The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 31, 1906, Image 5

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riLV jcu::ai; rc:..L.-:::. Friday lvz..
aucugt n, 1:::.
i. Portland r.!"3 Get Away Two
ty-Thrtf r:;oo.Ft of Lurrvv
bif.' Durin'j August. v
Month Closing ,; Today Shows Best
i Record Sines FIrt of Year Except
;J tag Month of March. Which Wu
' Biggest Month In Hiatdry of Port
Unn lumbar wll shlnped- from rori-
land during the month of August tnan
! during any other month since the first
"! of . tba . ysar, excepting March, when
mora than 10,000.000 (eet were sat
afloat from the local mills. ,That waa
tee biggest month In tha history of tha
; port, and tha month dosing today, by
- Its remarkable showing, gains second
". place. Slnca August- las, date ll.SSt.
06S feat we'ra shipped on vessels elaarad
'through tha Portland offlca of tha col
lector of omtrns,-ll,01MT fact going
ito coastwise porta and tha ramalndar.
, UM.ti (eet. going to foreign ports.
:- Delay tn getting tha Norwegian
steamer Thyra ready for the' sea this
wek: reduces tha monthly shipments to
tha extent of - about reel,
which by right should be credited to
' ; this month, because she will probably
:". finish loading -this evening, although
.' her cargo wilt not be cleared nntil .the
A new month ' has already .made ita ap
4 pearaace, .The boast wlsa shipments ex
ceeded: those., of -the .former month i by
4.000,000 feet, and tha foreige, : shlp
t ments are exactly, twin aa large aa
f those of the month of Jury. -- . "-.
f Blnco , the fleet of .the year Portland
has ahlpped mora, lumber than during
t. v any corresponding period In Its history,
-rn(l-thorB-tsiio- aouNbartnoldtaI for
i the year will exceed all former records
Vby a surprising , margin.- Following
'.table, shows, the 'amount of lumber
shipped from Portland by water since
:;t the first of tha years ' ..(.
1 IbukC hln.r Ooeatwtae. .Total.
I : ;;w ..... T.-a.iM ii.u.en
; M.rra aiiw.Hi ' B.XIO.UW
eases. Me
i April. ........ .S1S,S
' Mar 4.181. t
Jaae ........ li.M6,9
:, jiy :,:.. i .8,i
Asgost ...... U. IS. tut
i,m,4M '
14.114. TM
"TotT V. .'. ..T4.eoi.ers lM.aso.ias
j month of August, foreign and coast
wise: ' ....-...'.
Coastwise bomber this
'. Teeeel sad desUnetlos '
.! lokaa PaaUaa. m.. Saa rraaeiaee.
- ra.
. ... TBO.OOO
- - lUeoado, ea., Baa rraselece. - Tso.ooe
. Metaer, aa.. Baa yranctaee ...1.800.170
- . llabal Oala, aeh., Baa rraartaea....... SOO.OSO
J Tbomaa U Vaad. Baa rraselaeo,. ftoo,0(0
' Carrier Dora, ark.. Baa Fraaclaee 1,260,000
1 Aaralla. aa.. Baa rraneUKO 600.000
UftaU. ach.. Baa rrDtaee. ....... TOO.000
ir. A. Coataa. Mb.. Baaoodo. ........... KM.000
t O. M. Ktliofg. ack.. Baa Fraodeea... . u6.WO
t Iran, are., Bedonoa 248,000
. I 8tler B07. ere., 0aa FrsDeleee ,. . 850,000
WlllUst Otaaa, arh.. Baa rraadaw.... 700.00Q
ijamat Johaaoa, kkta.. Baa Pedro. ...1.204, 00
ii Total tat Booth
........ .11.0U.STS
-. moiJl. Oar. aa.. tx-Vrat.l
Comarlc, Br. aa., Aaatralla. ......... 2,18,187
i SotaarlMae. r-as.. aio . mw.wr i,S.00l
F: BardcMirt. Br. ah.. Anitraila 1.872.048
'. Baekankam. Br. a., China. .......... S.841,718
,- Braamo. It. bk., Italy. .......r. 1.T10.1S8
Kamantla, Oar. aa., artont. leS,S2S
Total for smth.
': ., Yaaoowres People BVeqneeV Deeper Water
.., to Komth r WOlametta. ,.,-.
Colonel 8. W. Roessler,- United States
' ' engineer, Is tn receipt of a request from
1 the commercial interests of Vancouver,
"Washington, for a deepening of tbe-chan-'nel
of 'the Columbia livar from -Van-i
I courcr to the -mouth of tha Willamette.
', Tho - request states that last year the
channel had a depth of 20 feet, but that
lit has shoaled until now there Is but
US feet In places.' ' v .
' j - Cojonel Roessler stated this morning
jthat he' would send his surveyor over
' ! the channel and have tha matter Inves-
jtigated and If found as reported-the
small dredge of the Port of Portland
-becomes available. The dredge la busy
tat present filling the aat elde mad Slats,
'but is under a contract to the govern
ment for channel work and will -conae-,
! ; queritly eventually be ' available,- - al
1 though It may be a tew days before she
- rCan be shifted to bar new xllace of oper-
'atlon. - . ; ' y- ' -- ;
- v The sawmills at Vancouver are ship
' ping great quantities of lumber by wa
J iter this year and under pressnt condf-
Fall and Winter Styles
in. MEN'S SHOES- -
c4re Here in Large
. . Our aim it to give a man Shoe Comfort tn mind.
body and purse. Men who
'Shoes here will be greatly .surprised to-learn :what -'
. splendid Shoes we can give them for $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 . f
' . to $5.00. Our shoe man will be pleased to show you.
I. r r- r-i
-.. .-,'.. :
' Everything to Wear for Men and Bpys- . ' ,.. X r(
tiof s - It Is tv-w.... yv f-r t 1
era 't to lf-ter part oMll er"V
A-.-at. Engineer David B. Oc'n
has plaoed tba sna'boat Mtbl.m to
work at Claoaamua rapids, In t e Wil
lamette, a short distanoe belo v tris
falls, to deern tha channel there. Te m
porary wing dams are-alao being
above the rapids as to divert as much
of the water to -the a team boat channel
as possible. The dipper dredge wH
also be put to work near the rapids In
a couple sot-days, r Owing to tha dry
tha Hvr-te vei low ana npyer
river steamers are having considerable
trouble' tn reaching Oregon City. . , ;
5 .nod IN, CHiPO PATH
' ' . '
., Beport rrosa Alaska. ,
X J. Trowbridge, general manager-of
the Northwestern Steamship company
of Seattle, has Informed Commander
Werllch, inspector of the . thirteenth
lighthouse dletrloi, Uhat a dangerous
rock has been dlaoovered tn the channel
leading Into Boulder bay. Prince Wil
liam's sound. Alaska, located as fol
lows:. Magnetic, from east end of Bltgb
Island, north, 1 degrees west; dlstanca
1 miles. -Prom Copper Mt. polnt
north,-B degrees wet; distanoe 1
miles. '.'..' - r
. The letter states that the-rock was
hit by. the gasoline boat Hammond at
low tide, the Hammond drawing four
feet of water at tha time. It also states
that ''from now on the Indications are
that there Is going to be a good deal of
development work, done In Boulder bay.
which will necessitate steamers ceiling
there frequently. , .' "
Commander Werllch says he will
visit the place shortly and arrange for
tha placing of a buoy to mark the dan
r. . , . ' ' a " ' J 7 . ;.'
lrtland Rilpped Prodnots Worth 8O0y
000 vmxlng Komtk OloaUg Today.
' Portlands exports to foreign countries
during the month of August are valued
at 1600.144. A Utile, more than half of
this amount Is-for flour, of which there
was exported to the orient 2,0.1 bar
rels, 'valued at $254,112. Lumber goes
to make up the lion's share of tha rest
THirlng the month- of August a year
ago tha flour shipments to the orient
amounted to only 11,202 barrels, valued
atSS.m, No wheat way siporled this
month. ,lt. being between the seasons.
Two cargoes are now being loaded, how
ever, so that tba month of September
wlU make a much better-Showing than
the, corresponding , month of last year,
when no wheat cargoes were set afloat
from this p"1, 'rh- "" io-e
practically did not open, until the first
of October, while this season two oar
roes are already on the way for for
eign destinations and two carriers are
her receiving new crop. j ;
Bkaver aa Clatsraalae
.: Oosapaales KovlBg Today.
Tha ' Shaver Transportation company
and the Clatskanlna Transporutlon
company, are moving their- offices to
day from the foot of Washington street
te th new dock at the foot of Couch
street. Tha hundred and one things
that have accumulated on the dock since
the offices were established on the
Washington street dock in the pioneer
days are being tranaf erred from office
to office on one of the company's steam
ers to the humiliation 'of 'the' dray men
who thought they would be able to get
a throw at the work.
This la probably the-first, time to the
history-, ofthe xport -that bl-. river
steamer has been 'engagednrTThe "hduse-
movlnar business butjtha scheme is pro-'
Ing satisfactory, so It Is said. - because
the whole outfit, books., safes, wsste
baaketa, junk and everything Imagin
able can be taken tn one load, . ;!
- n ' j
The Norwegian steamer Thyra shifted
to the Victoria dolphins this morning
where she will finish loading lumber.
She will probably clear tomorrow. '
- The British steamer Vermont . has
commenced receiving lumber at the
mills of . the North Pacific Lumber
company. . She will clear early next
week. 1 . ' f-' ' '"
The steamer Asteo Is due here Mon
day with 2,000 tons of freight from Ban
Franclaoo. She Is expected to go out
with fully (.000 tons for San Francisco.
Immense quantities 01 imiut
of 1
turnea 10 tne bio
the landslide on the Southern Pa
The steamer" Roanoke sailed last night
for Ban Pedro - -via aureus ana "a
Franolsco and the steamer F. A. mi-"
burn sailed for San Francisco via Coos
bay and Eureka. Prior -to the Roan
oke's departure. Captain Dunham was
arrested by Harbormaster BlgUn for
dumping oil on tne-water. -nis Hear
ing will be held upon -the return of the
Roanoke, about September ll -
J. Jv Kelllher, weather man and look
out at North Head, has been given a
year's furlough to begin September It.
His place will be taken by H. A. Jones,
and. Choice Variety
have not been buyingfth
' 1
TLj LJ-r.t-ci tlzii tercbi
Xizn Yea Cuy 1
-s'-a'-t y
Ccrdlility QtiiHz
C:t::r cfYcu
Feature of Every
Trcr.s:ctica. If
-Ycu'll Stay Dy this"
Rale Wc Will llsye
a Strong Chance of
Tlc Rccd-Frcnch Piano Warcrooms
l jjl ' ' ii i'i i i ii i n ii -I , . 1 " ' .7".
Men's and Youths' Suits, Topcoats, Hats, Pants and
Shirts of the very latest style atJS jiercent less in price :
"comparison with high-rent stores prices, v
". A general line of Shoes from '50 cents to $1X0 saved
on every pair, comparing other stores prices. ,
. Great line of Underwearat 33c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
cost you double the price at other stores. ' , '. ;
; We are always reasonable on prices.1
, ; x-. y .; " "1
.-m animaa ansa Dl
formerly eonnscted with the sUtlon on
.k- v-aiian- laUnds. but at present
stationed In Tennessee. . Mr. Kelllher Is
one of the most efficient men In the
service and his temporary retirement
a II1 K-k --rT-ktt A rT
.ku.ia. main hn look to nllll IOr
Off saifijjiaaaa aww- -.w
the first Information of Inbound ves-
,Colonsl S. W. Boessler. United States
engineer, returned from the mouth of
tha Columbia river this mornlns;, where
he Inspected tha forts. s They were
found in rood condition. ,
One of the larfe baras employed in
haullnr rock to the Columbia river Jetty
was taken to the yard of the Port
land Shipbuilding company this tnorn
: . . I . i j tha wava and
jar q ue u.uiqu wm- -
rspalred preparatory to oln Into com
. , . i..mK- fmm tnla nort
mission wrrjmi --- -- - '
to Ban JTranclsco. The barge will be
towed by a tu. ' ' ,- , ' ,
n 11 , . .mm nint Pua-et.
sound stsvedore, visited friends on the
waterfront today. He complimented his
fellow stevedores here on the Immense
amount oi snipping mw-i
Astoria. Au. II. Arrived down, at
I a. m., steamer F. A. Kilburn; arrived
down, at and-sailed at :1 s. ' m.,
steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro and
way ports; salledat 11:1 a. m- IU1
lan bark Srasmo. for Ocnos.
Astoria, Aug. .--Arrived down, at
1:10 and sailed at I:t0 p. m., steamer
Barracouta. for Ban Francisco,
San Francisco, Aug. 10. Sailed,
steamer Asteo, for Portland. .
Astoria, Au. II. Condition of the
bar, at-i s. bw smooth; wind, south;
weather, light rain.. ...':
:. l TENDED - '
vomias caL a jr..uouioa
-.. to Kaks Addlttonal Trtpo. ,.
' Owing to tho dsllghtful weather at
North Beach the Potter schedule has
been extended, and those who have not
already visited North Beach -have an
opportunity to do so. Under the aid
schedule the Uet trip down was to have
been made , Saturday, September I.
Under the new ochedule the Potter will
leave Portland Tueedavs. Thursdays and
Saturday of each week, and the last
trip down will bo September II.
Mt Tims of tho
TU tho A. m
i ' .V
Tsks advantage of tha two-day 11.10
round trip excursion rata offered by tha
A. A C. R. R. to Seaside and epr.n 1 Bat
or day and Sunday at the beach. ' Ample
accommodations at reasonable rates for
all. Tickets at its Aider street ana
tha Union depot, y; ; -; . - - - ;
Art Ccn:r Eft i-l tzzXt Sis.
When it comes to a coli
, .blood4 analysis of the ma-
terials .and workmanship of
our $265 Piano, it it clearly
entitled to the rank of "High,
Grade,", for it is surpassingly
"TaOodTor the'money.
- ' Every' ounce of material
' has been conscientiously s- '
lected and , the 'workmanship :
-r,4dne-byiiknTet mechanics,"
' It is-an hortest ' Piano and
$265 is-an honest' pWce for ,
.;. it; wa would like for you to,
' look' at it and tell na what
you think of it We're. not:
, afraid of the report.'.. :
; r ' ; v '.''. ;' t-
We "will . give plenty of-r-tirtrt
we're not afteij money .
: half so badly as' we want the
: "customers. Well-suited cus
tomers are foundation stones '
. .. for .success. ; ,;: '
' "S "5'-'..'; ' ' 'j-'
' Ring ' us up Main 1252 : r
;s we will meet you day or , ,
night ': i i :'.
Are Corner Sixth and Bnrnsldc Stt.
Tla O. JeUfc . Boats fos Biff JurtotU
fit W.gatta, I .f
10,' 11 snd September 1, a round trip
rate of lt.ll Is made by the O. R. s N.
Full particulars by asking at Ash street
dock or at city ticket office, Third -and
Washington streets, Portland.. . -
Frank A. Moore, son of Ex -Governor
Miles C. Moore, of Walla Walla, Wash
ington, Is at the Portland hotel. '
Marvin. Evans, an attorney of Walla
Walla, Washington, Is st the Oregon
hotel. Mr. Evans Is accompanied by
Mrs. Evans and thalr children.
W. K. Wilson and John Lei and Hen
derson, attorneys at Hood River, were
In Portland today on thalr way to Van
couver, where they will try an Injunc
tion case against tha north bank rail
road. D. H. Welch, a eanneryman of Astoria,
Is at tha Perkins hotel. - -
H. S. McOowaa' of McOowan. Wash
ington, is at tha Perkins hotsl. Mr.
McOowan has large cannery interests
In tha town named for him.
' Peter Loggia, president Of the Coos
bay ohamber of commerce Is at the Im
perial hotel. . '
Judge and Mrs. Alfred 8. Bennett of
The Dalles ere st the Perkins hotel.
Lodies'and Gents'
Furnishing Goods
' . of .ii wwu ,i : r
Come In snd look over our Iro
menea stock before buying else
where and yon will be sura to
make a purchase from no after
getting our extremely low prices.
Tha 'prices are out la half.
Seta Begins Sat. Sept. I
SM ICorrison, Bsie-asm West Park
aaa Teats. . .
UPVU.lLUJ'lL.lNl .,
- A Furious Finish to. a Week of Sensational Selling "
jQxne with your bweUn-wish neigbbor. tbiTKmow, prepared to take qutek adWhtse
of the phenomenal savings brought about ' by our strenaous price reductions on
', T .- :T"..':.'-':JV ' summer goods. . '
PU CT y REGULARLY $3.50 EACH ... . ?f
,You couldn't buy as dainty a one for $S and you'd look a long; time
to find better style. They're made of embroidery trimmed with val
lace, edge and inserting; long or elbow sleeves; regularly $3.50;
each" Saturday ...... . '. . . . . . , . . . i . . . t 8
WOMEN'S KIMONOS, made of -dainty lawn, white, with rosebud
figures, prettily trimmed; worth 30c; each Saturday.. .'.....'.;...afa
Smart, new fall Silks are arriving daily and the ery newest and
best styles are of course much cheaper here. Let us help yon
save $5.00. . . " -r- ' .".
K0SE, Pairs. .
Host ' in black, , gray, tan,
brown and pink, worth ".25c the
pair; selling for ........ .. . .14s)
WORTH 35c, for
Silk-finished, if you please, and
I trimmed "with-ribbonr worth-35c
each; for
Worth to 75c SnJX
They're an odd lot but the qual
ity is there and we've most sizes
,left; worth to; 75c..',.'.
. . i i . ii
ana worm up io kiuc mt jru, ecu
for now ,......
At remarkably reckless prica reductions for
Saturday selling. -.-;
Taunty, stylish Shirtwaist Suits, in
lawn ana . r rencn gingnam, aainuiy
trimmed and worth $3.50 and $5.00 .
. each; selling at, each......
Store Closed
Our clerks have earned a holiday
...'::.' .
Judge Bennett recently appeared (or
STSrml aefemlaiits In as tsna rrsnn
cases In the federal court.
Spelal Eaittrn Excursion Rates.
On September I and 1 the O. R. A
N. makes a special rate (or tickets to
eastern points and return. Full partic
ulars In retard to limit and stopover
nrivtiania hv calllna- at the O. R. N.
ticket office. Third and Washington
streets, Portland. '
.i-stv.T -'r . m . n : .... ... n . n
: at tme Jboioien mm
. RIC30N, Yd
It is 4 inches wide and the qual
ity that sells regularly, for 25c to
30c yard; Saturday ..i."..X4je't
They have double sole - and heel
and come in striped' or embroid
ered patterns; pair ........ ..18f
Turnover Collars
Sell-for, Each
Dainty indeed, and embroidered in
the prettiest of . patterns; worth
35c each; Saturday ...1S
KID CURLERS 3-inch site, sell
ing Saturday, at bunch. .4e
plain and figured
vsai v t .iiiiimiii
All Day Monday Labor Day
they've been busy enough, goodness knows. Watch Monday papers
for Tuesday'i Bargain plums. , .' -
(Joaraal Spedal Service.)
- Helslnsfors, Aug. II. Revere pun
ishments (or the asltators were , an
nounced i by tha oourt martial of tho
Svaaborg mutineers, whloh ended to
day and sentenced to death IS soldiers
and three civilians. Thirty-three sol-
del rs were sentenced to (rom 11 to II I
Tuesday morning you will
find us in bur new store at
northwest corner of Wash
ington and Tenth Streets '
The) Store Where Your Credit Is
Washington and Tenth
usy Basement
POTS. - triole olate. 3-at. site.
: worth ,35c and ..; J
iOIJU STUVBS No. i two-Durnar
Brightest and . Best," A
Oil Stoves, worth $2 A I: Ijl'
ieach; Saturday. l...v wt
TOILET . . SOAP, . of Tarious
j makes, highly perfumed, 1 f'
i four cakes to. the box, reg- I MP ,
i ularly 35c box; Saturday.. . " v w
Write' silk
16-bntton length, . white . ; Silk
Gloves selling Satvrdsyfor pair.
only ;.,.......,..,..
MITTS, v Pair'
Good length black Silk Mitts,
something - everyone needs ' now ;
worth. $1; pair '...'....1. 44)
ck:lden'si.ose 4 cr
for the Pair . . .1 vfV-
Childrens' and Misses' Hose; the
best 25c grade you ever saw.
pair .
CURLING IRONS 7-inch sire,
specially , priced . Saturday at
-The-Shoes-are Selling
, ; : At Mnaadonally low price for Saturday. '
Women's fine Shoes, in all leathers and lasts, nearly
all sizes;-high French heels . or common-sense
heels; high cut and Oxfords worth to sp f nj"
13.50: the pair Saturday Ji L Ail
-w w
years, lit to (our months, and It to
five years. Minor penalUaa wet Im
posed on hundreds of others.
1 gBag-SaBg I i If
' t