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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY I.IOr.NING, CPTEMCI. 2. 1ZZ3. T"vi ' TLs TEiTH UEEfy assents TUESDAY Mi ,. Nine weeks' continuous offering of genuine sale bargains hundreds of items that have fully proven their value that. ' -have attracted .the interest of thousands of enthusiastic purchasers. Such is the success which up. to the present has . marked the progress of this "foremost sale event," and we are thoroughly convinced that -our efforts have been fully appreciated.' We are now "busily engaged in preparing for removal to our handsome new six-story building on Morri vnn in o son and Seventh. streets entirely new and complete stocks for our various departments, are arriving daily, gathered Popular New Styles, arid ' patterns made by? . , . . from the world's leading manufacturers of everything that COMBINES to completely furnish the ; HOME, the OFFICE, the CLUB and the HOTEL. TETiTO TUESDAY a. " "V I Alfred Benjamin & Co., New York Now ready for -your ap proval. ' s Found only at '. i . ' . ' eS Mat IISCN ST.. C?p. PoslofSce fs ( Datum Son Do or Can Cloa Botior J SDDDItLUIl ns GEL DEPUTY traction with Notrs Dame university, a Notrs Cun Indiana. He bu ben en- f g-aj-ed for many years In collage work and la regarded aa especially fitted to direct the management' of a" rowing tn etltutloa of learning, such aa the local Catholic university. The scholastlo year a$ Columbia university beglna Tuesday, September 4. The Indications ' are that the enrollment will exceed . that of last year. ;." 1 ". Lents ancf AdeteTAre Awarded Peace Officer by' Sheriff ' v 7..y::'"- Stevens. s.Llr IMPROVEMENT CLUB. r ' NAMES MAN FOR JOB .E. & Couch Selected to Keep Cows Off Gnu and Subdue Breakers of the Lar Wm Be Paid by Popular Subscription. ' i ' " V; ;' ';'"- " Best Bide Department.; . Jnt and, Art eta are to hare a deputy-sheriff. Sheriff Stevens some time ago notified the citlsens of these towns that if they would agree upon a suitable man for the plaos he would make the appointment. - Accordingly at the last meeting of the Mount Boott Improve ment club. K. 8. Couch was selected to be the future guardian of the peace and the terror of the small boys of that dis trict, ' Some discussion arose aa to how the new peace officer was to be paid for his services, but that question was quickly - settled- by the announcement that a sufficient sum could easily , be raised br nubile subscription. ' ' ' committee, consisting of Jay Gould, O. N. Ford. &V I Collins, B. B. Couch and T. Lv Kneeland. was appointed to look up -violators of the stock law and enter complaint against them. It was reported that several such violations bad occurred sines the law went Into effect July 1. - .'' "-, . One Tremont resident was said to be allowing his two cows to roam at will over bis neighbor's lawns and gardens . and defying anyono to Interfere. - Several petitions to the Portland water board praying for the early laying . of a large water main from Bull Run river to the summit of Mount . Scott, from which to supply, the section 'east and southeast of the 'city, were given out to be circulated for signatures.' It was stated that the street car com' pany had promised ' to take Immediate steps to repair Its tracks In order to keep the electric current out of tbs rails, ' A number of recent complaints . have been made of persons receiving ' severe shocks from coming a contact with the Heavily charged rails. .. y y . Rev. Joseph Gallagher, the newly-se lected president of Columbia university, srrived In Portland yesterday. - Rev.' Mr. Gallagher has but recently severed con- . v .... J 5HREVE & Company ; ; will occupy about Sep-y- t ember first, their ten.-".. ' '. porary building at 1 - , VahJSefs Aye. and Sacramento Street - C b m p 1 e t e stock 6f V DIAMOND and GOLD JEWELRY, y WATCHES, SIL VERWARE, GLASS WARE. STATION ERY, ETC., now on sale at ,. r y Post Street and Qrant Avonue SAN FRANCISCO Residents In the neighborhood of Far rell'a crossing, on the- old abandoned Vancouver car Una, north of Woodlawn, are -wondering-if ,- the Portland Street Railway company Is g'otnsr to comply with their request that aa occasional car be run over that line. Councilman Vaughn, says If la an outrage the way theee people have been treated by. the railway, company. "For nearly 30 years." said he. "residents on this line had a ear to pass their homes every 40 minutes. Intending homeseekers, having every reason to believe that the car line was a permanent thing, cams In and built up the district. The school chil dren, business men and laborers could catoh a car whenever wanted, while now they have to "wade through dust or mud half -a mils, or mors to . Woodlawn to board a car for the city. We hear a good deal nowadays about the vested rights of corporations. I wonder If the corporations ever consider the vested rights of the people T" . , Residents of Anabel. Arleta and Ints insist that - the streetcar people must give them a better service. It Is adi mitted that they now have as good a servtcs as any other suburban district, but they modestly demand a better one. Among the Immediate Improvements de manded Is a line connecting the Wood stock lins with that of the O. W. P. at Tremont, and double " the track from Tremont . to tnts, . thereby making a douwe-track loop. All that seems to be required to double-track the entire length of the Mount Scott line Is to put In a few more switches and then straighten them out - . The people of this territory say that they are entitled to the best of trans portation accommodationa, . alnce by their patronage they have made of that line the best-paying of all the suburban unes. ,r,.", '' - The Bt Johns Commercial club has discovered that there Is not a knitting mill on tbs PaclAo coast and announces Its purpose to see that one is estab lished In that city. A mass meeting Is called for Wednesday at the Commer cial clubrooms to meet a man who Is interested In the proposed knitting mill, and who will explain what Is required of local residents by way of stock sub- kiii"vu-iji vruvr i (j gel a mm Dun I snd la operation. The. St Johns Re view calls attention to the numerous reasons why encouragement should be given such an enterprise. But Uttle ekllled labor Is required In ' its opera tion. Boys and girls, of which there Is any number there, operate tho ma chines. The argument la -mads that Oregon ships Its wool to Boston at a cost of S cents per pound, and brings the same wool back In the' form of knit goods and pays another freight charge of t cents p!t round. The Review grows eloquent .over Its subject and winds up by declaring that Oregon wool can be manufactured lnts wearing ap parel cheaper In St. Johns than a any other part of the country, . :rT 'T The Passion Play. V Jy "The PasslonPla as 1 Saw It" is the subject which Jay William Hudson will present at the. Unitarian church next Friday evening, September T. The views . illustrating Mr. Hudson's lecture are the only ones of the last perJ lormance Uo) vouched Tor .by the authorities .. of - Oberammergau. Two thousand years have passed sines the tragedy occurred on which the Passion Play Is founded, yet on every repressnt atloa It attracts by thousands from all over the world, Tho most enlightened philosophers,, learned divines, . snd ths greatest artists, flock to see a dramatic version of 'a story we)l known to them all from their, childhood. . Mr. Hudson witnessed this lest performance Jour neying to the little Bavarian Village of Oberammergau to study-, tho. famous play, the quaint old village, and above all the players, with some .of whom he became personally ..acquainted. - He wished to crests a lecture on ths "Pas sion Play- which would be sbsolately correct, omitting none of the more fas cinating details, but above all entering Into - the moving spirit of ths great drama. Mr. Hudson ' Is assistant teacher of philosophy In ths University of Cali fornia under Professor Howleon; hs is a young man of remarkable brilliancy, a good thinker and a spirited speaker, . U'y'i KlZJZfVXZ-&y )CJ! or less of a pattern I yjszs&sti value.,. . " in .VKw Yii I V mttl tne tntenuon ot ':' :- MliUMfirPrP L fered at: the reduced mm'm Lace Curtains we have selected every lot comprised of three pairs uid have placed them on sale at one half of their regular - selling assortment embraces a variety of stylish patterns "and effects, and it is disposing of all small quantities that these are so liberally of prices. AU we ask is that you take the entire quantity in each pattern there are one hundred and forty-five pairs in lots of one to three patterns, in which are such popular makes as hand and machine, made Arabian, Renaissance' Laces, Brussels and Irish Point Laces, White and Arabian Bonne Femmes, Frilled Muslins and Laces, White and Arabian "Nottiaghams, etc Sale commences Tuesday morning.' HAND-MADE ARABIAN LACES. 1-jpair lots, .$'8.00 CurtainsSale price, pair;....;.. ... , .$4.00 .1-pair lots, $100 Curtains bale price, pair.............;........'....;. ...... ?3.l0 , 2-pair lots, $10;50 Curtains Sale price, pair t. ....... ; .50 " 2-pair lots, $12.00 Curtains Sale' price, pair .v.,. ... ."; . , 86.00- J, 1-pair lots, $14.00 CurtainiT-Sale price,' pair . . . . . v. . . .. . .V. , ; ..'.. .V. . ..7r.57.00 -2-pair lots, $17.50 Curtains Sale price, pair ? r'. .... . 88.75 ' , 2-pair lots $15.00 Curtains Sale price, pair . ...... . . ; . . . V; . . . .... 87.50 ' 8-pair ldts, $25.00 Curtains Sale price, pair, ....... v;...).... 2.., ....812.50 1-pair lots, $27.50 Curtains sale price, pair.,......'..1.... .'..';..V" $13.75 ; 1-pair lots, $37.50 Curtains Sale price, pair .. r. . ...V. . .. ......t ....818.75 1-pair lots, $65.00 Curtains Sale price, pair.. v...v.;....;.Vt;.;i.VV7..V.$32.50 I 1-pair lpts, $2.00 Curtains Sale price,' pair. 81.00 TMifcTkh - 2-pair lots,1 $3.75 Curtains Sale price,' pair.-.. 81.88 i ""'"f lair.lptet"$5.00jCartainsSalejrjc 1- pair lots, $5.75 Curtams-oale price, pair. .... .$ZJ3o 2- pair lots, $6.00 Curtains Sale price, pair...... 83.00 yi y 2-pair lots $6.25 Curtains Sale price, pair..... .83.13 - z-pair lots, $6.50 Curtains Sale price,,pair .83.25 r 2-pair lots,.$7Crtains Sale price, rmir.w..;. 83.50 2-pair lots, $7.2AXurtains Sale price, pair. .... .83.63 " 2-pair lots, $7.50 Curtains Sale-price,. pair.,.;.. $3.75 BONNE FEMME LACES. 1 only, $ ' 4.00 Curtains Sale pricej each i . . '. . . ;S only, $3.00 r..:..'2-...":.$2.oo'- : 2 pnly, $ 4.50 Curtatns Sale price, each v. .7. .3dj3wj , Curtains bale pnceeacnJJUJ)t.t ...,.... tAm.Lt,gi.ow. f O-,- ! u - . oa :.. 82.50 2.75 S3.00 ; ,-,s-e-o I I f I I 2 only. $ 4.75 Curains Sale price, each 2 only, $ 5.00 Curtains Sale price, each 2 only. $ 5.75 Curtains Sale price, each 1 only. $ 5.50 Curtains Sale price, each ,.r.; I;;.; 3 onlv. S 6.00 Curtains Sale price, each v. '. ; ; 4 . , , 1 only, $12.00 Curtains-Sale price each 86.00 ' , 8 only, $15,00 Curtains Sale price, each .. . . . i . . . . ..... ..... . . , . .$7.50 '- t : NOTTINGHAM LACES. i F-. ' j,- . ....... , ... 8-pair lots, $1.90 CurtainSr-Sale price, pair.......... 1-pair lots, $2.25 Curtains Sale price, pair.,.....:. 1-pair lots, $2.50 Curtains Sale price, pair.. 1-pair lots, $4.75 curtains saie price, pair r i.OSe $1.13 $15 $28 ; J : . , r. FRILLED MUSLINS.' 1-pair lots $2.75 Curtains Sale price, paif . . . . . . z-pair lots, $6.vv urxams aaic price, pair 2- pair lots, $2.60 Curtain s-Sale price; pair 3- pair lots,' $3.10 Curtains Sale price, pair ............. w $1.08 81.00 $10 $1.55 ';m?: IRISH. POINT LACES. 8-pair lots, $ 4.00 Curtains-s-Sale price, pair ;:;.;TV.....f...-;f 2.00 v 1 7 8-pair lots,; $ 4.75 Curtains-Sale' price, pair ; ; '7. ....... , . $2.38 w1'-1,6'25 Curtains Saleprice, .pairL.iii;.V.V,..W.$3.13- 3-pair lots, $ 6.75 Curtains Sale pnee, pair, ,.838 -l3-pair lots, $ 7.50 Curtains Sale price, pair ...... f.5. m. $3.75 - ' 2-pair lots, $ 9.50 Curtains-Sale price,' pair v.-.; .'.........84.75 2rpair ; lots, $12.00 Curtains---Sale price pair, . ..,.. ..,.i....$6.0Q.J 1.50' ; . ; x . r RENNAISSANCE LACES."; - V;. 8-pair lots," $ 3.00 Curtains Sale price, pair '. . ... . ; 2-pair Jots, $ 4.00 Curtains Sale pnce. pair ..82.00 i 8-pair lots, $ 6.00 Curtains Sale price, pair w..w..83.00 yv ; 2-pair lots, $ 6.25 CurtainsJ-Sale price, pair ..;,,V. .'$3.13 , l-pair iota, .uu curtains saie price, pair av. $3.75 . 8-pair lots, $12.00 Curtarns-rSale price, pair .;.:..V...,.V'.$6.00 1-pair lots, $13.00 Curtains--Sale price; pair . . ; . . .'; . . ; . ; ........ .$00 $7.00 . 1-paIHots, $ 9.00 Curtains Sale jjrice, pair ... .84.50 ;:l-pir lots, $10.00 Curtains Sile price, pair 85.00 f " ;y 2-pair lots, $15.00 Curtains-ale price, pair .i:...;...87.50 k;: s-ymh IVW vvv wu. Mima jmiM yiivj;au , , , , , $165 Itacliidcd Pieces Suitable for v Parlor and Iivinfl-Ro 6m i ; ; v .V'. . : :-.?''-$150 Desk ChalrTln blrdteye maple, ial price . . . . .. ................ .1 . . $14.50 Hall Chair, in the golden oak," carved design,' : " salL price .i. . . v.. ........ .... 'Li ' $8.00 Desk Chair, in the birdieye maple, iale $16.00 Hall Chair, in th golden oak, carved design, leather seat, sale price. f 11.5 ." ',$16.00 Center Table in the polished mahogany, sale price 10.00 i $16.00 Arm Rocker, in the mahogany flnishsale price. ....... ........... i.f 11.80 y - $18.50 Music. Cabinet, in. the golden oak, , sale . price ' ........... ..f 12.50 $25 iX) Large Arm Rocker, in highly polished mahogany, sale price. ......flO.OO .- $26.00 Large Arm' Rocker, in the selected golden oak, sal price.. ..,.....$18.00 l;y V. $26.00 .Mahogany Center! Table sale price .... .... .f 17.00 3 V $28.00 Parlor Chair, in mahogany, inlaid with satinwoodTseat upholstered in silk ' tapestry,, sale price ............. ............f 10.75 ."' $37.50 Divan, to match, sale, price ..........,v .'...i. .... ............. f 2S.00 . $38.00 Arm Rocker, in solid mahogany, sale price .... . f 28.00 , - $40.00 Settee, in solid mahogany, tale price . ..... . ...... .......V.f20.75 y" . . $58-00 Colonial Divan,' in the mahogany,' upholstered in silk tspestry, sale ' y price .... .....I....... , i..;...'...U.f2.75 . ' ; $60.00 Divan, in crotch mahogany,.upholstered in silk tapestry, sale price.. f30.OO - ililll Many Danfeom il-:'::'r-:;;A,vri0nSU.:;;ti Designs: and Finishes u -y':,vf v; ;. - $10.00 Dining Chair; fl the mahogany finish, leather eat, sale price ,,,'.f 0.50 $14.00 Arm Chair, to match, sale price.. f 8.75 $11.00 Dining ChairJ.ia:tbc mahogany,' leather -1 . seat,. sale price ................ 7.0O $15.00 Arm Chair to match) sale price .',.'..$10.00 $11.00 Dining Chair, in the golden oak, seat in leather, sale price .... .....'...,.............$7.25 -' $18.00 Ann Chair to match, sale price ..... i. ..$12.00 $13.00 Dining Chair, in the weathered oak, leather seat, .sale price .... ... ........... $8.50 $17.50 Arm Chair to match," sale price... $12.75 $45.00 Buffet, In the weathered oak, tale price. . . $60.00 Serving Table, in-the mahogany, sale price .., ' $50.00 China. Closet, in. the. weathered oak, sale price $65.00 Btiffet, in mahogany, sale-price.'.;.;.'.'. 60.00 Large Sideboard, in polished golden oak, sal price .. ; $J5.00 'Serving Table, m the popular fumed oak, sale price '...Vi;'......;$25.00 y$S7.50 China Oost to match, sal price.,.,..,.,.;;...... .;..i........$40.0O J$69XX) Buffet, in the fumed oak, trimmings of copper? sale pric i..... ..$40.00 $60.00 China Qoset, in the mahogany, sale price ,.V..:....v....'..$40.00 t: ...... mm a V .: kr ...... ttt i,fov,ww , 1 --K' J ' ' S,MA AA ' .... ...4 .'. , ,-, eiov.vv '.- ....... . $3.oo : $44.50 I, . , - . -. . . , . . .1 , 0l!B;;SI02E V7''"' - "y .'"-,:-.,-.. - f . ' Ol'I STC2E wiii . .MfTy V?JT?-J ' mil' Ii :Hgom m LA DO 3 DAY- tt , , x " ' , ' ' IAD02 DAT