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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
7112 C?.::C3II EU1JDAY JOUr.IIAU FOnTLAKD, ' SUNDAY T.TOHNINO, SEPTEMBER 2. 'ICC J. TCODffilSMlZtl'OOIS'E JEW FOR i. i'un 10 nn IRRIGATIOniSTS - Willi. lo uu - - V awaani i ii i I I i Puerto Principe Province Join All Preparations for the National " Congress Were Completed '7 v Last Evening. - Revolt and Government Sees ft . (CcprrWU RuHl Kw hrrW, by leesM Wire la Tha JouruLt ' Havana, opt. ' 1,-r-Puertft Principe provlnc has Joined tha revolt It la the laat to take uparme agelnat tha Palma gevsrnmcnU. which l lest real ises that , tha Insurrection Is "serious. : Buralea . hava baan rushed there, but 5 their number U utterly Inadequate to cope with tha altuatlon. Thay can only A Ht A BtMH Ihl till till 1 1 f H 'H ft time aa ihe admrnlatratioa an aena - reinforcements. . , v Tha rebel a In Puerto Principe ora led fey Qajvla Canlaares. Canlaaraa left tha town ef Moron Monday with ,a amall hand, but It la undarataod ha - haa re : eolvsd considerable addition to hla fore, Tha ruralea who were sent after him , failed to overtake him. It la believed thai Canlaaraa haa gone to Join General , Delon a veteran of tha war of liberation, who la reported near Ar . royo "lance la tha province of Puerto t rrincipe, with 10 well-armed man. , ; - tvrott Spraada Kapidly. : ' Arroy Blanoo la It miles from Moron ; In a aouthwaaterly defection. Tha gov ernor of .tha provlnc has telegraphed - here that tha whole district la In, a aUte V of unrest an that .-troops are badly needed. .,-.., -....-- .,-: f Bo serious la tha state of affaire at . Clenfueeoa, In Santa Clara, that tha sity hall has been fortified. It waa reported - ; that 60S insurgents -war aaen near tha town this morning. Teaterday thla . - aame band raided tha tows) of Rancbueia i and after" 'running "off ft bis herd of - horses took tl.60 from the town trees-1 .- Ury. ' '- .:. ;.-- T There "hai been no word today from. nnar.soj Kja. . .. . ; ' Weald right amerlftaas. manifesto has Just been isaued bars, . sl(nad by tha revolutionary committee ' In Havana. It - aaya that President Palme haa fceea .violating tha coastltu . tion ever, sine ha runt Into power. , - General Pino Querrera haa written a letter to ft friend here! in, which, ha say a:, eXi . , ,4, " vW ' i . "The-revolutionists like not Amert- the military occupation ' of the taland : and the eatabllahment of an American . sdmlnlatratlon. Wa want our lndepend anee. ' The. Americana would merely imake us slavea. Tha kind of laterven Jtlon wa want la that tha American gov ( ernment reeo(ntsa - tha elections , as i fraudulent and send ft note to Palma re- .quet(r.f hjnt new etaotlona aad f show lair- play. Wa ft :fl(htln( -aralnat tyranny. It th Amarlcft&s . Jvoma ta deprive u'a of oor Independence J we will SM also against them." ' Ir." aMfcels Seta Tewm. ' Bah la Honda.-an " Important town en tha north eoaat of Havana province, haa bean occupied by a band of rebels 100 . atronJt hndar' the 'eotnmaiid Of Campoa j General Cartllo. .They hava been raid' 'Ins; tha country side for several days - (but have aot molested the- property tforelarners. : The government Insists, tq- eaay inac ne ntapc.n Tomem ao p -ruing ta Sanaa -was e rauur.- - iAGED WOMAN FATALLY r BURNED WHILE IN IT I . serlt Btopeteh ta The JMraal.t J Walla -Wallat Sept. 1. Seised with ah 'eplleptle .fit as she . was. poartav . oal .ell on bar. fire to start . tt up, Harriet -uwing area ex. vraa ournea to a erlap ,t bar boat at Traaeott today befor rMlgbbers, attracted by the fire, could Hake her from tb burning residence. -5 When" in aihbore arrived Mrs. Oowlng waa lying senseless on her bed. "which was afire, 8h was burned ftV moat beyond recognition . then and died ft second after being carried out, Mrs. .Gowlner had a slsailan accident two yea re ptgo. and waa badly burned. ". Vr Week Bejinnlns n6nday,pt ALL. STAR BIL.L. J BIFF S BANG X Tmafcr Mew rrlaK Ootftag AaV JIIE MARGESSONS TIIELM A WHEELER DOUIE FAIRSIAN BELIE LAffRLNCE DORITO C03DERO CTJQO Edison Kfnclisccpe Late) ruaa. DftUy Matlwaeft freaa t te S' UxZztt Scslay 2 1 S f IX. at. r. 4 sv, mm H, rtft araatile street., , (special Dlspitea te Tke Jearatl.) - ' Bolae. Idaho, Bept. 1 The laat of tha arrangeroents were completed tonight and Bolae , la ' ready to entertain tha larteet Irrigation concrete in the hla tory of the organisation. 'Without an exception the bualneaa and public build ing are profuaely decorated with green and white, the eoncreea colors. - Wel come arches are erected at tha principal street corners and flags " of welcome greet the visitors from every hand. More than 100" delegates: arrived on tonight's trains, two specials will arrive tomorrow and three early Monday morn Inc. when It la expected fully-1.600 .dele gates will be present at tha opening of tha concreaa.' - -"..,.!,-. Vlce-Prealdent Falrbanka' train Is due to "arrive at I o'clock "Monday morning." A special committee, constating of Sena tor Dubois, Governor Gooding and others, leaves Sunday to meet him at the atate line and accompany hint to Bolae. t Ar rangements are made (or the train to atop an Focatello. dying the people of aoutheaatern Idaho an op portunity to Welcome him to tha state and pay their reapeeta. On account of the day ao . reception will be held. - At a, lata hour this evening Governor Pardee telegraphed ha would be unable to -attend the conrresa.' and First Ttee President ehurtUff of Ogden wUl . be called oa to preside. Senator Ankeny also wired his regret a He wab.jeady to, lea v for Bolae, but waa detained by the serious Illness of his brother at Port land. - : ' c. . ' ;v "' Benator Carter of Montana arrived this morning wUfcwjiumbL, of . delegate from that atate.- Governor Toole and members of the ' Irrigation "cod com mission wtu com tomorrow.. . , Director Walcott, Chief Engineer Newall end more' than construction and coasaitiag engineers wilt hold the fourth annual conference of engineer i or ine reclamation service during the week and th National Irrtgatton federa tion will also hold meetings during the week, at times when tha congreas is not in eesalott. . ..."..v . .- -. . ... . -.; .. Tha Oregon Short . Una. management has arranced to run dally excursion trains, from Welser and Intermediate polata to BoU durinsr tb week t rex lleve the eveageeted condition, permitting Idaho reaMents to apend the daya at the congreaa, returning bom each night. ; NEWELL STARTS Heed, ftf slaetamaMea Service rar Attend Big- ateetiag, - tWaahtagtae) Barwa of Tee loareel.) Waa fa ins ton. Sept. 1. r. U. NawelL ehlef engineer of the reclamation serv ice left today for Bolae, Idaho, to at tend tb national irrigation conarreaa. The fourth annual conference of, engt- i.m wt reciamatietr service will be In" session at the asm 'time. - . There are sow ever enrtneerS and assistants In tb servte carrying oa the work through the widely acat tared lo eeJltiea ta the arid weal . The bringing tocetb- of the entfaears with prominent ctttsona trom'att paru f the country who Sr lntereated ta IrrlgaUon makes It poaaibla. It Is thought, for an Inter change of views and the dlacuaaion of data of great value in the furtherance of the purposes at the reclamation act. . Mr, Newell will be absent for several Weeknj viattln many projects now ua- r war and. eonferrtng with tb engi neers ta charge of the work, and with prominent ettlaaas and . state offtclala In the west who are cooperating heartily with thft service. ." . : " , . . . - - f , - --' -r.'iH . 1 11 " pc ' ".,...,. . ,'".. ' ' Vic-tor , - ,v: , 'O cV-;; -- ": " "V . .. v ' ' : -ziiist . ' - "r- ' - ' - y. , Successors te . . - ftw , ( i; Allen ts uiiDcrt-Kamaker Co ; : ' . NM 8Uth n4Morrtsoo Streets ' "k . ; .ft .' ; ' " 7-T--v-.-: , ......... ,..A? ' - - ' - - .... .: ., " J, - ' . - . . J , ' ' " '"" ' ' ' -- - - .-- ' aSteinway Dealers DRUNKtEn FARMER DECLARES WAR Wealthy German Fatally Shot After Wounding Eight Memr'. bers of Armed Posset r GOVERNMENT SUPPUES ARMY RIFLES 10t CUBA t ISpettU Maaateb by Xeaeed Wire a The Jearssl.1 ; . J t Philadelphia. Sept. 1 A ruaft order for KragJorgen- d aea, eartrtdgea waa seat ftj tb , e government to the Frankfort arsenal today and tt la an epea secret there that 7 they are In- tended for . the Cuban ; admlnls taUaa tvbw ftaed aa tea Ik la- e aurgenta. la waa also auted at the arsenal that, a Arm In Con- ' oueot waa aa huay making buleta.feth inaurrents aa tb e ; fsveftftmeat to against' these, ; d niuoftr are aersiateat that buatara hav wlthla th laat 4ay r ttr aaueei troaa Philadelphia e with -cargowe of army supplies e for. the rebel. Oae of these e at earner cot away at algat-aod d ; ta now oft (a way te t Cwftaa ' eoaat. '.- , : FATAL DUEL FOUGHT V IN MONTANA WILDS - eBsftftaaBWaajaftftaasse ' (SaeHal tMepattft by leaa Wbe te Tke Jwaal Missoula, MoaL. Sept. 1. Brief la teUlcac baa been received bar of thft fatal duel at Bait of Eda-ard Flyna by -. au named - MeKlna. better kawwft as -Keatuek." -. Bad bleed bad existed between the tw (or some tlata, rtyan. she haa been.: employed ma miner at tb Buffalo aala. is said t have attacked Mcallaaa with a half. wbe drew a weapon and fired threw tiaMsv each ballet htttinc Ptyaa ta thft bach as a waa rwanln away. -- . McJUana. gftv himself up at He i said ta bear a good reputation, while) Ptyaa . la haaara ta be aaarral- aeaa when : aaaar th lIltea, f Uquer. ,' .,,) : -..a, . . , . , TREPOFF IS RETIRED - BY ORDER OF CZAR ISixW "Ptesewft by '"' Ts Inarael St.v Peteraburc, Beat. e csar aaa placed Geeeral Dtmttrt e er iiepaii mm tn rem nc Tift. ' order ta this effect alaa taeladea ei his TacaUng the poettloa. of e gerernac mt astaraftl (aaerlal Dieoateh b iMard Wit t The JearaaU Hancock. Iowa, Sept. 1. la a desper ate battle between August J. Kreuger. I waaJthv riamln farmer livtac in th iantsklrta af this village, and ft ansae of 10 citlsena. Kreuger wss fatally ahot and eight members of th poaa were wunded. Th wounaa or several members- ftf tha poaa are likely to prove rami. - Tot wouneea n -,-- Dr. James Stevens. s i Jamea Duncan, probably fatally. . ' James Eldebottem. , - Darby Franklin, , ,., ..' " Charles Cattlelle. Frank Johnson. Gerald, Johnson, Henrv ' Jones. Kreugwr.'who Is S yeaiwof age and ts reputed to be worth went to Avoca today, brought bom with him a bottl af whiskey and get drunk. His wife found th liquor and hid It. Kreu ger demanded that aha return the liquor to him. She refused, and a secure, a ahotgun and fired at , her. . missing. Kreuger son ran screaming from th : Dr. Stevsns responded, and as he en tered th house Kreuger shot him down. Stevens stsggeredt to his feet and re treated. -While retreating Kreuger shot Stevens twice, and be fell In ft great pool of hla awn plood tn front ftf tb bous, A. crowd je-as quickly attracted to th seen and a poaa -of led armed men atormed Kreuger s house In an attempt to. captor the Intoxicated maa. Kreu ger opened, fir with his gun and re pulsed them. They returned tha fire, but Kreuger held ft position of vantage tnaidft bis door and for mora than twq boars succeaafuny resisted capture, la th meantime wounding lgbt mow and himself sustaining wounds that will end hie life. r ; . Finally three men holding a big piece af sheet Iron la front of them to abjald their bodies from Kreuger' s ahot a. ad vanced oa the house and effected Kreager capture. , PANIC 'AYERIED (Continued from Pag One.) ! Uaa..'k s BepV! Th juiCE FEE DJUHED ' BY FRACTIOUS HORSE Pendleteev'Or Sept. L Mayor Jamea tain today aaffertaa freea aa injured back whhrh was snatainwd wbfl sis faatUy-'Wa wtr keKlaa. E waa j drtvtsdr ft hers ta ft breaking cart and j,ba soar aaaanwr wa thrown frees th L rtav atrtktaft aa aia be eft. , a pftyaaHaa and a trafnea aaraa are attendLng bin. . It will not prv eertooa, but h wOt b laid p for enme tint. - -- to preeumed tft b ht govern at en t. and 1 the only way for a maa who find hlaa eelf ta tb minority -la ta fight for hi ideas until b wtoa th majority la. bis sua. I have a monopoly upoa tb thinking f th pemocratM . party. Dei errata do aot seed a leader. No aaa ; aaa baasma ft leader aatil be ts pared to go with hla peopl. He may go with them, bat h must net ha beblad. If tha Democrats want a leader be must be a they ran , awe without looking T do not car' what ta pollticiaa think. If I know what the people want today. I know what th polltlciaaa win waat tameimw. for they are ft timid emsa aad want t do what th peopl desir." - ' ' '"' "'irr club) reception. Mr. Bryaa left for New ark." where he got ft warm reception. Thft streets througk which ao pa aaa d oa the way tft Military park, whore he spoke ta a aadfaaas ftf - I., war llaed and tha visitor was efteere4 coa tiaaally. Ho letd kta auditor he coakl apeak t them only aa tima which really beioaged tft Jersey City. : Bipahlliaaiaai Waadag. . "Bat 1 remembered that Hadaoa couaty gav at a majority r;l.W la Itad. a I jest had tft eoea to so yoa." aiA b. "an4 I bowed that by comma hora I caaM bolp I to bo etaatod ta the Laited State eta over Senate- Dtrydew. aad ta hrs ta elect tw Democrats tft -ba aXected ta teas 'as aver KossHhaaa- - Mr. Bryaa declared that th streagtb ef th R.euhUcna was rsptdCy euiac cess at th polls wss not far distent. Continuing, be said that th .Repub licans now admit that if ft presidential election were to be held at thi time they bar only on man who could have any chance of success. H would have that chance only bo cause he baa followed th Democratic platform," said Mr." Bryan. "Roosevelt has not ons atom of pop ularity that ho doss not ow to th faot that he differs from the party which hrl leads, and if Rooaevelt can become aa popular as he Is by ' occasionally doing something Democratic, what would the popularity ef a preaideat who Is always a Democrat bar' ' Mr. Bryaa discussed the tariff and trusts at length. He said that If the tariff is to be reformed it mast be doe by those who believe fat tariff reform. H declared that while he was willing t aiv Republicans credit for what they have don toward th regulation of truata, they have not yet begun even to scratch the surface of that scourge. ."Until they put tha. trust macsatss In the penitentiary as they would a common criminal.- said Mr. Bryan, "we can't believe that th Republicans are in earnest. X be neve mat in moat fruitful source of anarchy in this coun try ta tb faot that whtle.theo whip th poor man with th law. th rich crim inal la permitted to go fre." -"-. . . HEARST SHADOWS BRYAN tapras ante tire rIlowtag Xebvaa- . kan for Month ta Barope. ISaeelal Dwaatch by Laeead Wnw to Tae Jearaatl Mew Tork. Sept. 1. The World aaya: A story emanating from - th Hearst headquartera at th Gllsey bous today cava detalla of bow aa employe of Hearst and Bryan Inevitably win be ahadowed Bryan throughout hla travel In Europe. This person. It waa reported. brought back details of ft meeting la Europe between- Bryaa and represen tative of J. Pierpoat Morgan. It was to discover If Bryaa mat say agent af Morgan. Belmont or Ryan while abroad that Hearst's employe wss seat, and it waa asserted today ba bad brought back tb informs tl on that a sought. ; It- waa explained that th purpose of Hearst . In having ft representative ac company. Bryaa waa with the Idea that Hearst - aad Bryaa lnevitbly will be rivals for th Democrat to presidential aomlaatloo In 1Mb, and for tha purpoee of gaining campaign material for use la this fight, j. ... ,. NAN PATTERSON TRAVELS TO WITNESS. PRIZEFIGHT FREE-HOrE.BYiTHE Dearer, Kept V Naa Patterson, the Tlorodora" girl, accused of the shoot ing of Caesar Young, who said the waa going to bo good whoa ah got oat of Jail, passed through Denver yesterday on her way to Ooldfleld to witness the prtxeflght "" Koaa of yenr cneap ttcaets rer me. Olv m a fir at class ticket, with ft draw- tag room and the best of wverything you t in tae war or ttaia asi i me. aaia Kaa Patterson ta. th ticket agent, wb asked her if ah wasted ft special rat ticket. - ' - Kaa Patter sea left Dsavor yesterday. Sh had been la th city several days. gh was dressed beyond appreciation, so elaborate were her garmeata. Tha bast finery sad frippery in th lend clothed her body aad her bead was surmounted with a awrswoo bat. which added t bar beauty. Kaa remarried her former boa- band after being liberated from prteoa and gave her aame ta this city a Mr. Roger, tbo Mat eoaf erred oa fear by her bay-band. ....... J CONCERT HALLS OBEY . ORDER OF THE CHIEF Tft tke great arpris ftf those who an tic tpa ted Uat tbo ceacert ball manacrs would refuse to obey Iho order aewmal gated by Chief Grttsmaehev several days sgo ordering the pel tee to ato all s bibttlaaa aad a carts ta these resotta. they eawyed tho haw to the letter last nlgha, the date set for tha order to go into affect .-:...! Instead of - tb bepftlatad vawtertfle "artists" who were woat ta war tke latest baited tft appreeiatrvo aodieaeea, movtac picture wero sahatltatod aad a aemaa war ebeerved about any of th pieces.- Tho aaxowa iwaort that bao SMhrtalned strtng orrheetras were as at test aa the grav aad Mayor Lass's pot- I have purchased' th tewnslte of Oceanaids, North Beach. In order to advertla th tract I propose to distribute ABSOLUTELY FRE II. without any conditions whatever, one hundred of these pretty summer homo sites. . I believe that tha influenc of one hundred peopl la th sal of th balance of th tract will: amply r ; pay ma for th loss of . one hundred lots. . .. , .- - r - I am also the manager of' tb Olobe Publishing Co. ' W ars Introducing a new and beautiful edition of th Charles Dudley Warnrr Library of ths World's Best Literature. "W wilt sell this : edition at LKU8 THAN - HALF XR1CB on vsry easy terms of payment. To tho nrat hundred pnrchaaera I will present absolutely wlth JtassaftfftsmaWwa ''.- T""-". . "" '-'otlfftbargft' ftdeediaaued by tha OREGON TRUBT AND ' eP I ; "l 'j f .-. f. i ' . BATING 9 BANK to ono . fin build Ins lot in " Ooeen- ' . j ,wasssa " ;; aide, the prettiest spot on "North Besch. Lot 1 on' North - f I ' v- f. " Beach of equal beauty are selling for high price -Next a v - ... . - - . hi mi . Auppnra ana in ureac nortnem naa naisnea in rasa tnsy f . srs Duuains; SJons ui ivonn enors tors tots . win mil T . DOUBLJS IN VALUE. Now tbo lot costs nothing, and,-. How Would You ; jyi(evto Own An Ideal library, oonteinlng tbo best of th plays of Shakes- . pear and Moliere, th poem of Ooetha, Chaucer and Long fellow, tbo atotiea ef Dumas snd Dickens, th essays of Emerson, Schopenhauer and Macaulsy. tb bumor of Aria- ' ' topbanes, Mark Twain and Charles Lamb in a word, a 11 ; . bra ry contalalng th best of every author yoa ever d . mired or wanted to readf a - CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER Was ths first te bring such a library wttbln your rsarh in a. snperb set of forty-sis books. It Is. in truth, tb World's - es Useswtasa, and th largest private libraries cannot - soual It la scope. With tt yoa need never again be icao- . raat ftf any literary subacL Thft v , . .. t . 4 .. Famous Warner Library ."Not only Includes masterpleoaa. ' bat give critical eeaays est noted author by. tho greatest livlag writer a. ''I'r'i ""' . i.OsWBCT'"1 ".'' ' ;'"' This area t-work I mad for both practical us and liter ary enjoymeat. .it la not only a library of reference, but a !. library to-be read. It affords general view of titerataro from , remote antiquity to the present time, and contains Ux crigntesi ana peat rename; zrom in or-urnieet aso sosi wth- -era, speakers snd thinkers ef ail ages, aaftteas aad period. It treats-every Important literary subject . which tb mini ef aaa bavo.cessidered for th past slaty eenturie in sua. sory, Kgsapay, eeamry, oasaya, mot, soa PhUoftophy, tasolOsTt eto. ' r .1 ' X ;.'ltmwt UTIatll An Important purpos ef tb Library I th Interpretation f literature in easaya by over lea scholar aad writers competent to speak with tho highest authority.. Thee ea saya embody critical, Interpretative, olographlcal snd hir leal comment upoa authors and their works and their piaca in literature, not by one mind or by a small editorial Starr. writers snd scholars, literal jr I I r - ii ; r-r-rrr-pii'-iT'-i- ,"'f 1 1 S5r ill1 rr 1 1 II rwrauort 1 imm . 12 1 - il F6r3IidrtTlragi at HALF PRICE on Esiy Tirmt Sekools but by -nearly three hundred specialist . aad critics, . ''-'..'sma b'ii&bxm '.'.'k.i...' - A comprehensive Analytical and Critical Quid has prepared, which I designed net oaly to show aa completely, 1 clearly and accurately aa poeatbl lust what th eontem f . tb Library are, and where they may be found, but fur the ' convenience of pereona desiring to undertake syaternat..: study, thcr is embraced a Cemprwhsaaiv Ooarso ef Bvea4 tag, covering tho entire field ef literature in a fmir yearV AjTB) ' course equal to a regular COIleso or University Cowrs. th VBIVI iVHHnil UK in iurai mini i a ,i w w w. . . . Ltlvisiana. each oeounvins a vesr. there beinc Bine moniiiiv Tt eesrtatas the beat f ftelsafl, pblloeophy, history, parts for each year, and four weakly section for -h beoerraphr, paeuy, aasao. travel, Seavea, oratory, eo month. Thi unlqu faatur I ao invaluable aid ta tn aaya, leasee a ta vert, all ta best aad assart lasttag -student, and Is of great Interest to tb general reader, sua bkersry taoagks of slaty eeatart, - all literary workers. (rSMallw Adopted by taa STew Tork City . -1 aaa wow tots; a-nasa si eg ants. . St Tel aaa as Swtaore aad Their Werka, - S olnmes Snrngs. nut aad SVyriea. f Toinmss Plieetoif of Aataors. Telamea gyaopata af Voted Books. f Telsms Tidsw aad Sraid to ystamatla Boadlax. M Tolsave ba aU. ttVOMyafM aad goo lilastratloas. WOBX OP POO Borroms. SCXOIAU Csvmcs ' " WHAT PURCHASERS SAYl SL SL -BtbCharet -It ts Undoubtedly th eessful publicatha ever tiadertftaea la this covaty. If wit la the werM" FmtUa B. AJmaari "Ijrav Armour Institute ef Technology a eet ef tb Warner Library snd took 00 fop myself, because I am oonvtoced that tt is tbo meet eaissbl set of books, for private or public library ow to be had." '.'' '" eaosal rttahagk Soot "Th Ubtarf af tha Worifa -Beat Literatsre 1 th moot valuable aad faacinattne; work I have ever bad la mr libra. rT. Bv Gharlas gesso Weed. M. -i "The vVartMe Library wtli prove ta fore that start a new epoch ts tha-Intellectual Itfe of tho American people." Tat Lslt Tae. I. Teats, Ctirruous tresi Orrjos. lalJ, tw 1 aineea a year ef m M taa. per sit m te- sen Tees aawiiesiies at "Tree tSeeM'e ana UtmuwV'l lavsni. sklo te taaee was Sad H aa tmtvj te emaoslaa tf-ia In imm aad SMiy. No ral aiiay aaa eluaa H'ulPiMi are ervertlr taaed ta ta sifkars ef kia l.. otMtkor piih tte er prHate. eonkt aeaeiMr nd tla ka ariect tram the vat ena&rio-e ( lltratore psktlaaed tkat arawt ema-ai.l fen taaee ev Ut aeapted te eonip hlia tnr kl life work. If ta eakMiav enaid ee suMter-saiaMraaTlr few ere ahle V War IM hkiw ef pnrtiaae. (oar werk, evkaiMMat aoa In eaaiaartna aad ta eieeetbtat, kae siaaad ta tko w t rhe aaar rfc-a tmMm, etnrfae t -r-t f th tvw whn sas. mai4 hub wMkttf a4 Iwieaes. To. rv ike ra'i"'te t al) ker ef fnod Ureratiw. Sad et lee vh-i a taaaral Sirrais ef kaieiilseare. BUILDMG LOT FREE Kcrncrnbftf. th lot wCI cost yoa nothing. As dm tics on thete beach Iota will become mors and mors vtlutblc. Vhsn ths Great Northarn Bag complctsd its line alonz ths North Shors thers wul ; b th rrcatsst boom ever known at tho North Beach, So est In at ones whu you Cftn . gst a lot lor . NOTHING. THIS IS NOT A LOTTERY. Each on ef Cm iirtt fatmdred subscriber gets lot Each f maw may have the choke I the whole properrf. There are no conditions o( buying an ' extra Jot,,' bonding a house or any other thing. I via give the lot In return for your Indorsement, after txttrc-jf J -instion ol th property. ' . jr ? THE MANAGEMENT ASSURES THE READERS OF THE OREGON 10UR?TAlX. '-. THAT THE LAND AND THK BOOKS ARB BOTH OP GREAT VALUE, AlD AfrfUI VISES EACH READER TO WRITE TO MR. MILLAR AND OBTAIN PAKTir"LAr .'- ' . WE FEEL JUSTIFIED IN ST ATI NO THAT THE PROPOSITION IS EONAFU I ' "'"' EVERY RESPECT. The title to the lot is guaranteed by the Orr "i Trust & f v. ' ' " ' Bank of Portland. Rrptv today. Tomorrow you may be too lata. , i,ts ne toil 17 leans my proposition. . There is no obligttion on your part to tccr;t it. Cut c goail this cotrpon, with name an.l address JIIUB try ef elatng oo-ara th lid was fuj far tt Hast, thft Crst slgUV csgj that th tima far ixmeeraua