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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1906)
,,-;. , . -.raffia , , , L -1 r GOOD EVEHIHG Journal Circulation ... . THE WEATHER. : Yesterday mm ' i Fatf ' tonlrhtt- SundiT , fair 'and Was warmer; northwest winds. " ' - ,.. '-Hf; V.t- ' ' " '-": , V, j- T j .t ..... .' 1 ' "A : VOU-V; WO. 151; " PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY- EVENING,-; SEPTEMBER il,,. 1806. TWO ' SECTIONS 'TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE TWO; CENTS. JJifrrt? cV-Ta - n 'firm vrLrri n (Iai TvrafVr 1 ' r ft r w CflOTW IS liiliiiiiili ' ' '- , . J .'. - -'"'i ; 1.' J-..-V: V v v r t' ; , . . ... . i-: . - ' 9 VI' NebrasRahlRcfusesol Position Outlmed? in iiSpcechTrrr Nol Dictating to Party But; Merely E rvr" pressing His Belief Refuses to Re- ply to Critics Uovmal l(U tanlM.) J. Nw Tork. t. 1. W..J. Bryan will - ftot ratrMt from hla poaltlon tbat (adaral . wnrhlp at railroads ia th aolutlon of ; tha eountiya transportation proMam. " Ea rout, from' Bridgeport , today ha ' raad tha papera and xpraaaadaurprlaa that hla spaaca abould ba tafcas mm dic tation to tha party.: Ua aald that fca bad triad to maka It cloar at ma tima that ha only axprtsaed hla paraoaal opto ion. . Ba hadn't oonaultad Dam oc rata and did 'not know what tbey thoug-ht. Ha ra- , fuaad to oommant on what "promlnantf XMOMcrat mifht hava aaid. j-" -- "I firmly hatteva la fadaral ownarahlp . of rallroada!- I hava no dealra now to commant an what othara -aay. i I prafar to dlacuaa tha laaua In my own way. - 1 ' hopa In tlma to flya my vlewa In avary ' aaetlon of tha country."' :.!. ', . t. -v -v -. Kan oath McNeil- waa mistaken, for Bryan's aacratary. - Bomaona -told - Mr. Brran . that VloePraaldant - rairbhaka had aal4 that he waa too poor to kaep a ,Brraa aaJdt.... -I - v " "McNeil la not my secretary, but ratr- banka wont get any aympathy froaatasa. Pleatr at iothar Bapublloaaa are la hla tim. I baliara In equal sympathy for ail. spvaiat irnpauj ivr num. 1 Bavaral conferences . at Democratic leasers from alt parta' of the oauatry vwarahald today. .,;v f-f-- v Oa BooasTalte mamomrssttoB. ' 1 - Bryan waa aakad what na tnouant aboat tha arTnttan- of oertaln RepaO lloana that Rooaevait would ba the next ' logical Republican candidate. . Ua aaid that if It waa trua that ha had eom Plataly destroyed tha Democratic party, there ought to bo doaana ot. whole Ra- . publicans available aa candidate, aa rc 'would appear that almost any Repub lican codld wHi with tha Dam oc ratio party wiped out. There would than ba pa eceasKy of giving Roosevelt what would ba roaardad by many aa prae Ucally a third term. With easy Victory for tha Republicans ahoad. why, ha asked, should not somebody else ba tven a chance T ' Baforoa Xioaal Saw. - -Bryan aaid that If tha various atates awned tha lines within their Borders, local lawa would continue to ba en forced. .Asked If ha. meant that negroea and whites would ba separated. If the . atata had a Jim Crow law. ha replied that atata lawa would naturally hold good on local lines. He did not cars at thla Striking!lmployecpLthcynited Railroads ueciae to noia yuifiqr,yngmai uemanas ; bf Three'DoMrs janclEight Hoursr f . - - . - ---- - Ooana Special Servles.) Sen Tranclaoo. Sept 1 The atrtklat . aarman thla morning voted to. reject ; ail overtures from the company made 'through the mayor offering arbitration . and to "hold out for tha original do . mandat of IS a Axt and eight Tioara" ''work." l . Tweltja hundred men rising to thetr ' f fast voiced an approval offthe ultliflatum t9thecompeny to accept nothing 'but the Original demands. . Tha published 1 Intention of the' company to accept tha .('union offer to return to work for 41 A and to arbitrate he .question 'of '.hours did not materialise. The company ignored the meeting altogether. v Tha afforta of Mayor Sohmlti to bring .'the parties In strife together .-'hav failed, so far entirely. Tha United- Rall . roads continue prepare tlona to . house .." . yarley's men, who - are expected some r Pa Sunder. It ta freely. Predicted that SAYS WIFE-STUCK, FORK IN.HISJRIBS;: VOW, ASKS DIVORCE . ' I- - J. i 1' 'For the wives who hen-peek their (husbands soma aew Mess are suggested iby the etory told In tl complaint , of 5 Harry Ballanger ' for a divorce' from ! b.iIm, HleS In ttiaxtlrenlt roUrt V yeaterday afternoon. A general opl'nfon W'.l. Hill r 1 1 - wfwm iiu.v.i."- - made ta wash tha dishes,, scrub th . floors,', mind' the-- bilblea and 'submit meeklv tn anoldlnsa. but Rallenaer does I pot otnplairr ef any of those ihlnaa, r ( lasteadVJ-a charges that. Jils wi to bit ! ' , him over the , head with a toy .wagon, BUpped htm piaytully on tha wrtat wit ,,."..' -:.v. " . : tlma to discuss the dataila of how tha plan would affect tha carrisga of whites and negroes on tha through lines under fadaral control. V - Jonlght Mr. "Bryan will speak In Jar aay city. .'..' ' ' , . , WATTERSON PR0TES;T8 Tataraa Bdito Takes Xssme - -. jfWttk Bryaai' oa BaOsoaaav ; j- 'v:..' rtir Bnl anla r ' 'Loulavlllo. Ky., Sept..!. Hoary Wat- larson. dean or tna southern Demo cracy,' In a sharp editorial In today's Courier-Journal -. takes - lasuaaiusray with Bryan on government ownership of raiiroaaa,' and --warns thar twtca-dareatad eandldaito- for' tha - presidency that the south wlU not tolerate tha Idea. Tha editorial oontinuee In part: Tli suggestion. ul plank in the Democrat io platform at thla time is not only r Impracticable. .in tha highest: da- grea, but If It were adopted aa the fight ing litre." would cost us the election.: It eould not ba carried out at a policy avap If. by noma cataclysm, we -should come to 'power in gpito of It. and It ought toot to ba adopted or contemplated as nollor by any party caving. tha real good of tha peopia at heart. , s. "It ia un-American and un-Dentoorat-lc Well may Mr. Bryan doubt whether tha country la. ready for. thla change. ' Watterebn bolted tha Democratic tick et In ISM and. sue ported Palmar and Bucknor. His course waa so unpopular in Kentucky ana hla paper lost so many subscribers that tha owners of tha Cour-lar-Journa! forced Watte raon to support Bryan in 100. agatnat hla own inollna tlona.. ( - . . ..... . . ;. BRIDGEPORT. SPEECH Bryan Aaaafia BepaMloaa Vaaty for '. Ooraa Towacd. tha rsopla. ' Oearaal aaeetal leilu.) : Bridgeport. Conn Sept. .1. After a mort enthusiastic weloome, W. J. Bryan left -thla morning for Maw York. Last night ba spoke to a large audience In tha armory and was roundly applaaded. for an hour Mr. Bryan assailed tha Republican portion its attitude toward tha questions now before tha American peopia Ha aaid. that the Republican party had had a chance to repeal every law that has not contributed to tha (Continued on Fags Two.) the arrival' will ha the slgr .1 for an out .break. -of vlolenoa. y - In response -to an Inquiry from the Dally. News regarding tha attitude of the atate ' authorities toward, the Im ported strike breakers Governor Pardee today .replied: .-it 'Jff i '4 regrat that I have no power under tha law .to prevent the coming into the atata of .each .bodies .ot armed man, their, coming mot constituting an fh vaalon within. the meaning of the con stitution. I have, notified the United Rallwaya .that tha reported importation of armed, men. ' If net unlawful, la against public policy and subversive of good order, and iln reply, received' a denial of that truth of the newspaper reports that they are importing bodlea at armed men Into, tha etate." t - Tha, striking cannen'a union decided to call of f . the men working oir the Calf fernlal der.Oea.ry.'.,atreet 'llnee . tonight. This - apt Ion., completes - tha '.tie-up bf every or anan Franclaco. 1 r. a,palt of shears, spit in his fees and stack. a. fork kthla rlba, besides runnhig him Into debt beyond his means to pay, swearing at -him tend calling-him Ttle Inamea generally. . ...... j". Thla. he alleges.. Is cruel traMtment. nd while-hla wife la in. Kokomo, Indl- ana ne ,empioyea an attorney, and be gon. anh for dlvcrca from her. (He ear they- wer married In Indiana in Iecem ser. l. bat that hie .wife haa made hla llfa'kurdensorae.and her longa to betfrea again. . W. A. Masters . ajparalaa4. hia BWorneTa 'yw .-.,. iy.tlWr. -iVv-'V ' ' ' ' . '' ' . .. . . .Vs Mrs. Marcia Wintler. PRETTYROMAnCE Portland Young - People, Play mates and Sweethearts From Childhood, Return From Ideal Vacatioruand Announce They Are Man and Wife. Mrs. Thomas J. Spooner waa atandlng on the porch of "her home at Jennings Lodge, en the Clackamas river, a week ago, viewing the landscape through a telescope. Around a bend In tha rrrer. below the house came a canoe carrying man and a woman. Mrm. Bpooner watched-them through tha telescope. 'If that la not my niece, Marcia Bull. it la a girl who- resembles her very closely." said Mrs.-Spooner to a friend. The canoe " flqated on up the liver. and wa landed below the Spooner homeuMFThe, woman and the man came up tha walk. "It la Marcia," declared Mrs. Bpooner. "Auntie, thla la my husband, Mr. Carl Wintler," aaid Marcia. "Well!" gasped Mrs. Bpooner, em bracing bar. "And when were you mar ried r "A week ago. In Portland." In tha explanations that followed It developed that M las Bull and Mr. Wint ler were marrledquletly at the resi dence of a friend. Mre. Blanche Hogue. on Portland Heights, Wednesday, Aug- (Continued on Page Two.) CULMINATES III HAPPY MARRIAGE TAFI WAD L IS GTOWIPJG Asleta People Come Forward and Allege Real Estate' Dealer Has Isold Propertyjrwice-and Done Other. Peculiar, Things. V There-was Joy for a minute yeaterday out at' Xrleta. lior .W.'M.TaXt. came to town. ' Bpt' the for waa dissipated when he tore' away again, in his' big automo bile, before anyone hb,d time to talk to The people out -in Arleta are after Mr. "fa ft. ''The man who waa held up aa the pativmaamt of the suburb 1e how want. ed by the peopia who bought little homes from hlro, and the peopia who built , the little homes. ;. The accusation Is made that Taft -frequently sold the same little home -two or three times, and that- be nald thla builders with oheeke Wnan he-had no money In bank. The- people are much excited and oat alleged victim haa drawn 'a cart 009 which shows Taft In an automobile spilling worthless paper along the way The automobile la headed for a build ing marked "Pen," where, the cartoonist ngurea that a" bookkeeper' la needed, and Uncle Bam la ' pictured pointing the way to the place. - The-oat-toon haa beea much admired In Arleta, .n-,.; . . . . Maay Saoriea ASoat. ,' There are many stories of Tuft's deal ings , In' Arleta.. It ,1a alleged that ba held a mortgage er a house at, No.) I Taylor street, and without further olaiia to the property ta a Misa Finn well, ft' la asserted - that,- net- content with one. aale,. he disposed of' the same house ur a Mr. Noble:'? -- There la another story that haa ta do with- a property at t Taylor street On this. It is claimed, Taft held a mortgage for 1100. He la aaid to have foreclosed the mortgage aad. to' have built 4 house on the place a a coat of 11,400. It Is said that he mortgaged tha place , then for J00n although h had paid inothjng for lhor of material Tha -various creditors have V swooped owsv aa iota alaea aad plaatara4 It wlU j Milwaukee Lines From Bitter Root Mountains tb Columbia Will Soon Be Under Way Seattle Man Gets Contract ami Outfits Are Already at Points Along Right of Way to Begin 1 Active Work as Soon as Men re Secured. Announcement made today that con- tracts hava been let for construction of the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul rail road, from the Bitter Root mountains to the Columbia river disposes of the reports from New York- to the effect that the - Harrlman railroad companies had acquired oontxol of the Milwaukee. It la believed these ooatraota would not hava been let if the Union , Pacific eould hava prevented It. H. Henry of Seattle baa bean awarded the work. The engineers who have for a year been hard at work to secure the best route for tha Milwaukee through the Bitter Root range have at last com' plated their task, and a permanent lo cation of tha line hga been made. The route follows the St. Joe river from the Idaho-Montana line to a point below Bt. Joe. -Idaho, then to Tekoavand Rosa lia . and along . tha south, aide of Rock lake, ' reaching Lind 1 oa tha Northern Pacific . . JTroxB Un4 tha Una folows tha survey of .tha old Northern Paclflo aut-off to Ellensburg. - Beyond that point no permanent location has yet been made Surveys are under way through tha Cowllts pass and through Clspus pass, of tha Cascade range, for a line Into tha lower Columbia river basin, and also ' bjr Snoqualmle paaa . to Taooma and Seattle. It is believed the Portland Una . will coma through Cowllts pass and south to Portland via Vancouver. Another and mora immediate method of getting Into Portland would ba for the Milwaukee to run from Tekoa Into thla olty over the CX R. N. line, with which it la aaid trackage arrangements could ba made, ., - B. N. Jones, a Spokane railroad con tractor, whoae firm haa secured a part of the work, aaid: "we already hava our outfit at, Ros alia and will start work at once. Wo will need 1.000 men Immediately and the work will last many months. It is esti mated that tha work can be completed a year from next January. Our part .of the contract extends from Tskoa to Und." ' The route adopted will be much the shortest line across the state of Wash ington. Distance, easy curvature and low grades hava been the paramount considerations with the Milwaukee's surveyors. They adopted the route re luctant for tha reason that it left : Spo kane off of the main Una. liana repreeentlng a- total of tl,l claimed against If Tha property Is aaid to ba worth not mora than f 1.(00. Out at Flrland Taft la said to have sold a house to a man named Ingles, to whom he gave a dead, and later on. In stallments to a man named Peterson, who paid H0 down. It la asserted that he borrowed, on this property 1150 from a man named Prounough, to whom he generously gavs a deed for. the twice sold place. . "iWaga B samara Want Jtlm. i The men Who lalm '.wages from Taft are legion. . Moat of theee be paid with aheeka, they claim. , , 1 TheTe'e' no- money In the bank now, but there Will, be this afternoon,", he would aay. And the men went away ELECTIONEER CAPTURES GREAT FUTURITY RACE i ' & - '.k " . i a e 4 s y.. A 4.1-,'! (Jearaat SDeelal Serrlee.) e . Bneepshsad Bay, oept. e Electioneer, at 7. to 1, with Wf- e '. llama up, won the Coney Inland e t Futurity atake thla afternoon la e e a . brintsnt flnlsh. ' Jamea R. 4 Keene'a Pope Joan, at t to 1, waa d d aecond,. and P. J. Ralney'a De- e mund, at I to 1, was third. WH- e Ham Lakeland owna Electioneer. e ' Zambesi, Qolf Ball and May Roe e 4 . were soratc bed. ' . CUBAN REVOLT SPREADS ; t- 'TO REMOTE PROVINCES "Haianav Sept 1. -The, revolt has reaa 10 tne proTino or -uww rnn- ell pe. . Seventy Insurgents are marauding thara. .- . OovemwiSnt ' troops ; are pressing Ouerra closely.' Ouerra gives no Indies, t ton. that be wants. an. engagements He sludea hla pursuers end apparently with ease paraaeea their flanka and rear,- i, I i ' ,.. '' ' . . i t '1; ' - - UaMBjBsgaBWBMsmMBMsms WHliam TraTsra Jeroma. I FULTON ASSERTS BRYAN'S PLAN IS IMP R AC tl G ABLE Oregon Senator Goes on Record r as, ppposed to PdbHo Owner ship of Railroads-Would Favor Federal Possession of Branches if Policy Was Ever Adopted. ' (Washington Banes ef Tse lesrsaLI . Washington, Sept. 1. Replying to aa Inquiry from the New Tor Times, Sen. ator Fulton wired: v "I am opposed to government ownar ahlp of railroads, but If the policy la to be adopted, I deem It Impracticable to restrict it to tha trunk llnee. aa the best; result will 'be obtained 'by i having reedera , and 'the main' line under , one management. .''.(. It is true - that, a . constitutional amendment wlll. be necessary; to take and operate, the. Interstate lineal but that' la probably , true '.In. any case., as me iruni unes must ao tne locaJU bust ness. 7 , T trust the poller. Will i never - be adopted,' but . the ' Bryan . plan Is utterly impractioaoia. 'The Times prints opinions from manv other Republican senators condemning oryan s suggestion. , Much-Wanted. Realty . Man Ap pears: in 'Arleta for Few . Min utee.; Then Disappears infiBig -Automobiler:r .. satisfied, but, there was ,no money In the bank ia the 'afternoon. ,JB. .Beard, a painter, claims to hava been paid In worthless checks. He has secured Hens on four properties, j. B. Brltta haa..hlmaelf fortUlbd. almtUrly, aa have Tlmma. Creaa, Co.,i dealers' In building material. J.B. Bralth, a plasterer.' IS' reported to be: loser In- hlB dealings with Taft The1 Meter V Frank company is reported 1 to have Ukeji frvnt the1 Taft home at Flrland a lot of unpald-for furniture. ' BTforts yof . the- police - to .locate- the much-wanted Taft have failed, ; Mora Sana PUad, Mora of the victims of the alleged swindling- operations . of Taft have sought relief).' by suits In - the circuit court, ' filed 1 yeaterday afternoon. In these suits It Is alleged that Taft mort gaged two'--plecee. of property to one man. then sold It twlee to other men. ''The Taylor Investment company,' com posed of .Robert A. Taylor, EL-Lklyn and Oeorge W. Brown.-Is implicated In Taft'a deals by the-suits Instituted yes terday. . The complaining parties in the Drat salt are T. C Smith,. H. B. Noble and Roy Myers.. . . - ... It la charged that, the Taylor Invest, ment company on April Is gave to w: H. Taft and. hla wife,'. KsthryS -Taft. g deed to property in Xuretweodwblb haa- not been recorded.' Taft. on -April 10 gave T. C, Smltlt- a mortgaare on the property to secure a loan, of t(IO. it la said, and ' handed hla deed book to .the Inyeatmant company.. Ha then gve a warranty deed for the property to H. K. Nob)o. and gave Roy Myera a con trast of aale for It It . la alleged, that the Taylor Investment - company now threatena to sell the property sgaln.-. In the aecond sulk T..C Smith,, A.tP. ' (Continued om Page Twa.1 . . ; r CONSERVATIVES FAVOR JEROME AS HfeW LEADER In Case I District '. Attorney . Is CheseiGoverro Sane " anc Safe Element Wilt ;' Probably Support Him Against Bryan as Democratic Nominee. ; 5V' (Jonrsal Special Servles.) ' ' ,' - New Tork. Sept 1. On Diatriet At torney William Traver Jerome lhevayea of tha eonservatlvs" Democracy are fo cused as the man to defeat .William Randolph ' Hearst for tha Demote ratio nomination for governor of, New Tork and in the event of suooesa-Jerome wtU. probably .-be '-ttaeir- eholca-to defeat the radical . program outlined by Bryan la Msr-Madlson 'Square', garden, speech. In tha event of eonservstlva-triumph In the party councils -Jerome may ba tha nomi nee f or the presidency.. s. ,s , Jerome 'is not a conservative except when compared' to. Bryan and Hearst He ' Is 1 rather ' on the Rooeevelt order. Hla refusal to attempt the prosecution of the -insurance magnates haa some what dimmed . hla popularity In the me tropolis, but - hla vigorous personality haa 'made -him popular throughout the country. He, was given ovatlona dnr Ing his visit recently' to tbe southera statee. where leaders1 are oppoeed to Brvan'a railroad-program, which baa. antagonised men' like-John Sharp Wil liams. MA LEADS Owner of Sweet Factory Heads ;Merchants ? WhoTake Law: in Their Own Hands and - Fill; Up -Trenches Left ;by Railroad " ' . . ; . -. f ... 'i (Joornal Speelel ' Bervke.) San. Francisco, .Sept. 1. With- flash ing" eyes and glowing, cheeks; a. woman, nroDrtetress. of? Blx, confectionary atorea and a sweet factory, Incorporated under the .name of the ,8ugarie. directed a squad of . SR , Halghjt street business men this morning when 'they : took , the law In their hands and filled up- the trenches left, open by, the United. Railroad a for the-last two moaths. and leveled the street In front - of. tbe Height1 street store.' '. 'J, iv. -: -' Mrs. Ik E. Morrill Is the woman who feltahat -patience ' had ceased to be a virtue and organised tha business forces to secure Immediate relief - from the terrible blockade - 'of ' 'tbolr r bustnesa. Cobble stones ware piled op on tha aide- Ivage earner f -Which includes ) about ; vfry,j one in rortland will be in 'terested in the .svmoosium on -u- .-; V . .. LABOR III To which have 'contributed writers, preachers, unionist and cspitalifit--thtf .briehtest- thinkers of America end which r.iwill:be printed"'::'!-' ' V i ijntlic Sunday ; Joiifrinl eeeeeveeeeeeeeeevvv4vvvvt t - Market inspector Tells How Portland People f Are Sold Meat Treated With Boracfc :cid Hamburg Steak Also Embalmed j Against Decay try Being Given r Big. Dose of Preservative Sent ; In Tin Cans From Chicago and -, Known as Freezum.-: ' . -1 -a---- ...' ..!Tv,;i. ;' That practically .' all tha. sausage, and hamburg steak - sold la Portland la treated with "freesum" waa tha aub- atance of tha report made to tha board or health thla morning by Mr a. Sarah A.. Kvaoa. market inspector.' ',. "Ons butcher , told me there waa no ehanoe of hla meat-spoiling, as it waa ' embalmed beyond all danger. . - I hava . aeen sausage which had beea exposed to -tha open air for three weeks, and it didn't smell a particle, but tt .waa so dried up that it waa almost ready to blow. I believe that nearly all tha eau- aage and bamburg ateak la given a'dose of preservative.' declared Mrs. Kvana. -Bhe called attention to tha fact that na ordinance . exists nnder . which . meat maxket, men who "preeerw", thetr meat oaa ba arrested la tha name of tha city. It- la evident, howeer, .that- the nsanlo- I pal . authorities Intend to Join handa with J- W. Bailey, state dairy and food commissioner. In hla newly begun fight agnrnst-""preserved" meats. : "Thla freesum' aomes in large cans, and la made by a Chicago company." aaid Mre. Bvena. , Then she unwrapped a small pepper -can which, contained .a quantity of tha stuff. - , . The can was circulated around tha table, and all the doctors on tha board took a taste. "Boraolo acid," said the . mayor. Dra. Wilson. Pohl and, Qlesy agreed with. him. . : .v 'r Mrs. -Kvana haa again beenVampIng on tha trail cf peopia who sell fruit in dirty boxen,-but Deputy City Attorney rttsgerald thought aha - had , no - case , against one company whoae boxes aha ' seised. She aaked instructions aa to Whether- the general health ordinance gives her authority to stop tha use of aueh - receptacles. . Mayor Lane assured her that tt did. ' la her report Mrs. Kvana also declared that tha fruit canneries In tha city sell their peelings to tha vinegar worKa. and that these peelings are allowed to atand -for hours" in opea boxes on tha streets, where they accumulate dust and attract swarms or flleev ; - : - v 1. . .... PASSENGERS TAKEN ' , FROM WRECKED SHIP. Honolulu. Sept 1. The steamer Helens has arrived here with a number of pas senger taken from the Sheridan Includ ing 10 women and IS children. Tugging has partly moved tha vessel, and It la thought it will bo puUed off. It ia not leaking, aad one angina lb working.. Ill walk In front of the store and a small mountain of Band filled tha gutter, and thla debris and tha yawning "trenehee of tha old cable Una rendered two thirds Of the street impassable. . Oaa delivery wagon . waa auf flclent - to ' atop - trafflo along the busiest part ef Height street Mre. Morrill eould not . draw up hsr own autoa and. delivery wagons within reach of her door..' She admits tha ob struction of street aost her II a day. Mrs. Morrill visited the general offices of the company and requested something be dona for her relief. . She waa prom ised ; complete .satisfaction. In' a few daya. - Yesterday momlnr she decided' that ' nothing waa 'going to ba done by tha railroad company and so filled up " tha dltohea la a short tlma.- ! i e POLITICS , f-..i:-v. ...... II! RAD t