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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1906)
I C! ants Trim CoklslAgsjrr-rfast Tennis1 at Irvlngton Cans, and : Nelson Ready-Raclng, Boxing. Electioneer Wins ths Futurity "Record-Creaking Came at Bos . ton Eastern and Coast Scores. Edited byl.A.UOMM Everything la Sportdom , ; r t PRINCIPALS IN THE UGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLETO BE FOUGHT AT COLDFIELIVTOMORROWr EtECIIOIIEEB-lD A'GREAT RACE GilTS TIE ONE FROM SEALS In Interesting Match" th Locals ' Find. Hitt for Sufficient - A n J?'' m X -- - Journal srag Poor Man's Victorious Horse Is Cheered by Over Forty Thou .'' ' ; ,sand Persons. ' ''; ' . RICHEST ISTAKS EVENT. OF ENTIRE SEASON Runt to Wln.: V FAN SEN JOY THE SPORT AND CHEER PLAYERS Portland1 Comes , Up From Rest fa Eighth Inning and After a Comedy of Stunts Scores Three Runs and Cinches Game -The Score. : Fortland I San Franclaco, r , " Batteries Callff and Donahue; Hltt an WUson. , ,.' : . -; . ., v . There waa enough nolee at yeeterday's cam to laat for aoma time. Of eourae noise la essential when the Glanta win; we rather look foe demonetratlona of Joy. but the kind thnt attended yes terday's exhibition was ' ihe "renting, enrleklng. eoreechlng. piping kind, that made the aober fane alt back and- won der what It waa all odouC i'be bleach era. generally the hotbed of yelling, waa not In It for a minute. M the nolae waa rumished by .the staid, graodetandere, 'i ,. a - man BKMnt who Walked UP and down the atand behind the TatcberB- . , , . i I .. tJ A 1 u It- 1 ins lor playera to do Impossible thing, until from exhaustion aa the aun'a ray beat in on him, he waa compelled to go away back and alt down. He waa the Mtrgeat atngle disturbance aeea at Kecre- iiuD park this season. One woman got no excited when, flan Francisco scared that ahe. yelled to the top of her. voice, and aa ahe aat down ahe squatted on a man's lap, beatdee ' knocking off a strange, clerical looking man's bat Who eat In front of her. ,8he couldn't be atill a moment. Finally when Portland acored three runs end cinched the game ahe auocutnbed, aa ahe ' had foolishly wagered 1 bite on the Seal. , s interesting' Contest. The' game waa rather" Interesting, more so than most of the games during the -week... Hltt and Calif f were on the .firing line and pitched fairly good balk The vlaltora wars the first to break Into the run column, but the Glanta followed suit in- the aame Inning, the, fourth, each getting a run: --Spencer was - given life on Henderaon's error, but waa forced by Wheeler. Mohler hit safely and Hilde brand flew out to McHale. ' Irwin came through with a alow- Infield poke that was f lejded to Henderson t to nut -off Mohler. but the 'Kld" happened to reach the bag first. Wheeler kept on going for home Ilka "a shot- and Henderson stood on second holding the ball aa If be were deep in prayer. Suddenly It dawned upon Henderson that, -Mohler was not out and then he whipped the ball" to the plate te catch Wheeler, but It waa too late, aa the fleet-footed short atop bad crossed the plate. . Portland tied the score la the second half. Sweeney got a.paaa and Irwtn tried to throw Mitchell's bunt away. Sweeney waa on third ' after Smith struck oat, from where he scored on Donahue's long fly to Spencer. 4 In the sixth the Seala became friendly with Calif t again. Mohler hit safely and Hildebrand advanced him on a well- laid bunt.- Irwin smashed out another hit and Wllllama scored both on a dandy -firive. with tne score 1 to I In Ban Francisco's favor, it looked Ilka another defeat for the Glanta, as Hitt was. pitch ing good balL Portland fans demanded runs and the Glanta proceeded to get buy In the seventh. ' Donahue was aafe on Irwin's error and McCredle sent him 1 . . .... - A-'-- Preparation For fall business with large stock , of '.Imported Wine . and Liquors selected from the lead- . Ing distillers and wine growers ' of this and foreign countries, - OinViries and Li . Have earned a --great reputation ; ' for purity, fine flavor and ex . eellent taste.' t Every borne -1 should" have 'them, and ' prices are' so fixed that, every heme .; can. - ' .'A. ; - . PURB JtTB and ' BOURBON -. WHISKT, a . . . . - ' . gallon. .. .$3.50 to f 13.00 ;'. BRANDT, a " " ' v r gallon. ...93.OO to f 12.00 ' x ?atlfornla'PORT. a .; " gallon. ....f 1.00 to 94.00 . Caltfornla SHKRRT, :! ' t gallon.. ...91.OO to 94.00 Sweet Wine la flavors ef An . gel lea, MuaeateL Tokay, . Ma laga, Catawba and Madeira, a gallon.... 91 J0 and 92.00 Imported Pert 'and Sherry la the wood, from a.. -i . . gallon.... 94.OO to 912.00 Samples of the above can be fad in our sample room at le, - 30o and le per glasa. , m qvixstt rrosa snxth aad Stsrk sta. rhoas sua eess. the city. . I aati orderg shipped aame day ' aa received. auors . .... ..J . home wfth a hit X Henderson flew out to Brown, v who had ..taken Walthour a place on account of an injury to the let ter while sliding into third, and Hitt struck out Lister and Cellff. . f "" . The ftmekr Blgkio. '' . -'The situation. opened nicely for the Glanta In the eighth. ... Jimmy McHale got a rap in the middle. of hla back and walked to first, rubbing the sore spot en routs. Sweeney died at first Mitch ell beat out a hit - Smith waa also safe on 'what looked - like a fielders choice, scoring McHale. Henderson rapped out a hit and Mitchell aad Donahue scored. There was a funny mlxup at third when Mitchell was. caught off the bag. but clever dodging and .. a poor , - throw straightened out things. , Jud ' Smith ran Mitchell down and was touched oat by Hitt? -When the belt tolled three It sounded good te the locals and a mighty yell was heard. , ,: r- - - Portlandere got a great Boars In the ninth and were It not for a fast doable play the chances are that the Seala would have won- out' HHt the first up, made a pretty hit over second., .Spencer strock out - . Wheeler drove a beauty over second 'and Mohler did likewise. With three on basegjand but one out the situation looked serious, especially with Hildebrand up. "Hlldy" waited patient ly for a good one and sent it sharply to right, fields-- It looked good for two baaea, but McCredle waa playtna- short and nipped it, throwing quickly to first and doubling up -Mohler,' who couldn't getj back. That turned the. trick and the game waa done.' Umpire Lou Ms haffey failed to ahow up. The score: v... Z--'---' t PORTLAND.- - ' - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHale.-ef:i.i.;.'.J.. tit I X Sweeney, aa 1 tfl. Mitchell. If. ......... 4 1 .1 I Smith. Sb.. ........... 4 S 114 DoiuhiMr & . ....... 411 411 McCredle, rf. ' I :l - I .; 0 Henderson, lb. , 4 , t 4 ' Lister, lb. e t l e i i Callff. p. Totals ....... ..4. .11 i 1024 11 4 c- 9AM FRANCISCO. rpmcvrp ok. .., Wheeler, sa Mohler, lb. ....... rllldebrand. lt , rwin, 3b. ........... Wllllama, lb. ....... Walt hours, rf., ...... Wilson, o. ........... gut. p.. Brown, rf. .......... . I l l i , e s i t t 11 4 1 . 1 1 1 S 5 Totals 4 I 14 -4 WUaon eat; bunted third strike. 5- SCORE BT INNINGS. , Portland . ....'... (0 1 t 1 t I t Hits . ....v.rr.f f ill is io San rranclsco ...4 I I 0 1 0 0 -- t Hits Mtlllll- S , ' '-t 'BUMMaST;;'!-'! ' Strut out-i-By raliff. S: by Hlft,4. Bases on balls Off Callff. i; off Hltt I. Double- plays Hildebrand : to Wilson; Smith, to Sweeney; Irwin to Williams; MoCredle to Lister,, Sacrifice hits Hll dehrand, Irwin, Sweeney. Stolen basse Wllllama, Smith. Hit by pitched ball McHale. Piret base on errors Port land, I; Ban Francisoo, 1.. - Left on bases Portland. 4; San Francisco, . 'Time of - game One- hour and e minutes. Umpire Rankin. . - ROD AND GUN SHOOT r-U -' COMES THIS MONTH '., One of the eventa ef the aeaaon la sporting circles will be the great shoot of the JIultnoraah Rod and Gun elub, which baa been arranged for on. the grounds , of the Oaks on September 21, commencing, at 19 o'olock. It la pos sible that thia elub will make the, Oaka their permanent headquarters, as t Man ager -Frledlander has agreed te Install oom plate paraphernalia, la -the way of targets. ' The exhibition shoot On Sep tember St will Include a number, of the world a champion marksmen. Including Tom Marshall, Rollo O. Hikes. William Crosby and H. C Hlrechey.- v. i ' " ' , 'AaeaS Tssa Tiaesy . " ';-r Tom Tracey, the popular loeal boxer, will open hta boxing elasaes In the Xz po sition building tomorrow. Trscey say that he la confident NsUoa will defsat Gene, --.....,. . '. -., .-- NELSON SAYS HE WILL ' ' BE WICKED IN; RING t X 4 : ... ' By Battltnr Nelsoa.- - '. e e Goldaeld. Sept 1. Whenever I e 4 fight an ordinary man I am just 4 . as bad aa I can be, but when I 4 : hook up -with, a nigger I am the 4 worst man in the world. And 4 I Gana, above all black men, will 4 4 make me mora wicked than ever 4 I was before in my Ufa I will e 4 fight thia flght as I have every d . other battle I have ever en- e 4 engaged In, notwithstanding- ttaa 4 -terrible punch that Gans la sup- 4 . posed to possess. Most of the . 4 men . I have - fought were re-- ported to have awful ' punches,. .. 47 but I have never found it out e If I am beaten,1 I will be the e worst beaten man you ever aaw. ' e e . I will keep on fighting If I have e to crawl to the center ' of - the ring, on my hands and knees.- ' ' ; ' e- If I win this flght. . the only three men whom I could hook' up with are Herman, Britt and . McGovern. I think Herman Is .' the hardest man to beat- I will fight anywhere end anybody If I am. ehown-the proper stack of cola. ' V'.J ' "-:" 3 "' 4 'e 4 ' Sll'ASHES . BEAT ANGELS TENTH UM ".. x .. - Carvln Is In Fine Form and Holds Down the Men'From Los f Angelas. - . " (ieUl' fMtMtea" t Tke ToeraaLl ... Seattle, Wash., Sept V The Slwashea defeated" rt Angela today In the tenth Inning. Garvin's work was first-class Ths score; ;. . .' - - -. ' SxSATTLBI. :-- 'r , AB. R. H. PO. A. R. Kane. ss. .......i e s . e Van Buren. cf. mil Mil 10 i Ul v 1 $ 4 9 Blankenshlp. e. .v. ; . 4 Houaeholder, rf. ..... 4 Croll. 2b. ............ 4 Strelb, lb. ........... 4 Mott, Sb. , 4 Vlckera, If ......... 4 Garvin, P. rj S ToUla. 14 I 111 li I r .- , v- LOS. ANGELES. '' ' ; -. ' AB. R, H. PO. A, B. Bemarfl, rf. I 0 4 to .uochnauer, aa ...... Cravatb, ct ......... 4 Dillon, lb. ,t 4 Toman, Sb. 4 0 Ellis. If. ............ S McClelland, lb.: ...... S Eager, c ......... Bergman, p. Totale". II 1 IT 11 0 ", scorb bt iimmoa- ' Seattle 0 601000 11 Hits . . 1 MM H 1 1 I Los Angelee ....tlMHMt 1 Hits . . ......0 1012010 0 ,e ' SUMMARY. '-'-.:. "Two-base hits Van Buren, Blanken shlp, - Strelb, Toman. Sacrifice hits Van Buren, Goctinaner, Kills. Left on baaea Seattle, 4; Loa Angelee, 4. Stolen baaes Strelb, Kane, Bernard. Double play Garvin to Kane to Strelb. Baaea on hells Off Garvin, I.' Struck out By Garvin, I; by Bergman, 4. - Time of gameOne hour and it minutes. - Um pire KJopf. ; t - . . .,. PACinC COAST, LEAGUE. i'l 1 ... f ' '; ' ' . . Won. Portland ,' ..7 ., San rranclsco . ......70 ' Loe Angeles ....... ...41 Seattle , ............. It Oakland . ;.;;.4T " Fresno ............. .44 Lot ' 71 ' .J.C. .471 : .i .in ".141 .III Fes alek aaemlta aa the Waat OeU Mans af ras rewrBSl. , VHEH DAKE LW ASHED DISHES ; AM "FIT" .BIG,- Billy Ryan Telle of Hot' Contest Between Battling Boy and ,.' ;, , ifrVliddlewelght. "l-'S- 71 The following artlole en Battling Nel aon'a gamaness has- been furnished The Journal by Billy Ryan of thia city, a well-known devotes of ths boxing game: BatUlng Nelson. who Is to fight Joe Gaas for the lightweight championship of the world. Is one of the gamest fight ers that over lived and Is not afraid ef anything. Most of the fighters Gans has - whipped - before they entered the ring.- Not with Nelson, however. He will fight Gans from the sound of the gong until slthsr Is knocked out To show you how game p man Nelson ta, I'll tell you a ..story. I was "Tunning a restaurant at Hot Springs. Arkansas, and Nelson waa working for me. Andy Mulligan was running the Vapor City Athletlo felub. The first fight of ths season--wear a - to-round go between Tommy Gllf eather ' and PeratU . and a 10-round wind-up - between middle- welghta, Elmer Mayf laid and Carey of Chicago. Everything waa all right till two days before ths fight, when Carey took sick. Mulligan had to look for another middle-weight It was too late then to send east for anybody, and the tickets for ths house wsrc all sold and the posters were all ever the town ad vertislng the two fights. . Mulligan cams down to see meT And we talked the matter over, and I agreed to let Nelaon fight Mayf laid. When Nelson cams to work' that night I told him to go home and take a sleep, because he had te fight the next night He asked who the man waa, and I said "May-field." , He said: "All right I'll fight him if he's aa big as Sullivan, aa I need the money." ', v : .. ' . " -- ' "The 'nest night earns and I took Nel son np to ths hall and got him Into the dressing-room - and nobody had seen him. - There .was one preliminary ef four ' rounds and then the referee an nounced that ths next go. would be a 10-round contest ' between Elmer May field and Carey. .- ' Then he put up his hand aad aald Carey was sick, bat Nel son would take' hla nlaos. Bv that tima Mayfleld. was wafting and the referee called for Nelson. Nelson stepped in side the ring with a bathrobe on and went to the center of the ring to get instructions about breaking clean. When The took off hie bathrobe-he looked so email alongside of his - opponent that ths deputy sheriff came to me and aald that he would put everybody In jail If the boy -got hurt The fight atarted and the first four rounds Mayfleld kept knocking Nelson all ever the ring and had him covering np all ths tima Well, by that time the sheriff was furious and wanted to atop the fight .1 got htm In a corner and kept talking te him tlllthe fifth round started. .' . v . .. , -,( . Nelson eVeta Bnsy, ' ., ,J He went over to ths ringside to. look on and by that time Neleop had Just atarted In to fight the big fellow, and with a right-hand swing put htm down. That tickled ths sheriff so much that be wanted to go over te Nelson'e corner and wave a towel. . Well, from that time on Nelson never was In danger. 'Is the tenth round after a fierce mix-up he sent a right hand cross to Mayfleld' a Jaw and fin ished the fight Mayfleld weighed 15.1 pounds and Nelson 111, That' was on December I. 1102. . ' 'Nelaon oame back te work that very same night Just a If nothing had hap pened.' i " --; Now, If Mr. Gans doesn't pot Nelson out In sight rounds.. Nelaon is a sure winner, because he can fight 10 rounds as easily as eight and the longer the fight goes ths more Nelson Improve a. Oans doesn't because- his weight will tell on htm, also his years ef fighting.. After all, I think that Nelaon will -win la about SI rounds. - JOE GANS CONFIDENT r : OF: DEFEATING DANE X. . '"-'v By oe aauk'' e) e .. Goldfleld, Bspt 1 Nelson has e 4 v a ohaace In -a hundred.. - He has ' 4) 4juet one style of lighting and I . e 4 .have ninety-nine.. . I , know his e style," but he has .not been able 4 4 to alas me up. I am satisfied : 4 with my condition now. I don't a 4 want . to - win on a foul and I 4 4 don't want the other -man to win -4 4 on a foul. If over a fight waa 4 on, the square, thia one will be. a If ever a men Vas on the 4 4 square I am the man. ' What'a ' e e paat Is past, and I will give the e) 4 people of ' Goldfleld the -test '- e 4. fight that la in me. - e) :I don't want my seconds to 4 , some Into the ring. I must be 4 4 . knocked eold before I am . de- e 4 tested. I I am atrong at the . 4 4 weight as people say. I will do : 4 e something on the third. If I , 4 4 win of course I will take on 4 4 Britt X will take on anybody 4 e that la after the . lightweight 4 championship. ; t , , -rj ,, ' c s 4 '' O e 4 e 4 RE1DY IS KO T MATCH FOR THE TIGERS - ; v: . '.. Fresno Batsmen Take Uklng to U Hie Curve and Whip Out T i'an: Easy Victory. ' . '--.''',4; '.,-:.':.'"-.. . . ' ,' - SseeUl Uaaateh by teased Wire te The Jaeraal) Oakland, CaL, Sept Ij The Tigers fell en Raldy at opportune times today and soored aa eaey victory. Fltsger ald was very effective, allowing but four hits. The score:-' . v ,'..'. ' ",'-. ; '. . -' - FRESNO. : ' '- ; - ; ' - ' .. AB. R. HI PO. A. K, Doyle; efc I 0 - I T 0 Walters, rf. .;. 4 114 0 0 Casey, lb.......,.... 4 ' lv McLaughlin, If. 4 1 1 4 - Delmaa, lb. .........411110 Cartwrlght lb. . . . . . I 0 0 10 0 0 Hogan, a-.... 4 0""1 1 I ; Fitsgarald, P. ....... 4 11 J O Totala-. ........II II ST IS 0 OAKLAND, .i . I.,, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Dmiin, ri, .,,......, Van Haltren, ct..... v 14 e o 1 1 1 0 40 I 0 Kruger, 11. ... Heltmuller, lb. 4-e-i-i 4 rs ri I 4. I S Macaett, o. Devereaux, lb. Haley, lb. .......... Francks, sa , ... ........ Reldy, p.......,.... Totals . .,.;....... 1 4 I7-1S' 4 ' j.v eCORJB BT INNINGS. - " Fresno . . ....... 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 tw-l Hits . ..1 I 0 0 1 1 0 I 11 Oakland , . .......1 0 0 0 0 01 Hits . . I 1 1 04 '.'... . ..." SUMMART. --.i. ' ' Two-base - hits Mclaughlin, Hogan, Caaey,. Delmaa. Sacrifice ' hits Cart wright Doyle. . First base on called balls Off 'Fltsgerald. I: off Reldy, 1 Struck out By Reldy, 1. Double play Devereeux to Haley to Heltmuller. Wild pitch-Fltsgerald. Time of game One hour and i minutes. - Umpire Bull Perrlna - YESTERDAY'S RACirlo v " . J AT LATONIA TRACK (Spx-tat IHenetetj fey Leased Wire te The Jnarnal) Cincinnati, , Sept 1. Today's La ton la results , were: ; Five and a half ' furlongs Orandlta Kees), S to I, won: Dormonde, second; Bister Huffman, third.' Time, 1:01 l-l. Mils Red Thistle (SooVllle), - to I, won: Merendo, second; Mlladl Leva, third. Time, 1:41 1-1. . - . Six furlongs Sorrel Top (Allen), I to . . ' 1, won; Mayor Johnson, eecoadv Asora, third., Time, 1:14 !-., , , - Mile Alma' : Dufour (Dely),""evBn, won: Major T. J. Carson, second; Martha Gorman, third. -Time, lUl-i-l . Five and a half furlongs Dr. Frank (Morlarlty), ..IS to X. won: Frank Fleahar, aeoond; Hnfandel, third. .Time, 1:01- " . Sfar furlongs Mansard (Scovllle), I to 10, won; Lady Eather, eecond; The Clansman, third. , Time,' 1:11 -."- , ' One and a alxteenth mllse Postman (Boland), T te I. won; Tarp, aeoond,; Beldea, third. Time, l:4S. ' ; .j- i m . , : , Wltk tke The Oregon bowling allays, eemmeno Ing Monday, September S, will keep epea everyv evening nntll II o'olock. ' Mr. Doxey, the manager. Will be pleased to see all the old bowlers as well as nfcw ones. - Thursday svsnlng, September 0 at S o'clock, aa there will be a spsolal meeting far organising eluba for winter league, all. arc Invited to attend. r , 1 Batte Beat Taeosna ' ' Bntts,' Sept 1. The Butte Miners de feated Taooma today S to S..,---..-- FALL STYLES V ...V -,7"-. ' ' CVBFtV MAT Ifrm NOW ON, Mallory Cravenelte Hate v ; v JS.50 John D. Stetson Soil flats a $1 and $5 V ...... r ' , r 1 ,: '"'t J. ' . ''' ' ' ' - ' ' . ' V tvt,'' ",.'. ;li ; C. I?. MsMf 87 THIRD Store Closed For Moat' of Race It Looked if v-Keene'e FUly Would Finish in Frontr but 'Magnificent Burat of "Speed Put Lakelord's Horu First. (SpeeUl DIqMteb hr Leased Wire te ThVjeeraal) New York. Sept 1 Electioneer, a big, bony bay colt owned by -William Lakeland, a poor man of the turf, thun dered under the wire . at Sheepahead Bay this afternoon, winning the 160,000 futurity from the prise colts of several millionaires. . A noae back fot him . waa Pope Joan, one of the Keene trio, en which the publlo plunged tremendously, who kept the "white, blue spots" of the famous turf .veteran to the fore for more -than five of, the six furlongs. Forty thousand spectators cheered the victor. .-A length behind her,- running euperbly, waa DeMund, Paul RaJney's . 141,000 failure, . which same . to life a . few days ago at .Saratoga, and which waa the second choice with the, pubUa. : UntU the -laat 10 seconds It looked aa though James R. Keens would add. another Futurity to his list. ' Pope Joaa had led from the ' post and seemed elearly the master of DeMund. .. - Electioneer was running In the ruck I and seamed out oflt . Then, the seem ing miracle oeourreo. npeed new into hla lege and In the laat sixteenth he came through the bunch like an express train. - With . a most remarkable burst of speed he passed Tankee Girl and Peter Pan and was striding along with DcMnnd. A j few more etrides aad he neck and neck with The Pope. Fifty yards from the finish the Keene' filly began to weaken ana Eleetloneer . put hU nee-ahead for a. -"poor maji's viotory" In the greatest raoe of the year, r - ' j ' ; ' , . There was. out one -coasoiauon lor James R." Keene and that was tinged with - bltterueaa : v - , , Electioneer, 'the victor, -was aired by - Voter, one of the prise horses 'of the Keene ataoiea. i - Sleetloneer waa the dark Korea ef the . raoe and waa backed down from S to ; 1 to 4 te 1 br the flood of "wise" money which was sprinkled about the betting . ring. Nearly everybody thougjht the Keene - entry - would win, was sure enough ef It to pay S te S, but If not the Keens entry the prevailing feeling waa Electioneer. J- The winner of the Fstur lty Waa trained near the track en which he wont hla great -viotory. Ha enjoyed ' no vacation at Baratega. "' While other colts and - flUlee were taken - there' In -palace oars and rased and polished and petted,' this big' speed - machine etayed at home. ."' 'z!rl ' .r Owner Waa Ooafldsni. vbiuv" Lakeland nag rait aura of the Futurity for the past week, but he has kept Very quiet about fit . He backed the horse moderately ' aad hta friends . had ths tip' to do likewise.' There might -have been a mlstak bad It not been for' the masterly riding ef Jockey William Shaw. Electioneer le a bard boras to ' handler but with 'whip aad spur Shaw drove him from an outside seventh posi tion at the dip into the bomectretoh te a ' (Continued en Pags Eleven.) UARAHTKO. .. 1' .V TTTT DISPLAY Tomorrow