautiful, but every woman may .have pretty, shapely feet if they'll & wear "Gloria" Shoes.- 7 We tell a tale' that touches upon a number of the newest styles of GLORIAS" , . below; . , . . '. - i Wemeals) "Olorta" Xla nwee, made ever e medium round toe lut. with medium' waitrht extension aole and low . broad heat The ' solas are vary flaxfble,- making this shoe an , Idaal ' one (or walking- and hard-taxed faat. .Prloe. the pair ...............,......f 3.BO Woman's ' Maioctew Kid Shoee. Blueher ont, ; made after a apaclal pattern, with patent laathar heel fixing, medium high haala, ' straight, sensible iaat and wait aolae. 1 Prira, the pair IfS.BO' rv TT.W.T is the folk. . Women's "Gloria Patent Kid " Xrftoa ' Shoaa, ;: made on the Fashion last (which la a straight, ' neat toe last), medium '.heavy welt solas, : close extanalon adga medium high haat, dull calf tope; widths AA to EB. Price, the pair .....f3.BO Women's "Oloria" Vatent SOS Blneber Zee hoaay. with dull calf tops, medium heary rolled eolas (a new thing), military heel, auto last. ; Price, the pair . ........... .1 . . . f 3.B0 Woman's aierU' PatanS Kid arses STfcoaa; with Sail kid tope, hand-turned nolaa, Cuban heel; a model shoe. Price, the pair... f 3.60 . Women's "wlorU" Kid See SThoaa. bunt an the Fashions last, with ehort vampa, pntant 11 pa, medium heal, eloae extanalon sole. A shoe suitable for any eeeaslon; widths AA to KB. Price, the pair fS.BO Weman's "OlorU" Kid Sao Snoeav with ma. . dlnm toe and heal, patent tip and hand-turned aolea. .-The eolee are made 'vary heavy ape clally and yet retain all the features ef hand turned soles. Price, the pal ........f 3.50 Woman 01orU" Kid Xee Choee. made en round toe last, with low broad heels, patent or kid tips. An extremely comfortable ahoe and one which has- that reputation; width AA to KB. Price, the pair .....f3.BO Women's -Gloria- Patent Kid Batten Shoee, ' made college height. -hand-welt colas, custom finlahed, abort vamp and military heat Price. , the pair .: ..,,.f3.50 Women's "Olorla" Onnmatal even-amtton OoUage Boots, made on the Auto last. Good--;year welt solas, custom finished. The.gun , matal leather is very popular and it eombtnea style with excellent wearing qualities. Prt. the pair . .....f3.50 MONO THE UtIDERVEnR SHOPS A 'V.In the Knit Wear Shops First Floor. " t first blush it might seem that Fashion and Knit Underwear are not of close kinbut, ASK MADAM DRESSMAKER 1 She'll tell yon quickly that the undergarments constitute the necessary foundation . for perfect fitting of the modish gown. Women are rapidly learning this truth. Underwear that fits" is important to both the well dressed man and woman. We invite both to examine the lines which constitute our Underwear Stock's in tf;? ' Men's and Women's respective Knitwear Sections. We note a few numbers in Tuesday's "Initial"; showings at the Women's and Children's Undent ' r ? ' n Maeede Kartao Tests and Tights In white and sliver; all hand finished, with eiik crochet trimmings. Prloe, the garment. fl.OO "Xarode? SHih and Wool Teets and Vighte in wbita: medium weight. Prca, the garmanC i, T fl.KO Woman's Wintev Weight Bwlae T " .t V ' sad Tights- In whit. A SrAt v . . garment . ' j ' "Meiode" Oettaai Vaeee aa weight. .Price, the garmant... Woman's SwIb and Ttrht In wMi., garment. l"rl 1 c . f-k . Is i