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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
r 7 Vcz? E :ci:ay brr TchzcovTLb Stcro VVgl Co C!c:: J All Day ItcnCr ri r-i T1 rtUMMBR RZSORT3. .... telMMl fiiftm m ta n -a es jw a -BcaeU, Im , U4 X.wpsrt, A ne-ele ee. nw uim wiu ee nlt incs. omm Street fna ear eseat et thee petaie 4 he will Hm4 liwity to ie . UTcrv. - BIACX Lmie Oako. (Hrtm et !!, wul B(4bl AkD ftaABBABt VAZ W. B. Whitman, uratl kMltuiun at lew 0. a drag Bear i lilllil! k: pi Shinty to all petals ea to ndtx' axd ' TAvnrAjunr PrcelMax, Mm OwnUia ' -- litlim . retirees, aaoafc eA- . lautul at h.wperf. Ox, BeUvary to U aetata ea tk. nat, BOX LAS t X lake kaHuta 0V eent. Jut Lake, Or. -. . . CaIsuBY TTII I Mllllll BmlsgS Wsj . ' tal Co.. ftrati, . CAiOAIiA, WAAa-Taavke Meffet . oojCjvi unui aranree. waul . 0, I. Belaher, agent, Oelllaa, Wui .- gainsKrs iwrntim "V"-"'- Lris.. ....... ...... "Th Jrteh Widow" Star "A Great Ttmputtoa" rmaUgta .. , VauS.Ttlle read ....VaadcvtUe We mad a great deal better picture zor wiuiaai Jennings Bryan than thai appearing in the newspapers ths laat xew aajrn. it wouia say so nimeeir, II Be war speaking with you. All our photos ars of the batter class the ex oallant hind tietuM wa 'parmlt no others to paae out of our possession. v This studio has always sustained its , foot. B. W. Moore, Elks' bulUHng. "U w VMSa VVVIt PUHUwIt V t i. ... . ,, . ' . . Forest Sre Invaded a large portion of country north of Wlchataw autlon , In tha aarly part of tho waak and had St not ban for A wldo wagon road it would nrohaiilv hivi rtuluil tha ut tA ' dlatrlot. A it was. it only burnad a larva spaoa of low brushwood and laft ! snioldarina; stumps that will burn for a woak longer. Tho flra spraad rapidly considering thara was no wind to make ' ' It spread.. . , y ' . ..' - - Mrs. Elisabeth C. Patterson fell dead yesterday of heart disease at her home ' at Tit Powall street. When her son, ; Robert XX Patterson, returned from work la, the orenlni he found his mother's body on the floor. ' The woman was SI - yaara or aara and tint bar from flan ' rranolae lmmadlatalr aftar tha aaurth. quake with her son, who is in the livery business. The coroner took ehargs of , the body. , Tho Northern Paolflo Railway oom .pany will ha ra special round trip ax- aurslon tickets from Portland to points oast ob sals September (. and 10. Call , -at tho ticket offlce, tSt Morrison atraat, ' AArn.r Third. Portland. Oraaron. tarn tnlh , paruouiars, or aaaress a. u. cnaritan. assistant f anerai pasaanrer airani. aova address, and detailed information will '. An Information was filed la tho cir cuit oourt this morning; by Deputy Dl ! ' trtct Attorney ous v. Moaar charring : Nellie Washington, colored, with as . saultlng her husband, Oeorge H. Wash ington, with a dangerous weapon by shooting him with a revolver. The shooting is said to have occurred July ' SL , Mrs., Washington is In jail , , ... Hello I The Padflo. States Telephone . at Telegraph oompany have, opened of- floes at the following places' in Oregon: Boring, Multnomah eountyi Roy, Wash , lngton county; Newby, Wasco obuaty; ' Mohawk, Lane county; John Day Bridge. ' fthannan eountvi Colaatln Soda Snrlnaa Jackson county, and Donna Station, lane oounty. . Water through boos for sprinkling yards or aldewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for la advance and used only between the hours of and I a. m. and I and I p. m. It must' not be used for sprinkling streets. If . used contrary to these rules, or wasta fully. It will bo shut t.tL . .. r Drug ' Store Ownership' Changed ' Hands, The popular drug store known as tho Streiblg oY-jlessop pharmacy has been" purchased -by John M A. Laue, and In the future will bo known as branch 1 of the Laue-Davl Drug com ' party, who already own Ave well equipped pharmacies. ' . . . '.. : ' An error occurred In announcing the porfonnanoo of "Aladdin" at the Oaks for Friday. Thla tnagnlflcenl spectacu lar fairy play will be presented tomor row (naiuroay aiiarnoon a tww free, at tho untauo stags built on the lawn for this particular performance,' , ' ' For the Hopflelds Steamers Al- - tons., Pomona and Oregona, from Taylor-street dock, at a. m. dally, and . Sunday for Buttevllle, Champoeg, New berg. Wheatland. Salem and all way landings. Oct tickats and deliver bag- . gmga the day before sailing. . ' September t, and 10, special sound trip excursion tickets will be sold by the Northern Paolflo railway to points east Particulars can be had at ticket office, Stt Morrison street, oorner Third, or by letatr to A. D. Charlton, A. O. P. A., Portland, Oregon. - - Sunday River Trips. -Splendid oppor tunity to view the famous Columbia ' river. Round trip to Cascade Locks on . steamer Bailey Oatsert. Leaves Alder street dock a. m.a returns t:t p. m. Meals 10 oents, Fare $1. Phono Main ' Penney Bros,' Friday Special 1 1.1 4 grade white or red port, sherry, muscat .and Sauterne at ft per gallon. Phone IKast 1S7. Free dell vary. Friday only. I III-SS1 last Morrison. , , - Now that . summer vacations are ndlna? and homea for the winter are In ! the people's minds, it might be found profitable to investigate tne terms ana We aim to jjfve you "tlie very best Printing Service that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST & PBICES IiOWISST Co., Printers tlEST & OIK STBEETS i i Tw Clret Uses, Beta Mala MI VI- p '-.-"-I ..... Men's Smto OnsrHolf .Price . . . . I V ; . . (yz-sxiTi ii pi M j-' r Doys Suits 'a One - Half Price rSalgtraerdirury f men's high yad4tc Suits In fancy tweeds, worateda and cheviots strictly all wool materiala In tha beat patterns single or double breasted styles Suits made by the Leading Wholesale Tailors Stein, Bloch, L'Adler Bros. A Co, Hart Schaffner A Mane. The Washington Co and others, $18.00 to $23.00 values on sale st jy fjo-. this very low price, per suit.2 -TriVv , . lj All Men's Outing Suits at One Half Rice. Special lot of 200 boys' 2-picce School Suits of strictly ' all wool materials Fancy mixed weeds In double breasted styles Ages T to 1 years Suits selling regularly at $5.00, $6.00. $7.00 and $8.00 Your choice tZ for a few days only at.5 leTlCC 25c Dolts at 9c White duck ititcfied Belt, with gilt bucklet; vtlues up . Or to 25c each on sale at..... C Black silk Belts in assorted 'styles; with or without buckles; regular 50c and 75c values oa - tO sale at -rC Women's Handbags, with card- case, coin-purse and bsnd-mir- I i , watiua baiu ca icuuvi : V black, brown and tanf regular. $3 and ?3.50 values TlO - on sale at....,i....Vsa97 BOOK NEWS.' "The Crisis," 500 copies; CA. extra special value JvV Resd it before -going to tthe Baker Theatre next w"eek.- ! "v "The Conquerors," Ty Athertonj special value at 1 .......... jSOf "Mother Goose," in red cloth bind ing: special at ,Of 14-inch i Glass V'esat, each..... 11 16-inch Glass. Vi-ks at, each..' 15 21-inch Giass Vases at. each..,...31 8-inch Glass , Berry: Bawls it.. .. . .174 .-piece Berry Sets . for.,. ......... 48f 7-inch Rose Bowls for, each SO !-gallon Glass Pitchers for.... ..42 Thin-blown Tumblers, each ....... .4 Plain Glass Water Sets pitcher M. 6 glasses and tray for......... Oft C 6, 7,8, 9-inch glased jardinieres; great values at, each, 19, Slf, 47 and... 72 Louwelsa Wellar Artware Jardinieres beautiful styles low prices: i' ' -7-inch. ..XT 8-inch at... 0 9-inch at... 1.18 10-inch at, each?... 92.79 All $ 1.50 Shirts Now 95c Each Hop-Pickers' Gloves 9c the Pair tii rStfi ' mi ll 1 :::::: 11 rvT.? M l I. Itl HI 'Ti S ' . MSB's 11.10 Oolf Shirts to ba sold af Slo each shirts of every soed style, plain or V plaated besoms, coat or reau . lar style, attached or de taohsd cuffai "Manhattana," "Cluatta.- Star" and ether ' solarises, ell slsae. areat va riety; S1.SS values, your tr..::. j......95c Our entire stock of "Star" Shirts . st exceptionally low prioas. Best stylos and pat terns: . . , .. tlJO vsJmea, eaoh.... 9B SS-oe valBos, eaoh fl.6 Sa JO vsJassy eaoh f l.5 It.eet pairs of Hoppiokerr Oloves. made of good heavy canvas, soft flnlah In ' sldai all sloes, for man, women, hoys - and vtrls; fraad speolal value at this apeoisl low prloe. peir 11 our II and I1SS Manhattan Shirts at low piioaa. . Men's extra quality Chambray Oolt Shirts, In plain oolors blue, tan and arsy; I'palr ouffs to matoh; Juat tho shirt ' f of ovary-day wear: all slsas; areat'vaioes at, 69c CI sUmenoie 99 Last Two Days ISc Bleached Hemmed Huck Tow els, great value ,.10 18c Bleached Hemmed Huck Tow els, great value .....13 20c Bleached Hemstitched Huck Towels, great value ....... 1 30c Bleached Hemstitched Huck Towels, great value .......21 60c Bleached Hemstitched Huck Towels, great value ..48 20c Bleached Bath Towels.. 13 35c Bleached Bath Towels. .24 20c Bleached Bath Towels.. 14 15c Unbleached Bath Towels. 10 12c Bleached Linen Toweling, great value at, yard.... "...10 20c Bleached Linen Toweling 16 75c Hemstitched Bleached Bath Towels, each ,..B8 $1.00 Hemstitched Bleached Bath . Towels, great value, at... 78 Hemmed' Marseilles Pattern Bed spreads; best $1.00 values on sale at, each $1.50 Marseilles Pat- CI 11 tern Bedspreads.... m edSf 50 styles of $1.35 Table linens at, per yard grand value.. a a. xa 50 styles of $1.50 Table Linens at. per yard grand value.. 81.84 Entire stock of $1.25 Bleached Table Napkins on sale, grand value, at the low price, dox. 98 Entire stock of $2.00 Bleached Table Nankins on sale, grand value, per dozen 81.64 Entire atock of $2.50 Bleached Table Naokins. on sale, arrand j value, per dozen .......82.18 All our finest Irish, Scotch, Aus- . tnan and German Table Linens at special low prices. Fringed Bedspreads, in red, navy, Dlue and pinic; oest $UU values on sale at this low price. JX.0 Cotton I Russian Crash Toweling at, yard grand value Mf Marseilles Bedspreads, fringed, cut corners; $3.00 val. at. 8 2.28 Bargains in Sheets and Pillow Casel. All , our fine sets of Table Linens on sale at greatly reduced prices. Bargains in Qoiliesj Tray Cloths, etc., etc i j i i r i , , , Final clean-up of sH remaining stock of Women's White Dress Skirta Oood sssort ment c,t atylea Values' never before known Better come early If you want to share In this unusual bargain. y , Lot 1 White Dress Skirts of white linen aad Indian Head, all new, thle saaaon's stylos, trtmmad in - folds, atc.i valuaa ranalna from IS to 11 ff each; your choice while they last at the VllC .vary low prloo of...... ' Lot t Women's white linen Dress Skirts, mads of rp, linen and Indian Head, circular, cored and tucked affects; values rangine from a 1 Aft e-.:t to SI IO each. Choloe at "tho i I . Vli unusually low price of, each.. 7 . , Women's hleh-srade Walking Skirts in Panama cloths, ,. mohairs and batlstaa. this season's best styles to bo sold at a fraction of thoir real Value; we helped a - prominent manufacturer clean up stock, and, as V usual, you era askad to shara in our rood fortune; Sloated and olrcular out with folds or plain gored, luas, arays, rarnct, tan and black; skirts of tho beat atyla and material and selling g yt t ' ratularly at prlcoa up to 114. Tour Mj.lJJ choice at low price of")Tw Darsains in the Picture Store for Tomorrov Another great shipment of colored ' Chain Medallions, religions subjects, fruits, flowers and scenery. Great special values as follows: c , ; '-, 1 - v - ' 6-INCH, EACH ......10 . 9-INCH. EACH 18 11-INCH, EACH . ' 7x9-inch. oval Frames with mats, glass and easel back; 35c values S3; "yard" picturea in 2-inch gilt frames, 16x20 in. oleographs and panel effects; fruit and game; $2 and $2-25 valuea on sale at 88 each. Artistic Picture Framing to your ordef at very lowest prices 2d floor. . CRitAT SALE OF : Women's ICmt Undsrwcsr Fins lines of Women's Knit Underwear at extraordinary low prices today' and tomorrow All styles ell grades- Sensational valuea Take advantage. Women'e white lisle Swiss ribbed Vests, high nook and lone sleeves, , nloaly made and flnlahed throughout, all alsss; regular SOo Op- values' to be cleaned up at.., .,.,., It dosen women's Swiss ribbed Tests, low neck and no aleeves, nar . row ribbon ahoulder straps, prettily finished with VaJL lace; O SI. - erand speolal values at .s?w .Woman's fine ribbed white ootton. Pants, umbrella style, laoa K- trimmed ; best S6e values, on sale at. Women's Swiss ribbed lisle Vests, pink and blue, au sises; reg 9 ular 86c and 40o values, on sale at ....evV Women's fine ribbed white Hole Union Suits, low nook aad no ay sleeves, knee lengths; I So valuaa at Entire stock of women's Vests, values ranging from Ifo to $1 each, on sale at hi off regular prloe s. Womens $3.50 and $4,00 Oxfords at 02.45 Pr. Great clean-up sals of women's high-grade Oxfords; J. 8t T. Cousins and other high-grade makes to be sold at less thsn manufacturing cost; pstent colt, vici kid, patent tip, Russia calf and chocolate kid; welt and hand-turned soles; all sizes and widths; women's footwear sell ing regularly at $3.50 and $4.00 a pair; your choice at this exceptionally low C acoommodatloha offered at the Brown, the handsome ilve-otory atono nd brick hotel located at Grand and Haw thorne avenues. The houso is equipped with sJl modern conveniences, ass and aleotrio lights, fins ' slevator service, radiators for heating purposes and splendid dining-room on the ground floor. Six electrlo oar lines pass the door, transferring to all parts of the olty, and on can walk from tha house to the buslnees center In 19 minutes. From its- windows may be viewed all the snow-capped mountains and Cas cade ranges -a well as the Willamette river from Ross Island as far down as Lower Albina. The house affords a most charming winter residence. Tele phone Eaat Itl. '- .".',:'. ' Artlstlo tallortr fperfect fit and rea sonable prices; nW tall goods now In. Armstrong tho Tailor, Kmielgh building, Washington and SUtl) ssw Paolflo till ' Tour Byes Examined Tree. We are still selling syeglassas at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. S Metsger Co, Jswslera and opticians, ill Sixth street k ,. . ' eamHaeajasa - ' The Portland Admen's " league will meet on September I. at which time of ficers wlU be nominated and advertising criticisms will be held. ', , Launches to the Oaks every few min utes every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's,' south side bridge, foot Morrison street. J ' Special' Excursion Bast Full pertle ulars at Northern Padflo ticket offlce, 151 Morrison street,' corner Third, Port land, Oregon. . Load up for Sunday reading -11 lead ing daliios, 100 perlddleals. Carl Jonas, ITS Washington,. eorner Fourth. Acme Oil Co. sens the beet safety ooal oil and fine gasolines. Phone East Tit. Woman's Xxchsnge, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's luneo. ' For Quality, Quantity and Quloknass, go to Morris restaurant. Dr. & C. Brown. Eye-Ear. . Marquam. Rental Signs. Anslsy Printing Co. . C. H. LEADBETTER SR. ' CLAIMED BY DEATH C H. LeadbetUr Sr. died last night at Oood Samaritan hospital from -eerebral oongeetlon, sfter en illness of sevsral years. Ho was the father of C ttLead ketter Jr F. W. LaadbatUr and U U Leedbettsr. Mrs. F. F. Pit took, and Miss Sally Joy Leadbstter, all well-known residents of this city except I la Lead better, who la manager of a paper mill at La Camas, Wsahlsgton. ' Tha sick man was brought from La. Camas only a few hours before his death. Us-jnas bcAlJhise-Al-jpsaraago. .. ( , Vj 7 . : f HORSE WEEPS BESIDE GRAVE OF DEARLY BELOVED COLT A horse that weepat Is It Vesslblet Her owner declares he saw tears trick ling down her face when she gars a last sniff at the body of her dead colt. Belle is hsr namshs is a sturdy, black mare and abs belongs to Captain Oeorge Pops, who baa a farm on Elliott prairlo, near Woodburn. He was the representative of Lloyd's register In Portland for a number of years. Several months ago a young oolt. of whom Belle had been inordinately proud, slckenad and died. A grave was dug and the colt's body dragged to the hole on a sled. - Belle followed olose behind. never taking her eyes off the eorpse. When all was ready .for the Interment Belle task a Ust whiff at tha body. Tears began to run out of her eyes, and Belle has no eye trouble either. She stood there crying while the grave was being ruied. : "Do I think she was erytng out of sorrow for her 00117" demanded Captain Pone. "Why. I know she was." He wss leading BeUe to the stable as hs spoke. "Do you- know, she ls.llstenlng and understands every word Ij'.am saying now,"- ha said. . PERMIT ISSUED FOR BIG FOUNDATION The permit for the foundation for Its 10-story offlce . building at Fifth and Morrison has been issued to the Corbett estate. The cost of this work la glvsn as 110,000. Ths excavator has been at work for several days. , John Bingham is ths oontraotor. - Other permits have been issued ss follows: Benedictine Sisters, two-stnry dwelling, Mllwaukle eorner 'Mall, coat, 14,000; J. M. Haberly, two-atory dwell ing, East Tarn hill between East Thirty eighth and East Thirty-ninth, cost, 11,400; Miss L. V. Parger, twd-otory dwelling. North rup between Nineteenth snd Twentieth, eoet 1 1,100 f Merchants' National bank, repairs, Wsshlngton be tween Second snd Third, coat, IIOO; B. F. Hirst, ono-story dwelling, East Twentieth corner Mildred. - coat, 1160; Walter J. White, two-story dwelling, Spokane avenue between East Fifteenth and East Seventeenth, cost, $1,000; H. W. Lemcks, .repairs. . Sixth between Waahlngton and Alder, coat, $100; John Eder, one-etory dwelling. East Fortieth between Hawthorns .avenae and East Madison, cost. $t00; H. W. Lytle, one story dwelling, Oantenbeln avenue be tween Shaver and Mason, cost, 11,000. BEGINS SUIT TO - RECOVER PROPERTY Charging that his brother. Christian rick, sent him to the oounty poorhouse after obtaining a deed to property worth 11,001 and promising-to give htm a home for the remainder of his life, Gottfried Flok. a paralytlo, 04 years old, has begun suit la - tha circuit oourt te recover the property.... The eld man says hs wss a widower and became tired of living alone In the world, being unable to ears for himself. He wanted bis brother and wife to give hfnv-st feqme wb aen and. sax ahsj. agreed to care for him. On August IS, It OS, hs alleges, hs transferred to his brother 10 acres of land In the Talbot donation land claim on Portland heights, valued at $4,000. In addition to earing for the old man It Is stated tbst Chris tian was to pay him tlto annually and provide for him in the Cathollo Home for the Aged in East rortiana, snouia the old man desire to go there. Chris tlaa paid bis orother Hit when tlfe deed was given. Gottfried says he was given no op portunlty to go to the Cathollo home. but was sent to the poornouse recently. He was removed from the county Insti tution two dsys sgo by friends. Charles J. Schnabel appears as attorney ror Oottfrled. CHILDREN'S PLAY AT . THE OAKS TOMORROW Among the popular nursery rhymes to be sung and acted in the . open-air production of "Aladdin, or the Wonder ful Lamp." at the Oaka tomorrow after noon are: "Mary Had a Little Lamb," "Four and Twenty Blackbirds," "Little Boy Blue," "My Pretty Maid" and "Roek-a-Bye Baby." Aladdin will be taken by that clever child. Babe Owen, and tho other char acters by Adel Banks, Olga Johnson, Osnsvlsvs Layna, little Florence Par ker, Max Shaull, Orace Riviera. Pauline Kuttner, Ines Johnson, the - Nordstrom brothers and many other talented chil dren. "Aladdin" wUl have a fine spec tacular setting end a number of splen did speclsltles will be Introduced. There Is no chargs mads to witness this per tonnanoe. " Chsap Rates East. ' On September I and II the Canadian Paclfle will sell ground trip' tickets to eastern terminals at very low ratea Tickets good for stop-overs with prtvl. lege of reluming same line or via any gliect tine.. IX wUl coal XPA no note DONT 11ISS TEE Excursion t Astoria SUNDAY, SEPT. 2nd FAST STEAMER TELEGRAPH r - WlU Isave Alder street dock Leava Astoria I p. m. . '' Arrive Astoria 1 p. m. ', , ' Arrive Portland I p. m. ROUND TRIP $1.00 Meals served a la carta Tlokets on sals at Alder street dock. , Psoas Bfala SSS. - s R.EGATTA! 12th Annual Regatta Astoria. Oregon August 30, 31 and Spt 1 TXSZT VMM UOATTA AjTB STOP AT HOTEL MOORE, Seaside, Trains run early and late to accommo date visitors. Spend the day at the Regatta and the nights by ths sea. AMvaxscaim. .UYRIC THEATRE WSBK SEOINKINO ICOtST IT. SeaaatlsBal Comeey-Dmam, ., , "THE IRJSH WIDOW" ." ' fear seta. . Three prrformanrte dally i aae each" afteft Booa and twe In the tTtalng. Admiartes 10i lean nd eeata SO.. Free ULUSTRATEO SC3GS AND HEWS Every -i evening I o'clock. Bring " the children.. Corner Morrison-and. Third. Change- of program weekly. HARRY SHVMAN. General Advertiser. to travel via "The Great S cento Route.' Double dally train service and the best of everything. For full particulars call on or address F. K, Johnson, F. A P. A Portland, Oregon, v miiim TiA CTT'Ti A I I ATWJrriC Ootmsr Taagkm and Aug. 29.30,3!, Sept. 1, 2 PORTLAND- SAN FRANCISCO Cams Celled at SOS p. so. Sally, .'mas Oallog SiSS p. as. oadays. ftadleo Bay Friday. ' : AsatzsszoaT, aso. GRANDSTAND, He. CHILDREN, ltd. BOX BEATS. ISO. BAKER THEATRE Saaday first rerformee af the htatlaaa. BntMbT X (Special Matlaee Mosday.) ' Bahee Theatre Steek Ojeasaay m ' THE CRISIS EMPIRE THEATRE All Week, Startta Ssaday kUMaae, Sap, a. (Special Lahcc Oaf Matinee.) , Tbe Uharailng Xoane Aetna, Miss qnxci atleswortu And a rowcrfnl Caat la the Lataet Drasuth McmHr ef tbe Oatery, "uexTS or raisoo." ? ' Bale ef teeta at has efflre Tfearasay a. m. PaiCKS BTenlaca, IS. S8, See Bad SOa Matinee. Ida, IBs aad sSe. 1 Grand Bad Bareer ' IteatMt Bleyelist m the Warla. Sara aad Veieie " Kartla. ' Oearwtaht S lee. The Twe Pacha. Mr. PHhi Mtlaa. . imlN PerSotaaa att aaata exeapt a so, i so. sa p. ea, 10 haaee.'' Bala. 10. SO aad an aaata THE STAR AIXXX STOCK CO, . Waah af Aagasl tf. A GREAT TEMPTATIOM" Daily siatlaia, at t So. Svasiag ptiana. I a:ia p. Pi lata Matlncea. except lasSaa, 10e at I ecata. KTcatnga. to, SO and SS eeata. te n bw erealag seiliaaMana bf Mala Save. Besef he , epea trem U te S P. au ' , PAl4TSaHriE sir week or ATTSTrst as. af . AU ftawlaae aad a aaa recv . a ..'- x . Oe-Easoaelnaal aa4 SCCCCL 07 ffiGDEST STATtDAUD ZN THE ARTS, SCEKCES, LETTE3S . AKD nszz WTTK . ; . , Excellent Eozlpncz! Srperlsr SdxIirtL' "Certiflnatea from Paolflo Ualvsrsf- have admitted students from O" ' elaases to exactly the same gradr I ' Williams, A m ha rat, Priaeeton, 14.4 and Columbia." HORACE M. It A MSB Y, ' Class ef Ilia. The shevs 1 frest la article by P . area M. BaaiacT. ef ax. Btc Chans, Parttaad. In e haaklet. a "Te Baekere ef Rteaet Sea ties." 1, . artleUe la the hoeklct axe ell writ I alnxanl aa4 atadcata af Paeisa, sad a , Tit Preparitiry lziz: High School graduates and of having credits to make op fr lege courses can do so In Tin Academy. - , wam o AAxr" t WilMa, .... David WUHaaae . aV 0a. Willi Darl. The BiMraph. PtrtnraMnree Salty at f .M. t h) aad S p. ASmlaalM 10e aad fci. Beaca Sac. Ssgana-dr a In r ., r via l . ' e -t .f f"r etlnaie cases In I to 1 per boa. mallM Jjr'- O'ecc; . i. Mi ai'a. a... .w V . v. T