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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
y, o,.- " J ' - I - 1 c. ' . FsllSS CAMPBELL WINS TROPHY fi,r.,..-. Mite Heitshu,, State Champion, : Lotea Final -," '!.:, firaa Raffia. .? .in : -v . .... . . ,j ..... i HANDICAPS GREATLY , t FAVORED FERRIS Committee Misled In Wttchlng His Preliminary Pitying and He Ws Z Oiren Easy Proposition Tomor row Will Witness Crack Matches. The event ef yesUrasy la the Irvtot- -Lxwkea Unnta tourneoMnt was i the f natch of the ladies' handicap lnrle. allee Campball captured tha bla- 110 - cup after an xelting thrae-eet match , , .With Miaa Ueltabu. ; n -: v ,' While tha armpathr Of the pacta tors . aaturalljr lacllnea toward .3 little n-MiM .Campbell, taara were many wno ware .laappeloted by the defeat o( the atate . 'champlOK. Mlaa Ueltaha. haa put up wonoarrul tennia phreuKhout the wnoie '. of.Lhe tournament. She haa jievar. lost "har narva, nevar weakened. . She waa .compelled te elva sreat edda w every : match she played and was finally baatf ; en by a aneer pirnaae or nanaicap. -r-r-r--Mlaa Campbell played 4 sood came; yea. -She was cood with her (ore-hand stroke and waa peat wnen ana oame te ' the net and -volleyed. Tha handicap In . '. her favor waa owe 10. receive 10. Thus by wlnnlnc only one out of every three - points she could keep even wits Mr op ' . ponent. Mies Ueltahu should have won ' tha first aet, aa aha pulled It up from cJ-4 to S-C, but ahe loet the ezt three kamaa. - ailaa.Jieltahu took tha aeoond set wtta a aoore or T-. put was smotn- ' ered by the handicap in the third and Kt but' one fame. . How the Irving-ton ndteap committee does lay oa the " '. .Sddal :-, - " v., '.t Ferris won" hi way Into the finals ef : the men's handicap alnglea yaaterdar by .. dareettna; jurrall ta etralcnt aeta. Jrar- ria wiu . undoubtedly win tne tourna ment. Perria haa been aa tntaroollealate ' ' champion of Iowa, according te hla own SUtemeat. He Was abaolutely unknown when ho preaented hie name to tha ban . dlcap ommlttea and the latter thought that ha waa a new player. He sot In .the "receive 11" elaaa, which la about -the loweat ia the tournament.- Ferris . was never able to play aay auen a rame ' . aa Fortland'a beat put up. as his ' -atrokes" alrnlfy, but he Is etroor, very faat on hla feet, and playa a very rood fame of tennia. Ia a tournament where 1 such mea as BeUlnf er and Wlckereham ewe 40. a ratine at scratch, would Juat about fit Ferrla. f ", . Besidea the Iowa champion there are two. other play era left oat of the St or ' lclnaily entered la the men's handicap Blnelea. They are Benham and, Hackle, .' who will play their aeral-flnal match on ' Monday morning:. Judging- by hia paat - play, Ma okle ahould win. as he defeated ; Andrewa eeallv today with tha . aame - -nandieap that Benham will have te give him, we 4-eV reeelve IE. If Mackie wine from Benham, the final round will be '"t between two playera of ho unuaual abll ; tty and will not be worth foln very far . . 10 see.-. . ... -. . leeUes attnfles. . - , While a racket wtelder of the lower ' elaaa eaptured the ladlea' alnglaa and aa- other of the lower elaaa will undoubted- - ly win the men's slnglea. It la likely that " the beat two team a In the tournament - wll meet' In theTinala of tha men'o 'doublea. Balllnger and Wlokeraham. by defeating Thorn and Mackie yeatarday, won their way Into tha finale. In this ' - event there ere now but two tea ma left, Macftwela and Turner and B. W. Morse ' and Durham. Judging by the eaae with - which they diapoaed of all thalr former ' matchee, MaoBwaln and Turner ahould beet Moree and Durham. They will be compelled te give a bandloan, but unleaa ; they fall down they will eureljr win tn pita af I. : Moree and Durham played a faat game laat night, however, and de ' feated Weet and Knight la a very pretty " match. -If Turner and MaeSwaia win from Moree end Durham ta the aeral ' final round, the f lnala ahould develop . the beat doubles tennis of tha tourna- - ent. i ' i ' '". .:. ,. -t Flaals ToaaoTrew, ,' 1 Tomorrow will be the day ef days, ss " far ae the Irvlna-ton tournament ia yn- ; - ABeeaea. : ArCESSKS, with few axeaptlnna, are .lndl'-etlve of conatipatlon or debility. . W. IL Harrlaon. Cleveland. Mlaa., 'wrltee, Aug. If, 100): "I want to aay 1 a word of pratae. for Ballard'a Snow Liniment r stepped oa a nail, which eauaed the eorda la my leg to - eon tract and an ebsreee te rise tn my knee, and the doctor told ma that I would have a atifT leg, ao one day I -want to J. T. turd's drug atore (who la nw in iver, Cnl.). He recom neni1d a t""ie rt Pnnw l.lnlment; I a ' ""i -. ' " "I by e. ' - the c:.z ill' I- 7 V'; :yi6ar earned, Three and -perhaps . four fmal matcbea will be pUyed, all la the after aooa before the grandataad." The pro gram will be aa attractive one, and for thle reason the committee haa decided to charra aa admlaalon fee. The program-will Include tha finale la tha mea'a slnglea, the. finale la the men-a aouDiee, the finals In the mixed doublea, and probably the' flnala In the ladlea doublea. The finals In the mixed doublea were scheduled for today, but were postponed. The contestants are A. B. McAlpla and Mrs, Baley and Mr. Flatter and Mra Northrup. - Tomorrow's prograaa will begin at t p, aa. ' - ' After tomorrow Interest In the mea'a and ladlea club championships will re vive and aeveral daye will be consumed la finishing theao eventa. " ' t ' . ; !. . Yesterday's Handicap Svaata. - Ladles' atnglea, final round Mlaa Campbell (receive 10) beat Mlaa Heltshu (ewe SO), S-4. -T, S-l. . -, , ' Xen'a singles Mackie beat Andrewa. a-1, T-S: Ferris beat Ferreu, seml-flnal round. 4-1. 4-1, 4-S. v . Men'e doubles Turner and MacSwaJn beat Warren and lively, 4-, 4-4) Mackie and Thorne beat Qammle and Breec In atralght aeta; Bellinger and Wlokeraham beat Mackie and - Thorne; seml-flnal round, 1-t, 4-4, S-4. 4-1. Moree and Dur ham beat Weet and Knight, f-t, t-4, 4-4. HOW GANS AND DANE v -i COMPARE IN FIGURES The following is tha official compara tive figures of Oana and Nalaon as laaued by.the GolOflald Athletlo dub: Nelson, ' .,;.; Oana. III. . . Weight ..1IIH I ft T14 In..., Height ...I ft. M In. 4 ft. 1 14 In..... Reach ...I ft. lthi In. 14. ta.,..,..,. Neck . ....... 1414 in. 44 la Cheats li ln In. , Walat , ....... HH In. 11 la......... Bleeps ........Ilia In. 14 In.. J -Forearm ,114 ta T4 In.......... Wrist- .... ...4 la t0 In...,...,, Thigh .tl in. 1414 In......... Calf .........1114 In. IJ4 In...". Ankle .........1 In. ? AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Chicago . ; ...t.i...,.Tl ', 47 New York ......41 ' 41 SOI .fill .444 .144 .lit Phlladelnhla If li lt 11 Cleveland . . ........ gt Louis . ....44 Detroit . 1 ........ ....II Waahlna-toa . . ...... .4S ,41 II Boa ton , , ............17 r.- Testacday's Beaalls.' - "'At Cleveland--Cleveiand T, Chicago" I. At Detroit Detroit I. et Louis S. "At Now York New York WaaK. tngtoa 4-4. . , . . At Boston (14 tnninga)--Bostoa ,L Philadelphia 4. -. , , , . ; 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE. ! ' '.. --' ' .t'" ' Won. . Iyat.'- F.C .760 .444 .III .414 .411 .401 .11 .121 vnicago' . .....,.....f 1 - Pittsburg .' , Tl New York . ...........71, Philadelphia . If' Cincinnati , , ...... ...It 1 Brooklyn . . ... 47 , et Louie . 41 Boston . ............44 V 41 41 71 70 77 II - ' Yesterday Beemlea. At Chicago Chlrsgo I. 8t Jyuls 1. At New fork New York 7, Boetoa t. At PhiladelDhla, Philadelphia, a. Brooklyn I. ... , At Clneinaatl Onelnnatl 7, Pltta- burg I. 1 ... ;: Oa Saturday tha much-talked -of boat race between the crewa of Harvard and Cambrldre universities Will be decided ov.r the Thames course, for Futae te CGII SUNDAY JOUHIIALV I CUT LAI ID, SUNDAY Prominent Tennis players in Actios In the Xnrington Tournament TALENT HAS GOOD DAY a AT SEATTLE MEADOWS (Speelal Dtepatch te TM Jaaraai) ' Beattle. Wash., Septal. FoUowers of form figures got the money today. Five of the seven' horses Whose paat performaaees gave them the best chance woa. Chief Bush, in the first and Florence Foaae la the laat npaet tha calcula tions tn those races. The former came from far back and woa driving. Mlmo, the - favorite, was placed aad , with a stronger rider ahould have won. .May L. ' N. woo the second, five fur longs, for 1-year-olds, handily. .Sum mary: - v. '. ' One and on alxteenth mllaa -Chief Buah (RetUag) II to 1. won 1 Mlmo, second; Canejo, third; time, 1:4114. - Five furlongs Black oem (aursca baum), I to 1, woa; Black Eyes, sec ond; ladora, third; time, 1:0114. Five furlonge. handicap, for I-year-oMa May L. N (Fountain). T to 10, woa: - Plmklm, aecons; Convent - Belle, third; time. 1:01. . - - , . Six furlonga. Puget Sound handicap Ruby (Fountain), t to I, won; Caacada of Diamonds, aecond; Salable, tnira; Ume, i:il. - Blx and. one hair mrionge wuiie Oregg (Borel), 7. to t, won;- Sualo Christian, second; David Boland, third; Ume, 1:11, . . One mile Dora I (Graham), 11 to a won; Crlgli; second; Tsckback, third. Ume, 1:4014..- On mile, purse Florenoe Fonso (O, Williams). I to L won; Blue Eyes, aeo ond; Ed Sheridan,, third; time, 1:114. SPORTING GOSSlPa I , The handloan tennia tournament that haa been la progress at Irvingtoa Ten nia club laat week, and whioh will be completed tomorrow,' haa been one of the moat sueeeaaful affaire of its kind ever eonducted oa the Paclfle coast. The tournament waa skillfully arranged, the 8 Uying waa of the hlgheat order and no social features could not be our paaaed. -., ... - m ) :."sf:.: . V Tennia Is a great sport for the de velopment of good feeling.-rather-than bltternesa. Whether a player wins or loses, he or she takea It In good part. It Is the splendid spirit ef fairness la the sport that la certain to make tennia a game that will endure for a long, long time.'. Were that aptrtt off true sports manship eliminated, then the healthful and popular pastime would fall into de ear. Special credit must be tendered to the members of the Irvingtoa elub for the genuine hospitality displayed toward their guests during this, aa well as ia ether tournaments. . Tomorrow afternoon - as nearly I O'clock as possible, at Ooldfleld, Nevada, Joe Oana aad Battling Nelaoa will fight for tha lightweight ehamploaehip of the world. The men will weigh 111 pounds at t o'clock and. will fight to a flntah under the Marqula ef Queensberry rules. Nelson will receive t0.000'and Oana 110.100,. win or lose, oeorgo Slier , ef Chicago will referee the senteet. , While Nelsoii appears to have many friends who are 'Willing to back him agalnat Oana, tha real live sports will do a lot of thinking before placing their money oa either man, Both men will reeelve a stipulated sum. win or lose. Oane ie a eoufeeaed faker, but ao far Nalaoa'e skirts aeem to be clear of any crooked deals, , Oana la a great fighter; So la Nelson. If Oana haa the proper atrength at lit ponnde and fight aa he know a how, he oaa whip tha Dane. If In reaching lit pounds ringside, Oana has .weakened himself. Nelson will stand S (oo4 ahaaoo of beating him, Xiklog. everything. Into conalderaUoa and ellm laating all of the coarse press stuff seat out from Ooldfleld since the match waa made, it appeara that Joe Oana, if he la sincere, will retain the lightweight championship after Monday's batUa. . ELECTIONEER RAN (Continued' from Page Tea.) head winner at the finish, despite the terrtflo pace aet by the favorite. . Ballot and Yankee Oun were added atarters, the former being coupled with the other Keene horses. , The colts which carried the' familiar white, blue spots" -were watched by tha race-mad crowd from the Ume they left the paddock. .''. Start Was Croat, ' Every step they took In the prelimi nary parade waa noted. -. At laat the starter had them in line, a magnificent field of apeedy colts. Simultaneously with the springing of the barrier the ery, "They're off," arose. ' First - one color would - lead. then another. You could never be quite aura of anything bat the Joy of horse racing. It Jooked like Pope Joan when the horses drew near enough to distinguish one from another.- this belief grew to a certainty as they rushed toward the wire. . Just behind him was DeMund. Thea from a place away In the rear a big brown colt came thrashing to the fore, -It was Electioneer with Shaw up, making good, a "Billy Lakeland aaid he would. . '.'". Five and one half furlonga Temaeeo (Harris), 10 to 1, won; Monfort,' second; Budora, third; time, 1:07. About two mllea, steeplechase John U. P. (Btone), to I. won; Belli cv rent second; Ore, third; time, 4:07.- Six furlonga. tha Fall handicap, 11.000 added Roaeben (Lyne), 7 to I, won; Neva Lee, ' aecond; Ormondale, third; Ume. l:lt 1-i. Hi furlonga, tte Futurity. 110.001 added Electioneer (Shaw), 4 to 1, woa by a neck; Pope Joan (Nlcol). second by a. head; DeMund (Radtke), third by half a length; time, 1:11 s-s. One tone Hot Toddy (Miller). I to 1, won; Waa, secood,Vljwv thirds time. 1:11 i-s. , .... ,. , ,, , One aad one sixteenth rallea Olnnatt (Clark). I to I, won; Klemesha. second: Nealoivjhlrd' time. 1:41 l-l. - COMING EVENTS Beginning Tueeday the Olants and Angela will atart a week's engagement kt Recreation Park. The Seale will engage the Siwaahae at Seattle. . " . . e e ' : : - a. More tbaa a score of puglliatle eon- teets are scheduled for Labor day la different parte ef the country, but meat interest centers la the fight at Oold fleld, -Nevada, between Joe Oana and BatUtng Nelson for the lightweight championship. The middle states regatta will beTheld ln tha Potomao river, Waahlngton, MOTdy.'" r;-- r--:- Another sporting event of Lao or dav will be the opening of the race meeting at, ixraisvuie under tne auspices of the new . Douglas Park Jockey club. . . - 1 a a. . The western 'amateur golf champion. ship tournament will begin at tha Olea Echo Country elub, St Loula, Tuesday aad continue through the week. . Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood ana Pregoa, City ears el FUal aa Awar., I.IOniHTiCV. SEPTEMBER ROGDYFOOTBALLIS 001 POPULAR V Flrtt Week. Practice at Berkeley Confound. Rather Than En- Jlghtsna the Players. -r. A STUDENTS LONG FOR THE. GOOD OLD CAME College Authorities Clh. With Stu dent Body Over Question of Secur- Inj SuiUble Field for Workouts Snediger Is ' Discouraged, ' "i- ' University of California. Sept. I. The first week of regular Rugby foot ball practloe at Berkeley is ever, and with the ending there have been a few things accomplished, but on. the other hand there seem to be more obstaolea la tha way of making tha season a auc- caaa than are helpful, ones. Each even ing during the paat week there have been between 40 and 10 men out on the 'varsity, campus learning tha rudiments of the game under the watchful eyes-of head'ooach Taylor, assisted by Ollle Snedlgar' and other old football ate re. Tha work that theae men have had the aaplranta for Rugby honora do haa, of oourae. been preliminary to tha harder, work. to come, but nevertheless the men are entering into. the game with the de termination that . they . must get every detail down perfect ao that they might contest in -fitting style with -. Stanford In the .game that; la throat upon them by the untverelty author! t lee. The question as to whether the " stu dents will take to tha game la atlll a matter of conjecture and, although foot ball is the - aU-abaorblng topic, there seems to be a diversity of opinion aa to the outcome. . . : Cmak of AatTrMritaes. It took only three, days ef practloe laat week before the university authorl tlea and tha atudenta clashed, and al though the queation that of plowing ud around on tha campua uaed aa a pa- a ground-by Captain Nance and bie cadeta waa a little one, yet the atu denta, especially those out for football practloe, feel that since tha Rugby game haa been forced upon them the faculty should make some provision for a prac tice field until California field can be utilised. The first day of practloe on the campua resulted In a few injuries and on the next, few evenings only a small percentage of the mea Indulged in hard prgettoar - - ----r -' aTseoJa Bieooaraged. - Even OUla Snedlgar, the pride of all California men, feela somewhat discour aged over the game, for la speaking to a half hundred men (ail that could be secured at tha flrat rally on Wednes day) he deplored the conditions exist ing aad, whUe he acknowledged that the true American waa independent, and that they ahould be la tha matter of atbletioa. yet the collage men ahould take bold of the game forced upon them If f"r the only purpose of defeating Stanford. . - HaeAoJal patuatdoa, ' ." The question of the financial outcome Is still In a bad light; la raet. mora so tnaa the situation a week ago. At that time there was a probability that gamee could be secured with southern Cali fornia teams, but Wednesday evening It was announced that none could be se cured, and to give the team practloe it waa up to the classes to organise aquads and be the brunt of the first teama on slaughts. In this respect there will he a good deal of elaaa aplrlt developed, but otherwise the lovers of the old style of game are vowing that under no con sideration will they witness a game of Bugby thle season. --' Coach Taylor has felt the falling off of enthusiasm and, as a laat resort, to create college enthualaam he haa posted several Important facts and rules, which ha hopes will explain the ehlef differ ence between the English aad the Amer ican game. -According' to Mr. Taylor the game la a prattler one to watch than tha American game, but the students at California aay Show me," BASEBALL CHAT .The. fracas between Umpire Johnatone and the New York elub waa a great ad for the Giants. - Nearly 71.000 paid ad missions for the four games In Chi cago. . ,r ,.'- e e ' la little old New York going to be beaten out of both pennants this eeasoo.7 It certainly looks that way . - v . e '!.." " ' "' : If the St Louis Americans eaa keep ud thalr good work they will give the leaders something to think about, , M btraJeht defeats In NSW York, the Pittsburg team took a won - darful brace and won nine ef the auo ceedlng ten games... . . l.' e . . Tha Bralnard Maroons leave thle morning for a little Junket and will re turn Tuesday. They Will play tha Springfield . Blues and the Eugene Orays. , . ' .1 .-.' .. . - J Ths East Portland Orays - will fill an engagement at Astoria Saturday and Sunday, where they win piay tne As toria Browns two gam sa : Ths statement waa made -by the for mer manager 01 the Portland Trunk company's ball team about three weeks ago, that the Trunk oompany'o team had disbanded for the eeaaoa. Thle was an error, aa the team will continue to play until September 10, winding up the season oa that data with -the Braln ard Maroona on tht league grounds. , .e ..... : The Northwest Gun company bins and the Portland Trunk, company's team will cross bats aAEaat Eighth and Hawthorne on Monday at-1:10 p. m. Tha lineup for .. tha - Northweot Gun company will bet Smith, rf. ; Halteman, lb.; Emerick, e.l McElwaia. 10.1 Flem ing, tb-i .Morrow. - if.; ( sater. aai Thing, . ef.; Hurlburt, p. Tha Trunk company lineup: Jameson, rf.1 Dornsr. lb.; McClelland, sa.; Brown, 10.1 pay, lb,; Van Northwick. If.; . Brlgga, eti Antotne, 0.; Taylot, p.. Tae areata of Ufa. It's a sign Iflcant faot that the etrons est animal of ita also, the gorilla, also has the largeat lunea. Powerful lunsa mean a powenul creeturee. How to keep the oreatBing orirana riant anouia be man 'a ehlef est Study. Like thousand of othero, Mra Ora A. Stephana of port Williams, O, has 'earned how to do th's. "he wrltee: "Three bottles . of Dr. Kinase New Discovery stopped mv coush of two yea re and cured me of hat my frlen1 thought consumption. Oh, It'a grand for throat and Inn trr.i- hlea." Guaranteed by S. U. Co., drurclata. Prloe lOo ani 1ia Jtial boiue Xiee, , . . .. , .' ... . .... ...... ' . ' 1 " dmmotiujee corner jiKihXafHnKGnYU ; The httt location in Portland for Alive, ; crowinir busineli. ; : . Just a few steps from the xizvt Wells-Fargo buudlnj. - ; 2iiMak reservaticn now - whilst rcnts wtLlowj ' ' v; ' Offices from up; , Six light , wells. Vffittzft office bdin iji tovn.1 Runnxn,; water reverycsulte; . Modern in eyery' little delailj . that counts, fon comfort, and an atmosphere ? of pusiness . success electric - light, Atra fine plumb-i inff, perf ect.eleatorservlce., You will, fina an agen t csl the' premises, , f curth floor, who! will gladly thoy youtho offices and jjive you an 1 information you may wish as to rents, etel . V- Move into the Commonwealth 4 butTding. The 1 ceorraphical ce most active dist the trendtbf b street to the Commonweal thi :buUdJnff.:-M,-;:y, -' . ''."'-.'"':-' -i ". 7-'-r-- " W . ' " ' '-'- Apply to, Benhani eSrSpahtbn, 8 ';1':-:.-;.:;;v'. .J- ft - w m n 6 -a -6 k w k r ' 4n 1? 1 V3ENT TOURTH ( RjQOr A building ; is the Iter of Portland's rict. - Movo withi isinessun Sixth ' rv vaU4 A 1 a 0 ' y IJ ' , ' ' . "' '