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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
t 1 ' (: ! r, " i ' ' ' i ':f f .? V . ; i .ji::;Eina;e:Es (Continued from Page On) .' v . . some on interpret hi words par- - -My trip around the world la groat ., education, and tnat la wny loos: on. '. . . ' Ona thins that Iropreaaed me much In .' th laat yea la thanian Americas to an " altruist, and I waul m y nei mai ' thar is no nation in th world that " , annmuhM tha United Stat. ,V ' -in Jeean I . spoke to audiences of 1 students without Interpreters. - Whao J .L' ; - Mirhxi Toklo. th first' reception I at' ' ' . ' inM m ona of th society, called - Trtonda-ot America' and avary on ef ' . I hove had attended colleg In ' 'V America. I tall you that la th way- to '.- influence people of other tanas. ir w would apnd oae 'tenth, the taoney -that .?-. we put into building a' (nor powerful ---rjiavymto bringing Tier young -peopr ; ' ' tor education, w wouia 00 mum J, building war machine Intended to. en- Progress of essoete.: Tbr I not a natioa -on -the- earth v - la which you will npt And progress ' : . , toward broad democracy. - I waa speak ' tng to an, European prim minister In ' regard to th extension of uff rat 1 v and h aald they wr doing all they could ta keep It back. . " "Heaeld thy war not rdy'for it But. there la. a unlvereal . movement . 1 1 toward ' th getting ;. of governments K - cloaer to th people.' -- v - : , 'The douma la Russia was dissolved, ' i i but K was dissolved with th words. : . Th douma la dead: Jong live tha '."doumeP : ,, M ''. . ' . v V "Russia" 1 going to hav a const K '; 'tutlonal government. I can not tell - you what Is going to happen in Russia . near future, but I know that th sun will shin In Russia eventually and It 'will "be sunshine. Indeed, to i ; those .long-suffering people." ' ' Bryan waa roundly theered when h concluded. Former - Governor Oarvan of Rhode Island and George Fred WH 'Hams of Massachusetts fbllowed. . ? Afterward Mr. Bryan left for Bridge- port, where he apeak tonight. BRYAN FEELS FINE j sTa 'Traoe f Koarsaaoa s Xeave Trip Through OoMoJti. ; New Tork, Aug. JU MC BrySn wa's up early this morning and no trace of hoarsensss remained la his vole. He said be never felt batter In bis Ufa ' Hs mingled with -the people In the lobby before I o'clock, having already had his breakfast with his family in his apartments In the Victoria . hotel. Without showing the slightest trace of , tha strenuous day h had put In h be gan another busy' dsy by holding eon- - ferenca with some of his Immediate po litical associates. K '- Early this afternoon Mr. Bryan left ! for Connecticut where he Is slated for two speeches. The first will be de livered at New Haven, where be will atop off for aa hour or 'so n rout to Bridgeport .. ' TO FOLLOW NEW LINES (Continued from Fag Ona) tiva and ha proposed to express them. It Is aald that Congressman Jobs Sharp Williams was 'offended by W. J. Bryan la London whan WUllams protest ed against government ownership; It Is significant that William arrived In New .Tork the dsy before Bryan arrived from Europe and hastened throua-h for LI I- 1.1 A 1 . . . "clared " that. Brymp would alienate the wnoi south If he Should advocate gov - ernment ownership of railroads. - . " : ' ' ' tJomaoaats of .tka ITaas. ";' Commenting on Bryan's speech the , Kw Tork World, (Independent) today , 'eaya: , , ' : : ., t There' la no escape from the sweep ing sensationalism of many of bis most I Saturday Nickel Plate Specials t5e above cut is only one of bargain rffered for Satur day. Together with this we ; b-c - Nickel Crumb Trays with Brush, Nickd Fruit Ibishes and Nickd Serving Trays. ; . : y-' V-:, ;J' ; V., -.1 : -. ... - '.'.-,.......... Lightning Bread ICnife HOT OR COLD BREAD CAKE ARE CUT EQUAL LY WELL AND A ? FINE SMOOTH ' SURFACE ' j f LEFT yJ ' ' 1 ' " ... ......V , . . .V ..... r . ... - ... . --" ths - Important recommendattona Hit apeech proves that he .was Indeed right when he claimed to be more radical. than he waa In lit. . However, fismocratle pol iticians have . blindly committed the party to anything that Bryan says and does, and hi speech of last night meana the parity - platform Bryan seems to have' stolen Democretlo hearts and clothes, and 'Solomon in all his glory wis not arrayed like one of thsae.- . - .... A b . t.t J MAMMMA jsani'ef ran way may llsswisppre- tlcable la an empire Ilk Germany, with Its compact little area of 100.000 square miles and Its 10.000 miles of lines. Th ownership and operation of th IIO.OO miles of lines spread I Ik a network over our .00,00 square miles of tsr rltorywould be snother matter.. Oov ernment regulation is essential, govern ment ownership is undesirable, snd -remote aa a , possibility, but government management, never." ' . ' - Sum's Solsma Warming. The-gun - Republican) today says; The change of the past decade eheuld warn the professional csndldate that th surface of things, though smooth and bright enough, hides msny a pitfall, and that It behoove him to walk with ex ceeding wariness, lest when the prise seems within his grasp, he stumble and dutch only vacant air." . The Times (Independent) says: "Re turning to his native land, Bryan pre sents himself - to his eouatrymea no longer a a Democrat but as the found er and leader of a new party, and. an advocate of new and revolutionary prin ciples. The Democratic party with Its history, traditions, and ' achievementa cannot surrender to this radical and revolutlonlat" . - ' ' ; The. Tribune .'(Republican) gays: "Brysn Is sgslnst socialism', but Seeks to compromise with It. Hs commits the Democrat! party to a system of state socialism more radical than ever so cialist dared to advocate In the wildest flights of socialism." JAPANESE DIES y (Continued from Page. One.) were In a little safe In hit room on the top fioor, - . ,- Before his compsn'.-Jis 'could diviae his purpose,- the O'hh lushed back Into the burning building to save his pre cious store of motmy. Burled under 'a heap of smoldering ruin and burner to a crisp bis body was found this mornlngbyhls brother. Clenched htly In his cadaverous palm "waa th wallet containing th fatal money . Un der direction of .Deputy Coroner Arthur I Fin ley th blackened corps was dug from th ruins and taken to th morgue. T. Karlsn, a friend of th dead man. had a most miraculous escape. Awak ened by the fir be triad to escape down th stairway,-, but was driven back to hi room by th flames. Choked and blinded by th fir and amok, h se cured a rope and fastsnlng on end ta th bed climbed down to the sidewalk la safety. He waa the first to notice the disappearance of Tamagata and It waa through his efforts that the body waa found. ......(. i .-. Lee Jung, the lessee of th burned buildings lived with his wife and eight children at til Pine street The flames attacked one side of this building and he waa compelled to flee with his family to the atreet ' Br a strange coincidence,- James He mada and bin Invalid wife, whom he threw out of the window, moved laat night from the third to the second floor of the lodging-house. If they bed oc cupied their lold quarters the woman would undoubtedly nave been killed, by the fall, , .;'.'. . Xs FraSalsoo. In tha eohfiagraUon which destroyed the Bay City. 17 brick struc tures belonging to him were destroyed. He occupied a residence on Van Ness avenue and was compelled to move when It was decided to dynamlt hla home. Captain Thompson is one of.the best known characters In the northwest and waa for many years Identified 'With the OR - j t Regular Value 35c Specials my- cr.zGorL daily jcur,:JALi: ror.TLAi,i. FRIDAY ! 1U2 TZZ CAT -Stiff-frd-SorVH the new fall stylet are now here, $3.00. . ' , ' . Our Hat rMan will , be pleased to show you. y CTttXD hmk t) ' SOU) BY ' r LlONClDTIIDrGCO " 166-168 THIRD STREET : : MOHAWK BUILDING Oregon Steam Navigation company. Hs has attained the advanced age of It years. 'Many years ago he occupied the bulldlrtat 171 Pine street as bis resi dence, .now occupied by Lee Jung. . The three-story building destroyed and In which th fire .originated has been conducted by M. Osama as a lodg ing houte. Th pise bore an unsavory reputation and has .been unler polios surveillance . for years. The corner store at Fourth and Pine streets has been raided several times by authorities In a search for opium smokers., The brick building on Fourth strset gutted by the fire has been occupied by Japa nese women of 111 repute on the upper floor. The lower portion was used as storss. ',.'- , . - Among thos burned out are QIng Tin Co., 8. Kolka, 4 Fourth a treat; lira 8. Okasaki. 41 Fourth street; g. Kawaahk, 4 Fourth street; George Sing Co., Fourth etreet; Mary Sasaoka saki, SH Fourth street; Louie Tee, 171 Pine street; Jeun and Bind, sailors, 171 H Pine street; O. Latecbuhgah. K. Haws. Charley Motram. Tung Din, Chin Un, Tee Snlm, Sid Back Tee, Dung Sing, Ju Go Day, Mrs. Gum Gee. ;. , RAILROADS PREPARE j (Continued from Page Ona) slderable part , of th Northwestern stock holdings of the Vsnderbllt fam ily are believed to have recently come Into possession of the Standard Oil party, which Is wsll represented on the Union Pacific directorate. Altogether, it is believed the Hr rlman Interests sre up against the Standard Oil people for help In the greatest test of railroad strength the country hss ever aeen, and It would not surprise anyone to be told that Har rlman had quietly let the Rockefeller crowd in on the melon cutting on Well street the other dsy, when Harriman hlma.1 I ..M , a V. . A . . . . t A 000,009 'in profits on his exclusive ' sd- vance-knowledge-of Union Paclfta and Southern -Pacific dividend announce ments.'"' .. i. Bspends em the Ontoosae.' ; On the outcome of the contest for Milwaukee control will depend th con tinuation of building of th road from Sivarte. South Dakota,' to Portland and eattle. The result of manipulations of New Tork Central and Chicago A Northwestern will determine whether the Northwestern will bs pushed on from Caspar, Wyoming, to Portland and Coos bay, or whsther It will build slow ly by degrees to a connection wltn the Short Line In Idaho and ston there, aa did the Burlington at Billings. Outward Indications, favor a contin uance of the present policies of Inde pendent railroad management and con struction. . it Is th opinion In soma well-informed sources thst Harriman and Hill will not be able longer to stop dsvelopments and use the Pacific north west aa their Individual property, but that the Owners of Milwaukee and Northwestern will maintain the Identity of these properties and carry out their present plans. 1 The silrnalnn nf both these roads Is logical and Inevitable unless obstructed by some interference foreign to legit imate trafflo considerations. Both roads require a share of the timber ton nage of Oregon and Washington. The mileage of theae systems covers a part of the middle west thst is now practic ally without commercial timber, and which must draw upon Oregon 'and Washington for lumber. But greater tnan an other considerations Is the ac tual need of the Pacific northwest for additional railroad facilities. NO ROBBERY (Continued from Pag Ona) Intended to place a mortgage on the properties when "the buildings were completed snd then pay off ths notes. "He built one building on which he got about IM04 on .notes; under tils scheme he did place -a mortgage of t,00 on the property, but Immediately afterward eold the property for 114,009 and pocketed - the $5,000 above the mortgage. I calculated when he left here he must have had from tlt.000 to fit. 000,. Ms Indebtedness being about $11,000. I had notes to ths amount of nearly 110,000, Indorsed. ' "About IT.B00 waa realised from tha sheriffs sales, since he left, but' the $1,600 Is still. resting on ma A poor friend of mine had a property worth $1,600. '' He Indorsed a note for $1,600 for. Frits and "lost everything. Other poor fellows are la the same position. -. 'I with other creditors forced htm Into .bankruptcy and made an Informa tion against him for, defrauding-' ths com. covers $nr, . ' oni bat' aitd nowr. ;' ... . . r -. - v;., V, Corn Bf Saak sag roaohed rt--lS0 wagkaatl aad Oaeesa, XtaUleaa. ,.is Ooaflskt n, Oream $laao.. IS4 oatoB Baked Vork aad Beaaa..,.l5f VloUad ZAsaaa Tonga, VewOo Baled 204 Apple Coaler. &emoa Saoee ....... 15 Ida Ordav Ooblas. ....... .,.5 OkU aoa Oarae ....... .154 go rasa bled Calvea' Brata with Xggs 25 Ooffee, Bread aad Battas aad .otaWee wltt ail smeala, , r American- Restaurant n 1 ,!mn 7. .g-. - ..l,T.,Tt The cplcnc!ld appearance of tho Hew (ClclMnl In ctir New Otore Is retnarlled on every hand, bnt t'ltit IaII tho eiccellepcies of the fjarnenti nay bo bett undorctooc!, i';s we'trould have buyers V . , v : v- ;- E7iaminc the substantial lin-' ingq and johaerve H fully they, aire oewed withSillL -a, . a Truth is all suits and cvercccts sold by us are from America's best factorfcsrfa ' I. V . , telligently tailored and representative of the latest fashions. , ( v nea Jv : ?rW T.--' . Hi 343 Wah!3toa Street, Two Doers West et Seventh ' v ; ' Evei-ythinrJ That's New in Men's Furnishing Goods We have moved from bur' formef location, 108 Sixth Street, - -to 327 Washington, between Sixth and Seventh, where we , will be pleased to serve our customers nd the public with" ' - . the most up-to-daie )ine of Family Wines and Liquors.-' Our t : motto, as formerly, will be, "High Grade, Full Measure and ,, ;. Low Prices." At our Sample Room in the rear of the house ; , " :'!pwe will dispense the finest old whiskies and choice wines for .. . .-; -: , vi 10c -' Every visitor, to our new. house tomorrow, Saturday, : v ' , will receive a Sample Bottle of fine old ! whiskey FREE. ' '' ; ' 'C: i J' ' - , . 1 , t . " - v. - - . .. d PHONE FIAIN J6394 credltora. Lately ha was trying to go Into bankruptcy In ' Portland through Attorney H. C. King, 41 ronton build ing, .but aa he Is declared bankrupt In Pittsburg, his application wss re fused In Portland., "I have now another friend, H. w. Haler, In Portland.. He was formerly In Ban Francisco. Mr. Haler lived sev eral reara in Monesssn and has ' still property there which Is la my care. He knows all about the Frits arrarr- in my last tetter I gave your address and he will likely cell on you. Mr. Haler la with thsThomaayssaclicompany, Fourteenth and Lovajoy atreeta. He resides at 176 Taylor street. . : ' . "Fraternally yours, ' . "FRANK BLUER. " It "has bean learned that Frlts's al leged operations' In Moneseen msds It Imperative for him to take a haaty de parture for Germany where be remained tor six months. He finally returned to tne united staces ana want 10 visit married daughter who resides In Los Angelea Hs wss traced to the south srn California city by on of, his credit ors who caused hla arrest on some mis demeanor charge. Frits, fearing that he would be taken back to the Fennsyl vania city for trial, made a settlement br paying the creditor $1,000 due him. He then came to thla city and after arrival bare consulted Attorney King with a view"' to going through bank ruptcy. King, knowing that his client wss In possession of over 4 20,000, re fused to be a party . to , the scheme and took up . the mat tsr of ' a settlement with the eastern credltora, Thsy absolutely re fused to agree to any compromise and King waa compelled .to drop tha matter. - Wife Figures ta Btory. Frits negotiated for the purchase of the Bteel Bridge Exchange saloon. In thla city, but the deal fell through. He has Invested either $4,000 or $,000 In the Hale touring cars, of which enter prise hla brother Fred Frits, is the os tensible owner, and the balance of the money, according, to Attorney King, Is In a safe place and not in the hands of s mythical pickpocket. . 1 Frits suggested ths course he .was about to pursue In notifying the police of ths robbery and was cautioned not to do so" by ths lawyer. His sold desir wss to return to Moneseen to a young wlf with whom h was greatly smit ten lt is -understood -tbaA-h. ha r. celved letters from her 'recently snd this only served to rusks him eager to launch some scheme so that he could return without th possibility or crimi nal Drosecutiom ' :w ' . ' What AHomey Slag'1 Bays. ' "That man hvr lost a 1-csnt piece," ssld Attornsy King, and as his attorney I am In- a position to know, that the money la In a safe place. I found upon communicating with the credltora In tha east that my client was guilty of fraud and refused to be a party to bankruptcy proceedings, Inssmuch aa he had. over $20,000. He has not carried any large amount of money with him since he wss arrested la Los Aagelea.. He told me of his schema to tell the police the rob bery atory and I advised against such a course." - Two detectives have had Frits under surveillance f er ever two months, but refrslned from making an arrest. In or der to have an opportunity to get bark the money. The police, officials ars making aa lavestlgatloa of tha eonduct , Lvr::x::a aucuct :i, ar.: 6 MORE DRESSY MEN 3EE OF OUR ; CLOTHING ' fTAaniLTTltR THEY --':rJz--- ::::'LIKl ;otii4v 5 Our Bedford $3 Hat ':y has a place in - u : the heart:of every wearer! f A&IIIISOTON urn- i S ' - ''.' ' ,: : ;v' ' ,;'vi.s:5sp; ::" w :: --i ?' ' 'si- v .' ' '' t'"-.' vt'vi "f&tei 3- '.., -v . ' .'' - '- Several new lines of handsome Fall Negligee Shirts In heat glaid and figure effects; excellent $1.50 values.. f Tr Special .."rrrTV. -rrrrrrvjT rm r.) 1 0U ' Regular $2.50 and $3.00 Pajamas, in Oxfords, percales and . madras, light and dark 'shades in plain color- f Of , , ing nd Taney patterns. ... ................. plaO0 ;-v. :'Ncclcwcar ' , -. . -'- . ... . v . ,' ... An elegant assortment of new fall Neckwear. Choice' Ct'n of hundreds of stunning patterns uUC ' of the detective assigned' On th case yeatsrdsy, and It la believed that upon being detailed he Immediately hastened to pour th .tele Into the esr of credo lous reporters. In direct . violation of the rules of Ut department. v - i::z. . goods i S'-n ( . 4.".. mm OCT 6th AND Vth " r tearaal Special gefite. . Tw Tork, Aug. II. W. 'J.' Bryaa promised Ohloane today that h would J go on th stump la Ohio la Sec Umber. f VTTYTT e,-w-.-n--at flonday, Sept, 3 ALL STAR BtL.LT ' DIFF & CANS Xa Thau Vesi Trlak Oottao As. THE IlARCESSOriS sTlgb-Clsaa Kaaloal aa Comedy -; , - : Aa. . -TIIELE1A WHEELER OVA AM9 DAJTOS ABTHT. DOLLIE FAIRMAN BELLE LAWRLKCE D03ITO COnDERO. " 'f om Osrsasrm. , v Edlscn Kinetlscope ' . . -. Lata Film. . , Dally Matinees from S to i . s . . o'clock. ,' " K2s:teS::2sy2b5P.a Ohaagsd Bally. ..... 'Batraaoea at ! Vorth fOrd avrees, au, ss ana is aTorta i sad street, tM a43, aad INDIVIDUAL TRUSTEES DIE y:-. ,'. ' v. ..." '.: . ;' -; . - J J )L'' 'oorfcjfi IIori ji 'jolTclnuous, - i tharaf or si . haltie iiiiatnrffkn. nf t Better for the' further reason, its '.; acta are participated 1:1 by several ; successful men whu ort eontinu- ously attending te that kind of v business. ' ' v. " ;.. - ' - ' Consult ' us freely about your ... affairs. .s .. , Alao consider that' wa do a ' general banking kndtraat bnsU ," ness, pay I per cent on Urns t posits, curreqt rates on savings '' accounts- and accept accounts aubjact ta check. ' ; ; Merchants Investment & Trust Co. 147 Washington Street. ' Capttak aiseooAd. , ':' ' - 1. FRANK WATSON... .President K. L. DURHAM t... Vice-President W. H. FEAR .... Secretary a. uiivnuiu.MAHiiiui sKnurr Dan t Chase: Rainbows, in th vain imagination that you can . gat tools, nails, screws, binges, build ers or shelf hardware ot batter prices thaa w ask. . W ask only ona thing from you -ae what w have te aU and ' gat our prlcaav - .' " - v ' ' V ;V:, TSyery SL Co. , . '. '. nzms itasiii T fNt 3fMKMT3 0 ALL via 8Jforyonrum Ototomy aSiiia . yI2Sfoe Se lf?rVeara. i IHoZZai u? ..JTWts toe gaaa. slUrj ' a'lla7erM wind euuo, aai V teTi- . tir'irpw diarim. . . i ' I wTUtTT-Wt si . . r :.'. . ... ,..'.' r . , . , v ... i. . .. . . , v . -.' .1. V